AU 2030: Global Disability Policy, Technology, and EducaLon

AU 2030: Global Disability
Policy, Technology, and EducaLon
•  ConsorLum of 19 universiLes in US and Southeast Asia
focused on disability policy, yielding faculty research and
teaching collaboraMon.
•  University of Malaya hosts our regional office and we are
building a themaLc network on Disability and Public Policy
within the ASEAN University Network.
•  Outreach partners providing tremendous opportuniLes for student placements and research: Asia Pacific Development Center on Disability; InternaMonal Council for EducaMon of
People with Visual Impairment; Southeast Asia Ministers of
EducaMon OrganizaMon; Global IniMaMve for Inclusive ICTs
Issue Overview
More than 1 billion people in the world live with some form of disability (WHO, 2011).
The Asia-­‐Pacific region includes more than half of humanity; it has one of the highest levels of disability and poverty in the world (UNESCAP, 2013). When the UN Millennium
Development Goals were adopted to aOempt poverty eradicaMon by 2015, they made no
menMon of disability issues. Fortunately, the first human rights treaty of the 21st Century,
the United NaMons ConvenMon on the Rights of Persons with DisabiliMes (CRPD), entered
into force in 2006. 159 countries have signed and 151 have raMfied the CRPD, creaMng a
comprehensive global framework to “promote, protect and ensure the full and equal
enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with
disabiliMes” (CRPD, ArMcle 1). UNESCAP has also developed the “Incheon Strategy to
‘Make the Right Real’ for Persons with DisabiliMes in Asia and the Pacific” adopted by all
Asia-­‐Pacific countries.
•  Convened 4th IDPP Annual MeeLng in August, hosted by
University of Malaya with 80 parMcipants from US and
globally. Included digital storytelling and inclusive educaMon
wo rksh o p s; In tern aMo n al Ad vi so ry Bo ard MeeMn g;
MulMstakeholder Roundtable on Inclusive EducaMon co-­‐
sponsored by Microso> and G3ICT.
•  Graduated 9 students with disabiliLes from AU’s first
completely online program: SIS Master of InternaMonal
Affairs in ComparaMve and InternaMonal Disability Policy.
•  IDPP students and staff have served as official rapporteurs at UN headquarters for annual CRPD Conference of States
ParMes since 2010.
•  Fall 2014 AU Senior Capstone Seminar on “Global ‘Grand
Challenge’ of Disability and Development”
Supported by grants from The Nippon Founda5on
totaling approximately $5 million USD to date.
AU Affiliated Faculty
Project Summary
Forging a cross-­‐campus partnership between CAS, SIS, SPA, SPExS, and WCL with the AU
InsLtute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP) to create a suite of educaMonal offerings at
the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and execuMve levels, along with a collaboraMve
research and outreach program, focused on disability policy analysis, accessibility,
assisMve technology and universal design.
Derrick L. Cogburn, SIS/IDPP (SubmiOer)
Sarah Irvine Belson, SETH/CASS (SubmiOer)
NaneOe Levinson, SIS
Louis Goodman, SIS
Robert Dinerstein, WCL
Amitav Acharya, SIS/ ASEAN Studies Center
Pek Koon Heng-­‐Blackburn, SIS/ASEAN Studies Center
Mary Hansen, CAS
Kara Reynolds, CAS
External Faculty
Marilyn Arnone, Syracuse University
Jennifer Ellis, University of Tennessee at ChaOanooga Alan Foley, Syracuse University
Beth Haller, Towson University
Victor Pineda, University of California – Berkeley
InternaLonal Faculty
Derrick L. Cogburn, ExecuLve Director
Associate Professor, School of InternaMonal Service
InsLtute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP) 4000 Brandywine St. N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20016
[email protected] -­‐ hNp://
Sharifah Alhabshi, University of Malaya Izlin BinM Ismail, University of Malaya Rohana BinM Jani, University of Malaya Irwanto, University of Indonesia Sriprapha Petcharameseree, Mahidol University
Meng Ee Wong, Nanyang Technological University