Our Newsletter - Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish Carina

Vol 29
No 51
21 December 2014
4th Sunday of Advent
Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Today, on this fourth Sunday of Advent, the four candles
on the Advent Wreath are lit, and the Church is telling us
we are almost there. Hopefully, our Christmas shopping is
almost done, and our catering plans are nearly complete.
Otherwise, we will be in panic mode.
In the gospel we are celebrating God’s finding a home
among us in the womb of Mary. He will be completely ‘at
home’ there because Mary is utterly open to whatever God
asks of her. She knows that whatever God asks he will have
to accomplish within her, and the angel assures her that
“Nothing is impossible to God.”
So Mary is not just providing a home for Jesus within her
womb. She is called to deliver him into the world of other
people’s lives. That is where she becomes a model for us. We
too are called to enable the Jesus present within us since
baptism to be active in our own lives and world – to give
birth to Jesus into the world. Isn’t it true that each day of
our lives God moves us to play our part in bringing the
mystery of God’s love into the lives of others?
Father Tom
Monday 22nd December
- 9.30am – 3pm Advent Adventures
Tuesday 23rd December
- 7pm Legion of Mary Meeting
Wednesday 24th December
- 5.30pm & 8pm Christmas Eve Masses
Thursday 25th December
- 7am & 9am Christmas Day Masses
Friday 26th December
- 8am Mass - Public Holiday
Monday 29th December to 5 January
- Office closed
Thursday 1st January 2015
- 8am Mass - Feast of Mary, the Mother of God
Monday 5th January
- 8.30am Office Reopens
We pray for those who are sick: Rex Bowen, Anthony
Chrismas, John Clarke, Vilma Ghouse, Mary King,
Georgina Moore, Phil & Win Spillane, Fr Joseph Truong,
Emma Winks and Lena Wilson.
We pray for loved ones who have died recently and
especially those in the Sydney siege and in the school
in Pakistan.
Anniversaries: Let us remember in prayer Annette Gatt
(nee Atkinson) and all whose anniversaries occur at this
Public Holiday Mass Times
You are reminded that the 26th December 2014
(Boxing Day) and 1st January 2015 (New Year’s
Day) are public holidays and Masses will be held
at 8am only.
Dear Parishioners and Friends
This is my last chance through the newsletter to
wish you all a memorably happy Christmas with all
the blessings and favours that Jesus has to offer
us at this time. Putting up a crib and lighting lots of
candles is not just to remind us of something that
happened a long time ago. The Church wants to
assure us that Jesus remains one of us, and is with
us still, and loves us deeply.
Even the recent tragedies in Sydney and Pakistan
show us the continued presence of God among his
people through the extraordinary bravery of those
who suffered most, and the overwhelming desire
of so many others to show their sympathy with the
In his recent letter to Brisbane Catholics,
Archbishop Mark describes Christmas as the
‘celebration of the marriage between heaven and
earth.’ In the Old Testament we read about Jacob’s
vision, more than a thousand years before Jesus’
birth, of a ladder
between heaven
and earth with
angels continually
between the two.
But now heaven
and earth, God
and us, are united
in one man and
Parish Newsletter
Today will be the last “Spread the Word” for the
year and we will start printing again on the 18th
January 2015.
Our Mass is the celebration of this marriage
between heaven and earth. It is at Mass that, as
members of Christ’s Body, we hold a conversation
with God in the Liturgy of the Word. And it is at
Mass, in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, that Christ’s
self-offering to the Father becomes present to us.
But now it is our self-offering as well, because we
are one flesh in him. Finally, as the Archbishop
says, ‘the altar of his sacrifice becomes the table
of his feast’, at which we eat and drink.
Transporting Parishioners to Sunday Mass
We are urgently seeking assistance with
transporting parishioners to and from Sunday
Mass especially the 9am Mass, if you can help
please call Denis on 33953712.
I will be going back to Melbourne for a couple of
weeks’ holiday on the 27th of December. I hope we
all manage to have a break of some kind over
Christmas and begin the New Year with renewed
energy and enthusiasm in our love for each other.
Parishioners are advised that the Parish Office
will be closed from the 29th December and will
reopen on 5th January 2015.
Fr. Tom
The Jesse Tree
This week at the 9am Mass the following symbols will
be placed on the tree.
The nineteenth
represents a shell
used by John the
Baptist to baptize
Jordan River.
symbol is of a carpenter’s tools representing
Joseph the foster father of Jesus.
The twenty-first symbol is of roses recalling
Jesus’ ancestry from Jesse the father of King
The twenty-second symbol is of the Scriptures,
representing Jesus as the Wisdom of God.
The twenty-third symbol is of Jesus as the
Radiant Dawn of new life for humanity.
The twenty-fourth symbol is a crown
representing Jesus as Universal King.
The twenty-fifth symbol is of a lamb
representing Jesus as the Lamb of God who
takes away the world’s sin.
The twenty-sixth symbol is of a shepherd’s
crook, representing Jesus as the Good
New Rosters are now available for readers,
communion ministers, data projector operators and
washing of the purifiers.
We hope to get a few more parishioners on board some
of these ministries in the New Year and will advise you
of any changes.
You will find copies available at the back of the church
for those of you who are not on email.
If anyone is going away please remember to arrange a
Are you called to serve the people of God with your
Have you ever considered using the talents and gifts
that God has given you by being involved with Mass
through the different Liturgical Ministries in 2015?
We have had a few people step down over the year and
would like to find replacements so please prayerfully
consider joining one or more of the following ministries:
Eucharistic Ministers; Mass Coordinator; Altar Serving;
Children’s Liturgy; Singing; Playing the organ or piano;
Operating the data projector; Making tea and coffee at
the cuppa and chat after the 9am Mass; Taking up the
collection; Bringing parishioners to Sunday Mass;
Taking communion to those who are house bound;
Cleaning of the purifiers,(which is taking home the
purifiers that are used for wiping the chalices at
communion (cloths) to wash and iron); Altar Society
duties (which is the dusting of the pews, sanctuary,
statues, and cleaning up in the sacristy); Hospitality at
funerals by making tea and coffee. Helping at the
barbecues after Mass.
If you are able to assist with any of these please write
your name and contact details on the list provided and
we will be in contact soon.
Catholic Leader this week
* Sydney archbishop calls for prayer after fatal siege in
Martin Place
* Brisbane Catholic writes of his experience as volunteer
among Christians in Kurdistan refugee camp
* Talking point: Iraqi priest Fr Douglas Bazi writes a
heartfelt letter to the people of Australia
Catholic Leader, available every weekend from the
church entrance, costs just $2.
Christmas Timetable
Mass Times
Christmas Eve:5.30pm: Children’s Mass
8pm Family Mass
Christmas Day:7am, 9am
10.30am [Italian Mass]
"If you can't sleep, don’t count sheep, talk to the