St Benet’s at Waxham and Tunstead Deanery Digest December, January, February 20142014-15 Dear Friends, I recently saw in the back of a car a sticker with the words “Spread the Love” and as I reflected upon those few words I realised that this is something not only we are all called to do, but there is no better or easier time for us to do this than at Christmas. Many of our churches have been involved in Operation Christmas Child, where shoeboxes are filled with gifts and sent to foreign countries as a way of providing a gift or present for Christmas to children less fortunate than our own. It shows that we care about them and want to “Spread the Love” and show them that God cares too. Love is the most precious gift we have to give, to our families, to each other and, of course to God. Love is always precious. There has never been any more precious gift or present of love than the very Son of God, Jesus, born for us all to redeem humankind. Presents and gifts sometimes come in the strangest and most unlikely wrappings. God chose to wrap his gift of love to us in the form of a tiny baby born in a stable. This was His way of being able to “Spread the Love” of God to us on earth so that we might be able to share it with others through every time and in every place. So as you spread the love this Christmas remember to spread the love of God too, amidst your present opening, and your celebrations with family and friends. A very Happy and Peaceful Christmas to you and your families and God’s Blessing for the coming New Year. Simon (Rural Dean) Creative Crafts A new group - Creative Crafts in the Church - has been formed in Stalham and meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the church rooms at St Mary's. We are working on individual interpretations of "Creation, in the beginning….” using textiles (felt, quilting, weaving, patchwork, collage....) etc., and will be holding an Exhibition at St Mary’s in August 2015. We are hoping other groups or individuals in the Deanery might be inspired by the subject and would like to join our exhibition too? Any contributions are welcome; flowers, painting, gardening, baking, stitching, knitting. If you or your group are interested in exhibiting in August or joining our monthly get-togethers, please e-mail [email protected] for more information. The Broadland Area walk at Blickling in September took place on a glorious autumn morning, starting and finishing in the car park and walking through the park and round the lake. I should like to thank everyone who took part and/or sponsored one or more of our walkers. Good publicity and hundreds of pounds were made for our MU projects in a wonderful spirit of fellowship. Our next Area event is the Advent Carol Service in St. Michael’s, Sutton, at 2 pm on Wednesday December 3rd. Those of you who have been before will know what a special occasion this is, and I do hope you will be able to come. Next year we are changing to our new Wave of Prayer dates – January 4th – 7th, as well as starting to get to know something about our new Worldwide Links in Swaziland, Tanzania, Nigeria, and North India. There will be a special Worldwide Members Day on February 23rd in St. Luke’s Centre, to learn more about MU members in our new link dioceses. Branch Contacts: Aylsham: Barbara Lacey (01263 731380); North Walsham: Stephanie Cooper (01692 408994); Smallburgh: Hazel Furness (01692 536450); Stalham: Mavis Smith (01692 583398); Wroxham: Suzanne Barnett (01603 782002) Visitors are always welcome at any of our monthly meetings. If you would like to know more about us please do contact me. Val Ovenden (Broadland Area Leader) 01603 782466 THE NEXT ISSUE OF DEANERY DIGEST… Items for the autumn edition of Deanery Digest (covering March, April and May) should be sent to Emma Lawrence by 17th February please, either by post to The Rectory, Camping Field Lane, Stalham NR12 9DT or by email to [email protected]. Thanks. News and Events from our Parishes Coastal Group Time out with Mark for Advent! 6th December 10am All are welcome to Happisburgh Rectory as we read through Mark's Gospel together, with a cup of coffee! Bring a Bible. Let Catherine know if you are planning to come - 01692 650359 BACTON Christmas Tree Festival Sat 13th Dec, 10am-4pm, Sunday 14th Dec 2pm-4pm Crib Service 24th December 4pm HAPPISBURGH Sunday 14th Dec Christingle Service 3.00pm Friday 19th Dec Carol Service 7.00pm 24th Dec Crib Service 5.00pm, Midnight Mass 11.30pm Carol Service atThe Hillhouse Pub Saturday 20th December, 6.00pm New Years Day - Church Tower open 1pm-4pm. Adults £2 Children £1. Mardle Lunch Mon 5th Jan, Mon 2nd Feb. Church Rooms. Coffee at 11.30am, and 2 course meal at midday. No charge, donations to the Churchroom Maintenance Fund. Lent Course begins Tuesday 24th Feb 7 - 8.30pm at Happisburgh Church Room. LESSINGHAM Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January 2015 United service at 11am on Sunday 18th January at Lessingham Methodist church - everyone welcome. RIDLINGTON Christmas Carol Service Sunday 7th Dec, 3.30pm, a candlelit service of readings and carols followed by mulled wine. Proceeds from the festive raffle to 'Send a cow'. Candlemas will be our next service at Ridlington, on 1 February, when we will again be lighting our church with candles for Morning Prayer at 9.00 am. SEA PALLING WITH WAXHAM First Wednesday Lunches Dec 3rd: Not in Jan; Feb 4th. Lunch served 12 noon 1-30pm in the Church Room. Donations for Church Funds. Scrabble & Cribbage Church Room £1 inc refreshments. 2-4pm Dec 8th; Jan 12th; Feb 9th. All welcome. Carols & Readings at WAXHAM Sunday Dec 14th, 4pm (Friends of St. John's) Songs & Carols in the Nissen Hut Friday Dec 19th at 7pm. Seasonal refreshments. Christmas Eve; Crib Service at 3pm; Holy Communion at 7.00pm Christmas Day; All Age Service at 10.30am. Ash Wednesday Feb 18th - Holy Communion at 10.30am. Lent Soup Kitchen begins Weds 25th Feb in Church Room at midday. Donations. WALCOTT Carol Service in the village hall on December 14th at 10.30am. Carols at The Lighthouse Inn December 17th at 6.30pm followed by refreshments. Candlelit Service in church around the crib on Christmas Eve at 3pm. Family Communion on Christmas morning at 10.30am. Café Chat every Tuesday afternoon in the village hall 2.30 - 4pm from January 6th. King’s Beck Benefice CHRISTMAS IN KING’S BECK Sunday 21st December, 3pm Carols by Candlelight at St Giles Church, Colby Wednesday 24th, 4pm Crib Service at St Andrew’s Church, Felmingham Wednesday 24th, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, 11.30p.m. St Botolph’s Church, Banningham Christmas Day Family Service and Eucharist 10am St Andrew’s Church, Felmingham Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th Dec Country Christmas Fair Suffield Village Hall 10 – 4pm Handmade Christmas wreaths will be on sale (can be pre-ordered if required). This year there will be a range of stalls offering Christmas gifts, decorations and stocking fillers. Do come along and join us and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and mince pie, tea or coffee and there will also be a barbecue. For further information -please contact Patricia Spencer 01263 768164. SKIFFLE AT CHRISTMAS With Local Band “The Sit-Down-all-Stars” St Andrew’s Church, Felmingham Saturday December 13th, 7.30pm Admission £5 - includes refreshments During the interval the draw for 6 Christmas Hampers will take place. Felmingham Church SecondSecond-Hand Book Sale Sat Dec 6th 1010- 12 including Christmas crafts for all the family. Come early to join in the fun of making tree decorations, cards, calendars and gifts for grandparents and loved ones. “The Meeting Place” – a place for all ages to meet together and for little ones to play. Every Thursday 9am to noon at St Andrew’s, Felmingham. North Walsham & Edingthorpe ADVENT SUNDAY on 30th November we start to prepare for Christ’s coming again and there will be a special Candlelit Advent Carol Service at 4pm. The ST NICHOLAS BOY BISHOP Service which takes place on Sunday 7th December at 10.00 am. This is the ancient tradition when one of our choir boys leads the Service and preaches the Sermon. At 4 pm on Sunday 7th there will be a quiet reflective Service called “Cloth for the Cradle” drawing on the worshipping tradition of the Iona Community. POSADA – an opportunity for you to welcome to your home the lovely knitted figures representing Joseph, Mary and the donkey as they make their journey round the Parish, staying overnight in a different home each day. PRAM SERVICE NATIVITY Thursday 18th Dec, 1.45pm in Church NORTH WALSHAM SCHOOLS will be singing Carols in St Nicholas’ starting on 16th December. Details in the Porch. CHRISTMAS SERVICES will start with the Candlelit Festival of Lessons & Carols on Sunday 21st December at 7.00pm. THE CHRISTINGLE SERVICE for Children and Families on Christmas Eve is at 6.00 pm. THE MIDNIGHT EUCHARIST OF THE NATIVITY starts at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve Wednesday 24th December . CHRISTMAS DAY there is a Book of Common Prayer Service of Holy Communion at 8.00 am and a Family Parish Communion at 10.00am CONCERTS INCLUDE: The Norwich Citadel Band of the Salvation Army on Friday 5th Dec at 7.30 pm playing Christmas Music and sharing proceeds between St Nicholas Tower fund and the Methodist Church’s new sound system St Nicholas’ Choir Christmas Concert on Saturday 13th Dec at 7.00 pm Carols, choir favourites and unexpected surprises. £5 towards the tower fund. Further details on parish web site or phone Parish Office on 01692/408971, Email: [email protected] Smallburgh Benefice Christmas in the Smallburgh Benefice Churches Sunday 7th Dec at 4pm: Christingle at St Nicholas Dilham Sunday 14th Dec at 10am: Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols Smallburgh Sunday 21st Dec at 3pm: Carols Smallburgh Village Hall Sunday 22nd Dec: at 2pm Carols by Candlelight at All Saints Crostwight Christmas Eve: at 5pm Crib Service Honing Christmas Eve: at 11.30pm Midnight Mass Dilham Christmas Day: at 10am Family Service Smallburgh Winter Warmer Saturday 6th December 12 – 4pm Honing Village Hall Seasonal Crafts, Cakes, Lunches, Refreshments, Tombola, Raffle, Face Painting Christmas Tree Festival St Peter & St Paul’s Church Honing Saturday 13th, Sunday 14th, Monday 15th December 10am - 4pm An exhibition of Christmas Trees and Snowmen Christmas Fayre at Dilham Village Hall Saturday 6 December, 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. Lots of craft stalls, refreshments and the Norfolk Wherry Brass Academy Band will be playing. The Worstead Weavers’workshop will be open. th;; Stalham Benefice Sutton Christmas Bazaar Christmas Tree Festival at St. Mary’s Church Stalham Sat. 6th - Sun. 14th Dec. 10am - 4pm (from 12pm Sundays) 6pm - 8pm on Wednesday 10th More trees than ever! Admission free - refreshments available all day throughout the Festival. We will also be open on the evening of Weds. 10th, from 6pm to 8pm. Come and see the trees in a “different light” and enjoy mulled wine and mince pies, and perhaps even a bit of carol singing! We look forward to seeing you. Annual Street Fair - Sun 7th Dec, 2pm-5pm The dates of our Christmas Services this year are: Carol Services: Sutton: Weds 17th December, 7pm Stalham: Thursday 18th December, 7pm Brunstead: Saturday 20th December, 6pm Ingham: Sunday 21st December, 4pm East Ruston: Sunday 21st December, 6pm Crib services: 4pm on Christmas Eve at Stalham, Sutton and Ingham. Midnight Mass: Christmas Eve, 11.30pm, Stalham Christmas Morning services: 9.15am at Sutton and Ingham, 10.30am at Stalham. We would love to see you at any of these services. 6th December 2pm - 4pm Sutton Village Hall Tombola ~ Cake stall ~ Bric a brac Games ~ Bottle stall Refreshments ~ and much more! Tuesday 23rd Dec, 10am - midday St Mary’s Church, Stalham Christmas Praise Party with John Hardwick Juggling, Puppets, Songs, Stories, all with a Christmas theme The whole family is welcome to come. Under 7s must have an adult with them. Refreshments. This is a free event! Burns Night Saturday 24th January 7pm in St Mary’s Church Room, Stalham Tickets: £5, children £2.50 Haggis, neeps and tatties Shortbread Entertainment Please book your ticket by phoning Emma on 580250 or Elizabeth on 581389. United Benefice of St Benedict CAROLS ROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE on Horning Village Green by the river on Wednesday 17th December at 6.30 pm followed by mulled wine and mince pies in St. Benet’s Hall. CAROL SERVICE IN ST. BENEDICTS CHURCH, HORNING on Sunday 21st December at 6.30 pm. St Swithin’s Church Ashmanhaugh Saturday November 29th 10-11.30 am Christmas Minimarket Preston Room. Inexpensive toiletries and Christmas decorations; great value new range of books old and new; and all the usual- tombola, home made cakes raffle. Friday 19th December 7.30pm the Christmas Thank You! FREE! Drinks and refreshments at the Preston Room – tickets for the Grand Christmas Draw now available. Carol Singing around village date tba (phone Anne 01603 784874) meet outside Preston Room. Eats and drinks afterwards at the Coach House. Everyone is also most welcome to the Carol Service on 19th December at 6.30pm and the Christingle Service on 14th December at 11am both at St Swithin’s church. The Friends of St Peter’s Neatishead are organising a social event on Tuesday 10 February at 6.00 pm in St Peter’s, Neatishead, to include nibbles, mince pies and mulled wine (with a donation pot) and a small stall for unwanted Christmas gifts for sale. Everybody is invited to attend. ‘CHRISTMAS CAROL FANTASIA’ Saturday 6th December, 7.30pm at Barton Turf Church Barton Turf Choral Society with their new Musical Director, Jonathan Stamp The evening will include ‘Fantasia on Christmas Carols’ by Vaughan Williams and also many well-known Christmas carols with some for the audience to join in. The Choral Society will be joined by Bass soloist - Ben Schilperoort and Cellist - Kristina Bartlette, with David Dunnett playing the organ. Seasonal refreshments will be served after the concert and are included in the admission price. Admission by programme is £8 for adults and £4 for children. Advanced bookings from 01603 760669. St Michael and All Angels, Barton Turf Christingle and Candlemas Sunday 8th February, 4pm Followed by tea All Welcome NIB (Neatishead, Irstead Barton Turf) Churches now on Facebook For those on Facebook please search for NIBChurches to find out what is happening at our churches and villages. If you like what you see do ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ us to keep up to date. Waterside Benefice Christmas at St Mary’s Hickling Friday Dec. 12th Village Carol Service with refreshments. 7.00p.m. Sunday Dec. 14th Christingle Service 11.00a.m. Wednesday Dec. 24th Crib Service 2.30p.m. Thursday Dec. 25th Christmas Family Service. 11.a.m. Everyone very welcome to join us. Gospel Choir ‘Voices’ St. Catherine's Church, Ludham Friday 5th December 7:30pm Tickets £5 on the door or from Ludham Butchers Lent Services and Activities Benefice Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday at St. Catherine's Ludham. Wednesday 18th February, 7:30pm Churches Together in Ludham. Lent Course. We will be looking at a "York Course" entitled "Handing on the Torch - Sacred words for a secular world". Monday evenings 23rd Feb and 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March at 7pm in High Street Methodist Church Ludham, led by The Revd. John Stride. All welcome. Carols By Candlelight After last year's success, the Broadland Bells are coming back to St. Nicholas Church Potter Heigham. If last year was anything to go by it should be an atmospheric afternoon with both the acoustics of the Church and the Candlelight, so why not come and enjoy the music and join in with some Carol Singing. As usual, refreshments will be available and there will be a raffle. It all happens on Sunday 14th December at 4.30pm. St. Valentine's Supper Ludham Church Rooms Saturday February 14th Tickets £17 Please book early as tickets sell out quickly! On 24th December, Catfield are having a 2.30pm Crib service and the 11.30pm Christmas communion service this year. On Sunday December 14th Broadland Bells are doing a concert in the church at 7.30pm. On January 17th we are having an audio visual presentation in the village hall by Derek and Judy Leak, 7.30pm. Worstead Benefice The Worstead Group of Parishes Services for Advent and Christmas Sunday 30th November, Advent Sunday 10.30am - Group Sung Eucharist, St Mary the Virgin, Worstead 4.00pm - Evensong, St Michael and All Angels, Swanton Abbott Friday 12th December, 6.30pm Carol Service, St Bartholomew, Sloley Saturday 13th December, 7.00pm Carol Service, Westwick (followed by mulled wine & mince pies) Thursday 18th December, 7.00pm Carol Service, St Michael and All Angels, Swanton Abbott Friday 19th December, 6.30pm Carol Service, St Mary the Virgin, Tunstead Saturday 20th December, 4.00pm The Choir, Christmas Carol Concert, Worstead Sunday 21st December 10.30am - Group Sung Eucharist, Swanton Abbott 6.30pm - Carol Service, All Saints, Scottow Christmas Eve 4.00pm - The Blessing of the Crib, St Mary the Virgin, Worstead 11.15pm - Midnight Mass, St Mary the Virgin, Worstead Christmas Day 8.45am - Mass of the Dawn, Swanton Abbott 10.00am - Mass of the Day, All Saints, Scottow Friday 26th December, St Stephen’s Day 11.30am, The Mass of Stephen, St Mary the Virgin, Worstead followed by wine and nibbles Wroxham Benefice Christmas Tree Festival Saturday 29th November Sunday 7th December St. Mary’s Church, Wroxham Open 10.30 - 5.00pm There will be 50 trees for you to vote for, in four groups: Charities; Childrens; Businesses; Organisations and Clubs. Visitors are asked to judge their favourite tree in each group. The winner of each group will receive a prize. Refreshments will be available throughout the festival. Admission (includes programme) £3.50 adults/£1 under 10s All welcome This is an event for the Wroxham, Hoveton, & Belaugh group of churches. Carols by Candlelight St Mary’s Church Wroxham Friday 19th Dec 7.30 pm Followed by seasonal refreshments Coffee morning Monday 19th Jan, 10am-midday Wroxham Church Hall Marion’s Gifts & Cakes £2.00 for as many coffees as you like! Everyone welcome Proceeds to St Mary’s Church Prayer Diary Please pray this week for... 30th Nov6th Dec Wroxham Benefice - for Liz and Jane. For Christmas Tree Festivals in Wroxham this week & Stalham, Bacton & Honing next week, for all who will visit, & for all fundraising/social events being held this month. 7th - 13th December Stalham Benefice - Simon, Margaret, Richard, David, Jeanette, Richard. For Bizzy Bees baby & toddler group, Green Shoots and M:POWER services, & for all work with children & young people in our Deanery. 14th - 20th December Worstead Benefice - for Anthony and for Andy the Sub-Deacon. For the Carol Services this week in this Benefice and throughout our Deanery, and those taking place in our schools. 21st - 27th December This week we pray for all who will attend Christmas services in our Churches - that they will feel welcome, and that the familiar words of the Christmas story may speak afresh to all of us. 28th Dec 3rd Jan North Walsham & Edingthorpe - for Paul, Nigel, Valerie, Susanna, Ivan, and John. For our Mothers’ Union members, and for the work of the MU around the world. 4th - 10th January Waterside Benefice - for John, Diane, Helen, Ian and Peter. For the schools within our Deanery, the children and teachers as they return after Christmas holidays, and those who serve as Governors. 11th - 17th January We pray for our Bishops, Graham and Alan, and for our Archdeacon, Steven. During these cold months we pray for people who are homeless and for charities and agencies who work to help them. 18th - 24th January The King’s Beck Benefice - for Keith, Sue and Coryn. During this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we pray for our fellow Christians of different denominations within our Deanery. 25th - 31st January Smallburgh Benefice - for Barry, Marina and Betty. We give thanks and remember in our prayers all the retired clergy in the Deanery and their ministry in our parishes. 1st - 7th February United Benefice of St Benedict - for Sandra, Rob, Jonathan, Barbara and Pauline. We pray for Messy Church, meeting at Barton Turf this Sunday and the first Sunday of each month. 8th - 14th February In our Deanery we pray for Simon our Rural Dean and Sonia our Lay Chair. We pray for the Deanery Synod meeting later this month (26th) and for all our parish representatives. 15th - 21st February The Coastal Group of Parishes - for Catherine, Eiler, Geoffrey, Pamela and Ray. As Lent begins this Wednesday we pray for all the services and Lent Groups that will be taking place over the coming weeks. 22nd - 28th February This is the first week of Fairtrade Fortnight. We pray for the people who work to grow and supply the goods we use each day, and for those who work to improve conditions for them.
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