China Waiting Child PROGRAM OVERVIEW CHILDREN 10 months and older with special needs PARENT REQUIREMENTS 30-55 years old, married at least 2 years. Single women eligible for the Special Focus program. TIMELINE Application to referral: 5-7 months Referral to travel: 5-7 months TRAVEL 1 trip 12-14 days The Children China’s central adoption authority, the CCCWA, maintains a list of thousands of waiting children. Boys and girls of all ages with mild to non -correctable special needs are available. Some children who are older may not have any special medical needs. There are also children who had a correctable special need and surgery or treatment has already been preformed. Children who have been on the list for more than 60 days or have moderate to severe special needs are considered Special Focus children. Single women may apply to the Special Focus program. Carolina Adoption Services does not accept families to the Non-Special Needs track in China due to a waiting list of 7+ years. The Program Families will complete a home study and file their dossier with the CCCWA to be eligible for a referral. Families in the Special Focus program may be matched with a referral prior to submitting a dossier. Because the children in the China Waiting Child program are already on China’s registry, there is not a long wait for a referral. The length of time until a match is found depends upon the children available and the parent’s requests. Carolina Adoption Services utilizes China’s shared list and may also have identified children available on the CAS Waiting Child photolisting through the agency’s one -to-one orphanage partnership. The Process Referrals must be approved by the CCCWA. With the help of our staff, prospective parents will apply for approval from China officials to proceed with their adoption. Travel permission is typically issued about 5 -7 months after the family receives a referral. Our staff and facilitators in China will schedule all adoption -related appointments in China for the family and assist the family throughout the adoption trip. Families will travel to their child’s region to pick up their child. All families end their trip in Guangzhou to process their child’s visa. Optional trips to sightsee in Beijing or Hong Kong are available. The adoption trip lasts 12-14 days. 301 North Elm Street | Suite 201 | Greensboro, NC 27401 800.632.9312 | ca ro lina ad o pt io n.o rg Costs at a Glance Carolina Adoption Services Fees CHINA RESOURCE FAMILIES Mike & Ann Marie Kennedy [email protected] North Carolina Craig & Sandra Mills [email protected] Virginia Placement Only Full-Services* Application Fee $300 $300 Home Study (or Home Study Review) $450 $2,000 $6,000 $6,000 Aid & Development $600 $600 Child’s Lock-In Fee & Translation $160 $160 $1,000 $1,000 $960 $960 Professional Services Country Report Deposit (refundable) Country Reports: Admin & Translation (six reports) PAYING FOR ADOPTION Country Reports — $1,200 A Federal Tax credit up to $12,650 is available to qualified adoptive parents. The tax credit and other resources like grants and low-interest loans can help reduce the cost of expanding your family through adoption. Please visit and click on Resources for Adoption Costs for information. Post-Adoption (three reports) — $900 $9,470 $12,950 Fees Paid to Agency * Full-Service: Home study, placement, & post-adoption (avail. NC, SC, VA) International Fees International Facilitator’s Fee $2,400 CCCWA Dossier Registration & Translation $1,150 CCCWA Orphanage Fee $5,700 CCCWA Provincial Government Fee $1,900 International Fees $11,210 Other Fees Education $150-$200 CIS Application $720 CIS Fingerprints (per person) Allie Hamel China Program Coordinator a l l i e@ c a ro l in a a d op t ion .o r g 3 3 6 -2 7 5 -9 6 6 0 e x t . 1 2 2 Dossier Authentication $85 $500-$700 Child’s Medical Exam $300 Child’s US Visa & Processing Fee $330 In-Country Expenses (estimated) $4,000-$5,000 Airfare (per person) $1,550-$1,900 In-Country Guide / Translator $35/day 800.632.9312 | ca ro lina ad o pt io n.o rg H a gue A ccr ed it ed 301 North Elm Street | Suite 201 | Greensboro, NC 27401 COA Accredited
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