S t . T h o m a s o f V i l l a n o va A C a t h o l i c P a r i s h Fa m i l y 1201 East Anderson Drive . Palatine, IL . 60074 Phone 847-358-6999 . Fax 847-934-4919 . Email [email protected] www.stov.org Fourth Sunday of Advent - December 21, 2014 Christmas Eve—Wednesday, December 24 Time Language Celebrant 3:00pm English Fr. Tom Rzepiela 5:00pm English Fr. Ray Yadron 10:00pm English Fr. Martin Luboyera 12:00am (Midnight) Polish Fr. Wojciech Oleksy Deacon Homilist Music Fr. Tom Rzepiela Cantors & Brass Ensemble Len Marturano Fr. Ray Yadron Choir & Brass Ensemble John Breit Fr. Martin Luboyera Cantors & Brass Ensemble Fr. Wojciech Oleksy Christmas Day—Thursday, December 25 Time Language Celebrant Deacon Homilist Music 9:30am English Fr. Tom Rzepiela Rich Willer Fr. Tom Rzepiela Liturgical Musicians 11:30am English Fr. James Presta Tom Dunne Fr. James Presta Choir & Brass Ensemble 1:30pm Polish Fr. Wojciech Oleksy Fr. Wojciech Oleksy S t . T h o m a s o f V i l l a n o va Carols minutes Please A will C abe t hsung o l i 30 c P a r i s hbefore F a malli lMass. y—Pa l a tcome i n e , join I L us early! ST. THOMAS OF VILLANOVA PARISH INFORMATION HERE TO SERVE YOU 847-358-6999 1201 E. Anderson Drive, Palatine, IL 60074 Phone: 847-358-6999 Fax: 847-934-4919 Priests Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Rev. Wojciech Oleksy, Associate Pastor Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus Rev. James Presta, Weekend Associate Rev. Martin Luboyera, Weekend Associate Deacon Dan Morris, Seminary Deacon Permanent Deacons Deacon John Breit Deacon Tom Dunne Deacon Len Marturano Deacon Rich Willer Director of Bereavement Connie West Director of Ministry of Care Deacon Thomas Dunne Music Minister Marcy Weckler Barr . Parish Manager Ron Schaefer Parish Office Staff Joseph Spano, Admin. Assistant Meaghan Spano, Admin. Assistant Suzie Walczynski, Bulletin Editor Carol Wilson, Financial Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday Weekday 5:00pm 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am 1:30pm (Polish) 6:30am (Communion Service) 8:00am RECONCILIATION Saturdays 8:30am—9:30am PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday 9am—8pm 9am—5pm 9am—1pm BAPTISM: Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class preferable before the baby is born to avoid babysitting concerns. Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays following the 11:15am Mass. Call the Parish Office for more information. Upcoming Baptism Prep Classes: January 7—Kevin & Kate O’Connell 847-776-7352; February 2—Kevin & Kate O’Connell 847-776-7352; February 18—John & Donna Breit 847-359-2870 MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the celebration of marriage should be made at least six (6) months prior to your planned wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for more information. NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Call the Parish Office to set up an appointment to register and learn more about our Parish. BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Adults who were never baptized in any faith, who were baptized in another Christian faith and who wish to become Catholic, and baptized Catholics who have never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist. Contact Randy at 847-530-6573 / [email protected] Brochures are in the Gathering Area. COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND: Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Contact Deacon Tom Dunne for more information. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Call the Parish Office to add your name to our sick list. Due to patient privacy (HIPAA Law), only the ailing person or, in case of their incapacitation, the person delegated for their medical care, can add their name to the sick list. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Religious Education: 847-358-2386 Email: [email protected] Mary Strybel, Coordinator Lisa Lechowicz, Admin. Assistant ____________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Minister: 847-358-6485 PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: If you know someone serving in the military, please contact the Parish Office so our faith community may pray for them. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Articles for the bulletin are due by Friday—9 days before publication date and can be emailed to: [email protected] Our church is a sacred place. Out of respect, please turn off cell phones and properly dispose of gum. Jeff Walczynski ____________________________________________________________________________________ School Information: 847-358-2110 Lisa Ryan, Principal Mary Brinkman, Assistant Principal 1141 E Anderson Dr, Palatine, IL 60074 FAX 1-847-776-1435 email: [email protected] ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Our Websites Parish: www.stov.org Religious Education: www.stvrec.org School: www.stvschool.org SPRED: www.stvspred.weebly.com Youth Group: www.stvoices.org Friends of STV School: www.fostov.org 2 Second Homily Dear Parish Family of St. Thomas, Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent! By now, you are probably seeing purple as you continue to run around and do everything that you want to do before Christmas. However, Advent reminds us that we don't need to do all those things. What we do need is to be sure that we, ourselves, are ready spiritually for the coming of the Lord in four more days—Christmas morning. We must practice patience and prayerful preparing until then. As our last minute and final preparations come to a close these days, let us remember that we must always “Keep Christ in Christmas” and in ourselves. Soon it will be Christmas time and will you be ready—ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus and all that the gift of the Lord means in ourselves and our world? I hope to see you at the “Inn” of our Church on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning as we pray the Eucharist and celebrate and adore the Newborn Infant Jesus. On behalf of Father Ray, Father Wojciech, Father Presta, Father Martin and on behalf of our Deacons, Pastoral Staff, and all of our employees, and speaking for myself, I wish you the peace and quiet and joy of a beautiful and wonderful Christmas morning of the birth of Our Lord Jesus. Wishing you the love of Christmas— Your Pastor, Rev. Thomas R. Rzepiela ________________________________________________________________ Drodzy Parafianie, Życzę Wam miłej 4. Niedzieli Adwentu! Prawdopodobnie do tej pory zauważyliście kolor purpurowy pomimo zabiegania i robienia wszystkiego co potrzeba przed Świętami Bożego Narodzenia. Adwent jednakże przypomina nam, że nie musimy tego wszystkiego robić. To co powinniśmy zrobić to upewnić się, że jesteśmy duchowo przygotowani na przyjście Pana w bożonarodzeniowy poranek, który już za cztery dni. Do tego czasu musimy przygotować się ćwicząc się w cierpliwości i modlitwie. Kończąc nasze ostatnie przygotowania musimy pamiętać o Chrystusie obecnym w czasie tych świąt jak również w nas samych. Już wkrótce nadejdzie czas Bożego Narodzenia. Czy będziecie gotowi - gotowi do świętowania narodzenia Jezusa i wszystkiego czym dar Jego narodzin jest dla Was i dla świata? Mam nadzieję, że zobaczymy się w „gospodzie” naszego kościoła w Wigilię oraz w Dzień Bożego Narodzenia gdzie podczas Eucharystii będziemy się modlić, świętować i adorować nowo-narodzone Dzieciątko Jezus. W imieniu ks. Ray’a, ks. Wojciecha, ks. Presta, ks. Martin’a, naszych diakonów i pracowników naszej parafii, jak również w moim własnym imieniu, życzę Wam pokoju, ciszy i radości pięknego i cudownego bożonarodzeniowego poranka. Życząc Wam bożonarodzeniowej miłości Wasz Proboszcz, Ks. Thomas R. Rzepiela 3 Parish Events PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, December 21 9:40am 10:00am 3:00pm 7:00pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word MRD RCIA STV School Athletics Polish Adult Volleyball MRA RAC RAC OPLATKI Available in the Narthex & Gathering Area—Package of 2 wafers for $3. Monday, December 22 NO ACTIVITIES Tuesday, December 23 12:30pm Christmas Setup Church Wednesday, December 24 NO ACTIVITIES—Office Closed Thursday, December 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS! Office Closed Friday, December 26 NO ACTIVITIES—Office Closed CHILI’S DINE-N-SHARE The entire month of December GOLDEN VILLANOVANS Annual Pizza Meeting. Wednesday, January 14, 2015. 1pm—3pm. Come join and sign up as a new member. We have interesting speakers through the year. Our meetings are in Meeting Rooms A & B. Questions? Ken Doruff 847-358-3852 PASSION PLAY RESERVATIONS DUE Thursday, January 15. St. Thomas Scripture Study Winter Offerings Saturday, December 27 8:30am 7:00pm Saturday Bible Study MRC VOICES New Year Dance RAC Sunday, December 28 9:40am Children’s Liturgy of the Word MRD Word __________________________________ Psalms: The School of Prayer An 11-week study Saturday mornings beginning January 10th, 2015 from 8:40am-10:40am $25 per person AND James: Pearls for Wise Living An 11-week study Monday nights beginning January 12th, 2015 from 7pm-9pm $25 per person Contact Nancy Hulsebosch at [email protected] or 847-705-9314 to register PARISH OFFICE HOURS Wed Thu Fri Sat 12/24/13 12/25/13 12/26/13 12/27/13 9am-1pm Closed Closed 9am-1pm Wed Thu Fri Sat 12/31/13 1/1/14 1/2/14 1/3/14 9am-1pm Closed Closed 9am-1pm CHRISTMAS / NEW YEAR’S Pre-New Year’s Eve Formal Dance Saturday, December 27th 7pm—10pm Cost: $5 As a way to ring in the New Year, VOICES will be hosting their annual Pre-New Year’s Eve Dance. In keeping with tradition, the theme is “Black & White,” so you are encouraged to dress with those colors in mind. The night will include snacks, drinks, dancing and FUN! 4 Parish News American Passion Play Bloomington, IL The Art & Environment Ministry will be decorating for Christmas. All are invited. Just come to the church— we’ll put you to work! Saturday, March 21, 2015 Leaving promptly at 9:00am from St. Thomas parking lot & returns at 7:30pm $98 per person— Reservations due by January 15, 2015 (No refunds) Trip includes: ♦ Luxury motor coach with restroom ♦ Stop off at McDonalds on the way ♦ Watch videos on the coach ride ♦ Home style lunch includes: roast beef, chicken, potatoes, gravy, 2 vegetables, salad, rolls, dessert & beverage ♦ 3 hour Easter Pilgrimage that bring Christ Life closer to yours ♦ Box lunch w/beverage on the ride home Make checks payable to: “St. Thomas of Villanova” Send payment with your name, phone number and an emergency contact name/number to: Ken Doruff @ 1233 E Plate Drive, Palatine, IL 60074 ATTENTION: 6th ANNUAL STOV BAGS TOURNAMENT! CHRISTMAS (Rest of Church) Tuesday, Dec. 23—12:30pm Blood Drive Save-the-Date Our next blood drive will be on Sunday, February 22, 2015 In the Rowley Activity Center Please mark your calendar so you are able to donate on that day! December Dine-n-Share at Chili’s ALL month long!! All Couples While you are out and about getting ready for Christmas, dine out (or take out) at Chili’s in Arlington Heights OR Kildeer. Just present this voucher and Chili’s will give 15% back to STV School! Enjoy!! (Married, Engaged, Dating) Are Invited! SUMMERTIME IN JANUARY! Saturday January 24, 2015 6:30 p.m. until ???? In the Rowley Activity Center $20.00 admission per couple Includes: Pizza, Non-Alcoholic Liquid Refreshments, BYOB (wine or beer) Prize Pool included in admission PLEASE RSVP (by January 21) TO: John or Donna Breit (847) 359-2870 5 Parish News 42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Daily Herald Ad Project Parish Pastoral Council News to the Pews The Parish Pastoral Council is your parishioner group which advises our Pastor. If you have a concern or suggestion that you would like to have discussed at the PPC meetings or if you would like to attend a PPC meeting, please contact one of the PPC members attending Mass (they will be wearing a PPC badge) or contact the Parish Office at 847-358-6999. On January 22, 2015 we will mourn the 42nd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Since that fateful day, the lives of over 55 million unborn children have been ended through abortion. And at least as many women and men are living with a lifetime of regret. (See help-line below) • A brief update on our November 15 meeting is as follows: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Our STV Leadership Spiritual Retreat led by Sister Kristine Vorenkamp at the Living Word Center in Arlington Heights, IL from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday, October 4, 2014 was for the STV Staff, Finance Committee, Parish Pastoral Council and STV School Board. The retreat was wonderful! The PPC thanks all of the organizers, Sister Kristine, and those who participated in making it a complete success. As announced at Masses in October, our income exceeded our budgeted expectations for the past fiscal year! This is terrific, and we need to continue this trend in the current year. Thank you for all your financial support, especially your Sacrificial Giving to the Sunday Offertory, Christmas and Easter Collections. We appreciate the efforts of FOSTOVS on behalf of our school and congratulate the organization for the November 16th very successful Football Extravaganza at Durty Nellies in Palatine. Deacon Bill Johnson will be giving a Lenten Evening of Reflection in late February or possibly early March 2015. Watch for additional information in the parish bulletins as the time approaches. • • God’s greatest gift to humanity, His son Jesus Christ, called us to boldly proclaim the truth and to respect the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. Catholic Parishes in Vicariate I are once again sponsoring ads in the Daily Herald to acknowledge these truths and to share them in our communities. Please consider contributing $5.00 (minimum) toward the cost of the ad. Sponsors have the option of listing their names in the ad or remaining anonymous. The ad will run on Sunday, Jan. 18 and Thursday, Jan. 22 in the Daily Herald, Section 1. Members of the Respect Life Team will be available to accept your donations after Mass the weekend of Jan. 3 & 4 or you can complete the form below and drop it off at the table or the Parish Office next week. You can see a sample of the ad at the tables next weekend. Questions, please call Mary Ann 847-991-9732 Facing an unintended pregnancy? You are not alone. Call 1-800-712-HELP or www.OptionLine.org Hurting from abortion? You are loved. Call 1-888-456-HOPE or www.AbortionRecovery.org THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! DAILY HERALD AD PROJECT I/we wish to contribute $__________ to help sponsor the newspaper ad in the Daily Herald. I/we wish my/our name to appear in the Daily Herald as a supporter. I/we DO NOT wish my/our name to appear in the Daily Herald. Name: __________________________________________________ 6 Stewardship PARISH CHRISTMAS GIFT Along with your Sunday offertory monetary support, our collections on Christmas, Easter and other Holy Days provide the income which pays our Parish Family’s operational expenses. We definitely need and appreciate your sacrificial offerings in the Christmas envelope. We suggest that each parish household donate a gift of at least $175.00. For some, this might be impossible. For others, a larger gift might be a fitting expression of thanks and of praise to God for all of His blessings, especially the gift of His Son. If possible, you might increase your Christmas gift in the name of those parishioners who cannot give as they would like because of their current financial situations. THANK YOU for all your generous sharing of Treasure, Time and Talent which enables our Parish Family to proclaim Jesus in so many ways. - Your Finance Committee SUNDAY SACRIFICIAL GIVING (SSG) 4th Sunday of Advent “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – LUKE 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. December 7 December 14 Sunday Budget YTD Actual $ 32,048.23 Early Bulletin Deadline $ 540,500.00 $ 538,432.00 $ ( 2,068.00) Thank you! ——————————————————— STV50 Anniversary Campaign (STV50AC) Gold Envelope UPDATE The STV50AC three year capital fundraising project officially began in March 2010, having had an “I Can’t Wait To Give” introduction in December, 2009. As usual, three year campaigns run between five and six years due to the starting date of pledges. At this five year juncture, we are discontinuing the STV50AC gold envelope in the weekly/monthly church offertory envelope sets. Beginning January 1st, all those still faithfully completing their STV50AC pledges will receive a monthly statement with a return envelope for their payments. We hope to have all outstanding pledges fulfilled by June 30, 2015. We again THANK all who have generously donated or fulfilled STV50AC pledges over the years as well as those who participated in the “Pick-A-Pew” Campaign. Please see next week’s bulletin for an STV50AC STATUS Report. Thank you, Ron Schaefer Parish Manager 7 STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION “May it be done to me according to your word.” (Lk 1:38) With that simple statement, our Blessed Mother Mary represents everything that a good steward must be — someone who has put total trust in God regardless the consequences. On this Fourth and final Sunday of Advent, it is imperative for all of us to keep that in mind. Mary’s response is what each of us needs to strive for. We, too, need to be prepared to place our lives in God’s hands, and to react to whatever happens with a sense of thanksgiving and resolve. Holy Scripture reminds us these few days before we celebrate the birth of Christ that we have been on a journey, an Advent journey. This journey should have prepared us for the joy of this week, but it also should have been marked by our own ongoing conversion and effort to be better Catholics and Christians. Parish News Parish Family: Merry Christmas! As we have journeyed through the season of Advent, we have prepared our hearts, our minds, and our homes for this joyful celebration: the Incarnation of God in the Christ child. The season is filled with gifts, family gatherings and delicious food; but may we always remember that without Christ, we wouldn’t have this wonderful season to celebrate! As the angles proclaimed, “Glory to God in the highest” (Luke 2:14), we too must thank God for the gift of his Son, but also for the gifts God has given us this year, and throughout our lives. We always forget to shop for someone, and every year we promise to remember the next. The person I am thinking of that is always left out is Jesus Christ. We forget to thank him, forget to give him gifts of our time, our talent and our treasures. We forget to spend time with him in daily prayer, and we forget to see him in the faces of our family, our friends, and in those who are marginalized in society. May this Christmas season remind us that we are all called to serve and to love God with all our heart, mind, strength and body (cf Mark 12:30). May we be reminded of the great love God has for us, for sending his only son to earth to be with us, to walk in our shoes and to care for us. May we have the same love for Christ as the Blessed Virgin and her chaste spouse, St. Joseph had for their new born son, as they placed him the manger. And always, may we remember that the wood of the manger is the same as the wood of the cross and live our lives in humility and service to one another, so we too may share in the glorious resurrection on the last day. I wish you all a very blessed Christmas and joyful New Year! I ask for your prayers as I continue my studies for priesthood at St. Joseph College Seminary and be assured of my prayers for you and those you love. In Christ, Andy Matijevic CONTINUE TO GROW IN FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE The Faith Formation’s Multimdedia rack, located in the Gathering Area on the wall near the restrooms, has been updated with new books, pamphlets and CDs. The books are available for a $4 donation; the pamphlets for $2; and the CDs are $3. The new titles are: CD’s Four Pillars of Marian Spirituality: Mike Sweeney Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told: Dr. Brant Pitre The Mystery of Christmas: Fr. Larry Richards Journey Through Advent: Liturgical Cycle B: Fr. Robert Barron The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality: Matthew Kelly Understanding the Crusades: Dr. Thomas Madden A Voice for the Unborn: Lila Rose What's So Great About Being Catholic?: Jason Evert Books The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Dr. Scott Hahn Beautifully written, in clear direct language, Dr. Scott Hahn's best-selling book will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before. Bible basics for Catholics by Dr. John Bergsma: From biblical scholar, Dr. John Bergsma, comes this fresh, fun and authentically Catholic introduction to the "big picture" of salvation history. Booklets Pure Love Booklet by Jason Evert In an easy to read question and answer format, Pure Love is a great introduction to the topic of chastity. Pure Manhood Booklet by Jason Evert Young men deserve straight answers to tough questions about women, dating, sexuality, and authentic masculinity. Pure Womanhood Booklet by Crystalina Evert In today’s world, it is all too easy for a young woman to fool herself with lies about love. What does she tell herself? A Way of Life for Young Catholics Booklet by Catholic Truth Society This booklet contains practical, down-to-earth advice on many aspects of daily life, whether spiritual, moral, emotional, or vocational. It will be especially helpful for older confirmation candidates, students and young adults hoping to learn more about their faith. 8 St. Pat / St. Joe’s Dinner, Dance and Auction St. Thomas of Villanova’s 12th Annual St. Patrick & St. Joseph’s Saturday March 7th, 2015 6:00pm—11:00pm Here’s What We Are Offering This Year! Dinner Dance ♦Great Food and Beverages! Catered Dinner by Inglenook * St. Joseph’s Sweet Table * Irish Coffee Shoppe * Two Cash Bars * Coffee, Tea and Soda ♦Great Entertainment! Comedian Corey Calvert * DJ Jeff Walczynski ♦Grand Auction Vacation Raffle! Cash Prizes for 2nd & 3rd place! ♦Everyone Wins Game ♦Silent & Live Auctions ♦Raffles and Much More! Do you have talents and skills to share for our Event? We could use help with: BARTENDING Can you help serve beverages to our guests? − Contact Larry Peterson: [email protected] / (847)358-1193. EVENT PROGRAM ADVERTISING How would you like to solicit ads for our program booklet? − Contact Erin Nicholas: [email protected] / (847)705-5528. ST. JOSEPH’S SWEET TABLE Please consider baking desserts for our event. − Contact Sandy Peterson: tidybull@hotmail / (847)358-1193 . AUCTION SETUP Help inventory auction items and display them on the Event day. − Contact Brian O’Shea: [email protected] / (847)991 7946 . GIFT SOLICITATION Can you help contact local businesses to solicit gifts for our auctions and raffles? − Contact John Heraty: [email protected] / (847)508-3638. Proceeds to Benefit St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Ministries 9 On Black Friday, and Christmas Since returning to the corporate world in 2004 after caring for my father--and being therefore low on the corporate seniority ladder--I have typically worked the day after Thanksgiving. Now with ten-plus years behind me, I’ve gotten some of my lost seniority back. Enough, anyway (with the cooperation of my senior manager, who said she’d work on November 28th), to get this past day-after-Thanksgiving off. Nice. I slept later than usual and enjoyed a delicious, mid-morning pumpkin-spiced latte at a local coffee shop with my wife as we discussed our Christmas gift list for family and friends. We observed later, though, that even as we did this, neither of us was thinking about the progression of the day, and before long we found ourselves at Harlem-Irving Plaza on Black Friday. Yikes! I tired quickly of the fray and told Gail I’d wait for her outside Carson’s entrance into the mall. Then, finding a spot there near the holiday display, I sat on the floor and awaited her return. I passed the time day-dreaming, singing songs in my head, and people-watching from a toddler’s height-perspective. I saw one guy--a young man--who stood out in the crowd because of the fashion statement he presented (he wore an over-sized white baseball cap with the bill cocked to one side, amber-shaded eyeglasses, a light-colored shirt with a skinny tie knotted well below his neck, jeans, and white boots rising well above his ankles) and because of his unhappy disposition (he was on his cell phone as he walked by, and he was not pleased about something). I also saw two mall workers go by with one lamenting to the other, “Nobody wants to see Santa anymore. They just want to get their stuff and leave…” Understandable. On Black Friday, anyway. But the overheard conversation I’m playing in my head at the moment hit my ears from a woman and I couldn’t see if she was talking to anyone else or just to herself. Anyway, “I’m hungry,” she said. “I’m starving. I need something…” weeks. We have all been preparing, not only in remembrance of his birth but also in anticipation of his coming again. Accordingly, we will gather soon at the manger in praise and thanksgiving, and precisely because a young girl said yes to an angel long ago. Millenniums later, even with--or perhaps especially with--so much strife in the world, we still hunger for this Christ and the Good News he represents. One of the songs I was singing in my head waiting for Gail there near the holiday display--and the angry young fashion statement and the un-visited Santa--was something I’d written a few years back. It begins like this: “The stars in heaven/ Speak to me tonight/ They Seems like we were just putting tell a story that I’ve heard before, and/ One Thanksgiving away and here we are at the in particular/ That one that shines so bright/ 4th Sunday of Advent. I don’t know about Tells me that Jesus is born.’’ From Black you, but I’m hungry too. I’m starving, too. I Friday at the HIP, all the way to Bethlehem… Merry Christmas. need something, too. And I’m not talking about burgers or pizzas. We have all been Copyright 2014 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected]) waiting for the Christ these past few Dec. 27/28 SATURDAY 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM SUNDAY 9:30 AM SUNDAY 11:15 AM SUNDAY 1:30 PM PRESIDER Fr. Tom Rzepiela Fr. Ray Yadron Fr. Tom Rzepiela Fr. James Presta Fr. Wojciech Oleksy DEACON Rich Willer Len Marturano Tom Dunne John Breit HOMILIST Rich Willer Len Marturano Tom Dunne Fr. James Presta Fr. Wojciech Oleksy LECTORS Ellen Frech Jean Pope Tom Greener Ed Boduch Jackie Nogle Gina Angiollo Dorene Wackerfuss Sue Cotugno Bogusia Stępiński Ania Flanczewski MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Mary Bragiel John Davis Marian De Groot Dan Dunne Jim Dunne Jack McCarthy Jo McCarthy Helen Janicki Mike Kanis Jim Hajost Bob Hicks Mary Anne Horan Ron Jozwiak Sharron Jozwiak Peter Kain Mark Orr Carole Parsons Mila Quiaoit Kate O'Connell Tom O’Driscoll Randy Schappert Kathy Schappert Beth Stowick Jane Teutsch Susan Weres Beryl Whittemore Sue Allen Carol Schaffnit Earl Schaffnit Howard Pettinger Maureen Treanor Karen Barrett Mary Carlson Donna Casey Pat Cavenagh Tom Cavenagh Edyta Kozlowski Elizabeth McHugh Maria Borsuk Teresa Słoniewicz Robert Stempniewicz SERVERS Joey VanMeter Sara Walczynski Daniel Walsh Johnny O'Shea Kelly O'Shea Emily Gerdes Angelina Nahulak Sophia Nahulak Luke Hulsebosch Parker Sanchez Maura McGarvey Conor McGarvey Donna Curda T & M Greener Boni & Mila Quiaoit Sue Fanara B Dalton & B Murphy Mary Haig Earl & Carol Schaffnit R & S Zapata Tom & Pat Cavenagh GREETERS M Maureen Penkava G Bill & Helen Scott N Bob & Lucy Madsen 10 Our Weekly Prayers Monday, December 22 PRAY FOR OUR SICK 6:30am 8:00am Please pray for all who are sick especially … Communion Service † Frank Ippolito; † Margaret Pettinger; † Kimberly Pettinger; † Manuel Dominguez Tuesday, December 23 6:30am 8:00am Communion Service † Helen Siedlecki; † Vince Wojek; † Lucy Pagani Cerwin Wednesday, December 24 8:00am 3:00pm 5:00pm 10:00pm All Living & Deceased Parishioners Christmas Eve Mass—English Christmas Eve Mass—English Christmas Eve Mass—English 12:00am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30am Christmas Midnight Mass—Polish Christmas Day Mass—English Christmas Day Mass—English Christmas Day Mass—Polish 6:30am 8:00am Communion Service † Gilbert Lehman Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27 8:00am 5:00pm All Who Are Sick † John & Helen Hycnar; 58th Wedding Anniv.—Barb & Bob Ritt Sunday, December 28 7:30am All Living & Deceased Parishioners 9:30am † Fay Kadowaki; † Eleanor Krok 11:15am † Thomas Yadron; † Robert Falardeau, Sr.; † Carmela Krogstad 1:30pm Mass—Polish ______________________________ Lou Anderson Arthur Barnes Christine Bertucci Paul Bordenkircher Maxine Bouchonville Carole Brown Baby Billy Callahan Baby Ray Callahan Ron Chambers Harry Croft Aiden Michael Delaney Bruno Dul Bill Dvorak Judi Edelstein Bob & Marilyn Flynn Parker & Kirk Forseth Carmela Gabl Joseph Gagne Cardinal George Bob & Elaine Haren Gerard Heinrichs William Hopp Ann Incavo-Ramos Dennis & Shirley Jauch Ron Jozwiak Marie Kay Nancy Kett Ryan Kissane Mary Alice Kobler Matthew Kobler Carole Konieczny Susan Kordell Bill Kowal Molly Kunstbeck Sue Langowski Harold Lewis Carli Maczko Baby Frank R. Manno Bob Maruska Robert Mason Dorothy Mathisen Darlene McDonough Krista Motley Eileen O’Connell Amie Parisi Valentine Pawlak Lorraine Pichler John Post Boni Quiaoit Betty Rasmussen Margo Rickert Elaine Romanchek Ken Romanchek Dick Samojla Dan Schaffer Sylvia Schaffer Shirley Serena Dora Shavikhuu Eleanor Socha David Spiller JoAnn Swanson Robert Szott Sharon Tadsen Rudy Vergin Melissa Versino Jozef Waz Angie White READINGS FOR THE WEEK Mon: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Tue: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Wed: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Thu: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 1113; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Day: Is 52:710; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Fri: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Sat: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Sun: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY We pray for the loved ones serving in our Armed Forces. Banville • MAJ Robert Bland • MAJ Bernadette O’Shea Bland Daily 6:30am Communion Service: Monday thru Friday in Church Daily 8:00am Mass: Monday thru Saturday in Church Eucharistic Adoration: Every Wednesday 6:00pm—7:00pm in Church Prayer Chain: If you or someone you know needs prayer, call Elaine 847-3582782 to be included in our prayer chain. ** ATTENTION ** • • NO 6:30am Communion Service: December 24, 25 & 26 NO Eucharistic Adoration: December 24 & 31. It will resume 11 • Major Joey Cross • Sgt. Thomas Grygowski • PFC Jeffrey Daniel Krantz • PFC Ryan • 1st Lt. Thomas • 1st Lt. Ben Couchey • SPC Evan P. Crouse • Sgt. Brian J. • • • • • • Camis-Sutherland • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Opportunities for Prayer U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Army • Specialist William • McCarthy LCPL Sam Miller LCPL Conor O’Neill CPL Kevin M. Potter Sgt. Nicholas Regini Sgt. Corey A. White LCPL James N. Wyant Dankowski Captain Joel Hilborn Lt. Michael Labek Staff Sgt. Dustin Lyles SPC Michael Medina U.S. Navy Sgt. Kevin Miller • Lt. Kevin Brandwein 1st Lt. Jesse Turner • Lt. Cdr. John-Paul 1st Lt. Tina Stowick Falardeau Turner • Captain Jason Haen • SN Gregory Minott U.S. Air Force TSGT Dan Fialek • Captain Louis J. Schager, Jr. Airman Justin Godsey U.S. Coast Guard Msgt. Matthew Grelck • LTJG Kevin O’Brien CPT Erin Killion Green Baret Lt. Sean McGee • Joseph Kilcullen III Staff Sgt. Darrel J. Moe Other SR.A Brian R. • CPL David Crouse O’Donnell • CPT James Ruetshe, Lt. Colonel Jeffrey D. Ranger Stockwell Matthew Walz REST IN PEACE Please remember to pray for those who have died recently and for their families. ♦ Walter Huppenbauer, Jr. ♦ Victoria Rzepiela − Aunt of Father Tom ROSE FOR LIFE In Loving Memory of My Daughter LISA MARIE MOSKALA From Maureen Penkava Faith-Filled Families Marriage Moment It's almost here - Christmas of course. It's easy to feel pretty frantic and busy at this time of year. We want to get a nice gift for our spouse, the kids, whoever, decorate, etc. Take some time out today. It needn't be long; just a pause. Look at each other and be thankful. A Parenting Pointer The Christmas Vigil uses the genealogy of Jesus as the Gospel (Matthew 1:1-25). Do your children know their heritage back several generations? Talk with them about their relatives dead and alive and their ethnic roots. Perhaps go to a map and help them visualize the way they came to the place you now call home. © 2014 Susan Vogt What a wonderful miracle! But how could this happen? The angel soon explained. 12 Informacje po polsku (Polish Information) INTENCJE MSZALNE I REJESTRACJA Intencje mszalne można zamówić po Mszy św. niedzielnej w pokoju marszałków. Prosimy o zamawianie Mszy św. z przynajmniej tygodniowym wyprzedzeniem. Formy rejestracyjne dostępne są również w pokoju marszałków. MSZE ŚW. Parafia Świętego Tomasza z Villanova zaprasza całą wspólnotę polskojęzyczną do wspólnej modlitwy i nabożeństw. Msze św. w jęz. polskim—niedziela: 1:30pm; Pierwszy Piątek miesiąca: spowiedź od 5:30 do 7:15pm, Msza św. o godz. 7:30pm SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚW. Sakrament Chrztu Św. w jęz. polskim jest udzielany w pierwszą i trzecią niedzielę miesiąca po Mszy św. w języku polskim—prosimy o wcześniejsze potwierdzenie daty z biurem parafialnym! Rodzice zobowiązani są do uczestniczenia w przygotowaniu do Sakramentu Chrztu Św. SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA Pary proszone są o kontakt z biurem parafialnym przynajmniej 6 miesięcy przed planowanym ślubem w celu ustalenia daty ślubu i spotkania się z księdzem. Obdarowana ponad miarę Maryja obdarowana przez Boga. Obdarowana ponad miarę – łaski pełna. Obdarowana Jezusem – Słowem Wcielonym. Takie obdarowanie budzi lęk. Jak to możliwe? Dlatego Bóg słowami Gabriela zaprasza Ją do ufności: „Nie bój się, Maryjo, bo Bóg Cię obdarzył łaską”. Maryja przestaje się lękać, bo powierza się miłości Boga: „Tam, gdzie jest miłość, nie ma lęku, doskonała miłość odrzuca lęk” (1 J 4, 18). Ona, która doświadcza umiłowania ponad miarę i zostaje wypełniona Bożą łaską, pokornie zawierza się otrzymanemu darowi: „Jestem służebnicą Pana; niech mi się stanie według twego słowa”. Jezu, ja także jestem obdarowany ponad miarę. Ojciec dał mi Ciebie a wraz z Tobą wszelkie łaski i nieskończoność swojego przebaczenia. Oto ja, Panie, niechaj Twoje słowo spełnia się w moim życiu. ———————————————————————————————————— Dar dla Parafii Wraz ze zbliżającymi się Świętami Bożego Narodzenia zachęcamy wszystkich naszych parafian do przemyślenia i przemodlenia ile każda rodzina może złożyć w ofierze na rzecz naszej parafii w tym szczególnym czasie radości i dzielenia się z innymi. Jeśli to możliwe prosimy aby każda rodzina złożyła na tace w Boże Narodzenie $100.00. Pieniądze te pomogą w opłaceniu wszystkich naszych bieżących wydatków. Bóg zapłać za Wasze ofiary składane na rzecz naszej parafii w ciągu całego roku! ———————————————————————————————————— SAKRAMENT POKUTY Niedziela 1:00pm- 1:25pm. SAKRAMENT NAMASZCZENIA CHORYCH Duszpasterstwo dla osób starszych i chorych. Wizyta w domu chorego z Komunią Św. oraz wspólna modlitwa. Prosimy o kontakt z ks. Wojciechem. RÓŻA RÓŻAŃCOWA Spotkania w drugą niedzielę miesiąca po Mszy św. Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy różańcowej w każdą niedzielę przed Mszą św. o godz. 1:00 pm. Z okazji zbliżających się Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, życzę Wam aby Boża Dziecina była obecna każdego dnia w Waszym życiu. Niech Jej błogosławieństwo spoczywa na Was i Waszych najbliższych, a pokój, miłość i dobro niech towarzyszy Wam we wszystkich Waszych przedsięwzięciach osobistych i zawodowych. KONTAKT Z KANCELARIĄ Poniedziałek—Czwartek: 9:00 am—8:00pm Piątek: 9:00 am—5:00 pm Sobota: 9:00 am—1:00 pm Telefon: 847-358-6999 NIEDZIELNA SKŁADKA 7 grudnia $ 1,889.00 14 grudnia N/A W sumie: $ 1,889.00 Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia! Dziękujemy! ks. Wojciech 13
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