Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) December 21, 2014 St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church 7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Ph: 270-771-4436 Fax: 1-866-856-7191 Ÿ Rel. Ed. 270-771-4438 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:30 am Weekdays: Tuesday-Saturday 7:00 am Holy Day: Contact Parish Office PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Mark A. Buckner [email protected] DRE: Debi Hopkins [email protected] Office Manager: Patti J. Bartley [email protected] Bookkeeper: Sherleye Goff [email protected] Youth Minister: Crissy Stevenson, [email protected] Minister of Music: Jacob Hein [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL Joey Smith Bryan Ebelhar, Mike Jones Brad Cecil and Sarah O’Bryan FINANCE COUNCIL Larry Elder; Kenny Knott; Rebecca Schwartz, Rita Wood ST. MARY MAGDALENE CEMETERY Contact the Parish Office- 771-4436 WELCOME TO OUR PARISH SACRAMENTS If you are a visitor to St. Mary Magdalene, we want to welcome you. If you are new to the parish, please call the office at (771-4436) to register in the parish. BAPTISM: Contact Pastor for Instructions. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays at 3:30pm; anytime by appointment. MARRIAGES: Contact the pastor six months in advance to begin marriage preparation. Office hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:30am to 2:30 pm. 2 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) December 21, 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTERS for Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:30PM Sarah O’Bryan Brad Cecil Roxanne Kaelin Eucharistic Ministers Phil & Cathy Ebelhar Charlotte Kamuf Kevin Schwartz Danny & Sharon Ebelhar Julie Ferguson Debi Hopkins Shannon Offerman Altar Servers Nick & Louis Szemethy Nathan & Kaelin Payne Lincoln Ferguson Trendon Byrne Treson Byrne Gerald Bartley John Ebelhar Sean Byrne Heath Byrne Lector Monday, Dec. 22nd No Mass Tuesday, 7:00AM Dec. 23rd Bobby Millay Wednesday, 4:00 PM 8:00 PM Dec. 24th Taylor Widmer Ira Hardy Ushers/Greeters Brian Szemethy Paul Scherm Thursday, Dec. 25th 8:00 AM Ben & Claudine Blandford & Vincent & Mary Pheobe Ebellhar Friday, Dec. 26th No Mass Saturday, 7:00 AM 5:00 PM Dec. 27th Bernard Krampe, Sr. Greg & Laurie Payne Sunday, 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Dec. 28th Wilfred Clouse Parishioner READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Is 62:1-5; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Minister to the Sick: John Hartz 270-771-5572 the weekend of Dec. 28th December Church Cleaners: Gloria McCarty, Linda Ebelhar, Mary Lou Jones Sheryl Thomas, Christina Dant, Barbara Schwartz, Donna Ebelhar, Roxanne Kaelin Jennifer Keller ECHOING MARY’S DECISION The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. NEW PARISHIONERS St. Mary Magdalene welcomes all newcomers to our Parish Family. We would be honored to have you as a member. Please fill out this section, cut out, and turn in or mail it to the Parish Office. We will send you papers for membership.. Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________ 3 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I will fix a place for my people. (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16). Psalm — For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 89). Second Reading — To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Romans 16:25-27). Gospel — Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 1:26-38). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved December 21, 2014 December Calendar 20– Children’s Choir Practice 9-11:30AM 22– Help needed decorating for Christmas 8:00AM 22– Evening Prayer 6:00PM 24– Christmas Eve Mass times 4:00PM & 8:00PM 25– Christmas Day Mass time 8:00AM 26– No Mass– Parish Office Closed 28– Youth Christmas Party at Skyzone 31– Nativity of the Lord Holy Day Mass time 6:00PM Pastors Comments “Christmas Bells' Poem: I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good-will to men! And thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on earth, good-will to men! End of the year giving- We are all busy finding that perfect gift for everyone on our list during this season of joy. Please remember to put your Church on your giving list. Not only is your gift Tax Deductible, but most of all you are helping spread the Kingdom of God on Earth. Parish Christmas envelopes are in your packets. Fourth Sunday of Advent Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Luke 1:30 In many, sometimes smaller ways, God’s favor continues to be shown to all of us. For reflection this week: How have I shown God’s favor by bringing Christ into the world? Let us pray: May we always greet your message as Mary greeted Gabriel’s tidings; with humility and a willingness to serve. Till, ringing, singing on its way The world revolved from night to day, A voice, a chime, A chant sublime Of peace on earth, good-will to men! Then from each black, accursed mouth The cannon thundered in the South, And with the sound The Carols drowned Of peace on earth, good-will to men! And in despair I bowed my head; ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said; ‘For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will to men!’ Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: ‘God is not dead; nor doth he sleep! The Wrong shall fail, The Right prevail, With peace on earth, good-will to men!’ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I want to wish each and everyone a blessed Christmas and know that you are always in my prayers. Merry Christmas Peace, Joy and Love Fr. Mark Christmas Memorial 2014 4 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) Mary Billings Wilma Endicott Stansell Ebelhar By Grady & Donna Ebelhar Roy Warren Mary B. Warren Lois Knott Nace Knott Martha O’Bryan By Bill & Mary Ann Knott Wilfred Clouse By Betty Clouse Francis Clouse Family Edwin Hanekamp Family Jim Stout, Sr. By Kenny & Marcia Clouse Mike Goff Tommy Goff Thelma Vaden Dick Newman Hugh & Rea Goff Pat Goff Don & Pam Daugherty Julie Rudowski By Sherleye Goff Jerry Kaelin By David & Mary Payne Ed Kaelin By Mag Kaelin Taylor Widmer By Eric & Christina Dant Janice Smith By Joey & Nancy Smith Bernard Holinde Katherine Holinde Jim Holinde Larry S. Fulkerson By Sam & Sherry Holinde December 21, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fulkerson Mr. & Mrs. John D. Byrne, Sr. Larry Fulkerson John D. Byrne, Jr. Bill Fulkerson Elaine Byrne Anna Clements Carl & Norma Medley Bobby Peters Mary Kennedy Pauline Coomes Sublett By J.L. & Joan Byrne Ronda Goetz Susan Goetz By Doug Goetz Deceased members of Hopkins & Leonard Families By Steve & Debi Hopkins Jerry Kaelin David Chase Richard Stowers A.J. Kaelin & Betty Jo Kaelin Andrew Stowers By Joe & Roxanne Kaelin Bernard Beyke Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Tom Beyke J. H. Clark Family Tom Beyke Family By Patty Beyke Jimmy Cecil By Frankie & Rita Cecil J.R. Bryant Gene & Lena Bryant Anna Lee & Tom Walsh Jane Smith Sue E. Elliott J.B. & Mary Rose Smith By Annette Bryant Bobby Rickard Paul Shrecker James A & Nora Rickard Vincent & Mildrend O’Bryan JC Hardesty By Jim & Sarah O’Bryan Bernard Cecil James Gilles By Jimmy & Christy Gilles George M. Warren Adam J. Warren Shirley Ebert Clyde Gilbert Donald Bottles By Clayton & Karen Gilbert Mark & Donald Merimee Gene & Cora Kamuf Betty Jo & AJ Kaelin Rose & Leo Merimee Brianna Davis By Joe Bill & Margie Merimee Edward Lee Payne Sam Austin By Chris Payne Ann Thomas By Gary & Sharon McCarty Paul & Teresa Blandford Robert & Audrey Fischer Bernard Fischer By Joe & Jean Blandford Edward & Lorena Stephen Spencer Stephen Joe Stephen Eric Stephen Houston Stephen Ferdinand Stephen Hernie & Ruth Wimsatt Andria Stephen Buster & Helen Grimsley By Randahl & Molly Stephen 5 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) Kathy Shoulders Dortha Osborne Joe Osborne Louis Szemethy By Brian & Theresa Szemethy Dot Schartung William J. Aud Steve Thompson By David & Patti Bartley Gene & Cora Kamuf Clinton & Hazel Carr Betty Jo & AJ Kaelin Theresa Carr By Dan & Charlotte Kamuf Martha Froehlich Proctor & Florence Knott Joe & Nancy Elder Sr. Mary Louise Paul M. Knott By Larry & Dottie Elder Mary Pheobe Ebelhar Robert Richardson Tina Ebelhar Dixon Norman Groves By Danny & Sharon Ebelhar Tony Kamuf Christy Phillips By Greg & Kim Woodall Red Saltsman Katherine Saltsman Sharon Kaye Saltsman Barbara Saltsman By Barry & Kathy Blandford Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wurth Mr. & Mrs. Nace Knott B.J. Knott Herman Wurth By Bobby & Terry Knott Mr. & Mrs. Joe May Mr. & Mrs. F.R. Pinkston Mr. & Mrs. Clarence May Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. Remus May Virgil May By Jim & Barbara Pinkston Bobby Rickard Paul Shrecker James A. & Elizabeth Rickard Eula Phillips Christene Hinton By Linda Rickard Ann Thomas Bill Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thomas Kathleen Philips By Bob Thomas Frank & Bernice Thomas Kenneth Sattazahn By Kelly & Sheryl Thomas Paul J. Drury Sr. Raymond Latham By Chad & Jennifer Latham Ann Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Roy Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Alvey By Carolyn Thomas Harry & Audrey Bell George & Tommy Bell Paul O’Bryan Otis & Frances Boswell Brent Robinson By David & Sandi Boswell Bob Millay Jack & Imelda Murphy Gus & Josephine Millay Jerry Blandford Nancy Murphy Darrel Flake By Faye Millay Urey & Grace Fogle Helen & Frank DeLacey Johnnie & Betty DeLacey Kareen Schadler Mary Ruth Medley By Tom & Mary Frances Fogle Jim Payne Mary Offerman By Andrew, Shannon, Richard & Ryan Offerman "Christmas Blessings" Especially at Christmas, hearts come to realize the true gifts of God's love through His Son, and the true gifts of you as our Parish Family!! May each blessing of this holy season come to you in abundance. Love, Fr. Mark, Debi, Patti, Sherleye, Jacob and Crissy Christmas Memorial 2014 Mary Pheobe Ebelhar Bernard Cecil Tina Dixon Charlie Riney By Phil & Cathy Ebelhar December 21, 2014 6 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) December 21, 2014 Here is the 4th installment of an article I wrote for the Western KY Catholic a few years back: Our memories of these seasons often play a big part in how we perceive them now. That is fine, as long as we bring them with us into the present. There are no distinct memories for me of the Advents of decades long past, save one: Prepubescent Catholic school children, singing with all the enthusiasm befitting a funeral dirge, “O Come, O Come Im-ma-a-a-nu-el, and ransom captive I-I-Is-ra-el, that mourn in lonely e-ex-ile here, until the Son of G-o--d appear.” Then, our flat altos rising…“Re-Joice, Re-Joice, O I-I-Is-ra-el, to thee shall come Im-ma-a-a-nu-el.” There must have been a dearth of Advent hymns in the 1960’s, because I believe that is the onlyone we ever sang, and, by using all the verses, it served both the entrance and dismissal at, what seemed like, every Mass during every Advent. (That is a lot of mourning, and in lonely exile, too). We are not “slouching toward Bethlehem,” like the beast of Yeats’ dark poem, The Second Coming. We are Catholics, ever lighting pink candles of joyful hope. May you be immersed in the joys of Advent! Debi Gifts for the Baby Jesus: For the last few years, every Dec. and Jan., we have collected items for babies (and new moms) to be donated to Birthright of Owensboro. Please bring in new, (or clean, gently used) items. Also: diapers, powder, etc. are always needed. There is a box near the main doors of church for leaving items (if items are bulky, please leave in the parish center foyer). These items will go directly to parents who really need help. Cash and gift cards are always a good idea, too. The staff of Birthright uses them for whatever is most needed. Thank You!! There is a basket in church, under the left side vestibule table, near the main doors. Items for the HELP office may be dropped off at any time in the basket. This is direct ministry to those in need, and one that everyone in the parish can participate in. Please get in the habit of bringing items, and we will deliver them to the HELP office. Besides non-perishable foods, personal toiletries, paper products, and cleaning supplies are always needed. We collect these items all year round, not just at Christmas, for those in need. This is part of what the Church calls the Corporal Works of Mercy. Please participate in these efforts with your faith community here at Saint Mary Magdalene Parish. Upcoming Youth Dates Sunday, December 28– Youth Christmas Party at SkyZone Sunday, January 4–Middle School Youth 5:00-6:00 PM; High School Youth 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday, January 11– Youth Mass Prep 5:00-6:30 PM; High School Youth Group 6:30-8:30 Tuesday, January 13– Confirmation High School Retreat Team Meeting 6:30 PM The Confirmation Retreat is on January 16-17. Our High School Youth are needed to come be a part of this experience. They spend time in prayer for the Confirmande, sharing witness talks, working behind the scenes, doing clean-up, and anything else that really needs to be done for the retreat. If you are interested in serving on this team, there is a second meeting that you need to be at on Tuesday, January 13 to do any final preparations needed for the retreat. If you have any questions, please contact Crissy. Youth Group Christmas Party: Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 28 because you’re not going to want to miss out!! We are taking a trip up to Evansville to Cici’s Pizza & SkyZone for a night of fun and fellowship. We will be leaving St. Mary Magdalene at 4:15 PM and returning around 10:00 PM that night. There are waiver’s that MUST be signed before participating in the jumping. Please, see Crissy to get a form. We are asking the youth to help offset some of the cost. $20 will help cover dinner and jumping at SkyZone. If money is an issue, please talk to Crissy. Parents are needed to attend with us as well as chaperones. We have a BUS rented, so we do not need drivers!! 7 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) December 21, 2014 IN SPECIAL NEED OF PRAYER HOME BOUND/RETIREMENT HOMES: Bobby Collignon, Carolyn Knott, Jean McCarty, Michael O’Bryan, Pearl O'Bryan We ask that you pause a moment and say a prayer for the sick in our community. Remember in prayer, those sick in our Community: Michael Alvey, Toya Ashby, Bill Bratcher, Riley Carmen, Marion Cecil, Joe Bill Clark, Martha Clark, David Clouse, Pam Cox, Mary Alice Crowe, Maria Daughtery, Steve Dean, Caroline Elder, Jean Ferrel, Audrey Fogle, Samuel George, Jeff Green, Susan Riney Guernsey, Billy Johnson, Benjamin Halbig, Robert Haire, Jerry Harris, Frances Hayden, Joe Hayden, Pat Hayden, Bill Head, Marie Hester, George Hooper, Leslie Jackson, Martha Johnson, Amelia Jones, Bill Kamuf, Sarah Kamuf, Bill Knott, Mary Ann Kurz, Leiann Lashbrook, Joe Lewis, Bill Loudermilk, Joy Malone, Joy Medley Lyons, Dora McCarty, Joe Bill & Margie Merimee, Gary Miller, Diane Minton, Michael & Sue O’Bryan, Larry Oller, Chuck Pinkston, Jamie Potter, Gary Reynolds, Matthew Reynolds, Jason Roberts, Christian Ruiz, Melanie Russelburg, Cindy Smith, Norbert J. Smith, Jr., Norbert Smith Sr., Barbara Smith, Sabrina Sparks, Gayle Strehl, Alma Topper, Darryl Warren, Kevin Warren, Phil Warren, Mary Jane Young. *Please note: Names will remain on the list for one month. Prayers for our Military- As a parish family, we at St. Mary Magdalene pray for all the members of our parish. We especially pray for our parishioners and their relatives who are currently on active duty in the military. James Calhoun, Jessica Chase, Christine Kugele, Frank Murphy, Chad Norris, Jeff & Sarah Odell, Jonathan Tucker Happy Birthday to You!! Parishioners celebrating Birthday’s this week December 20– Cameron Fulkerson; Barbara Magan; Ayla Montgomery; Clark Payne; Lisa Wathen 22– Greg Mullican 24-Mark Riney; Dorrian White 26– Billy Murphy 27– Brandon Fulkerson; Margie Merimee; Joe O’Bryan 28– Hayden Hartz Happy Anniversary!! Parishioners celebrating Anniversaries this week 27– Jeremy & Sara Mowers 28– Greg & Laurie Payne If your birthday/anniversary is omitted from this list, or incorrectly dated, please Christmas Eve: 4:00PM & 8:00PM Christmas Day 8:00 AM -Penance ServicesSt. Stephen Cathedral – December - 21st – 3:00 pm St. Alphonsus Parish December - 22nd – 6:00 pm CHRISTMAS IN THE HEART Christmas! ’Tis the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial fire of charity in the heart. —Washington Irving Due to early Bulletin printing deadline, the collection for Sunday, Dec. 14th will not be posted until the following Sunday, Dec. 28th. Weekly Actual $ Weekly Budget $ 8,534.00 Year to Date Actual $ 177,313.45 Year to Date Budget $ 196,282.00 Cemetery Plots are on sale through the month of December$450 for parishioners and $550 for non parishioners. Please, call or stop by the parish office to purchase a plot. INFORMATION SHEET (This page will be replaced by JSPaluch Production with your advt page) 8 Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) December 21, 2014 Church name & address: St. Mary Magdalene #583200 7232 KY 56 Owensboro, KY 42301 Contact person: Patti Bartley @ 270-771-4436 Software: Win 7, MSPub 2007, Adobe Acrobat XI Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Transmission day & time: Tuesday 3 PM. Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 6 content pages + this page = 8 (8-4-JL; 1 advt) Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: 7232 KY 56, Owensboro, KY 42301 Special instructions for delivery: if the parish office is closed, please leave in the back of church on table. FedEx tracking e-mail:
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