10 Thursday, December 18, 2014 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN CHARLES FUHRMANN, Deceased PROBATE NO. ESPRI01857 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To all persons interested in the estate of John Charles Fuhrmann, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of October, 2012. You are hereby notified that on the 19th day ofMay, 2014, the Last Will and Testament of John Charles Fuhrmann, deceased, bearing the date of October 19, 2009, was admitted to probate in the above-named Court and that Amber Coleen Fuhrmann is appointed as Personal Representative of the Estate. Any action to set aside the Will must be brought in the District Court of said County, within the later of four months from the date ofthe second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing ofthis notice to all heirs ofthe Decedent and devisees under the Will whose identities are reasonable ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the Estate shall file them with the Clerk ofthe above-named District Court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance; and unless so fl1ed by the later of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing ofthis notice, a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 4th day of June, 2014. Amber Coleen Fuhrmann 13555 78th Street Live Oak, FL 32062 Larry L. Anfmson Attorney for the Personal Representative Anfmson and Luce, P.L.C. 726 W. 4th Street Waterloo, IA 50702 Date of Second Publication: 25th day of December, 2014. 51-2 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR GRUNDY COUNTY, STATE OF IOWA Docket No. (Sale No.): 14-0668(1) Court No. EQCV058641 Special Excution PLAINTIFF: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC VS. DEFENDANTS: BRADLEY T. SCHAFER - IN REM; SHELLY J. SCHAFER - IN REM; PARTIES IN POSSESSION - IN REM As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate Property to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is: Parcel #966-A located in the Southeast Quarter of Section Severntten, Township Eighty-eight North, Range Eighteen, West o the 5th P.M., Grundy County, Iowa, as shown in Book 73-G, Page 2, of theCounty Recorder’s Office, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said Section Seventeen, thence South 89º49’06”West, 485.00 feet along the North line of said Southeast Quarter to the point of beginning; thence South 89º49’06” West, 800.00 feet along said North line; thence South 00º10’54” East, 544.50 feet; thence North 89º49’06” East, 800.00 feet; thence North 00º10’54” West, 544.50 feet to the Point of Beginning, Grantors reserve an Easement over the Existing Driveway and across the subject property to access their adjoining farm real estate. Grantors also reserve the life use of one certain 10,000 bushel drying bin, one certain3000 bushel grain bin, one certain 30’ by 40’ machine shed and one certain 30’ by 24’ machine shed. Street Address: 12852 185th St., Wellsburg, IA 50680-7639 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale is March 24, 2015 at 10 a.m., at the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office, 705 8th St., Grundy Center, Iowa 50638 Phone (319) 8246933 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the Sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if applicable. Judgment Amt - $144,633.08; Costs - $235.00; Accruing Costs - Plus; Interest - 6.5% of $144,633.08 from November 30, 2011 = $31,165.46 Attorney is South & Associates (515) 223-7325. Date: December 5, 2014 Sheriff: Rick D. Penning Deputy: By Chief Deputy Tim Wolthoff IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR GRUNDY COUNTY, STATE OF IOWA Docket No. (Sale No.): 14-0635(1) Court No. EQCV059187 Special Execution PLAINTIFF: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. VS. DEFENDANTS: CHELSEA L. SCHROEDER IN REM; DERIC D. SCHROEDER - IN REM; WHEATON FRANCISCAN HEALTHCARE - IN REM; STATE OF IOWA - IN REM; PARTIES IN POSSESSION - IN REM As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate Property to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is: Parcel in SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 88 North, Range 18, West of the 5th P.M., described as commencinga the Southwest corner of said NE 1/4, thence North 15 rods to the point of beginning; thence East 10 rods; thence North 16 rods; thence West 10 rods; thence South 16 rods to the place of the beginning, Grundy County, Iowa. Street Address: 19454 Concord Ave., Wellsburg, IA 50680 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale is March 3, 2015, at 10 a.m., at the Grundy County Sheriff’s Office, 705 8th St., Grundy Center, Iowa 50638 Phone (319) 8246933 Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the described real estate includes the homestead (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 acres), defendant must file a homestead plat with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service of this notice, or the Sheriff will have it platted and charge the costs to this case. This sale not subject to redemption. Property exemption: Certain money or property may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly to review specific provisions of the law and file appropriate notice, if applicable. Judgment Amt - $74,033.07; Costs - $409.68 Accruing Costs - Plus; Interest - 5.375% of $74,033.37 from July 15, 2014 = $2,518.39. Attorney is Davis Brown Law Firm (515) 2882500. Date: December 5, 2014 Sheriff: Rick D. Penning Deputy: By Chief Deputy Tim Wolthoff Grundy FOR THE RECORD Register NOTICE OF U.S. MARSHAL'S SALE McMaster-Carr...................................... 306.02 C-14-0056 Mid-America Publish............................ 250.69 Public notice is hereby given, that by virtue MonkeyTown........................................ 270.74 of a writ of execution (or Fieri Facias), dated NAPA Auto Parts................................... 722.93 September 18th, 2014, issued out of the United NMPP................................................ 4,664.00 Northrop Grumman.............................. 292.00 States District Court, for the Northern District Office-Petty Cash................................... 25.68 of Iowa, on a judgment rendered in said Court, Office Auditor of IA................................ 250.00 on the 4th day of September, 2014, in favor of Stuart Irby Co....................................... 806.48 the United States of America and against Sally Terry Durin Co................................... 2,726.36 A. Gideon, Keith Orland Little, Iowa Northland Treas State of IA..................................... 40.00 Regional Council of Governments, Lederman True Value............................................ 172.16 Bonding Company, Grundy Center Ambulance US Postal Servcie................................ 302.65 Service, and Grundy Center, Iowa, I have, on UniFirst................................................. 249.96 this 27th day of November, 2014, levied upon VISA..................................................... 317.51 the following described real estate, situated in Van Wert Inc......................................... 423.72 the County of Grundy and State of Iowa, to wit: Whink Services....................................... 84.53 Lot Three (3) in Block Thirty-four (34) of COMMUNICATIONS the Original Plat of the Town (now city) Long Lines...................................... $ 5,800.27 of Grundy Center, Iowa. US Cellular........................................... 160.37 I will, accordingly, offer said real estate for GCMU OandM Fund............................ 831.00 sale, at public auction to the highest and best GCMU OandM Fund......................... 9,892.77 bidder, for cash or certified check, on the 8th GNB Bank......................................... 1,998.75 day of January, 2015, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., GLDS.................................................... 807.50 at the front door of the Grundy County CourtBTN................................................... 1,489.82 house, 706 G Avenue, Grundy Center, Iowa Discovery Comm.................................. 167.00 50638. Said sale shall be subject to any unpaid real Fox Sports Net.................................. 3,089.32 property taxes or special assessments. GCMU OandM Fund......................... 2,020.83 Dated, this 4th day of November, 2014. HUB TV Network.................................... 41.75 NCTC............................................... 25,577.02 /s/ OWN....................................................... 88.55 MATTHEW J. COLE Showtime.............................................. 283.23 Plaintiff’s Attorney Tower Dist (WGN)................................. 228.28 Windstream.......................................... 458.52 Assistant United States Attorney GCMU OandM Fund......................... 2,098.44 111 Seventh Ave SE, Box1 Alliance Connect............................... 2,479.91 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Alliance Connect............................... 2,530.69 319-363-6333 Black Hills Energy................................ 342.59 Consortia Consulting......................... 1,210.00 KENNETH J. RUNDE, United States Marshal CFU................................................... 5,236.00 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA Eagle Comtronics................................. 227.79 GCMU................................................... 180.33 GCMU................................................... 879.48 GNB Bank.............................................. 27.70 Heartland Coop...................................... 38.50 IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR INS....................................................... 121.68 GRUNDY COUNTY, STATE OF IOWA John Deere Financial............................... 5.77 Docket No. (Sale No.): 14-0634(1) Keith Oltrogge, CPA........................... 2,500.00 Court No. EQCV058951 Long Lines......................................... 8,574.69 Special Execution Mid-America Publish............................ 133.75 PLAINTIFF: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NAMonkeyTown.......................................... 24.94 TIONAL ASSOCIATION. NCTC.................................................... 894.61 VS. NeoTek Enterprises.............................. 385.20 DEFENDANTS: ALLEN RICHARD VANHAUEN Rovi Guides.......................................... 527.77 - IN REM; KRISTY SUE VANHALLEN- IN REM; True Value.............................................. 42.65 PARTIES IN POSSESSION- IN REM; WELLS VISA..................................................... 294.32 FARGO NATIONAL BANK - IN REM Windstream.............................................. 5.00 As a result of the judgment rendered in the Jeff Carson, Secretary above referenced court case, an execution Mary Harken, Treasurer was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate Property to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is: County December 10, 2014 Auditor’s Parcel #809-A located in the SouthThe Dike City Council met in regular session on west Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Eleven (11). Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Township Eighty-nine (89) North, Range Eighwith Mayor Soppe presiding. Council members teen (18) West of tile 5th P.M., Grundy County, present were: Chad Cutsforth, Luke Osterhaus Iowa, more particularly described as follows: and Bob Haugebak. Absent: Nick Cleveland Commencing at the Southwest Corner of and Rob Weissenfluh. Also present were: Said Section 11, thence North 00˚14’02” East, Shane Metz, Zeb Stanbrough, LaVerne Mid1464.00 feet along the West line of said Southdleswart and Kyle Wolthoff. west Quarter, to the point of beginning thence Consent Agenda – Motion by Cutsforth to apNorth 00˚14’02” East, 678.00 feet, along said prove the following in the consent agenda: West line; thence south 77˚05’54” East, 283.70 Sheriff’s report, library report, approval of feet; thence south 04˚02’05” East, 510.00 feet; minutes as presented and delinquent utility thence South 01˚43’42” West, 106.00 feet; accounts. Seconded by Osterhaus. All ayes. thence North 89˚59’35” West, 312.00 feet, to Carried. the point of beginning; containing 4.42 acres Superintendant’s Report – Metz reported that total, including 0.51 acres existing right of way. they have put up snow fence and that the Subject to easements. Note: For the purposes plows are mounted and they are building a of this survey, the West line of said Southsnow pusher. They are locating and raising west Quarter was determined to bear North man holes in the Fields Addition. All the sewer 00˚14’02” East using GPS. Situated in Grundy lines in Fox Ridge will be cleaned this year. He County, Iowa. discussed changing the lights on top of the old Street Address: 11692 E Avenue, Aplington, water tower and replacing them with LED’s that Iowa 50604 are approximately $500.00. The controls for The described property will be offered for sale the lights will be moved to the ground. He sold at public auction for cash only as follows: Date scrap metal for $547.10. Metz discussed getof Sale is February 16, 2015, at 10 a.m., at the ting a wood chipper. He can get a used one Grundy County Sheriff’s Office, 705 8th St., for $3800.00. Council discussed renting it for a Grundy Center, Iowa 50638 Phone (319) 824time to see how it goes. The new employee is 6933 working on getting his CDL. Discussion about Homestead: Defendant is advised that if the the water. We are not on the new tower yet. described real estate includes the homestead Metz stated that it should be around the first of (which must not exceed 1/2 acre if within a city the year. They have to put a 24” pipe under or town plat, or, if rural, must not exceed 40 Hwy 20. acres), defendant must file a homestead plat Financial Reports – Motion by Cutsforth to apwith the Sheriff within ten (10) days after service prove the financial reports. Seconded by Osterof this notice, or the Sheriff will have it platted haus. All ayes. Carried. and charge the costs to this case. Bills to Be Allowed and Paid – Motion by This sale not subject to redemption. Cutsforth to approve the bills. Seconded by Property exemption: Certain money or property Osterhaus. All ayes. Carried. may be exempt. Contact your attorney promptly Clerk’s Comments – Discussion about the 2014 to review specific provisions of the law and file Annual Report. Clerk discussed closing the ofappropriate notice, if applicable. fice on December 27 and January 2. Council Judgment Amt - $117,241.25; Costs - $572.31 agreed to let the office be closed. Freese and Accruing Costs - Plus; Interest - 6.875% of Hilliard could take those days unpaid or use va$117,241.25 from May 31, 2013 = $13,824.03 cation time. Closings will be posted in advance. Attorney is South & Associates (515) 223-7325. Mayor’s Comments – City attorney is workDate: December 5, 2014 ing on a deed transfer for the Field’s Addition. Sheriff: Rick D. Penning The Mayor wanted to thank Metz, Heerkes and Deputy: By Chief Deputy Tim Wolthoff Syhlman for putting up the lights, the tree and doing the Wolverine Train. He also wanted to thank the businesses and DCBA for all their efforts for Razzle Dazzle. Motion by Cutsforth to adjourn. Seconded by REGULAR MEETING Osterhaus. All ayes. Carried. DECEMBER 11, 2014 Michael Soppe, Mayor The Board of Trustees met in regular session Attest: on Thursday, Patti Freese, City Clerk December 11, 2014 at 7:00 am with all memAhlers And Cooney P C, Legal Fees.$5,499.25 bers present. The claims were reviewed with Airgas North Central ,Carbon Dioxide....$20.20 Harry Dole making the motion, seconded by Airgas North Central, Supplies...............$18.40 Lisa Miller to pay all claims, ayes all, carried. All State Rental, Lift .............................$150.00 Manager Carson reported on the following: Alliant Energy, Siren ........................... $256.92 The #2 Engine passed the test on Nov 17th Alliant Energy, Street Lights ................$255.87 but needs some adjustments, The NIMECA/ Allied Property Maintenance, Library PowerSPP Market, Neal #4 was offline for 3 weeks, wash ................................................... $380.00 Internet Issues and Quotes he has received for America Seamless Gutters Inc., Fire Departa new copier/printer/scanner. Damaged trees ment Gutters .................................... $1,206.50 located on 5th Street were discussed with the Ann Hilliard, Mileage ..............................$8.40 Board directing Manager Carson to hire a priAus Waterloo Mc Lockbox, Hall Supplies ......... vate trimmer if necessary. Manager Carson .............................................................$874.17 discussed co-sponsoring a Personal Digital Aus Waterloo Mc Lockbox, Hall Supplies.......... Security Speaker to inform residents about se.............................................................$846.84 curity risks on the Internet. The Board directed Arnold Motor Supply, Vehicle Repairs .$102.55 him to look into costs and availability. Vehicle Aspro Inc, Curb And Gutter Work..$103,291.25 Reimbursement was discussed with Harry Dole Baker & Taylor, Library Books ............$622.24 making the motion to model our policy after Card Center, Books ..........................$1,594.44 NIMECA’s Vehicle Reimbursement Policy, Lisa Card Center, Supplies .......................... $83.25 Miller seconded, ayes all, carried. Bankers Trust, Interest......................$7,185.00 The Audit ending June 30, 2014 was presented Bankers Trust, Interest......................$3,642.50 and discussed with Ken Mutch making the moBankers Trust, Go Refunding Interest .............. tion to receive the Audit, seconded by Lisa Mill..........................................................$4,132.50 er, ayes all, carried. Motion by Harry Dole to adBeninga Sanitation, Sanitation Pick Up............. journ, seconded by Lisa Miller, ayes all, carried. ..........................................................$3,026.85 OPERATION and MAINTENANCE Black Hills Energy, Heat .....................$694.87 AXA Equitable................................... $ 265.00 Bmc Aggregates L C, Sand/Roadstone ............ Rhonda Cole.......................................... 91.53 ..........................................................$1,885.79 Greg Cory............................................... 74.77 Brent Smeins, Training ....................... $337.31 Dearborn National.................................. 74.50 Brown Supply Co, Curb Box ...............$575.52 Dan Oltman.......................................... 243.75 Brown Supply Co, Supplies .................$461.25 Wellmark BC/BS.............................. 19,753.19 City Of Dike, Electric Usage .............$2,635.61 Tyler Witte............................................... 49.98 City Of Dike , Lmi Payment ...........$20,651.60 City of GC........................................ 66,879.08 Central Iowa Water Association, Bulk Water GCMU Comm Fund......................... 58,845.80 Charge.............................................. $6,523.59 Semi-Monthly P/R........................... 15,686.52 Clia Laboratory Program , Ambulance Supplies Pitney Bowes..................................... 1,200.00 ............................................................$150.00 Randy Thompson................................... 56.70 Cooportunity Health, Health Insurance............. Tyler Witte............................................. 118.71 ......................................................... $1,717.29 Trustees Compensation.................... 3,110.40 Cooportunity Health, Health Insurance............. Advanced Systems............................... 240.10 ..........................................................$2,899.67 Airgas..................................................... 88.28 Covenant Medical Center, Ambulance Supplies Arnold Motor Supply............................. 328.65 ..............................................................$29.09 Black Hills Energy.................................. 31.45 Covenant Medical Center, Ambulance - Drugs CCP Industries..................................... 474.13 ..............................................................$31.35 Chemsearch......................................... 189.75 Cover All Embroidery Inc., City Logo On Shirts City of GC............................................. 500.00 ..............................................................$52.50 Doug Curren......................................... 161.91 Data Technologies Inc, License And Support Elec Supp of M’Town............................ 193.10 Fee .................................................. $2,492.68 Family Foods.......................................... 55.31 Dike American Legion, Flag ..................$25.00 Fletcher-Reinhardt............................. 1,296.51 Dike Fire Dept, Ambulance Calls ......$3,126.00 GCMU................................................... 229.38 Iowa Dnr, Wastewater Test.................... $30.00 GNB Bank.............................................. 52.90 E F T P S, Fed/Fica Tax ....................$2,331.26 Heartland Coop.................................... 520.22 E F T P S, Fed/Fica Tax ....................$2,290.58 IAMU..................................................... 426.86 East Central Iowa Cooperative, Propane ....... Jesco ..................................................... 93.60 .............................................................$443.52 John Deere Financial............................. 16.03 Emergency Medical Products Inc, Ambulance John Deere Financial........................... 620.79 Supplies............................................... $128.15 Keith Oltrogge, CPA........................... 2,500.00 Emergency Medical Products Inc, Ambulance Manly Drug............................................... 4.59 Supplies................................................$455.58 McMartin Tire..................................... 1,830.95 Farmers Cooperative Co, Grass Seed ............ .............................................................$527.25 Fletcher-Reinhardt Company, Supplies ........... .............................................................$393.22 Fletcher-Reinhardt Company, Supplies ........... .............................................................$543.85 Dearborn National Life Inc. Co, Insurance ..... .............................................................$267.00 Fox Ridge Development Company, Tif B ......... ....................................................... $59,788.56 Galls,Llc, Equipment .......................... $350.95 Grundy County Sheriff, Contract ....$5,614.75 Hach Company, Supplies ..................$350.00 Hawkins Inc., Supplies...........................$10.00 Iowa Rural Water Association, Membership Dues ................................................... $200.00 Iowa Rural Water Association, Membership ... ...............................................................$50.00 Internal Revenue Ser, Payroll Taxes ............... ..........................................................$1,174.84 Csc, Child Support ............................. $225.68 Csc, Child Support ............................ $225.68 Iowa One Call, Locates ........................ $38.70 Iowa One Call, Locates .........................$12.60 Iowa Pump Works, Inc., Grinder Pump ............ ......................................................... $1,898.00 Wells Fargo Bank - Corporate, Water Investment ............................................... $1,200.00 Ipers, Ipers ...................................... $2,900.66 Jay Perkins, Repair .................................86.12 Johnstone Supply, Supplies ..............$355.12 The Jones Law Firm, Attorney Fees.....$903.00 The Jones Law Firm, Attorney Fees ..... $94.50 Konken Electric Inc, Fd Equipment .......$62.00 Kwik Trip Inc, Fuel ..............................$647.09 Kwik Trip Inc , Fuel ..............................$781.43 Marco, Inc., Contract ...........................$193.72 Marv’s Repair, Vehicle Repairs ............$263.22 Mcclure Engineering Co., Wastewater Engineering............................................. $1,497.00 Mediacom, Library Internet ...................$69.75 Menards, Supplies ..............................$452.45 Menards, Supplies ............................. $504.74 Michael Soppe, Mileage To Grundy ......$17.40 Mid-America Publishing Corp, Publications .... .............................................................$159.64 Mid-America Publishing Corp, Publications .... .............................................................$334.92 Mike Heerkes, Training.........................$482.94 Momar Incorporated, Supplies ........$1,681.75 Nagle Signs Inc., Fire Department Equipment . .............................................................$527.69 Patti Freese, Mileage............................ $33.60 Physician’s Claims Company, Ambulance Calls ............................................................$164.20 Physician’s Claims Company, Ambulance Fees ............................................................$243.70 Pepsi-Cola, Pop For Hall .....................$155.21 Plk Design, Concrete.........................$1,376.00 Dike Post Office, Utility Bills.................$154.02 Purchase Power, Postage ...................$500.00 Purchase Power, Library Postage........$555.99 Quill Corporation, Supplies...................$211.47 Quill Corporation, Supplies ....................$98.95 Quill Corporation, Supplies ..................$110.85 Centurylink, Phone Service .................$646.63 Radio Communications, Radio For New Ambulance ................................................ $2,563.57 Radio Communications, Equipment ......$57.45 Grundy County R.e.c., Electric Usage .............. ....................................................... $35,128.73 Grundy County R.e.c., Wire In Library Alley 438 ..................................................... $882.75 Grundy County R.e.c., Electric Usage ............ ........................................................$39,806.73 Sales/Use Tax Processing, 3Rd Quarter Sales Tax ................................................... $2,520.70 Sales/Use Tax Processing, November Sales Tax.................................................... $1,523.00 Skarshauge Testing Laboratory, Supplies ....... .............................................................$268.81 Staples Credit Plan, Shredder..............$735.99 Stetson Building Products, Supplies ...$400.63 Superior Welding, Supplies ...................$20.00 Testamerica Laboratories Inc, Testing..$522.45 Testamerica Laboratories Inc , Wwtp Testing . ............................................................ $334.95 Ubben Building Supplies, Supplies ......$39.51 Ubben Building Supplies, Supplies .......$39.91 Us Cellular, Cell Phones ......................$112.79 Us Cellular, Cell Phones.......................$112.79 Wal-Mart Community Brc, Supplies .... $408.26 Waterloo Oil Co Inc, Fuel..................$1,228.63 Withholding Tax Process, State Tax ....$744.00 Payroll Checks .............................. $19,832.53 Expenditures General........................................... $48,986.95 Rut.................................................. $74,407.89 Employee Benefits........................... $4,883.96 Lost................................................. $33,335.00 Tif.................................................... $80,440.16 Debt Service..................................... $3,882.50 Srf Plan & Design............................. $5,499.25 2014 Ambulance............................... $1,497.00 Water.............................................. $13,335.45 Sewer............................................. $11,122.66 Electric ........................................... $92,254.26 Sales Tax.......................................... $4,043.70 Revenues Ambulance Fee................................ $1,799.83 Monthly Apportionments................. $26,195.53 Building Permits...................................$703.00 Bags................................................. $2,239.90 Electric Misc........................................ $600.00 Enrich Iowa....................................... $1,386.99 Hall Rent.............................................. $100.00 Library Savings.................................... $676.00 Non Routine........................................ $526.02 Rut.................................................. $10,364.81 Ub................................................... $65,957.40 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT GRUNDY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Bennie Heikens, Deceased. Probate No. ESPR101917 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Bennie Heikens, Deceased, who died on or about 10th day of December, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 12th day of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Bennie Heikens, deceased, bearing date of the 29th day of August, 1984, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Kent Heikens was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 12th day of December, 2014. Kent E. Heikens 922 9th Street Ames, IA 50010 Executor of estate Heronimus, Schmidt, & Allen Attorneys for executor 630 G Avenue, Box 365 Grundy Center, IA 50638 Date of second publication 25th day of December, 2014. 51-2 Legals are your right to know! www.thegrundyregister.com Grundy County Sheriff’s Department A two vehicle accident occurred November 26 at 5:00 PM on Hwy 20 at the 219 mile marker. EANNE EHRIG, age 55, Grundy Center, and DARWIN LYNCH, age 71, Grundy Center, were both westbound. Ehrig rear ended Lynch’s vehicle. Ehrig’s 2002 Chevrolet received an estimated $4,000 damage. Lynch’s 2011 Dodge received an estimated $4,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A one vehicle accident occurred November 26 at 8:00 PM on H Avenue south of 220th Street. LISA SCOTT, age 38, Grundy Center, was southbound on the gravel road and lost control. The vehicle spun around and entered the west ditch where it rolled over onto its top. Scott’s 2002 Chevrolet received an estimated $2,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. JACOB GALLU, age 21, Urbandale, was arrested November 29 at 7:00 AM on Hwy 20 at the 192 mile marker and charged with OWI 1st. Released on a promise to appear. Arrested by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. GARY FAIRBANKS, age 31, Grundy Center, was arrested November 30, at 2:33 PM in Grundy Center and charged with DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT. Posted bond and released. Arrested by GRUNDY CENTER PD. A one vehicle accident occurred November 15 at 3:54 PM on Hwy 20 at the 217 mile marker. KAROL LARSEN, age 47, Johnston, was westbound on snow covered roadway and lost control. The vehice entered the north ditch, rolled and came to rest facing east. Larsen’s 2001 Ford received an estimated $3,000 damage.,LARSEN was issued a citation for NO INSURANCE. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A one vehicle accident occurred November 28 at 7:25 PM on Hwy 175 one mile east of Reinbeck. DENNIS DIXON, age 67, La Porte City, was eastbound when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Dixon’s 2013 Ram received an estimated $3,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A one vehicle accident occurred December 1 at 6:34 AM on T-37 north of Grundy Center. JESSE WILLIS, age 38, Wellsburg, was northbound when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Willis’ 2008 Chevrolet received an estimated $2,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A two vehicle accident occurred December 2 at 5:38 PM at Hwy 14 and D-67. AMBER TOWNER, age 27, Whitten, was southbound. KEVIN HORAN, age 52, Waterloo, was northbound. Towner stopped to turn left, waiting for a vehicle that was northbound and turning right in the right turn lane. Towner then started to make the left turn and did not see Horan. The two vehicles then struck. Towner’s 2005 Dodge received an estimated $3,500 damage. Horan’s 1999 Honda received an estimated $5,000 damage. TOWNER was issued a citation for FAILURE TO YIELD UPON A LEFT TURN. No injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. MARK POHLMANN, age 54, Grundy Center, was arrested December 5, at 2:45 PM in Grundy Center and charged with THEFT 5th. Released on a promise to appear. Arrested by GRUNDY CENTER PD. A one vehicle accident occurred December 5 at 5:15 PM on 160th Street east of S Avenue. CLAIRE VENENGA, age 70, Stout, was eastbound when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Venenga’s 2003 Buick received an estimated $2,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A one vehicle accident occurred December 6 at 5:45 PM on 160th Street east of T Avenue. VERJEAN RHOADS, age 62, Grundy Center, was westbound when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Rhoads’ 2013 GMC received an estimated $7,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. A one vehicle accident occurred December 6 at 10:25 PM on T-25 north of D-17. ZACHARY WAYNE, age 30, Aplington, was northbound when a deer entered the roadway and was struck. Wayne’s 2010 Mazda received an estimated $2,000 damage. No summons, no injury. Investigated by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. LATRICIA ROBY, age 31, Des Moines, was arrested December 7 at 10 PM on Hwy 20 at the 194 mile marker on a Department of Corrections warrant charging her with VIOLATION OF PAROLE. Being held awaiting transportation. Arrested by IOWA STATE PATROL. COURTNEY KINNETZ, age 28, Iowa Falls, was arrested December 5 by Iowa Falls PD on a Grundy County warrant charging her with FAILURE TO APPEAR. Released on a promise to appear. SEAN THURM, age25, Grundy Center, was arrested December 8 at 5:05 PM in Grundy Center and charged with THEFT 5th. Released on a promise to appear. Arrested by GRUNDY CENTER PD. JACOB DUDLEY, age 24, Traer, was arrested December 9 at 6:44 PM at the Sheriff’s Office on a Grundy County warrant charging him with PROBATION VIOLATION. Posted bond and released. Arrested by GRUNDY COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS The Grundy County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on December 8, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. Chairperson Riekena called the meeting to order with the following members present: Schildroth, Smith, Bakker, and Ross. Motion was made by Ross and seconded by Bakker to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carried unanimously. Earl Wical encouraged the Board to create a wildlife preserve in Grundy County. Supervisor Smith offered to discuss this matter with Conservation Board Director Kevin Williams. Timothy A. Baker, Mohawk Consultants, reviewed the services of his company with the Board. Supervisor Riekena asked him to send a formal proposal to the Board for review. Motion was made by Schildroth and seconded by Ross to approve the low quote dated December 3, 2014, from AgVantage FS of Waverly, Iowa, for supplying 6,000 gal- lons of winter blend diesel at $2.30/gallon and 2,000 gallons of gasohol at $1.9594/gallon for the above-ground fuel tanks at the Secondary Road Department in Grundy Center. Carried unanimously. Gary Mauer, County Engineer, reviewed department matters with the Board. Supervisor Riekena appointed Supervisor Ross to attend the annexation consultation with the City of Grundy Center. Motion was made by Schildroth and seconded by Bakker to accept and order filed the County Treasurer’s November 30, 2014, Investment Report. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Bakker and seconded by Smith to accept and order filed the Clerk of Court’s November report. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Schildroth and seconded by Bakker to adjourn. Carried unanimously. Harlyn Riekena, Chairperson Rhonda R. Deters, County Auditor Law Offices of C. KEVIN McCRINDLE Attorneys: C. Kevin McCrindle, John W. Harris and Henry E. Edsill PrActicing in the AreAs of: • Agricultural Law • Education Law • Elder Law • Business Law • Estate Planning • Real Estate • Taxation • Tax Returns • Trusts and Estates • Wills and Probate Estate Administration We have offices in Waterloo, Hudson and Grundy Center. Call us locally at 319-825-4488 or our Waterloo office directly at 319-234-0535.
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