Parish Office: 750 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm Phone: 261-4883 Fax: 261-8729 Web Site After Hours Emergencies 261-4883 Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Director of Operations : Parish Priests: Michael J. Mahr, 261-4883 Rev. George Ratzmann, Pastor Rev. Ronnie Sison Religious Education: Rev. Rafal Ligenza Mary Jane Spirk, Dir. 263-5429 In Active Retirement: Rev. Arnold D’Achille Music Ministry: Gary Robertson, 776-7881 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Parish Deacons: Russ Grant Gary C. Ingold Lina M. Hernandez, Dir. 262-8618 Coordinator of Volunteer Ministers: Janet Mitchell, Dir. 261-1876 Dominican Sisters: 261-5831 Parish Nurse: Sr. Christa Cunnignham Rosanne Rechlin, 262-0338 Sr. Jean Tranel Bookkeeper & Office Manager Chris Michael, 261-4883 December 21, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: 2:45 & 4:30 PM 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM Daily: 8 AM and 12 :10 PM Mon. thru Fri., Saturday 8AM Only CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 10-11AM BAPTISMS: 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Office, 261-4883, during pregnancy to make an appointment for instruction. NOTICE: Sacramental Preparation - Diocesan regulations require two continuous years of religious instruction before receiving the Sacraments of First Communion in Second Grade and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Tenth Grade. This includes Religious Education, Youth Ministry or a Diocesan recognized Catholic School plus additional sacramental preparation classes. These classes are held monthly on a Sunday other than the Family Faith Formation and additional registration. MARRIAGE: For the Sacrament of Matrimony, a required six month period of preparation, call Francia Stevens, our wedding coordinator, 821-7916 HOMEBOUND: Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick. Please call 262-0338 to make arrangements. MINISTRIES Eucharistic Ministers: Natural Family Planning: Readers/Lectors Respite Ministry: Small Christian Communities: Ushers: Altar Servers Arimatheans Richard Sampson Jack & Angela Connor Paul French Mary Lou & Bill Rehring Joan Szot Stan Kabala David Caldwell Jean Leitton Rose Goodof 353-6564 597-6262 777-5725 263-5432 261-3632 248-3216 263-3346 513-0910 649-6301 Celebrant Monday - December 22nd 8:00 † Wanda & Oliver Fratti Fr. Ligenza 12:10 † The Duggan Family Fr. Ligenza Tuesday - December 23rd 8:00 † Nicholas Kopchick & Fr. Sison Samuel Eppolito 12:10 † John Thomas Fr. D’Achille Wednesday - December 24th 8:00 † Elaine Reiter Fr. Ratzmann 2:45 † Laura Porter ,Bill &Marie Fr. D’Achille 4:30 † Rev. Richard Cyr Fr. Ligenza 6:15 † Francis & Marian O’Brien Fr. Sison 10:00 Novena for Life Mass Fr. Ratzmann Thursday - December 25th 7:00 † Mary Gerth Fr. Sison 9:00 † Robert Rust Fr. Ligenza 11:00 † Jack & Mickie Lambert & Justin Sherwood Fr. Ratzmann Friday - December 26th 8:00 † Helen & Len Bisanz Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison 12:10 † Patricia Duva Saturday - December 27th 8:00 † Mary Robert Fr. D’Achille 10:00 Confessions Ligenza/Ratzmann 2:45 † Catherine Neumann Fr. Ligenza 4:30 † Daniel Dombrowski Fr. Ratzmann Sunday - December 28th 7:00 Int. Chris Fisher Fr. Ligenza 9:00 † Elsie DeRubbo Fr. Ratzmann 11:00 † Rose Petrik Fr. Sison 1:00 † Karin LaFemina Fr. D’Achille Call the parish office if you’d like to know who requested a Mass ORGANIZATIONS Alternatives to Abortion: Bridge Club: Catholic Charities: Council of Catholic Women: Cursillo: Fatima Prayer Group: Gift Shop: Knights of Columbus: Lay Carmelites: Respect Life: Rosary Makers: Secular Franciscans: St. Vincent DePaul Society: 777-8343 Anita Gerth 263-8608 Elaine Stanley 455-2655 Suzanne Fleming 436-3746 Gene Venditto 434-6537 JoAnn Stahlman 571-3233 Carolann Rough 398-6824 MaryLynn Stahnke 261-4316 Richard Sampson 353-6564 Jean Leitton 513-0910 Judy Humphrey 261-1123 Fred & Barbara Goduti 261-4810 Marianne LaRusso 352-1509 Bill Roche 678-740-6560 Dianne Kabala 248-1360 This Week at a Glance Sun. Dec. 21 SDVP Food Sunday Sun. Dec. 21 Donut Sunday Sun. Dec. 21 Life Teen Night,6PM Sun. Dec. 21 Franciscans Meet, 11AM Tue. Dec. 23 Novena, 6:30 PM Wed.-Thur. Fri. Parish office closed THE ALTAR FLOWERS This week are donated in memory of Susanne Scalogna The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in memory of Catherine Neumann FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT December 21, 2014 The 4th Sunday of Advent: Christmas is so close, yet not quite here. No matter how ready the decorations are, how beautifully the presents are wrapped or how much we look forward to the presence of the Christ Child, there’s still those final days and moments until Christmas morning. Let the spirit of the season fill you with God’s finest Graces, the foretaste and promise of what is yet to come. Be confident and Joyful. Like the prophets of old, you know how good it will be! Liturgical Publications, Inc. ANNOUNCING THE START OF THE DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP AT ST WILLIAM EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 3 PM THE HOUR OF MERCY IN THE PARISH OFFICE CHAPEL (On all Wednesdays when Parish office is open) FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL MARCIA AT 949-6705 Readings for the week of December 21, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: 4th Sunday of Advent; 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8-12, 14-16 Rom 16: 25-27; Lk 1: 26-38 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1: 46-56 Mal 3: 1-4, 23-24; Lk 1: 57-66 2 Sm 7: 1-5, 8-16; Lk 1: 67-79 Vigil: Is 62: 1-5; Acts 13:16-25; Day: Is 52:7-10; Heb 1: 1-6; Jn 1:1-18 St. Stephen, the First Martyr; Acts 6: 8-10, 7: 54-59; Mt 10: 17-22 St. John, Apostle & Evangelist; 1 Jn 1: 1-4; Jn 20: 1a and 2-8 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph; Sir 3: 2-14; Col 3:12-21; Lk 2: 22-40 THIS WEEK WITH YOUR ST. WILLIAM FAMILY: Welcomed as new parishioners: Kevin & Margaret Smith; John, Meghan & Ava Harlem; Danielle Fortunato; Rosalind A. Jureller; Margaret Lynch; Armenito, Grace & Sarah Engracia. Welcomed into our faith community through Baptism: Lily Marie Camejo Pray for the deceased: Alfred Mango Pray for the sick: Dave Kassie Koch Jacqueline Stamper Michaeil A. Baviello, Sr. Hannah Belsinger Crystal Ratliff Connie Sullivan Virginia Hopkins Maura O’Brien Max Berlin Joseph Kuzneski Debbie Campolo John Robert Dunleavy Susan Blohowiak Hennie Hagen Joe Richichi Frank & Louise Myers Ron & Barbara Sorvino Diane Davis Marcia Huseth Anne Marie Degrego Florence Stella Lucille Vallett Julie Marsch Marie Eileen Faherty Marie Wille Roland Campbell John & Dolores Kula Alana Barone Bro. Pio Maria Barbara Cattaneo Sanchez Marlene Evans Joseph Syrowik Nancy Syrowik P.C. Andrea Loesch Joanna Clark Isabelle Staffeldt Marma Hortabo Ada Timblin Elsie & Ken Moskal Gloria O’Sullivan Mary Haestier Tasha & Brian Lee George Tyson Terry Sqpeziale Margaret Grimes James Johnston Grace Utz Claudia Colarusso Kathy Grandy Katie Ronner Eileen Faherty George Howlett Don Gerth Michael Uzzi Christopher Randall Alice Ann Zimmerman Patricia Goodall Suzanne Blouin JOIN US FOR EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AFTER 12:10 PM MASS & FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH IN THE CHURCH, 9AM—12NOON ALL OTHER FRIDAYS IN THE SMALL CHAPEL IN THE PARISH OFFICE, 9AM—12 NOON Maureen Mackson Jane Blahnik Isabel Rivera Sheila Crehan Charles Gerk Madison Hoffman Lorene Chiancola Sam Chiancola Sally Motherway Bill Fitzgerald Inge Corbett Jane Earle Sally Frazier Gerri Marsch Joan Kent Larry Chance Frank Caccavo,Jr. Susan Bailey, Anne Timlin Sr. Maria Paulina Jerry Thirion Fr. Tom O’Brien Patrick Fitzgerald Jeanine Paulson Dolan Lillian Pooler Lisa Luthringer Spencer Nunley Jacob Moll Marlene Landstra Gino Nocera Rosa Vitiello Wilkins Vilcin Chris Ruggiero Jennifer Dorta E.V. Mary Rose Goduti Victor Buckett . Call the parish office if you know some parishioner who is sick and can use our prayers. DONUT SUNDAY THIS WEEKEND Join us after the 7:00 & 9:00 AM Mass for coffee and donuts in the church hall. Come meet some of your fellow parishioners! COME PRAY WITH US - You are invited to stay 15 minutes after the 8AM and 12:10 PM Mass each weekday to pray the rosary with us for your personal intentions and for the intentions of the Church and for our Country. The Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the little Meditation Chapel in the parish office and is open dur ing our r egular par ish office hour s, 8:30AM-4:30 PM. Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help - Join us Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Ministry Center for this half hour of devotion in honor of our Blessed Mother, including prayer, rosary and benediction. Chaplet of Divine Mercy in office chapel each Wednesday at 3:00 PM (when office open) ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCH 2014 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 22nd-23rd: Bring poinsettias, red and white to decorate The church; drop off on these days in church hall Wednesday, December 24th Christmas Eve: Masses: 2:45, 4:30, 6:15 & 10:00 PM Children’s Choir at 4: 30 PM Mass Adult Choir at 10:00 PM Mass (starts singing at 9:30 PM Thursday, December 25th: Christmas Day Masses: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM A Blessed Christmas to all From the Priests and staff of St. William Parish!!! Youth Ministry Dec 21@6pm Life Teen Night Christmas party NOT TOO MUCH LIFE TEEN NEEDS HELP FROM ST. WILLIAM PARISHIONERS!! If you have too much to do, with God’s help you will find time to do it all. —St. Peter Canisius Please consider donating a couch, blankets, beanbags, pillows, musical instruments. Or Dinner for about 27 teens on one Sunday night this coming year! [email protected] SPREADING OUR JOY! Attention Youth Ministry families! Bring a wrapped TOY to place under our Christmas tree in the Ministry Center Hall between now and December 21st. On Sunday, December 21st , we will be delivering the gifts to needy kids in Immokalee and celebrating with them. We will meet at 1:00pm at the Ministry Center and carpool. Please let us know if you will be participating in this special occasion. Let’s spread our Christmas joy and cheer to those in need! Contact Lina at 262-8618. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Nurturing Catholic Traditions at Home “Not the Same Old (Christmas) Story” Instead of talking about . . . How much to spend. Talk about . . . . How much to give. Instead of talking about . . . Whose “turn” it is to have Christmas Talk about . . . How to spend time with those who need us most. Instead of talking about . . . The people you’re dreading seeing at Christmas. Talk about . . . The people who most need your love. Upcoming Classes Family Faith Formation Wednesday, January 7 – 6:00 PM Sunday, January 11 – 10:30 AM Sacrament Preparation First Reconciliation Family Retreat Saturday, January 24 - 9:30 AM – Noon First Reconciliation Rite – Thursday, January 29, 6:00 PM NO Confir mation class in J anuar y – Attend Life Teen 4th Sunday of Advent Luke 1:26-38 A thought on the Gospel Mary said “yes” to God. When have you said YES to God? SAINT WILLIAM PARISH ADULT FAITH FORMATION EXPLORE THE GOSPEL OF JOHN IN THE HOLY LAND Thursday mornings, January 8—February 19, 2015 9:15 AM—11:00 AM Saint William Church Hall Facilitator: Sister Christa Cunningham, O.P. and Team Into the Heart of God, with Jean Vanier, continues with the second half of the Gospel of St. John. This series looks deep into the gospel, and in so doing brings viewers further into the heart of God, whose boundless love for humanity manifests itself in the life and times of Jesus. This part of the Gospel is called the Book of Glory. Taking this journey with Jean Vanier and St. John is an excellent preparation for Lent and living the Paschal Mystery with Jesus. The Gospel of John is a story of relationship, a mystical account of the love of God poured out through Jesus. This Gospel emphasizes the love Jesus showed to all in need, and models for Christians the way to follow Jesus as true disciples. Throughout this journey, Vanier will share the stories of L'Arche, an international community for the mentally handicapped, which he helped found and has ministered to for fifty years. To register please call Karin Daniels 239-776-7898 or Sister Christa at 239-261-5831. CATHOLICS WELCOME HOME Tuesdays 7:00—9:00 p.m. Session I: January 6 thru February 17, 2015 Or Session II: February 24 thru March 31, 2015 Or Session III: April 7, 2015 thru May 19, 2015 Ministry Center Room 7 Facilitator: Sister Christa and Team This course is for Catholics who have been away from the Church for some time. For whatever reason you have been away and regardless of the length of time, we invite you to renew your relationship with the Catholic Church. We will address any questions you may have and, hopefully, will help you feel at home once again. Please contact the Adult Faith Formation office with any questions about the Catholics Welcome Home program. Call Sister Christa at 239-261-5831. Scripture from Scratch Part II: An Overview of the New Testament Wednesdays, January 14 thru March 4, 2015 9:15am to 11:00am Ministry Center Hall Facilitator: Sister Christa Cunningham, O.P. Scripture From Scratch is an experience of God's word for all Catholic adults who want to know more about the Bible but don't know where to begin. Previous Bible study is not required or expected; however, this course will also benefit those who already have Bible experience. The heart of the program consists of lively, information-packed lectures by religious educators Dr. Elizabeth McNamer and Virginia Smith. Firmly rooted in authentic Catholic biblical scholarship. Scripture From Scratch Part II guides you through an overview of the New Testament, and finally, an overview of the Gospels. This winter there will be eight New Testament sessions. To register please call Karin Daniels 239-776-7898 or Sister Christa at 239-261-5831. Workbook fee is $15.00 (for anyone who did not purchase a workbook in the Fall). Welcome to Saint William Parish If you are visiting or looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to Saint William Parish. Please consider registering as a member of our church family at the Parish Office during business hours. Registration forms are also available in the Gift Shop in the narthex of the Church after Masses. Registration is required for participation in the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage. SAINT WILLIAM Reservations required for the St. William Council of Catholic Women Friday, January 2nd, Luncheon Time: 1:PM Cost: $22. payable at the door (cash or check) E-mail your reservation to: [email protected] OR call Rita Bates @ 239 649-6741 - you will receive a confirmation Speaker: Deborah Shea Doyle - “A Unique Look at Egypt” Photographer Deborah Shea Doyle and her husband lived and worked in Egypt for more than ten years interacting with the people throughout the country. From this experience she published a book, Faces of Egypt, of photographs and accompanying text about the ordinary people of Egypt. She found the people to be gracious, warmhearted and hardworking. She will discuss their local customs and habits as well as the current political and economic uncertainty facing Egypt today. Coming by yourself? Don’t know anyone? Let us know when you make your reservation! Please make (or cancel) reservations no later than Wednesday, Dec. 31st LUNCHEON LOCATION: Pelican Bay Country Club 707 Gulf Park Drive, Naples FL 34108 **It’s SEASON! PLEASE CARPOOL IF AT ALL POSSIBLE! In the hollow of our hearts, You come to fill the void With peace, and joy and love. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the Gift that is You... The volunteers of the St. William Gift Shop wish you a Blessed Christmas PRO-LIFE CHRISTMAS CARDS AVAILABLE IN THE PARISH OFFICE ALSO KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS MAGNETS AND DECALS $5 EACH JANUARY ENVELOPE MAILING The Diocese of Venice has recently switched all parishes to a common Parishioner Information Software, ParishSoft, which is used to track your contributions, sacraments, and other census data. While we were able to convert much of our previous data, there may be some minor glitches due to the number of records which were transferred. The envelope mailing for January 2015 is the first to be produced from the new software, so If you do not receive envelopes by December 29 OR if your information on your envelopes is incorrect (name, address, etc.), please contact Cathy at (239) 261-4883 or by email at [email protected]. We appreciate your patience and cooperation with this transition. Christopher J. Michael Office Manager/Bookkeeper Exciting News! A first-ever Holy Land Pilgrimage—For Teens and Young Adults— is being planned for Summer 2015. Please join us for an informational meeting on: Thursday, January 8, 2015 7:00pm in the Church Hall Fr. George, Fr. Ronnie, Fr. Rafal and Sr. Christa will share first-hand highlights from their Holy Land trips and answer any questions you may have. High school and college students, young adults, and parents are all encouraged to attend and hear about this exciting opportunity! Light refreshments will be served. Please respond to Cheryl Vignola at 941 -330-6230 or [email protected] for attendance. BRIDGE!! First and Third Wednesday of the Month In the Church Hall Arrive at 9;30; begin at 10AM Bring a Partner For information call Anita at 263-8608 Our church building is open daily from 7:00 AM—3:30 PM for private prayer SIGN UP TO TAKE UP THE GIFTS If a Saturday evening or Sunday Mass has a special connection for you—offered for a loved one, an anniversary or birthday—and you would like to carry the gifts to the altar in the Offertory Procession, or if this is just something you would like to do, be sure to sign up for that Mass ahead of time in the book located in the Narthex. You will need to let the ushers know you are scheduled to bring up the gifts at least ten minutes before the start of that Mass. Thank you. Knight Watch “In Service to One. In Service to All.” December 20—21, 2014 When was your best Christmas ever? Was it the one when you were 7 years old and got a beautiful doll, or was it the one when you were 12 and got a BB gun. It might have been the one when your Dad came home from the War or when you received your first pair of long pants. For a lucky few it might have been when your first child was born on Christmas morning. It really doesn’t matter what Christmas was your best, does it. What matters is that you remember it. There are so many different and wonderful parts to the Christmas season in Naples. Children have Santa Clause, parents have shopping and parties, grandparents love to gather the family and cook way too much food. Teenagers begin to soften and attempt to participate in family activities, but not necessarily with your family. It seems that everyone is busy and in a good mood. Now comes the “buzz kill.” Almost 47% of the worlds population lives in poverty. Don’t beat yourself up. We do pretty good. Naples is a very charitable place. I mention it only to remind everyone how blessed we are. Our culture needs the Christmas season. The world needs the Christmas season. Being happy and kind to others is a good thing. Even if it is only for two weeks. When was your best Christmas ever? Was if the year you realized that Jesus was born as a real baby. Was it the year you understood that He was born so He could die for our sins. Maybe it was the year you really understood the difference between the Christmas season and the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Maybe it was the year you realized that God loved you so much that He sent His only begotten Son to be born as a man, so that He could die and you could be saved. Christmas is all of these things and more. Don’t forget “It’s a Wonderful Life” or Miracle on 34th St.” or “The Bells of St. Mary”. Whatever your traditions are for the Christmas season remember them and teach the young their meaning. But never forget the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ was born that day. Christmas was the beginning of everything we have today. Never say “Happy Holidays”, always say proudly, “Merry Christmas.” Keep Christ in Christmas. This year it seems that the world needs more prayers than usual. So spend some time alone, with your partner and with your family to pray that this year is the year we “break the code.” This is the year we figure out how to make this planet a more peaceful place. If you have any ideas or comments, please email me at [email protected] . I will respond to all emails. Until next week, God Bless Each of You and Your Families, SK Richard Sampson - 239-353-6564 Join us in Prayer at Planned Parenthood—Every Monday at 8:00 AM—Call Charlie Dorta for details— 7769680. Monthly Council Meeting—2nd Tues of the month in the Ministry Center Hall at 7:30 PM. All Brother Knights are welcome. The Fourth Degree Assembly— The Fourth Degree Assembly meets on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Ministry Center at 6:30 p.m. All visiting Sir Knights are welcome. The For more information, contact SK Bruce Barone at (239) 262-6628.
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