Your Guide to the City of Buckeye Trash, Recycling, Bulk Household Items and Green Waste Recycling for Residential Customers 2014 – 2015 ALLIED WASTE DIVISION 623-349-6100 6 2 3 - 3 4 9 - 6 1 0 0 • Curbside Trash and Service Schedule Residential Curbside Trash and Services AREA MAP Republic Services Appreciates the Opportunity to Service Your Community As a City of Buckeye resident, you will receive residential curbside service two times per week; one time per week for trash and one time per week for recycling. Your scheduled service days are determined by your service area. Please see the Area Map to determine your scheduled days. Please place containers on the street the night prior to collection, no earlier than 6:30 p.m., or by 5:30 a.m. on your assigned collection day. For safe and efficient service, please place the container in the street with the wheels touching the curb. DO NOT PLACE CONTAINER ON THE SIDEWALK! CONTAINER placement guide Place container here Car garage is for recyclables and the in-ground container located closest to the street is for trash. Please place excess bagged and tied gar- Sidewalk Street see the Collection Area Map on page 3. < 5 feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object including parked cars Your Home Do not block sidewalk Place material here Sidewalk collection area 1 or collection area 2. Please The in-ground container located closest to the BULK placement guide Do not block sidewalk Street Sun City Festival residents are located in either Car Sun City Festival In-Ground Containers < 5 feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object Your Home Safe Service Delivery is Our Goal bage on top of your in-ground trash container and don’t forget to place excess recyclables in a box or paper bag which is then to be placed on top of your in-ground recycling container. All materials must be set out for collection no Two days of service per house per week are later than 5:30 a.m. on collection day. Please detailed in the Area Map on the next page. keep landscaping trimmed and away from the Please “bag & tie” all garbage, grass, yard trimmings and pet excrement before placing in-ground containers. Pavers should also be them in the trash container. It’s more than a kept 6” away from the in-ground containers. Green Waste placement guide Do not block sidewalk Place material here Sidewalk 2— r — Street good idea, it’s the law! — < 5 feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object 3— 6 2 3 - 3 4 9 - 6 1 0 0 • Recycling Containers Collection Guidelines 2014 – 2015 Holiday Schedule for Curbside Recycling and Garbage Collection C a r t s m u s t b e p l a c e d o n t h e s t r e e t b y 5 : 3 0 a . m . o n c o l l e c t i o n d a y. “PW Paws wants YOU to recycle!” DO •Rinse plastic containers, steel and tin cans to remove liquid and food, then dry; this will help avoid attracting flies and other pests. •Leave lids on if they are made of recyclable materials. • Break down or cut up large cardboard boxes before placing in container. This prevents material from wedging inside the container, restricting contents from being disposed. •Place junk mail or loose papers in brown paper bags. This prevents spills. •Ensure recyclables are clean and dry. •Ensure lid of container is closed before placing out for collection. •Ensure that the recycling container lid opens toward the collection vehicle. Recycling - Good to go! Newspapers, magazines, phone books and all other inserts Other Paper Materials: Computer and writing paper, file folders, paper bags, junk mail, shredded paper in clear bags, thermal fax paper, pet food bags Glass (clean): Food and beverage containers only Aluminum & Metal Beverage: Cans, tin and food cans, foil food wrappers Plastic (clean): Plastic containers with code symbols 1-7, 2-liter soda bottles, detergent bottles, milk jugs, clear food containers, yogurt containers — 4— Cardboard/Chipboard:: Corrugated boxes, shoe boxes, soda/beer boxes, dry food boxes such as cereal, cake mix, cracker boxes, freezer boxes, and milk cartons The following holidays will see an interruption in service. Please take note to see how you will be affected. THERE WILL BE NO OTHER INTERRUPTIONS IN SERVICE DUE TO HOLIDAYS. 2014 2015 Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 27th, 2014 Thursday Service will move to Friday, Friday service moves to Saturday Thursday, November 26th, 2015 Thursday Service will move to Friday, Friday service moves to Saturday Christmas Day Christmas Day Thursday, December 25th, 2014 Thursday Service will move to Friday, Friday service moves to Saturday Friday, December 25th, 2015 Friday Service will move to Saturday New Year’s Day 2015 Friday, January 1st, 2016 Friday Service will move to Saturday New Year’s Day 2016 Thursday, January 1st, 2015 Thursday Service will move to Friday, Friday service moves to Saturday Vacation Hold Policy Vacation Holds may be placed on a residence for up to six months. You must contact the City of Buckeye at 623.349.6100 to be placed on vacation hold and to receive a reduced billing rate. — 5— Residential Bulk Trash Residential Bulk Trash Bulk trash will be collected once per quarter. Good to go! •Furniture • Some appliances (Freon must be removed) • Excess Regular Household Waste – Bagged • Loose Debris – Bagged •Bicycles •Construction Materials Under 25 Pounds (Material NOT generated by a contractor) • Grills (propane or coals removed) • Mattresses/Box Springs • Miscellaneous Trash Each area will have bulk collection four times per year. Please place bulk material in the front of your home at the curb no earlier than the weekend prior to your scheduled collection day. Below is the 2014 – 2015 schedule for bulk materials placement and collection days. • In addition to the quarterly Bulk Service, Republic Services will provide quarterly Green Waste Bulk Collection beginning in July. 2014 Placement CollectionPlacement CollectionPlacement CollectionPlacement Collection DayBegins DayBegins Day Begins Day No thanks! B1 01/18/14 01/22/1404/19/14 04/23/1407/19/14 07/23/14 10/18/14 10/22/14 B2 01/25/14 01/27/1404/26/14 04/28/1407/26/14 07/28/14 10/25/14 10/27/14 B3 01/25/14 01/28/1404/26/14 04/29/1407/26/14 07/29/14 10/25/14 10/28/14 • Household hazardous waste (paint, chemicals, oil) •No Green Waste - for green waste collection please refer to page 10 of this brochure • Bricks, concrete, dirt, rocks, asphalt, roofing or similar materials •Construction material in excess of 25 pounds generated by a resident and no longer than three feet in length; any construction materials generated by a contractor • Metal, rebar and fence posts • Tires, rims, or automobile parts • Glass such as windows, shower doors, patio doors, mirrors, etc. • Appliances containing refrigerants B4 02/01/14 02/05/1405/03/14 05/07/1408/02/14 08/06/14 11/01/14 11/05/14 B5 02/08/14 02/12/1405/10/14 05/14/1408/09/14 08/13/14 11/08/14 11/12/14 B6 02/15/14 02/19/1405/17/14 05/21/1408/16/14 08/20/14 11/15/14 11/19/14 B7 02/22/14 02/26/1405/24/14 05/28/1408/23/14 08/27/14 11/22/14 11/26/14 Got Bulk? Begins Area 2015 Placement CollectionPlacement CollectionPlacement CollectionPlacement Collection DayBegins DayBegins Day Begins Day B1 01/17/15 01/21/1504/18/15 04/22/1507/18/145 07/22/15 10/17/15 10/21/15 B2 01/25/15 01/26//1504/25/15 04/27/1507/25/15 07/27/15 10/24/15 10/26/15 B3 01/25/15 01/27/1504/25/15 04/28/1507/25/15 07/28/15 10/24/15 10/27/15 B4 01/31/15 02/04/1505/02/15 05/06/1508/01/15 08/05/15 10/31/15 11/04/15 B5 02/07/15 02/11/1505/09/15 05/13/1508/08/15 08/12/15 11/07/15 11/11/15 B6 02/14/14 02/18/1505/16/15 05/20/1508/15/15 08/19/15 11/14/15 11/18/15 B7 02/21/15 02/25/1505/23/15 05/27/1508/22/15 08/26/15 11/21/15 11/25/15 Begins Area Call Republic Services Customer Service Center today at 602.237.2078 to coordinate a date of collection and determine the cost to have your unanticipated bulk materials removed from the curb. — 6— — 7— Your Home box or any fixed object Side Car Side Car 6 2 3 - 3 4 9 - 6 1 0 0 • w w w. b u ck eyea z. g o v including parked cars Your Home NEW Green Waste Recycling Program — Starting 3rd Qtr. 2014 Placement Preparation B4 All debris should be neatly stacked, bagged in biodegradable bags, or in plastic trash cans no bigger than 30 gallons. You may place debris on a tarp. Pile must be smaller than 6’ x 6’ x 6’. B5 Do not block sidewalk Place material here Sidewalk Must be placed at least five feet from any fixed object such as a utility pole, cable box, mailbox, water meter, parked car, etc. Street B1 Green Waste placement guide Car Bulk Trash Zone Map < 5 feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object Republic Services will not service more than a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ pile. B6 B7 B2 Sidewalk Car Street All debris should< 5be neatly stacked, bagged feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object and/or tied.You may includingplace parked carsdebris on a tarp. Pile must be smaller than 6’x6’x6’. Republic Ser vices Your Homethan a 6’x6’x6’ pile. will not ser vice more Place material here Your Home “Think, Choose, Live – Safety” 8— NO < 5 feet mailbox/utility box or any fixed object Bulk trash is material that cannot be placed into the garbage container such as furniture, some appliances, and large amounts of vegetation. — YES Do not block sidewalk Sidewalk Place container here Tree limbs, branches and brush should be no longer than 3’-0” in length and 2’-0” in diameter. BULK placement guide Street must be placed at least five feet from any CONTAINER placement guide fixed object such as a utility pole, cable box, Do not block sidewalk mailbox, water meter, parked car, etc. Please see diagram below for placement details Car Bulk trash B3 Green Waste placement guide Do not block AcceptableUnacceptable • Grass • Leaves • Brush and Plants • Wood Chips • Tree Trunks • Branches 3' Bundles • Manure • Christmas Trees • Large amounts of Palm Fronds • No Bulk Items or Trash • Treated/Painted Lumber or Wood • Soil — 9— Your Home 6 2 3 - 3 4 9 - 6 1 0 0 • Green Waste Recycling 2014 – 2015 Schedule Green Waste Zone Map 2014 Third Quarter 2014 GW Zones Placement Begins Collection Day Fourth Quarter 2014 Placement Begins Collection Day GW1 7/3/14 7/7/14 10/2/14 10/6/14 GW2 7/4/14 7/8/14 10/3/14 10/7/14 GW3 7/4/14 7/8/14 10/3/14 10/7/14 GW4 7/5/14 7/9/14 10/4/14 10/8/14 GW5 7/5/14 7/9/14 10/4/14 10/8/14 GW6 7/6/14 7/10/14 10/5/14 10/9/14 GW7 7/7/14 7/11/14 10/6/14 10/10/14 2015 First Quarter 2015 GW Zones Placement Begins Collection Day Second Quarter 2015 Placement Begins Collection Day Third Quarter 2015 Placement Begins Collection Day Fourth Quarter 2015 Placement Begins Collection Day GW1 1/8/15 1/12/15 4/2/15 4/6/15 7/2/15 7/6/15 10/1/15 10/5/15 GW2 1/9/15 1/13/15 4/3/15 4/7/15 7/3/15 7/7/15 10/2/15 10/6/15 GW3 1/9/15 1/13/15 4/3/15 4/7/15 7/3/15 7/7/15 10/2/15 10/6/15 GW4 1/10/15 1/14/15 4/4/15 4/8/15 7/4/15 7/8/15 10/3/15 10/7/15 GW5 1/10/15 1/14/15 4/4/15 4/8/15 7/4/15 7/8/15 10/3/15 10/7/15 GW6 1/11/15 1/15/15 4/5/15 4/9/15 7/5/15 7/9/15 10/4/15 10/8/15 GW7 1/12/15 1/16/15 4/6/15 4/10/15 7/6/15 7/10/15 10/5/15 10/9/15 For removal of large qty of moving boxes please 602.237.2078 to schedule a pick up for a reduced price of $25.00 — 10 — More Recycling Opportunities and Information Computers and Electronics Store More – Self Storage 1596 S. Watson Road Buckeye, AZ 85326 623-223-1183 (We would recommend calling first) Household Products Goodwill Store 711 S. Watson Road Buckeye, AZ 85326 602-535-4286 All Faith Community Services 214 S. 5th Street Buckeye, AZ 85326 602-386-3513 Household Hazardous Waste (Paints, Pesticide, Herbicides, Anti-freeze, etc) Hassayampa Waste Transfer Station Stericycle 32450 West Salome Highway 2844 W. Broadway Arlington, AZ 85322 Phoenix, AZ 85041 602-506-4006 623-349-6805 to make arrangements We would recomment calling first For additional recycling resources you can log onto: — 11 — For more information about Republic Services, please visit our website at Our mission is to provide industry-leading solid waste and environmental services that exceed our customers’ highest expectations. We offer a safe, respectful and rewarding workplace for our employees as we continue to develop a company dedicated to excellence, environmental responsibility, ethical behavior, and increasing shareholder value. Republic Services has broad expertise in the waste management field, derived from a diverse array of hauling, transfer, recycling, and disposal operations. Very few companies can equal the operational capabilities, financial stability, capital resources, broad experience, geographic dispersion, integrated infrastructure, or transfer expertise that Republic Services brings to a project. Since incorporation, Republic Services has been committed to the essential components of integrated solid waste management services: collection, recycling, composting, transfer, and disposal. Each division of Republic Services is dedicated to preserving the environment while providing the most cost-effective programs for solid waste collection and disposal. Republic Services, Inc. is a leading provider of services in the domestic, non-hazardous solid waste industry. We provide non-hazardous solid waste collection services for commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential customers through 400 collection companies in 40 states and Puerto Rico. We also own or operate 242 transfer stations, 213 solid waste landfills and 79 recycling facilities. Republic serves millions of residential customers under terms of contracts with more than 3,000 municipalities for waste collection and residential services. We also serve some commercial customers throughout our expansive service area. ALLIED WASTE DIVISION About Republic Services City of Buckeye 530 East Monroe Avenue Buckeye, AZ 85326 PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX, AZ PERMIT NO. 804
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