2012 January BbpÀ-tÆ-Z-sa-¶ B-tcm-Ky-im-kv-{X-s¯ R-§Ä hn-iz-kn-¡p¶p... ]-t£.., monthly / Vol II / Issue 3 Ayurveda Hospital Managements Association Reg. No. ER 775/05 Ayswarya Hospital, Pukkattupadi, Aluva - 683 561 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.ahmaindia.org PATRONS Padmabhooshan Dr. P.K. Warrier Dr. P.K. Mohanlal ADVISORY BOARD Prof. M.K. Sanu, Dr. Sebastian Paul Dr. N.P.P. Nampoodiri CHIEF EDITOR Dr. Baby Krishnan MANAGING EDITOR Dr.Vijayan Nangelil DIRECTOR, EDITORIAL ADMIN. Dr. C.S. Krishnakumar EXECUTIVE EDITOR Dr. Saji Sridhar MANAGER, MARKETING & CIRCULATION Dr. Itoozhi Unnikrishnan Namboothiri SUB EDITORS Dr. D. Induchoodan, Dr. Sanalkumar K. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. Vidyadharan A.V., Dr. A.M. Anwar Dr. Varghese Kayalvaram MEMBERS, EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. K.G. Vidyasagar, Dr. S. Sajikumar Dr. Mohammed Bappu PRINTER & PUBLISHER Dr. Baby Krishnan LEGAL ADVISOR Advt. Premlal DESIGN & ART Shanoj Payyambally 9447188604 DISCLAIMAR : The information and opinion presented in AYURLINE reflect the views of the authors and not of AYURLINE or its editorial board or the publisher. Neither the AYURLINE nor its publishers nor anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering the AYURLINE, assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of any information provided in this. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other information Annual Subscription Rs. 250/Single Copy Rs. 25/- Cu ]p-Xp-hÀ-j-¯n-sâ ]p-eÀ Nn-´-bnÂ... B-bqÀ-th-Z-im-kv-{Xw \mÄ-tXm-dpw h-f-cp-I-X-s¶-bm-Wv. . . . . . . . a-säm-cp Po-hn-X amÀ-¤-an-Ãm-sX B-bqÀ-th-Zw ]Tn¡m-\n-d-§p-¶-h-cn-¶n-Ã. -C¶v Cw-¥o-jv _p-¡p-IÄ-¡n-Sbn B-cpw Im-Wm-sX B-bqÀ-th-Z-{K-Ùw Xn-cp-In h-¨v B-bqÀ-th-Z I-em-e-b-¯n t]m-Ip-¶-h-cp-an-Ã. Ip-¸m-b-an-Ãm-¯ ssh-Zy-\pw I-bv-¸p-Å Ip-¸n-¡-jmb-hpw I-dp-¯- \n-b-X-an-Ãm-¯ cq-]-ap-Å Ip-sd Kp-fn-I-Ifpw ]n-s¶ Po-hn-Xw a-Sp-¸n-¡p-¶ Ip-sd ]-Yy-§-fpw am{X-am-Wv B-bqÀ-th-Zw F-¶ s]m-Xp-k-aq-l-¯n-sâ A_-²-[m-c-W-IÄ-¡pw am-äw h-¶p. a-tä-sXm-cp ssh-Zy-im-kv-{X-t¯-¡mÄ N-cn-{X k-¼¶-X h-Im-i-s¸-Sm-hp-¶ B-bqÀ-th-Z-¯n-\v kÀ-¡m-cp-Ifn \n-s¶-t´ th-ï-{X ]-cn-K-W-\ e-`n-¡p-¶n-Ã? B-tcm-Ky-cw-K-¯n-\m-bn kÀ-¡m-cp-IÄ tIm-Sn-¡-W-¡n\p Xp-I sN-e-h-gn-¡p-t¼mÄ B-bqÀ-th-Z-s¯ a-\-¸qÀÆw a-d-¡p-¶-sX-´p-sIm-ïv? -H-¶n-sâ \-·-tb-¡mÄ B-b-Xn-\p e-`n-¡p-¶ {]-Nmc-W-am-Wv hn-e-a-Xn-¡-s¸-Sp-I F-¶-Xm-Wp Im-c-Ww. A-Xn-\p-Å {i-a-§Ä ]-e-t¸m-gpw Xp-temw Ip-d-hm-Wv F-¶-Xm-Wp kXyw. B-bqÀ-th-Z k-aq-lw H-¶n-¨n-cp-¶Xp-sIm-tï-m A-hÀ X-½n K-l-\-am-b NÀ-¨-I-fpw ]T\-§-fpw \-S-¶-Xp-sIm-t-ïm im-kv-{X-¯n-sâ hn-e-bpw \n-e-bpw H-cp ]-cn-[n-¡-¸p-dw D-b-cp-I-bn-Ã. B-h-iy-¡m-c\p- Å A- h - t _m- [ - a m- W v A- h - i yw th- ï - X v . B Xn-cn-¨-dn-hn-sâ F-fn-b km-£m-Xv-Im-c-am-Wv B-bqÀsse³ am-kn-I. C-¶-sÃ-¦n \m-sf P-\n-¡m-\n-cn-¡p-¶ H-cp- h³ a-\p-jy-\m-i-s¯ ap-Ã-s¸-cn-bm-sd-¶ A-Sn-h-b-dn KÀ`w [-cn-¨ tI-c-fw. ]-Xn-hp-t]m-se hm-Z-{]-Xn-hm-Z-§Ä¡pw NÀ-¨-IÄ-¡pw cm-jv-{So-b-¨p-h-bp-sS AÀ-°-iq-\yX. ho-ïpw B-i-b-¡p-g-¸-¯n-te-¡p h-en-s¨-dn-b-s¸-« ]m-hw P-\-k-aq-lw. ]-t£, ]p- X p- h À- j w \- a p- ¡ pw B- b qÀ- t h- Z - ¯ n- \ pw \-·-am-{Xw X-cp-sa-¶p {]-Xym-in-¡mw. B-bpÀ-sse³ INTERVIEW WITH L E E L A M E N O N Reinventing Ayurveda 9 25 B-bpÀ-th-Z-cw-K-s¯ novelties ‘N views 13 the science behind the science of life 26 15 h¡oepw ssh-Zy\pw 16 campus lexicon 20 11th hour reporter 29 Fact Nibbles 30 drugs... some cautious factors 32 Rotator cuff injuries 37 Inquisitive eye 14 38 letters Out of syllabus att 18 B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-s¯ B-Z-c-Wo-bÀ rac tio ns B-Z-c-Wo-bÀ {ioIÄ 34 concept of ‘ĀhĀra’ in ayurveda 21 Agnipareekshanam 23 B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-s¯ 10 G-hÀ-¡pw lr-Z-bw \n-d-ª ]p-Xp-h-Õ-cm-iw-k-IÄ...! from the desk of the president aq -¶mw e-¡w B-bpÀ-sse³ \n-§-fp-sS ssI-I-fn-en-cn-¡pt¼mÄ \n-d-ª k-t´m-jw am-{Xw... B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-s¯ H-ä-s¸-« hy-àn-Xz-sa-¶pw, \n-§sf-´m-bm-epw F-s´-¦n-epw-sam-s¡ sN-¿p-sa-¶p-sam-s¡-bpÅ B-bpÀ-sse-\n-s\-¡p-dn-¨p-Å \n-§-fp-sS {]-Xn-I-c-W§Ä tIÄ-¡p-t¼mÄ k-hn-\-bw R-§Ä Ir-XmÀ-°-cm-hs«... B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z tlm-kv-]n-ä am-t\-Pv-saâv-kv A-tkm-kntb-j-\pw B-bÀ-sse-\pw F-¶pw Xn-c-¡n-em-Wv. D-¯-c-hm-Zn¯-§Ä C-\n-bp-sam-cp-]m-Sp-ïv... B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z Nn-In-Õm-ta-J-e-þ-{]-tXy-In-¨pw tI-c-f-¯n-te-Xv H-cp-]m-Sp k-¦oÀ-®X-IÄ \n-d-ª-Xm-Wv. am-\-h-hn-`-h-ti-jn \nÀ-Æ-l-Ww G-ä-hp-ta-sd B-h-iy-s¸-Sp-¶ ta-J-e Iq-Sn-bm-Wn-Xv. B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z B-ip-]-{Xn-ta-J-e t\-cn-Sp-¶-Xv \n-Êm-c-h-Xv-I-cn¡m-hp-¶ {]-iv-\-§-sf-b-Ã; H-cn-bv-¡-epw... H-cn-bv-¡-epw... B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z Nn-In-Õ-bp-sS sNe-hv Ip-d-bv-¡p-I F-¶-Xm-Wv kÀ-¡m-cn-sâ-bpw F.F-¨v.Fw.bp-sS-bpw ]-c-a-am-b e-£yw. s]m-Xp-P-\-¯n-sâ B-h-iy-hpw A-Xp-X-s¶. ]-t£, F-§-s\...? Hu-j-[-§Ä-¡m-h-iy-am-b A-kw-kv-Ir-X h-kv-Xp-¡-fp-sS e-`y-X¡p-d-hv, hn-e Iq-Sp-X F-¶n-h F-§-s\ \n-b-{´-Wm-[o-\-am-¡pw...? {]-hr-¯n-]-cn-Nb k-¼-¶-X-bp-Å tPm-en-¡m-sc F-§-s\ sX-c-sª-Sp-¡-W-sa-¶-Xn-ep-]-cn F-§s\ kr-ãn-s¨-Sp-¡-Ww F-¶-Xm-Wv tNm-Zyw. ap³-]-d-ª am-\-h hn-`-h-ti-jn \n-À-Æl-Ww C-hn-sS-b-t{X A-Xym-h-iyw. Cu Im-cy-¯n kÀ-¡m-cp-am-bn Iq-Sn-bm-tem-Nn-¨v Ir-Xy-am-sbm-cp cq-]-tc-J-bp-ïm-¡p-¶-Xn-sâ Xn-c-¡n-em-Wn-t¸mÄ kw-L-S-\. tI-c-f-¯n-en-¶p \-S-¶p-t]m-Ip-¶ B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z B-ip-]-{Xn-I-fn th-ïp-¶ A-SnØm-\, Aw-Ko-Ir-X tbm-Ky-X-bp-Å-hÀ tI-h-e-i-X-am-\-am-sW-¶v am-[y-a-§Ä h-gnbpw t\-cn-«pw kÀ-¡m-cn-s\ t_m-[y-s¸-Sp-¯n-b hn-j-b-am-Wv. Xn-I-¨pw A-h-k-tcm-NnX-am-b C-S-s]-S kÀ-¡m-cnÂ-\n-¶v D-ïm-Ip-sa-¶p-X-s¶ {]-Xym-in-¡mw. F-¶pw sX-än-²-cn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶ H-¶m-Wv an-\n-aw th-P-kv \n-b-aw. B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z Bip-]-{Xn-I-fn tPm-en sN-¿p-¶-hÀ-¡v an-\n-aw th-P-kv A-Y-hm Np-cp-§n-b th-X-\ hy-h-Ø-sb-¦n-epw e-`y-am-¡p-¶-Xn-\m-bn F.F-¨v.Fw.F. \n-c-´-c-am-bn {i-an-¨p-h-cp¶p. B-tKm-f km-¼-¯n-I am-µyw a-µ-X hn-Sm-sX \nÂ-¡p-t¼m-gpw tcm-Kn-I-sf ]-cnN-cn-¡p-¶ tUm-ÎÀ-am-cp-sS k-l-{]-hÀ-¯-IÀ-¡v X-¡-Xm-b Po-hn-X \n-e-hm-cw Xs¶-bm-Wv F.F-¨v.Fw.F-bpw B-{K-l-n-¡p-¶-Xv. h-f-sc im-kv-{Xo-b-am-bn, Po-hn-X \ne-hm-c-¡-W-¡p-IÄ A-Sn-Øm-\-am-¡n, I-dn-bv-¡p-Å D-¸p ap-X tPm-en-¡m-cp-sS Ip«n-IÄ hn-t\m-Z-im-e-bn-se Du-ªm-en-em-Sp-¶-Xp-h-sc Ir-Xy-am-bn I-W-¡m-¡n-bm-Wv tk-h-\ th-X-\ hy-h-Ø I-W-¡m-t¡-ï-Xv. ]-t£ C-hn-sS, tI-c-f-¯n-sâ {]-tXy-I km-l-N-cy-§-fn C-Xn A-im-k-{Xo-b-X tI-dn-¡q-Sp-¶ F-¶-Xm-Wv {]-[m-\ {]-iv\w. an-\n-aw th-P-kv F-¶-Xv am-Iv-kn-aw th-P-kv F-¶-Xn-te-¡v t]m-Ip-¶p F-¶-Xn\m-em-Wv _-lp-am-\-s¸-« tIm-S-Xn-IÄ C-Xn-\p hn-e-¡n-Sp-¶-Xv. kÀ-¡m-cp-am-bpw a-äp _-Ô-s¸-«-h-cp-am-bpw C-\n-bp-ta-sd NÀ-¨-IÄ \-S-¯n C-¡m-cy-¯n hy-à-X-bp-ïm¡p-I-bm-Wv kw-L-S-\-bp-sS {]-Jym-]n-X e-£yw. B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z B-kv-]-{Xn-IÄ ]m-cn--Øn-Xn-I ku-lr-Zw ]m-en-¡p-I F-¶-Xm-Wv F.F-¨v.Fw.F-bp-sS a-säm-cp {]-[m-\ e-£yw. am-en-\yw tcm-K-Im-c-I-am-Wv, A-Xn\mÂ-¯-s¶ B-ip-]-{Xn ip-Nn-Xzw G-sd {]m-[m-\y-aÀ-ln-bv-¡p-¶p. A-Xp-t]m-se Nne-th-dn-b b-{´-km-t¦-Xn-I hn-Zy-IÄ sIm-ïp-X-s¶ \nÀ-Æ-ln-¡-Ww F-¶n-Ã. G-Xmbm-epw F.F-¨v.Fw.F. Aw-K-Xz-ap-Å F-Ãm B-ip-]-{Xn-I-fpw hr-¯n-bm-bpw sh-Sn¸m-bpw C-cn-bv-¡p-¶p F-¶-dn-bp-¶-Xn R-§Ä Ir-XmÀ-°-cm-Wv. F.F-¨v.Fw.F.þ B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z B-ip-]-{Xn-IÄ-¡pw tUm-ÎÀ-amÀ-¡pw C-X-c tPmen-¡mÀ-¡pw tcm-Kn-IÄ-¡pw th-ïn hÀ-¯n-bv-¡p-¶ kw-L-S-\-bm-Wv. C-hn-sS h-ep¸s¨-dp-¸-an-Ã... B¬-s]¬ hy-Xym-k-hp-an-Ã... A-\n-hm-cy-am-b am-ä-§Ä h-cp-¯m³ \n-cm-bp-[-c-Ã, km-bp-[-cm-bn-¯-s¶ R-§-fp-ïv... ""kÀ-Æ P-\m-\mw kp-Jn-t\m `-h-´p... tUm.hn-P-b³ \-t§-en WS E I NOV V N ELTIES ‘ This is column about the current affairs in Ayurveda. The columnist takes the sole responsibility for any issues related to the views and opinions in this column. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Ayurvedic private hospitals and teaching hospitals , who fulfil the under mentioned criteria are able to apply : · Hospitals must have20 beds or more (seven sq. Metre area per bed) · Hospitals must have infrastructure and man power such as Bed side tables, wardrobes, carpets, telephones etc · Other amenities like nursing staff paramedical staff , determined nurse per bed ratio etc ·House doctors, house specialists, visiting doctors etc ·Laboratory facilities: pathology, biochemistry, microbiology (statistics for the last three years) ·Imaging facilities(statistics for the last three years) ·Supportive facilities: (CGHS). The procurement shall be done through rate contract (RC) and normal validity of RC will be for a period of two years, which may be extended for a period of six months in one instance and upto a period of one more year on the discretion of the ministry. It has been notified that the medicines shall be procured only from the firm that has a manufacturing unit with an average annual turnover of rupees 50 lakhs per year for three years. CGHS Medical Reimbursement Claims Boilers/sterilisers, Ambulance, Laundry, House keeping, Canteen, Gas plant, Waste disposal system etc Along with these many other criteria are also described in detail for the panchakarma rooms, salya tantra related ksharakarmas, prasooti and stree roga, shalakya etc. The Central government has issued a set of draft guidelines for procurement of Ayurvedic medicines for the Central Government Health Scheme ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED INTHE HINDUSTAN TIMES DELHI WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2011 Interested firm should be able to pay Rs 25,000 and performance security of Rs 50,000 EMD for a period of four to five months and performance security for a period of three years. The firm should possess for the last three years the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificate issued under Schedule T of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 rules there under in force. The draft specifies that all the firms catering should be able to provide barcode system for the selected medicines on the label and packaging unit. Procurement of Ayurvedic medicines for CGHS, Delhi will be made as per annual provisioning worked out on the pattern of daily patients attendance rate (DPAR) formula and annual demand submitted by the hospitals. Thus the Government of India has craved path for the upliftment and promotion of Ayurveda. But the above mentioned rules and criteria are hard enough to be abided but nothing is impossible if we Ayurvedees join hand together and work together. Always remember "united,we stand ;divided ,we fall" ayurline / january / 2012 T he "Central Government Health Scheme" (CGHS) provides comprehensive health care facilities for the Central Govt. employees and pensioners and their dependents residing in CGHS covered cities. CGHS is responsible for taking care of healthcare needs and well being of the central government employees and pensioners. It has therefore been decided to lay down a comprehensive procedure to be followed by all concerned in CGHS to ensure timely and hassle free disposal of the MRC (Medical Reimbursement Claims) claims by CGHS in order to facilitate prompt reimbursement of medical expenses to the pensioner beneficiaries. Dr. PARVATHY S. NAIR Alappuzha [email protected] 9 inter view tUm.X-k-v\nw A³-hÀ, sIm-Ãw A-¯-cw _-Ô-§Ä \nÀ-`m-Ky-h-im F-\n-¡n-Ã. ]-t£ B-bpÀ-th-Z kv-t\-lnbmb tcm-Kn F-¶ \n-e-bn tIm-«-bv¡Â, H-ÃqÀ ssh-Zy-c-Xv-\w Xp-S-§n H-«p-an¡ B-bpÀ-th-Z B-ip-]-{Xn-I-fn-epw Rm³ Nn-In-Õ-tX-Sn-bn-«p-ïv. A-hn-sS tUm-ÎÀ-amtcm-Sv _-lp-am-\-am-Wv ]-e-t¸m-gpw tXm-¶nbn-«p-Å-Xv. ssh-Zy-c-Xv-\-X-¯n Nn-In-Õbn-en-cn-t¡ A-dn-hn-Ãm-bv-a-sIm-ïv ]-Yyw sX-än-¨-t¸mÄ ¢m-kv So-¨À Ip-«n-I-tfm-Sv ]d-bp-¶-Xp-t]m-se "t]m... t]m....! F-sâ-bSp-¯p h-c-ï' F-¶p ssh-ZyÀ im-kn-¨p. BbpÀ-tÆ-Z-sa-¶ B-tcm-Ky-im-kv-{X-s¯ R-§Ä hn-iz-kn-¡p¶p ... ayurline / january / 2012 Wv. ]-t£ A-Xv im-kv-{X-am-bn ]-cn-K-Wn¡-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv F-t¸m-gpw s]m-Xp-P-\ \-·bv-¡m-bn {]-tbm-Kn-¡-s¸-Sp-t¼mÄ am-{X-amWv. hn-izm-k-§Ä-¡-¸p-dw A-\p-`-h-§Ä HmÀ-s¯-Sp-¡p-t¼mÄ A-]m-c-i-àn-bp-Å B-tcm-Ky-im-kv-{X-am-bn-Xn-s\ Im-Wm-\msW-\n-¡n-ãw. \m-ep-hÀ-jw ap-¼v H-cp hml-\m-]-I-S-¯n F-sâ \-s«-Ãn-\p ]-cn¡p-]-än-bn-cp-¶p. A-Xn-\p- A-tem¸-Xn NnIn-Õ-bm-Wv tX-Sn-b-sX-¦nepw Ime-§Ä¡v tijw D-gn-¨n \-S-¯n-b F-\n-¡v h-fsc \-sÃm-cp i-co-c-kp-Jw D-ïm-bn. sN-dp¸-¯n X-s¶ I-kv-Xq-cn-a-ªÄ ap-X-emb-h In-gn-sI-«n D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p. C-hn-sS-sbm-s¡ H-cp Nn-In-Õm-im-kv-{X-sa¶ \n-e-bn-em-Wv Rm³ B-bpÀ-th-Z-s¯ D-]-tbm-Kn-¨-Xv A-Xp-sIm-ïp-X-s¶ C-Xns\ A-§-s\-bm-Wv Rm³ Iq-Sp-X-epw A\p-`-hn-¨-dn-ª-Xv F-¶p ]-d-bmw. B-bpÀ-th-Z cw-K-¯p {]-hÀ-¯n-¡p¶ B-sc-¦n-ep-am-bn A-Sp-¯ _-Ô-§Ä, A-\p-`-h-§Ä? 10 eo-em-ta-t\m³ Ir-Xy-am-b-t\z-jn-¨v im-kv-{Xo-b-am-b DÂ-]-¶§Ä-¡p-am-{Xw ]-c-kyw sN-¿p-I F-¶-Xv P-\-k-½X-cm-b B-cp-tS-bpw _m-[y-X-bm-Wv. \mw ]-d-ªm P-\w tIÄ-¡psa-¶p-sï-¦n ]-d-bm-\pÅ-Xn-t\-¡p-dn-¨v ]Tn-¡p-Ibpw a-\-Ên-em-¡p-I-bpw sN-t¿-ï-Xv \-½p-sS I-S-a-bm-W-tÃm ]n-¶o-Sv h-f-sc hm-Õ-ey-t¯m-sS sX-äpIÄ ]-d-ªp-X-¶p Nn-In-Õ Xp-S-cp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. A-h-tcm-sSm-s¡ a-\-kn H-cp]m-Sv A-Sp-¸w tXm-¶n-bn-«p-ïv. B-bpÀ-th-Z-t¯m-Sv Cu {]-Xn-]-¯n¡p-Å- Im-c-Ww? Cu {]-Xn-]-¯n B-tKm-f {]-Xn-`m-k-atÃ. tIm-«-bv-¡-epw a-äw Nn-In-Õ-¡p t]mIp-t¼mÄ e-ï³, tlmw-tIm-Mv ap-X-em-b Ø-e§ - f - n \n-¶p-sam-s¡ F-{X-tbm t]cm-Wv Nn-In-Õ-¡p h-¶p-Iïn-«p-Å-Xv. ^e-h-¯m-b-h-sb hn-iz-kn-¡p-I F-¶-Xv hntZ-io-b-cp-sS \-·-bm-Wv. A-h-scm-s¡ hniz-kn-¡p-sa-¦n F-sâ \m-Sn-sâ k-¯bm-b Nn-In-Õm-im-kv-{X-s¯ Rm-s\-´n\p kv-t\-ln-¡m-Xn-cn-¡-Ww...? ]-d-ªp-h-tÃm, H-t«-sd \-à A-\p-`-h§Ä B-bpÀ-th-Z-kw-_-Ôn-bm-bn D-ïmbn-«p-ïv. s]-s«-¶p-Å tcm-K-i-a-\-¯n-\v B- tUm.X-kv-\nw A³-hÀ, eo-em-ta-t\m³ ]-t£.., tem-¸-Xn-sb B-{in-bn-¡m-sa-¦n-epw ]mÀiz-^-e-§-fn-Ãm-¯ ]qÀ-®-am-b tcm-K-im´n B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-\p am-{X-ta sN-¿m-\mhq F-¶p X-s¶-bm-sW-sâ hn-i-zm-kw. H-¶n \-· Im-Wp-¶-Xv \-½p-sS a-\kn-sâ \-· Iq-Sn-bm-W.v B-bpÀ-th-Z¯ - n tam-i-am-b H-c-\p-`-h-hp-an-tÃ? XoÀ-¨-bm-bp-ap-ïv. {]-k-à-a-sÃ-¶-XpsIm-ïv ]-d-ªn-sÃ-¶p am-{Xw. Nn-e-bn-S§-fn Nn-In-Õ-bv-¡v t]m-bn-«v F-\n-s¡m«pw Xr-]v-Xn-I-c-am-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. I-¨-h-S a-\Øn-Xn-sIm-ïv tcm-K-§Ä A-hÀ \-¶m-bn {i-²n-¡m-dp-t]m-ep-an-Ã. tXm-¶n-b-Xp-t]mse Nn-In-Õ-sN-bv-Xp Im-ip-hm-§p-¶-Xn-emW-h-cp-sS {i-². B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-sâ t]cn F-bv-Uv-kn-\v a-cp-¶n-d-¡n P-\-s¯ ]än-¨ H-cp ssh-d-kn-s\ \m-«nÂ-\n-¶pw Xp-c¯n-b-Xn F-sâ ]-¦p sN-dp-X-à F-¶v \n-§Ä-¡-dn-bm-a-tÃm. C-{X-bpw ]-hn-{X-amb im-kv-{X-s¯ \n-§-sf-´n-\p hr-¯n-sI« co-Xn-bn I-¨-h-S-h-Xv-I-cn-¡p-¶p? I-¨-h-S-h-Xv-I-c-Ww B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-\v \m-i-am-sW-¶v R-§-fpw hn-iz-kn-¡p-¶p. ]-t£, ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I F-¶ \n-e-bn \n-§Ä-¡pw ]-e-Xpw sN-bv-Xp-Iq-sS? XoÀ-¨-bm-bpw sN-bv-Xn-«p-ïv, sN-¿p-Ibpw sN-¿pw. In-«m-hp-¶ th-Zn-I-fn-sem-s¡ B-bpÀ-th-Z-s¯ {]-iw-kn-¡p-I-bpw A-Xnte-sd, tam-iw {]-h-W-X-I-sf tNm-Zyw sN¿p-I-bpw sN-¿m-dp-ïv. ]-t£ sX-tä-Xv icn-tb-Xv F-¶p a-\-kn-em-¡m³ R-§-sft¸m-se ]p-d-¯p-\nÂ-¡p-¶-hÀ-¡ v ]m-SmWv. A-Xp Nq-ïn-¡m-Wn-t¡-ï-Xv cw-K-¯pÅ \n-§Ä X-s¶-bm-Wv. kÀ-¡mÀ kw-hn[m-\-§-fpw Ip-d-¨p-Iq-Sn _m-[y-X Im-Wn¡-W-sa-¶p tXm-¶p-¶p. i-cn-sX-äp-IÄ Ir-Xy-am-bn a-\-kn-em¡m-sX km-aq-ly N-e-¨n-{X \-b-IÀ ]-cky-am-bn C-d-§p-¶-Xn-t\m-Sv...? Rm³ {i-²n-¨n-«p-Å hn-j-b-am-Wn-Xv. tPm-en-bp-sS `m-K-sa-¶ \n-e-bn ]-c-ky-Nn{X-§-fn A-`n-\-bn-¡p-¶ Xm-c-§-fpw a-äpw C-Xn-t\-¡p-dn-¨v Ir-Xy-am-bn A-dn-tb-ï-Xpïv. Ir-Xy-am-b-t\z-jn-¨v im-kv-{Xo-b-am-b DÂ-]-¶-§Ä-¡p-am-{Xw ]-c-kyw sN-¿p-I F-¶-Xv P-\-k-½-X-cm-b B-cp-tS-bpw _m[y-X-bm-Wv. \mw ]-d-ªm P-\w tIÄ¡p-sa-¶p-sï-¦n ]-d-bm-\p-Å-Xn-t\-¡p-dn¨v ]Tn-¡p-I-bpw a-\-Ên-em-¡p-I-bpw sNt¿-ï-Xv \-½p-sS I-S-a-bm-W-tÃm. \n-§-tft¸m-ep-Å-hÀ "A-½' ap-X-em-b kw-L-S-\-If-p-am-bn kw-km-cn-¨v [m-c-W-bn-se-¯m-hp-¶tX-bp-Åq F-s¶-\n-¡v tXm-¶p-¶p.h-®w Ip-d-bv-¡m-\p-Å F-® ]p-c-«n h-b-dp s]mÅn-b H-cp kv-{Xo-sb F-\n-¡-dn-bmw. B F® hnÂ-¡p-¶-h-tc-¡mÄ \-½p-sS C-ã-\mbn-I-am-cn ]-e-cp-am-Wv B kv-{Xo-tbm-Sv kam-[m-\w ]-d-tb-ï-Xv, A-tÃ...? Nn-e I-¼\n-I-fp-sS Ny-h-\-{]m-i-¯n tIm-«n-tkm¬ D-sï-¶p sX-fn-ª-Xm-W-tÃm. Ny-h-\-{]mi-sa-¶ a-cp-¶n-sâ hn-izm-ky-X C-§-s\ \ã-s¸-Sp-¶-Xn \n-§Ä-¡p _p-²n-ap-«n-tÃ? B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-se ]p-Xp-X-e-ap-d-tbmsS-s´-¦n-epw? B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-\p th-ïn-bp-Å \n-§fp-sS {]-hÀ-¯-\-§Ä F-\n-¡n-ã-am-bn. ]g-b {]-Xm-]w B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-\p \-ã-s¸«p. A-Xp Xn-cn-¨p-sIm-ïp-h-cp-sa-¶v \n-§Ä {]-Xn-Ú-sb-Sp-¡p-I. F-\n-¡pw F-sâ kplr-¯p-¡Ä-¡pw sN-¿m³ I-gn-bp-¶-sXÃmw Rm³ hm-Kv-Zm-\w sN-¿p-¶p. \n-§-fpsS A-`y-k-\ co-Xn-bn F-s´-¦n-epw amäw h-cp-¯-tWm F-s¶-\n-¡-dn-bn-Ã. ]-t£ ]-g-b \m-«p-ssh-Zy-·m-cn Im-Wp-¶ B B-ß-hn-izm-kw tcm-Kn-I-sf Im-Wp-t¼mÄ \n-§-fp-sS ap-J-¯p-ïm-Ip-tam F-s¶-\n¡p kw-i-b-am-Wv. sh-dp-tX ]-d-ª-Xm-Wv Ip-«n-I-tf, \n-§Ä B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-¯v A-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶-h-cm-bn h-f-cpw... F-sâ FÃm B-iw-k-I-fpw. 11 ayurline / january / 2012 B -bpÀ-th-Z-hp-am-bn _-Ô-s¸-« A\p-`-h-§-sf-¡p-dn-¨p kw-km-cn¡m³ tI-c-f-¯n-sâ B-Zy-s¯ h-\n-X ]-{X-{]-hÀ-¯-I-sb-t¯-Sn R-§Ä sN-Ãp-t¼mÄ {]-Xn-I-c-W-s¯-¡p-dn-¨v Bi-¦-bp-ïm-bn-cp-¶p. h-f-sc am-\y-X-tbm-sS, kv-t\-l-t¯m-sS ho-«n-te-¡v R-§-sf kzmK-Xw sN-bv-X eo-em-ta-t\m-sâ hm-¡p-I-fn Xn-I-ª Xo-IvjW-X-bm-bn-cp-¶p. sX-äm-b F-´n-\p-sa-Xn-sc ap-Jw t\m-¡m-sX {]-XnI-cn-¡p-¶ ]-Xn-hp ssi-en... B-bpÀ-th-Z-s¯ H-cp th-Z-{K-Ù-sa-¶ \n-e-bn-tem, Nn-In-Õm ]-²-Xn F-¶ \n-ebn-tem A-tXm \-½p-sS kmw-kv-Im-cn-I ss]-Xr-I-¯n-sâ G-Sm-tbm F-§-s\-bmWv a-\-kn-em-¡m³ I-gn-ªn-«p-Å-Xv? B-bpÀ-th-Zw XoÀ-¨-bm-bpw ]-hn-{X-amb th-Z `m-K-am-sW-¶p-Å-X-dn-bm-a-tÃm. AXv \-½p-sS kmw-kv-Im-c-I ss]-Xr-I-hp-am- the science behind the science of life C possible outcomes. First, the disease may restart after an interval since the basic causative factor is not being corrected. Second, there may develop an eczematous lesion since the waste products/ toxins, which made the symptoms, have not been eliminated and body may try another route to expel them out i.e., through the skin. Here arises the importance of sodhana chikitsa in allergic diseases. If the waste products/ toxins, which Holistic Healing of Allergy through Ayurveda ized to produce a disease. If we are managing the allergic disorder from this perspective, it prevents the re-occurrence as well as the conversion of one form of allergy into another, say from asthma to eczema. So, an allergic respiratory disorder, say asthma, is not a disorder of respiratory system alone. It should be understood as the altered response of his/her immune system. If we are providing symptomatic relief with antihistamines and bronchodilators, there are two made the symptoms in the allergic disease, can be eliminated out and at the same time, a corrective medication for the altered immune response (eg:haridrakhanda, indukantham ghrita etc.) is given simultaneously, the allergy can be corrected on a holistic basis. The immune system operates in our body through the medium of blood. There are many mediators for allergic response, the concentration of which determines the severity of the symptoms and their fate. In an allergic disorder, the im- Dr. Abhilash. M Medical Officer (ISM), Kottakkal [email protected] mune system identifies an allergen (which is comparatively a harmless substance) as a potentially dangerous substance and attacks it by its entire means. The weapons of this attack are the mediators of this response, namely mast cells, histamines, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, interleukins, Platelet Activating Factors etc. and it is the presence of these substances in the blood that lead to symptoms even after the immune response is corrected. Interestingly, all these mediators are present in the GIT, particularly in the stomach, as a part of the protective mechanism. So, when there is an increased concentration of these substances in the blood, as in the case of allergic condition, these substances can be induced to secrete into the stomach and can be eliminated by vamana. This truth is impregnated in the statement vamana is kaphasamana. If vamana is done periodically, it rules out the chance for the recurrence of allergic diseases. 13 ayurline / january / 2012 urrently, there is a shift towards Ayurveda among the patients for the treatment of their various allergic disorders. Allergy has to be identified on a holistic basis and treated accordingly to provide the patients a better result for which they are knocking at the doors of Ayurveda. The holistic healing of allergy should start from understanding the mechanism of allergic response and the susceptible areas where it may be local- h¡oepw ssh-Zy\pw NnInÕ-Icpw A²-ym-]-Icpw acp-¶p, tkh-\, D]-I-cW \nÀ½m-Xm-¡-fp-sam-s¡-bmb tUmIvSÀamÀ Ah-cpsS tkh-\s¯ kw_-Ôn-¡p¶ \nbahi-§Ä NnInÕ-Icpw A²-ym-]-Icpw acp-¶p, tkh-\, D]-I-cW \nÀ½m-Xm-¡-fp-sam-s¡-bmb tUmIvSÀamÀ Ah-cpsS tkh-\s¯ kw_-Ôn-¡p¶ \nbahi-§Ä IrX-y-ambn Adn-ªn-cn-t¡-ï-Xp-ïv. Ah-sb-¡p-dn-¨mWo ]wàn.IrX-y-ambn Adn-ªn-cn-t¡-ï-Xp-ïv. Ah-sb-¡p-dn-¨mWo ]wàn. who does not have knowledge of a particular system of medicine but practices in that system is a quack and a mere pretender to medical knowledge or skill or to put it differently a charlatan [1996(4) SCC 332.] tIm-S-Xn-I-fn hym-P-ssh-Zy-·mÀ ]-cmXn-¡m-cm-bpw {]-Xn-I-fm-bpw F-¯n-s¡m-ïncn-¡p-¶p. a-{Zm-kv ssl-t¡m-S-Xn ]-cn-K-Wn¨ A-ÐpÄ ap-\o-dn-sâ tI-Ên (2010(4) MLJ 160) tI-Ên-se ]-cm-Xn-¡mÀ bp-\m-\n sa-Un-¡Â {]m-Îo-j-WÀ-am-cm-bn-cp-¶p. AhÀ ssl-t¡m-S-Xn-sb k-ao-]n-¨-Xv A-h-sc A-tem-¸-Xn a-cp-¶p-IÄ {]m-Îo-kv sN-¿phm³ A-\p-h-Zn-¡-W-sa-¶v B-h-iy-s¸-«mbn-cp-¶p. A-©v hÀ-j-s¯ bp-\m-\n Nn-InÕ ]T-\-Im-e-¯v B-Zy-s¯ c-ïp-hÀ-jw A-tem-¸-Xn Nn-In-Õ-sb-¡p-dn-¨v ]Tn-¨n-«psï-¶v lÀ-Pn-¡m-c³ A-h-Im-i-s¸-Sp-¶pïv. tcm-Kw aqÀ-Ñn-¡p-¶ A-h-Ø-bn Atem-¸-Xn a-cp-¶v sIm-Sp-¯v tcm-K-¯n-sâ Xo-{h-X Ip-d-bv-¡m-\pw ]n-¶o-Sv bp-\m-\n acp-¶v \Â-In A-h-sb im-iz-X-am-bn t`-Zn¡m-sa-¶pw C-hÀ A-h-Im-i-s¸-«n-cp-¶p. FÃm ssh-Zy-im-kv-{X-¯n-epw A-\m-«-an-bpw ^n-kn-tbm-f-Pn-bpw H-¶v X-s¶-bm-sW-¶pw A-hÀ hm-Zn-¡p-I-bp-ïm-bn. F-¶m Cu hm-Z-§Ä H-¶pw-X-s¶ l-c-Pn-¡m-sc Xp-W¨n-Ã. l-c-Pn-¡mÀ A-tem-¸-Xn Nn-In-Õ sN¿m³ ]m-Sn-sÃ-¶v tIm-S-Xn D-¯-c-hm-bn. A-P-bv {]-Xm-]v knw-Kv F-¶ k-\ym-knh-cy-\p-am-bn _-Ô-s¸-«-Xm-Wv A-e-l-_m-Zv ssl-t¡m-S-Xn-¡v ap-¼n F-¯n-b Cu tI-Êv. H-cp ]mÀ-¡n C-cp-¶v ""Hmw \-a-inhm-b'' F-¶ a-{´w D-cp-hn-Sp-I-bpw A-Xp-hgn \q-dp-I-W-¡n-\v A-\p-bm-bn-I-sf D-ïm¡n-sb-Sp-¡p-I-bpw {]mÀ-°-\-bn-eq-sS tcmK-im-´n F-¶ hm-Kv-Zm-\w \-S-¯p-I-bpw sN-bv-Xv s]m-Xp-P-\-s¯ h-©n-¨p F-¶v Ct±-l-¯n Ip-äw B-tcm-]n-¡p-I-bp-ïm-bn. Xp-SÀ-¶v tIm-S-Xn Nn-In-Õ \-S-¯p-¶-Xpw A-\-[n-Ir-X-am-bn ssh-Zyp-Xn D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶-Xpw D-¨-`m-j-Wn D-]-tbm-Kn-¡p-¶-Xpw `à-cn \n-¶v {]-th-i-\ ^o-kv hm-§p-¶- Xpw X-S-ªp-sIm-ïv D-¯-c-hv ]p-s¸-Sp-hn¡p-I-bp-ïm-bn. Cu D-¯-c-hn-s\-Xn-sc Ae-l-_m-Zv ssl-t¡m-S-Xn-bn-se Un-hn-j³ _-©n ^-b sN-bv-X A-¸o-en tIm-SXn Nn-e {]-tXy-I \n-co-£-W-§Ä \-S-¯pI-bp-ïm-bn. hym-P Nn-In-Õ-IÀ-s¡-Xn-scbp-Å ]-cm-Xn k-Xy-k-Ô-tam hy-à-X-bpÅ-tXm B-bn-cn-¡-W-sa-¶v tIm-S-Xn \nÀt±-in-¨p. A-t±-l-¯n-sâ a-{´-i-àn-sb-Ipdn-¨pw tcm-Kw t`-Z-am-¡m-\p-Å ti-jn-sb¡p-dn-¨p-Å A-¨-Sn-¨ ImÀ-Up-I-fn-se hm¡p-I-fpw A-P-bv {]-Xm-]v knw-§v X-s¶ \n-tj-[n-¨n-cp-¶p. F-¶m `-c-W-L-S-\-bpsS 25þmw A-\p-tO-Z-¯n-sâ kw-c-£-Ww C-hÀ B-h-iy-s¸-«n-cp-¶p. C-cp-`m-K- s¯bpw hm-Z-§-Ä tI-«-tIm-S-Xn C-§-s\ ]-dªp. “The practice and profession of 'Faith Healing' in public on charging consideration is violative to the Constitutional and Legislative scheme, and that such 'Faith Healing' based on a person's faith in the religious practices, in public for consideration is not permitted and is violative of the legislations A-Uz.BÀ.]n. c-ta-i³ ko\n-bÀ A-Uz-t¡äv right to health is regulated by validly enacted legislation the right to cure the ailment through religious practices including 'Faith Healing', cannot be claimed as a fundamental right.” [AIR 2005 All 175] {]-tam-Zv hÀ-½ ssh-d ]-\n-¡v Nn-InÕ tX-Sn tUm-ÎÀ A-izn³ ]-t«-en-s\ kao-]n-¨p. B-Zy-s¯ Ip-d-¨v Zn-h-kw sshd ]-\n-¡pw ]n-¶o-Sv ssS-t^m-bv-Un-\pw tUm-ÎÀ Nn-In-Õ \-S-¯n. F-¶m tcm-Knbp-sS \n-e h-j-fm-hp-I-bm-Wv B-ip-]-{Xnbn-te-¡v am-äp-I-bpw A-hn-sS-sh-¨v tcm-Kn a-c-W-s¸-Sp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. C-Xn-se {]-Xnbm-b tUm-ÎÀ tl-an-tbm-¸-Xn {]m-Îo-kv sN-¿m³ tbm-Ky-X t\-Sn-bn-cp-¶ B-fm-bncp-s¶-¦n-epw a-c-W-s¸-«n-cp-¶ tcm-Kn-¡v \ÂIn-bn-cp-¶-Xv A-tem-¸-Xn a-cp-¶v B-bn-cp- hym-P-ssh-Zyw detailed as above.“ A-P-bv {]-Xm-]v kn-w-Kv hym-P-ssh-Zy³ B-Wv F-¶ tIm-S-Xn I-sï-¯p-I-bpw AtX-k-a-bw A-t±-lw C-´y³ kw-kv-Ir-Xn ]n-´p-SÀ-¶ H-cm-fm-sW-¶v A-`n-{]m-b-s¸-SpI-bp-ap-ïm-bn. Nn-In-Õ au-eo-Im-h-Im-i-amsW-¶ hm-Z-s¯ tIm-S-Xn F-{]-Im-c-am-Wv J-Þn-¨-Xv F-¶v t\m-¡p-I. “No person has a right to make a claim of curing the ailments and to improve health on the basis of his right to freedom of religion. Every form and method of curing and healing must have established procedures, which must be proved by known and accepted methods, and verified and approved by experts in the field of medicines. It is only when a particular form, method or path is accepted by the experts in the field of medicine that it can be permitted to be practiced in public. The right to health included in Article 21 of Constitution of India does not come in conflict or overlap with the right to propagate and profess religion. These two are separate and distinct rights. Where the ¶p. A-Xp-sIm-ïv X-s¶ {]-Xn Ip-ä-¡m-c³ B-Wv F-¶v I-sï-¯m³ tIm-S-Xn-¡v {]-bm-k-an-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p. {]-Xn A-{i-²-tbmsS-bm-Wv tcm-Kn-sb Nn-In-Õn-¨-Xv F-¶ Imcyw h-f-sc hy-àw Charlatan F-¶ hm¡v A-\zÀ-°-am-¡p-¶ {]-hr-¯n. A-¸o ]-cn-K-Wn-¨ kp-{]nw-tIm-S-Xn C-§-s\ A-`n{]m-b-s¸-«p. " . . . .we are of the positive opinion that Respondent No.1, having practised in Allopathy, without being qualified in that system, was guilty of Negligence per se and, therefore, the appeal against him has to be allowed in consonance with the maxim Sic Utere tuo ut alienum non loedas (a person is held liable at law for the consequences of his negligence), leaving it to repeat to himself the words of Dr.J.C. Lettsom (On Himself) : 'When people's ill, they comes to I, I physics, bleeds, and sweats em; Sometimes they live, sometimes they die. What's that to I? I lets 'em.' ayurline / january / 2012 -¥o-jn-se "Quack'' F-¶ hm-¡n-sâ AÀ-°w ""hym-P-ssh-Zy³'' F-¶mWv. C-Xv D-Û-hn-¨n-«p-Å-Xv U-¨v `mj-bn \n-¶m-Wv. "Quack salver'' F-¶ hm¡v tim-jn-¨m-Wv "Quack''cq-]w-sIm-ï-Xv F-¶v ]-d-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. k-am-\-am-b kz-`m-hap-Å a-säm-cp ]-Z-am-Wv "Charlatan''. Cu hm-¡n-sâ AÀ-°w ""G-sX-¦n-epw hn-j-b¯n A-dn-hp-sï-¶v \-Sn-¡p-¶ BÄ"" F¶m-Wv. "Charlatan'' Nn-In-Õm-cw-K-¯m-sW¦n hym-P-ssh-Zy³ X-s¶. A person Cw Hm-tcm `n-j-Kz-c-\pw F-t¸m-gpw HmÀ-½n-¡mhp-¶ hm-¡p-IÄ. 15 Ca m an arena t{]mÕm-l\k½m\w "Iym-¼kv eIvkn-¡-Wn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p¶ krjvSn-I-fn sXsª-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-h¡v BbpÀ sse³ t{]mÕm-l\k½m\w \ÂIp-¶p. sXcsª-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ BbpÀsse-\p-ambn _Ôs¸-Sp-I. Cu e-¡w hn-P-bnIÄ: a\Ênsâ aÀ½cw Swathi.v, Midhun.p, Aishwarya Krishnan hgnacNnÃbn \n¶pXncp¶ ]q¡fns\mcp VITES IN Hu-«v Hm-^v kn-e-_-kv F-¶ tIm-f-¯n-te-¡v H-cp t]-Pn I-hn-bm-¯ km-ln-Xy-þ-kÀ-¤-þ-im-kv-{X IrXn-IÄ £-Wn-¡p-¶p. "Iym-¼-kv e-Iv-kn-¡¬'-te¡v B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z hn-ZymÀ-°n-I-fn \n-¶pw lu-kv kÀ-Ö³-kn \n-¶pw kr-jv-Sn-IÄ £-Wn-¡p-¶p. Iym-¼-kv e-Iv-kn-¡Wn-te-¡v A-b-¡p-¶ Ir-Xn-Ifn tIm-f-Pv {]n³-kn-¸m-fn-sâ km-£y-]-{Xw D-d-¸ph-cp-¯p-I. Contact ayurline / january / 2012 Dr. Saji Sridhar (Executive Editor) Mob : 9447432607 [email protected] or [email protected] 16 Adn-bn¸v Nn-e {]tXy-I km-t¦-Xn-I Im-c-W-§-fm Un-knw_À e-¡w B-bpÀ-sse³ amknI {]-kn-²o-I-cn¡m³ km-[n-¡m-¯Xn tJ-Zn-¡p¶p. þF-UnäÀ Swathi.v 3rd BAMS(sr) Ayurveda college Coimbatore {]WbmÀ{Z kz]v\¯n³ HmÀ½¡mbv-... \oe angnIfn \n¶p ]SÀs¶mcp Icnajn hn§p¶ lrZb¯n³ \oÀ¡\ambv KmVambv Nn´n¨p Rms\³ a\Ênsâ KqUamw kXyw Xncn¨dnªp FgpXph\mbv Xp\ntªmsc³ ssIhnc Rm³ AdnbmsX hnd]qïp \n¶ t\cw Cud\Wntªmco am\kw ImWphm³ Bcpansöp \n\¨ t\cw GIm´bmbv Rm³ Imänsâ aÀ½cw X¶neenª§p tNÀ¶ t\cw F§p \nt¶m h\amenbn \n¶pÅ Xpfko Zf§Ä X³ KÔw ]SÀ¶p Hcp IpfnÀ-¡msä³ A{ip_nµp¡Ä lnaIW§Ä t]mse aªneenªp DÅw \ndªp Rm³ AdnbmsX a{´n¨p Bß \nÀhrXntbmsS \nsâ \maw F¶cnInembv F¯nsb³ {]nbtXmg-þ \t¶cw sNmÃnbsXs´¶-dnªoSptam? hncl§Ä PohnX bm{XX³ `m-K-sa¶dnI \o F³ {]nb am\k kJo, FIbsödnªoSpI \osb¶pw \n³ Bß iàn Xncn¨dnI Hcp apcfnbpw abn¸oenbpw \evInbns«¶n ebnt¨mcm aWn hÀW\pw.. bm-{X My Past .. . s t though Aishwarya Krishnan Parassinikkadavu Ayurveda College I prof BAMS (Jr) That Never Lasted... I once used to have a large friends circle With me through all times, happy yellow or grim purple Being with them made me feel, like a winner of battle For every problem I had to face, they were there to tackle. I once used to live like an eagle in the sky Merry and glee, not even once did I cry I had no worries then, I was totally free I was lucky and proud to have the best of friends with me As I recall those memories of the past of those good old friendships that could never last I wonder where and what went wrong what weakened that bond, that was once so strong? Like the rain outside that is bathing Mother Nature Not letting her bask in the sun. My life has changed in such a way That mere memories are those of fun. My heart weeps, shedding pearls Over my life's twists and twirls Pearls or precious stones, Who cares? I must bear them alone, there's no one to share ayurline / january / 2012 Neeraj mohan Ayurved College, Sulur n Dr Sharon Samuel SDMC Hassan br ant vi Gopika joshi Sri kalabyraveshwaraswamy Ayurved Medical College for A -sXm-cp bm-{X-bm-bn-cp-¶p... ap-¯-in¡-Y-I-fn am-{Xw I-ïp ]-cn-N-b-ap-Å, HmÀ-½-I-fn kz-bw sI-«n-¸Sp-¯ H-cp km-¦Â-¸n-I cm-Py-¯n-te-¡v... {io-Ir-jv-W-sâ kz-´w Zzm-c-I-bn-te-¡v... H-cp a-lmim-]-¯n-s\-t¶m-Ww I-S-se-Sp-¯p t]m-b B aMidhun.p lm kw-kv-Ir-Xn-bn-te-¡v. H-cp bp-K-¯n-sâ I-Ã-dbm-bn XoÀ-¶ 3rd BAMS(jr) Ayurveda college Zzm-c-I-sb H-cp-]m-Sp Im-gv-N-IÄ k-½m-\n-¡p-sa-¶v I-cp-Xn-bm-Wv Coimbatore bm-{X Xp-S-§n-b-Xv. `q-I-¼-§-fpw I-SÂt£m-`-§-fpw X-¨p-S-¨ sXcp-thm-c-§-fpw D-bn-Às¯-gp-t¶Â-¡m³ Xp-S-§n-bn-«n-à C-t¸m-gpw. ]p-Xn-b tem-I¯n-sâ hn-I-k-\w F-t¶m-Ww \o-ïp \n-hÀ-¶p In-S-¶ I-dp-¯ ]m-X-I-fp-sS C-cph-i-hpw \n-i-Ðam-bn-cp-¶p. F-§pw t\m-s¡-¯mZq-c-t¯m-fw ]-SÀ-¶p In-S-¡p-¶ h-c-ï `q-an-IÄ. Ip-Sn-sh-Å-Xn-\m-bv Ip-S-§-fpw X-e-bn-te-´n \-S-¶-I-ep-¶ Kp-P-dm¯n-sâ am-dm-¯ kw-kv-I-m-c-sa-t¶m-Ww {]m-Ir-Xth-j-a-Wn-ª kv-{Xo-IÄ. ]p-dIn-te-¡v Hm-Sn a-d-ª h-gn-tbm-c¡m-gv-N-I-fn I-®pw \-«ncp-¶-t¸mÄ Zzm-c-I am-{Xambn-cp-¶p a-\-ÊnÂ. I-S-se-Sp-¯p t]m-b Ir-jv-W-sâ h-k-Xn-bn-te-¡-mbn-cp-¶p B-Zyw... I-S-en-eqsS H-cp bm-{X... Im-ew am-bv-¨p I-f-ª H-cp kw-kv-IrXnbp-sS ap-I-fn-eq-sS-bm-WvRm³ k-©-cn-¡p-¶-sX-¶v AÂ-]-t\-cw I-gn-ªm-Wv Rm³ HmÀ-¯-Xv-. `m-c-X-¯nsâ G-Xp tIm-Wn t]m-bm-epw Im-Wp-¶ bm-N-IÀ-¡v A-hn-S-bqw Ip-d-hp-ïm-bncp-¶n-Ã. A-h-cn `q-cn-`m-K-hpw Ip-«n-I-fm-bn-cp-¶p. [-\-¯n-\v th-ïn-b-Ã,kr-ãv-Sn¡-s¸-«p F-¶m ]m-]-¯n-sâ ^-e-sa-t¶m-Ww H-«n-b h-b-dp-am-bn A-hÀ A-t]-£n¡p-¶-Xv H-cp t\-c-s¯ B-lm-c-¯n-\p th-ïnbm-bn-cp-¶p.hn-i¸ - S- ¡ - m³ th-ïn-bp-Å tX§-ep-I-sf B-«n-b-I-äp-¶ H-cp k-aq-lam-bn-cp-¶p F-hn-sS-bpw. hm-¡p-IÄ am{X-a-à I-c-§Ä t]m-epw ]-e-t¸m-gpw A-h-cp-sS t\À-¡v- i-c-§Ä t]m-se Xpf-ªp I-b-dn-b H-cp Im-gv-N. Xm-V-\-§-fp-sS th-Z-\-bn-epw A-h-cp-sS ap-J-s¯ {]-Xo-£-bp-sS ]p-©n-cn am-ªn-cp¶n-Ã. B Im-gv-N-IÄ F-sâ k-¦Â-¸-§-sf H-cp No-«psIm-«m-cw X-IÀ¶Sn-bp-¶ th-K-¯n am-än-¡-gn-ªp. I-S-se-Sp-¯p t]m-b kw-kv-I-m-c-¯n-s\m-¸w B ssZ-h ssN-X-\y-hpw I-S-en-\-Sn-bn ad-ªp t]m-bn-cn-¡mw. A-¼-e-¯n-\I-¯pw a-dn-¨m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã, A-hn-sS-bpw D-ïv bm-N-I-·mÀ, hy-Xymkw ]-e-Xp-ïv, h-kv-{Xw, Ip-ew F-Ãm-¯n-\pw ap-I-fn i-co-c-¯n-\p Ip-dp-sI Úm-\-¯n-sâ H-cp N-c-Sv. {_-Òw A-dn-bp-¶-hÀ, ssZ-h-¯n-\p sXm-«p Xm-sg \n¡p-¶-hÀ, bm-Nn-¡p-¶-Xp H-cp t\-c-s¯ A-¶-¯n-\p th-ïn-b-Ã, ]-Wn-sb-Sp-¡msX Po-hn-¡m³... bm-Nn-¡p-¶-Xp Po-h-\v th-ïn-b-Ã,ssZ-h-¯n-\p th-ïn... sh-dpw IÂ{]-Xn-a-I-fm-b, kw-km-cti-jn C-Ãm-¯, `-£-Ww I-gn-¡m-¯ kÀ-tÆm-]-cn A-Zr-iy-cm-b ssZ-h-§Ä-¡v th-ïn. ]-t£ H-¶p-ïv, hn-i-¸n-sâ tX-§-ep-I-sf X-«n am-än-b ssI-I-fn \n-¶v A-hcp-sS a-Sn¯-«n-te-¡v t\m-«p-IÄ H-gp-Ip-¶p. ssZ-h-s¯ t\-cn I-ï-Xn-sâ B-ekyw sIm-ïm-hpw t\m-«p-I-fp-sS F-®-tam \n-d-tam B-cpw t\m-¡p-¶n-Ã. ]-«n-Wn A-I-äm³ bm-Nn-¡p-¶-h-cp-sS F-Ãp-´n-b i-co-cw Im-Wm-¯-hÀ-¡v {_-Òw A-dnbp-¶ bm-N-I³am-cp-sS hn-c-en-se tam-Xn-c-§Ä {i-²-bnÂs¸-«v Im-Wn-Ã. A-hn-sS `-àn-bn-Ã, B-cm-[-\-bn-Ã. H-cp I-¨-h-S¨--´-sb-¡mÄ lo-\-am-bn-cp-¶p Ir-jv-Wm, \n-sâ Zzm-c-I.. F-´n-epw am-bw tNÀ-¡p-¶ ]p-Xn-b kw-kv-Im-cw. hnÂ-¸-\-¡v sh-¨ `-àn-bp-sS \n-Ir-ã `m-h-§Ä... a-S-¡w, H-cp ]p-Wy Ø-ew k-µÀ-in-¨-Xn-sâ \nÀ-hr-Xn-bne-à a-dn-¨p, tZ-h-e-b§-tfm-Sv F-¶n-ep-Å B-cm-[-\-sb I-S-se-Sp-¡p-Ibm-bn-cp-¶p. \m-ev Np-h-cp-I¡p-Ån-se H-cp I-Å-s\ ssZ-hw F-¶v hn-iz-kn-¡p-¶-h-À F-\n-¡v Np-äpw. tdm-U-cnIn-se Ip-¸-bn \n-¶pw `-£-Ww ]-c-Xp-¶ Ip-«n-I-fnÂ. ssZ-h-s¯ Im-Wp-¶-hÀ C-¶n-Ã. Rm-\-dn-bm-sX hn-fn-¨p t]m-bn F-sâ Ir-jv-Wm-...! \o C-Xp-I-ïv k-l-X]n-¡p-¶p-thm? A-tXm C-Xpw, \n-sâ eo-e-tbm ????? ic o ex Newcampus com panion pu s l 17 Out of syllabus film review MOTHER ayurline / january / 2012 18 hnNm-cW A-án-sb Xo-ïp-¶ ]-©-`q-X-§tf Xm-ïn-b Zq-c-§-fmÀ-¡p-th-ïn? tIm-cn-¯-cn-¡p-¶ Xm-cm-«p-am-sb-sâ \m-Uo-_-Ô-¯n³ s]m-cp-fm-Ip-a-½bvt¡m? Rm³ tI-« \n-i-Ð kw-Ko-X-ap-WÀ-¯n kÀ-Æw-k-l-bm-bn \nÂ-¡pw [-cn-{Xn-bvt¡m? ]-©m-£-coa-{´-tam-Xn-Spw HmwIm-c-¯n-t\m? A-tXm, i-àn-{]-Zm-bn-\n-bmw {]Ir-Xn tZ-hn-bv-t¡m? Rm-\p-WÀ-¯n-b Xp-In-en-sâ Xm-f-s¯ kw-Ko-X-am-¡n-b I-d-b-ä t\-cn-sâ ku-lr-Z-¯n-t\m? A-iz-ta-[w \-S-¯m³ ]Tn-¸n-¨ ]m-Xn-bmw ss]-Xr-I-¯n-\m-bn-cp-t¶m? A-lw-`m-h-am-sb-¶n sX-fn-ª-t¸mÄ \-{a-X-Im-«n-b h-S-hr-£-¯n-t\m? A-£n-bn Po-h-sâ Zo-]w sX-fn-bn-¨ kÀ-h-km-£n-bmw Po-hn-X-k-Jn-bv-t¡m? G-td Rm³ Nn-´n-¨p... G-td Rm³ tNm-Zn-¨p... Xm-ïn-b Zq-c-§-fmÀ-¡p-th-ïn...? Dr. Anil K.A Chalakkudi TO REME ENT ER MB God knew, He cant be everywhere, So He, created, Mother dear. Mother for love, Mother for care, Mother for sacrifice, For everything she bear. She turns walls into home ‘n then to paradise, In there, she makes sure, that no one ever cries. As I walk down my memory lane, Happiness showers as a sweet rain, Am proud, that I am blessed, For I got a mother who ‘s the best. Mere words can’t describe how nice you are, You are simply... what you are, Yes mother, you are simply what you are... beautiful and engaging story of two persons romantically involved with each other whose fairy tale life goes on a roller coaster ride by the uncertain... a moment to remember is a melodramatic yet touching story of a young couple, which follows a theme of discovery in a relationship and the burdens of loss caused by Alzheimer's disease,.A Moment to Remember (내 머리 속의 지우개 literally Eraser in My Head) is a 2004 South Korean film based on a 2001 Japanese television drama Pure Soul broadcast by Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation starring Son Ye-jin and Jung Woo-sung in the lead roles. The movie was officially released on November 5, 2004 in South Korea and went onto gross 230 million yen or about two million U.S. dollars over the initial weekend.The movie went on to bag 2005 Grand Bell Awards Best Screenplay, Adaptation Yeong-ha Kim, John H. Lee The movie begins with the introduction of the protagonists, a woman named Su Jin and a man named Chul Soo, in a very interesting plot, keeping the viewers in mind. The very first scene is that of the protagonists' accidental meeting in a convenience store and the confusion which follows over a can of soda, and later on the relatioship beautifully evolving to thier subsequent courting despite the social and cultural differences in their distinct paths,the hero a rough carpenter aspiring to be an artitecht and the heroine a daddy's girl and a fashion designer...the movie unfolds their beautiful romance, interesting details .... a scene where the prominent character Su Jin asking Chul Soo, who is a bit unsure about marriage as he is a mere carpenter and was worried if he could take care of her well..to marry her showing the simple and lovely bonding of the relationship, the male un- A Pandalam the store. In the final scene, Su-Jin is riding beside her husband in the car in the sunset, and he can finally tell her, "I love you."...the movie is sure a tear jerker but makes one realise the worth of remembering the silliest things in life...long after you have finished watching this movie..the dialogues transcend through our memory,even though we watch the subtitled version..The direct translation of the movie title from Korean to English is "Eraser in My Head", which explains everything.Despite the indefinite ending, this movie is a must-watch for those considering a serious relationship with their current partner, especially for doctors. 19 ayurline / january / 2012 DEAR Dr. Rinjin her husband, lest she couldn’t bear the idea of hurting him. The movie shows Su-jin in the final stages of the disease ,the trauma and the grief Chul Soo experiences because of it, only to remain beside her, despite her lost memory, hiding his eyes behind sunglasses when he visits her so she can't see his tears. The movie culminates with Chul Soo replaying the first time they met in the convenience store with friends and family in A MO M Dr. Anu P. K. Trippunitura certainity towards comittment and so on, later into the progression of the life of this playful couple madly in love with each other to an envious marital bliss but soon to be disturbed by the villian lurking in the dark....From a playful couple, Su Jin turned into a very good wife, determined to cater to her husband with all her heart leaves no stone unturned to take care of him, be it reuniting him with his estranged mother. Same goes to the husband. Everything was picture-perfect, indeed.... The trouble starts when Su Jin starts forgetting things, incidents begin to happen...including an incident in which a fire breaks out because of a forgotten stove. While Chul Soo caught the fire in time, the seriousness of the incident and others draw them to seek medical help .She gradually finds difficulty in finding her way back home and confusion in simple routine chores.....the movie takes a serious and bothering situation when Sun Jin learns that she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease from her doctor, which leaves her shattered following which she chooses to quit her job and stay home taking care of her husband...the character is brought to life by Sohn Ye Jin in one of her all time brilliant performances. What follows is the revelation of Alzheimer's disease and the couple's consequent response to it. Su Jin is heavily burdened by the knowledge that she will forget her husband and hides it from him at first until he seeks advice from the doctor himself. Despite the disease, they make the commitment to stay together and as the disease progresses, the trials the couple go through increase because of Su Jin's forgetfulness.There is another incident where Su Jin calls her husband by the name of her exlover because of her obvious forgetfullness, only to be left in an overwhelming pang of guilt finally making up her mind to leave 11 t h h o u r r e p o r t e r Dr. Tony Thomas Sub Reporters : Dr.Smitha Rajam Baby, Dr. Vidya V., Dr.Krishnapriya V.K. of r 11 12 1 T fa cm vedi af t he rasa shastra department at Banaras Hindu University has made a draft for development of consumer guidelines for appropriate use of ayurvedic medicines. It aims at spreading consumer awareness about ayurvedic medicines. The draft has been worked under WHO appraisal project work (APW) which is a joint venture of Indian government and WHO. About 400 questionnaires were sent to various practitioners and consumers across the country. Responses were collected and were documented. The duration of the project which started on July 1st was extended from October 31st to December 25th. The findings of the project and the surveys have been published in Journal of Ayurveda and integrated medicine volume 2, issue 4. Dr. Anand Chaudhary, associate professor in the department of rasa sasthra is the principal investigator of the project. He emphasized the need for consumer medicine information (CMI) which formed the basis of development of consumer guidelines. The CMI is an important tool for consumers and for healthcare professional. It supports information exchange and helps in developing strong relationships between these groups. Lack of regulatory norms, shortage of quality medicines, poor communication between prescribers and patients and exclusion of patients from the information needed to become partners in therapy are the common blocks faced by the Ayurvedic fraternity. Hopefully, the development of consumer guidelines would remove the problems and spread awareness for appropriate use of Ayurvedic medicines. Apart from Dr. Chaudhary, many Ayurveda professionals participated in the process of draft finalization. The team included R H Singh, from department of kaya chikitsa, BHU; Manjari Dwivedi (prasuti tantra), BHU; Abhimayu Kumar (department of bal roga, Jaipur), Manoranjan Sahu (shalya department, BHU), Ashmita Wele (Bharti Vidyapeeth, Pune), Dr.Anup Thakar and Dr. Neeraj Kumar from the department of rasa shastra, BHU. 2 10 8 ‘’ This is a laudable venture which could well define the future for Ayurveda. The plan as such is glistening but it all depends how well the project ends. And to be on the criticizing side, the draft committee should have had representation from all states especially Kerala for the fact that it is the homeland of authentic ayurveda.’’ 4 e dic i n e s 9 A confidence booster which may help you in one way or another when you are perplexed how to approach a diseased condition yur a n l i fi s e U s dr H B a i t r e p u o r s p e p o a 3 5 7 6 20 C O R R E S P O N D E N T S PUBLIC RELATION O F F I C E R ayurline / january / 2012 A Y U R L I N E Dr. Priyanka T.K. [email protected] Mob: +918606104472 Dr. Vijendra Prakash Mysore Dr. Sudha K. New Delhi Dr. Sandeep Kumar Varma Hariyana Dr. Hetal Karkar Mumbai Dr. Sundhara Raja Pandi Chennai Dr. Vijay Mahantesh S. Choudhari Bangalure A g n i p a r e e k s h a n a m Clinical approach Agni is vulnerable to three doshas as well as to ama. It is very important to asses Agni, while selecting the line of treatment for any particular disease. Accept Sama agni, other three Agnis are due to imbalance of the three doshas which ultimately results into manda agni. We don't have any direct measure to asses the agni, it becomes a real challenge. While dealing with the patient we can keep following question in mind, which will make it easy to visualize actual reason of the manda agni. VISHMA AGNI Quantity of food: Uncertain, some time more sometime less Time interval in-between to consecutive hunger: uncertain, sometime in 2-3hour or even 24hour Kostha: They have a KRURA kostha. Bowel habit is irregular. 1time/1-2days. Stool: Hard and blackish More often suffer from gas problem. They give history that; they do take purgative drug like triphla choorna, or sukhvirechaka etc… For this Agni, while deciding line of treatment, selection of drug should be of vata pacifying nature and can also add anulomak drug. TIKSHNA AGNI Quantity of food: More, even though they eat frequently and more portion; don't easily put on weight. Time interval in-between to consecutive hunger: Within 1-2hour, frequently. Kostha: They have a MRUDU kostha. Bowel habit is regular. 1-2time/day. Stool: Yellowish, loose with foul smell. More often suffer from hyperacidity Dr.Hetal D.Karkar Om Health Care Center, Mumbai problem. They give history that, after taking hot water or hot milk they get urge to pass motion. For this Agni, while deciding line of treatment, pitta pacifying drugs with pitta virechka property or can give pitta pacifying anupana with other medicine. MANDA AGNI Quantity of food: Less, even though they eat less frequently and less portion; they easily tend to put on weight. Time interval in-between two consecutive hunger: More than 5-6hours. Kostha: They have a MADHYAMA kostha. Bowel habit is regular. 1-2 time/day. They are not satisfied and feel heaviness in the abdomen even after passing motion daily. Stool: Whitish yellow, sticky and foul smell. For this Agni, choice of the drug should be usna, tikshna so which will help agni to burn free and also helps to digest heavy food. If Agni is sama then, person will be healthy and will not suffer from any disease. Sama agni is free from ama as well as from three dosha, which will not manifest any disease. Like three dosha, ama also influences agni and is also a key factor to manifest disease. Examination of ama is also very important for particular disease and will be discussed in the next article. 21 ayurline / january / 2012 Chief Reporter B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-s¯ B-Z-c-Wo-bÀ sI.]n.Ip-ªp-aq-k ko-\n-bÀ tPÀ-W-en-Ìv, tIm-gn-t¡m-Sv ]{X-am-[y-a-§-fn-eq-sS A-[n-Iw A-dn-b-s¸-Sm-sX-t]m-b H-cp-]m-Sv A-Xp-ey-{]-Xn`-IÄ B-bpÀ-th-Z-tem-I-¯n-\pïv. ]pXn-b X-eap-d A-hsc- A-dn-b-Ww... A-Sp-¯-dn-b-Ww... \mw A-h-cp-sS ]n-t¼ \-S-t¡-ï-h-cm-Wv... N -{µn-I Hu-j-[-tkm-¸n-sâ \nÀ-½m-Xmsh- ¶ \- n - e - b n {]- k n- ² - \ m- b kn.BÀ.tI-i-h³ ssh-ZyÀ \m-«p-NnIn-Õ-bn-epw hn-j-Nn-In-Õ-bn-epw {]-hoWy-ap-Å Ip-Spw-_-¯n-em-Wv P-\n-¨-Xv. sX-¡p-\m³ tI-i-h-]n-Å B-im-sâ Iq-sS \n-e-s¯-gp-¯pw _m-e-]mT-hpw A-`y-kn¨v cm-a-]p-cw kv-Iq-fn tNÀ-¶v ]Tn-¨v A-²ym]-I\ - m-bm-Wv Po-hn-Xa- mcw-`n-¨X - v. {io-\m-cm-bW Kp-cp-kzm-an-I-fp-sS ktµ-i-§-fn B-Ir-ã\m-bn, km-aq-ln-I A\m-Nm-c-§-tfm-Sp t]mcm-Sn H-Sp-hn cm-a-\-µkzm-an-If - p-sS A-Sp-¡Â ssh- Z yw ]Tn- ¡ m- s \¯n, X-an-gv ssh-Zy-{KÙ-hpw B-bpÀ-th-Zh - pw ]Tn-¨v c-kw, K-Ô-Iw, ]m-jm-Ww Xp-S-§n [m-Xp-{Z-hy-§-fpw X¦w, sh-Ån, D-cp-¡v ap-X-em-b tem-l§Ä kv-^p-Sw sN-¿m-\pw `-kv-a-§Ä sImïv Nn-In-Õ \-S-¯m-\pw cm-am-\-µ-kzm-anI-fp-sS Io-gn A-`y-kn-¨p. B-cp-tS-tbm Xz-Iv-tcm-K-]-cn-lm-cmÀ-°w \nÀ-½n-¨ a-cp¶m-Wv N-{µ-nIm-tkm-¸n-sâ D-Å-S-¡w. ]c-ky-§Ä¡v A-{X {]-Nm-c-an-Ãm-Xn-cp-¶ Im-e-¯v ss[-cy-]qÀ-Æw ]-c-ky-§Ä sNbv-Xv ssh-ZyÀ tkm-¸n-s\ kp-]-cn-Nn-X-am¡n. ssh-Zy-cpw `m-c-y-bpw am-{X-am-bn-cp-¶p C-¶p {]-Np-c{- ]-Nm-cw t\-Sn-b F-k.v hn.sshZy-im-ep-sS B-Zy sXm-gn-em-fn-IÄ. a\kn \-·kq-£n-¨ C-t±-lw A-\o-XnIÄ-s¡-Xn-sc t]m-cm-Sn km-aq-ly-tk-h-\cw-K-¯v hy-àn-ap-{Z-]-Xn-¸n-¨n-cp-¶p. sshZy-hn-Zym-`ym-k-¯n-\m-bn \-sÃm-cp kwJy sN-e-h-gn-¨p. kw-L-S-\bv¡ - m-bpw {]-hÀ-¯n-¨n-cp-¶p. B-bpÀ-th-Z ssU-P-Ìv, [-\z´-cn, B-bpÀ-th-Z c-Xv-\ XpS-§n-b ssh-Zy-am-kn-I-I-fpsS ]-{Xm-[n-] k-an-Xn-bn-epïm-bn-cp-¶p Cu {]-Xn-`. hy-h-km-b-cw-K-¯v A-\pI-c-Wo-b-\m-b hy-àn-Xz-ambn-cp-¶p kn.BÀ.tI-i-h³ ssh-Zy-cp-sS-Xv. k-¦oÀ-W-amb ap-\p-jy-Po-hn-X-s¯ H-cp Nn-´-I-s\-t¸m-se t\m-¡n¡-ïv, hy-h-km-b ta-J-ebn H-Xp-§n-\nÂ-¡m-sX an{i-hn-hm-l {]-Øm-\w ap-X I-em-]-cn-t]m-j-W ]-cn-]m-Sn-bn-³ h-sc A-t±-lw `m-K-`m-¡m-bn-cp-¶p. _-Ô-§-tfm ]-cn-N-b-§-tfm C-ÃmsX C-cn-§m-e-¡p-S-bn-se-¯n kn-²-sshZy-hpw B-bpÀ-th-Z-hpw ]-cn-in-en-¨v a-cp¶p-IÄ D-ïm-¡p-I-bpw Nn-In-Õ \-S-¯pI-bpw sN-bv-X ssh-Zy-sc G-sd kzm-[n\n-¨-Xv Sn.sI.am-[-h-sâ {]-k-kw-K-§-fpw {io-\m-cm-b-W-Kp-cp-hn-sâ k-tµ-i-§-fpwIp-am-c-\m-im-sâ D-Xv-Ir-ã Ir-Xn-I-fp-ambn-cp-¶-t{X... ayurline / january / 2012 kn.BÀ.tI-i-h³ ssh-Zy³_-lp-ap-J {]-Xn-` 23 B-bpÀ-th-Z-cw-K-s¯ IÄ tUm.B-cy-Km-b-{Xn hn.F-kv, sImÃw Capro Labs Exports India Pvt Ltd. Ancient Life Science, Modern Presentation To be a Leading International Herbal Healthcare Company, Improving Quality of Life. Exports, now is our cliche for the new millennium. With a desire to provide the best of the world, now after having established ourselves in India we are in the process of expanding our business clientele across the Globe tUm.Ko-X kn.]n-Å sI.F.]n.FÂ.sâ tI-c-f B-bpÀ-th-Z A-¡-U-an-bnse ap³ U-b-d-ÎÀ. {]-kq-Xn, kv-{Xo-tcm-Kw, h-Ôy-Xm Nn-In-Õ-I-fn {]m-ho-Wyw t\-Sn-b tUm-ÎÀ. Xr-¸qWn- ¯ p- d K- h .B- b pÀ- t h- Z tIm- t f- P n \n- ¶ v _n.F.Fw.F-kv.F-Sp-¯-tijw BbpÀth-Z k-am-P¯n tPm-en-b-\p-jvTn-¨p. ]q-ap-Ån \o-e-I-WvT³ \¼q-Xn-cn, ]p-em-a-t´mÄ B-cy³-aq-Êv , ]p-em-a-t´mÄ i-¦-c³ aq-Êv ssh-Zy-aTw F-¶o {]-K-Û-cp-sS Io-gn ssh-Zyw ]-cn-io-en-¨p. hn-tZi-¯v B-bpÀ-th-Zw {]-N-cn¸n-t¡-ï-sX-§-s\-sb-¶v tlm-f-ïn tPm-ent\m-¡th a-\-kn-em-¡n. B-bpÀth-Z- a-cp-¶n-\pw Nn-In-ÕIÄ-¡p-sam-¸w B-lm-cw, Po-hn-XN - c - y F-¶n-hI - q-Sn ka-\z-bn-¸n-¨ Nn-In-Õm-]-²-Xn-bpw t_m-[-hÂ-¡-c-Whpw tbm-Km-`ym-k-hpw Iq-Sn-bm-b-t¸mÄ hn-tZ-in-IÄ tUm-Î-td-bpw Nn-In-Õm-co-Xn-tb-bpw C-ã-s¸-«p. ITn-\m-[zm-\-hpw tPm-en-tbm-Sp-Å a-a-X-bpw ssI-apX-em-sW-¦n kv-{Xo-IÄ-¡v hn-P-bw kp-\n-Ýn-Xsa-¶p tUm-ÎÀ ]-d-bp-¶p. kv-{Xo-]p-cp-j hn-th-N-\w A-\m-hiy-am-Wv. Ip-Spw-_mw-K-§-fp-sS k-l-I-c-W-¯m FÃmw km-[y-am-hp-sa-¶p Iq-Sn tUm-ÎÀ HmÀ-an-¸n¡p-¶p. tUm.kn-Ôp {io-Pn-¯v tIm-b-¼-¯qÀ B-cy-ssh-Zy-^mÀ-a-kn-bn-se BÀ Bâv Un hn-`m-K-¯n-se P-\.am-t\-P-dpw sS-Iv-\n-¡Â hn-§nse ta-[m-hn-bp-am-Wv tUm-ÎÀ. ssh-Zy-c-Xv-\w tIm-tf-Pnse _n.F.Fw.F-kn-\p tijw {io-i-¦-c tIm-tf-Pn \n-¶pw am-ÌÀ Hm-^v ^mÀ-akyq-«n-¡Â k-b³-kv F-Sp¯p. A-Xn-\p-ti-jw 12 hÀjw F.]n.]n.bn tk-h-\a-\p-jvTn-¨p. tUm-Î-dp-sS t\Xr-Xz-¯n \q-X-\ km-t¦Xn-I hn-Zy-I-sf B-{i-bn-¨pÅ [m-cm-fw ]T-\-§-fpw I-sï-¯-ep-I-fpw A-h-sS \-S¶p. hn-ezm-Zn Kp-fn-I-bp-sS Bân_-tbm-«n-Iv {]-hÀ-¯-\s¯-¡p-dn-¨p-Å ]T-\-dn-t¸mÀ-«v H-cp D-Zm-l-c-Ww am{Xw. tSm-Iv-tkm-W-an, ssa-t{Im-_-tbm-f-Pn, _-tbm-sS-Ivt\m-f-Pn F-¶o im-kv-{X-hn-`m-K-§-sf-¡q-Sn tNÀ-¯p-Å Nn-In-Õm-co-Xn-bm-Wv tUm-ÎÀ A-h-ew-_n-¡p-¶-Xv. B-bpÀ-tÆ-Z-¯n-se A-Sn-Øm-\ {K-Ù-§-fp-sS A´-k-¯-sb DÄ-s¡m-ïv ]p-Xn-b ssi-en-bn-ep-Å Nn-InÕm-co-Xn A-h-ew-_n-¡p-I-bm-Wv \-hm-K-XÀ sN-t¿-ïsX-¶pw tUm-ÎÀ A-`n-{]m-b-s¸-Sp-¶p. Capro Labs Exports India Pvt. Ltd. P.B.No.5870, A-109, 3rd Main, II Stage, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore - 560 058. Karnataka India. Telefax : +91-80-28366277 Email : [email protected], [email protected] www.caprolabs.com tIm-gn-t¡m-Sv B-bp-jv-am³ B-bpÀ-th-Z tlm-kv-]n-ä-en-se tUmÎÀ. _n.F.Fw.F-kn-\p ti-jw tUm.B-cym-tZ-hn A-´À-P-\¯n-sâ Io-gn "kp-Ir-Xw' ¢n-\n-¡nÂ- B-Xp-c-tk-h-\-am-cw-`n¨p. ]n-¶o-Sv kz-´-am-bn ¢n-\n-¡v Xp-S-§n tcm-Kn-I-fp-sS Nn-InÕ-bv-¡v k-a-bw I-sï-¯n. ]n-¶o-Sv 12 hÀ-j-t¯m-fw B-cyssh-Zy-^mÀ-a-kn-bn tk-h-\-a-\p-jvTn-¨p. kv-{Xo-tcm-K-§-fn {]-tXy-I {i-²-sIm-Sp-¯ tUm-ÎÀ kv{Xo-I-fp-sS ku-µ-cy-{]-iv-\-§Ä, KÀ-`-Im-e, {]-k-h-c-£m-Nn-InÕ-IÄ-¡pw Iq-Sp-X {]m-[m-\yw sIm-Sp-¡p-¶p. ITn-\m-²zm-\-¯n-eq-sS am-{X-ta ]Tn-¨p-t\-Sn-b A-dn-hp-IÄ {]-tbm-Kn-¨v ssh-Zy-Po-hn-X¯n ap-t¶-dp-hm³ km-[n-¡q F-¶ D-]-tZ-i-am-Wv tUm-ÎÀ-¡v ]p-Xn-b X-e-ap-d-bv-¡v sIm-Sp-¡m-\p-Å-Xv. ayurline / january / 2012 tUm.Zo-]v-Xn dm-Wn 25 Thrissur ny knowledge system has to adapt adequately in tune with times to survive and stay fit. History tells us the very fact of human civilizations reformed and renewed as time demanded. Scientific and technological advancements gathered shape and pace as occasions insisted. Evolution of Medicine across the globe is so spectacular that geographical and cultural backdrop created different systems of healthcare and cure, though unmatched in principles and practices. The record of Ayurvedic system of healing is no exception, although unique in the aspect that it was founded on a strong set of philosophy and universal principles. Past has its own glory and prodigy, but things do not appear so bright from a futuristic perspective. A critical mind can constantly sense a ‘resistance to transformation’ that has resulted in transgression in nearly all facets of Ayurveda in recent times. This is reflected largely in the Practice of Ayurvedic Medicine culminated as a matter of ineffective teaching and training of the subject matter. Most inspiring set of Ayurvedic principles has become dull and dry for want of life and predictability in definite settings. When a science loses the cutting edge of precision, discussions and deliberations turn futile. Scientific knowledge and claims should be verifiable, true in terms of health and human sciences. Debating the fundamentals of Ayurveda for critical appraisal and potential modifications has never been seriously attempted ensuring excellence in the business. Strong points indicating and necessitating a change in the paradigm can always devise better and effective tools in the exercise. Those who are sincerely into Ayurveda at various levels need to reaffirm the basics, redefine the applications of ancient values on realistic scales with inventive approaches. By presenting this short communication, the 26 author intends to evoke the kind of quesayurline / january / 2012 A that raktamoksha is not primarily and exclusively targeting vata, pitta or kapha; the primary dosha types. Is it not an instance Acharya outplaying the traditional tridosha concept? Vagbhata has successfully attempted a modification of existing idea, and proceeded with updating the clinical practice during his period. By this change, he was able to treat diseases that are not amenable to ‘sheetha-ushnasnigdha-rooksha’ protocol. This historical stride of Vagbhata (? shift of focus from dosha to dhatu) is not being seriously taken by the fraternity of Ayurveda as a road map to explore various clinical contexts, so that the current understandings about various diseases (update knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology in terms of tissues) can be effectively Reinventing Ayurveda integrated to evolve better treatment strategies in Ayurveda. Concept of prakruti is unique to Ayurveda, enabling a physician to consider the ‘disease’ and also ‘what kind of a person’ is suffering from that disease. Prakruti does not authorize definite and specific actions of ‘drugs’ and ‘medicines’ in generalized versions, as each human is unique. This principle is outstanding, encouraging the physician to reflect on the prakruti of the individual with due reverence. But the fact of the matter goes grey when Ayurveda essentially projects kaphaprakruti (showcased as overweight person) as uttama (best, most desirable). In contrast, vataprakruti (showcased as lean) is heena (worst) and pittaprakruti is madhyama (medium class!). Is it substantial to accommodate kaphaprakruti at this stature? It is undoubted that modest as well as morbid obesity is always rated as a negative index on health. Can we better sub-classify the kaphaprakruti group to pick up a cohort displaying the most commendable prakruti, conforming to the best health indicators? Another area of curiosity and crisis can be flagged at the level of dhatu. There are accepted theories (nyaya) on the genesis of each dhatu and the pattern of successive transformation resulting in sukradhatu. Every dhatu is assigned with routine functions and specific jobs. The structural plane of dhatu is distinct to that of dosha. Acharya Susrutha and Vagbhata highlight various instances of preference given to dhatu in applied medicine, ignoring dosha. Still there can be adversities. Think of a patient who has received two pints of blood (couple of weeks ago) to tide over a traumatic shock. When the contemporary Ayurvedic physician carry on with this patient examination, which explanation suits best to account for the status of raktadhatu (a mix of blood from the donor and the recipient) in that person? A portion of raktadhatu in question has actually been poured directly into the (raktavanha) system from another human body, a status conventional Ayurvedic account is insufficient to figure out! The foregoing attempt is to impress the reader on the need of reinventing and re-interpreting the principles of Ayurveda on a logical level. There are number of Scientific knowledge and claims should be verifiable, true in terms of health and human sciences. Debating the fundamentals of Ayurveda for critical appraisal and potential modifications has never been seriously attempted ensuring excellence in the business similar issues demanding finer points of explanation. Modern society and the lifestyles in vogue are so complex that ‘time-tested’ working models of Ayurveda are falling deprived. Options are to be picked up and incorporated in terms of customized ideas, or even new concepts. In this endeavor, more and more valid entries can express things in acceptable versions. For example, take the case of traditionally classifying roga (diseases) into nija (endogenous causes, primary vitiation of dosha) and agantu (exogenous causes including trauma, latent vitiation of dosha). Any extension to this point of classification is not being tried and accepted at all. Taking into account of the cases of widespread Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) or the so called Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD), fixing an intermediate class between agantu and nija is a welcome step. It can be suitably named rather ‘nijantu’, to understand the category of diseases like Tennis elbow, Neck and back pain in computer professionals, Heel pain etc. The collective impact of micro-trauma can be well appreciated in identifying this group, which in turn aid in sorting out the appropriate Ayurvedic medical advice in terms of vihara and oushadha. Another interesting case worth exploring is the frequently used; simplest of all ‘thalam’. Thalam is traditionally prescribed in Kerala as a cost-effective topical attempt resulting breakthroughs in different category of diseases. A non-ayurvedic explanation can go like this: When few drops of oil are spread over the vertex (leaving it for an hour or so – wiping it dry), the impact can be in preventing/preserving/ controlling the heat loss temporarily across that vital zone. Since a rise in temperature is recognized to increase the tissue metabolism (with each degree rise, roughly 10% increase in bio-chemical activities – a key to the innate healing power of the body). This mechanism could possibly explain the ayurvedic pointers attributed to the effect of ushnaveerya effect in that context. When the same area of the vertex is smeared with an aqueous/ water containing agent (like choorna in water/squeezed lemon juice/milk), it is more likely to take off the heat available favoring the chances of seetaveerya effect (also rated as the absence of ushnaveerya effect!). The final impact is also dependent on the composition of the drugs being impregnated in thalam. (The discussion gets even more complex, as long as the very number of veerya remain uncertain many, eight or two). This simple interpretation might better explain why topical application of taila proves anupasaya (contra-indication) in cases of amavata, but judicious use of lepa in aqueous medium offering comfort and relief! The point is made clear for those who are serious, passionate and enthusiastic about Ayurveda in contemporary medical profession. It is misfortune that Ayurvedic physicians are not certain even of the uncertainties they face on a daily basis! Ayurvedic educationists need to go in for a paradigm shift in their focus, expand and re-interpret the code of Ayurveda. Dogma and bias should not be the guiding forces in any case. We ought to know that human body came into existence first, the science of Ayurveda is just trying to explain the functions of human body in health and disease; promoting simple solutions in the latter. Advocates lobbying for ‘orthodox’ Ayurveda are skeptical about possible reforms – the most important step towards reinventing Ayurveda today. Being loyal to the great science called Ayurveda, open dialogues are looked-for, expecting sincere comments on these vital remarks that can break /make a difference. 27 ayurline / january / 2012 Dr.N.K.M.Ikbal tions in unbiased mindsets leading to the statement of the factual problems. Let’s start with some simple tight spots. Traditionally, tridosha theory goes undisputed in the realm of the basic principles of Ayurveda. Equilibrium of vata, pitta, and kapha is the ancient but innovative working model of assessing health as well as disease. Can this principle be revalidated? There lies enough space for an Ayurvedic enthusiast to explore all the way through classics. For example, scrutiny of Acharya Vagbhata’s mention of the sodhanakarma (purification therapies) sub-classified into five, listing out the therapy called raktamoksha. A shodhanakarma is primarily and exclusively designed to expel out the perturbed dosha in excess. It is anybody’s deduction Ayurline advisory board member, Prof M K Sanu bagged last year’s kendra sahithya academy award. The biography of Vaikom Muhammad Basheer titled 'Basheer: Ekantha Veedhiyile Avadhoothan' penned by him won the award. AHMA and Ayurline salute before the luminary. Congrats Grind the equal quantities of cloves, cinnamon and almond and mix the powder with little water to make a paste. Applying the paste alleviates headache. Take one bit of dried dates without seeds, 2 bits of dry coconut and 3bits of sugar candy. Break them into little bits and mix them all together. Consuming 50g of the said herbal nutrition mix is also very healthy for children fighting microorganisms causing tonsillitis, cough or cold, indigestion and even teeth related diseases. 50ml of raw milk (not boiled) and a pinch of salt together with two teaspoons of lime juice produces a herbal medicine, natural cleansing lotion. This lotion is very beneficial for the skin's overall wellness by cleansing the skin pores. Take 2 or 3 garlic cloves, chop into very small pieces and mix with 100ml sesame or mustard oil (any oil can be used if these two are not within reach). Afterwards boil the mixture for about 5 minutes on low fire, when ready, apply by massaging the aching back point. To fight against heat exhaustion one can drink a glass (250ml) of coconut water and /or grape juice while also taking 3 to 4 dates after cooking them with one glass of milk or water. A tablespoon of aloe-vera mixed in half a gram of black pepper powder can be taken 2 to 3 times daily or until the menstrual cramps ceases. Soak 1 almond in water overnight, peel off the skin (in the morning) and grind into a paste. Add 1g of honey.This tonic is extremely efficient for infants not younger than 4 months to help them in their mental and physical development. 1 teaspoon of mango tree sap mixed with 1 tablespoon of water may also be applied as an Ayurveda herb paste against cracks in the feet. Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9895081281 The letters and articles to Ayurline are to be sent to the executive editor. Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9447432607 Contact the manager, marketing for advertisements, business features and all other marketing formalities . Email : [email protected], Mob : +91 9447459718 Advertisement and innovative ideas intended to be published in Ayurline is fully vested in Ayurline editorial board and nobody can question the right and entitlement of the resolution of the editorial board. The board has not authorized anybody other than our state committee members and editorial board members to canvass the advertisement matters etc. to be published in Ayurline and for collecting tariff etc. from the person concerned. Ayurline has no responsibility for the loss and agony sustained to anyone for such fake dealing with any person. Ayurline Help Desk tN ibbl es For subscription Send in cheque or DD/amounting Rs. 250/- (for 12 issues) in favour of the managing editor, Ayurline, Ayswarya Hospital, Pookattupadi, Aluva - 683 561. For subscription outside Kerala, an additional amount of Rs. 50/- will be charged in. ayurline / january / 2012 F ac Elizabeth Thomas, Medico, Govt.Ayurveda college, Trippunitura Details regarding subscription and legal formalities are to be consulted only with the chief editor. 29 In recent years ,interest in medicinal plants has increased considerably. Apart from the therapeutic values described in ancient texts, analytical studies to scientifically determine the efficacy of medicinal plants are going on all over the world. Chemical constituents, pharmacological activities and clinical trials of some plants commonly used for medicinal purposes are explained through this article. W hile considering the active ingredient of drugs oil fraction is another factor which require specific attention. Oil fraction is the active part which is a source of pharmacology. We should be cautious about this, while handling the superior and inferior variety of drugs. some cautious factors 74% linalol 6% L-terpene 5% camphor 3% l-piene 2% paracymin 2% linonin 2% geranyl-acetate Dr. C.D. Krishnakumar Thrikkakkara Let us see some egs: 1.Clove Oil ayurline / january / 2012 Eugenia caryophyllata Clove oil is used as a counter irritant, flavouring agent and a base material for various perfumes. This oil is extracted from clove fruit, stem, leaf and bud, of which bud oil is the most useful with higher intensity. But now a days it is adulterated with stem and leaf oil which can be detected by Gas Chromatography (GC). Worldwide production of clove oil is 2000 ton which is a natural source of euginol. Though identical components are present in bud, stem and leaf, their oil fraction quantitatively varies and hence properties. Bud Stem Leaf Euginol 82% 93% 81% Caryophyllene 7% 3% 15% l-himulene 1% 0.3% 2% Eug-acetate 7% 2% 0.5% USES: mainly used as a pain reliever eg: tooth ache counter irritant, mouth repellent and also in making artificial flavours. 2.Coriander Oil Coriander sativum is the source 0.9%. oil is extracted by steam distillation and 0.02% oil is in the fresh herbs. Leaf and seed oil are also extracted. Major component 30 are: Leaf oil fraction is majority 10% dec-2enol. It can be adulterated with synthetic Oil Fraction linalol. Seed oil is the first choice in flavour application. Traditionally it is used for alcohol flavourings especially ‘gin’. This is also used as dietic preparation and the usage is without legal restriction. Here also adulterations cause evil remets. 3. Eucalyptus Oil Globulus is the source. Leaves yields 1.5% of oil on steam distillation. The major components: i. 1,8 cincole 15% ii. – pienche 18% iii. Paracymene 2% iv. Linonene 2% It is majorly addressed in concentration of limonene content. It is an analgesic, counter irritant and oil. There are no legal restriction for its usage. 4. Ginger Oil Steam distillation of dried rhizome yields 2% oil. Its quantitative combination is zyngiberene (35%) A-R curumene, sesquiphellanderene(10%), bisatrotene (8%), camphene(6%), -phellandrene(10%), 1,8 ceneole(2%). Other important components which control pharmacology action are 0.5%. bonyl acetate, 0.8% linanol, 0.3% geraneole, 0.2% nerol, 2% noan-2-one. 1% decanol, which varies with the mode of species culture etc. In combination of geographical distribution, geraneole and neol concentration may shoot up. (eg drugs collected from Australia) Terpene less oil is used in soft drinks etc. Apart from essential oils, plants are cradles of various other ingredients which has got medical and economical value. Apart from essential oils, plants are cradles of various other ingredients which has got medical and economical value. One of the oldest dye Indigotin which has both natural and synthetic origin is a good example. India is the birth place of its source plant- Indigoford tinctoria which occurs as a glucoside-indican One of the oldest dye Indigotin which has both natural and synthetic origin is a good example. India is the birth place of its source plant- Indigoford tinctoria which occurs as a glucoside-indican. Impure form of indigotin is present in little quantity on the wood of plant Isatis tinctoria from Europe. Geographic variation and intensity of sunlight also affect its concentration in plants. Indigotin also occurs as a glucoside of Indoxyl, the basic component. Glucosiates are generally extracted in aqueous medium. We should be cautious on its extraction into the oily medium. In aqueous medium, its hydrolysis is promoted by plant enzymes, giving indoxyl which is further oxidized to indigo, the base material. Extraction should be done properly by providing apt aqueous medium, PH and aeration. o C-O-CH (CHOH)3 CHCH2OH CH Indican NH C14H17NO6+H2O - C8H7NO+C6-C6 (glucose) (Indican) (Indoryl) CO CH2 NH O2 CO C NH C NH CO Meligotin For better yield Indigo plants should be cut just before flowering and dipped in H2O at 25-30 oC. In this condition a mild fermentation occurs during which the enzyme indimulase present in leaf hydrolyses Indican to Indoxyl. Aeration or bubbling oxidizes indoxyl to indigotin containing basis of indigo – red or brown. Regarding the properties – Indigotin is a dark blue powder with Coppered lusture (Melting point 390-392 C). It sublimes under reduced pressure. Though it is insoluble in aqueous medium by agitating with suitable substance, it is reduced to red soluble laco – component indigotin white. It imparts dark blue colour on exposure to air. All these factors should be kept in mind while compounding Indigofera Tinctoria in oily and other preparations. 31 ayurline / january / 2012 Drugs... Sports injury Introduction Normal shoulder rhythm is highly essential for many popular sports and shoulder dysfunction causes significant impairment of performance and quality of the athlete. There are so many abnormalities underpinning to shoulder pain and shoulder region remains one of the most challenging region for all sports medicine practitioners. Functional and structural anatomy biomechanics, kinesiology, dyanamic forces on shoulder on each sports should be understood. Glenohumeral joint is a ball and socket joint with shallow socket which is inherently unstable. There are static stablisers and dy- due to weakness of scapular stabilizers with or without weakness of rotator cuff muscles, tightness of scapulohumeral muscles (infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis) or involuntary adaptation to avoid a painful arc.. An imbalance between the deltoid and the rotator cuff muscle strength may result in excessive superior movement of the humeral head, causing impingment of subacromial structures. Injury to shoulder Shoulder injuries are common in sports like volleyball, handball, basket ball, cricket, tennis, badminton and throwing activities like hammer throw, javelin, shot put etc…There are few occasions in which shoulder injuries occur in Soccer, Kabbadi etc. due to heavy fall on shoulder or stretch force of the shoulder muscles due to pull. Pain on shoulder may be due ayurline / january / 2012 namic stabilisers in the shoulder joint. Glenohumeral ligament, glenoid labrum and capsule are static stabilizers and Rotator cuff and scapular stabilizing muscles are dynamic stabilizers stabilizing scapulohumeral rhythm: The scapular stablisers also play an important role in shoulder joint movement. Glenohumeral movement requires the scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints to move. Normal shoulder function requires smooth integration of movements of these joints; This integrated movement is referred as scapulohumeral rhythm. An abnormality of scapulohumeral rhythm is the most 32 common cause for shoulder injury. It may be Rotator cuff injury or strain – mainly supraspinatus injury, strain, tear Instability- labral lesions, dislocation, Stiffness- (secondary to trauma, surgery, injury to cervical nerve root and brachial plexus, adhesive capsulitis), A C join (Acromio clavicular joint) Referred pain- cervical pain, upper thoracic pain, trapezius, lavator scapulae, Symptoms of rotator cuff tear Pain at rest and at night, particularly if lying on the affected shoulder Pain when lifting and lowering your arm or with specific movements Weakness when lifting or rotating your arm Dr. Arshad.P P. G. Dip SPSN CSM (international Olympic Committee) TPDC (Asian Federation of Sports medicine) DAISMAN SPORTS MEDICINE CENTE, KONDOTTY E-mail: [email protected] Crepitus or crackling sensation when moving your shoulder in certain positions Correct predisposing factors Poor throwing technique, faulty swimming style, stiffness of lower cervical or upper thoracic spines, or muscles. Imbalance and weakness of scapular stabilizing muscles. It is essential to consider the whole kinetic chain, as any deficiency in the chain (eg stiff lumbar spine) put additional stress on distal part of the chain (eg rotator cuff). We have done treatment for 32 cases of rotator cuff injuries in sports so far, among them were many National players including volley ball, handball and badminton. 2 cases were National volley ball players and underwent surgery from Mumbai by Expert shoulder Arthroscopic specialist. Case Study Name of the patient: R. Rajeev Working at BPCL (Former National Volleyball team) Player) with rotator cuff injurylost career due to surgery- 18 months back Condition of the patient after surgery was not promising even after rehabilitation phase. Patient cannot abduct right shoulder more than 45 degree. ROM was limited on external rotation and forward flexion compared to left shoulder joint. Drop arm test found to be negative, apprehension test positive, Active forward flexion limited to 90 degree (passive pain limiting 120 degree), patient cannot lift 1 kg dumbbell above 90 degree, unable to use level 1 theraband in full extension. Over head serve or smash during game Patient was unable to lift his right hand full range of motion Cannot lift weight more than 1 kg forward flexion. Canot use theratube level 2 for shoulder exercseise. Forward flexion was restricted to 65 degree Severe muscle wasting noted on the subscapular, deltoid, supraspinatus muscles. Feeling of pain on shoulder movements Cannot hold the shoulder for forcible abduction and external rotation. Patient was advised for active sports 1 year after surgery Treatment protocol First phase of treatment was to improve the range of motion and flexibility of the shoulder, so given stretching and active passive ROM exercises for shoulder. Second phase strengthening the dynamic stabilizers and then static stabilizers of the shoulder Third Phase muscle training, stabilization programme and finally core strengthening programme of shoulder back hip and trunk muslces Treatment modalities implemented Physical therapy Isolated muscle stretching Range of motion exercises Muscle strengthening with thera tubes level 1 & 2 Is unnatural and highly dynamic, often exceeding the physiological limits of the joint. Optimal shoulder function requires good kinetic chain function, optimal stability, and coordination of the scapula in the overhead action. Kinetic chain allows generation andtransfer of forces from the leg to the hand. 50% of total kinetic energy and totalforces of the serve are developed in the leg, hip, trunk link Shoulder has 13% contribution to total energy and 21% contribution to total force Dumb bell exercises for Rotator cuff particularly supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoids, subscapularis, teres minor and ultimately to serratus anterior and trapezius. Strengthening of lower leg muscles of calf and hamstring of thigh. Strengthening of lumbar muscles and trunk muscles . Ayurvedic treatment modalities (Internal medication) Panchatikthakam gritham 10 gm at night Aswabala 1 tablespoon at night OMC capsules 1-1-1 bef food Gandhathailam 10 drops with milk Musthadi marma kashayam + Nadi kashayam External applications Karpasasthyadi+ ostalgin+ Physical maladaptation of the shoulder Exists in 60-86% of all tennis players Cause biomechanical changes that will result in Increased external rotation Decreased internal rotation in the dominant shoulder Maladaption --Result in injury of shoulder and elbow Force distribution chain graph of shoulder ketha- keemooladi 1st week Mahamasham + karpasasthyadi+ Rasathailam 2nd week Shashtika thailam + mahamasha tailam= 3rd week. Treatment modalities Dhanyamla dhara 5 days (day 1 – 5 days) Patra podalaswetha 7 days Shashtika mamsa pinda swetha days (1117 days) Lepanam (External application) ayursports powder + honey+ Ghee on affected muscle and shoulder Nasyam: ksheerabala 101. : 7 days. Patient can only do treatment for 17 days, inbetween the treatment period he was required at the office frequently, so treatment was stopped for 2 days in between. After the treatment condition of the patient was as follows Muscles strength improved to great extend. Wasting was still there but reduced its severity. He was able to use theraband level 4 without any discomfort 25 Rep x 3 sets, Level 5 theratube with 15rep x 2 sets. Can raise dumb bell of weight 4 kg for the same repetitions Over head throwing with medicine ball was excellent 33 ayurline / january / 2012 Rotator cuff injuries General Stability and ROM examination of affected shoulder was as follows Dr Lalit Nagar, MD Scholar Department of Dravyaguna National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipurc Dr. S. Rath Prof. N. Khemani hāra (diet) is the most important factor for the maintenance of life. Nature has arranged diet earlier to the creation of living being on the earth. Breast milk is the first & well balanced food for the newly born baby, which is thus pro- A body can be defined as āhāra. In halāyudha kośa the word āhāra has 14 synonyms “jagdhi, bhojana, jemanam, lepa, nighasah, nyādah, jamanam, vidhasa, pratyavasānam, bhasanam, aśanam, abhyavahāra, svadanam, nigarah.” Āhāra is critical for life. Jeevan or life is the combination of śarīra, īndriya, satva, Ātmā. All these four components need to be in a dynamic balance for maintenance of optimal health. Because normal daily metabolism will deviate this balance, diet should replenish all these four components. Since, Ātmā is nirvikar and does not require concept of ‘ĀhĀra’ in ayurveda vided by nature to meet the requirements of a new born soon after the birth as a source of life sustenance and nutrition. ayurline / january / 2012 In simple words Āhāra means 34 1.“dravyagalādhah karanam”, i.e. diet is those substances which are taken through mouth. But, not all substances that could be taken through mouth are diet like plastic goods. 2.Āhāra has its origin from “āhriyate iti deha posanārtha” i.e diet is that material which nourishes the body. But, besides āhāra, there are many other factors which also nourish the body like abhyanga, vyayam, nidra etc. By merging the both we come to the conclusion, all the dravyas which can be taken through mouth and which sustains life through regular nourishment to the materialistic diet, any diet that is conducive for the rest three automatically shall be good for Ātmā. Sarīra is the effective combination of Dosha, Dhatus and Mala. Therefore, diet should nourish all three components. Dhatus are nourished by Āhāra rasa, Doshas are nourished by the saar bhag of Dhatus, Malas are nothing but waste part of the metabolism and they also need nourishment for their easy removal from body. Malas are nourished by kitta part of diet. Indriya or the five senses also need nourishment for carrying out their normal physiological functions. The food should be pleasant and also wholesome in taste. Satva or mind also need nourishment and the food should be conducive to the mind. The three doshas are said to be the three sthambhas or 3 main pillars of life. To support these 3 main pillars, three Upastambhas (sub pillars of life) i.e Āhāra (Diet), Nidrā (Sleep) & Brahmacarya (judicious use of senses) are also described. Āhāra is the best sustainer of life. Āhāra increases the longevity of life by nourishing the body. While doing the regular work of day today life our body continuously goes through depletion of the dhatus. This is the main factor which causes decrease in longevity of life. This depletion of Dhatus are replenished by taking Āhāra(Diet). So taking into consideration of all, Āhāra can be defined as all the materials that are ingested or taken by mouth into the alimentary system, which in the long run after proper digestion gets transformed into the tissue elements & promotes growth, recovery of loss, protection from the disease to keep an individual in optimal health. So āhāra is the most significant part of life and for healthy living one should have balanced diet which has been dealt in detail in Ayurveda that will be discussed in the next article. ayurline / january / 2012 Ahara is critical for life. Jeevan or life is the combination of sarira, indriya, satva, atma. All these four components need to be in a dynamic balance for maintenance of optimal health 35 Bend over raise with weight, lat pull exercise without resistance External rotation against resistance was Grade 5. Forward flexion was full Rom without any pain Joint movements were pain free except forward flexion.(mild pain on supraspinatus on slow forward flexion with slight over sliding of muscles noted) Patient was on preparation to play for Kerala in National Games at Ranchi after the treatment, Since he was unable to play for the Country for the last 2 years, he urged to join the team and started to Ranchi from our hospital without waiting for further rehabilitation and resting period. And finally he played for Kerala and performed well, and was suc- cess for the Kerala team with his performance. This study proves that Ayurvedic integrated approaches can be successfully employed in sports injury rehabilitation faster than modern treatment and make their performance as before or even better than before. We can speed up the recovery and early propioception without further resting period up to certain extend. NEXT ISSUE Spondylolisthesis grade 2 patient Advised to quit sports and surgery -Achieved National Record for Polevault after integrated treatment approach. Inquisitive eye our r ce : D r. Jinesh K.S., Thrissu S Normal Value Clinical Significance Increases in carcinoma of colon ,rectum ,breast, ovary ,liver and pancreas, inflammatory bowel disease,cirrhosis ,chronic cigarette smoking Cacinoembrionic antigen (CEA) <3 ng /ml Beta Carotene 40 - 200 mg/dl Increases in myxedema ,diabetes mellitus,excessive dietary intake Decrease in fat mal absorbtion ,liver disease ,poor dietary intake Chloride ion (Cl-) 95 - 103 mEq / Lit Increases in dehydration ,Cushing's syndrome ,anemia Decrease in severe vomiting ,severe burns ,diabetic acidosis ,fever Cholesterol Total <200 mg/dl HDL Cholesterol >40 mg/dl Cholesterol <130 mg/dl Increases in diabetes mellitus ,cardio vascular disease , nephrosis , hypothyroidism Decreases in liver disease ,hyperthyroidism , fat mal absorption ,pernicious anemia ,severe infections ,terminal stages of cancer Cortisol(Hydro cortisone) 8AM - 10 AM 5 - 23 microgram/dl 4PM - 6PM 3 -13 microgram/dl Increases in hyperthyroidism , obesity , stress ,Cushing's syndrome Decreases in hypothyroidism ,liver disease ,Addison's disease Male 0.1 - 0.4 mg/dl Female 0.2 - 0.7 mg/dl Increases in muscular dystrophy , damage to muscle tissue, nephritis and pregnancy Creatine kinase (CK) or Creatine phospho kinase (CPK) Male 55 - 170 U/Lit Female 30 - 135 U/Lit Increases in myocardial infarction , progressive muscular dystrophy , myxedema , convulsions , hypothyroidism, pulmonary edema Creatinine 0.5 - 1.2 mg/dl Increases in impaired renal function , gigantism , acromegaly Decreases in muscular dystrophy Creatine ayurline / january / 2012 Test 37 ain .ahm dia.org w w w [email protected] Thanks sir, If I can get the English version it would be awesome. Thanks for including me in your mailing list. Alka, U.S.A Thank you doctor, write us Dr. Saji Sridhar Ayurline Executive Editor Nanagelil Ayurveda Medical College Neellikuzhi (P.o) Kothamangalam [email protected] It is nice to have a deep peep into the facts and flats of Ayurveda. Some one has to take the initiative to evolve this system handed over to generations through centuries. I am glad that you took the first step to clear the way to find exact tools to fight next generation diseases, ocupational diseases, etc. Go ahead! My best wishes to you and your team. Ramachandran, Kerala Ayurveda Ltd. Doctor, Thank you very much for the magazine which you sent me online. After reading the magazine, I feel that I should have contacted you before as I find similar ideology in your magazine as mine. Truly suitable in a democratic country. Thank you and if you need any help from my side, I am happy to serve you. ayurline / january / 2012 Doctor, 38 I am hailing from kottakkal, not of an ayurvedic family though, and very closely connected to ayurveda i am most grateful to you for having sent me a e-ayurline. I went thru. very useful. I shall forward it to all my friends... doctors and all... with warm regards from cold Russia, Sandeep Sir, We have circulated your mail among the staff here. Thanking you Yours sincerely, your article was quite erudite and educative. Prasad, PS to Prof. G. G. Gangadharan, pranams FAIP Medical Director, K M S Bhatathiripad I-AIM Healthcare Centre B-bpÀ-sse³ F-Un-äÀ-¡v, ssI-hn-c sIm-ïm Xp-jm-c-_n-µp-¡-sf sXm-s«-Sp-¯o-Sp-hm³ tXm-¶n. I-®p-IÄ-¡p-Ån a-c-X-I-¸-¨-þ ¸-c-h-Xm-\n hn-cn-¡p-¶p. B-bpÀ-th-Z-¯n-sâ ho-Yn-bn-eq-sSm-«p {]-bm-Ww \-S-¯nb t\-cw ap³-Iq-«n kv-amÀ-«p \-K-c-¯n-se-¯n-b ]m-Ù-\m-Wv Rm-\-§p- am-dn, ssI-IÄ I-gp-In Xp-S-s¨m-cn-¡Â-¡qSn "B-bpÀ-sse³' sXm-«p ap-¯-s«. jm-lp l-ao-Zv, \m-«-Iw No-^v F-Un-äÀ, I-hn-sam-gn _-lp-am-\-s¸-« F-Un-äÀ-¡v, B-bpÀ-sse³ c-ïp e-¡-§-fpw Iïp. A-`n-\µ - \ - § - Ä. ssItim-cm-hØ - I-S-¡m-¯ AHMA¡v F-´p-sIm-ïpw A`n-am-\n-¡mw. C-¶v tI-c-f-¯n-en-d-§p¶ G-sXm-cp B-bpÀ-th-Z am-kn-I-tbbpw \n-jv-{]-`-am-¡m-\p-Å cq-]-`w-Kn BbpÀ-sse-\n-\p-ïv. lr-Z-bw \n-d-ª A`n-\-µ-\-§Ä. ]p-g-bpw I-S-¶v a-c-§-fp-sS C-S-bnte-¡v \-S-¶ Sn.]-ß-\m-`-sâ kw-`m-jW-ap-Å I-gn-ª e-¡-¯n-sâ I-hÀ A-Xn-a-t\m-l-c-am-bn-cp-¶p. am-[y-a-cw-K¯p-Å-h-cp-sS ho-£-W-§fpw \n-b-a]w-àn-bpw Iym-¼-kv {]-Xn-`-IÄ-¡p \Â-Ip-¶ Øm-\-hpw tUm.AÀ-jm-Zv, tUm.Ir-jv-W-Ip-amÀ F-¶n-h-cp-sS teJ-\-§-fp-sa-Ãmw H-¶n-s\m-¶v Kw-`o-chpw A-`n-\-µ-\w AÀ-ln-¡p-¶-Xp-am-Wv. {]-kn-Uân-sâ Ip-dn-¸v k-a-{K-hpw k-aIm-eo-\-hp-am-bn-cp-¶p. sN-dn-b Nn-e t]m-cm-bv-a-IÄ Xn-cp¯n-s¡m-ïv B-bpÀ-sse-\n-s\ B-bpÀth-Z-cw-K-s¯ G-ä-hpw i-à-am-b amkn-I-bm-bn \n-e-\n-dp-¯m³ C-Xn-sâ {]-hÀ-¯-IÀ-¡v I-gn-b-s« F-¶m-iw-kn¡p-¶p. hn-iz-kv-X-X-tbm-sS. tUm.d-lo-e-¯v P-am \-´n, sIm-bn-em-ïn.
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