vegan venous

ve䡠gan (ve¯′ga˘n) Strict vegetarian; i.e., one who
consumes no animal or dairy products.
veg䡠e䡠tar䡠i䡠an (vej′e˘-tar′e¯-a˘n) One whose
diet is restricted to foods of vegetable origin,
excluding primarily animal meats. Cf. vegan.
veg 䡠 e 䡠 ta 䡠 tive bac 䡠 te 䡠 ri 䡠 a (vejı´e˘-ta¯-tiv
bak-te¯rı´e¯-a˘) The growing form of bacteria.
ve䡠hi䡠cle (ve¯′i-ke˘l) 1. An excipient or a men-
struum; a substance, usually without therapeutic
action, used as a medium to give bulk for the
administration of medicines. 2. An inanimate
substance by or on which an infectious agent
passes from an infected to a susceptible host.
[L. vehiculum, a conveyance, fr. veho, to carry]
veil (va¯l) 1. SYN velum (1). 2. SYN caul (1). [L.
vein (va¯n) [TA] Blood vessel carrying blood
toward the heart; postnatally, all veins except
the pulmonary carry dark unoxygenated blood.
[L. vena]
vel䡠o䡠car䡠di䡠o䡠fa䡠cial syn䡠drome (ve¯´ı
lo¯-kahrı´de¯-o¯-fa¯´ısha˘l sinı´dro¯m) Disorder with
hypernasal speech, dysmorphic facial features
(long midface, cylindric nose, downward turned
corners of mouth), and cardiac abnormalities.
veneers: (A) teeth prepared for indirect veneers;
(B) veneers cemented in place
ve䡠loc䡠i䡠ty (ve˘-los′i-te¯) Rate and direction of
enamel porcelain
movement. [L. velocitas, fr. velox (veloc-),
quick, swift]
dentin porcelain
vel䡠o䡠pha䡠ryn䡠ge䡠al seal (ve¯´ılo¯-fa˘-rinı´je¯-
opaque porcelain
a˘l se¯l) Closure between oral and nasopharyngeal
ve䡠lum, pl. ve䡠la (ve¯′lu˘m, -la˘) 1. Any struc-
ture resembling a veil or curtain. SYN veil (1),
velamen. 2. SYN caul (1). 3. SYN greater omentum. 4. Any serous membrane or membranous
envelope or covering. [L. veil, sail]
ve䡠lum pa䡠la䡠ti䡠num (ve¯′lu˘m pal′a˘-tı¯′nu˘m)
soft palate.
ve䡠nec䡠ta䡠si䡠a (ve¯′nek-ta¯′ze¯-a˘) SYN phlebectasia.
ve䡠neer (ve˘-ne¯r′) 1. In dentistry, a layer of
tooth-colored material, usually porcelain or composite resin, attached to and covering surface of
a metal crown or natural tooth structure. 2. A
thin surface layer laid over a base of common
material. See this page. [Fr. fournir, to furnish]
ve䡠neer crown (ve˘n-e¯r′ krown) Metal tooth
crown with a thin layer of porcelain covering
all or part of its surface. See this page. SYN porcelain fused to metal crown, porcelain veneer
crown, veneered metal crown, ceramo metal
ve䡠neer䡠ed met䡠al crown (ve˘n-e¯rd′ me′
metal margin
layers in construction of ceramometal crown
ven䡠i䡠punc䡠ture (ven′i-pu˘ngk′shu˘r) The puncture of a vein, usually to withdraw blood.
ve䡠nog䡠ra䡠phy (ve¯-nog′ra˘-fe¯) Radiographic
veneer crown.
demonstration of a vein, after the injection of
contrast medium. [veno- + G. grapho¯, to write]
ve䡠ne䡠re䡠al dis䡠ease (ve˘-ne¯r′e¯-a˘l di-ze¯z′)
ve䡠nous (ve¯′nu˘s) Relating to a vein or veins.
ta˘l krown)
sexually transmitted disease.
[L. venosus]