NORTH CENTRAL IOWA PRESBYTERY 4 1 0 2 8 1 2 1 s w e n E y l k e We News in THE PRESBYTERY: Inside this issue: Mark Your Calendars—January 24, 2015 Boundary Training for all Teaching Elders & Commissioned Ruling Elders Also on this date: Ruling Elder Training Kris Valerius of OGA will be training Clerks of Sessions from 10-Noon on Records Books, Minutes Books and Year End Reports. Registration forms were sent to all Pastors and Clerks of Session this week. Lunch is free to all attending. Prayers 2 Thoughts from Dave 3 Reason for the Season 4 Calendar 5 ‘2015 Budgeting 6 Christmas Joy 9 Educational Events 10 Special points of interest: Boundary Training Christmas Joy Offering PAGE 2 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 Prayers CHURCHES AND PASTORS Candidates and Inquirers December 21, 2014 Burt, Burt and First, Woden – Rev. Dr. S. Glenn Wilson Candidates December 28, 2014 Pray for the Presbytery Staff as they start a new year in service to the church: Rev. David A. Feltman, Pastor to the Presbytery/Stated Clerk ; Patricia Geadelmann Erin Marth Keep in your prayers: Miah Acosta, granddaughter of Rev. Bien Acosta, Pastor of Life and Hope Presbyterian Church as she is currently hospitalized in Des Moines. Inquirers Rebecca Dix Andrew Hagee Rev. Dr. S. Glenn Wilson, Assistant Stated Clerk Julie Erkel Hagee Kaylene Hoskins, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper, Heather Libich Stephen Keve Vicki Thordsen, Secretary, Rev. Rich King, Pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Marshalltown as he recovers from recent surgery. Well wishes may be sent to Rich at 101 S. Center St. Marshalltown, IA 50158. Lee Nicholas, Treasurer Diane Wilson, wife of Rev. Dr. Glenn Wilson as she recovers from surgery. Well wishes may be sent to Diane at P.O. Box 165. Burt, IA 50522. The Presbytery Office will be closed December 24-25 for the Christmas Holiday. Prayers to you for a blessed Christmas! NOTE: If you have a prayer request or joy to share, please email khoskins@presbynciowa. org or phone 319-233-1747 Chris Hoyt, wife of Rev. Brice Hoyt , pastor at United Presbyterian, Traer as she recovers from recent surgery. Get well wishes may be sent to Chris in care of United Presbyterian Church, 307 Walnut Traer, IA 50675. WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 PAGE 3 Thoughts from Dave. . . Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I remember a sermon from 1988. Rev. Dr. Kenneth Hall, the moderator of the General Assembly, was the preacher. It was the December Presbytery meeting in Minnesota Valleys Presbytery, my former presbytery; we met at Hope Presbyterian in Spicer. I wonder about the accuracy of my memory? The text was Matthew 2: 16, “When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time he had learned from the wise men.” Dr. Hall’s main point is that it was into a real world where real power could be so corrupt – the Savior came; a real world where evil was having its day. The world is in shock once again after the tragedy in Pakistan and the way evil is still having its day. I think of Romans 8:19, an Advent text, “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God… We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now, and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait…” We wait and affirm ONE DAY, justice, righteousness and peace will have their day!! And, into all the messes of God’s world we pray – Come Lord Jesus. I hope you have a Blessed Christmas! With love in Christ, David Feltman PAGE 4 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 The reason for the season By Nathan Countryman, Assistant Editor Published: Thursday, December 11, 2014 BANCROFT—On Sunday, Dec. 7, the Burt Presbyterian Church held its annual Christmas in the Barn event at the Mark and Mary Behrends farm. “In this barn, we are far from Black Friday shopping and the crowds in malls, as well as the stained glass windows of a church,” said Ian Laddusaw. “Take the time tonight to think about God in your hearts.” Ian Laddusaw performed a guitar solo after that and Shawna Person performed a solo to the song “Draw Me Close to You.” Members of the Burt Presbyterian Youth recounted the Gospel story surrounding Jesus birth, including the fact that he was born in a manger when his family had to report for an area census, as there were no rooms for the family in one of the inns. Baylynn Johnson performed a solo of “Mary Did You Know?” Rev. Doug House began the Christmas in the Barn service with a special rendition of "what Child is This?" with the violin. although the temperature was in the high thirties, there was a lot of warmth in the old barn as the story of Christ was told once again, with a different point of view. This time there was a focus on the old worshiper Simeon, who is found in the Bible in Luke Chapter 2, when the infant Jesus was presented at the temple by Mary and Joseph. It was time for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, so Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the Law of the Lord: “a pair of doves or two young pigeons.” Simeon was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying that this baby was the promised one, the Messiah. The parents marveled at what Simeon had to say about the child. Rev. Dr. Glenn Wilson played the role of Simeon for the barn service. At the end of his monologue, he invited crowd members to hold a a baby, just as Simeon held Jesus. Two infant children, the grandchildren of Barn Service Director Mary Behrends, were passed among members of the audience. It was the last Christmas in the Barn for senior Cameron Crosser, who spoke glowingly of his inferences in the event over the years since he was in the sixth grade. Cassidy Crosser, Hailey Sifert, and Sierra Crosser also had key roles in the barn service. PAGE 5 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 Presbytery Calendar Presbytery calendar dates are on a first come first served basis. If you (Presbytery Committee, Commission, Board, Church, or other Presbytery groups) are planning a meeting/event/or time please contact the Presbytery office or check the Presbytery calendar. Thank you. A complete calendar is on the website at Date Time Event Location December 24-25 Presbytery Office Closed January 4 3:00 Mission Trip Orientation Ackley, First 8 10:00 Macedonian Ministry East Waterloo, Westminster 12 5:00 COM Ackley, First 15 11:30 SE Pastor Cluster Gathering Grundy Center, Bethany 24 10:00 Boundary Training for Pastors/CRE Ackley 10:00 Ruling Elder Training Ackley 10-Noon Clerk of Session Training with Kris Valerius Ackley 10:00 Macedonian Ministry West Fort Dodge, First 26-29 COM/CPM Training Minnesota 31 Snow date for January 24 event 31-Feb. 6 Presbytery Mission Trip 26 February 6 11:00 Camp Board Lakeshore Center at Okoboji 9 5:00 Committee on Ministry Ackley, First 12 10:00 Committee on Preparation for Ministry Ackley, First 5:00 Presbytery Council meeting Ackley, First 10:00 Macedonian Ministry East Waterloo, Westminster 1:30 Vital Ministries Initiative Waterloo, Westminster 11:30 SE Pastor Cluster Grundy Center, Bethany Noon Ames Cluster Gathering TBA 23 Noon First Call Pastors Ackley, First 26 10:00 Macedonian Ministry West Fort Dodge, First 16 19 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 PAGE 6 For your 2015 Budget Planning: 2015 Per Capita 2015 Mission General Assembly 7.07 25% Synod 5.20 4% Presbytery 18.54 71% TOTAL $30.81 100% Ministry with the Presbytery: Lay Academy continues with 10 students into 2015 Annual Presbytery-wide Mission Trips—February 1-7 & watch for destination Lakeshore Center on Okoboji varied ministries for and with our churches Candidates and Inquirers under our care Macedonia Ministries for pastors/CRE’s begins in 2015 Mission & Ministry Board approved grants of approximately $60,000 for projects partnering with local ministries. Committee on Ministry as they work with churches in transition Transformational church mission dollars for second mile giving: Central Presbyterian Church in Nevada Life and Hope Presbyterian Church, Fort Dodge and Webster County If your church has any questions for Presbytery, we stand ready to visit with you to listen to your concerns, challenges and visions for the future. Call 319-233-1747 or 319-231-3570. PAGE 7 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 BE A RECONCILER IN THE CHURCH By: Heath K. Rada, Moderator of the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church USA At a recent meeting of newly elected moderators of presbyteries across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), I was asked to share my thoughts concerning ways a person might serve in the role of "reconciler" in a presbytery or church where there were divisions. The following were my comments: 1. Pray first. Pray alone before you begin the conversation. Then offer to open the conversation in prayer. Such grounding lays a framework that removes the issue from the people involved and invokes Christ to join you. It also helps you to "get over yourself" so that your agenda isn't the primary focus. 2. Listen and show respect. Everyone has the right to be heard, no matter what their position. It may be appropriate to establish ground rules of respect before you begin, so that people won't use their time attacking one another. Hearing anger and pain is every bit as important as hearing successes and joys. To read more, go to: Unity Presbyterian Blue Christmas Service December 21 at 4:30 p.m. "When Christmas Hurts" is the theme for this year's Blue Christmas Service. Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult. The constant refrains on radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost. The anguish of the death of a love one can make us feel alone in the midst of celebrating and joy. Even without death there are other reasons for a blue Christmas. We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness; we need to know that we are not alone. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. There are times when life is good and beautiful, and celebration is appropriate. But there are also times of distress and loss. During those times we sing sad songs of lament, protest and complaint about the chaos and harshness that life can sometimes be for us. We often feel afraid, angry, and ashamed. Putting words to this season can often be difficult. But we do this together in our address to God. PAGE 8 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 APA OFFERING FREE MEMBERSHIP TO NEW MEMBERS The very best part is if you know someone that would like to join but haven’t because of the cost – new members are now FREE at least for 2015. Pass the word around and see if we can build up our membership in the Midwest Region. This is for all church secretary’s, Administrative Assistants or other office workers. If you would like more information about APA, please contact Vicki at the Presbytery office. [email protected] New Standard Mileage Rates Now Available; Business Rate to Rise in 2015 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued the 2015 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2015, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be: 57.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, up from 56 cents in 2014 23 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, down half a cent from 2014 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations The standard mileage rate for business is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile, including depreciation, insurance, repairs, tires, maintenance, gas and oil. The rate for medical and moving WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 PAGE 9 WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 PAGE 10 Educational Events and Seminars Lakes and Prairies announces plans for Synod School 2015 The off season is over and plans are in place for Synod School 2015. The annual midsummer ministry will run July 26-31 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Theresa Cho, co-pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, will be next summer's convocation speaker. She describes herself as a pastor, wife, mother, baker, gardener, listener and storyteller. She's all that and blogs at Still Waters, has written for Christian Century and Sojourners, leads conferences and serves in numerous capacities for several Presbyterian groups. There's more at "Synod School." REGISTRATION AVAILABLE FOR BOTH WINTER, SUMMER PASTORS SCHOOLS Registration is now open for Summer Pastors School that will run June 7-13, also at Hastings College. Both education activities are organized by the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation. Keeping in Touch - Synod of Lakes and Prairies WEEKLY E-NEWS 12-18-2014 PAGE 11 Mark Your Calendar Big Tent' July 30—August 1, 2015 Tennessee Conference Center In Knoxville, TN The "Big Tent," a biennial event of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) that includes conferences and activities of multiple organizations within the church, will take place July 30 through Aug. 1 next year at the University of Tennessee Conference Center, Knoxville. Details should be showing up soon at "Big Tent." 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium Production Team applications are live! The Triennium Staff are looking for 26 thoughtful, hard working, youth and adult youth worker volunteers to serve as the Production Team - the team who will produce the amazing 2016 Triennium! Applications and reference forms can be found on the Triennium website. Act quickly! PRESBYTERY OF NORTH CENTRAL IOWA 2302 Falls Avenue Waterloo, IA 50701 Phone: 319-233-1747 Fax: 319-233-2015 E-mail: [email protected] 800-383-3617 319-233-2015—fax We’re on the web, s r u o H . ffice m . O p y r 0 e 3 t : y . to 4 resb P m . l a a 0 m r 3 8: No y a d e. s r u h the offic T m o y fr y a a we tings aw Mond certain nd mee a be hedules office to c s e ff th ta to s flect ming hours re efore co b e ll ic a ff c o e y sbyter s. Pleas The Pre tant to u r o p u. im istry is t with yo Your min e office to mee th will be in
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