St. Katharine Drexel Parish December 21, 2014 Third Sunday of Advent Parish Information Address ................................ 119 West 7th Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Phone ......................................................................................... (920)766-1445 Website .............................................................................. Parish E-mail and for the bulletin .................... [email protected] Parish Elizabeth Ministry E-mail............ [email protected] Kaukauna Catholic School System Relevant Radio ................................................. Churches and Sites St. Aloysius ...........................................................2401 Main Ave, Kaukauna St. Francis ....................................................... 433 County Rd. CE, Kaukauna St. Mary ................................................................. 119 W. 7th St., Kaukauna Rectory ........................... 134 West Ann Street, Kaukauna, WI 766-2966 Parish Office Hours Monday -Thursday ........................................................... 8:00 AM - 4:00PM Friday ....................................................................................... 8:00 AM - Noon Parish Staff Pastor .................................................................................Rev. Jerome Pastors Deacon ........................................................................ Randy Haak 766-1235 Business Manager ......................................................................... John Johnson Liturgical Coordinator..................................................Donna VandenHeuvel Bookkeeper...................................................................................... Jean Feyen Admin. Assistant ........................................................................ Edie Schneider Scrip Coordinator/Admin. Assistant .................................. Paula Huelsbeck Cemetery .......................... Sue Zwiers (Faith Formation Office 766-5997) Maintenance ...........................Tom Kettleson, Tom Diedrich, and Jane Kempen Faith Formation Faith Formation Office .................................................................... 766-5997 Director of Catholic Formation..................................................... Jeff Kacala Education/Curriculum Specialist ............................................... Susan Zwiers Valley Area Special Needs Rel. Ed. Dir. .............................. Belinda Micke 809-4637 ([email protected]) Catholic Education Kaukauna Catholic School System Administrator: Larry Konetzke (Holy Cross Campus) ................ 766-0186 Xavier High School ........................................................................... 733-6632 St. Katharine Drexel Parish, St. Mary’s Church only has a Hearing Loop for hearing aid users equipped with T-coils. Mass/Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 PM St. Mary Church Sunday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church 10:30 AM St. Mary Church Weekday Masses: Tuesday 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church Wednesday 8:30 AM St Francis Church Friday 8:30 AM St. Mary Church Liturgy of Word with Communion Thursday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church Holy Day: Holy Day Vigil 6:30 PM St. Mary Church Holy Day 8:30 AM St. Aloysius Church Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00–10:00 AM at St. Al’s church or by appt. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office at least 2 months prior Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior. Sacrament of the Sick: Call anytime 766-2966 The focus for the fourth week of Advent this year is the “Promise of Love.” FR. JERRY’S CORNER [email protected] On behalf of myself and the staff here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, I want to wish you and your family a blessed and holy Christmas and a New Year filled with the joy of God’s blessings. May this Christmas Season, a season of joy, peace and love, lead us deeper into the story of our salvation, as we continue to welcome Christ into our lives each and every day. On Christmas Eve and Christmas day, we will be distributing the book entitled “Life’s Greatest Lesson: What I’ve Learned From the Happiest People I Know.” Life’s Greatest Lesson and true happiness lies within our embrace of a tiny little child, lying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes, who is Jesus (God Saves). At every mass God breaks into our lives in word and sacrament and gives us the joy of life eternal. Next weekend Blest Art will be visiting our parish. Their mission is to support struggling Christian families living in the Holy Land, due to persecution and the lack of pilgrims. I invite you to take a look at the various pieces of beautiful olive wood religious art. Your purchase will make a difference in the lives of many Christian families. If you are not able to purchase an item, I ask you to keep our Christian brothers and sisters who live in the Holy Land in your prayers. The Planning Committee would like to thank you for sharing with them your thoughts and ideas about the future of St. Katharine Drexel Parish. If you have any further thoughts or ideas feel free to contact a member of the Planning Committee. Contact information for the Planning Committee is as follows: Steve Lamers (213-6846) [email protected]; Pat Schmidt (428-2880) [email protected]; John Jonhnson (766-1445) [email protected]; Jeff Ruffing (850-4352) [email protected]; Eyla Mae Zwiers (766-3960) [email protected]; Carol Miller (759-7484) [email protected]. The Planning Committee will also be contacting the various committees of the parish to get the input of our various ministries. The goal of this process is to make our parish more effective and efficient in using the resources we have to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church. “Disciples on the Way” is an invitation from Bishop Ricken to embark on a missionary journey into the new evangelization. As a part of this journey, Bishop Ricken is asking each parish to schedule, once a month, a holy hour with the Blessed Sacrament. This monthly holy hour would be an opportunity to pray for the intentions of your parish and of the diocese. Here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we will be having our holy hour on the First Friday of each month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius church. As we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, as evangelizing “Disciples on the Way,” may we grow in our call to be holy, engaged and fully alive. Our next holy hour will take place on Friday, January 2. Pillar I: The Creed focusses on the first pillar of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This 12 session DVD study features Dr. Sean Innerst. It will take place on Thursday at 1:00 PM at St. Mary (Social Hall) or at 6:30 PM at St. Aloysius (Upper Lounge). Both sessions are on Thursday and contain the same information. January 15 The Beginning of the Middle (456-534) January 29 The Beginning of the End…and Only the Beginning The sound system at St. Mary Church hopefully will be ready for Christmas. The cost of the project is $17,797 and we have already received a generous donation of $5,000, leaving $12,797 for us to raise. If you are willing to make a donation or memorial for this project, place it in an envelope and write “St. Mary Sound System” on the envelope. You can place it in the collection basket at mass or drop it off at the parish office. You can make a one-time donation or a pledge over the course of the year. I invite you to help us to proclaim and hear the word of God at St. Mary’s church. Thanks for all that you do to advance the mission of Jesus. Peace, Fr. Jerry IMPORTANT: ALL FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE PARISH OFFICE BY 12:00 Noon WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR 2014 CONTRIBUTION TAX STATEMENT. ANY/ALL RECEIVED AFTER THAT WILL BE CREDITED TO 2015. Weekend of December 1313-14, 2014 Early transmission. Figures and data will be posted in the December 28th bulletin. ∗ ∗ Thank you to the Laverne Miller family for the memorial money given to the Radiant Light Choir. Thank you to the Rita Joosten family for the memorial money given to St. Katharine Drexel Parish for the new sound system at St. Mary church. Page 2 Welcome to the Catholic Family….. Cole Jerome Smith, son of Craig & Elizabeth Smith Alexander Wayne Lampe, son of Timothy & Martha Lampe Please keep in your prayers the family of Lorraine Brick and Lawrence Bouche. As we pray for their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, may they rest in peace. A cross with Lorraine and Lawrence’s name will hang at St. Al’s Church until our All Soul’s Memorial service in November 2015. Prayer for the week… Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. Amen. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Advent: Decorating iturgy Inside and out we try to make our homes look special for the inistry holidays, We add colorful from Donna ribbons, candles, a tree, and twinkling lights. These items help [email protected] to create an atmosphere of warmth and welcome. Our homes appear ready to invite visitors inside. One of the items that adorn our homes during this season is the nativity crèche or manger scene. It may be traditional or modern, large or small. Its presence reminds us all of the reason for our seasonal celebration and centers us on the mystery and wonder that we celebrate. Mass Intentions Week of December 25, 2014 & St. Katharine Drexel Christmas Mass & Prelude Music Times: Christmas Eve December 24 Mass Time Prelude Music 4:00 PM 3:40 PM 4:00 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 9:15 PM Christmas Day December 25 Mass Time Prelude Music 8:30 AM 8:00 PM 10:30 AM 9:45 AM Church Site St. Aloysius Church St. Francis Church St. Mary Church St. Francis Church St. Mary Church Church Site St. Aloysius Church St. Mary Church Special Christmas Choir: All are welcome to join in the joyous celebration of Jesus' birth by singing in the 4:00 p.m. Christmas eve Choir at St. Mary's Church. We will be holding a practice on Saturday December 20th at 10:00 a.m. in the church at St. Mary's site. There will be prelude music before Mass starting at 3:30 p.m. Please call Julie Burkart @ 766-5965 with any questions. Bread & Wine Donation for the Week of December 21 in memory of Greg Hopfensperger Readings for the Week of December 21, 2014 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38 Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Next Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Saturday 20 4:00 PM Sunday 21 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Monday 22 11:00 AM Tuesday 23 8:30 AM People of the Parish St. Mary Fourth Sunday of Advent Brian Kaminski Earl & Bob Schmidt St. Al’s Chad Welhouse Living and deceased members of the Oberthur & Brochtrup Families St. Francis Michael & Louise Schmidt Carl Sanders & family St. Mary Rosary St. Mary Living & Deceased members of the Ron Denzel Family St. Al’s Wednesday 24 Christmas Eve 4:00 PM Peter & Theresa Mathis Living & Deceased members of the Biese family St. Al’s 4:00 PM Greg Hopfensperger Roland Brochtrup & Karen Crawford St. Franics 4:00 PM Bernard Marx Margaret Wallace St. Mary 10:00 PM Jack & Ron Martzahl Leon Vanderloop St. Francis 10:00 PM Pope Francis, Bishop David Ricken, Fr. Jerry Pastors and Deacon Randy Haak St. Mary Thursday 25 Christmas Day 8:30 AM Shirley Zierler Robert Meyer St. Al’s 10:30 AM Joyce , Michael and Susie Martin Norbert & Ceil Meulemans and Merv & Betty Hansen St. Mary Friday 26 8:30 AM Sue VandeHey Maureen VanDaalwk St. Mary Saturday 27 4:00 PM Milton Schmidt Joyce, Michael and Susie Martin St. Mary Sunday 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph 8:30 AM People of the Parish St. Al’s 8:30 AM Paul & Helen Lamers and Luke Romenesko St. Francis 10:30 AM Monnie Verhagen Jerry Gerrits St. Mary RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 9:00 AM at St. Al’s Church It is not always possible to know who is hospitalized, living at a care facility or who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them at home. We are asking for your help. If you know someone who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them please contact the Parish Business Office at 766-1445. ©Liturgical Publications Inc December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 3 FYI: Early Bulletin Transmissions and Announcements for the Holidays. Please note with the holidays approaching our due date and times for announcements and bulletin articles will be different. Please watch the bulletin under Calendar of Events for early submission dates and times. Sorry for the inconvenience. Calendar of Events SUN. Dec. 21 9:00 AM-8:00 PM KCSS Christmas Tree Lot open (Corner of Hwy OO and Gertrude street) 2:00 PM Youth Advent Concert (church) (SA) MON. Dec. 22 11:00 AM Rosary (church) (SM) 1:00 PM Kaukauna Golden Agers Card Club (City Hall) 5:30 PM Cub Scout Pack Meeting #3104 (SH) (SA) 6:00 PM Social Concern Meeting (PO) 6:30 PM Glory & Praise Choir Practice (church) (SM) 7:00 PM AA Group (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Radiant Light Choir Practice (church) (SA) 8:00 PM CYO Patrice (gym) (SM) TUE. Dec. 23 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 6:30 PM KCSS Board of Trustees (Holy Cross) 6:30 PM Mix Choir Practice (church) (SF) WED. Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Parish Business, Faith Formation and Scrip Offices closed for the Holiday. THUR. Dec. 25 Christmas Day Parish Business, Faith Formation and Scrip Offices closed for the Holiday. FRI. Dec. 26 Parish Business, Faith Formation and Scrip Offices closed for the Holiday. SAT. Dec. 27 Blessed Art present at all the Masses with items for sale. 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) SUN. Dec. 28 Blessed Art present at all the Masses with items for sale. **Site Codes SA - St. Al Campus SF - St. Francis Campus SM - St. Mary Campus **Room Code PO - Parish Office SH - Social Hall café - cafeteria PC - Parish Center RM#-Classroom Kaukauna Catholic School System Larry Konetzke, System Administrator Holy Cross 766-0186 Great Gift Ideas!! • 2015 Raffle Calendars KCSS along with Holy Cross Parish and St. Katharine Drexel Parish are once again combining their efforts to make this calendar fund raiser a huge success. Pick up your calendar at Holy Cross Church or Parish Office, St. Katharine Drexel Worship Sites or Parish Office, or at the KCSS School Office. • Swing TossTM Games are available for purchase for just $10.00 at the KCSS School Office. • Grand Event Tickets Get your admission ticket before January 12th and buy one, get one FREE!! Admission Tickets and Raffle Tickets can be purchased at the KCSS School Office, Holy Cross Parish Office, St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office. Upcoming Events • Liturgy of the Hours Tuesday, December 23rd at 8:15a.m. Holy Cross Church-Grades 5-8 • Peek at Kindergarten KCSS will be hosting “Peek at Kindergarten” on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. If you know of anyone interested in our Kindergarten program, please invite them to attend one the following sessions: 12:30-1:30 p.m. 5:45-6:45 p.m. Please RSVP at 766-0186. Thank you Help Wanted Kaukauna Catholic School System Child Care is looking for a responsible and reliable child care provider to join our team. Help is needed on various days (two to three days per weekpossibly more) from 2:30pm-6pm. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, able to pass a background check and be willing to attend Virtus training. Send your resume to [email protected] or Child Care Director, 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. We need your Help! Fall & Winter Schedule for the Brown County Book Mobile. The Brown County Book Mobile will be at the St. Francis parking lot, 431 Cty. CE, Hollandtown the third Tuesday of each month, Jan. 20 and Feb. 17 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Bingo! Progressive Blackout Jackpot. Sunday, Jan. 11, 18, and 25 Sunday night – St. Mary Campus, Social Hall Doors open 5:00 PM - Bingo Starts at 6:30 PM Page 4 We like to keep our parish and parishioners records up to date but we have found many phone numbers disconnected or changed without any additional information given. Many people are going to cell phones and no longer have land lines; we are lacking this important piece of information. Paula and I are asking that if you no longer have a land line for your home phone that you please call the Parish Office (766-1445) with your contact number. We also want to update our email address for our family records. Would you be so kind as to write on a piece of paper your name and email address and place it in the weekend collection. Thank you! Edie Schneider Parish Secretary St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna G.I.F.T. (Growing In Faith Together) Faith Formaon for Everyone 920-766-5997 [email protected] Jeff Kacala 766-5997 [email protected] Find Us: Thank you for supporting our Popcorn Ball Factory! We are closed for the season but still have popcorn balls for sale. We are extremely th or f grateful for your patronage. ed os A very BIG thank you to all our volunteers that Cl came on Mondays to help at the factory. Special thank you to our coordinators, Pat Ryan, Norma Fuhrmann and Marv & Ellie Hietpas ea eS n so Call or email for more information on all offerings What a great Catholic Parish! Thanks to everyone for the great response to our Advent giving for elementary and middle school projects. We received a fantastic amount of goods and jars to get our projects off the ground. Look for details on our projects in next weeks bulletin We kicked off Bishop Ricken’s: Teach My People to Pray initiative with a great crowd at our First Friday Holy Hour. If you missed it you can join us for the next gathering of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, January 2nd at 6pm at the St. Aloysius site. Come and adore Jesus! There are no Faith Formation activities scheduled for this week…..We will keep your Advent preparations in our prayers. Spots are filling fast, but there is still room in our middle and high school mission trips scheduled for this summer. 2015 Summer Mission Experiences Contact the office for more details. Just5Days Davenport, Iowa. July 20-24. For young people in grades 6-8 in 2014/2015. Cost: $385 Young Neighbors in Action Donaldson, Indiana. July 11-19 For youth in grades 9-12 in 2014/2015. Cost: $585 Recycle your Christmas Cards Used Christmas cards are once again needed at Holy Family Convents in Manitowoc. The cards can be left in the back of all three worship sites. The last collection date will be Sunday January 25th.. Thank you, Shari Petersen Let us remember to keep in our daily prayers the men and women that are serving our country. December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent CHRISTMAS TV MASS Christmas Mass on TV will bring the joyful celebration of our Lord's Nativity into homes, healthcare settings, and other places. Please invite homebound loved ones to join in the Heart of the Nation Catholic TV Mass on Christmas Day at 6:00 a.m. on WACY channel 32. The Christmas Scripture readings, traditional hymns, and the inspiring surroundings of an 1800's chapel will give TV Mass viewers the gift of rejoicing in the meaning and blessings of Christmas. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Elizabeth Ministry Retreat and Resource Center in Kaukauna is offering Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Will YOU come for one hour a week to pray before the Lord? Our hope is to extend the hours of adoration as more people respond. Please open your heart to this incredible experience. Feel the difference one hour will make in your life. Elizabeth Ministry Retreat & Resource Center is located in the former St. Mary’s convent at 120 W Egith St., Kaukauna. Contact Joyce Bruecker for details: 920-766-2901 or email her at [email protected]. Community Christian Resale Store 120 Second Street HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Looking for something different to decorate or wear for the holidays. We are the answer and the best part… the price is right!!! Come check us out. Your donation’s keep us going! Thank you so much. (All donated items need to be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. We are unable to take old computers, monitors and televisions.) Store hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Thank you for your support. Any questions call Sue VanNuland (766-2974) Page 5 AREA EVENTS $crip $cuttlebutt! 766-1445 or [email protected] Three days before Christmas, after searching your house, You are one gift short and you feel like a louse! Not a box or a bag, for dear Uncle Chip, “Oh goodness” you cry, “St Katharine’s has Scrip!” So you grab your coat and run down the hall, Fire up the Dodge and dash away all!! Down the street and through the lights, Your shopping experience will be a delight!! Then home to relax, you now have a grip, You’ve finished your shopping at St Katharine Scrip!!! Merry Christmas to all from St Katharine Scrip!!!!! Local Scrip Merchant of the Week Lamers Dairy Store “How is your milk supply? Are you in need of some cheese? Lamers Dairy has all of our dairy needs.” Healing Mass at St. Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception Greenville A healing Mass will be held on January 10, and February 7th at 7pm. It will include the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick, adoration and opportunities to receive prayer and ministry. All who desire physical, emotional or spiritual healing are invited! For more information contact Tammy Krueger at 920-757-6555 ext. 205. Interested in joining an excellent Catholic singles organization? The Catholic Alumni Club International is looking to expand into the Green Bay diocese. We provide a group dedicated to social, cultural, civic and spiritual relationships in a Catholic setting. For more information, please check out the following site or contact Steve at [email protected]: Kaukauna Golden Agers… All card players 55 of age or older are welcome to join the Kaukauna Golden Agers for a card game of Sheepshead or other games, on the second and fourth Monday of the month, 1:00 PM at Kaukauna City Hall. Retailers of the Week! We proudly stock Copps and Cousins Subs!!!!! SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Scrip Hours at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office Monday to Thursday 8 to 12 & 1 to 4, Friday 8 to12, **Limited inventory is also offered at St. Francis Site following the 8:30 am Sunday Mass. A note to KCSS families that are members of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: Please remember when buying scrip to do so through St. Katharine scrip office. We will deliver to Holy Cross. We, as a parish, use some of the profits to help pay the amount we have been assessed by KCSS. So please, for the good of our school and church, remember we are here. Please show your support to the businesses that advertise in our bulletin. These businesses pay for the printing of our weekly bulletin. Please cut out this ad on the back of our bulletin and bring it in to the business the next time you patronize one of our advertisers. KCSS RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS Humor for the Soul Three sisters age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house together. One night the 96 year old draws a bath, puts her foot in and pauses. She yells down the stairs, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?" The 94 year old yells back, "I don't know, I'll come up and see." She starts up the stairs and pauses, then she yells, "Was I going up the stairs or coming down?" The 92 year old was sitting at the kitchen table having tea listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful." She knocks on wood for good measure. She then yells, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door." Page 6 12/08 12/09 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 David DeBroux #889 SanDiego, CA $20 Mary Wenzel #236 Niagara $20 Anne Johnson #160 KAU $20 Fr. Jerry Pastors #1039 KAU $20 Lawrence & Katherine Otto #716 KAU $20 Jennifer Lenz #390 KAU $20 Wilfred Powers #725 KAU $25 Sunday Mustard Seeds… Invite someone occasionally to come to church with you. Accept the fact that they may decline. If they do, encourage them to go to whatever church they belong to. (From Matthew Kelly) Pass this along to a friend. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Christmas Flower Donations for 2014 From: Mr Kim Simons Ms Mary Britten Mr Arthur Gerrits Mr Jerome Kroll Mrs Muriel Merbach Mrs Jane Kaufman Mr & Mrs Michael H Petersen Mr Bruce Petrie Mrs Virgil Biesterveld Mr & Mrs William Lamers Mrs Margaret Welhouse Peter & Barb Buechel Ms Margaret Blenke Mr & Mrs Edward Steidl Miss Marie Nackers Mr & Mrs Donald Biselx Mr & Mrs Martin Huss Mr & Mrs Michael Hogan Mrs Margaret Kilgas Pat & Jean Ryan Mrs Ruth Gerrits Mr & Mrs Richard VanBoxtel Mrs Janice Kunz Mr & Mrs Daniel Biselx Mr & Mrs Frederick Schaefer Mr & Mrs Dennis Kilgas Mrs Val Fischer Mr & Mrs Cletus Tennessen Mr & Mrs Dennis Wittman Mr & Mrs Steven Schmidt Mr & Mrs Gary Schmidt Mr & Mrs James Lorenz Ms Marguerite Keys Mr Albert Mengarelli Mr & Mrs Raymond Granger Mr & Mrs Steven Huss Mrs Monica Hanagan Ms Margaret Kilgas Mrs Theresa Buchberger Roger & Judy VanEperen Pat Arnoldussen Mr & Mrs Ken Donnermeyer Mrs Virgie Meulemans Mr & Mrs James Schmidt Mrs Thomas Sprangers Mrs Ann VanderWyst Mr & Mrs James Meyers Mr & Mrs Ralph Duprey Doris & Larry Wolf Mrs Marlene Stuiber Ms Shirley LeClaire Mr & Mrs Thomas Brochtrup Mr & Mrs Cyril Schmidt Mr & Mrs Mark Stumpf & family December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent In Memory/Honor of… Joe & Katie Simons, Ryan Weyenberg, Joe Buelow, and Russ Green Henry & Collette Wolf, deceased family members and Betty Conrad Mary Gerrits Bette Kroll Carol “Tweet” Schmidt, Joe Kaufman, Dan Bongers and Donna Loderbauer John & Ron Martzahl and Brian Petersen Jaime Petrie Virg Biesterveld Mark Lamers Jerome Welhouse Bill & Betty Blenke Michael Steidl, Edward & Helena Steidl, and Norman & Alice Burkleman Mr & Mrs Henry Nackers family Deceased members of the Biselx and Kalupa families Roy & Milly Lamers Living & Deceased members of the Ryan & McCormick families Donald Gerrits Melvin & Margaret Mainville and Peter & Gerarda VanBoxtel Oscar Kunz Tony & Verna Gloudemans Our deceased family members and Helen Hoffman Mrs Diane Brinkhoff and Mr & Mrs Richard Kilgas Charlie Fischer Justin Tennessen and Bernard & Eunice Tennessen Elmer & Mildred Wittman and Vincent & Mary Ebben Audrey Schmidt Elaine & Les Dietzen and Gene Lorenz Deceased members of Harry P. Keys family Betty VanSchyndel & Henry VanSchyndel John & Martha VanGroll Don Kilgas Douglas Buchberger Doloris VanEperen and William Weiss Gerald Arnoldussen Jesse Donnermeyer Paul Louis Meulemans Thomas Sprangers Larry Vander Wyst, Elmer & Mary VanderWyst and Ed & Rose Knight Jim & Judy Meyers The DuPrey and Weigman families Parents of Doris & Larry Wolf Ken Stuiber Lawrence, Virginia and Ronald School Living & Deceased members of the Ralph Doering Family Ann Stumpf Page 7 Christmas Flower Donations for 2014 From: Mr & Mrs Eric Miller Jerry & Nancy Mader Pat Joenen Ann & Chris Schmidt Mrs Sarah Joyce and Richard & Missy Joyce Mr & Mrs Gary Wolf Ms Susan Dogot Larry & Kimberly Slonaker Mr & Mrs Glenn Hansen Mr & Mrs Victor VanDeLoo Mr & Mrs Steve Dunphy Mr & Mrs William Kessler Mr & Mrs David Vanderloop Ms Kay Sanders Ms Nancy Welhouse Mrs Marion Vanderloop Mrs Dorothy Mitchell Mr & Mrs Dennis Eppinger Dr & Mrs Paul Russo Mr & Mrs Fred Schuette Mr & Mrs Lloyd Coenen Mrs Carol Rausch Mr & Mrs David Evers Mr & Mrs Glen Hinkens Mr 7 Mrs Rick Kuchelmeister Mrs Amy Moore Mr & Mrs Gerald Ebben Mr & Mrs Robert Nack Mr & Mrs John Johnson Mr Erwin Betley Mr & Mrs Tom Haen Mr & Mrs Richard Lamers Mr & Mrs George Huss Mr & Mrs Allan Dix Mrs Patricia Lappen Mr & Mrs Timothy Retzlaff Bruce, Sue and Lindsey Vanderloop Mr & Mrs Martin Schuh Judy & Tom Helf Mr & Mrs Vincent Feldkamp Page 8 In Memory/Honor of… Earl Caliebe Gerald & Irene Mader and Sylvester & Jane Vosters Clarence, Mildred and James Joenen Earl & Bob Schmidt Bill Joyce Laux & Wolf families Merv & Betty Hansen and Norb & Ceil Meulemans VanDeLoo & VanDenBosch families Living & Deceased family and friends of Lori & Steve Dunphy Mr & Mrs Paul Onkels and Mr & Mrs Carl Kessler Clayton & Lorraine VanAsten, Leon Vanderloop, Arvin Bauer and Henry Depies Mary & Earl Sanders Chad Welhouse, John & Jean Hoffmann and William Hoffmann Norman & Scott Vanderloop Leo Mitchell Jack Haen and Nancy Schuette Dave Rausch Parents and Bruce Evers Art & Mabel Mongin Jerome Truyman and John & Betty Moore Vic & Elizabeth Pieters, Bill Pieters, Vince & Mary Ebben, and Carol VanDera Julia Burns Lorraine Betley Lorriane Betley Jack Haen Deceased members of the Lamers & Stern families The Ryba family Ed Marx Sr. and Ed Marx Jr. Glen Lappen Living & Deceased members of the Wallace, Cumber and Relztaff families Ray Schwalenberg, Luanna Schwalenberg, and Joyce Schwalenberg Nathaniel Schuh, Don & Ethel Halbach, and Gustave & Agnes Schuh Joseph & Gertrude Spierngs, Richard & Selma Helf Our Deceased Parents St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 9 Page 10 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 11 Page 12 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna
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