Reports to the Presbytery of Florida Winter Stated Meeting January 24, 2015 9 a.m. CST/10 a.m. EST First Presbyterian Church of Quincy 306 North Madison Street Quincy, Florida 32351 CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................. Preparation for Ministry Team ............................ p. 14 Docket.................................................................... p. 1 Dogwood Acres Ministry Team ......................... p. 15 Coordinating Presbyter .......................................... p. 2 Presbyterian Women ........................................... p. 17 Administrative Team ............................................. p. 3 Ministry Team .................................................... p. 18 Stated Clerk/Communications ............................... p. 4 Commitment to Representation Team ................ p. 24 Presbytery Leadership Team ............................... p. 11 Appendix...................................................................... IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CLERKS/PASTORS Please share this information with your ruling elder presbytery commissioner(s): Every ruling elder commissioner must have a form naming him/her as commissioner for the church, signed by the session moderator or clerk. This form is included in the docket mailing and also is available on the Presbytery’s website,, under the “Meeting dockets/forms” tab on the site’s “Presbytery” page. The commissioner must turn in that form, sign in on the appropriate list, and get a name tag. All three steps are important for ensuring your attendance is recorded in the official meeting minutes, so be sure to arrive about 30 minutes before the meeting starts in order to take care of this and any personal needs before the meeting is called to order. Minister members should sign in on the appropriate list and get their printed name tags. These will help ensure accurate recording of the minutes, particularly the attendance, and a timely start of the meeting. Hugh Hamilton, 2014 – 2015 Moderator of the Presbytery of Florida Map and directions to First Presbyterian Church of Quincy 306 North Madison Street, Quincy, Florida 32351 From I-10 West: Take exit 192 to merge onto FL-10 W/US-90 W/Blue Star Hwy/Memorial Blue Star Hwy. Continue to follow FL-10 W/US-90 W (12.3 miles). Turn right onto County Rd 65/N Madison St. Destination will be on the left (0.2 mile). From I-10 East: Take exit 174 toward Quincy (0.3 mile). Turn left onto FL-12 E/Greensboro Hwy. Continue to follow FL-12 E (8.0 miles). Turn left onto County Rd. 65/N Madison St. Destination will be on the left (0.2 mile). Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting ii January 24, 2015 LUNCH MENU Pork loin with gravy Hash brown casserole Green beans Apricot glazed carrots Tomato, cucumber, feta cheese salad Dessert Tea/coffee $10 per person Lodging The following overnight accommodations are located within 5 miles of the January 24, 2015, presbytery meeting location. No special rates are offered. Hampton Inn Quincy 165 Spooner Rd., Quincy, FL (4.1 miles to 306 N Madison St.) 850-627-7555 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Quincy 101 Spooner Rd., Quincy, FL (4.1 miles to 306 N Madison St.) 850-875-2500 Garden Salad Chicken Cordon Bleu Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting Baked Cheesy iii Rotini January 24, 2015 DOCKET OF THE PRESBYTERY OF FLORIDA January 24, 2015 – 9 a.m. CST/10:00 a.m. EST First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, FL We lean forward to embrace change. We strengthen, nurture, and connect congregations. We support and connect elders engaged in pastoral leadership. We inspire members to grow spiritually and model the love of Christ in service and witness. We develop creative outreach and outdoor ministries. 9:00– 9:55 EST Registration 10:00 EST .......................................................................................................... Winter Meeting Convenes Declaration of a Quorum .................................................................................................... Jeannie Dixon Adoption of the Docket ..................................................................................................... Jeannie Dixon Welcome from host church ...................................................................................................... Chris Erde Introductions .................................................................................................................... Hugh Hamilton First-time ruling elders, teaching elders, corresponding members, and visitors 10:15 EST– Morning Worship/Prayer Service Installation of new moderator – Bill Green 11:00 EST Reports of Presbytery Staff/Officers Coordinating Presbyter/Administrative Team – Ted Land (pp. 2 – 3) Stated Clerk/Communications to Presbytery – Jeannie Dixon (pp. 4 – 10) Dogwood Acres Director– Jonas Georges Treasurer/Budget, Finance and Stewardship Team – Jim Davis Presentation by Presbyterian University Center Presentation on 1001 New Worshipping Communities 12:00 EST Presentation on amendments to the Book of Order Voting on amendments 1:00 EST– Lunch 2:00 EST– Reports of Presbytery Teams For information only: Presbytery Leadership Team (pp. 11 – 13) ............................................................................ John Lown Preparation for Ministry Team (p. 14) ................................................................................... Mary Vance Congregational Mission Support Team. ................................................................................ Gary Cecil Personnel Team. ................................................................................................................. Ric Connor Dogwood Acres Ministry Team (pp. 15 – 16)...................................................................... James Vance Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team (p. 17) ...........................................................Sandra Winslett Disaster Preparedness & Response Team ........................................................................... Scott Yant For action: Ministry Team (pp. 18 – 23)............................................................................................. Randy Jackson Commitment to Representation Team (pp. 24 – 28) .............................................................Toya O’Hora Adjournment and Closing Prayer Next Meeting: April 28, 2015 – 9:00 a.m. CST/10:00 a.m. EST – Dogwood Acres Note: If you need child care for this meeting, please contact the host church. Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 1 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Coordinating Presbyter 2 A few years ago, sports writer Bill McGee described the traveling secretary as the hardest job in sports. 3 6 For those of you who may not be baseball fans, the traveling secretary is kind of the advance man, the arrangements and detail person for a baseball team. He usually travels a day or so ahead of the team, to be there to welcome them, to make sure that hotel rooms meet their specifications, that tickets for wives, girlfriends, visiting dignitaries, are all set. 7 In a lot of ways, those are the things that Melissa Morgan, our Presbytery Administrator does. 8 But I am the one that gets to do the travelling. 9 Since we met last in December, in addition to my weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) trips from Marianna to Chipley, I have travelled to Tallahassee three times for officer training at Trinity United Presbyterian Church, to Dogwood Acres for the Presbytery Leadership Team one day retreat meeting, to Panama City for the 75th Anniversary Celebration at Parkway Church, and to Port Saint Joe for a church supper where I was the “after-dinner speaker”. 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Tomorrow, I will travel to Pensacola for C.K. Moore’s installation at Northminister Church, and on the 29th, I will be back in Tallahassee for the ordination and installation of those elders that I trained and the recognition of their first ever elder emeritus. And remember, I was serving the Marianna Church as Interim Pastor while I was doing all that travelling. The Session of First Presbyterian Church, Marianna, was kind enough in our contract which was renewed in November, to grant me one Sunday a quarter to be available to other churches around the Presbytery. The first Sunday I was able to do this was this past Sunday, when I was in Panama City. 24 I will have one Sunday in the February-March-April quarter available to be in a church in the Presbytery of Florida on Sunday morning. I am available for Sunday evenings, and every weekday evening except Wednesday and the fourth Tuesday. 25 Please help keep this travelling secretary in motion. 26 Ted Land, Coordinating Presbyter 22 23 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 2 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Administrative Team 2 3 4 5 6 “The Administrative Team will be composed of the current moderator, past moderator, moderator-innomination (convener), stated clerk (ex officio with voice but not vote), coordinating presbyter (ex officio, with voice but not vote) and treasurer (ex officio with voice but not vote). The group will generally meet by conference call…” Manual of Operations, Presbytery of Florida, Section II, lines 2023, page J-4 7 8 “When deemed necessary, they may take appropriate actions between meetings of Presbytery and report such actions to the next stated meeting of presbytery.” (Ibid., lines 30-32) 9 The following actions have been taken in the name of Presbytery: 10 11 12 13 14 Approved the sale of the 2007 Saturn Aura most recently driven by the Stated Clerk for $2600, funds added to Executive Auto Replacement Fund . Note: The cost of annual insurance was almost equal to the value of the automobile, and it will save the Presbytery considerable money to reimburse the Stated Clerk for mileage driven on Presbytery business. 17 Approved the sale of four donated vacant wooded lots not adjacent to the property of Sunny Hills Community Presbyterian Church for the amount of $2500. Action approved and requested by the Session and Congregation of the Sunny Hills Community Church. 18 Team members: Hugh Hamilton, John Lown, Bill Green, Jeannie Dixon, Ted Land, Jim Davis 15 16 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 3 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Stated Clerk 2 Session Records Review for 2013 3 The 2013 and 2014 session minutes will be reviewed electronically. Two or three volunteers from each district (west, central, east) are needed to review the minutes. Please contact Jeannie Dixon at [email protected] if you are willing to volunteer for this. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Each year's minutes should be compiled into one electronic document for each year (Instructions have been emailed to clerks, churches and pastors. You also may contact me for help). The Checklist for Reading Session Minutes (available at should be completed for each year. The minutes for 2013 and the checklist should be emailed to the [email protected]. I will send the documents to a reviewer for your district. The reviewer will complete the review and return the checklist to me (signed and scanned and sent via email, if possible, or signed and mailed to the presbytery office at P. O. Box 7, Chipley, FL 32428). If a church is not able to prepare an electronic copy of the minutes, contact me to arrange a physical review of the minutes. The 2013 minutes are due to me by February 28, 2015. The 2014 minutes are due no later than March 31, 2015. The review of the 2013 minutes is expected to be completed by April 24. The review of the 2014 minutes is expected to be complete by June 1. SUMMARY: 20 2 or 3 volunteers from each district are needed to read minutes; contact Jeannie Dixon to volunteer 21 Prepare a file of the 2013 minutes; due to the Stated Clerk by February 28, 2015 22 Prepare a file of the 2014 minutes; dues to the Stated Clerk by March 31, 2015 23 24 The ROLL BOOK will be examined by the clerk and the pastor. Please complete that section of the form prior to sending the minutes for review. 25 Annual Statistics 26 Reminder that the gathering of annual statistics for each congregation is under way. If you have ANY questions or need assistance do not hesitate to contact me. Churches have from Dec. 6 to Feb. 19 to enter the statistics for 2014. Do not wait until the last minute. At a minimum, please enter your membership numbers. 27 28 29 31 The session needs to approve the report as early as possible after December 31, 2014. This is a session report and DOES NOT require approval at a congregational meeting. 32 Clerk’s Questionnaire 30 33 34 35 36 37 The link to the Presbyterian Mission Agency Research Services' annual online Clerk's Questionnaire – normally provided on the Office of the General Assembly's annual statistical reporting website, but made available separately this year – is now active. Clerks may submit data now through March 21 at User IDs and passwords for the questionnaire are the same as for the statistical report. Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 4 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 Florida Presbytery Rolls as of December 31, 2014 The following Teaching Elders are members of the Florida Presbytery engaged in a validated ministry (G-2.0503a): 10 Mel Baars, Bill Bess, Rob Bohnsack, Mark Broadhead, Gary Cecil, Bruce Chapman, Tae Ho Cheong, Jae Wan Chung, Joseph Chung, Brant Copeland, Daniel Dieth, Bea Edwards, Chris Erde, John Erthein, Larry Greenslit, Hugh Hamilton, Randy Jackson, Ken Kelly, John Kelsay, George Kessler, Daniel Loffredo, Benjamin Lynch, Hailey Lynch, Beth McCaw, Dan Mitchell, Charles K. Moore, Michael Moore, Taylor Phillips, Steven Schaick, Sharon Schuler, Robert Sullivan, Anghaard Teague-Dees, Mary Vance, Bonnie Wilkins. 11 The following Teaching Elders are members-at-large of the Florida Presbytery (G-2.0503b): 12 Sally Campbell-Evans, James Duncan, Terry Dyer, Nancy Forinash*, Victoria Isaacs, Pamela KingPhillips, Robert Sugg and Joan Wooten. 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 *In accordance with G-2.0508, the COM determined at its December 11, 2012, meeting that Nancy Forinash does not currently fulfill the criteria for membership-at-large. If after three years she still does not meet the criteria for either validated ministry or membership-at-large, she may be removed from the rolls of the presbytery. The following Teaching Elders are honorably retired members of the Florida Presbytery (G2.0503c): Barry Arnold, Michael Askew, Glenn Bass, Tom Borland, Frank Beall, Jerry Blacklaw, Don Brown, Lewis Bullard, Reid Cameron, Ted Chumley, Tom Douglas, James Duncan, Joe Eckstine, Al Harris, Gene Harris, Kathleen Hodgson, Harry Horne, Dolores Ingraham, Owen Ireland, Harvey Jenkins, Hal Jensen, Hubert Johnston, Fred Keith, Ted Land, Charles Lapp, Bill Lee, John Lown, Sandra Martin, John Marvin, Ruth Mashewske, Donna Medlock, Steven Melamed, Lindsay Moffett, James Monroe, Durl Odom, Clarence Payne, James Peacock, Luther Price, Albert Reese, Bill Russell, Leo Sandon, Morris Springer, James Stansbury, Davis Thomas, Claude Tucker, Drucilla Tyler, James Urquhart, James Ware, Ezra Yune. The following are ministers from other Christian traditions who have been enrolled as members of the Florida Presbytery: 31 Richard Conner – ELCA and Temporary Supply at Parkway Presbyterian Church; Emory Hingst – ELCA and Parish Associate at First Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee 32 The following are Ruling Elders currently commissioned for service within the Presbytery: 33 Joanne Kublik – First, Milton Larry Plank – Pace Presbyterian John Schuler – Navarre Presbyterian Jack Homoney – First, Chipley 30 34 35 36 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 5 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Annual Report on Christian Educators as of December 31, 2014 The following Christian Educators meet the provisions outlined in the By-Laws (Article IV, #5) to have voice at Presbytery Meetings: Lisa Wilder – First Presbyterian, Quincy Christy Williams – First Presbyterian, Tallahassee Laurice Andrews – First Presbyterian, DeFuniak Springs The following 6 Christian Educators meet the provisions outlined in the By-Laws (Article IV, #5) to have voice and vote at Presbytery Meetings: Patty Arnett – Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church, Gulf Breeze Jeannie Dixon – Fellowship Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee Carol Deloach – Christ Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee Shannon Guse – Faith Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee The following Christian Educators are currently employed by churches within the bounds of the Florida Presbytery: Vickie Dieth – Christ Presbyterian, Tallahassee Ryan Jones – Gulf Breeze Presbyterian Church Trinity Whitley – Faith Presbyterian, Tallahassee Jason Williams – Grace Presbyterian, Panama City Respectfully submitted, Jeannie Dixon, Stated Clerk Communications to Presbytery 22 23 1. Letter from Red Bay Presbyterian Church 24 Side-by-side comparison of proposed and current wording of W-4.9000, regarding marriage Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 6 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 7 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 8 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 9 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 10 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Presbytery Leadership Team (PLT) 2 3 4 5 6 The Presbytery Leadership Team (PLT) is responsible for engaging in ongoing shaping and reshaping the life and mission of the presbytery by being responsive to the changing needs of the presbytery, the community and the world; and engaging in ongoing shaping and reshaping the life and mission of the presbytery by being responsive to the changing needs of the presbytery, community and the world. 7 The Presbytery Leadership Team held a daylong meeting on Saturday, January 10, 2015 with a quorum of members present. Jonas Georges welcomed everyone to Dogwood Acres. Joan Wooten led the group in a time of Bible study and prayer using the Service of Morning Prayer. The effectiveness of the PLT in 2014 was reviewed. The chair asked the team to look at the past Reports of the Presbytery Leadership Team for the strategies for implementing the Mission statement (1-4). 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1) To connect and strengthen congregations: Relative to making congregational/sessional visits by representatives of the presbytery teams, the major struggle was coordinating 4 entities (session, rep from CMST, MT, PLT). Those visits have been put on hold. Ted Land continues to visit churches and has visited 1/3 of the churches. He hopes to visit the remaining 30 churches in 2015. A dividend of the visits is finding new folks to serve on presbytery teams. 2) To connect and strengthen elders: there are some upcoming possibilities in how we approach the proposed new Directory for Worship. According to the Book of Order the presbytery is responsible for leading sessions in a study of the Directory for Worship. Sessions are also to give regular training to elders in the Directory for Worship. We have not done joint officer training or workshops, but have talked about that. 3) To inspire members to grow spiritually: Some individuals have experience with Cursillo and information has been placed in the Pelican. We encourage members to attend a Cursillo event. It was also thought to encourage and assist districts to get together in order to get to know each other better across churches. This becomes very difficult to schedule. Who will get it started? Who will carve it out? There was much discussion on the “loss” of the DiscipleFest event and how it “worked”, and what could have been better. Ted Land reported that his church visits frequently bring the statement “I miss DiscipleFest!” Consensus is that this is something we probably want to revisit in 2015. In summary, we've learned some things. We ran into difficulties and identified some “barley loaves and fish” that the Lord could work with. The PLT raised the issue of the structure of the PLT itself and why we do not have all the chairs of the teams at the table. Having them present would facilitate the “celebration of the work of our teams”. The chair challenged PLT to leave the mission in place, but bring the team chairs back to the membership of the PLT. The theme of “communication” was repeatedly raised during discussion. Anghaarad Teague Dees suggested it would be great for PLT and Presbytery Youth Council to meet at the same time with a shared meal (separate meeting). The PLT also discussed the NEXTChurch movement and model for presbytery meetings used by Milwaukee Presbytery based on this (1 hour for business; 1 hour leadership workshop; 1 hour lunch; 1 hour worship). It is feasible for Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 11 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 us to set up a presbytery meeting on this model. There is a good video on web site on “relational-izing” presbyteries. One thing the PLT celebrated is that worship is central to our presbytery meetings, with communion every time. There was discussion re: Belhar Confession and the vote scheduled for the April meeting; We will seek an expert on confessions to present on the topic before our vote is taken. Presbytery meeting locations for 2015 were discussed: Dogwood has offered for April; Gulf Beach for September. Either/both could be overnight to incorporate “body building”: with fellowship, continuing education, spiritual development emphasized. The team discussed a plan for the study of the proposed Directory for Worship. Are we going to provide leadership for this? The Book of Order says we should. How do we go about this? At an upcoming meeting we will seek to have David Gambrell from the Office of Theology and Worship or someone present for an hour, break for lunch, then into small groups with notes taken for feedback. (45 min. small group, with 15 minutes to provide feedback to all with the minutes used to provide the feedback to Theology and Worship). We would also ask him to help lead worship. The PLT will send the link to the materials/study guides on the proposed Directory for Worship to sessions for study and review ahead of time. Jeannie Dixon presented the questions from the Synod Boundaries Consultation Team. After discussion, our answer is ‘’yes”: A change to our synod would provide energy, synergy, programmatic resources. The “how” is to join (split) with Synod of Living Waters. Our synod is the 2nd largest synod. There is enough in common both geographically and culturally with the Synod of LW to either merge the synods or reconfigure. Thoughts include: Put presbyteries of MS, AL, FL, GA, SC together... but there are mountains that divide KY and TN from VA and NC, etc. Move FL Presby. with LW and perhaps GA also with SC to Mid-Atlantic. Possible configuration is merge Synods of Living Waters and South Atlantic. Absorb SC into MidAtlantic. Possibly look at Bd. of Pensions’ regions and see if that would work for the boundaries. The team worked on the vision and goals for 2015. Michael Moore shared info from Congregational Mission Support Team. 1001 New Worshiping Communities will present at presbytery in January then meet with folks in Pensacola to discuss the new campus community at UWF. James Vance shared information on Dogwood Acres. He provided background on work at DWA. DWA is coming up on 50 years. Goals for 2015: 1) replace bath house with a quadraplex; this will be done by tearing it down and rebuilding it. The purpose of the building is to house the chaplain, nurse and 2 lead counselors during summer camp. Laurel Oaks lodge is currently used for this and it needs to be removed because it is falling apart. DWA received a gift of $10,000 from a church to get the rebuilding started (the replacing of the bath house). They will have architectural drawings this month. The quadraplex will be a premier use for retreats when summer camp not in session. 2) expand base of active committee members and volunteers 3) start volunteer program 4) increase overall usage of DWA facilities 5) develop and improve communication between DWA, PLT, presbytery and our churches 6) complete list of previously planned smaller facility improvements (already have funds) Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 12 January 24, 2015 1 7) further develop the nature education programs and trail systems 2 One of the big projects last year was remodeling Elvery House. It was on the property when the presbytery purchased the property. The cook stays there during summer, but the rest of the year it is available as a small, personal retreat location with one bedroom/bath and kitchen. 3 4 7 Last year, Dogwood had about 30 retreats with 1100 people and 189 with summer camp for about 1400 people visiting during the year. They would like to double that number of visitors by increasing weekday use. Jonas Georges shared information on his work. 8 The Dogwood Acres Youth conference (6-12 graders) is Feb. 20-22, 2015. 9 Chairs of teams for 2015 were reviewed: Gary Cecil – Congregational Mission Support Toya O’Hora - Commitment to Representation James Vance – Dogwood Acres Ministry Michael Askew – Self-Development of People Scott Yant - Disaster Preparedness and Response Chuck Morgan – Budget, Finance and Stewardship Randy Jackson – Ministry Team Preparation for Ministry Team needs a new chair (Mary Vance, is now moderator in nomination) Joy Gilbert- Hunger Action Enabler Ric Connor – Personnel Still short one member on Commitment to Representation Team, which is the responsibility of PLT to name; (from either Eastern or western district). Presbytery Leadership Team has a vacancy (from the east) and Ministry Team also has vacancies. 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Opportunities for a presentation/workshops by FLAPDAN(Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network) at Presbytery meetings was discussed. They have offered to work with the presbytery to work with each church to create a disaster plan. It could be done as break out groups in a presbytery meeting or in districts. We will assign this to the Disaster Preparedness Team to pursue. The upcoming meeting dates for Presbytery meetings in 2015: April 28 (Tues) @ Dogwood Acres September 8 (Tues) @ Gulf Beach It was agreed to set the dates for the next PLT meetings as: February 14th, at 9-12 AM CST, Chipley office May 12th, 3 PM CST, Chipley office Respectfully submitted, John Lown, Team Chair Other Team members: Tom Borland, Jae Wan Chung, Bill Green, Hugh Hamilton, Debbie Layton, Ruth Mashewske, Bill Rumph, Tom Stadsklev, Christy Williams, Sandra Winslett, Anghaarad Teague Dees, Ken Overholt, Jeannie Dixon, Ted Land Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 13 January 24, 2015 Report from the Preparation for Ministry Team 1 2 3 The Preparation for Ministry Team (PMT) provides care, guidance and oversight for inquirers and candidates who are preparing to become ministers. (Book of Order G-3.0307) 4 For information: 5 1. The following are in good standing with the PMT: 6 Inquirers: Trinity Whitley (Faith, Tallahassee) 7 Candidates: Linda Pitts (Lafayette, Tallahassee) Glenn Hodges (First, Tallahassee) 8 Candidates ready to receive a call: Michael Frandsen (Faith, Tallahassee) 9 10 11 12 13 2. With the approval of the Ministry Team, Lori Prettyman has withdrawn from the roll of Inquirers in order to pursue Commissioning as a Ruling Elder to Particular Pastoral Service. (G2.0609; G-2.10) 14 For action: No items. 15 Respectfully submitted, Mary P. Vance, Chair 16 17 18 Other Team Members: John Erthein; Martha Ann McCaskill; Marty Henderson, Robert C. Palmer, III, Bruce Chapman, R. C. Griffin Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 14 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Dogwood Acres (DWA) Ministry Team 2 3 4 5 The Dogwood Acres (DWA) Ministry Team is responsible for all matters relating to short- and longterm planning, management, development, operations and programs connected with Dogwood Acres in conjunction with the short- and long-term goals for the presbytery that are recommended by Presbytery Leadership Team and adopted by the presbytery. 6 2014 Summary We began 2014 fully involved in our search for a new Dogwood Acres Director. The process took the search committee just under six months and culminated in the hiring of Jonas Georges, who moved to DWA at the end of April. We also hired Jessica Harris at the beginning of January to fill a dual role as part time Food Manager (cook) and part time office assistant. She helped keep things running smoothly during our director search and transition as Jonas learned the ropes in his new position. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Summer Camp was a success by all standards, especially considering that we were slightly under staffed and had more kids than the previous year. Jonas went through staff training alongside the new and returning summer staff and now, after almost nine months on the job, is fully up to speed. The rest of the year was busy with retreats, meetings, and special programs. Our numbers for 2014 include: Number of retreats: 24 Number of participants at retreats: 1,039 Number of Summer Campers: 189 Approximate total number of guests, participants, and visitors: 1,400 2015 Over the past few months the DWA Ministry Team has recruited several new members for both the Operations and Programs Committees. However, we still have several openings on Operations. The DWA Team has been actively planning for the coming year. The summer camp schedule is being finalized, camp staff positions will soon be filled, and the retreat reservations are running at a normal pace. The Programs Committee will be planning summer camp activities over the next few months and in February Dogwood Acres will host the Dogwood Youth Conference. The Operations committee is in the process of selecting a contractor to replace the old bathhouse with a quadraplex lodge to house the nurse, chaplain, and two lead staff directors during the summer. The lodge will then be available for use by retreat groups, housing eight or more guests. We have been working with Doug Shuler, an architect in Tallahassee who has produced preliminary plans. Finished plans will be completed within a month. We are presently working with Anderson Construction Company in Panama City on the demolition phase of the old bathhouse, as well as finalizing a bid for new construction. Our hope is to complete the project by mid-May, in time to utilize it during summer camp. Several people have asked about this project over the past six months, having heard about it originally in 2013. As you may remember, the old bathhouse is quite old, has been out of use for over a decade and has fallen into disrepair. It is located in the central area of the cabins (a perfect spot for housing staff during camp or a family during a retreat) and has become an eyesore and a hazard. Originally, it was hoped that we could remodel it and use the existing floor and walls, but after extensive talks with two architects and several builders, it is apparent that the cost of remodeling will be almost identical to the complete demolition and construction of a new building. Considering that a new building would solve several undesirable aspects of the remodel option, a decision was made to raze the old building and start Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 15 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 over. This will a) give us leeway in designing a more architecturally compatible building, b) allow better site drainage (a major drawback to the remodeling option), and c) end up with a slightly larger, more comfortable and effective design. There are funds in hand for the full design process, demolition, and site prep, plus another $70,000 towards construction. We are awaiting a final bid and are looking for funding to complete the project. Our focus with Jonas and our committees has been to prioritize both the work that needs to be done around the property and our short term goals. We have completed a great number of projects over the past two years, and it is a relief to have a shorter “to-do” list. Regular maintenance of the facilities is being taken care of in a timely manner – Robert Commerford, our maintenance supervisor, continues to be an indispensable part of the Dogwood team. In addition to preparing for the summer, our priorities look like this: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Complete the lodge before summer camp begins (replacing the old bathhouse) Expand our base of active committee members and volunteers Increase overall usage of the DWA facilities through networking, solicitation, and advertising Develop and improve our communication between DWA, PLT, and the churches in our Presbytery Complete the list of previously planned smaller facility-wide improvements (these are fully funded) Further develop our nature education programs and trail systems We would also like to remind everyone that the Elvery House is now ready for use. It is beautifully remodeled, with the hope that members of our Presbytery will use it for short getaway breaks. For details call the DWA office, 850-535-2695. Pastors will be given scheduling priority. Respectfully submitted, James Vance, Team Chair 26 Other Team members: Operations: Terry Ward, Harvey Mashewske, Ben Lynch, Ben Powell 27 Program: Patty Arnett, Trinity Whitley, Susie Barber, Monica Rehberg, Linda Lovins, Jason Williams 25 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 16 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Report from the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery The Advent Season and the Christmas celebration of the birth of our Savior was a blessing for us again this year. Our local PWs reflected God’s love by giving to and caring for countless precious children of God in many ways. The Angel Tree Project, Thornwell Home, and the Shoebox Ministries were supported in many churches, along with supporting needy families with clothes, meals, and Christmas gifts. “Cookies and a Visit” was a favorite again this year for one church, as cookies were baked, decorated, packed, tied with Christmas ribbon, delivered with love and a visit to 38 church members who were homebound, in the hospital, and in assisted living centers. Attendees at one church’s Christmas brunch brought toiletries for United Ministries which received enough supplies for several months. Churches provided clothing to those in need, Christmas gifts, candy canes, and visits to residents in a refuge house and nursing homes. Christmas parties were held. Dinner was prepared and delivered to the Presbyterian University Center in Tallahassee. Twenty-four very fortunate special needs children were given a Christmas party and received two gifts and $5.00 each. Several churches showered children at Thornwell Home with special Christmas gifts. Stories like these are found throughout our presbytery, and are just a few examples of the ministries of our women and their churches. The 2015 year arrived very quickly again this year, and again our PW hit the ground running! We continue to be involved in a myriad of activities, missions, and projects as we nurture our faith through Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The PWP Coordinating Team will meet January 17th, at First Church, Chipley. Plans for the 109th PW Annual Gathering will be a priority for the meeting. The Gathering will take place on March 14th, at 10:00 EST, at Faith Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee. We welcome all of you to be with us, especially our Pastors, Associate Pastors, Ministers for Children, Youth, and Adult Ministry. For more information, please contact Sandra Winslett at 850.432.0890 or email at [email protected]. Local PW Moderators and Historians are in the process of sending their 2014 Annual Reports and Histories to the PWP. It is very important for us to have an annual history from each church in our presbytery, and we forward copies on to Synod and Churchwide archives. This may be the only written and pictorial record of the wonderful things taking place in the local church during the course of the year. Should your church need help with this report, or if your church has an inactive PW group, please contact Suzanne Hinman, our PWP Historian, at [email protected], or 850.456.3882. We thank you with appreciation for this report. Registration began January 15th, for the PW Churchwide Gathering, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 18-21 2015. The Theme is “One Body One Spirit.” Information is available at, or by contacting Sandra Winslett. May we live by the Spirit, bearing its fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, keeping Christ’s light in our hearts. May God fill us with the childlike desire to be like Him, striving to imitate Him in all our words and deeds, thereby reflecting His love to His world. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Winslett, PW Moderator Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 17 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Ministry Team 2 3 4 The Ministry Team (MT),formerly the Committee on Ministry (COM), is composed of 1/2 teaching elders and 1/2 ruling elders to guide the Presbytery’s Teaching Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders, and Christian Educators. (Book of Order G-3.0307) 5 For information: 6 - Received the following reports: 7 CRE John Schuler's report 8 Rev. Ted Land's report, re: Interim at Marianna Church 9 CRE Larry Plank's report 10 Final Report from Rev. Robert Sullivan re: Interim at LaFayette Church, 11 Final Report from Gulf Beach Church, Panama City Beach PNC 12 13 14 15 - Approved Lori Prettyman, as volunteer CRE for Westminster Church, Pensacola for a period of 6 months. Frank Beall to serve as mentor. - Approved Gretna & Woodland Churches CRE contract with Alan House as CRE for a period of 6 months beginning Dec. 20 2014 (See attached). Bill Bess to serve as mentor. 17 - Approved St. Andrews Church, Panama City, Session's Temporary Supply Covenant Agreement with CRE Sheila Palmer for a period of 6 months beginning 01/01/15, pending receipt of proper form. 18 - Heard District reports. 19 - Continued work with churches seeking pastors through MT liaisons. 20 - Received a report on several items from Coordinating Presbyter Ted Land. 21 22 - Approved the Commission to install for Rev. C.K. Moore, Northminster, Pensacola, and set the date for that Installation service for Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 4 p.m. CST at Northminster. 23 For action: 24 - The Ministry Team having previously met with, examined and approved Rev. Bonnie J. Milligan Wilkins for the Pastor position at Gulf Beach Church, Panama City Beach, approved her terms of call, and having given her permission to move onto the field January 1, 201 5, and Presbytery at its December meeting having approved her terms of call, now introduces, examines, and welcomes, Rev. Wilkins and requests she be enrolled as a member of Presbytery pending her release from Pines Presbytery. 16 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 - The Ministry Team, havaing met with, examined and approved Rev. David Garnett, for the Interim Pastor position at Faith Church, Tallahassee, now introduces him to Presbytery that he might be examined, welcomed, and received as a corresponding member (voice without vote) during his term as Interim Pastor. And further recommends that his terms of call be approved. (See attached.) Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Randon Jackson, Tearn Chair Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 18 January 24, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Team Members: Chris Erde, Gene Harris, Bob Crabtree, Denise Moore, Dan Mitchell, Taylor Phillips, Larry Plank, Jim Green, Joan Wooten, Barbara Barrett, Frank Beall, Mark Broadhead, Sheila Palmer (4 vacancies) THE NEXT MEETING OF THE MINISTRY TEAM WILL BE - Tuesday, March 10, 201 5 @ 9:30 a.m. CST @ the Presbytery Office. Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 19 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 20 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 21 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 22 January 24, 2015 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 23 January 24, 2015 1 Report from the Commitment to Representation Team 2 3 The Commitment to Representation Team (CRT) is responsible for the nomination process for elected positions within the presbytery, giving due consideration to diversity. 4 For action: 5 The CRT recommends that the following nominations to the Presbytery teams be approved: 6 Presbytery Leadership Team (PLT): 7 Class of 2017 Leslie Yandle (RE –1st, Pensacola) Suzanne Burke (RE – Gulf Beach, Panama City Beach) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Dogwood Acres (DWA) Ministry Team: Operations Class of 2015 Brittany Adams Long (Member – Faith, Tallahassee) Budget, Finance and Stewardship (BF&S): Class of 2016 Richard Daniel (RE – Westminster, Pensacola) Ministry Team (MT) Class of 2016 Mary Schmidt (RE – 1st , Marianna) Class of 2017 Bonnie Jean Wilkins (TE – Gulf Beach< Panama City Beach) Preparation for Ministry Team (PMT) Class of 2015 Harry Horne (TE – Member-at-Large) Class of 2017 Lisa Wilder (DCE – 1st , Quincy) Commitment to Representation Team (nominated by PLT) Class of 2016 Angie Sheehey, (Member–Trinity, Pensacola) Self- Development of People (SDOP) Class of 2016 Thadeus Wilkins (RE – Gulf Beach, Panama City Beach) Permanent Judicial Committee (PJC) Class of 2017 Lori Prettyman (CRE – Westminster, Pensacola) 37 Respectfully submitted, Toya O’Hora, Team Chair 38 Other Team members: Jim Gibbs, Harvey Jenkins, Jaunita Myers 36 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting 24 January 24, 2015 Presbytery Team Membership, Rev. 01/21/2015 * Asterisk denotes Jan. 24 CRT nominations to Presbytery (not yet elected) MISSION AND MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS MISSION / MINISTRY Class of 2017 James Vance (RE-Fellowship, Tallahassee) Dogwood Acres Ministry Team PRESBYTERY LEADERSHIP TEAM (PLT) 12 At-Large Members (4 per district) – one three-year term The PLT is responsible for engaging in ongoing shaping and reshaping the life and mission of the presbytery by being responsive to the changing needs of the presbytery, the community and the world; engaging in ongoing shaping and reshaping the life and mission of the presbytery by being responsive to the changing needs of the presbytery, community and the world; formulating recommendations to the presbytery concerning policies, priorities, and goals; meeting at least annually with the chairs or moderators of teams for training, planning, evaluating and setting goals; developing avenues for communication and consultation with the presbytery teams; and serving as trustees of the presbytery. PLT members ordinarily are not elected to serve on nor chair another presbytery team. Class of 2015 Hugh Hamilton Chair (Most recent moderator of presbytery) (TE-Trinity, Pensacola) Bill Green Moderator of presbytery (RE-Euchee Valley, DFS) Mary Vance Moderator-elect of presbytery (TE-Fellowship, Tallahassee) Ted Land (TE) Jeannie Dixon (RE) Coordinating presbyter (ex officio) Stated clerk (ex officio) At-large members: Class 2015 15-3 15-3 15-2 15-2 Jae Wan Chung (TE-Agape, PC) Debbie Layton (RE-1st, Pens) Tom Stadsklev (RE-1st, Marianna) Tom Borland (TE-Faith, Tallahassee) Class 2016 16-3 16-3 16-3 16-3 Ruth Mashewske (TE-1st, Quincy) Sandra Winslett (Mbr-1st, Pens) Bill Rumph (RE-Grace, PC) Christy Williams (RE-1st, Tallahassee) Class 2017 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 Anghaarad Dees (TE-Trinity, Pensacola) Ken Overholt (RE-Northminster, Pensacola) * Leslie Yandle (RE-1st, Pensacola) * Suzanne Burke (RE-Gulf Beach, PC Beach) DOGWOOD ACRES (DWA) MINISTRY TEAM 13 Members The DWA team is responsible for all matters relating to short- and long-term planning, management, development, operations and programs connected with Dogwood Acres in conjunction with the short- and long-term goals for the presbytery that are recommended by Presbytery Leadership Team and adopted by the presbytery. OPERATIONS – Six Members Class 2015 15-1 * Brittany Long (Mbr-Faith, Tallahassee) Vacant Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting Class 2016 16-2 16-2 Terry Ward (Mbr – Lafayette, Tallahassee ) Harvey Mashewske (RE– 1st, Quincy) 25 Class 2017 17-3 17-6 Ben Lynch (TE-1st, Pensacola) Ben Powell (RE-1st, Quincy) January 24, 2015 PROGRAM – Six Members Class 2015 15-3 15-3 Patty Arnett (RE-Gulf Breeze) Trinity Whitley (CE-Faith, Tall.) Class 2016 16-4 16-2 Susie Barber (Mbr-1st, Marianna) Monica Rehberg (RE-1st, Chipley) Class of 2017 17-3 17-3 Linda Lovins (Mbr – Lafayette, Tallahassee ) Jason Williams (Mbr-Grace, Panama City) CONGREGATIONAL MISSION SUPPORT TEAM (CMST) – 12 Members CMST is responsible for but not limited to strengthening and supporting churches, planning opportunities for leadership development, leading the presbytery in transformation and revitalization opportunities, evangelism and developing ways for networking and connecting ministries, missions and resources among its churches. Class 2015 15-4 15-4 15-5 15-5 15-3 Hailey Lynch (TE-1st, Pens) Bill Mock (RE-1st, Quincy) Dru Tyler (TE-Port St. Joe/Wewahitchka) Debbie Gibson (RE-1st, Tall) Barbara Overholt (RE-Northminster, Pens) 16-4 16-3 16-2 Class 2016 Class 2017 Linda Lade (RE-1st, Milton) Ellen Hicks (Mbr-Chirst, Tallahassee) Jean Silva (RE-Trinity, Pensacola) Gary Cecil (Chair) (TE-Grace, Panama City) Jim Huffaker (TE-Mbr-at-large) Winona VanLandingham (Mbr-1st, Chipley) C. K. Moore (TE-Northminster, Pensacola) 17-5 17-3 17-3 17-3 BUDGET, FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP (BF&S) – 6 Members + Treasurer BF&S is responsible for budget and fiscal control, property management and promotion of responsible stewardship. Class 2015 15-3 15-1 Roseanna Phillips (RE-1st, Pens) Carol Davis (RE-1st, Ft. Walton Beach) Class 2016 16-2 Richard Daniel (RE-Westminster, Pens.) Vacant Class 2017 17-3 17-3 William Bell (RE-Faith, Tallahassee) Chuck Morgan (RE-1st, Marianna) PERSONNEL – Six Members The Personnel Team is responsible for annual review of goals with staff, annual performance and compensation reviews, administration and annual review of and changes to the Presbytery’s personnel policies. Class 2015 15-3 15-3 Brant Copeland (TE-1st, Tall) Ric Connor (Chair) (TE-Parkway, PC) Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting Class 2016 16-2 16-2 Jean Norman (RE-Trinity, Pensacola) John Lown (TE-Mbr-at-large) 26 Class 2017 17-3 17-3 Kathleen Rogers (RE, 1st, Chipley) Barry Stafford (RE-1st, Marianna) January 24, 2015 MINISTRY TEAM (MT) – 18 Members The MT is composed of ½ teaching elders and ½ ruling elders to guide the presbytery’s teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders (CRE) and Christian Educators. Class 2015 15-6 15-3 15-3 15-3 15-4 Larry Plank (CRE-Pace) Gene Harris (TE-Freeport) Chris Erde (TE-1st, Quincy) Taylor Phillips (TE-Mbr at Lg, Tal)) Dan Mitchell (TE-1st, Lynn Haven) Vacant Class 2016 16-5 16-6 16-2 16-2 16-2 Bob Crabtree (RE-Christ, Tall) Jim Green (RE-Trinity, Pens) Denise Moore (RE-1st, DeFuniak Springs) Joan Wooten (TE-Mbr-at-large) * Mary Schmidt (RE-1st, Marianna) Vacant Class 2017 17-6 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-3 Randy Jackson (Chair) (TE-1st, Pens) Mark Broadhead (TE-1st, Crestview) Frank Beall (TE-1st & Trinity, Pens) Shelia Palmer (RE-Grace, Panama City) Barbara Barrett (RE-Trinity United, Tall.) * Bonnie Wilkins (TE-Gulf Beach, PC Beach) PREPARATION FOR MINISTRY TEAM – 9 Members PMT provides care, guidance and oversight for inquirers and candidates who are preparing to become ministers. Class 2015 15-6 15-2 15-1 Mary Vance (Chair) (TE-Fellowship, Tall) Marty Henderson (Mbr-Gulf Breeze) * Harry Horne (TE-Mbr-at-large) Class 2016 16-6 16-6 16-6 Bruce Chapman (TE-PUC, Tall) Bob Palmer (RE-Trinity, Pens) Martha Ann McCaskill (RE-Lafayette, Tall) Class 2017 17-6 17-3 17-3 John Erthein (* Chair) (TE-Euchee Valley, DFS) R. C. Griffin (TE-Monticello) * Lisa Wilder (DCE-1st, Quincy) COMMITMENT TO REPRESENTATION TEAM – 6 Members (nominated by PLT) CRT is responsible for the nomination process for elected positions for the presbytery, giving due consideration to diversity, geographical, and theological positions consistent with the reformed tradition. Class 2015 15-3 15-3 Jaunita Myers (Mbr-1st, Chipley) Harvey Jenkins (TE-Mbr at Lg, PC) Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting Class 2016 16-2 Angie Sheehey (Mbr-Trinity, Pensacola) Vacant 27 Class 2017 17-4 17-4 Toya O’Hora (Chair) (Mbr-Lafayette, Tall) Jim Gibbs (RE-1st, Marianna) January 24, 2015 SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE (SDOP) – 5 Members SDOP is responsible for the administration, interpretation, and implementation of the SelfDevelopment of People Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Presbytery, in accordance with the mandate and criteria set forth by the 181st General Assembly. Class 2015 15-3 15-2 Barbara Overholt (RE-Northminster, Pens) Rosa Houston Autrey (Mbr-Trinity United, Tall)) Class 2016 Tae Ho Cheong (TE-Pens Korean) * Thaddeus Wilkins (RE- Gulf Beach, PC Beach) 16-3 16-2 Class 2017 17-6 Michael Askew (Chair) (TE-Mbr-at-large) DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE TEAM (DPR) – 6 Members DPR is responsible for all matters relating to the preparation, mitigation, response and recovery from a disaster (natural, human-caused, or other) within, but not limited to, the bounds of the presbytery; especially one that affects one or more congregations. 15-3 15-1 Class 2015 Class 2016 Ben Lynch (TE-1st, Pens) Danny Loffredo (TE-Gulf Breeze) Scott Yant (Chair) (RE-1st, Marianna) Harvey Mashewske (RE-1st, Quincy) 16-3 16-4 Class 2017 17-3 17-3 Michael Moore (TE-1st, DeFuniak Springs) Robert Sugg (TE-Mbr-at-large) PERMANENT JUDICIAL COMMITTEE (PJC) – 9 Members* (6-yr. term) Composed of equal numbers of teaching and ruling elders+1 of either, the PJC acts as a court of appeal from sessions exercises original jurisdiction in disciplinary cases against minister members of the presbytery. Class 2015 15-6 Joann Slay (RE-1st, Chipley) Phillip Tomberlin 15-6 (RE-1st, Tall) Kenneth Kelley 15-5 (TE-Sunny Hills) Frank Beall (Chair) 15-3 (TE-1st/Trinity, Pens) John Schuler 15-3 (CRE-Navarre) Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting Class 2017 17-6 17-2 17-3 17-3 Class 2019 Bob Stone (RE-1st, Pens) John Lown (TE-Mbr-at-large) Mark Broadhead (TE-1st, Crestview) * Lori Prettyman (RE-Westminster, Pensacola) 28 January 24, 2015 Appendix Guidelines for Presbytery Meetings Thank you for your service as presbyters – and a special welcome to those who are first-time commissioners! Our work together as a Presbytery is a great privilege. We represent different points of view, interests, and levels of knowledge, but we all share a love for our church and a commitment to mission. Each one of us is valuable and stands to offer important perspectives on the issues before us. When we meet, our goal is to make the best possible decisions for the life and ministry of our Presbytery. Therefore, to ensure that all points of view are heard and that we use our time well in the course of the day, the following points should be kept in mind: 1. Those who are eligible to vote on matters brought before the presbytery are member ministers, certified Christian educators who also are elders and session-appointed elder commissioners. (The number of commissioners each church is allotted is shown on the following page.) 2. Please use the microphones. This applies to everyone. You may think that you can project your voice and that you have no difficulty being heard, but there will always be someone who cannot hear what you want to say. As Moderator, I will ensure that the body waits for you and does not engage in debate while you make your way to a microphone. 3. When you speak to the assembly, please identify yourself by name, as minister or elder commissioner, and by church. Many people at a Presbytery meeting know each other well and see each other frequently, but there are others who are new and do not know those in attendance. 4. Please do not shout, “Call for the question!” when you want to move to limit debate. Instead, go to a microphone, wait to be recognized, and say, “I move the previous question.” This motion is not debatable, does not require a second, and requires a two-thirds majority. 5. If you wish to make a point of order, ask a question of privilege, or bring up a matter of business that cannot wait, you do not need to wait at a microphone. Please stand at your place and say, “Moderator, I rise to a point of order,” or “Moderator, I rise to a question of privilege.” The Moderator will recognize you, ask you to state your question or concern, and will deal with it immediately. 6. If you are not sure how to word a motion, please go to a microphone, wait to be recognized, and then explain to the Presbytery what you want to do. The Moderator will help you frame your motion. 7. Debate on all motions shall be limited to three minutes on all issues for discussion or action , alternating between speakers who are for or against the motion, in accordance with XI(3) of the Presbytery’s Bylaws. Remember that Roberts Rules of Order is designed to be a help, not a hindrance – so don’t let it stand in the way of your full participation in the Presbytery meeting. Again, welcome – and God’s blessings to all as we undertake the work and ministry God has given us! Hugh Hamilton, Moderator Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-1 January 24, 2015 Appendix Number of Ruling Elder Commissioners per Church Blountstown – Blountstown – 1 Panama City – Parkway – 1 Chipley – First – 1 Panama City – St. Andrews – 1 Crestview – First – 1 Panama City Beach – Gulf Beach – 1 DeFuniak Springs – Bethel – 1 Pensacola – First – 3 DeFuniak Springs – Euchee Valley – 1 Pensacola – Korean – 1 DeFuniak Springs – First – 1 Pensacola – Northminster – 1 DeFuniak Springs – Pleasant Grove – 1 Pensacola – Trinity – 3 Destin – First – 1 Pensacola – Westminster – 1 Ft. Walton Beach – First – 1 Port St Joe – First – 1 Ft. Walton Beach – First Korean – 1 Quincy – First – 1 Freeport Presbyterian Church – 1 Red Bay – Red Bay – 1 Gretna Presbyterian Church – 1 Sawdust – Woodland – 1 Gulf Breeze – Gulf Breeze – 3 Shalimar – Shalimar – 1 Havana – First – 1 Sunny Hills – Sunny Hills – 1 Laurel Hill – Laurel Hill – 1 Tallahassee – Christ – 1 Lynn Haven – First – 1 Tallahassee- Covenant – 1 Marianna – First – 1 Tallahassee – Faith – 3 Milton – First – 1 Tallahassee – Fellowship – 1 Monticello – First – 1 Tallahassee – First – 1 Navarre – 1 Tallahassee – Lafayette – 1 Pace – 1 Tallahassee – Trinity United – 1 Panama City – Agape – 1 Wewahitchka – First – 1 Panama City – Grace – 1 Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-2 January 24, 2015 Appendix Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-3 January 24, 2015 Appendix Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-4 January 24, 2015 Appendix Key to Presbytery of Florida Acronyms and Abbreviations BF&S Budget, Finance & Stewardship Team (also BFS) BF&S is responsible for budget and fiscal control, property management and promotion of responsible stewardship. CMST Congregational Mission Support Team (formerly the Church Development and Evangelism and Compassion and Social Justice Committees) CMST is responsible for but not limited to strengthening and supporting churches, planning opportunities for leadership development, leading the presbytery in transformation and revitalization opportunities, evangelism and developing ways for networking and connecting ministries, missions and resources among its churches. CP Coordinating Presbyter (formerly the Executive Presbyter) The Presbytery’s CP/Head of Staff provides coordination, administration, and communication to promote the ministry and mission of the Presbytery of Florida. CRE Commissioned Ruling Elder (formerly Commissioned Lay Pastor) A CRE is a ruling elder whom the presbytery has commissioned to limited pastoral service as assigned by the presbytery. (Book of Order G-2.1001) CRT and Commitment to Representation Team (formerly the Committee on Representation Nominating Committee) CRT is responsible for the nomination process for elected positions for the presbytery, giving due consideration to diversity, geographical, and theological positions consistent with the reformed tradition. DWA Dogwood Acres The DWA team is responsible for all matters relating to short- and long-term planning, management, development, operations and programs connected with Dogwood Acres in conjunction with the short- and long-term goals for the presbytery that are recommended by Presbytery Leadership Team and adopted by the presbytery. DPRT Disaster Preparedness & Response Team DP&R is responsible for all matters relating to the preparation, mitigation, response and recovery from a disaster (natural, human-caused, or other) within, but not limited to, the bounds of the presbytery; especially one that affects one or more congregations. HAE Hunger Action Enabler The HAE leads the presbytery and its churches in addressing needs and issues in the five areas of the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP): Lifestyle Integrity, Education and Interpretation, Public Policy, Development Assistance and Direct Food Relief. OGHS One Great Hour of Sharing Offering OGHS supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Self Development of People and is received by most congregations on Easter Sunday, Passion/Palm Sunday or both, although some receive it throughout Lent. Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-5 January 24, 2015 Appendix MIF Ministry Information Form (formerly CIF – Church Information Form) Form available online via PC(USA)’s Church Leadership Connection System, whereby churches, presbyteries, synods, seminaries and other partner institutions may provide information about positions they seek to fill. MT Ministry Team (formerly COM – Committee on Ministry) The MT is composed of ½ teaching elders and ½ ruling elders to guide the presbytery’s teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders (CRE) and Christian Educators.(Book of Order G-3.0307) PJC Permanent Judicial Commission The Presbytery’s PJC is composed of equal numbers of teaching and ruling elders plus one of either and acts as a court of appeal from sessions and exercises original jurisdiction in disciplinary cases against minister members of the presbytery (Book of Order D-5.0000) PIF Personal Information Form Form available online via PC(USA)’s Church Leadership Connection System, whereby teaching elders who are seeking a call or not actively seeking but open to a call may provide information about their current, past and desired ministries. PLT Presbytery Leadership Team (formerly the Presbytery Council) The PLT is responsible for engaging in ongoing shaping and reshaping the life and mission of the presbytery by being responsive to the changing needs of the presbytery, the community and the world. PMT Preparation for Ministry Team (formerly CPM – Committee on Preparation for Ministry) PMT provides care, guidance and oversight for inquirers and candidates who are preparing to become ministers. (Book of Order G-3.0307) RE Ruling Elder A RE is a member of a congregation chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. (Book of Order G-2.0301) SC Stated Clerk of the Presbytery The Stated Clerk, who must be a ruling elder or teaching elder, is elected for a definite term by the council to record the council’s transactions, keep its rolls of membership and attendance, maintain any required registers, preserve its records and furnish extracts of them when required by another council of the church. (Book of Order G-3.0104) SDOP Self Development of People Team SDOP is responsible for the administration, interpretation, and implementation of the Self-Development of People Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Presbytery, in accordance with the mandate and criteria set forth by the 181st General Assembly. TE Teaching Elder A TE, also called a minister of the Word and Sacrament, is committed to teaching the faith and equipping the saints for the work of ministry in a variety of ministries, as authorized by the presbytery; those called to a particular congregation are called “pastors”. (Book of Order G-2.0501) Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-6 January 24, 2015 Appendix Winter Stated Presbytery Meeting A-7 January 24, 2015
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