Remembrance Thank you to all who joined us in the Abbey for our service, it was lovely to be able to join together on this special day and remember the fallen. Year 6, accompanied by Mrs Burbidge, attended the 2 minute silence in the memorial Park. Even in pouring rain they showed their respect while remembering the soldiers from Romsey. The Poppy Appeal this year raised £30.89 Year R Pyjama Party! The reception children have been working so hard to fill their marble jar for their amazing work and fabulous behaviour and last week they did it! The children chose to have a party in their pyjamas and we had yummy cakes baked using the school chicken eggs and did lots of fantastic dancing! Everyone had a lovely time and now we are filling up our marble jar again ready for our next treat! Miss Hobbs Reminder to parents Monday 17th November music lessons. Due to Mrs Maxey being out on a course these lessons will take place on Thursday13th November. Don’t forget your child’s instrument. Also our cello teacher is unwell and will not in school for 2 weeks. Any credit for this will reflect in your next terms invoice. Apologies for any inconvenience. 14.11.14 Parents Evenings These are taking place on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th November. Sign up sheets will be in the hall from 3.00pm Monday 17th November. Auditing Please ensure that all outstanding monies are paid in full before Friday 28th November. We will be sending out invoices so that you are reminded how much is owed. This is a tidy up of accounts initiative and will reported on to Governors and County. We would prefer not to have to report debts to County for collection. Christmas Lunch This year the children’s Christmas lunch will take place on Thursday 11th December. Menus have been sent via parentmail and hard copies are available in reception. KS1 only return theses if you require the vegetarian option, KS2 return option request plus payment clearly marked Christmas lunch. French Residential 2015 After another successful time in France with Rowan Tree Class, there will be a meeting for Year 5 Poplar Tree Class) parents to discuss next years residential. This will take place on Monday 24th November at 3.30pm in Poplar Tree Classroom. A prayer of thanks this week goes to everyone who has worked to raise money for Children in Need. Know that your contribution will make a real difference to another child’s life. Stay and Play We are very pleased that numbers for stay and play are increasing, please can we ask that you complete booking forms in advance to ensure your child has a place when you need it. We do not want to have to turn anyone away. If you find yourself stuck for after school care as a one off please ring the office and check there is a space for your child. Social Evening at Berties We still have spaces if you would like to join us on Thursday 20th November at 7pm for a two course meal at Berties costing just £15.00. Please complete a booking form attaching your payment which can be found in the school office. Travelling Books Travelling books will be in school for the week commencing 24th November. The school gets a percentage from the total sold and this will be used to buy new books for our new library. We appreciate your support. Dates for your Diary 17.11.14 New Curriculum Launch meeting for parents 4pm - 5pm 18.11.14 Silver Birch (Yr 3) Class visit to Marwell Zoo 18.11.14 2.00 pm Open after noon for September 2015 Prospective parents 25.11.14 Parent evenings 26.11.14 Parent evenings 3.12.14 9.30am and 6.00pm KS1 Christmas performance 10.12.14 9.30am and 6.00pm KS2 Christmas performance 11.12.14 Christmas Lunch Abbey News Sunday 16th Daily intention: Diversity in Worship. 8.00am Eucharist 10.00am Sung Eucharist 10.00am Holy Communion at St Swithun’s 10.00am “Way In” in the Abbey School Hall 11.30am 1662 Holy Communion 5.30pm Joint Choral Evensong with the choir of Sherborne Abbey Rowan Year 6 Poplar Year 5 Chestnut Year 4 Silverbi rch Year 3 Oak Year 2 Willow Year 1 Beech Year R Popular Tree Class! The entire class were simply incredible during every stage of our sleepover in the Abbey! Every adult was amazed with the attitude and maturity of the class! Hayley Kay For showing perseverance in her Maths learning. Hayley has grown in confidence and mathematical ability and is now working on more challenging maths. Reuben Thomasson For mastering the Mayan Number System. Reuben showed fantastic ability when decoding the Mayan Number System. He was able to read and understand numbers over 500! Well done Reuben! Iris da Silva Couto For her detailed writing about Katie Morag. Iris listened carefully to the story and then gave her opinion about her favourite part and character and decided on how she would change the story to make it better. Madeleine Kennedy For her fantastic learning behaviour. Madeleine worked exceptionally hard in guided Reading this week. Not only this, but she was helpful and enthusiastic on our trip to Hillier's. On our return she planned and wrote a descriptive recount of our day. Well done Damian I Fraczek Krygier Mr Edwards was SO impressed with Damian’s hand-eye co-ordination, excellent reaction time and his understanding of instructions during a football lesson that he believes that he is one to watch for the future! Wow Damian! ATTENDANCE Willow 98.4% AWARDS 10.11.14 Hermione Rosen Has taken great care when painting a watercolour for her Christmas card. We have really begun to see her artistic potential. PUNCTUALITY Oak Tree Class Poplar Tree Class 5 YOU EARNED IT CERTIFICATES Jade Sutton, Zarah Marino, Madeline Kennedy, Freddie Davies, Finley Mitchell, Beth Tutton, Isabella Hall, Hazey Rummey, Sophie Card, Sam Normington, Charlie Hurst, Sonna Parry, Hannah Lindley, Sam Haylor, Phoebe Sizer and Jamie Hayes.
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