Archdiocese of Galveston Houston St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571 281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am-12:00 Noon 1:00 pm-4:00 pm CCE Office Hours: Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the month. Classes are held on the 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish Office to register or call for more information. Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays, from 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months prior to your desired wedding date to arrange a meeting with Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If you want a Mass, you must call Father Tony. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of these questions, call the Parish Office. Sacrament of First Communion First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least in the second grade, and have been attending CCE classes for two full years previous to their receiving the Sacrament. Adults needing First Communion should refer to the rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmation candidates must have previously received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion. They must have faithfully attended Life Teen for at least one full year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament (more than three absences without a valid excuse can alter the process). A signed form stating that the parent/guardian and the candidate understand all requirements is also necessary before the preparation begins. Adults needing confirmation should refer to the Rite of Christian initiation of adults. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) 4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass Weekday Masses in St. Joseph’s Chapel Monday (No Mass) Tuesday – 12:00 noon Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m. Parish Staff Rev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor Deacon Hector Cantu Deacon Julio Matallana Deacon Stan Avallone Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo EDGE Director-Renee Cortez Life Teen Director-Shari Davis Vision Statement St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Community of Believers called to serve Christ by gathering together at the Lord’s Table in worship and praise, by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ, and by being a welcoming beacon of light to all. We are many parts, yet one body in Christ. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 “God is at Work Here” Loan Balance Tues. Dec. 23: 12:00pm Douglas Bradley Wed. Dec. 24: Christmas Eve 6:00pm Children of the Parish Thurs. Dec. 25: Christmas Day 12:00am Rita Zaborowski† By:Rev. Don Schwarting 10:00am Mary Jane Avallone† 12:30pm Tito Rubalcala† By:Family Fri. Dec. 26: 8:30am Special Intention Ana Marie By:Angeles Sullivan Sat. Dec. 27: 6:00pm Ralph Garza† By:Sazon Family & Friends Sun. Dec. 28: 7:30am Raymond Zann† By:Family 10:00am Jesse Lozano Sr. By:Alma Lozano & Children 12:30pm Ruben Anonuevo† By:Mr. & Mrs. Armando Federico 4:00PM People of the Parish Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Mass Schedule Dec. 24th Children’s Mass 6p.m. Dec. 25th Mass 12:00am, 10:00am, 12:30pm(Spanish) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day Wed. Dec. 31st~6:30pm(Vigil Solemnity of Mary) Thurs. Jan. 1st~10:00am(Solemnity of Mary) Holiday Chapel & Office Schedule Chapel Closed Week of Dec. 21st & Dec. 27th Adoration will resume Tues., Jan. 5th Office Closed Dec. 24, 25 & 26th & New Year’s Day Parishioner Updates ~ 2014 Tax Statements If you have changed your address, phone number or marital status, please contact the parish office as soon as possible. If we do not have the correct contact information, it will cause a delay in receiving your tax donation letters in January. The following items are not tax deductible. Mass stipends, purchase of raffle tickets, items purchased at the Bazaar; silent auction, live auction, tickets for games etc. If you have any question, please contact the office. Principle Balance Monthly Payment Donations this Week $ 274,168.67 $ 8,000.00 $ 1,594.00 God’s blessings to each of you for your support. DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND Parish Goal $49,000.00 Total Amount Pledged $51,006.15 Total Amount Paid $48,297.12 (98.57%) Total # of Participants 173 “You will be enriched in every way for Great Generosity” If you have made a pledge to DSF but have not paid it yet, please do so before the first of the year. If you have not had the opportunity to donate this year, please fill out a donation envelope located at the doors of the church or visit Children’s Christmas Pageant 6pm Mass Christmas Eve Final Practice Dec. 21st @ 2p.m. CCE students K-5th are invited to participate. Younger children may also participate if accompanied by a PARENT. Practice will be in the Rosay Hall. For information contact Angela Mascarro @ 713-305-8047 or Angie Tercero @ 713507-4383. Offering Envelopes For those using Visitor Envelopes; Many of you have requested “Offering Envelopes” to be ordered for you. You must be registered in our Parish to receive offering envelopes. There are Parish Registration forms by the main doors of the church, or you may come by the office. Only after you are registered in our parish can offering envelopes be ordered. Any questions, please call the office @ 281-471-2000. Knights of Columbus New Year’s Eve Party Open to Parish & Community GRUPO ADVIZO ~ DJ BIG “O” 803 S. 8th St., La Porte, TX Dinner & Dance 6:00pm-12:30am Tickets ~Single $25 Couples$35 Reservations@ 281-853-6682 Tickets on sale today after all Masses 2 Dear parish family, 4th Sunday of Advent (B) We are now in the final days of preparation for Christmas. Today's liturgy casts the spotlight on Mary. In the opening prayer of the Mass today we hear these words; "Heavenly Father, the mystery of your eternal Word took flesh on earth when the Virgin Mary placed her life at the service of your plan." God's plans are beyond our ways and sometimes skip our understanding. What appear to us as insignificant, for God it is important. God sometimes chooses the most unexpected places and lowly persons to accomplish his plans. The world tends always to associate greatness with wealth and fame. But the birth of our Lord and Savior in the most humble setting challenges such stereotypes and give us a concrete idea of how the grace of God operate in our lives. The standards of the world often give us so many false hopes. Society is full of examples of people who have reached the highest standards of life in the eyes of the world yet find their life inwardly and spiritually miserable. Even as the world reached the highest sophistication in technology and science yet -the lives of the people are not as contented or fulfilled as the people before us. All of us already acknowledged God in our lives. That's why we are here to give praise and worship to him. Yet what makes us different and great before God is how we allow him to use us for his purposes. All of us come to pray to God to help us in many different aspects of our life or in our many different needs, which are our normal way of relating to him. But how many of us pray that we become his servants at his disposal? This is why Mary is the message of God to us. She allowed herself to be the lowly handmaid of the Lord. Mary is blessed because of her total openness to the plan of God and because of her complete trust and confidence in Him. We are also blessed if like Mary we have the attitude of self-surrender to the message of God rather than the message of the world. The simplicity and pure confidence of Mary to God free her from the confusion of her world. It is also this same simplicity and confidence in God that can free us from the complexity and confusion in the world we live today. We are now in the last Sunday of Advent and only few days before Christmas. The story of the Annunciation and its message is once again closer to home. Mary's response to the angel ought to be also our response today and everyday of our life as Christmas draws near. Let her "yes" be our "yes" to God's message. Only then that God can best realize His wonderful plan for each and every one of us. May you have a joyful Advent and advance Blessed Christmas! Querida familia parroquial, Fr. Tony Cuarto domingo de Adviento (B) Ahora estamos en los últimos días de preparación para la Navidad. La liturgia de hoy pone toda la atención en María. En la oración inicial de la Misa de hoy escuchamos estas palabras; "Padre Celestial, el misterio de su eterna Palabra se hizo carne en la tierra cuando la Virgen María puso su vida al servicio de su plan." Los planes de Dios están más allá de nuestros caminos y, a veces sobrepasan nuestra comprensión. Lo que nos parece tan insignificante, para Dios es muy importante. Dios a veces elige los lugares más inesperados y las personas humildes para lograr sus planes. El mundo tiende siempre a asociar la grandeza con la riqueza y la fama. Pero el nacimiento de nuestro Señor y Salvador en las más humildes condiciones nos reta con tales estereotipos y nos dan una idea concreta de cómo la gracia de Dios opera en nuestras vidas. Los estándares del mundo a menudo nos dan tantas esperanzas falsas. La sociedad está llena de ejemplos de personas que han alcanzado los más altos estándares de vida ante los ojos del mundo y todavía no han encontrado su vida interior y espiritualmente están en un estado desdichado. A pesar de que el mundo alcanzó la más alta sofisticación en la tecnología y la ciencia aún la vida de las personas no están tan satisfechas o contentas como debería ser. Todos nosotros ya reconocimos a Dios en nuestras vidas. Es por eso que estamos aquí para alabarlo y adorarlo. Sin embargo, lo que nos hace diferentes y grande delante de Dios es como permitimos que él nos use para sus propósitos. Todos nosotros venimos a orar a Dios para que nos ayude en muchos aspectos diferentes de nuestras vidas o en nuestras diferentes necesidades, que es nuestra forma normal de relacionarnos con él. Pero, ¿cuántos de nosotros oramos para convertimos en sus servidores y estar a su disposición? Es por esto que María es el mensaje de Dios para nosotros. Ella se permitió humildemente ser la esclava del Señor. María es bienaventurada por su apertura total al plan de Dios y por su completa confianza y la confianza en Él. También estamos bendecidos si como María tenemos la actitud de auto-entrega al mensaje de Dios antes que al mensaje del mundo. La confianza simple y pura de María hacia Dios la libera de la confusión de su mundo. También es esta misma sencillez y confianza en Dios que nos puede liberar de la complejidad y confusión en el mundo en que vivimos hoy. Ahora estamos en el último domingo de Adviento y sólo unos días antes de Navidad. La historia de la Anunciación y su mensaje está una vez más cerca de casa. La respuesta de María al ángel debe ser también nuestra respuesta hoy y todos los días de nuestra vida ya que se acerca la Navidad. Deje que su "sí" sea nuestro "sí" al mensaje de Dios. Sólo entonces Dios puede realizar mejor su plan maravilloso para todos y cada uno de nosotros. ¡Que tengas un Adviento de alegría y una Feliz Navidad! Padre Tony ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT St. Mary’s Music Ministry Needs Your Voice!! Sat. 6pm Mass– Rehearsals before Mass at 5:15. Contact Kathy McBride 713-628-8387 Sun. 7:30am Mass - Rehearsals before Mass at 7am Contact Yvonne Fisher 832-581-5974 Sun. 10:00am Mass - Annelise Lagasse 281-459-6453 Sun. 12:30pm Spanish MassContact Jose Vazquez 832-868-4081 Sun. 4pm Life Teen Mass- Rehearsals-Sunday 2pm Contact Alex @ 281-543-7794 or [email protected] ALTAR SOCIETY Dec. 20/21:Frances Williams Birthday Celebration By: O’Neal Family Dec. 27/28: Christmas Flowers~ Altar Society Church Candle Deceased Members of Huston Family Chapel Candle Alfredo Molina Birthday Celebration By:Rosie Molina ALTAR FLOWERS 2015 Jan. 10/11, 17/18, 25/25 31/Feb. 1 Feb. 7/8, 14/15 If you would like to place flowers on the altar for a special occasion or in memory of a loved one please contact the Church office or Carolyn O’Neal @ 832-465-4689 to reserve your date. CATHOLIC CLERICAL STUDENT FUND… is a fund set up to help maintain the Seminary where our young men live while they are studying to become priests. Enrollment cards are available for any special occasion @ $3.00 per person, $10.00 per family or $25.00 for a perpetual enrollment. For info. or to do an enrollment please come by the office. St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Mon.-Wed., Fri., Sat. 9:00-11:00am Store Closed Thurs. & Sun. Imagine how Mary felt at he birth of Jesus: excited, awed, frightened. Deep faith was her light in the darkness, for Jesus was born during the night of the year when darkness is the longest. In faith is found the real, lasting, and deep joy of Christmas. Through your donations to our thrift store, St. Vincent has been able to bring the spirit of Christmas to the hearts of the poor, providing assistance to the needy in our community. Our Resale Shop here at St. Mary’s is in desperate need of volunteers. Several of our regular volunteers have had to be taken off of the schedule due to medical issues. The hours are 9-11am, and the store is open every day but Thurs. & Sun. You can pick any day you are able to work. If you are available to help out, please contact the church office. DECEMBER 21, 2014 MINISTRY SCHEDULE December 24 & 25, 2014 SATURDAY- 6:00pm Altar Servers R. Schoppe, R. Schoppe Lector K. Regan Commentator I. Salas Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, F. Novak of the Eucharist SUNDAY-12:00am (Midnight) Altar Server N. Avallone, D. Rowan Lector T. Avalone Commentator K. Nastally Extraordinary Ministers M. Reyes of the Eucharist SUNDAY-10:00am Altar Server B. Tercero, O. Tercero Lector D. Swenson Commentator V. Swenson Extraordinary Ministers R. Florance, G. Leslie of the Eucharist SUNDAY-12:30pm(Spanish) Altar Servers A. San Miguel, A. San Miguel M. Hernandez Lectors C. Cirnigliario, G. Cirnigliario Extraordinary Ministers A. San Miguel, C. San Miguel of the Eucharist December 27 & 28, 2014 SUNDAY DAY – 6:00pm Altar Servers A. Nguyen, J. Nguyen Lector I. Salas Commentator F. Novak Extraordinary Ministers W. Hayes, P. Stanton of the Eucharist SUNDAY-7:30am Altar Server N. Molina Lector B. Gerdes Commentator L. Raymundo Extraordinary D. Gerdes, J. Shipp, K. Shipp SUNDAY-10:00am Altar Server D. Colburn, N. Colling Lector C. Bremer Commentator T. Avallone Extraordinary Ministers S. Burmaster, L. Colling, of the Eucharist C. O’Neal SUNDAY-12:30pm(Spanish) Altar Servers N. Gallegos, X. Gallegos Lectors M. Arrona, V. Bermudez Extraordinary Ministers C. Cirniglario, G. Cirniglario of the Eucharist SUNDAY-4:00pm Altar Servers A. Brinkley, D. Rowan Lectors J. Woods Extraordinary Ministers A. Brinkley, H. Novosad, of the Eucharist M. Reyes 4 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday:1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday:Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday:2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Friday:Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday:1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sunday:Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Please Pray For Our Troops and … Ana Marie Tajerina, Andre Josef Tallieu, Lea Katherine Tennyson, Alia Perez, Genia & Willis Mahaffey, M.L. Mayo, Abraham Flores, Priscilla Lopez, Richard Bricker, Reynaldo Cantu, Arturo Munoz, Thelma Jean, Dianne Lemons, Aurora Martinez Jones, Michelle Dowling, Chad Burke, Mercy Burke, Arnold Alanis, Kathryn Coleman, Tex Murphy, Dottie Hurry, Carlos E. Rodriguez, Jennifer Wade, Craig Wade, Rolland Harrison, Lilly Budd, Gloria, Luke Lewallen, Marty Montemayor, Marge Tennyson, Roland Gutierrez, Octavio Salazar, Deborah Esposito, Tracy Salinas, Michelle Burke, Edgar Jovane Cantu, Abel Benitez, Mary Dean, A.J. Saul, Goldie Skaggs, Casazza Family, Red Cornejo, Jeanie DuPont, Juan Palacios, Sean DePaulo Continue to Pray for Norman & Joanne Hartman, Marita Hooper, Sue Gonzalez, Linda Jaramillo, Janie Cavazos, Janet Lodge, Rose Moreno, Lois Johnston, Joe Funda, Ray Rozelle, Fran Tennyson, Jose Molina, Minnie Lopez, Baby Gavin Binkley, Deacon Merce Leal, Charlotte Boudreaux, Marcos Vasquez, Margarita Klock, John & Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Joanie O’Neal, Ben Munoz, Nell Turk, Diana Ortiz, Ophelia Pinard, Bob & Shirley Davis, Dot Ryan, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin, Geraldine Christensen, Teresa Eidt, Barry Armstrong and those requesting prayer via our web site. Remember Our Shut-Ins Emil Schaider, Ann Blair, Soledad Hernandez, Elida Peterson, those battling terminal illness and the residents of La Porte Care Center and Parson’s House. Repose of the Soul of Ana Marie Tijerna Our Sympathy to Gloria Rinche and family on the loss of her sister, Ana Marie Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the prayer list or added please call the Church Office during regular office hours. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep this list current. ~ Giving to Give ~ If you have a rosary in need of repair, or if you would like to have one made, please contact Rena Hellstein @ 281 -889-8043. ***New Rosaries ~ $20.00 & up (Available in the office) Repairs ~$5.00 & up. All proceeds are donated to the building fund. Upcoming Men’s Retreat Holy Name Retreat Center 430 Bunker Hill Rd., Houston, TX January 9,10 & 11, 2015 Theme: “Meeting the Jesus I Never Knew” This retreat is open to all men of the parish. Contact Ruben Salinas @ 713-858-0154 Hector Villarreal @ 281- 470-9810 • Knights of Columbus Upcoming… All Parishioners Welcome December 27th -Helper’s of God’s Precious Infants in a Peaceful, Prayerful Vigil & Rosary on Sat. Dec. 27th, which is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Vigil will be held at two locations: Shrine of the True Cross, 300 FR 517 Rd., E. Dickinson, TX @ 4:30, followed by a Candlelight Rosary @ Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Dickinson, TX Queen of Peace, 3011 Telephone Rd., Houston, TX Vigil @ 7:pm followed by Candlelight Rosary @ Planned Parenthood, 4600 Gulf Freeway. • January 10th—Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession for the unborn, elderly, disabled, sick and all special intentions every 2nd Monday of the month in St. Joseph’s Chapel @ 6:30pm. If you have any questions about any of the above information, please contact Jaime Vasquez @ 832-339-8849 or [email protected]. Youth Forum Night This Monday “Can Christ help me even if I already ‘messed up’?” “What is my purpose for being here?” Open Discussion ~ Mon. Dec.22nd 6:30-8 pm Parish Hall Info. call Sharon @281-451-9593 (Missing Peace) Let us all be thankful for the gift of our vocation. Learn to enrich your vocation of Marriage or Holy Orders by attending an enrichment made just for you. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is February 13-15, 2015. Register early to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little @ 281-773-4014 or for more information go online to “Gabriel’s Angels” The Gabriel Project is designed to help women and teenagers who are in a crisis pregnancy. If you are in need of assistance or know someone who is, please contact Belinda @ 713 -805-4961. or the Church Office. 5 ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ LA PORTE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and Confirmation and are over the age of eighteen? If your answer is yes to either of these questions you may be interested in joining our RCIA program. Classes are Wednesday @ 6:45pm in the Parish Hall Conference Rm. There will be no class this week due to the Christmas holidays. For additional information, please call the office or email Tracy @ [email protected]. Join Us… Sunday Morning Bible Study with Deacon Stan & Tracy Avallone. The program we are using is called “Bringing Faith Home”. It is designed to help parents in teaching and explaining their faith to their children. Please consider joining us over in the Rosary Hall Conference Room while your children are in CCE on Sunday mornings (CCE Schedule @ 8:45am & 11). Everyone is welcome. If you need any additional information please contact Deacon Stan @ 281-507-2253. Upcoming Forgiveness Study...Tired of being told that you need to forgive but never being told how to do it? Tired of being held hostage by people who tell you “If you had really forgiven me, you’d…? True forgiveness isn’t about denying that what has been done to you is wrong. It also isn’t about continuing relationships that are unhealthy or mutually beneficial. Real forgiveness can open up a world of healing and grace. Interested? We’ll be discussing forgiveness on Jan. 4, 11 and 18th @ 5:15pm(after Life Teen Mass) in the Rosary Hall Conference Room. Please email Tracy ([email protected]) if you plan to attend so that she can have materials prepared for you. You are welcome even if you haven’t emailed ahead of time. Justice & Peace Giving Trees... God’s blessings to each of you for your generosity to our Giving Tree program this year. Through your generosity we were able to help over 30 families in our La Porte community with food and Christmas gifts. Also, a special thank you to the La Porte FFA for their generosity in helping to make this community outreach possible. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! FREE! ESL Classes We are currently on a break from our regularly scheduled classes for ESL. We will be resuming classes after the 1st of the year and will place updated information in the bulletin as soon as we confirm our new schedule. For additional information contact the office. Activities of the Week Sun. Dec. 21: No Cee EDGE OR Life Teen Christmas Pageant Practice @ 2pm Rosary Hall Mon. Dec. 22: Clases de Crecimiento 7pm Wed. Dec. 24: Christmas Eve (Office Closed) Thurs. Dec. 25: Christmas (Office Closed) Fri. Dec. 26: Office Closed Upcoming Baptismal Dates Jan. 4th, Feb. 1st, March 1st Our regularly scheduled baptism classes are on the 2nd Tuesday of each the month in English and 3rd Tuesday of each month in Spanish @ 7pm. Baptisms are the first Sunday of the month after the 10am and 12:30pm Masses. To register please call the office. St. Joseph’s Chapel Memorial Bricks We are currently taking the names of anyone who would like to purchase a brick In Loving Memory or for a special occasion in our garden behind the chapel. We have only 12 spaces still available, at a cost of $75.00 each. If you would like to purchase one, please call the office. Los Testigos del Poder de Dios Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR, BENDECIR, y GLORIFICAR a nuestro Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Vengan pequeños y grandes todos los viernes de 7:159:00p.m en la capilla de San Jose. Les invitamos a participar con nosotros con un Servicio de Comunion cada primer viernes del mes. Gracias por escuchar el llamado de Dios! Dios te bendiga! Mass Intentions If you have a deceased loved one, or would like to remember someone on their special occasion please call the office to schedule a Mass Intention. We are only allowed to schedule one intention per Mass. All Mass Intentions need to be paid for one week prior to the scheduled Mass, or you will have to re -schedule the Mass at a later date.. The Stipend for each Mass is $5.00. Please do not approach Fr. or one of the Deacons prior to Mass to schedule an Intention. Misas por Intenciones Si tiene un ser querido que haya fallecido o desea recordar a alguien en una ocasión especial, favor de llamar a la oficina para programar una misa por una intención. Solo nos está permitido programar una intensión por misa. Todas las misas por una intensión deben estar canceladas una semana antes de la fecha programada o tendrá que programar nuevamente la misa para otra fecha. El estipendio para cada misa es de $5.00. Por favor, no le pida al sacerdote o diácono por la intención de una misa sin haberla programado en la oficina primero. 6 No CCE Classes Today 8:45am & 11:15am Christmas Pageant Practice Today 2pm CCE questions contact Jessica @ 281-515-5429 or [email protected]. Life Teen Mass 4pm No Class Tonight Can You Help??? Archdiocesan Jr. High Youth Rally Sat. Feb. 21st St. Helen’s in Pearland. Registration $40.00 by January 26th. No Class Tonight Contact Renee Cortez @ 281-471-4705 No Sacraments Class Info. Contact Deacon Stan Avallone 281-326-5083 We are collecting blankets and jackets for the homeless shelters in the area. Please bring any donations to Life Teen or the office. Contact Shari Davis @ 281-471-6066 if you have any questions about our Life Teen Program.
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