SERVING AT EBENEZER Sunday December 21 Greeters: Bill & Willie Kruizinga Nursery: Jerry Keunen & Kim Van Geel Deacons: Anne Meinen & Magda Byker Elders: Jerry Keunen Organist: Jeannette Buursma Audio/Video: Richard Balt December 24 – Christmas Eve Greeters: Everyone Nursery: Ed Keus & Jannie Balt Deacons: Jannie Balt & Josh Keus Elders: Peter Balt Organist: Ed Zwart Audio/Video: Josh Labrie December 25 – Christmas Day Greeters: Pastor Dave & Heather Nursery: Volunteers Deacons: Anne Meinen & Magda Byker Elders: Harry Keus Organist: Jeannette Buursma Audio/Video: Hannah Vandervelde Sunday December 28 Greeters: Peter & Fran Balt Nursery: Ed & Mary Keus Deacons: Jannie Balt & Josh Keus Elders: Corinne Sprong Organist: Ed Zwart Audio/Video: Hannah Vandervelde December 31 – New Year’s Eve Greeters: Everyone Nursery: Volunteers Deacons: Anne Meinen & Magda Byker Elders: Corinne Sprong Organist: Ed Zwart Audio/Video: TBA EBENEZER REFORMED CHURCH 621 Highway 8 Stoney Creek, ON, L8G 5G2 905-643-2041 Minister: Rev. David Vandervelde [email protected] December 21, 2014 4th unday of Advent Welcome! We are glad you have chosen to worship with us. Pastor David Vandervelde will lead us in worship. May God bless him as he seeks to teach us from God’s word. If anyone would like a CD recording of today's service, please contact Gerry Spekkers at 905-662-3045. PRAYER CONCERNS Elderly & Shut ins: Mrs. Balt, Gerry & Toni Piersma, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Tuk, Mrs. Woldhuis. Healing: *Simon Heeringa is struggling with headaches and abdominal pain. *Henny Amama continues to suffer with her health. *Rene Smid is struggling with Parkinson’s. ORDER OF SERVICE 4th Sunday of Advent * Please Stand If Able WE GATHER IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD *Lighting of the Advent Candles *Hymn # 92 - Love Divine Prayer & God’s Blessing Congregational Greeting Children leave for Sunday School * Hymn # 123 - O Come, O Come Emmanuel * Hymn # 134 - Emmanuel * Hymn In Christ Alone GOD SPEAKS TO US THROUGH HIS WORD Confession of Sin & Assurance of Pardon Hymn # 143 - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Scripture Ephesians 4:17 - 5:2 Message ADVENT AT THE MOVIES – THE SANTA CLAUSE Prayer WE RESPOND TO GOD'S WORD *Hymn # 148 - O Holy Night Congregational Prayer The Lord’s Tithe and Our Offerings * Offertory Prayer * Hymn # 620 We Give Thee But Thine Own WE GO OUT TO LIVE OUR FAITH *The Benediction *Closing Hymn # 132 - Angels We Have Heard on High ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please join us after the service for fellowship and refreshments. BULLETIN NOTES Sunday School Please note there will be a full dress rehearsal for our Christmas program today in the sanctuary following the service. The children will also be served a hotdog lunch following the practice. THANK YOU to those who have volunteered their time and talents to help with the stage set-up for the Christmas Program. Tuesday December 23 at 7 pm Last Christmas Choir practice. Financial update December 1-14 $ 6,533 Total todate $113,009 Budget todate $125,000 Shortfall todate $ 11,991 2nd collection for Hamilton Food Share $201.60 Consistory asks that we all please prayerfully consider offering an extra contribution during the month of December to help meet our 2014 budget obligations. To us a child is born, to us a son is given. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace! Celebrating with you the birth of Christ our Lord, and wishing you all the blessing of His love. We are grateful for the gift you have been and continue to be to our family. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to Ebenezer! Love from Pastor David, Heather, Hannah and Rebekah Vandervelde Bulletin announcements are due by Wednesday evening. Call 905-664-6786 or email [email protected] Christmas at Ebenezer Intercessory Prayer Offering Our Prayers as Christmas Gifts As Herod killed too many innocent babies in an obsessive attempt to kill baby Jesus, so today’s Herods--terrorists and communists— mass murder and behead those who don’t share their beliefs. While we are celebrating the birth of our Savior at our comfortable homes, at this moment so many believers are facing terrible suffering and sorrows. Christ entered the suffering of the world to redeem us and so we should also participate in His suffering as an act of love and concern. This Christmas season, why don’t we spend more time to cry out to the Lord for our persecuted brothers and sisters? “When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.” NIGERIA: On Sunday, Nov 22, Christians were brutally attacked. A 3 year-old child, Joel was running back home holding onto his Children's Bible when 3 Islamic insurgents grabbed him. According to an eyewitness, one of them tried to take the Bible from him but the little boy refused. The insurgent snatched the Bible by force and threw it into a nearby burning fire. Joel ran toward the fire to rescue his beloved Bible. While struggling with a stick to remove his Bible from the fire, Joel was hit on the head with the butt of an AK-47 and pushed into the fire. The insurgent stepped on the child's head, pressing it into the burning flames, all the while railing curses and abuses, calling him a "stubborn infidel." Then, he callously walked away, leaving the wounded child at the scene. Let us ask the Lord to bring justice in such an unjust world and heal Joel. Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World: The largest persecution of Christians in history, worse even than the famous attacks under ancient Roman emperors like Diocletian and Nero. Nigeria and Kenya: Islamists’ constant attacks Egypt: 1 year after the historical attacks by Muslims, Churches have been struggling to rebuild the ruins. Mark your calendars for this year’s Christmas services. It’s not too early to invite your friends and family. Christmas Eve at 6pm - Candlelight Service Christmas Day at 10am - Christmas Day Service New Year’s Eve at 6pm - Prayer & Praise Service UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Dec. 23 Philip Balt Dec. 28 Jerry Keunen Dec. 28 Harry Keus Dec. 29 Johanna Meijerink Dec. 31 Paul Huisman Jan. 1 Jadyn Westenberg Jan. 4 Sally Blomberg Jan. 5 Betty Keus Jan. 5 Brandon Rijgersberg Jan. 5 Devin Van Der Marel Jan. 8 Blake Harrod Jan 10 Johanna Peacock Jan. 12 Joshua Labrie Jan. 19 Henk Meijerink Jan. 20 Chris Piersma Jan. 22 Ken Klunder Congratulations! May the Lord bless you on your special day.
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