12-21-14 - St. Thomas More Church

Fourth Sunday of Advent
“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you
have found favor with God.
Behold, you will conceive in your womb
and bear a son, and you shall name him
He will be great and will be called
Son of the Most High, and the Lord God
will give him the throne of David his father,
and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever,
and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
(Lk 1:30-31)
St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church
8501 Calumet Avenue, Munster, IN 46321
Mission Statement : The Roman Catholic Saint Thomas More Parish Family welcomes and invites
every person to join us on our journey in faith and celebration. With the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and through
Sacred Scripture and Tradition, we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all, especially in loving service to those in need.
As part of the Universal Church, we affirm the dignity of every person. All this we do to give glory and honor to God.
Pastoral Staff
Pastor .......................... Reverend Michael J. Yadron, KCHS; Ext. 312
[email protected]
Associate Pastor...............................Reverend Ted J. Mauch; Ext. 314
[email protected]
Senior Deacon............................................ Dr. Napoleon Tabion, OFS
Deacons ................................................................ David Kapala, KHS
............................................................................ Joseph Stodola, KHS
......................................................................... Daniel Zurawski, KHS
Director of Finance ........................................ Noreen Bickel; Ext. 330
Pastoral Care Coordinator.......................... Madeleine Moya; Ext. 313
Director of Music......................................... Angie Lorandos; Ext. 338
Director of Religious Education .................... Emily Hackett; Ext. 332
Director of Development ................................ Amanda King; Ext. 342
Parish Office Staff
Hours: Mon-Friday 8:00 am-8:00 pm • Saturday 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Web Site.......................................................... www.stm-church.com
Email address .................................. [email protected]
Email address for bulletin ...................... [email protected]
Office Phone………. 836-8610
Office Fax ....................836-9185
Bulletin Editor ..................................................... Pam Pasyk; Ext. 309
Daytime Receptionist........................................ Susan Strain; Ext. 310
Evening Receptionist .................................... Veronica Brtos; Ext. 310
Building Maintenance…………………………Dale Slosser 836-8610
Pastoral Ministries
Environment & Art ............................................. Jean Bados 836-8610
Eucharistic Ministers ................................... Carole Mackey 808-9732
Hospitality/Greeters ................................... Chris Shearman 923-1419
Lectors ...................................................... William McDunn 922-9459
Nursery ..................................................Kaaren A. Mashura 836-5079
St. Vincent de Paul ................................. Michael Martinelli 836-8610
Vocations Committee ...................................... Mary Kochis 322-7262
2014-2015 Pastoral Council Members
Leslie Dernulc.................................................................. Joe Dubczak
Christi Kordeck......................................................... Michael Korfiatis
Mary Kretz................................................................... Jim Landowski
Paul Liszewski, Chairperson............................................ Bill McDunn
Jesse Montenegro ..............................................................Joe O’Brien
Cindy Thompson ......................................................... Ruth Yothment
St. Thomas More School
Pre-School through 8th Grade
Office Hours: Monday– Friday ~ 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Web Site........................................................... www.stm-school.com
School Phone ......... 836-9151 School Fax ..........................836-0982
President ........................................................ Noreen Bickel; Ext. 330
Principal............................................. Chet Nordyke, KCHS; Ext. 328
Assistant Principal ......................................... Cynthia Block; Ext. 328
School Administrative Assistant……….. Jennifer Gonzalez; Ext. 328
School Reception & Office Associate………. Sandra Steele; Ext. 329
Home & School Association.................. Kris Miller; (312) 909-8156
Parish & School Offices Associate .............. Mary Jo Biscan; Ext. 311
Parish & School Offices Associate ................. Pam Wadycki; Ext. 339
School Admissions .............................................. Pam Pasyk; Ext. 309
Weis Center
8635 Calumet Avenue ~ Munster, IN 46321
Phone .....................................................................................836-2660
Fax .........................................................................................836-2655
Sacramental Information
Saturdays ............................................................ 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
First Friday .............................. 1/2 hour before the 6:30 a.m. Mass
Baptisms .............................. First and Third Sundays at 1:00 p.m.
Parents must be registered parishioners and regularly
attending at least six months before the Baptism. At least
one of the godparents must be a practicing Catholic.
Pre Baptism Class ..................................... 2nd Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
Parents must call the Parish Office to schedule class and/or Baptism.
Marriage .............. Must be a registered, practicing member of the
parish at least six months before beginning the six month
preparation program for marriage.
Communion calls and visits to Hospitals and Homebound: Call
the Parish Office for Sacraments at hospital or at home.
New Parishioner Registration
To make it as convenient as possible for you, new parishioners may
register at any time in the Parish Office.
St. Thomas More Religious Education
Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Friday — 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday — 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Religious Education Phone ........................................................... 836-8610
Director .................................................................. Emily Hackett; Ext. 332
Administrative Assistant ...................................... Carolyn McGill; Ext. 336
Grades K through 8 ~ Wednesday or Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Pastoral Commissions Chairpersons
Formation/Education ........................................................... Barbara Topete
Parish Life ........................................................................ Elaine Herrmann
Peace & Social Justice ............................................................. Mary Silvasi
Spirituality & Worship....................................................... Kaaren Mashura
Stewardship ........................................................................... Noreen Bickel
Parish Organizations
Altar & Rosary Society .................................... Kathleen Pagorek 972-0539
Blue Army ...................................................Rose Marie Malburg 836-8779
Boy Scouts ................................................................ Curt Anglin 902-5126
Career Networking Group…………………… Christine Spencer 836-8610
Circle of Prayer………………………………..Mary Jo Humpfer 836-5002
Cub Scouts .............................................................. Chris Bedenk 595-2470
Finance ................................................................ Barbara Shaver 838-9200
Gabriel Project ............................................... Carolyn Grskovich 836-8610
Garden Club................................................................. Al Carollo 836-8268
Gifts of Love & Warmth……………………..Bernadine Nemeth 513-6544
Girl Scouts ............................................................................ Renee Whelan
Holy Name Society ..................................................... Joe Adams 865-3566
Knights of Columbus ....................................... Richard Alvarado 614-3743
K of C Columbian Squires…………………........Ralph Konkoly 588-4559
Moms’ Group .......................................................... Ann Meduga 629-6531
Oblates……………………………………………...Denise Gard 836-9115
Respect Life ............................................................ Alice Wohler 836-5337
Senior Citizens ........................................................... Herb Cleve 670-2982
The Travelers Club…………………………………..Lois Quinn 836-7902
Ushers Club .................................................... ….Jim Marmalejo 836-1463
Venture Crew……………………………………....Fr. Ben Ross 322-4505
Please remember St. Thomas More
Page in
2 your Will and Estate Planning
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 21, 2014
Saturday, December 27
5:30 p.m.
Fr. Mike Yadron
Sunday, December 28
6:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 Noon
Fr. Mike Yadron
Fr. Mike Yadron
Fr. Ted Mauch
Fr. Ted Mauch
SUNDAY, December 21 — Fourth Sunday of Advent
6:30 am Intention of Stephanie Muellar
8:00 am Katherine Jurkash by Jurkash Family
10:00 am Carolina Alvarado (Ann.) by Garcia Family
12:00 pm For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
MONDAY, December 22
6:30 am Joseph Bobalik by Al Banik
8:30 am Patrick Quinn by Wife Lois & Family
MONDAY, December 22
8:30 am
J. & M. Connelly
TUESDAY, December 23
8:30 am
M. Fugger, A. Klaich
WEDNESDAY, December 24 — Christmas Eve
8:30 am
J. & W. Roe
5:30 pm
T., T. & T. Pappas, G. & I. Scalzo/ MC ~ Nick
THURSDAY, December 25 — Merry Christmas
Volunteers Needed (call Susan Burke)
6:30 am
J. Olivencia, B. & J. Peters, A. & L. Forszt
MC ~ Volunteers Needed
8:00 am
A. & M. Nahnsen, A. Bilse, K. Yaeger,
V. Zaczyk/ MC ~Elizabeth Z.
10:00 am
S. O’Rourke, C. & P. Olsen, B. Sikora,
D. Zuccarelli/ MC ~ Joey
12:00 Noon C., D. & S. O’Brien, D. & K. O’Shea
MC ~Mike
FRIDAY, December 26
8:30 am
A. Berkley, J. Burns
SATURDAY, December 27
8:30 am
M. & S. McDunn
5:30 pm
M. Queroz, T. Speranza, E., M. & T. Zabrecky
MC ~ Keith
SUNDAY, December 28
6:30 am
D. Arambula, S. Becker-Toro, A. Zajakowski
8:00 am
M. Slivka, E. & M. Buksa, J. Cipowski,
E. Gossman/ MC ~ Matt
10:00 am
D. Ayala, V. Vasquez, J. Bevil, J. Burns,
X. Cano/MC ~ Will
12:00 pm
A. & M. Reynolds, E. Sopko/ MC ~ Tim
TUESDAY, December 23
6:30 am Reba Brown by Sylvester & Kathy Porras
8:30 am Hilda Sessa by Lucy & Anthony Marchese
10:00 am Robert Banicki by STM Holy Name Society
WEDNESDAY, December 24
6:30 am Matt & Mayme Gonsiorowski by Family
8:30 am Julie Knesek by Serrano Family
5:30 pm Vigil Mass of Christmas-For Our Parish Family
Living and Deceased
THURSDAY, December 25 — Nativity of the Lord
12:00 Midnight For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
8:00 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
10:00 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
12:00 pm For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
FRIDAY, December 26 — St. Stephen
6:30 am Stephen Bartkus by Family
8:30 am Stephen Arent by Family
SATURDAY, December 27 — St. John
8:30 am Deceased Members of Biedron/Wolak Families by
Therese Biedron
5:30 pm Julian Oblon (Ann.) by Family
SUNDAY, December 28 — The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary
and Joseph
6:30 am For Our Parish Family Living and Deceased
8:00 am Catherine Oblon by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gauger
10:00 am Genevieve Putchaven by Anthony & Valerie
12:00 pm Janina Krysinski by Helene Nelson
Pastoral Care Ministry
Lisa Bailey • Helen Kulczyk • Kenneth Grayczyk
Hospital Visits—In compliance with HIPAA legislation (patient
privacy), hospitals do not notify our parish about parishioner
hospitalizations unless requested to do so by the patient or patient's
family. If you or a family member are at Community Hospital,
please notify the Parish Office.
Home Communion—If you or a family member would like to
receive home Communion, call Pastoral Care at
(219) 836-8610, ext. 313.
I — Catherine Kroczek & Matthew Murphy
Page 3
Fourth Sunday of Advent
"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me
according to your word." Mary chose to cooperate with God. She
didn't completely understand how his plan was going to unfold. She
couldn't have known exactly what it all meant for her future. But she
chose to offer herself to God's service nonetheless. And thanks to that
generosity, the first Christmas happened nine months later.
Mary gives us a powerful example of saying yes to God. For her, the
divine plan was revealed through the visit of the angel Gabriel. For
us, it is usually revealed in less dramatic ways. We hear God's voice
through the readings at Mass, through the homily, through the wise
counsel of a trusted friend, through a spiritual book, through an
inspirational speaker, or just in the prayerful silence of our own
hearts. Regardless of how God speaks to us, we are in a similar
situation to Mary's. We are faced with the choice either to accept
God's will in our lives, saying yes as Mary did, or to say no and
choose a different path. It may be tempting to stick to more familiar
ground or to avoid the challenge of surrendering our plans to God.
But just look what happened when Mary decided to let God lead: the
greatest miracle in all of history! God became man because of a
faithful woman. And God wants to work miracles through us too.
Every time we cooperate with his will, he transforms us into more
loving, more generous people. As we round the corner toward
Christmas this week, may we embrace God's will in our lives with
the same joy and openness that ultimately allowed Mary to embrace
the infant Jesus in her arms on Christmas Day.
c lease pray for the sick of our parish...
Joshua Alvarez
Margaret Amatulli
Doris Aurelio
Maria Aurelio
Irene Baker
Antonio Belmonte
Michael Berry
Michael Blazevich
Laverne Blumka
Michael Boston
Cheryl Bostrom
Robert Boyle
Stephany Burney
Paul Burns
Dorothy Campbell
James Campbell
Thomas Cak
Al Carollo
Carol Carollo
Janet Cattanach
Jacqueline Morrow
Frank Coman
Vincent Corsello
Mike Curtain
Margaret Demkovich
Lucille Detterline
Irene Dettmer
Ann DeVoy
MaryPat Devoy
Irene Dickey
Jeanine Doescher
Alex Eiland
Sherlon Evans
John Forde
Phyllis Garber
Denise Gard
Andrea Garritano
Margaret Geary
Dorothy Giannini
Emily Gibson
Dorothy Gillespie
Shirley Gillespie
Jacqueleen Gonzalez
Margaret Good
Howard Gralewski
James Grunewald
Amy Hayes
Eleanore Heggi
Marie Henke
Evelyn Hennes
Bernadine Henson
Marisol Hernandez
Becky Hill
Megan Homcho
Mary Jo Humpfer
Steve Izzo
Dennis Jablonski
Elizabeth Jacob
Barbara Jamrose
Stanley Jayjack
Rosemary Jerzak-Staszel
Penny Jurkash
Debbie Kaczka
Robert Kalka
James Klein, Sr.
Carol Keilman
Janet Knight
Susan Kolodziej
Miller Krizmanic
Jerome Kula
Annika LeMonier
Debbie LeMonier
Richard LaVigne
Mary Leahy
Jo Lisiniewicz
Edward Liskiewicz
Stanley Liskiewicz
Maria Lovell
Charlene Madura
Mary Manchak
Brady Martin
Jenny Mendoza
Faye Meny
Sandi Merlo
Stephanie Mueller
Olga Mihalo
Andrew Moll
Elissa Moll
David Moll
Jean Narvid
Donna Nichols
Steven Nowaczyk
Valerie O’Donnell
Danny Ogren
Emily Orosco
Christine Osmulski
Marty Pavovic
Johanna Petruch
Andrew Pieczyrak
Elizabeth Pilones
Sylvester Porras
Timothy Ribble
Jackie Roach
Kristen Rubin
Ann Sardella
George Sauer
Marie Schultz
Marianne Schwartz
William Schwartz
Zachery Scriff
James Secviar
Jim Seul
Renee Shehan
Thomas Skarbek
Dennis Skarupa
Nick Skinner
Lydia Skorupa
Carolyn Smiley
Deborah Stareck
Florence Stevens
Georgianne Suto
Celine Szczepaniak
Carrie Szumelda
Barbara Szypczak
Rose Theis
Gerardo Trevino
Kathie Trudgian
Anthony Ubuane
Tony Vanden Heuvel
Raymond Vanderbok
Julia Vrbanich
Pam Wadycki
Adele Wall
Charlotte Weglewski
Don Woszczynski
Cecilia Ziegler
Cody Ziemkowski
SUNDAY, December 21
6:00 pm
Lessons & Carols ~ Church
MONDAY, December 22
7:00 pm
Blue Army ~ Chapel
7:00 pm
Schola ~ Church
7:30 pm
Knights of Columbus ~ Solar Room
STMS Closed for Christmas Break
TUESDAY, December 23
9:15 am
Eucharistic Adoration (until 6:30 pm) ~ Chapel
1:00 pm
Prayer/Vocations ~ Chapel
6:00 pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet ~ Chapel
STMS Closed for Christmas Break
WEDNESDAY, December 24 — Christmas Eve
5:30 Vigil Mass for Christmas
No Religious Education Classes
Parish Office & STM School Closed for Christmas
THURSDAY, December 25 —A Blessed Merry Christmas!
Masses at:
12:00 Midnight, 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & Noon
No Religious Education Classes
Parish Office & STM School Closed for Christmas
FRIDAY, December 26
STMS Closed for Christmas Break
Readings for Week of December 21
Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38
Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56
Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66
Wednesday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79
Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or
Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14
Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20
Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14
Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22
Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8
Next Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8,
11- 12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or
2:22, 39-40
Bulletin Articles
Regular bulletin schedule requires all articles be submitted to
[email protected] at least 2 weeks in advance via email.
Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Vocations Committee
Pope Francis says, “If the younger generation
answers God’s call, Christ’s call, they are going to renew
the Church with their energy, enthusiasm, and the
ideas the Holy Spirit is placing in their hearts.”
Page 4
The Pastor’s Page
The angel Gabriel was sent from God
to a town of Galilee called Nazareth,
to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph,
of the house of David,
and the virgin's name was Mary.
And coming to her, he said,
"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you."
But she was greatly troubled at what was said
and pondered what sort of greeting this might be.
Then the angel said to her,
"Do not be afraid, Mary,
for you have found favor with God." (Lk 1:26-30)
Do you remember waiting to be picked?
When we first began interacting with neighbors as children,
we would wait anxiously to be picked to play games. We
always hoped that we would get chosen for the "right" team.
When we began school, we would hope to be picked by our
teachers to be the hall monitor, the blackboard cleaner, and
a whole host of other "jobs" that made us feel special.
As we became older, we hoped to be picked by the college
of our choice. After college, we hoped to be picked to work
by the business that we had longed to be a part of.
All along the way, we also nursed a fear: what if we were
picked and failed?
Being chosen can be very frightening, even if we longed for
it. Mary prayed fervently, as did any good Israelite of her
time, for the deliverance of her people. She probably never
dreamed that she would be picked to be a part of salvation
The angel's message would have generated fear and
anxiety and confusion and a whole host of other emotions
which probably also included excitement and hope. The
angel's response to Mary's fear was desperately
needed: "Do not be afraid."
God has picked each and every one of us to be His heralds
in a world that needs to hear His message. We may be
frightened or confused. The message from the angel
applies to us as well this Fourth Sunday of Advent: "Do not
be afraid."
Do more than entertain God's request. Be like Mary and
respond faithfully and affirmatively.
FAITH ACTION: Mary was given a choice
and so are we. Ask God to give you the grace
to say "yes" to His will this day.
On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, gather
the family together and pray the following
Come, Lord Jesus. Come and set your
people free. Help us to be ready for the
day of your return. Through Christ, our
Lord. Amen.
After the prayer, light all the candles on your wreath.
Then, if you wish, sing together:
People, look east. The time is near
Of the crowning of the year.
Make your house fair as you are able,
Trim the hearth and set the table.
People, look east and sing today:
Love, the guest, is on the way.
A Festival of
Nine Lessons & Carols
Sunday, December 21
6:00 p.m. in the church
sponsored by our
Schola Cantorum
Join the choir in the singing of Christmas
Carols before the Midnight Mass of Christmas.
We will begin at 11:15 p.m. and we hope you
will be able to join us.
Tomorrow, Monday, December 22nd, is the last chance to
go to confession before Christmas. There are two different
penance services taking place on Monday, both at 7:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Consolation in Merrillville
St. James in Highland
T’was the night before Christmas and all through the
house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
They’d been worn all week and needed the air.
Please pray for the priests and deacons who
have served the Diocese of Gary so faithfully
and whose anniversaries of death are this
December 21: Msgr. Albert Van Nevel (2000)
December 22: Rev. Conrad Stoll (1956)
December 24: Rev. John Bargielski (2002)
Rev. Alfred Dettmer (2013)
December 25: Rev. Michael C. Gadacz (1971)
Deacon John P. Beda (1972)
December 26: Msgr. Francis J. Jansen, (1967)
Rev. John P. Zubak (1976)
December 27: Msgr. Francis X. Guerre (1956)
Page 5
Evening Scripture Study
All adult parishioners are invited to join our Evening Scripture
Study group. Again this session, we will be using the Little Rock
Scripture Study program. Each class includes prayer, group
discussion about the week's reading and
commentary and a video.
This session we will be doing a study of
the Acts of the Apostles.
The excitement of Pentecost enlivens the
early believers in their struggles to
establish communities of faith—
struggles surprisingly like those today.
You will meet two of the early Church's
most significant leaders in the persons of Peter and Paul
during the 10 week study.
December Schedule
No Class — Christmas Break
No Class — Happy New Year!
No Class — Happy New Year!
January Schedule
Thursday Evenings— January 8th - March 12th
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The cost of the program is $20.00 to cover the study materials
and will be collected at the first class.
STM High School Youth Ministry
Still a couple of spots left, so please
respond immediately.
We hope to see more of you at some of our upcoming events!
All high school students of our parish are invited to join us.
Please contact Carolyn McGill at (219) 836-8610 or
[email protected].
Friday to Saturday, December 26th-27th
Lock-In Retreat!
4:00 p.m. on Friday until 10:00 a.m. on Saturday.
You must register for this event. $10 fee. Lots of fun planned!
Lectors for the Week
Weekend of January 2nd
Cosmic Bowling
Come and stop the Christmas Break boredom!
Celebrate the New Year and have some fun with friends!
For information about these events or to register for the retreat,
please contact Miss Hackett (219) 836-8610 ext. 332 or
[email protected].
Wednesday, December 24
Christmas Eve
5:30 pm Mass
Ruth Banas & Ann Harkenrider
Saturday, December 27
5:30 pm Mass
Jay Gianotti &
Jeff Urbaniak
Thursday, December 25
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 28
6:30 am Mass
Loretta Krawczyk &
Virgil Ramirez
12:00 Midnight
Dan Buksa & Mike McIntyre
6:30 am Mass
Angela Kvasnica & Phil McIntosh
Holy Name Society
Real Men Pray!
8:00 am Mass
Richard Lasky & Paul Liszewski
Please join us for our next meeting in the Solar Room on
Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m.
Note: Date change due to MLK Holiday.
We will begin with the Rosary, followed by our regular business
meeting and refreshments. Yearly dues can be paid by mail, the
weekly collection basket or in the Parish Office.
All men of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend.
10:00 am Mass
Charles Helms & Maryanne Topor
You Did It For Me
In West Africa, more than 10,000 people have Ebola, and nearly
5,000 people have died. Many children are now orphaned, and
poor communities are struggling to respond.
Catholic Relief Services is there offering food, supplies, basic
health services, and counseling. We’re also training health care
professionals and supporting public awareness campaigns about
Ebola. But more needs to be done. Please speak out in support of
a robust US response to the Ebola crisis.
To learn more, please visit CRS.org/you-did-it-for-me.
Page 6
12:00 Noon Mass
Richard & Sylvia Komyatte
8:00 am Mass
Kevin Connelly &
Christine Greenberg
10:00 am Mass
Teresa Brazzale &
Theresa Kowalski
12:00 Noon Mass
Keesha Hardaway &
Cheryl Staniszewski
Greeters for the Week
Saturday, December 27
5:30 p.m. Mass
Choir: Tom & Louisa Jurich
Sunday, December 28
6:30 am Mass
Chapel: Carla Covelli
8:00 am Mass
Main: James & Nancy Kaczka
Chapel: Mary Silvasi
Choir: Christie & Katie Kordeck
10:00 am Mass
Main: Dan & Wendy Depa
Chapel: Pischner Family
12:00 Noon Mass
Main: Diane Gralewski
Choir: Pat Batchelder
December 21, 2014
St. Thomas More School
It’s the Most Wonderful
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Energy levels are elevated, smiles are contagious and everyone is spreading good cheer.
With Christmas fast- approaching,
the students of St. Thomas More School
have already had a very busy month.
From the spiritual preparations of
Advent, to the fun of Christmas
concerts and special surprises left
by St. Nicholas, the children
are having a great December!
Shopping for loved ones at Santa’s Secret Shop allowed our
students to pick out special gifts for family and friends, even if
some of the gifts looked a lot like things that they would like to
receive themselves (not sure if Grandma is going to like that
squishy ball). Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers, the kids
loved the independence of shopping on their own and picking out
the perfect gift with pride. They even were able to wrap it before
they left so their gifts are ready
for giving on Christmas morning.
Further excitement ensued when
our youngest students left a shoe
in the hallway waiting for St.
Nicholas to make his secret
rounds and leave a little treat in
each carefully placed shoe. The
children were not disappointed as
the long standing St. Thomas
More tradition of a December 6th
visit from St. Nicholas came true
once again, thanks to the help of
some seventh grade elves.
And with only a few days to go
until Christmas, we know that
our students have taken their
holiday spirit home with them to
enjoy the beauty and delight
of Christmas as they spend it
with those most special to them.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Follow Our Parish & School on Facebook!
Check Out Our Facebook Page
St. Thomas More has launched a new Facebook page to keep everyone in the parish updated on what’s
happening. You’ll find school & church information and lots of pictures, too.
Be sure to “like” us at www.facebook.com/St.ThomasMoreMunster
or find our page: “St. Thomas More Catholic Church & School-Munster, IN”
Page 7
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Catholics Coming Home
Advent is upon us and we prayerfully anticipate the birth of Our
Lord. During the holiday season, we would like to extend our
thanks to all our parishioners for assisting us throughout the
year. Thanks to you, we are able to extend extra help to those in
need. During this joyous time as we purchase gifts for our loved
ones, consider the statement “What would Jesus do?” Perhaps
consider extending a gift to the less
fortunate in his name. As we prepare for
Christmas, the SVDP Society would
appreciate donations towards our
Christmas Baskets. Some items needed are:
Canned Pineapple • Rice or Boxed
Potatoes • Canned Yams
Boxed Cookies • Corn
Have you ever wondered… pondered…
or thought about coming back to the Church?
You may have been away for a short time or it may
have been a while. We’d like you to join us at Catholics Coming
Home and rediscover a way to reconnect with your Faith.
We will talk about God, Faith, the Sacraments and Vatican II.
If you would like to explore this opportunity, we’d love to have
you join us for our first meeting in the Teachers’ Lounge on
Wednesday, January 7th at 7:00 pm.
We will meet for several weeks on Wednesday evenings. Each
session is about an hour long. Come yourself or mention this to
a friend. Register in the Parish Office at (219) 836-8610.
Caps for Kids
Special Mass for those Grieving
The cold and blustery weather is back with us again.
“Caps for Kids” is now under way and the St. Vincent de
Paul Society is requesting your assistance. Share the warmth of
your heart and consider donating a new hat, gloves or a scarf for
a child or an adult. Please place your donations in the designated boxes at the entrances to the church. Thank you for your
generosity in helping us to provide for our neighbors.
May the blessings of the upcoming season be with you!
The Loss of a Child
Join others who are grieving the loss of a child at a special
ecumenical service for those of all faiths as they come together
in support and love in remembrance of their loved ones.
Sunday, December 28th at 4:00 p.m.
St. Matthias Parish
101 West Burrell in Crown Point
Children of all ages will be remembered at this special event as
we honor their lives through spiritual readings, songs and a
unique prayer experience. Join us in an act of comfort and hope
for those mourning the loss of a child.
Refreshments and fellowship to follow.
Note: Names of unborn children, children and adults to be
remembered can be submitted for inclusion in the service by
contacting St. Matthias Parish. Please RSVP no later than
December 15th by calling (219) 663-2201.
Senior Citizens
Senior citizens of our parish are invited to join our group.
Meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in the Kish Community Room,
10000 Calumet Avenue in Munster (unless otherwise noted).
2105 Schedule of Events
Wednesday, January 7th
Business Meeting
followed by cards and board games.
Wednesday, January 21st
Social Gathering & Bingo
Homemade Pierogi
Wednesday, February 4th
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church (Ridge & White Oak )
is offering a weekly Pierogi Sale. Orders must be received prior
to Thursday of the pick-up week. Pick-up on Friday afternoons,
Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the church. Call (219) 838-9811 (leave
name, phone & amount/flavor). Potato, kraut, cheese or prune.
Cost: $9/dozen & $4.50/half-dozen.
Business Meeting. Guest Speaker will be a Representative
from the Treasure Chest Foundation.
Saturday, February 21st
Pizza Party
12:00 Noon — 4:00 p.m. in the Solar Room
This event is for those whose membership is current.
New Year’s Eve Party
All Saints Church in Hammond is hosting a New Year’s Eve
Party on December 31st. Mass will begin at 5:30 p.m.,
followed by a buffet dinner and music by Ted Tomczak &
Take 5 Band. Cost is $40 per person. Advance tickets only.
For tickets & information, Call (219) 932-0204.
Wednesday, March 4th
Business Meeting
Guest Speaker will be a representative from Social Security.
New Year’s Day Bingo
Catholic Charities Counseling
St. Mary’s New Year’s Day Bingo is Thursday,
January 1, 2015 in Hildebrandt Hall, 525 N. Lafayette Street in
Griffith. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Early birds start at 1:00 p.m.
Regular bingo at 2:00 p.m. $10,000 in cash prizes. Free dinner
with a set-up. Cost:$35-single set-up/$50-double set-up/
$60-triple set-up. Reservations required by calling
(219) 922-2283 (please leave a message).
Catholic Charities offers counseling services to individuals,
families and children on a
sliding fee scale.
For more information please
call: (219) 844-4883.
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