East's Newsletter - Sturgis Charter Public School

Sturgis Charter Public School– East Campus
Executive Director’s Newsletter
Enrollment Period Underway
We are presently in an enrollment period and accepting applications from
current grade 8 students for the 2015-16 school year lottery for places in
the upcoming grade 9 classes at the East and West Campuses. The final
date for filing an application for admission to Sturgis will be Friday, January 9,
2015, and the enrollment lottery will be held at Sturgis East on Friday, January
16 at 1 p.m. Applicants are now able to APPLY ONLINE! Click HERE for the
link. In addition, we will not be accepting applications for grade 10 for
2015-16 as our current grade 9 waiting list has 312 students. SIBLINGS APPLYING FOR ADMISSION: Although siblings of current students are placed in
the first lottery pool, they MUST apply during the enrollment period to be
considered. Please make sure that we receive your child’s application by
January 9th.
Sturgis Solar Initiative
Sturgis is moving forward with its exciting solar energy initiative and has had initial contacts with
three solar energy companies. A good number of parents, alumni, and community members have
expressed their interest in being of assistance with the project, and the Sturgis Board hopes to
form a joint Board/Community Member task force to help guide the planning and implementation
of the project. We thank all of you that have provided financial support for the project via donations to the William Sturgis Foundation. Don't worry as it is not too late to join in and support the
effort by making a donation! Further information regarding donations can be found in this newsletter or on the Sturgis website.
Subway Lunch Options
We have finally worked out the logistics for students to have an option of ordering lunches online
from Subway and having the lunches delivered to the West and East campuses. We will be sending out detailed instructions for this new opportunity on Friday, December 12 and then students
and/or parents can begin placing orders for lunch delivery starting on Monday, December 15 by
no later than 10 a.m. on the day the delivery is requested. Please watch for a separate special
email on Friday, December 12 regarding the detailed instructions for ordering online from Subway.
December, 2014
We provide parents with this Newsletter
as a means of helping you become better
informed about events and activities at
Sturgis. We hope that this type of
communication is helpful.
Communication, of course, is a two-way
street. Please do not hesitate in calling
us with a question.
from the Guidance Office
December 2014
New Depression and Suicide Prevention Program
Freshmen parents should have received an email this week directing them to the Sturgis East website link
below, providing details about this important program. http://sturgischarterpublicschool.org/guidance/
Please remember to submit the permission form required of each ninth grader before 12/22, also available
from this link.
On 1/26/15 at 7:00 pm our guest presenter, Maura Weir will provide information about the upcoming series. Maura is the Regional Manager for the Youth Suicide Prevention Project which has been designated
a National Best Practice Prevention Program.
Sophomores and Juniors:
PSAT score reports and a guide for interpretation were mailed home this week. When you receive the
score report, please take a few moments to review it with your child. Students
have had their test booklets returned to them so that they can review each question they might have
missed and learn from their errors. Over the course of the next several weeks the guidance team will be
meeting with sophomores to review their reports on an individual basis. At the start of the third quarter the
guidance team will be meeting with juniors in English classes to review the score report format, discuss
next steps with regard to college admissions testing (SAT, ACT and SAT Subject Tests), and to encourage increased activity in terms of transition planning.
We recommend that the SAT and/or ACT be taken in the spring of junior year (April, May or June) and, if
desired, again in the fall of senior year (September, October or November). PSAT scores do not get reported to colleges, although colleges may begin mailing information to your home if your child indicated
they would like correspondence. This is a good time to advise your child to set up a “college only” email
address to use for future inquiries as a way to manage the influx of correspondence that is about to arrive.
Seniors will have an assembly on January 6th to learn about their role in financing a college education. Then it will be time to get started on the financial aid application process. As with the admissions
applications, have your seniors keep track of form requirements and deadlines for each school. The FAFSA can be submitted after January 1, 2015. Please visit the guidance section of the Sturgis website for
more information including local scholarships.
Yearbooks on sale now!
The price is $55, and sales will end by January 31, 2015.
Order online at: http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01059876
Hyannis Christmas Stroll
Winter Concert
Despite yesterday's nor'easter, the East Winter Concert last night was a great success.
Congratulations to our talented student musicians and singers. Thanks to the Directors of Choirs - Laurie Davis; Sturgis String Ensemble - Dan Flonta; Jazz Band and Improvisation Combo - Jim Krikava for your dedication to the Sturgis music program.
ABOVE: Sturgis East art students were invited to
create a wintry wonderland scene where children
can have their photos taken at the Hyannis Main
Street Christmas Stroll.
BELOW: Sturgis Elves added holiday spirit to festivities at the Hyannis Village Christmas Stroll on Main
Street last Saturday.
Camp Sunshine
Photos below:
Juniors doing a lab today where they
testing Hydrogen. The pictures are of IB
Chem SL students generating the Hydrogen by reacting Zince and Sulfuric acid.
From December 5 - 7, two Sturgis East teachers and three students travelled to Casco Bay, ME to volunteer at Camp Sunshine. Camp Sunshine is a retreat center for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The session Sturgis attended
was geared towards children with brain tumors and their families. This was a rewarding experience for all involved and everyone from Sturgis spoke of returning to volunteer again in the future!
Pictured: With bear, Lilly Paradise; on right, Samantha Bryant
Thanks to all the donors who have contributed to the 2014-15 Annual Appeal.
It is not too late to contribute. It is not the amount you give that matters, it’s your action that counts! Our aim is
100% donor participation to demonstrate a collective base of support and enhance our ability to gain further
grant funding.
Christopher & Xanthipi Abel
William & Laurie Agel
Mary & Tony Agostinelli
Melinda & Kenneth Aguiar
Kristin & Robert Anderton
Kathleen & Craig Bentley
Laurel Bloom
Marsha & James Boucher
Corrine Brandi
Krista Brejcha
Ingrid Buntschuh
Karen & John Burns
Jacqueline & Michael Byron
Cape Cod Synagogue
Jeffrey Carr
Janine Connors & Thomas Doherty
Carol Conroy
Madlyn & Daniel Coyne
Dauphinais Family
Diane & Thomas Dauwalder
Marisa & Dennis Devine
Karen & Tom Donahue
Heather & Tim Feeny
Jolanda Ferguson & Bob Wojtowitz
John Fisher
Beverlee & Thomas Flint
Lenny & Adrienne Fontes
Bettina & David Freelund
Celia & Damon Gayer
Gini & Rick Germani
Patricia Gerrior & Gordon Waring
Jeff Gulko
Edward O. Handy
John & Barbara Hannon
Joan & Kieran Healy
Deirdre Healy
Eric Hieser
Joann Johnson & Peter Prygocki
Raye Kaddy
Laurie Kaiser & Jonathan Davis
Michael Leahy & M.B. Maughan
Frances Lightsom
Katrin & James Linhares
Donald Liptack & Diane Alfano
Susan McCourt & Christopher
Deborah & Jon McDermott
Karyn Metois
Lyda Mihalyi
Herb & Denise Millane
David Miller
Nan & Ken Moore
Savannah Moynihan
Anne & David Nastasi
Lynn Parks
Linda & Jim Peters
Gene Pizzolato
Michael Pol
Colleen & Timothy Potter
Kathleen Power
Lisa J. Rossi & Robert Nawoichik
Patricia & Michael Sanders
Norina & Howard Senzel
Lisa & Skip Simpson
Robin Singer
Elizabeth & Kenneth Smith
Kathleen & Gardner Smith
Maureen & Sam Starr
Elaine & Robert Sweeney
Tim Telman
John Temple & Ann Miller
Pamela Thoits Olson
Valerie & Patrick Taylor
Kathleen & Carl Thut
Fred Tirrell
Whitney Troy-Vowell
Carol & Jaan Vari
Deborah & Salvatore Vasta
William & Carmel Watson
John C. Weeks & Elisabeth Collins
Marion & Nate Weeks
Carnes Weeks, Jr.
Richard & Nancy Weida
Ellen & Terence Whalen
Karen & David Whitney
Marianne & Gregory Williams
Sandra Zabel
Alla Zbinovsky
All East and West Seniors will be doing English Oral Commentaries between
December 23– Alum Reunion
December 24-January 2
Winter Recess
January 9
Last day for Enrollment for next
year’s grade 9 class.
January 13-16
Mid-Year Exams
January 16
Lottery for next year’s grade 9
Support Sturgis Solar
By going solar, Sturgis will be able
to reduce our carbon footprint and
electricity costs; support local
“green collar” jobs; provide an opportunity for students to learn first
-hand about clean and renewable
energy; and foster the
International Baccalaureate (IB)
goal to create awareness of local
and global environmental concerns.
Remember, it’s not the
amount you give that matters,
it’s your action that counts!
Donations can be made by
check to: William Sturgis
Friends of Education Foundation, PO Box 2012, Hyannis,
MA 02601
December 15th and January 7th at the First Baptist Church on Main Street, Hyannis.
Students will have the opportunity to talk about the poetry, drama and prose they
have been studying this semester. It is an extremely challenging and rewarding IB
Internal Assessment as each student is recorded in a 10 minute (SL) or 20 minute
(HL) conversation about the literature with their English teacher. The recordings are
graded by their English teachers and then samples are sent to be moderated by the
IB Examiners.
The works studied this semester include Hamlet, Jump and Other Stories, Sula, Essays of E.B. White, and the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy, Seamus Heaney and Robert
Frost. East students will walk to the Baptist Church while West students will be
shuttled back and forth to the Baptist Church in a school van.
Alumni Reunion
Sturgis Alumni Reunion will be on December 23. On Tuesday, December 23 from
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., both East and West campuses will be hosting alumni
reunions, a tradition that began many years ago at Sturgis East.
The Sturgis East Reunion will begin coffee, etc. in the pit at 10 a.m. and then move
to the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall to meet with grade 11 at 10:30 and grade 12
at 11:00. We will then have a pizza lunch at 11:45 and close the event at 12:30.
We look forward to reconnecting with our alumni every year and hope that as many
alumni as possible can join us for these events.
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather causing the closure of
school, Sturgis will notify parents via Fox TV Channel
25and NBC TV Channel 7by 6:00 a.m. Radio stations WXTK and
WOCN/WQRC will also announce school closings and delays.
To get automatic text messages to your cell regarding Sturgis
school closing, click here:http://whdhstore.hipcricket.com/