PASTORAL STAFF 3050 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 702-802-2300 Fax 702-802-2301 Church Website: Email: [email protected] OLLV SCHOOL: 702-802-2323 Served by Society of Christ Fathers Rev. Gerald Grupczynski, SChr, Pastor Rev. Wieslaw Berdowicz, SChr, Par. Vicar Rev. Richard Philiposki, SChr, In Residence & Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Deacon Patrick Cater Director of Music David Kowaleski: 702-245-6159 FAITH FORMATION Religious Education & Confirmation Liz Williams: 702-802-2362 [email protected] RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Julia Dodson: 702-802-2300 or [email protected] MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm Polish, 5:00pm, 6:30pm with Tagalog music Weekday: Monday - Friday 8:00am (Rosary before Mass at 7:25am) Civic & Holiday: Refer to the parish bulletin Holy Days of Obligation: Refer to the parish bulletin RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:15pm FIRST FRIDAY 7:30am: 8:00am: 6:30pm: 7:00pm: In the Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (English)-Adoration to follow Sacrament of Reconciliation Mass (English)-Holy Hour to follow FIRST SATURDAY In the Church 8:00am: Mass (English) DEVOTIONS St. Jude: Every Tuesday morning following the 8:00am Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Every Wednesday morning after the 8:00am Mass PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Closed for lunch 11:30am - 12:30pm Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word. - Luke 1:26-38 - Dear Parishioners and Friends, This Sunday marks the fourth and last Sunday of the Advent season. The four candles burning on the Advent wreath remind us that our time of preparation is coming to an end, and the Promised One will soon be in our midst. Hopefully, this Advent has given us time for added prayer and reflection, and has allowed us to more deeply ponder the miracle of the incarnation and to a better appreciate the greatness of this gift. Now, it is time for Christmas. In one of our popular Christmas carols we sing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Truly Christmas is that wonderful season which lights up the world with joy and merriment; feasting and good cheer. It is the season of our Savior’s birth and that is why we have every reason to celebrate. “For God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son” (Jn 3:16). When we look at the condition of the world around us, it may be a little difficult for some to celebrate. With so many things wrong around us, it can certainly put a damper on the festivities. Yet, even in the midst of so much trouble, it is Christmas that lifts up our spirits and reassures us that there is always hope. Jesus came into our world so that we might be renewed, and with the help of His grace, be freed from the trappings of our sins and change for the better; remembering that all things are possible with God. The New Year is fast approaching. We thank God for all the blessings He has shared with us this past year, and we ask Him to be with us each day of the New Year. No one knows what the future holds. What we do know, however, is that nothing is going to happen to us in the New Year that the good Lord and we together can’t handle. At this festive time of year, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your care and support of Our Lady of Las Vegas Parish. Together with Fr. Wieslaw and Fr. Rich, it is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve you in our priestly ministry. We are looking forward to a happy and healthy New Year filled with God’s choicest blessings for us all. Merry Christmas, everyone, and have a safe, happy and healthy New Year! Fr. Gerry, Fr. Wieslaw and Fr. Rich 2 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH DECEMBER 21, 2014 PARISH INFORMATION Saturday, December 20 - Late Advent Weekday 4:30pm: †Christine Zenchak by Christine Nightingale Sunday, December 21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 6:30am: 8:00am: 10:00am: 12:00pm: 1:30pm: 5:00pm: 6:30pm: †Mary Stelmaszczyk by Mary Jean Kegelmyer †Adam Kowal Sr. by Richard Kowal †Freddie Silvia by Wife †Thomas Moore by Elaine Moore (Polish) Za Dusze Opuszczone i Potrzebujace Modlitwy, Steve Grant, †Jadwiga Motlynska & †Zenon Motylinska by Magdalena Immormino, Parishioners of OLLV †Patrick Flaherty by Angela Meirose †Elsie Vecina by Mark Esguerra Monday, December 22 - Late Advent Weekday 8:00am: For the Intentions of Rey & Francisca Ordinario Tuesday, December 23 - Late Advent Weekday; St. John of Kanty 8:00am: †Rory Seam McGarry by Dee McGarry Wednesday, December 24 - Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Eve) 4:00pm: 6:00pm: 10:00pm: Christmas Intentions Christmas Intentions (Polish) Christmas Intentions Thursday, December 25 - The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) 12 Midnight: 8:00am: 10:00am: 12 NOON: 1:30pm: Christmas Intentions Christmas Intentions Christmas Intentions Christmas Intentions (Polish) Christmas Intentions MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 Simbang Gabi: 6:30pm Rosary/7:00pm Mass TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 Simbang Gabi: 6:30pm Rosary/7:00pm Mass/ Reception to follow WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 Church will open at 2:30pm Parish Office Closed Christmas Eve Masses: 4:00pm, 6:00pm, 10:00pm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day Masses: 12 Midnight, 8:00am, 10:00pm, 12 NOON, 1:30pm (Polish) Church Closed following 1:30pm Mass Parish Office Closed FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 Church closed following the 8am Mass Parish Office Closed SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 No Parish Events SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 Polish RE: 2:30pm - 3:30pm - Kenny Room Polish Dance Rehearsal: 2:30pm-4:30pm - Gym Polish Social: 2:30pm-4:00pm - McFarland Room TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I will fix a place for my people. 8:00am: †Bill McGarry by Dee McGarry (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Psalm — For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord Saturday, December 27 - St. John the Apostle 4:30pm: †Juanita Torres by Martinez Family (Psalm 89). Sunday, December 28 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Second Reading — To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27). 6:30am: †Rosaleen O’Rourke by Dee & Jerry McGarry 8:00am: †Lucille Adams by Jan Caine Gospel — Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be 10:00am: †Timoteo Pineda Sr. done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38). Friday, December 26 - St. Stephen 12:00pm: 1:30pm: 5:00pm: 6:30pm: †Cusimano & McCauley Families by Rosalie Cusimano (Polish) Herlon Portello by Valerie Potter, Parishioners of OLLV †Bruno Ortega by Maria Ortega †Leopoldo Jimenez & Gloria Jimenez by Elizabeth Magsanoc CATHOLIC MASS for the HOMEBOUND The Diocese offers a televised Mass for the home-bound each Sunday at 7:30am on KFBT Channel 33.1 Digital (no longer an analog signal) or Cox Cable Channel 6. Now in Las Vegas, you can listen to Catholic radio 24-hours a day by tuning your radio to 970am. DECEMBER 21, 2014 The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Sanctuary Lamp Sponsorship DECEMBER 21 - 27, 2014 This week the Sanctuary Lamp is for: JERRY McGARRY Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father DECEMBER 2014 Christmas, hope for humanity: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will. Parents: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - 3 PARISH NEWS DECEMBER 14, 2014 Due to an early bulletin publishing deadline, totals from last weekend’s collect will be in next weekend’s bulletin. Thank you for your continued support! CSA UPDATE as of DECEMBER 9, 2014 2014 CSA GOAL $108,611.00 Total Received $105,931.20 Total Needed to Reach Goal $ 2,679.80 RCIA Sponsors Needed! This year the RCIA program has been blessed with a wonderful group of inquirers, who are ready to take the first major step in becoming one of us in the Catholic faith. Some of them are in need of sponsors to guide than in their journey. We invite parishioners to consider being a new godparent or sponsor for us this year. If you are a confirmed and active Catholic, this is also a great opportunity for you to grow in your faith. Please call the Parish Office at 702-802-2300 and ask for Julia if you are able to share your time and your faith with us. Many thanks for your prayerful consideration. We have 17 more days to reach our goal! Partners for Life is a diocesan approved marriage preparation class that provides engaged couples the opportunity to explore, assess and evaluate their relationship in the context of a sacred, sacramental commitment. You may mail your pledge cards/payments to the Diocese: Diocese of Las Vegas, Catholic Stewardship Appeal, PO Box 15630, Las Vegas, NV 89114-5630, or place it in the collection basket during the Mass. Additional pledge cards can be found at the back of the church. CONTINUAL CHRISTMAS A good conscience is a continual Christmas. The next marriage preparation classes at Our Lady of Las Vegas will be: February 21, 2015 June 13, 2015 September 26, 2015 Cost: $195.00/couple Please contact the parish office at 802-2300 to register. —Benjamin Franklin— Our Lady of Las Vegas’ Next Welcome to Our Christian Family! The following children were recently baptized into our faith: Baptism Class For Parents & Godparents is THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ISABELLA MAGGIO KAY ELIZABETH PAULE TONGOL NATHAN JOSEPH MORA In the Welcome Room in the church. As a courtesy to the speakers, facilitators and other attendees, we ask that children do not attend this class. Please call the parish office to register at 802-2300. 4 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH DECEMBER 21, 2014 PARISH NEWS Christmas Week Church & Parish Office Hours Wednesday, December 24 Church - Closed until 2:30pm Parish Office - Closed Thursday, December 25 Church - Closed following the 1:30pm Mass Parish Office - Closed Friday, December 26 Church - Closed following the 8am Mass Parish Office - Closed We have the beautifully produced CD of Christmas music performed by Kristina Guerrero and the CD of liturgical music performed by Kim Orabona available in the parish office. The CDs are $15 each or you can purchase both CDs for Christmas for $25. The next Women’s Guild meeting will be: THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 at 6:30pm In Bevan Hall’s McFarland Room We will be having our annual White Elephant Auction during the meeting. If you need transportation to or from our meeting, please call Ayele at 702-806-9143. OLLV T-Shirts CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART Christmas! ’Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart. OLLV T-Shirts now available in all sizes for your Christmas gift giving. You may purchase your T-Shirts in the Parish Office for just $10 —Washington Irving PLEASE PRAY for THOSE WHO ARE ILL If you have the sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. This is strictly for the sick only. Their name will remain for four consecutive Sundays. If a longer period of time is needed, please contact the parish office. (The date next to the name is the date their name is removed) Josephine Kaitbenski 12/28 Joe Lumia 12/28 Robert Hynes 12/28 Amy Kolodin 12/28 Diana Reep 12/28 Lincoln Doddoma 12/28 Joe A’Hearn 12/28 Peter Gallarello Sr. 01/04 Aragon Family 01/04 Colfita Sanchez 01/04 Margie & David Martinez & Family 01/04 Arnold Family 01/04 Pamela Watts & Family 01/04 DECEMBER 21, 2014 Elizabeth & John Stefanchuk & Family 01/04 Ryan Gorman & Family 01/04 William Venducci 01/11 Fr. Jack McVeigh 01/11 Bill Verducci 01/11 D. Zeny Quimpy & Family 01/11 Angie Calimlim & Family 01/11 Lourdes Fernandez 01/11 Antonio Lopez & Family 01/11 Myette Valdizno & Family 01/11 Aish & Greg Garnew 01/11 Bob Parnel & Toots 01/11 Juliet & Ted Abalo 01/11 Luz Sanidad & Family Aida Westbrook Orlando Nunez & Family Esperanza Lopez Mel Santos John McCauley Linda McCauley Jayne McCauley Rosalie Cusimano Rebecca Chambers Teresa Mansell Steve & Jami Grant Pam Thuemmler 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - 5 PARISH NEWS Pilgrimage Tour to Rome & Poland Our pastor, Fr. Gerry and St. Joan of Arc’s pastor, Fr. Rich, are presently planning and organizing an escorted Pilgrimage to Rome and Poland for September 2015. The likely dates are around September 7 through September 19. Confirmation of flight details and land arrangements are pending. We will have detailed information and a brochure after the new year. Both priests have organized and escorted two prior pilgrimage tours from Las Vegas recently. If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 702-802-2300 or email [email protected] and leave your name, phone and address to receive a brochure. NEWS AROUND THE DIOCESE Chris is a songwriter, musician, speaker and Worship Leader. He gives talks, missions and concerts worldwide. Chris wrote, recorded and toured with the Christian band, Scarecrow and Tinman for seven years. He has had many appearances on television, radio and has been a regular speaker and entertainer at Steubenville YOUth Conferences. Chris has been an adjunct professor of theology at Franciscan University. His powerful and funny style will leave you inspired. A YOUth Rally for Teenagers JANUARY 31, 2015 1:30PM - 4:30PM Bishop Gorman High School 5959 S. Hualapai Way Las Vegas, NV 89148 Cost: Free or donation of an unopened pair of socks for Catholic Charities to distribute to the homeless. Please register with your YOUth minister! Answers to Word Scramble Shepherds, Angel, Magi, Savior, Myrrh, Manger, Gold, Star of David, Nativity, Virgin Mary, Son of God, Joseph, Bethlehem, Alleluia 6 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH Ethics in the Marketplace “Living Our Faith Values & Ethics in the Workplace” Tuesday, December 30 -Last Tuesday of Each Month- 12:10pm Guardian Angel Cathedral 336 Cathedral Way, Las Vegas, NV “Ethics in the Marketplace” is the title of the ministry of Jesuit, Fr. Max Oliva, who makes his home in the Vegas valley. Father Oliva is the presider for the 12:10pm Mass at the Cathedral on the last Tuesday of each month. The focus of his homilies is “Living One’s Faith in the Workplace.” For more information on Father’s work, see his website: DECEMBER 21, 2014 PARISH INFORMATION Business Manager: Georgia Charles Bulletin Editor/Registrations/Gift Shop: Cynthia Almeida Office Manager / Admin. Assist. to the Pastor: Julia Dodson Maintenance: Rose Torchio & Joel Mondragon Office Assistant: Joseph Dodson SACRAMENTAL MINISTRIES Anointing of the Sick: Call the Parish Office 802-2300 Baptisms: Julia 802-2300 Funerals: Parish Office 802-2300 Weddings: Julia 802-2300 FAITH FORMATION Religious Education: Confirmation: RCIA: Liz Williams 802-2362 [email protected] Liz Williams 802-2362 [email protected] Julia Dodson 802-2300 or [email protected] LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers: Mariza Rillera 802-2300 (parish office) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EOM): Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Homebound Ministry: Patti Brandeburg 802-2300 (parish office) Lectors: Cynthia Stockwell 858-2011 Music Director: David Kowaleski 245-6159 Sacristans: Contact the parish office 802-2300 Ushers: Pat Barry 802-2300 (parish office) ORGANIZATIONS Knights of Columbus: A non-parish organization that provides service opportunities to the Catholic Church. Contact: Joe Williams, Grand Knight 702-371-9944 OLLV San Pedro Calungsod Alliance for Lay Adults for the Youth: Rey Espina, President 702-595-5988 Society of St. Mary: A group of dedicated men, has been committed to the needs of the children & parishioners of OLLV. Contact: Phil Markusic, President 702-491-9772 Polish School & Dance: Elizabeth Youngman 702-232-4488 Women’s Guild: Mary Beth Pidcock, President 702-362-6353 DIOCESAN ASSOCIATED MINISTRIES Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada: 385-2662 Poverello House: 631-3911 Protecting God’s Children & Victim Assistance: Contact Ron Valance 235-7723 Vocations: Office of Vocations 735-3500 Women’s Resource: 366-1247 DECEMBER 21, 2014 ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you are in need of anointing, even if you are homebound or hospitalized, contact the parish office at 802-2300. In an emergency situation when the office is closed, the answering service will contact one of the priests. BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually held on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Parents must be registered, active parishioners at a parish for at least 3 months. Parents and Godparents must attend a baptism class (OLLV’s class is usually the second Thursday of each month). Once these requirements are met, you may then make an appointment with our Sacramental Administrator at 802-2300. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: If you are homebound or in a hospital and would like to receive holy communion, please contact the parish office 802-2300. FOOD & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Through the generosity of our parishioners, OLLV is able to help Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada in providing assistance to needy families. Please contact Catholic Charities at 385-2662. FUNERALS: Please call the parish office at 802-2300. If you have already made arrangements with a funeral director, a staff member will coordinate with them to meet your needs. MARRIAGE: At least one party must be a registered active parishioner of a parish for at least 6 months before an appointment can be made with our Sacramental Administrator, 802-2300. Please contact the parish office as soon as possible as at least 6 months is necessary to fulfill the marriage preparation requirements. MASS INTENTIONS: Mass intention requests are scheduled through the parish office during office hours. If a specific date is desired, please schedule as far in advance as possible. PARISH REGISTRATION: Regardless of where you live, if you would like to join our parish, please register at the parish office. You may also request a parish registration form by calling the office at 802-2300 during regular business hours, email [email protected] or go to our on-line registration at **In order that we may better serve you, please use your parish envelopes. This way you are known to us when requesting the services of the church. Please be aware that active registration is a requirement for many parish programs. PRAYER LIST: If you know someone who is ill or in need of special prayers (not deceased), please contact the parish office at 802-2300 or email to [email protected]. Office of Victim’s Assistance - If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse, please call the hotline at 702-235-7723. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - 7 FAITH FORMATION Coordinator: Liz Williams 3046 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2362 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am - 2:30pm; Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:30pm; Friday CLOSED All Religious Education & Confirmation classes are held on the OLLV School Campus. Contact the Religious Education & Confirmation Office if you have any questions regarding these programs. A FULL SCHEDULE can be found at / Click on Faith Formation / Documents RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONFIRMATION - I CONFIRMATION - II NO CLASS December 24 & 31 Wednesday, January 7 Class: 6:00pm *Confirmation Saint Name Due Wednesday, January 28 Class: 6:00pm Wednesday, January 7 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Sunday, January 18 Service in Bevan Hall Pancake Breakfast Saturday, January 31 What is Love YOUth Rally 1:30pm - 4:30pm At Bishop Gorman High School Wednesday, January 14 Class: 6:00pm - 7:15pm Wednesday, January 21 Class: 6:00pm Wednesday, February 11 Class: 6:00pm Coordinator: Julia Dodson 3050 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2300 Email: [email protected] PERIOD OF INQUIRY Wednesday, December 24 Sunday, January 4 No Session 10:00am Mass Christmas Break Welcome Room 11am-12pm ECHOING MARY’S DECISION The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 8 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH DECEMBER 21, 2014 Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School 3046 Alta Drive Las Vegas, NV 89107 Phone: 702-802-2323 Fax: 702-802-2324 School Website: Principal: Phyllis Joyce Vice-Principal: Monica Futryk School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 3:30pm Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School prepares students to become Catholic leaders of the 21st Century. Find out more about our wonderful faith formation, academic excellence and progressive learning opportunities. PROGRAM Fully Accredited Pre-K - 8th Grade Student Centered Technology Driven Family Oriented Community Focused Globally Engaged CURRICULAR ENRICHMENT School Masses Sports Programs Leadership Opportunities Community Service Performing & Visual Arts Children’s Choir, Band & Orchestra Field Trips Science Fair Chess Club SERVICES Chapel on School Grounds Bevan Hall Before & After-School Care Hot Lunch Student Success Teams Sports Field & Gymnasium Science Lab Two Technology Labs Library Daily Broadcast Flat Screen TV & Interactive WhiteBoards in each classroom Pre-K through 8th Grade 2015/2016 All parents with prospective students for the 2015 / 2016 school year are invited to stop by the school office to pick up an informational packet which contains documentation outlining the school screening process. If you are unable to stop by the office, please call 702-802-2323 and we will be happy to mail you a packet. There will be a test fee of $25 and can be paid on or before the day of the test. Please return the application form to the school office as soon as possible. Children must be 5 years of age on or before September 30, 2015 to be eligible for Kindergarten for the 2015 / 2016 school year. Due to the large amount of inquiries received, the screening appointments may become unavailable at any time and without notice. Christmas Word Scramble hdsperhes eagln igam osivar rymrh mnagre odlg rast fo idvda vtanyiti igirnv ramy sno fo dgo eopjhs eelhbehmt iallueal Answers on page 6 of this bulletin DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - 9 Hours by Appointment John Peter Lee, Ltd. 368-0305 John Peter Lee Jeffrey L. Glynn, D.D.S., Ltd. Business and Real Estate Litigation in all Federal, State and Appellate Courts General Dentistry for the Entire Family Micheal J. Brock, Esq. Bankruptcy and Immigration Se Habla Español As a gesture of good will, we will charge $50 for a simple will to any member of this congregation. 3450 S. Hualapai Way Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 Carlene Star, Esq. Wills,Trusts & Probate, Family Law and Personal Injury Very Compassionate (702) 382-4044 John C. Courtney, Esq. 830 Las Vegas Blvd. So. —THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT— Unemployment, Employment Law, Business Litigation, Eminent Domain Litigation Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE HEATING REPAIR NOW PUSH $25 Tune Up & Safety Inspection to All Parishioners & Seniors Your ad ✷ GUARANTEED ENERGY SAVINGS could be in this space! ✷ NO BREAKDOWN GUARANTEE 702.321.1073 ✷ BONDED ✷ INSURED ................... 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts A+ ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made ✷ LIC#0079017 NOW SERVICES OF NEVADA, LLC TALK Southwest Gas Member Referral Program STEVEN AVENA DDS FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 3117 WEST CHARLESTON BLVD. LAS VEGAS, NV. 89102 384-1210 015592 Our Lady of Las Vegas (B) *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 ALL ASPECTS OF ROOFING & DECKWORK LEAK REPAIRS 791-2475 20 years experience • Bonded & Insured JAMES GUINDON Home of the Famous Roofing Dog Lic. #0045519 Polish Deli Sausage and Pierogis Open Six Days a Week BLUE RIBBON TROPHIES TROPHIES, PLAQUES, RIBBONS, ENGRAVING TELEPHONE (702) 878-0263 (702) 259-2008 FAX (702) 878-4442 RICK & PAM POWERS 5732 W. Charleston Las Vegas, NV 89146 5900 W. Charleston Blvd. COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL & SURGICAL EYE CARE 653 N. Town Center Drive, Suite 212 702-982-1360 Melissa L.Alessi, Esq. Parishioner • Personal Injury • Wills & Trusts • Family Law 702-998-4000 [email protected] VISIT OUR MOBILE APP TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT Board Certified Ophthalmologist 2 8 7 3 9 St. Rose Grade School Check 2nd eye St. John’s Jesuit High School Call if blurry University of Notre Dame your loved ones • NO FEES UPFRONT • FLAT RATES, NO HIDDEN FEES • EVENING & WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS RENA AUSTIN-BROWN (702) 591-8002 Dr. Rosalynd Alatorre, DMD FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY Creating Beautiful Free Take Home Whitening with New Patient Exam 2815 S. Rainbow Blvd. Catholic Community Since 1942. Funeral Choices Cemetery Choices Lic #0047102 Save 10% off work performed • INDIVIDUAL & BUSINESS TAX PREPARATION and the personalized service 702 655-5214 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES 1 Doctor, 1 Office. Old Midwestern Values. Cover 1 eye, Hold 14” away ✓ Insured, Bonded & Licensed Mobile Taxes & Cataracts • Glaucoma • Macular Degeneration Diabetes • Glasses & Contacts Lash Extensions • Tinting & Perming Timothy Perozek, MD ✓ Fair & Reasonable Rates @BoilingCrabLV The Latest Technology The Most Compassionate Patient Care “CHECK YOUR VISION NOW” BUTTER PLUMBING ✓ 24-Hr Emergency Service Mon-Fri 3pm-10pm Sat-Sun 12pm-10pm (Summerlin Hospital Campus) 4 Providing you, 4025 S. Decatur Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.386.0808 HOSPICE CARE SM 702.362.9974 Call Anytime 702.776.8304 WOW Did You Hear That A PASSION FOR COMPASSION EXCEEDING QUALITY STANDARDS Powerful Homily? ...N O ? ! ? AROUND THE CLOCK ACCESS Then it’s time to get your hearing checked. EXPERT CARE FOR ALL Advance Planning At Miracle Ear we give Free Hearing Testing and Honest Opinions, AND we PRICE MATCH ALL Competitors. Cremation Choices 385-1441 4000 Meadows Lane • (Inside Sears) 702-802-0434 Work Smart Not Hard *Earn Extra Money* Allen Kopp Eastern Chapel Manager F. Mike Pinjuv Parishioner (702) 870-0442 Business Opportunity for Everyone Advertising & Residual Income 840 S. Rancho #6 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-341-0031 015592 Our Lady of Las Vegas (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 ADVENT & CHRISTMAS Simbang Gabi The Diocese of Las Vegas has scheduled Masses to celebrate the 9-day Simbang Gabi. Our parish has also scheduled 9-day Masses. The remaining schedule is as follows: Saturday, Dec. 20 - 7pm Our Lady of Las Vegas 3050 Alta Dr., LV 89107 Rosary at 6:30pm - before Mass Sunday, Dec. 21 - 12:30pm Holy Spirit 5959 S. Hualapai Way, LV 89148 Sunday, Dec. 21 - 6:30pm Our Lady of Las Vegas 3050 Alta Dr., LV 89107 Rosary at 6:30pm - before Mass Monday, Dec. 22 - 6pm St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 1811 Pueblo Vista Dr., LV 89128 Monday, Dec. 22 - 7pm Our Lady of Las Vegas 3050 Alta Dr., LV 89107 Rosary at 6:30pm - before Mass Tuesday, Dec. 23 - 5pm St. Bridget 220 N. 14th St., LV 89101 Tuesday, Dec. 23 - 7pm Our Lady of Las Vegas 3050 Alta Dr., LV 89107 Rosary at 6:30pm - before Mass / Reception to Follow Christmas Mass Intention Offering Envelopes Envelopes are available at the back of the church if you would like your loved ones, living or deceased, remembered during the Christmas Masses. Please put your completed envelope in the CSA box or bring it by the parish office no later than Monday, December 22. Oplatek Christmas Wafers Available in the Vestibule & in the Parish Office during office hours. You may place your suggested donation of $2 in the CSA Box. Christmas Mass Schedule CHRISTMAS EVE Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord Wednesday, December 24 4:00pm, 6:00pm 10:00pm “Pasterka” A Mass celebrated during Christmas between December 24 & 25 by Roman Catholics across Poland. 12:00 Midnight CHRISTMAS DAY The Nativity of the Lord Thursday, December 25 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm (Polish) THE OCTIVE DAY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD Not a Holy Day of Obligation Thursday, January 1 12 Midnight (Holy Hour 1 hr. before Mass) 10:00am & 12:00pm (Polish) Advent & Christmas DAILY REFLECTIONS Available in the vestibule of the church. You may place your suggested donation of $2 in the CSA Box. Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent Sometimes the signs God gives are unmistakable. Sometimes the signs are not so obvious. What signs do we see when we look around us? Sometimes it is hard to see God’s signs because the signs of our world are so ever present and large. How many times this month have you seen this sign: “ONLY 20 (or 18, or 10, or 6 or …) MORE SHOPPING DAYS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS.” Do we ever stop to think, “How many praying days left until Christmas?” 12 — OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS CATHOLIC CHURCH DECEMBER 21, 2014
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