Welby Gardens Availability December 19, 2014 Phone: 303-288-3398 Fax: 303-287-9316 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hardyboyplant.com Order Deadline: 10am MST day prior to delivery/pick up date Company: ____________________________ Ordered By: _______________ Phone No.: _______________ Date Order Will Be: Picked Up/Delivered _____________ PO No.: ____________ CS X YP YP YP YP YP SC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC YP X X X X X X Variety Qty Annuals 10/4pak Jumbo Red/Wht Snapdragon Rocket Mix-10/4Pk 18/3.5" Premium Annuals Bacopa Giant White-3.5"Ann Coleus Wasabi-3.5" Ann Ipomoea Sidekick Lime Heart3.5" Ann Lobelia Magadi Blue-3.5" Ann Petunia Starlet Orange-3.5" Ann 18/3.5" Cyclamen Cyclamen Burgundy-18/3.5" Cyclamen Lilac-18/3.5" Cyclamen Mix-18/3.5" Cyclamen Pink-18/3.5" Cyclamen Purple-18/3.5" Cyclamen Red-18/3.5" Cyclamen Rose-18/3.5" Cyclamen Salmon-18/3.5" Cyclamen White-18/3.5" 10/4.5" Dp Black Limited Cordyline Red Sensation-4.5"Lmtd 1 Gal Blue Select order in multiples of 3 (per var.) Agapanthus Purple Delight-#1 Selct Cordyline Red Sensation-#1 Selct Cordyline Red Star-#1 Selct 2 Gal Hex Red Standard Dracaena Indivisa-#2 Ensete Red Banana-#2 Ground Covers 32/2.5" Ground Covers Vinca Minor Bowles-32/2.5" Grasses CS YP X YP YP X YP X PQ X WB WB X X WB FC FC FC FC SC SC FC SC YP YP YP YP X YP YP Variety Qty CS 1 Gal Hex Gray Premium YP order in multiples of 3 (per var.) YP Calamagrostis Overdam-#1 YP Festuca Boulder Blue-#1 YP Miscanthus Zebrinus-#1 Muhlenbergia c Pink Muhley Grass-#1 X Pennisetum Rubrum-#1 X 2 Gal Hex Red Standard X Helictrotrichon Blue Avena-#2 X Pennisetum Rubrum-#2 X Stipa Angel Hair-#2 Perennials 18/3.5" Gray X Anemone Pandora Blue-3.5" Gray YP Anemone Pandora Dbl Blue-3.5" Gray YP Anemone Pandora Dbl Fuchsia-3.5" Gray X Anemone Pandora Dbl White-3.5" Gray YP Anemone Pandora Fuchsia-3.5" Gray X Anemone Pandora Red-3.5" Gray YP Primrose Blue-3.5"Prn X Primrose Giants Mix-3.5"Prn X Primrose Mix-3.5"Prn X Primrose Pink-3.5"Prn YP Primrose Red-3.5"Prn PQ Primrose Rose-3.5"Prn X Primrose White-3.5"Prn YP Primrose Yellow-3.5"Prn X 10/4.5" Dp Blue Select X Anchusa Summer-Forget-Me-Not PS-4.5"SlctYP Centaurea Amethyst Snow-4.5"Slct X Delosp x Lavender Lace PS-4.5"Slct YP Gaura Siskiyou Pink-4.5"Slct YP Gaura Sparkle White-4.5"Slct YP Gazan Colorado Gold PS-4.5"Slct YP Heuchera Firefly Red-4.5"Slct SC Variety Qty Kniphofia Red Hot Poker-4.5"Slct Leucanthm LaCrosse-4.5"Slct Penstemon Rondo Mix-4.5"Slct Salvia Swifty White-4.5"Slct 10/4.5" Dp Green Specialty Rose Mini Cupcake Lt Pink-4.5"Sptly Rose Mini Herbie Lavender-4.5"Sptly Rose Mini Ice Rspb Rd/Wht-4.5"Sptly Rose Mini Rise n Shine-4.5"Sptly Rose Mini Sorcerer Red-4.5"Sptly 1 Gal Hex Red Standard order in multiples of 3 (per var.) Achillea Desert Eve Dp Rose-#1 Achillea Desert Eve Terracotta-#1 Achillea Moonshine Yellow-#1 Achillea Seduction Strawberry-#1 Achillea Ttti Frtti Pk Grapefrt-#1 Aegopodm Snow On Mtn-#1 Ajuga Burgundy Glow-#1 Aquilegia Songbird Red-#1 Armeria Joystick Mix-#1 Armeria Joystick Red-#1 Armeria Maritima Sea Pink-#1 Artemesia Powis Castle-#1 Artemesia Silvermound-#1 Aurinia Sax Gold Dust Yellow-#1 Centranthus Jupiter's Beard Red-#1 Delosp Cooperii Purple-#1 Delosp Ice Plant Yellow-#1 Dianthus Firewitch Rose-#1 Dianthus Swt William Mix-#1 Dianthus Wicked Witch Red-#1 Digitalis Camelot Mix-#1 Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea PowWow White-#1 CS YP WB X X X X PQ X YP X WB YP YP X X YP YP YP X X X X YP X X X YP YP YP YP YP YP X X PQ Variety Qty Erysimum Bowles Mauve-#1 Gaillardia Goblin Red/Ylw-#1 Gaillardia Premium Burgundy-#1 Gaura Butterfly Whirling Pink-#1 Gaura Siskiyou Pink-#1 Geum Borissii Orange-#1 Geum Lady Stratheden Yellow-#1 Heuchera Firefly Red-#1 Ivy Englsh Baltic-#1 Ivy Englsh Hedera Helix-#1 Leucanthn Shasta Darling-#1 Linum Sapphire Blue-#1 Monarda d. Cranberry Lace-#1 Nepeta Walkers Low-#1 Oenothera Mex Evng Prmrse Pink-#1 Papaver Orientl Allegro Scrlt-#1 Papaver Orntl Prncss Louise Pk-#1 Papaver Wonderland Mix-#1 Penstemon Pinifolia Red-#1 Penstemon Riding Hood Blue-#1 Penstemon Riding Hood Delft Blue-#1 Penstemon Riding Hood Hot Pink-#1 Penstemon Riding Hood Marble-#1 Penstemon Riding Hood Red-#1 Penstemon Strictus RM Blue-#1 Polemonium Touch of Class-#1 Ratibida Mex Hat Red-#1 Rudbeckia Goldstrum-#1 Salvia n Blue Hill-#1 Salvia n Sensation Sky Blue-#1 Salvia n Sensation Dp Rose Imp-#1 Salvia s Blue Queen-#1 Salvia Swifty Violet Blue-#1 Santolina Incana Grey-#1 Santolina Virens Green-#1 Page Total: ___ Crop Statuses: EX = EXCEPTIONAL, FC = FULL COLOR, SC = SOME COLOR, WB = WITH BUDS, PQ = PREMIUM PLANT, X = GOOD PLANT, YP = YOUNG PLANT Printed 12/19/2014 Page 1 CS WB WB YP X YP X YP YP X X X X WB WB X YP YP Variety Qty Scabiosa Butterfly Blue-#1 Scabiosa House Mix-#1 Sedum Autumn Joy-#1 Sedum Dragons Blood-#1 Sedum Kamtschati-#1 Sedum Old Man Bones-#1 Sedum Rosy Glow-#1 Sedum Spurium Tricolor-#1 Sedum Spurium Voo Doo-#1 Sempervi t Hens & Chicks-#1 Stachys Lamb Ear-#1 Thyme Creeping Pink Chintz-#1 Verbena Homestead Purple-#1 Verbena Homestead Red-#1 Veronica Royal Candles Blue-#1 Veronica Vernique Blue-#1 Viola Starry Night-#1 1 Gal Hex Gray Premium order in multiples of 3 (per var.) YP Agastache Coronado Orange-#1 X Agastache Dbl Bubble Mint-#1 X Agastache Rupestris Orange-#1 X Agastache Sonorian Sunset-#1 YP Callirhoe Prairie Winecup-#1 X Delosp Fire Spinner-#1 YP Delosp Mesa Verde Coral-#1 YP Delosp Starburst Pink-#1 X Digit Obscura Sunset Bronze-#1 PQ Digit Spanish Peaks-#1 SC Echinacea Sombrero Flamenco Orange-#1 X Echinacea Sombrero Salsa Red-#1 X Fern Dryop c Male Robust-#1 YP Fragaria Lipstick Red-#1 YP Gazania Colorado Gold-#1 WB Germ Prn Sanguineum Pink-#1 YP Helenium Mardi Gras-#1 YP Helenium Ruby Tuesday-#1 YP Helleborus Ivory Prince-#1 X Heuchera Caramel-#1 PQ Heuchera Neptune-#1 YP Kniphofia Flamenco(Red Hot Poker)-#1 X Lavender Grosso-#1 YP Lavender Hidcote-#1 CS X WB X YP YP YP X X X X X YP X YP X X X X YP X YP YP YP X X YP X X X Variety Qty Lily Oriental Entertainer Rose/Red-#1 Lily Starlight Express-#1 Limonium Sea Lavender-#1 Monarda Balmy Pink-#1 Monarda Balmy Rose-#1 Nepeta Little Trudy-#1 Penstemon Carolyn's Hope Pink-#1 Penstemon Coral Baby PS-#1 Penstemon Pikes Peak Purple-#1 Penstemon Red Rocks Red-#1 Penstemon Shadow Mtn Lavender-#1 Penstemon Silverton Blue-#1 Penstemon Windwalker's Garnet-#1 Polemonium Bressingham-#1 Polemonium Brise d'Anjou-#1 Rosemary Arp Blue-#1 Rosemary Creeping-#1 Rosemary Tuscan Blue-#1 Salvia greg Raspberry-#1 Salvia greg WestWood Blue-#1 Salvia n East Friesland-#1 Salvia n May Night-#1 Sedum Angelina Gold-#1 Sedum Blue Spruce-#1 Sedum s Turquoise Tails PS-#1 Veronica Baby Doll-#1 Veronica Lewinesis Blue-#1 Veronica Reavis Crystal-#1 Vinca minor Alba-#1 2 Gal Hex Red Standard SC Achillea Moonshine-#2 YP Agastache Sonorian Sunset-#2 X Ajuga Catlin's Giant-#2 WB Aquilegia Songbird Blue-#2 X Aquilegia Songbird Mix-#2 X Artemesia Powis Castle-#2 YP Echinacea Dbl Decker-#2 X Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry-#2 YP Echinacea PowWow White-#2 X Eupatorium Baby Joe-#2 X Gaillardia Goblin-#2 X Heuchera Big Tops Gold-#2 YP Hollyhock Chater's Dbl Mix-#2 CS X X YP X YP YP X WB YP YP WB YP YP X YP YP YP YP YP YP X YP Variety Qty Kniphofia Flamenco(Red Hot Poker)-#2 Lavender Fred Boutin-#2 Lavender Hidcote-#2 Lavender Munstead-#2 Leucanthn Shasta Snow Lady-#2 Leucanthn Shasta White Mountain-#2 Monarda Raspberry Wine-#2 Nepeta Walkers Low-#2 Penstemon Pikes Peak Prpl-#2 Penstemon Red Rocks-#2 Perovskia Russian Sage-#2 Plumbago Ceratostigma-#2 Rosemary Tuscan Blue-#2 Salvia n Blue Hill-#2 Salvia n Caradonna Purple-#2 Salvia n East Friesland-#2 Salvia n May Night-#2 Salvia n Snow Hill-#2 Scabiosa Fama Giant Blue-#2 Sedum Autumn Joy-#2 Solidago Goldenrod-#2 Veronica Vernique White-#2 Shrub 2 Gal Blue Premium YP Buddleia CranRazz-#2 Prem Vines 2 Gal Hex Red Standard PQ Ivy Englsh Hedera Helix-#2 YP Lonicera Halls-#2 2 Gal Blue Premium X Clematis Swt Autumn White-#2 Prem Fertilizers Hardy Starts Gran. 2.5 lb. Jar Hardy Starts Gran. 25 lb. Bag Hardy Starts Gro&Go 1 Pint 24/case Hardy Starts Liquid 1 Gal. 4/case CS Variety Qty Page Total: ___ Crop Statuses: EX = EXCEPTIONAL, FC = FULL COLOR, SC = SOME COLOR, WB = WITH BUDS, PQ = PREMIUM PLANT, X = GOOD PLANT, YP = YOUNG PLANT Printed 12/19/2014 Page 2
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