♫♫♫ THURSDAY IS CHOIR NIGHT ♫♫♫ The Cherub Choir (JK—Gr. 4) practices from 6:30pm— 7pm in the conference room. The Intermediate Choir (Gr. 5-8) practices from 6:307pm in the upstairs Sunday School rooms. The Adult Choir practices in the sanctuary from 7:308:30pm. The First Christmas Story practices in the sanctuary 8:30-10:00pm. For more information please contact Kimberley at [email protected] Musical Prelude: Students taking lessons on a musical instrument are invited to play prelude at Sunday morning services. Please talk to Kimberley. Children’s Christmas Story Choir rehearses Thursday evenings. For more information contact Kimberley at [email protected] First Christmas Story—Wed Dec 10 (Seniors) Sun Dec 14 (3 & 7pm), Mon Dec 15 (7pm) & Tues Dec 16 (7pm): Tickets available to the congregation TODAY; and to the public from the church office starting TOMORROW. Tickets are free but required for a d mi ss i on . C on tac t K a th y H a ll ida y at [email protected] New Church Photo Directory 2015 Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 Family portrait bookings for our new photo directory will be made with IPC Canada on the following dates: January 26th and the week of February 2 – 7 (2:30 – 8:30pm). The IPC website and special booking forms will be made available throughout the month of December only 2 weeks away!) NB: If you are a snowbird or have children attending university, IPC Canada have set aside special dates in December to take your family portraits: These dates are: Friday, 19th December from 2:30 – 8:30 p.m.; or Saturday, 20th December from 9:30 am – 3:00 p.m. Special booking forms are in your pews for the month of November for these December times. If you need to book in December, please fill in the Early Booking Request Form provided and place it in the collection plate. Jean Jones will contact you to finalize your appointment. Contact Jean at 705-445-7845 if you need further assistance. Thank You to Kathy Halliday, Binnie Armstrong, Unsung Heroes: Today we recognize and thank Catherine Brown, Millie Mirrlees and Carolyn Campbell -Sheen for helping to lead worship this morning; and to the Cherubs and IC Choir for their music this morning! And to their leaders, Kathryn Garbutt, Angela Girdwood, Melissa Mills and Karen Salcedo. Thanks as well to Trevor Hanley for his solo and to the ushers, greeters and nursery care volunteers. We appreciate you! Christmas Baskets: If you are interested in preparing a Christmas Basket for a less fortunate family, contact Lorna Shackell 705-445-5272 or [email protected] Binnie Armstrong for her years of service as Chair of the Mission & Outreach Team. Thank you for all your work. 200 Maple Street Collingwood, ON L9Y 2R2 705-445-4651 www.firstprescollingwood. Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 Events and Activities Prelude Welcome and Announcements Gathering Praise "Here I Am Lord" Call to Worship led by Kathy Halliday Prayer of Adoration & Confession & the Lord’s Prayer Hymn "He Knows My Name" Special Music "Light A Candle/As We Go"; Cherubs Choir Children’s Time Albert Gardiner (Sleeping Children Around The World) Song of Praise "Carrier" Scripture led by Binnie Armstrong Isaiah 35: 1-10 (p.1111) Intermediate Choir "Gold" Message: "Bursting Forth" Speakers: Catherine Brown, Binnie Armstrong, Millie Mirrlees, Carolyn Campbell-Sheen Hymn #758 "Christ’s Is The World" Prayer of Dedication for the Offering Offertory Anthem "The Mission" (Mohr); Trevor Hanley, soloist Week of Nov. 24th—Nov. 29th Tues. Nov 25th—Ladies’ Bible Study—10:00am, Conf. Rm. Tues. Nov. 25th—Community Dinner, 5:30pm, Lower Hall Wed. Nov. 26th—Bible Study—`Who Is Paul’, 1:30pm in the Conf. Rm. Thurs. Nov. 27th—Meet ‘n Greet, 9:30am—11:30am, Lower Hall. Upcoming Events Sun. Nov. 30th—Communion Sunday. Luncheon to follow the 10:30 service. Those whose surname begins with A-L please bring sandwiches and those whose surname begins with M-Z please bring cookies & squares. Volunteers to help with the lunch please sign up in the Welcome Centre. Sun. Dec. 7th—Food Bank Sunday—Large cans or bottles of juice and cookies are requested. Sun. Dec. 7th— First Celebrates Women Bake Sale in the Welcome Centre. Bakers: please bring their baked goods to the church on Sunday, December 7th before or after the 9:00 am service, sales happening between the two services and after the 10:30 service. Wed. Dec. 17th— First Celebrates Women Social and get together to wrap gifts for the Christmas Basket assigned to the group by Lorna. There is also a Christmas cookie recipe exchange and potluck dessert and beverages. Prayer of Thanksgiving Closing Hymn #740 "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace" Benediction and Choral Amen Closing Chorus "As We Go" Today, offering envelopes have been included to support the work of PWS&D (Presbyterian World Service and Development) Announcements If you are new to our Church or a visitor, please fill out the back portion of the Welcome Brochure and place it on the offering plate. Library Lines - The books mentioned today are available in the library: The Girl in the Picture, Damned Nations, Greed, Guns, Armies and Aid, and With God Nothing is Impossible (re: SCAW). Thanks to Millie Mirrlees for her donations. FYI, books can be reserved. Church School Update - Welcome to First Pres Church School! We are so glad you are able to join us today. We have two priorities: first, to give your children a biblical teaching that will open for them a window toward who God really is. And second, to have some FUN! We truly want them to associate God with a good time and a positive experience. MITTEN TREE - Once again our Knitters and Crocheters will be providing mittens, hats and scarves for the Christmas baskets that many of you are preparing. We can't promise to have enough for everyone but you are welcome to take what you need for your basket from the tree in the lower hall beginning Sunday, November 30th. Knitters and Crocheters please bring your contributions to the church on Thursday morning, November 27.
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