Bulletin - St Jude Home Page

PHONE: 631-281-5743
Roman Catholic
Shrine Church of
St. Jude
[email protected]
FAX: 631-395-5786
“To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.”
Celebration of
the Eucharist
Saturday Evenings
Vigil Mass
Spanish Mass
English & Italian
Children’s Choir
Adult Choir
Youth Mass
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday
Holy days
as announced.
Fourth Sunday of Advent- The Nativity of the Lord- December 21st 2014
Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn Thomas Gillen
Kenneth Geoghan
In Residence
Mark Herrmann
Msgr. John Heinlein
Joseph Simeone
John Gagliardi
Senior Priest
Rev. James Leone
Parish Office
Monday, Tuesday,
Closed Holidays
Useful Numbers
Parish Outreach
Queen of Apostles
St. Vincent Depaul
Sacrament of
Anointing of
the Sick
Sacrament of
Couples wishing to be
married should contact
Available in danger of
death or whenever there the rectory at least one
year in advance to meet
is a personal need, call
with one of the priests
the rectory for an
to make wedding
Pre-Cana is required for
of Penance/
all couples.
Sacrament of
Celebrated most 1st and
3rd Sundays throughout
the year. Please contact
Also by appointment the rectory to set up
an appointment with a
Parish Outreach
member of the staff to
arrange for the
Baptismal preparation
Closed Fri., SAT.,
SUN., And Holidays and then to arrange for
a Baptism date.
Miraculous Medal
Mondays after the
9:00am Mass
St. Jude Novena
Thursdays after the
9:00am Mass
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Benediction at 1:00pm
First Friday
Benediction at 9:00pm
The Holy Rosary
Monday through Friday at
8:30am; Saturday at
Masses for the Week
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Barney Cincotta †
Parishioners of St. Jude
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Anna Campagna †
Maria Karba †
Maria & Paul Gauggel †
Timothy Clifford †
MONDAY, December 22, 2014
Prudence Ferrante †
Rita Donahue †
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Christmas Novena
Christmas Novena
Christmas Novena
Parishioners of St. Jude
Thursday, December 25, 2014
9:00am Christmas Novena
11:30am Christmas Novena
Friday, december 26, 2014
Christmas Novena
Saturday, December 27, 2014
8:30am Eileen Wittig †
5:00pm Parishioners of St. Jude
7:30pm Christmas Novena
Sunday, December 28, 2014
8:00am Christmas Novena
9:30am Christmas Novena
11:30am Anthony Aiello †
5:00pm Francesco Pisano †
† Denotes Mass is for deceased
For the Sick: Patricia Ambrosino, Paula Arbaiza,
Benjamin Archer, Joseph & Cindy Balzer, Christina
Bobas, Joseph Boyle, Gary & Jennifer Brendel, Rev.
Robert Burgess, Francis X. Butler, Dana Celentano,
Al Clerico, Antoinette Covias, Samantha Davis,
Robert DiFrancesco, Joann Dillman, Raymond
Dhyne, Tara Doring, Michael Drury, JoAnn Eppaillat, Rosa Fabbro, Joe Fazio, Joseph & Stephanie
Frigano, Edward Fusco Sr., Felice Gagliardi, Nora
Getchell, Ann & Frank Giordano, George Gunther,
Greg Haren, Steven Heerbrandt, Marybeth and
Virginia Hoffman, Gary J., Matthew Kaminsky, Lawrence Katz, Jonathan Koenig, John Kurz, Philomena
Leone, Lewery Family, Freddy Liguori, Mr. & Mrs.C.
Linsalata, Marilyn Lyden, Carmela McDonald, James
McGaughey, Christopher James Martin, Ronald
Nappe, Jessica & Joan Passaro, Frank Perez, Linda
Perrier, Linda Rodecker, Elvin Rodriguez, Justina Rodriquez, Eugene & Salvatore Russo, Vito Schiraldi,
Gregg Schwartz, Baby Leaha Stefanov, Kelly Steffen,
Helen Sundaman, Alexa Elizabeth Temple, Richard
Thomas, Desmond Vella, Madeline Villardi, Jerry
Volz, Bobby, Stefanie & James Walsh
For the Military: John Abel, Nicholas Acierno,
Matt Corica, Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Cody
Farrell, Kyle Christopher Gray, Patrick Gross, Jeffrey
Holmes, Chris Howell, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger,
T.J. Kurlowicz, Chris Manakides, Thomas Mannix,
John Maresca, Richard Mclaughlin, Anthony Ochoa
Jr., Katherine M. Onorato, Ramon Ortiz, Matthew
Parenti, Rich Pinckney, Kerri-Anne Pliego, Gerard
Posillico, John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Steven Schloesser, Carl Seaman, Don Skelton,
Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa, Anthony Thompson,
Timothy Weisner, Robert Weyer
Important News
The rectory & faith formation office will be closing at 1p.m. on Christmas
Eve and closed Christmas Day. The offices will re-open on Monday, December 29th at 9a.m. A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all.
New Year’s Eve Raffle
1st Prize: $750 CASH, 2nd Prize: 39’ Sharp LED HD Television,
3rd Prize: Basket of Cheer and 2-1/2 hour massages from Three Peak’s
Physical Therapy, 4th Prize: 17 piece Ceramic Snack & Casserole set &
Wine & Tote Set, 5th Prize: Snowman Casserole dish, 2 tier dessert stand
& Wine Picnic Set, 6th Prize: Mr. Coffee Espresso & Cappuccino maker
Thank you to our generous donors: 1st prize: Roma Funeral Home, 2nd
prize: The Vecchio Family, 3rd-6th prize: Three Peak’s, Virginia Purchia,
and anonymous donor.
Winner need not be present at time of drawing. All drawings will be held
on December 31, 2014. Must be 21 or over to claim any liquor or wine
Christmas Schedule
Monday, December 22nd, 4-6PM
Wednesday: 4PM, 6PM (English & Spanish)
9:15PM Christmas Carols with Mass at 10PM
Thursday: 9AM & 11:30AM
NO evening Mass Christmas Day
Wednesday 5PM Vigil Mass
Thursday: 9AM & 11:30AM
NO evening Mass New Years Day
Sunday, January 4th — EPIPHANY OF THE LORD
Children’s Pageant at the 9:30AM Mass
O Christmas Tree
This is a Christmas Tree.
This is NOT a Holiday tree.
This is NOT a Winter Festival tree.
This is NOT a Hanukkah bush.
This is NOT an Allah plant.
This is a Christmas Tree.
Say it...
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!
Yes, Christmas—not Holiday
We are not celebrating the birth of a Holiday!!!
We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ!!!
So... I would like to say to each and everyone of you
Have a very Merry Christmas and may GOD BLESS each and
every one of you!!! Please keep Christ in Christmas.
Take a stand and wish all a Merry Christmas!
From the Pastor
December 21st, 2014
Fourth Sunday of Advent / The Nativity of the Lord
od with Us
Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Jude Parish:
Among the beautiful hymns that we sing during the holy season of Advent, the best known is the
ancient “Veni, Veni, Emmanuel” - “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” in which we call out to God under numerous titles (Wisdom, Key of David, King of Nations, etc.) to come and save us from all the darkness and evil
that besets us and to lead us to the eternal life with Him that fallen humanity cannot attain on its own.
The name Emmanuel signifies “God with us” (Matthew 1:23), and is the name of the child predicted
in Isaiah 7:14: “Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel.”
The child is not a merely ideal, or metaphorical person; he cannot be identified with the regenerate people
of Israel, nor abstractly with “religious faith” personified, for “he shall eat curds and honey.” Therefore, the
Prophet does not refer to a child in general, but points to a real, individual person.
In the Hebrew text of Isaiah 8:9-10, the Prophet predicts the futility of all the enemies’ schemes
against Palestine because of Emmanuel. In 9:6-7, the characteristics of the child Emmanuel are so clearly
described that we can doubt no longer of his Messianic mission. The eleventh chapter pictures the Messianic blessings which the child Emmanuel will bring upon the earth. Moreover, in his Gospel, St. Matthew
(1:23) expressly identifies Emmanuel with Jesus the Messiah (= the Christ; the anointed One), and Christian
tradition has constantly taught the same doctrine.
The question why the Messiah was called Emmanuel, or “God with us”, admits of a double answer:
the name is a pledge of Divine help and also a description of the nature of the Messiah. King Ahaz had not
believed the Prophet’s first promise of deliverance from his enemies (Isaiah 7:1-9), and when the Prophet
tried a second time to restore his confidence, Ahaz refused to ask for the sign which God was ready to
grant in confirmation of the prophetic promise (7:10-12). The Prophet, therefore, forces, in a way, King
Ahaz to confide in God, showing that the Messiah, the hope of Israel and the glory of the house of David,
implies by his very name “Emmanuel,” or “God with us,” the Divine presence among his people. A number
of the Fathers of the Church regard the name “Emmanuel” not merely as a pledge of Divine assistance, but
also as an expression of the mystery of the Incarnation (God in human flesh) by virtue of which the Messiah
will in very deed be “God with us.”
God truly has come among us, taking flesh of the sinless Virgin Mary, to save us “poor banished
children of Eve” from the darkness of sin and death to which we are subject; to ultimately save us from
ourselves. We celebrate with joy the love that the good God has for us to send His Son to share in our humanity, so that He might be the Way to eternal life for all who have faith and live in Him.
Perhaps we have not practiced our Catholic Faith in this past year as we know we ought and truly
need to do. This Christmas is a marvelous opportunity to return to the sacramental life of the Church
and the practice of our Faith. Prepare for a worthy reception of the Most Holy Eucharist through a sincere
examination of conscience and a good sacramental confession of your sins. As priests, Msgr. Heinlein and
I (since we, as well, are sinners) are so grateful and humbled to be instruments of the good God’s mercy
and forgiveness in this beautiful, healing sacrament. It is a tremendous source of joy for us to welcome
everyone back to the love of the God, Emmanuel, who first came among us as the tender Babe of Bethlehem, bearing blessings upon the earth, so that He might lead us to our True Home. “God is with us”... Yes!
God is truly with us. Let us return and share His Divine Love… A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all!
A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all!
In the infant Christ, Fr. Greg
The Advent
Advent at Home
Each day at home, the candles
are lit, perhaps before the evening meal—one candle the first
week, and then another each
succeeding week until December 25th. The rose candle is
usually lit on the third Sunday
of Advent. As the candles are
lit, a prayer may be said. Daily
prayers for lighting the Advent
Fourth Week
O Key of David Jesus Christ,
the gates of heaven open at
your command, come to show
us the way to salvation.
Christmas 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This past year I found myself twice in the Holy Land, first in my role as a member of
the Board of Catholic Near East Welfare and second as part of a Pilgrimage of Prayer for Peace
by eighteen United States bishops. Both visits brought home to me in a vivid way what all of us
see and hear in the media: the land made holy by the birth, life, death and resurrection of our
Lord and Savior is anything but a land of peace, joy and fraternal love. If we were to stop there
it would be very difficult to be hopeful.
Yet we know that the Feast we celebrate on December 25th is the very reason why the
worrisome facts of today’s world are not the end of the story. They are the context into which
the Lord enters in order to reverse the spiral of violence and death and to found a new order,
“the new heaven and the new earth” that are the fruit of the Son of God Who came into the
world to reveal God’s plan of salvation.
He is the true history of humanity because He alone is the Word through whom the
world and human life are created. And that Word, the eternal Son of the Father, becomes flesh
so that we might be saved from all the darknesses that lie hidden in human hearts. He is the
true light that dispels the darkness. He is the one sure hope of the world. And He comes to become part of the human condition so that He and He alone can reverse the destiny of humankind by giving us a new destiny, life in Him, life in the Spirit which is the gift of God’s love.
This Christmas I greet you all in the light of that love that came into the world that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. This Christmas I invite you all to join with me in a pilgrimage of the
heart to that very place where Mary brought forth Jesus into a world that so needs the gift of
divine life that He is and so yearns for the peace that only He can give.
My prayer for each of you and all of you is that we might let Him transform any of the
darknesses that control our lives and endow us with the newness of life that His birth has made
possible. May the light of His life shine on us all, without exception. May the example of Mary
and Joseph be the model for all our families. And may we be found with the shepherds adoring
the Prince of Peace while angels sing and all the world rejoice for Unto us a Son is given, unto
us a child is born and He is Savior, Mighty God, Prince of Peace.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bishop of Rockville Centre
Christmas Presepio
Bishop McGann-Mercy High School is proud to announce the opening of its Christmas Presepio! Come visit this
traditional Neapolitan Nativity and enjoy some quiet Advent moments. This year’s display is located on the auditorium stage and contains *thousands* of figures, buildings and miniatures that have been placed to reflect not only the
manger where Jesus was born, but the surrounding city and desert.
Our Chaplain, Fr. Jerry, and the entire school community invite everyone to share in this wonderful depiction of the
true Gift of Christmas. It promises to be one of the largest, most detailed, elaborate and beautiful representations of
the birth of Jesus Christ in the area. Give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and take in its
The McGann-Mercy Presepio will be open for public viewing from December 11th to January 11th during the following hours: Monday – Sunday (7 days a week)3 pm – 8 pm. It will be closed, however, on Christmas Eve and Christmas
Day as well and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.
Call 631.727.5900, ext. 310 for more information.
Do you know someone who is hurting from an abortion?
The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. It begins Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon.
For more information contact: Deacon Joe McNicholas at (516)445-3927 or e-mail: [email protected]
Communication is strictly confidential.
To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look online at: www.rachelsvineyard.org or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME
CMA Appeal Update
The parish has now received $14,401.60 the funds are for 20% of our goal amount received and an additional 80% of
the pledges received over our goal as of this time
The Long Island Catholic
In addition to compelling columns and news about our Diocese, read about how to build a Sacraments Keepsake Box,
explore the sacred and rarely seen treasures of Immaculate Conception Seminary, see how two families prepare for
His coming through Advent traditions in the home and read about the final report from the Extraordinary Synod on
the Family. To subscribe to the monthly magazine of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, visit licatholic.org or call 1-800443-2155 today.
Mass Book for 2015
The 2015 Mass book will open for Mass intentions per individual on Monday, January 5th. The book will open for the second half of the calendar
year July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
There will be a limit of 5 Mass intentions per individual requesting on any
given day, until January 15th. Mass offerings are $20 for an individual intention and $15 for Guild Masses (multiple intentions) on Wednesday.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
God Made Man – Fr. Shannon Collins
As a priest in the Fathers of Mercy, Fr. Collins has appeared on EWTN and
served as a preacher of parish missions and retreat master. In this Christmas-themed presentation, Fr. Collins sheds new light on the biblical narratives of the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as the beautiful Christmas traditions
of the Church.
St. Vincent de Paul
“Imagine how Joseph felt as the birth of his mysterious son approached:
puzzled, excited, awed. Deep faith was his light in the darkness. He believed that God walked with him, that God is faithful to promises, that God
is alive, and we can find God not only in the light but also in the darkness.
He lived on the edge of mystery and was not afraid to gaze into it with
courage in order to find God.” Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul!
Christmas Wafers-Oplatek
The price is $3 per package. The Christmas “Oplatek” Wafers are available
at the rectory. The Oplatek Wafers are part of a beautiful Polish tradition at
Christmas and they come with complete information on how to use them.
Adult ‘Catholicism’ at St. Jude
Fr. Greg is presenting Fr. Robert Barron’s popular 10-part series “Catholicism”, in the parish center, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm with one hour
for the video and one hour for discussion. The remaining dates are January
6th, 13th, 27th; and February 3rd. If you are not able to attend all weeks,
come when you can!
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who have the courage, like Mary, to listen to God’s voice in their own hearts and conscientiously pursue the tasks- whatever they are- to which they have been called.
Holiday Gift Idea
Need a Christmas gift idea for the person who has everything? How about
a donation to Outreach in their name? You will receive a small ornament
to give them on Christmas saying that a donation has been made in their
honor. Stop by outreach between 9 a.m. and 1p.m., Mon-Thurs. for more
Bulletin Reflection
In the first reading, God promised King David that his House and his Kingdom will endure forever. It is through Mary’s “Yes”- “I am the handmaid of
the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say,” that the promise finds
Faith Formation
Winter Recess – Faith Formation classes will not be in session from
Monday, December 22 – January 3, 2015. (Happy New Year)! Classes will
resume on Monday, January 5, 2015
Faith Formation Office Hours During Winter Recess
December 22, 23, 29, & 30 – the office will be open 9-5:30 pm.
December 24 & 31- the office will be open 9-1:00 pm
December 25 & January 1 – the office will be CLOSED.
The Faith Formation Office Staff would like to wish all our families a wonderful Christmas season. Our children will be home from college, we will see
family members we haven’t seen in a while, we will be cooking and serving
foods that we only eat on special occasions; we will be traveling distances
near and far; and we will be celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let’s create wonderful memories, be sensible and safe, and start new by
going to Mass, I’ll see you there! God bless and wishing all a most Blessed
Christmas. Theresa
Mass Attendance
5pm 7:30 8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total
Nov.23 287 155 223 295 370 195 1525
Nov.30 247 175 217 301 360 215 1515
Dec. 7 265 125 234 26 310 146 1349
Due to early bulletin submission requirements
the figures for Dec 14th will be reported in
the bulletin of December 28th.
Weekly Collection
Due to early bulletin submission requirements
the regular collection & monthly maintenance for Dec 14th will be reported in the
bulletin of December 28th.
Scripture Readings
MONDAY , Dec. 22, 2014
Advent Weekday- 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56
Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2014
Advent Weekday- Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/
Lk 1:57-66
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014
Advent Weekday- 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a,
16/Lk 1:67-79
Thursday, Dec 25, 2014
Nativity of the Lord- Vigil:Is 62:1-5/Acts
13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or Mt 1:18-25
Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14
Dawn:Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day:Is
52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or Jn 1:1-5, 9-14
Friday, Dec. 26, 2014
Feast of Saint Stephen, First Martyr- Acts 6:810; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22
Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014
Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist- 1
Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a and 2-8
Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Sir
3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3/Col 3:12-21
or Col 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19/Lk
l2:22-40 or Lk 2:22, 39-40
Altar Bread and Wine
Have been donated for:
Intentions of Joe Doyle (Happy Birthday)
Available dates:
March 9,16,&23rd
Altar Flowers
Available dates
Available date January 18th
We apologze for the ommision of the
bulletin for Dec. 14. The flowers were donated for the intentions of St. Jude Shrine
Knights of Columbus
Wedding Banns
II. Michael Peter Taffner/
Stephanie Renee Maiello
Remembrance Envelopes
The Christmas Remembrance Envelopes for the Christmas
Novena Masses is included in your weekly mailed envelope
packet. Extra envelopes are available in the back of the
Church. The Novena of Masses begins December 24th.Please
remember to get your intention envelopes in early to have
your loved ones remembered.
Pizza, Prayer and New Friends
Parish Center
Small group activities, Video presentations,
Refreshments and fellowship. For information e-mail
[email protected] or you can call the rectory.
We will not be meeting due to the Christmas
Vacation on Friday December 26th, January 2nd and
Sunday, December 21 & 28th.
Grades 9 – 12
Grades 7 and 8
Friday Night: 7 – 8:30 Sunday Night: 6-8pm
Christmas Flowers
Anyone wishing to donate for Christmas flowers to decorate
the church may use the envelope provided in your envelope
packet. If you did not receive envelopes, there are envelopes available in the narthex. Please PRINT the name of the
person you wish to have remembered clearly, so that it may
be included in the bulletin. The envelopes may be placed in
any of the collections. A minimum suggested offering is $20.
This will help to pay for the Christmas flowers purchased.
Thank you.
FLOWER OFFERING In memory of or Dedicated to:
Erika Rae Hughes
Harry Albertina Jr.
The Kane & Brennan Family
Monica Elizebeth Dean
Sebastiano & Rosalia Realmuto
Jacob & Vera Omelcruk
Guiseppe & Concetta Buono
Mary & Frankie Cassarino
McAstor & Terri McManus
Donna & Robert Lucente
Anthony & Joan Jeans
James & Carmella Green
Joseph & Josephine Gioia
John J. Green
Stephen D. & Stephen Stribula
William Giordano
James & Elizabeth Dermody
Peter & Edna Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. William Sherry
Furrio & Philomena Chimenti
Tortorella & Cafaro families
Sal Cappetta & Ann Cashion
Rose & Salvatore Cognata
Nansy Burns
Richard, Richard Jr. & Virginia
James L. KoKindo
Michael F. Clancy
Stephanie Gladysz
Mr. Fred Schlichting
Cavallo & Gross families
All U.S. Armed Forces & all police,
firemen, & coastguard gst.
McNeil & Filandro families
John Nicolini
Lillian & Michael Fitzgerald
Ann Fazio
Mary P. Czak
Riker, Patti,& Zummo families
Erika Hughes
Patricia Kelleher
Frances, Bernard & Glynn families
Ana Rose Garcia
St. Jude Shrine Council, Knights of
Bonnie Spence-McMillian
Mr. & Mrs. Engel
Mr. Gerard Gearity Jr.
Kaelin, Hart & Kleiner families
Gloria Nunez
Peter J. Dempsey Jr.
Rohart & Spaziante families
Mothers, God-mothers, Great &
Grandmothers of our family
Noele Eyton Jones, Anne Benevento, Mary & Laura Harowitz,
Fran Savnealy, Michele La Madrid,
Helen Anderson, Cecilia M. Mahon, Virginia, Rose & Anna Perry,
Frances DeSena, Kim Priola, Grace
Anne Anderson
Nick & Tina Mazic
Kurt H. Breindl
All flower envelopes received after December 11th will be printed in the bulletin of December 28th or January 5th.