Trinity Presbyterian Church Tidings December 2014 1 Christmas Joy Offering Trinity Preschool News 2 Pastor’s Corner Note from the Associate Pastor 3 Session Notes Trinity Birthdays 4 Did You Know? Trinity Book Group Mitten Tree Jazz Vespers In Swing Stop Hunger Now! 5 Calendar of Worship and Events 6 Hendersonville Community Music Center Trinity Preschool News News from Finance Crosses Everywhere! 7 Trinity Youth Issues and Concerns Class 8 Trinity Presbyterian Women’s Circles Big Thank You! Me? Teach Children’s Learning Hour? 9 Trinity PW Christmas Tea 10 Report on Consecration Sunday New Library Resources 11 The Learning Hour Trinity PW Evening Circle 12 Session Notes, Continued 13 Hymn of the Month Preaching Schedule A New Painting 14 Bible Word Search Christmas Poinsettias 15 Our Guatemala Partnership 16 Lectionary Readings Announcements Prayer Persons 17 Calendar Christmas Joy Offering December 21, 2014 T “O send out your light and your truth; let them lead me.” (Psalm 43:3) he Christmas Joy Offering provides financial support and grants for current and retired Presbyterian church workers in their time of need. These people have dedicated their lives to the service of the church. The Christmas Joy Offering also supports leadership development and education at Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. Follow in the tradition of the wise men, and give to the Christmas Joy Offering. This special offering will be received and dedicated at both worship services on December 21, 2014. Stamps for Mission Closing Its Program T he retired Presbyterian missionary to the Congo has said that she is stopping the Stamps for Mission program in December. We will send a package in mid-December and then will no longer be collecting the stamps. She says that the cost for folks to send them to her exceeds what she is able to get for them with so few large commemorative stamps being used. So if you have used stamps you have been thinking of placing in the manila folder on the Presbyterian Women's bulletin board, please do so soon! No flag stamps or Christmas stamps; no torn stamps or damaged ones please. Foreign and US are both good. Thank you for all the donations previously! We have sent several large boxes over the last couple of years and they were much appreciated. Mary Louise Forsythe Pa ge 2 Pastor’s Corner Unchangeable F ollowing the recent court rulings leading to the legalization of same-gender marriage in North Carolina, I saw a newspaper advertisement for a local church that asked the question, “Are you tired of your church blowing with the winds of social change?” The implication was that you should come and worship with them because they weren’t ever going to change. It reminded me of one of my ministerial colleagues some years ago who announced on the floor of Presbytery that God never changes, so neither would he! It is true that we sometimes hear of God being described as unchanging, immutable, or unmoved by human behavior. This has led me to wonder, does the evidence available to us really reveal an image of God that fits the “unchangeable” description? Several times in the Hebrew Scriptures, we encounter God appearing to “change God’s mind.” Following the great flood, God makes a covenant to never again utterly destroy the creation on earth. Moses “convinces” God to spare the lives of the stiff-necked wanderers in the wilderness. One could argue that all of the New Testament is consumed with the revealing of God’s new plan (in Jesus) for his emerging and evolving relationship with humanity. You and I today are the beneficiaries of God’s apparent decision to broaden his preferential treatment of the Israelites to include a place for foreigners and those outside the Jewish faith. I think it is a mistake to assume that God is always in agreement with our current way of thinking. This is true for those of us on ALL sides of an issue. With humility, we must acknowledge that we are not God and cannot possibly know the “mind” of God. What we claim to know as Christians celebrating Advent is that God chose to intervene in human history through a divine Savior, born of flesh. This Savior lived among us; knew our pain; was immersed in the complexities of our lives. In this season of Advent, I am comforted by the evidence that God desired to be one of us. Did God learn anything from this experience? Was God changed? Shalom, Mark Note from the Associate Pastor W hen we think of liturgy—if we think of liturgy—we usually think of words, especially words printed in a worship bulletin: a Call to Worship, a Prayer of Confession, etc. But can liturgy be images? Pictures, sculptures, art? Well, I hope so, because this season, as you may have noticed on November 30, our Advent wreath is a bit, well, unconventional. In fact, you may have a hard time finding a “wreath” at all. Instead, what you’ll find, for each Sunday of Advent, is a different image or collection of images, the components of which are meant to symbolize or call to mind images from the Scripture passages for that particular Sunday. We hope that these pieces of visual liturgy will spark your imagination, make you think, and draw you more deeply into your worship of God in this holy season. (You can find more detail on our Advent wreath representations in each Sunday’s worship bulletin.) With you on the journey, Dwight Session Notes Pa ge 3 On November 11, 2014, the Session enjoyed a pot luck dinner in the Trinity Room at 6:30 p.m. and held our regular Stated Meeting. Bob Smith gave our devotion. December Birthdays Consent Agenda: 2 Jim Luzadder ~ 3 Ryleigh Bennett 5 Alice McCullough ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Clerk’s Report of Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of October 14, 2014 were approved by acclamation. Finance Report Christian Nurture Report Presbytery Meeting Report Minute for Missions Membership Update: Removed: Beth Pride and her son Justin Pride Report that The Lord’s Supper was administered on October 5, 2014 6 Nancy Drechsler 7 Leah Epps Dot Lovick Bob Luebke 8 Bob Baker Report from the Finance Ministry: Carol Gillespie ~ The final TPS yard sale numbers are in. The net receipts are $13,438 compared to a budget of $5000 and the 2013 actual of $5284. ~ October income was $11,000 below budget due to low EOG receipts and TPS tuition. Through October, our bottom line is a negative $13,400 vs. the budget estimated deficit of $10,900. This gap is $21,000 better than 2013. EOG (Estimates of Giving, formerly pledges) receipts were $10,400 under budget for the month. YTD EOG receipts are $33,900 under budget and $4700 below last year. ~ Expenses were $500 under budget in October and $18,500 below budget YTD. ~ TPS now has a surplus of $3700 vs. the projected budget deficit of $1900. ~ The third quarter market value adjustment for our non-endowment funds at New Covenant was an increase of $3779. The YTD change is a positive $34,813. Session approved the use of Midge Mack Fund to pay the cost of an independent review of the ‘Trinity Internal Financial Review’ up to $500. Session directed the Finance Ministry to follow the rules from the Book of Order as they pertain to annual reviews of the church financial records. Associate Pastor’s Report: Dwight Christenbury 11 Jan Prichard 12 Linda Walker 14 Jeanne Greer 15 Lois Grossen Mary Robinson 19 Carl Christiansen Scott Garrison 20 Peggy Hunnicutt 21 Duane Johnson Alex Zarnowski 25 Jesus 26 Mark Stanley Here are some highlights of what I’ve been up to lately: 30 Juliette Blakely ~ Coordinating Advent events (see below) ~ Working with Mark and the Worship Ministry to develop Advent worship liturgies ~ Worship leadership, worship planning (including Jazz Vespers), and preaching ~ Planning and leading chapel experiences for Trinity Preschool children ~ Planning and leading Trinity youth events ~ Planning and leading children’s worship ~ Staffing the Christian Nurture Ministry (CNM), the Worship Ministry (with Mark), the Fellowship Ministry, the Trinity Preschool Board, and the Local Missions Ministry Continued on page 12 Ruth Enloe Pa ge 4 D Did You Know? id you know anytime you eat at Sol Y Luna you can help Feed the Kids? Feed the Kids is a program Trinity actively supports that prepares and serves a nutritious meal each Friday for the youth at the Boys and Girls Club. Any day you eat at either Sol Y Luna location (Main Street or Laurel Park), all you have to do is mention you are there to support Feed the Kids and write FTK on your check. That’s all you have to do and 10% of the cost of your meal will benefit Feed the Kids! Trinity Book Group A reminder to all of book club members and friends: We will meet on December 4 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. I hope you are all finding it good reading. We love to have visitors. Jay Barr Jazz Vespers In Swing Mitten Tree T rinity will again have a Mitten Tree during the Advent season. It will be in the atrium near the office door by the first Sunday of Advent. You are invited to decorate it with your gifts which will be taken to IAM for distribution to the needy. B e a part of this year's final Jazz Vespers on Thursday, December 18, at 7:00 p.m.! Trinity's favorite bassist, Shannon Hoover, brings his trio (with Lovell Bradford on piano and Adam Snow on drums) to lead an exploration of spiritual contemplation through prayer and silence, light and shadow, and poignant rhythms and harmonies of jazz music. Light refreshments will be served after the service. Tell a friend and come join this unique worship experience. The Mitten Tree will be awaiting your gifts of children's Mittens Hats Socks Underwear Cold weather clothing that comes in small packages to hang on the tree. They are all really appreciated! D Stop Hunger Now! id you know that Trinity will be hosting a Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Event? Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 14, 2015, 2:00–4:00 p.m., and make plans to join the movement to end hunger in our lifetime! Help Trinity’s Presbyterian Women reach our goal of packaging 10,000+ meals on March 14; when we work together we can create a world without hunger. Learn more at, or link directly to Trinity’s event at: SA_EVENTS__Home?id=70170000000lMrq Pa ge 5 Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Advent and Christmas 2014 CALENDAR OF WORSHIP & EVENTS FIRST SUNDAY of ADVENT, November 30 (Isaiah 64.1–9; Mark 13.24–37) Worship Services—8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Dwight Christenbury, preaching 10th H.C.C.U. MESSIAH SING, November 30 Rehearsal—2:00 p.m. Handel’s Messiah—3:00 p.m. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY, December 3 Dinner—5:30 p.m. Bible Study: Matthew—6:30 p.m. SECOND SUNDAY of ADVENT, December 7 (Isaiah 40.1–11; Mark 1.1–8) Worship Services—8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mark Stanley, preaching CHRISTMAS TEA, Thursday, December 11, 2:00 p.m. (A Presbyterian Women Event) Music by Tom Bridges & Andrew Hiler THIRD SUNDAY of ADVENT, December 14 (Isaiah 61.1–4, 8–11; John 1.6–8, 19–28) Worship Services—8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Leah Epps, preaching CAROLING, Saturday, December 13, 4:30 p.m. A classic Christmas tradition Meet at Trinity to carpool to various sites JAZZ VESPERS: MIDNIGHT CLEAR, December 18 Music by the Shannon Hoover Trio Dinner—6:00 p.m. Jazz Vespers—7:00 p.m. FOURTH SUNDAY of ADVENT, December 21 (2 Samuel 7.1–11; Luke 1.26–38) Worship Services—8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mark Stanley, preaching Annual Christmas Pageant—10:00 a.m. FAMILY PARTY POTLUCK, December 21, 1:00 Chili, Cookies, and More CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP, December 24, 7:00 (Isaiah 9:2–7; Luke 2:1–20; John 1:1–14) A Candlelight Service PRAYERS FOR PEACE, Saturday, December 27, 7:00 (Sponsored by Interfaith Action) Annual Interfaith New Year’s Service Pa ge 6 Hendersonville Community Music Center T he HCMC is wrapping up a successful Fall trimester with a showcase performance scheduled for December 6, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. The performance will include students from all fall course offerings to include: Adult Guitar I & II, Kindermusik, Beginning Percussion, Adult Music Theory/ Piano, Classical Strings, Youth Guitar and Voice. HCMC has recently undergone restructuring under the new direction of Andrew Hiler and the HCMC advisory board that was established this past summer. The hopes of the restructuring are to establish consistency in our scheduling, increase registration numbers, track membership/participation, and more successfully collect tuition fees. To date, we have reached out to touch the lives of over sixty participants this Fall alone. We have continued a working relationship with Trinity Preschool, Robert Hudson’s Community Band, and have newly been working with Hendersonville Community Youth Orchestra. Trimester Schedule Fall ............................... September—December .............. December 6—Showcase Performance Winter .......................... January 5—March 27................... March 28—Showcase Performance Spring ........................... March 2—June 12 ........................ June 13—Showcase Performance The HCMC is committed to its efforts to provide affordable music experiences to the people of Henderson County, young and old. We look forward to the growth that is in our near future allowing us to continue to provide musical experiences to the members of our community. We look forward to your continued support! I Trinity Preschool News t’s that time of year again! The gifts, the decorating, the added activities with the season can add to the stress level a notch or two. One thing for certain, our preschoolers can help gain perspective when everything is overwhelming. The excitement and joy is abundant! When we sing about the special baby that was born in Bethlehem and read stories about the first Christmas, well, it just makes every problem seem insignificant. Please drop by anytime to catch a glimpse of the excitement! Merry Christmas from all of the little “Cherubs” at Trinity Preschool! For the Children, Peggy B News from Finance W e have a surplus of EOG (pledge) envelopes from this and previous years, large enough to provide everyone who requested envelopes for 2015 with their own number. The collection plate in 2015 will be filled with multicolored envelopes but no matter, the church will be saving a significant sum of money. However, please do not use, but recycle your 2014 or older envelopes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Crosses Everywhere! y now you have doubtless noticed that we are giving crosses to all who visit Trinity for Sunday worship. These are beautiful, colorful, hand-made pottery crosses created and crafted with love by our own Ralph and Sharon Mitchell. Believe it or not, we have already given away over 200 of them. They are intended to remind our visitors of God's love for them and of our gratitude for their presence with us in worship. Please remember to reach out with a word of welcome whenever you see someone who is new to our church family. Pa ge 7 Trinity Youth—December 2014 Date Event Details For Saturday, December 13 4:30–7:00 p.m. Christmas Caroling Bring your family and meet your church family at Trinity for this traditional Christmas event All Sunday, December 21 10:00 a.m. Annual Christmas Pageant We could use your help lassoing the kids, with behind-the-scenes work, and maybe even with a starring role All Sunday, December 21 after church Christmas Party Potluck Annual family event; bring your favorite pot of chili or Christmas cookies Families All of the above are subject to change. Some events may be added; others may be subtracted. Some might be canceled or rescheduled without you knowing about it. But we hope that won’t happen. And if it does, please know it’s nothing personal. And don’t forget about the Sunday Learning Hour: Youth (Grades 8–12): NOOMA 9:45–10:45 a.m. in the NOOMA Room (a.k.a. The Family Room) Tweens (Grades 4–7) 10:00–10:45 a.m. in Room 101 (following Music Ensemble) Confirmation Class Spring 2015; more information to come Issues and Concerns Class J.K. Rowling: “To the well-organized mind, death is nothing but the next great adventure.” Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Woody Allen: “I am not afraid to die; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” 28th O n December 7th and 14th (and maybe the 28th), the Issues and Concerns class will tackle another controversial topic facing many Americans, including those of faith, today—end of life issues. We will discuss articles from newspapers in Dayton, OH, New York, Asheville, The Christian Century, Des Moines, Hendersonville, USA Today, and Presbyterians Today. How do we feel about “right to die” legislation? How does America as a whole feel? How does our faith impact our feelings on what is a very difficult matter for many folks? Please join us in Room 207 and lend your voice to the discussion. Pa ge 8 Trinity Presbyterian Women’s Circles Rebekah Circle Naomi Circle Esther Circle 2nd Monday, 12:30 p.m. Barbara Johnson, 891-9083 Dianne Purnell, 698-2724 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. Pat Norris, 685-1076 Sarah Thibodeau 698-8679 (Co-Moderators) 2nd Wednesday, 9:45 a.m. Katie Hankla, 696-3829 Judi Johnson, 435-1610 (Co-Moderators) Coordinating Team meets 1st Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Bible Leaders meet with Rev. Dwight Christenbury at 11:00 a.m. W Big Thank You! e want to thank Feed the Kids Team 3 folks as well as others who pitched in to make the Consecration Dinner a success. A special word of appreciation to Temple Agudas member Ed Lieber who came at 8:00 a.m. to cook the pork loin! Jane Sugawara, Carolyn Erickson, Lois Erickson, Susan Mangrum, Erika McGilley, Bea and Jerry Miller, Sharon Mitchell, Rebecca Palmer, and Julia Sellers worked hard Saturday and/or Sunday mornings to prep and cook and clean up. A whole crew of men helped with set up and take down of tables and chairs and garbage! Thank you! Jesus asks us to serve one another, and truly you each have a servant heart. The donation from the Stewardship Ministry to Feed the Kids in lieu of hiring a caterer will make possible more than 500 meals for children in our community. We are privileged to help with this program which was started by our own Connie Moore. We couldn't do it without the wonderful support from so many. Gratefully, Priscilla Karvonen and Mary Louise Forsythe (Team 3 co-leaders). Me? Teach Children’s Learning Hour? You Gotta Be Kidding! Y ou may have heard that the Christian Nurture Ministry is in need of a few more teachers for our Sunday Children’s Learning Hour Classes. And you may have also thought that you’re not the person we’re looking for. But specialized skills and knowledge are not required. All it takes is a love of children, a little bit of time to spare, dependability, and (just maybe) a sense of humor. If you have those things, read on to learn more: We use a creative, biblically sound, and teacher-friendly curriculum called Grow, Proclaim, Serve that provides a variety of types of learning activities in a simple, clear format. We have great resources: a well-stocked art supply room, a wonderful church library with lots of children’s books, and audio-visual equipment. And we have great kids: not a huge number of them (you can expect three to five children in attendance in each We have three kids’ Learning Hour classes: Preschool (ages class), but they’re warm, friendly, and welcoming. 3–4), Elementary (grades K–3), and Tweens (grades 4–7). If you’ve decided that you might be one of the people we’re The time commitment for teachers is flexible: teachers are looking for after all, please speak with Karen Burnham, Mary Louise Forsythe, or Dwight Christenbury to invited to sign up for a month at a time. We’d love to have learn more! teachers who can commit to a full year at a time, but we know that’s not realistic for many people. If you can commit to just one month, that’s a great help and will be deeply appreciated. Pa ge 9 Celebrate The Birth Of Our Savior Jesus Christ Faith Love Carols Fellowship $6 per person Music Entertainment By Help the Homeless Youth of Henderson County bring Tom Bridges Andrew Hiler Personal Grooming Items Trinity PW Christmas Tea December 11, 2014 at 2:00 P.M. Festive menu includes: Delicious fruit, petite sandwiches, shortbread, scones, cheese and tea! Pa ge 10 Statistical Report on Consecration Sunday Results A total of 226 completed Estimate of Giving Cards have been received to date. Fifty-five (55) of these cards reflected increased financial commitment above their last year’s amount. A total of $396,221 has been estimated towards 2015 giving. Fifteen Estimate of Giving Cards were received from either members new to Trinity, or from others who had not completed a card last year. projected to indicate an additional $52,750 to be donated during 2015. The Estimate of Giving for 2014 was $439,000. A two percent increase in total giving above last year is currently projected. Thanks to all who prayerfully considered, during this season, their monetary response to God’s love. Based on the giving records of individuals who completed a card last year, and have not yet completed a card this year, we hope to receive additional Estimate of Giving Cards Bob Forsythe New Library Resources Bruce Penn donated the book: ~ Body and Soul: Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism (7/BAR) by M. Craig Barnes Irene Solbakken donated the following titles: ~ The Great Physician’s RX for Health and Wellness (9/ RUB) by Jordan Rubin ~ Power Optimism (6/LIG) by Dana Lightman ~ I Love You Through and Through (A/ROS) by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak ~ If you Give a Moose a Muffin (A/NUM) by Laura Numeroff ~ Jesus Loves Me (A/JES) Illus. by Tim Warnes ~ Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World (A/AND) by Debby Anderson ~ The Shepherd of the Hills (33/WRI) by Harold Bell Wright ~ Love You Forever (A/MUN) by Robert Munsch The library has purchased the following children’s books: ~ Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia (A/PAR) by Peggy Parish ~ The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Habit (A/BER) by Stan and Jan Berenstain ~ A Star for Jesus (A/BOW) by Crystal Bowman ~ Biscuit (A/CAP) by Alyssa Satin Capucilli ~ Daddy Hugs (A/KAT) by Karen Katz ~ Daniel and the Roaring Lions (A/ULM) by Louise Ulmer ~ Doggies: A Counting and Barking Book (A/BOY) by Sandra Boynton ~ God Gave Us You (A/BER) by Lisa T. Bergren ~ My Thanksgiving Prayer (A/Bow) by Crystal Bowman ~ The Story of Thanksgiving (A/SKA) by Nancy J. Skammeds ~ What Grandmas Do Best (bound with) What Grandpas Do Best (A/NUM) by Laura Numeroff ~ What Mommies Do Best (A/NUM)by Laura Numeroff The Learning Hour Pa ge 11 Sundays 9:45–10:45 a.m. ~ December 21: Learning Hour classes will not meet today. Instead, all are invited to the Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. for Trinity’s Annual Christmas Pageant! ~ December 28: The Lecture & Response Class will not meet. FOR ADULTS Hashing It Out Issues & Concerns Lectionary Class New Horizons Lecture & Response Bible study and topics of concern to young adults—Lounge December 7 and 14: Review of articles on end of life issues including “When is a life worth living?” and “The influence of faith on difficult medical choices.” December 28: TBD—Room 207 Lectionary-based Bible study—Trinity Room Book discussion—Room 206 December 7 and 14: Advent—Fellowship Hall FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Children and Tweens are invited to participate in Music Ensemble Rehearsals on Sunday mornings during the first part of the Learning Hour. Music Ensemble (Children and Tweens) .... Room 106 Preschool (Ages 3–4) ................................... Room 203 (main level) Elementary (Grades K–3) ........................... Room 103 (lower level) Trinity PW Evening Circle About six women have expressed some interest in a Presbyterian Women circle to meet in the evening. There will be a "first" (of many we hope) meeting on Tuesday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the church. It will be a chance to pick a more regular monthly date beginning in January and decide on how the group wants to proceed. If you are interested, or want to suggest someone to be invited, please call Mary Louise Forsythe at 684-0643. “My idea of Christmas, whether oldfashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” ― Bob Hope “Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart. ” ― Washington Irving Pa ge 12 Session Notes Continued from Page 3 ~ Completing an annual self-evaluation and working on annual reviews for our Nursery staff Our Advent theme for this year is Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All, and our Advent calendar of worship and events is on page five. 3. Trinity will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2015. Volunteers will be sought to be part of a Task Force to plan appropriate celebrations of this event. 4. Trinity will host the Quarterly Western North Carolina Presbytery Meeting on July 28, 2015. Volunteers will be Stewardship Report: Bob Forsythe shared that Trinity needed to support this event. received 121 Estimates of Giving on November 9 at our Consecration Sunday. He expects to receive at least 43 Ministry Reports: more Estimates of Giving which would total 164 giving units. 1. Personnel: the Ministry recommended that under the Communications: Medical Plan coverage for Mark and Dwight, that Mark and Dwight share half the expense for dependent care The Clerk reported that a transfer of new Trinity members with Trinity. This expense of $27.81/month for Dwight from another Presbyterian Church was accomplished via and $47.545/month for Mark may be offset by allowing email (a first), saving time, energy and stamps for both the maximum Flexible Spending Account pre-tax churches. contribution of $2250/year to be sued to pay this Unfinished Business: expense. 1. Visioning: Review of Mission Initiatives, # 5 Initiative. 2. Building and Grounds: AT&T has finally found the We shall expand our offering for faith conversation and problem that has caused telephone disruption during fellowship. rainstorms. Some of the ways that we have been incorporating this 3. Administration: New guidelines will be established in initiative: Mark’s Bible Studies, Joe Gernoske’s the New Year to help keep down copying costs. proposed Men’s Breakfast Group with faith discussions, 4. Trinity Preschool: The Board was thrilled with the Proposed new Presbyterian Women’s Night Circle, results of the annual Yard Sale, and thanks all who Fellowship to consider forming small groups (support shared in this success. Linda and Glenn Walker groups) have agreed to chair the Yard Sale again in 2015. 2. The Session approved the Rev. Dr. Mark Stanley to Pastor’s Concerns: perform the wedding service for two of his friends, the Rev. Sandi Rice and Carlene Wood who are ‘friends of With the resignation of Paul Bennett from the Session, Trinity’. the Nominating Committee will work to find someone to New Business: complete Paul’s term of office. 1. Duane Johnson was elected to be the new Clerk of Session beginning in January 2015. Mark Stanley closed the meeting with prayer at 9:06 p.m. 2. Date for the Annual Congregational Meeting was set for The next Stated Session Meeting will be December 9, 2014. January 25, 2015 during the Learning Hour in Edie Clark, Fellowship Hall. February 1, 2015 will be the alternate date. Clerk of Session Hymn of the Month Pa ge 13 Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn (#107) C hristmas is known for its carols; Advent, for its hymns. The difference is primarily one of musical style. The word “carol” roots in the Greek chore, the root from which we get our word “choreography.” While hymns can be solemn and majestic, the music of a carol makes us want to get up and dance. Originally, Marty Haugen wrote the words and music that now appear as #107 in Glory to God to be a Christmas carol. His family was celebrating a tradition of making rather than buying gifts for one another, and he composed the song as a Christmas gift for the family member whose name he had drawn. But on further thought, Haugen realized that the world was already full of Christmas carols, and almost devoid of carols for Advent. So he changed a few words of his original text. What started out as “Rejoice! Rejoice” (the two words by which the tune is still named) became instead, “Awake! Awake.” What had been “Sing out your joy, for now he is born” was altered to “for soon he is born.” The whole text was put into the future tense, to convey a sense of eager, Advent waiting for a birth that is yet to come. By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:78-19) Similar imagery runs throughout Haugen’s text. Stanza 1 summons us to “greet the new morn.” Stanza 2 reminds us that the child Emmanuel is coming “to all in sorrow and fear.” Stanza 3 assures us that “in darkest night his coming shall be,” and Stanza 4 urges us to “take heart in the night,” because “the rising sun” will soon bring its light to the world. Other images from the prophets appear in Haugen’s Advent carol. The mute will “break forth in song, the lame shall leap in wonder” (Isaiah 35:6). Weapons will be “broken asunder” (Isaiah 2:4, Joel 3:10, Micah 4:3). Mary’s canticle, the Magnificat, is echoed as well: the weak will be raised above the strong (Luke 1:52-53). The dawning for which we wait during the season of Advent is thus to usher in new day of healing, peace, and justice. Marty Haugen is responsible for nearly a dozen hymns, carols, and songs that appear in Glory to God. While he The imagery of “Awake! Awake” is thoroughly biblical. One grew up as a Lutheran and currently worships in a UCC of the earliest songs ever to be sung about the anticipated congregation in Minnesota, his composing played a key role birth of the Christ child was the canticle of Zechariah. When in the Roman Catholic liturgical renewal of the late 20th Zechariah learned that his son John was to be the herald of century. One of his closest colleagues is David Haas, the coming Messiah, he sang a song (now known as the author of our hymn of the month for October (“Come! Live in Benedictus) which includes these lines: the Light”). Preaching Schedule December 7 ................ Mark Stanley December 14 .............. Leah Epps December 21 ............... Mark Stanley December 24 .............. 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service December 28 .............. Joe Gernoske M A New Painting erritt Roach, one of our congregational artists, has recently presented the church with the gift of a beautiful landscape pastel of our western North Carolina mountains. This art-work now hangs in the Lounge and bears the following especially appropriate inscription from scripture: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills-from whence cometh my strength? My strength cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121) Please take a moment to view this inspirational work and to thank the artist. Pa ge 14 Bible Word Search: Christmas Advent, Angels, Beauty, Birth, Cards, Carols, Census, Children, Christ, Church, Creche, December, Family, Feast, Festival, Garland, Giving, Goodwill, Herod, Holiday, Holly, Holy, Icicles, Jesus, Joseph, Joy, Lights, Love, Magi, Manger, Mary, Merry, Music, Nativity, Noel, Pageants, Peace, Prayer, Santa, Season, Shepherd, Sleigh, Snow, Star, Stocking, Trees, Yule Please, cut here and return to church office or place in offering plate. Christmas Poinsettias If you would like to contribute to the fund for the church’s holiday decorations (poinsettias and wreaths), please place your check (marked “greens”) and this form in the offering plate or bring it to the church office . Name ______________________________ Amount__________ In memory/honor of ___________________________________ I shall take my poinsettia(s) (red only), at $6.00 each, after the Christmas Eve service Yes ___ No___ Please give my poinsettia to someone. Yes ____ No _____ Page 12 Our Guatemala Partnership Pa ge 13 “that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” Romans 1:12 F Report on November 2014 Trip to Guatemala ollowing a late (one hour) departure from Asheville due to snow the Education Committee members from WNC and the Health Committee and Presbyterian Woman’s Chairs all joined together in Antigua for a night of rest before leaving the following morning on a four hour drive to the Presbyterian Seminary in San Filipe. Two days in San Falipe were spent by the Education Committee reviewing the 2014 reports of the three partner committees: Sur Occidente, Suchitepequez, and WNC; meeting with an education psychologist to arrange testing for presbytery scholarship applicants; discussing financial needs of the joint education committee and of the church education committees; developing suggested policies concerning scholarships in the churches; discussing the possible development and support of “Libros para ninos” a program to establish read-aloud libraries in the church/school communities; and in developing requests to be approved by the Joint Partnership Committee. The Education Committee members from Guatemala left the following morning and meeting of the Joint Partnership Committee began. The visit to Tecun Uman began by a visit to an interfaith immigration house near the Mexican border. This was a very informative and spiritually moving experience for all of us! Lunch at Iglesia Horeb consisted of grilled Tilapia; pan-fried potatoes, and a small salad. This was followed by presentations of the scholarship programs from two of the churches in the presbytery. The Joint Partnership Committee resumed its meeting on Friday morning as reports were received from the Health, Presbyterian Women, and Education Committees. This was followed by further discussion on the Abundant Life of God and continued discussion steps toward a year of discernment based on prayer, reflection, and action. That evening, worship to celebrate the 20th Anniversary was held. Bobbi White (Presbytery Exec WNC) gave the sermon and shared God's vision of the Abundant Life that we are working together to create and share with others here in Guatemala, in the USA and around the world! Our WNC Art work was on display prior to and following worship. I wish to thank Bill Campbell for his painting, depicting abundant life as seen by the tomato harvest in Mills The first meeting of the Joint Partnership Committee was spent River. The painting was then taken to our partner church as a in devotion and discussion of how our partnership has glorified gift from Trinity. Dinner following worship was provided by Sur God in the past twenty years of partnership and the areas that and Suchi Presbyteries and consisted of a variety of foods that need improvement. Discussion of the theme for the year 2015, had been prepared in their community and brought to the and the beginning of a new covenant followed this. It was seminary, including: tamalitas, refried beans, tamales, fruits, decided that the year 2015 is to be one of Prayer and and cooked vegetables. Discernment on what God’s plan for the Joint Partnership is to look like. It was further decided that a committee of nine (three Saturday to Monday morning was spent traveling to and from Sur, three from Suchi, and three from PWNC) would visiting our partner churches. Next month I will report on the develop this idea. visit to Fuente de Vida. In the meantime please keep the partnership and Hermana Manuela Martinez who is undergoing In an effort to view accomplishments and improvements in the chemotherapy due to breast cancer in your prayers. partnership, visits to the community of Santo Domingo in Suchi presbytery and to Tecun Uman in Sur had been planned. In The entire group of twenty-one from WNC consisted of Bobbi Santo Domingo we enjoyed a demonstration by a first grade White and a group of delegates who came mostly to visit their teacher and his students who were on vacation, but came to partner church, the Education Committee and members of the be with us. Demonstrations on their reading program and their Partnership Leadership Team. hands on math program were given. It is planned that this I wish to express much appreciation to Trinity and to the Global school will be our first attempt at development of the “Libros Ministry for your support that allowed be to make this trip and para ninos” or reading-aloud program. Following the morning for your prayers that upheld me during this trip. visit to the school we were treated to a lunch consisting of foods and drink made from soy. Soy is now being used to Respectfully, develop higher levels of nutrition in the communities. We also watched demonstrations on the construction of wood burning Carole Ball stoves, and bio-sand water filters. Lectionary Readings Pa ge 16 Second Sunday of Advent Third Sunday of Advent Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Eve December 7 December 14 December 21 December 24 Isaiah 40:1–11 Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13 2 Peter 3:8–15a Mark 1:1–8 Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11 Luke 1:46b–55 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 John 1:6–8, 19–28 2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16 Luke 1:46b–55 Romans 16:25–27 Luke 1:26–38 Isaiah 9:2–7 Psalm 96 Titus 2:11–14 Luke 2:1–14 [15–20] Christmas Dawn Christmas Day First Sunday after Christmas Day December 25 December 25 December 28 Isaiah 62:6–12 Psalm 97 Titus 3:4–7 Luke 2:[1–7] 8–20 Isaiah 52:7–10 Psalm 98 Hebrews 1:1–4 [5–12] John 1:1–14 Isaiah 61:10—62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4–7 Luke 2:22–40 Once again, our Trinity Family has reached out to us in a time of need and we thank each of you. Your words of encouragement, cards, visits and prayers during my time of healing have been so appreciated. What a blessing it is to be a part of such a loving and wonderful church family! Thank you, Pricilla and Tom Karvonen If you would like your article in Tidings, Email to: [email protected] By the 15th of the previous month. Weekly Prayer Persons December 7 Ed & Betty Lockwood .........692-7269 19 Winter Holly Lane Hendersonville, NC 28739 December 21 Jim & Bev Luzadder ........... 890-4404 1461 Mountain Meadow Dr. Hendersonville, NC 28739 December 14 Bill & Barbara Garrison....... 696-1793 1 Garrison Lane Flat Rock, NC 28731 December 28 Dieter & Sue Hammer ....... 694-3686 18 Legendary Rd. Hendersonville, NC 28739 December 2014 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat The TIDINGS of Trinity Presbyterian Church 900 Blythe Street Hendersonville, NC 28791 Rev. Dr. Mark Stanley Senior Pastor Dwight Christenbury Associate Pastor Joe Gernoske, CLP Parish Visitor Stephen Klein Organist/Adult Choir Director Bettye Young Executive Secretary Peggy Hunnicutt Preschool Director Dr. Fred Van Itallie Web Master LeAnn Godsey Tidings Editor Phone: Fax: Tidings: Website: Return Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 17 Hendersonville, NC 28739 To: (828) 692-6114 (828) 696-4110 [email protected] December 2 014 Make tracks to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus TRINITY M ISSION STATEM ENT Trinity is a family of faith called to make the Word known to all ages, to grow in faith together, to minister to those in need, and to do all these things with joy, love, and compassion in the name of Christ the Lord .
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