Oracle Sales Cloud Using Analytics and Reports

Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Release 9
Oracle® Sales Cloud Using Analytics and Reports
Part Number E53197-02
Copyright © 2011-2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Author: Penny Anderson, Carmen Myrick
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Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
About This Guide
...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Related Documents and Training
.............................................................................................................................. 1
Understanding Analytics and Reports
Analytics and Reports for Sales Cloud: Overview
Using the Navigator
...................................................................................................... 2
.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained
..................................................................................................................... 6
Accessing Sales Cloud Analytics and Reports
Using Embedded Analytics
Sales Cloud Reports List
.......................................................................................................... 7
....................................................................................................................................... 8
Printing and Sharing Reports: Overview
.................................................................................................................... 9
.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
IC Business Intelligence Reports: Explained
............................................................................................................ 11
IC Business Intelligence Subject Areas: Explained
................................................................................................... 15
Creating Incentive Compensation Analyses with Multiple Subject Areas: Procedure ................................................ 21
Can I include multiple subject areas in incentive compensation Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analyses? .. 23
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Performance: Explained
.................................................................................................................................... 24
My Stalled Opportunities: Explained
My Pipeline: Explained
........................................................................................................................ 25
............................................................................................................................................ 27
My Top Open Opportunities: Explained
My Won Opportunities: Explained
My Team's Pipeline: Explained
.................................................................................................................. 29
........................................................................................................................... 30
................................................................................................................................ 32
My Team's Performance: Explained
........................................................................................................................ 34
Team Leadership Board: Explained
........................................................................................................................ 35
My Team's Tasks on Open Opportunities: Explained
My Team's Top Open Opportunities: Explained
Sales Performance Trend: Explained
Top Open Opportunities
...................................................................................................... 38
....................................................................................................................... 40
............................................................................................................................... 43
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
My Forecast vs. Open Pipeline: Explained
Forecast vs. Quota: Explained
My Open Leads by Age: Explained
.................................................................................................................... 53
My Unaccepted Leads by Age: Explained
.............................................................................................................. 55
.................................................................................................................................. 57
Activities Analytics and Reports
Top Accounts by My Activities: Explained
My Open Tasks: Explained
............................................................................................................... 59
..................................................................................................................................... 60
My Team's Activities: Explained
.............................................................................................................................. 62
Top Accounts by My Activities: Explained
......................................................................................................................... 51
My Open Leads by Source: Explained
................................................................................................... 47
................................................................................................................................ 49
Leads Analytics and Reports
My Team's Leads: Explained
.............................................................................................................. 45
Forecast Vs. Open Pipeline: My Team: Explained
.............................................................................................. 37
......................................................................................................................................... 41
Sales Stage by Age: Explained
............................................................................................................... 63
Partner Analytics and Reports
My Partners' Pipeline: Explained
............................................................................................................................. 65
My Partners' Won Opportunities: Explained
Partner Leadership Board: Explained
............................................................................................................ 67
...................................................................................................................... 68
My Partners' Opportunity Win Rate: Explained
........................................................................................................ 70
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Using Briefing Books
Creating Briefing Books: Procedure
........................................................................................................................ 72
Scheduling Analytics and Reports
Scheduling Reports: Procedure
.............................................................................................................................. 74
Scheduling Analytics and Briefing Books: Procedure
.............................................................................................. 74
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
This Preface introduces information sources available to help you use Oracle Applications.
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My Oracle Support
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Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications
Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications ( provides details on assets (such
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Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 1
About This Guide
This guide explains how to view and work with Oracle Sales Cloud analytics and reports. It is intended for sales end users,
such as salespeople and sales managers, who use predefined existing analytics and reports to assist them in their day-to-day
Related Documents and Training
You can find additional Sales Cloud learning resources, including videos, documentation, and courses, in Oracle Sales Cloud
documentation on Oracle Help Center, in the application online help, and through Oracle University.
For Oracle Sales Cloud analytics and reports, consult the following resources:
• Oracle Sales Cloud - Getting Started with Analytics and Reports
This guide gives a quick overview of Sales Cloud analytics and reports and provides links to videos of the top 10
reports in action.
• Oracle Sales Cloud - Creating Analytics and Reports
This guide contains information to help build analytics, reports, and dashboards.
• Oracle Sales Cloud - Reporting and Analytics for Business Users
This guide provides tutorials on how to access and use the Sales Cloud reports designed for various job roles.
• Oracle Cloud - Administering Transactional Analyses
This guide describes general administrative procedures and concepts for reports and analytics.
• Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area Documents
Refer to Oracle Sales Cloud Subject Area Documents on the Oracle Help Center for more detail on the use, security,
dimensions, and calculations of Sales Cloud reports.
• Oracle Enterprise Repository
For lists of predefined reports and analytics, see assets with the Report type in Oracle Enterprise Repository for
Oracle Fusion Applications (
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
Understanding Analytics and Reports
Analytics and Reports for Sales Cloud: Overview
Oracle Sales Cloud features a wealth of business intelligence (BI) reports and analytics that help you continuously monitor and
interpret your sales pipeline, team performance, forecasts, activities, customers, and more. Users at all levels of your sales
organization can reap the benefits of the BI infrastructure and reporting. Key aspects include:
• Analytics and reports
• Infolets in simplified UI
• Sales Dashboard in desktop UI
• Analytics tabs in desktop UI
• Business intelligence (BI) catalog
Analytics and Reports
Analyses and reports provide different views of data, and you use them for different purposes.
An analysis is an interactive display of data, for example, in a table or graph. You use analytics to:
• Summarize or break down simple, real-time data.
• Help you make short-term decisions.
A report is the output of data in a predefined format. You develop reports to use in these situations:
• To get high-volume data in a high-fidelity output optimized for printing
• For documents to support internal operations, statutory requirements, and other business needs
Infolets in Simplified UI
Infolets in the simplified UI provide quick overviews of important metrics, such as actual versus projected quota, deals in the
pipeline, and team performance data. In most infolets, you can drill down into the actual transactional data. For example, in
the Top Open Deals infolet, you can drill down into the opportunities themselves.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
The following figure shows an example of the infolets in the simplified UI dashboard.
Sales Dashboard in Desktop UI
The Sales Dashboard in the desktop UI also contains reports and analytics, but has additional content and capabilities.
Using personalization, you can add a variety of productivity tools, such as activities and social networking, to the dashboard.
Additionally, in the desktop UI, you can change the layout of the Sales Dashboard and customize tabs.
In most of the Sales Dashboard reports and productivity tools available the desktop UI, you can drill down into the actual
transactional data. For example, the My Activities portlet provides easy access account detail information.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
The following figure shows an example of productivity tools and reports on the Sales Dashboard in the desktop UI.
Analytics Tabs in Desktop UI
Analytics tabs in many transactional work areas in the desktop UI provide instant access to supplied or custom reports.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
The following figure shows an example of an Analytics tab in a transactional page.
Business Intelligence Catalog
The BI catalog stores all analytics, reports, and other BI objects, as well as tens of thousands of subject areas used to create
custom reports. Managers and administrators typically are the typical users of the BI catalog You can find more information
about creating custom reports in the Oracle Sales Cloud - Creating Analytics and Reports guide.
Using the Navigator
You use the Oracle Sales Cloud Navigator to access all areas of the applications. The menus you see depend upon your
permissions. The Reports and Analytics work area is available under the Tools section of the Navigator.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
The following figure shows an example of the Navigator.
Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained
The Reports and Analytics pane, located in the regional area of many desktop UI work areas, is a central place for you to
quickly view or run analytics and reports that are related to your work. Each report link in the Reports and Analytics pane
represents a mapping to an object in the Oracle business intelligence (BI) catalog.
Reports can be mapped to one or more work areas for the Reports and Analytics pane, so you might see the same report in
different work areas. You can also have multiple instances of the same report in one work area, but with different parameters.
In the Reports and Analytics work area, you can have links to the same report in multiple folders, as well as multiple instances
of the same report in the same folder, but with different parameters.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
The following figure shows an example of the Reports and Analytics pane.
Report Folders
Reports in the Reports and Analytics pane are organized into the following folders:
• My Folders: Contains any custom analytics or reports that you saved for your own use only.
• Shared Reports and Analytics: Contains predefined analytics and reports that are relevant to your work area.
• Custom (located within Shared Folders): Contains any custom reports shared with you.
Report Links
Each link in the Reports and Analytics pane represents a mapping to an object in the BI catalog.
In the Reports and Analytics pane, BI analyses are of type Analysis, BI dashboards are of type Dashboard, and Oracle
Business Intelligence Publisher reports are of type Report.
Accessing Sales Cloud Analytics and Reports
You can view all the reports that you have access to in Oracle Sales Cloud in a couple of ways:
• By viewing them in the Reports and Analytics pane
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
• By viewing them in the Reports and Analytics work area
Regardless of whether you access analytics and reports using the Reports and Analytics pane or the work area, the following
are the supplied folders:
• My Folders: Contains any custom analytics or reports that you saved for your own use only.
• Shared Reports and Analytics: Contains predefined analytics and reports that are relevant to your work area.
• Custom (located within Shared Folders): Contains any custom reports shared with you.
Accessing Reports Using the Reports and Analytics Pane
Use the following procedure to access reports using the Reports and Analytics pane.
1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud.
2. Use the Navigator to navigate to the work area where you want to view available reports. For example, you might
navigate to the Opportunities work area.
3. From the Reports and Analytics pane, navigate within the folders to find the report you want.
You might need to open the regional area of the page if it is hidden.
4. Access the report by opening it.
Accessing Reports Using the Reports and Analytics Work Area
Use the following procedure to access reports using the Reports and Analytics work area.
1. Sign in to Oracle Sales Cloud.
2. From the Navigator, click Reports and Analytics (under the Tools subheading).
3. In the work area, navigate within the folders to find the report you want.
4. Access the report by opening it.
Using Embedded Analytics
Oracle Sales Cloud provides several embedded reports and dashboards that use prebuilt best practice metrics. These
reports and dashboards are integrated with the transitional business flows so that you can analyze and view data on the
same page where you perform your business operations. Many reports are also actionable, that is, they have prebuilt
contextual actions for rapid action.
The Sales Dashboard is an example of embedded analytics. The Sales Dashboard can help salespeople and sales managers
identify opportunities in the pipeline and see which of those opportunities are due to close soon, to view appointments
scheduled for the day, and other related sales information. In the Sales Dashboard, for example, a sales manager can view
his pipeline report, opportunity watch, key contacts, and so on. The sales manager can drill down on a band on the pipeline
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 2
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Analytics and Reports
funnel report to view the opportunities associated with that particular sales stage. Or, the sales manager might want to
perform follow up actions, such as send e-mail to a salesperson or owner of the opportunity, or add a note to the opportunity.
These actions are done within the context of the particular report and the particular opportunity currently viewed.
Printing and Sharing Reports: Overview
Oracle Sales Cloud data analysis sometimes requires reports that are highly formatted. For example, you may need to share
or print a report that displays opportunities and their open revenue, with additional information about sales stages, customers,
products, and so on.
Printing Reports and Analytics
You can print most reports in either PDF or HTML format. The PDF version provides a report you can download and save to
your hard drive. The HTML version displays in your web browser.
Sharing Reports and Analytics
Reports and analytics can be shared in the following ways.
Method or Tool
Export and share
You can export reports and analytics in a variety of
formats, such as Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint,
PDF, .csv, and web archive. After you've exported and
saved the reports to your hard drive, you can easily
attach them to an e-mail or upload to a web site.
Briefing books
A briefing book is a collection of analyses or dashboard
pages (which can contain reports). The static snapshots
give you a picture of what's going on at the time that
the analysis or dashboard page is added to the briefing
book. You can create new briefing books and update
existing ones.
An agent is an action that you set up to deliver a
scheduled report or analysis and then define who
receives it and the delivery method for it.
Your access to these options for sharing analytics and reports depend upon your permissions within the
Sales Cloud Reports List
You can find a list of the Oracle Sales Cloud reports in the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 2
Understanding Analytics and Reports
Use the following procedure to download the list of Sales Cloud reports:
1. Navigate to the Oracle Enterprise Repository at
2. In the Enter Search String box, enter Sales.
3. In the Type drop-down list, select Report.
4. Click Search.
5. In the list that's returned, click the release value for your cloud service. For example, select for Release 8
of Oracle Sales Cloud.
6. Download the spreadsheet to your hard drive and access it from there.
Functional areas in Oracle Sales Cloud continue to evolve; therefore, the list of predefined reports is subject to
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics
and Reports
IC Business Intelligence Reports: Explained
This topic identifies and describes the standard business intelligence reports for Oracle Fusion Incentive Compensation.
Report Descriptions
The following table describes the business intelligence reports delivered with Incentive Compensation. It also identifies the
dashboard that contains the report.
IC Report
Incentive Compensation
Assigned Disputes by Type
View the number of disputes with a
given type.
Attainment Comparison
Assess participants' performance
against attainment goals and
earnings targets.
Participant Manager
Attainment Details
Audit transaction processing and
research attainment disputes.
Attainment Versus Goal Report
Assess participant attainment
against performance goals.
View a participant's payment
balances summarized by period.
Commission Statement
Commission Statement Participant
Details Report
View the participant context for a
commission statement, including:
the participant name, worker
number, and business unit.
Commission Statement
Commission Statement Attainment
Summary Report
Assess participant attainment
towards goals.
Commission Statement
Commission Statement Payment
Summary Report
View a participant's payment
balances summarized by period.
Commission Statement
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
IC Report
Incentive Compensation
Compensation Cost of Sales
(CCOS) by Month
Assess incentive plan effectiveness
by month.
Plan Effectiveness
Compensation Cost of Sales
(CCOS) by Plan
Assess incentive plan effectiveness
by viewing compensation in
proportion to performance. This
information helps to determine the
return for each compensation dollar
invested, rather than the absolute
cost of compensation.
Plan Effectiveness
Compensation Cost of Sales
(CCOS) by Quarter
Assess incentive plan effectiveness
by quarter.
Plan Effectiveness
Compensation Plan Assignment
View the compensation plans
assigned to a participant.
Compensation Plan Summary
View plan details, including plan
name, effective start and end
dates, and earnings and target
incentive amounts.
Commission Statement
Credit Details
View credit details, including
transaction and credit amounts as
well as split percentage.
Participant Manager
Dispute Status and History
Access a participant's dispute
Earning Comparison
Assess participants' earnings
against target incentives.
Participant Manager
Earnings Summary
Assess a participant's earnings
toward target incentive.
Earnings Versus Target Incentive
Assess participant earnings against
target incentives.
Event Based Payment Details
View payment details where
transactions were calculated per
Commission Statement
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
IC Report
Incentive Compensation
Interval Based Payment Details
View payment details where
transactions were calculated per
Commission Statement
Investment Matrix by Product
Assess the revenue to
compensation ratio for different
products and services to
understand if sales behavior is
aligned with strategy for different
products and services.
Plan Effectiveness
Manual Adjustments
View a summary of manual
payment adjustments by period.
Commission Statement
Participant Detail
View a history of key participant
details including business unit, cost
center, and currency.
Pay Group Assignment
View the pay groups assigned to a
Payment Balance and History
Review a participant's payment
balances summarized by period.
Payment Plan Assignment
View the payment plans assigned
to a participant.
Performance Distribution
View the number of participants
within a given attainment range, by
Participant Manager
Plan Components
View a summary of payments by
plan component.
Commission Statement
Sales Investment Matrix by Plan
Assess the revenue to
compensation ratio for different
plans and determine if sales
behavior aligns with strategy for
different plans.
Plan Effectiveness
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
IC Report
Incentive Compensation
Sales Investment Matrix by Product
Assess the revenue to
compensation ratio for different
products and services to
understand if sales behavior aligns
with strategy for different products
and services.
Plan Effectiveness
Report Dashboard Locations
Incentive compensation managers and analysts can view the Analyst dashboard in the Reports and Analytics pane of the
Participant Snapshot work area. Managers can also view the Plan Effectiveness dashboard in the Reports and Analytics pane
or using the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog. In the Participant Snapshot work area, you must first search for and drill
into a participant to set context, before you can view dashboard data.
Participant and Participant Manager dashboards are available in the Reports and Analytics pane of the Sales Compensation
work area. Participants don't see any data if they view the Participant Manager dashboard as they don't have the requisite
The Commission Statement dashboard is designed for participants. The dashboard is delivered as part of the business
intelligence catalog, which you can open from the Reports and Analytics pane. You can add the dashboard to the Sales
Compensation work area, as appropriate.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
IC Business Intelligence Subject Areas: Explained
The following table describes the incentive compensation business intelligence subject areas. It also provides sample
questions that users answer with each subject area.
Subject Area
Incentive Compensation
Transactions Real Time
Compensation analysts use it to
check the results of the Collect
Transactions process. They can
review raw transactions before
the crediting process as well as
descriptive flexfield values.
This subject area supports detailed
operational reporting.
You can combine Credits Real
Time and Transaction Real Time
subject areas in a single report.
• Were transactions
successfully collected into the
Incentive Compensation Credits
Real Time
Compensation analysts use it to
check the results of the crediting
and rollup processes. They can
review credit transactions after
Create reports to show various
credit transaction attributes that
analysts can use to address
participant credit disputes.
Create reports that show
participants and their managers
their credit transactions. Managers
view only their own or direct report
information based on the HR
Supervisor Hierarchy.
You can combine Credits Real
Time and Transaction Real Time
subject areas in a single report.
• Are participants correctly
Sales management reports use it
to review participant achievements
with different performance
measures at transaction-level detail
in real time.
This subject area supports detailed
validation reporting.
• How much credit did
participant A receive for his or
her sales transactions?
Incentive Compensation
Attainments Real Time
Answer Questions Like These
• Were there credit or rollup
errors that must be fixed?
• How much credit did
my team receive for its
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Answer Questions Like These
You can combine Attainments Real
Time and Transaction Real Time
subject areas to use a single report.
• What are the various
attainment attributes
associated with my credits?
Incentive Compensation Earnings
Real Time
Supports the detailed analysis
of participant earnings across a
variety of dimensions, including the
participant hierarchy, compensation
plans, plan components, product,
customer, and credit categories.
Also includes source transaction
and credit details.
• Who got paid what amount
and from where, at the detail
Incentive Compensation Earning
and Attainment Summary RealTime
Sales management reports use it to
review participant achievement with
specific performance measures.
They also compare achievement-in summary--across a variety of
Review attainment and earnings
at various frequencies, such as
period and interval, depending on
the measure interval. Also review
participant on target earnings by
plan component.
You can combine the Participant
Interval Goals Real Time and
Participant Period Goals Real Time
subject areas to review attainment
and goals together. When creating
this cross-subject-area report,
add the Participant common
dimension from each subject area
to your report and hide one of the
Participant dimensions.
Compensation administrators can
use this data with the Payments
Real Time subject area to resolve
payment disputes.
• Are we on track in achieving
quota this period or quarter?
• Which of my direct reports'
attainment or earnings
are below the desired
performance expectation?
• For individually calculated
earnings, you can trace back
to the credits and transaction
subject areas to validate
credit percent or transaction
attributes used in calculation.
• For earnings calculated using
grouped transactions, add
Participant Name as the
common dimension from
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Answer Questions Like These
each subject area and hide
one of the dimensions.
There isn't a oneto-one relationship
between earnings
and transactions
when transactions are
Incentive Compensation Participant
Interval Goals Real Time
Compensation managers or
analysts use it to review the
individualized interval goals by
interval, performance measure, and
You can compare total quota to
credit attainment by performance
measure by creating a crosssubject-area report. Add Participant
Name as the common dimension
from each subject area and hide
one of the dimensions. Typically,
you use the Earning and Attainment
Summary Real Time subject area
for this analysis.
• What is the total quota
across the organization by
performance measure for the
• What is the total quota
by performance measure
for the interval across the
Validate quota levels.
• Is the company on track
to attain its goals? Who is
lagging and might require
Answering the secondary
question requires a crosssubject-area join.
• Do I have to realign quota
based on current attainment
Answering this question
requires a cross-subject-area
Incentive Compensation Participant
Period Goals Real Time
Compensation managers
or analysts use it to review
individualized period goals and
performance measures by
You can compare period quota to
credit attainment by performance
measure by creating a crosssubject-area report. Add Participant
Name as the common dimension
• What is the total quota
across the organization by
performance measure for the
period or across periods?
• What is the total quota
by performance measure
for the period across the
Validate quota levels.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
from each subject area, hiding one
of the dimensions. Typically, you
use the Earning and Attainment
Summary Real Time subject area
for this analysis.
Answer Questions Like These
• Is the company on track
to attain its goals? Who is
lagging and might require
Answering the secondary
question requires a crosssubject-area join.
• Do I have to realign quota
based on current attainment
Answering this question
requires a cross-subject-area
Incentive Compensation Participant
Balances Real Time
Compensation analysts use it to
review payment, draw balances,
carryover from prior periods, and
hold backs. It includes beginning,
period to date, interval to date, and
ending balances for the year, by
• Why wasn't I paid correctly?
Asked by participants. Might
be due to draw recovery or
manual adjustments.
Analysts might use the
balances while resolving a
Incentive Compensation Payments
Real Time
Compensation managers use it
to review participant payments on
different pay components in real
Source transaction detail, credit
detail, earnings, and payment
details, such as earning rates and
percentage, are available.
• What is my cost of
compensation by participant,
plan component, plan, and
Incentive Compensation Paysheet
Summary Real Time
Compensation managers use it to
review participant payments at a
high level of detail, in real time.
• What is the current status
of the payment batches?
Are they paid, reviewed, or
• What is the status of each
paysheet within the payment
Incentive Compensation Disputes
Real Time
Compensation analysts who
work with dispute resolution use
it because it provides all dispute
attributes plus access to source
transaction details.
• Is the dispute load balanced
between my analysts?
Asked by compensation
• Are there a large quantity of a
specific dispute type, such as
credit disputes?
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Answer Questions Like These
This might indicate an issue in
direct or rollup credit rules.
Incentive Compensation Participant
Compensation Plan Real Time
Compensation and participant
managers use it to view
compensation plans and
individualized participant plans
to compare incentive targets and
performance measure goals.
• What are my compensation
plan incentive targets?
• How are these targets
individualized across the
participants assigned to the
• How do these targets break
down by plan component?
• Are my individualized
performance measure goals
set properly?
• How do they compare to
the base goals set on the
• Who is assigned to a given
• What are the targets
and goals settings for an
• As a participant manager,
what are the targets and
goals settings for my direct
Incentive Compensation Participant
Detail Real Time
Use it to view details of the
participant object. The participant
object can be extended using its
associated descriptive flexfield,
which can be configured to capture
user-defined attributes.
You can combine delivered
attributes, such as home currency
and business unit, with extended
attributes to create an overview
of the participant for validation
You can combined this subject
area with others, such as
attainment, earnings, or payment
to create detailed reports. Use the
• To what country and business
unit does the participant
• What is the participant's
home currency or cost
• Is the participant active? And
for which dates?
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Answer Questions Like These
extended attributes to constrain the
data of the joined subject area.
Incentive Compensation Plan
Assignments Real-Time
Compensation managers or
administrators use it to check and
validate to which plan and role
each participant is assigned.
This subject area is more for
operational reporting than analytical
• Which participants are
assigned to which plans?
• What type of assignment
does a participant have to a
• What are the assignment
start and end dates for a
• How was the participant
assigned to the plan, directly
or by role?
• Has the participant accepted
the assignment to the plan?
• Does the participant have an
individualized target incentive
for the plan?
Incentive Compensation Pay Group
Assignments Real Time
Compensation managers and
analysts us it to review and
validate the accuracy of pay group
assignments across all participants.
• Which participants are
assigned to a given pay
• What pay groups are in the
application? What are their
types and descriptions?
• When was a given participant
assigned to a specific pay
• As a participant manager,
to which pay groups do my
direct reports belong?
Incentive Compensation Payment
Plan Assignments Real Time
Compensation analysts use it to
review and validate payment plan
assignments across participants
and the time dimension.
• What participants are
assigned to which payment
• What are the individualized
recovery details for a given
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 3
Using Analytics and Reports
Subject Area
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
Answer Questions Like These
• What percent or amount is to
be paid to an individual?
• What is the maximum
payment amount or cap?
Creating Incentive Compensation Analyses with
Multiple Subject Areas: Procedure
When creating certain analyses, you might use information stored in different subject areas.
Example: You want to create an analysis that compares a participant's performance measure goals with his or her attainment
toward those goals for a specific time interval.
To make this comparison, you must join data that is stored in these two subject areas:
• Incentive Compensation - Earnings and Attainment Summary Real Time
• Incentive Compensation - Participant Period Goals Real Time
To join subject areas, the subject areas must share a common dimension that you can use as a bridge. The
analysis in the preceding example would use the Participant dimension.
Creating or Editing an Analysis
1. Open the Reports and Analytics pane in any work area.
2. Click the Browse Catalog button.
3. Click the New button, select Analysis under Analysis and Interactive Reporting, and select a subject area.
Or, select your analysis in the Folders pane and click Edit.
4. Use the tabs as described in this table.
Select and define the columns to include.
Incentive Compensation - Earnings and
Attainment Summary Real Time
Participant - Participant
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 3
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
This is the common dimension shared
by both subject areas. You show
this instance of the dimension in this
Attainment Summary - Performance
Measure - Performance Measure
Attainment Summary - Performance
Measure - Unit of Measure
Attainment Summary - Performance
Measure - Interval Type
Attainment Summary - Attainment
Summary - Period-to-Date Attainment
Incentive Compensation - Participant Period
Goals Real Time
Participant - Participant
This is the common dimension shared
by both subject areas. You hide this
instance of the dimension in this
Participant Period Goal - Period Target
Add filters for the analysis.
Add views and set options for them.
Define prompts to filter all views in the analysis.
Example: Year and Period from the Calendar
View or update the XML code and logical SQL
statement that are generated for the analysis.
Set options related to query performance.
5. Save your analysis.
Performing Other Actions on an Analysis
1. Open the Reports and Analytics pane in any work area where the analysis is available.
2. In the Contents pane, select your analysis in the pane and click More.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 3
Understanding Incentive Compensation Analytics and Reports
3. On the Catalog content area More menu for your analysis, select the desired action, for example Delete or Copy.
Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained
• Creating and Editing Analyses Using a Wizard: Procedure
• Data Structure for Analytics: Explained
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider
Can I include multiple subject areas in incentive
compensation Oracle Transactional Business
Intelligence analyses?
Yes. For performance purposes, the best practice is to use no more than two subject area for any given analysis.
The common dimensions that you can use to join two subject area are:
• Business Unit
• Calendar
• Participant
• Participant Name
Use the common dimension that's most appropriate to determining the fact value for the analysis.
Not all of these common dimensions are present in all subject areas.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Performance: Explained
Stay on target. My Performance report shows the total opportunity revenue in your sales pipeline, organized by sales stage.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to see how you've been performing this
quarter against your targets.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your performance:
• Target Quota - Your sales goal for the time frame.
• Won Revenue - Opportunity revenue that you've
already closed (won).
• Remaining Quota - Percent of the target quota that
the sales team has already attained for the quarter.
In this example, they have closed (won) 70% of
their targeted sales quota for the quarter.
• Quota Attainment - Percent of the target quota
that the sales team has already attained for the
quarter. In this example, they have closed (won)
70% of their targeted sales quota for the quarter.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activities subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
My Stalled Opportunities: Explained
Keep your deals moving forward. Use My Stalled Opportunities report to identify your stalled opportunities, and to follow up
and ensure that you close opportunity revenue on time.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Stalled
Who uses this report?
• Sales Representative
When do I use this report?
Use this report to evaluate and respond to your
opportunities that are not progressing through the sales
pipeline as quickly as you'd like.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your stalled
• Win % - The win probability for the opportunity.
This indicates how likely you are to win the
opportunity this quarter.
• Name - The name of the opportunity.
• Account - The name of the customer associated
with the opportunity.
• Sales Stage - Sales stage assigned to the
opportunity. The sales stage indicates how far
along the opportunity is in the sales process.
• Days - Number of days the opportunity has been
sitting in the current sales stage beyond the
maximum number of days allowed for the sales
• Close Date - The date when the opportunity is
scheduled to close within the current quarter.
• Amount - Line revenue linked to the opportunity
that is scheduled to close in the current quarter.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
My Pipeline: Explained
Keep an eye on what's coming in. Use this report to see how much opportunity revenue you have in your sales pipeline. See
how much of that revenue is in each of the various sales stages.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Pipeline
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to determine the total opportunity
revenue in your sales pipeline, organized by stage,
scheduled to close in the selected period.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your pipeline:
• Total Revenue - Total opportunity revenue
scheduled to close within the selected period.
• Open Pipeline - Open opportunity revenue that has
not yet been closed (won).
• Won Revenue - Opportunity revenue already
closed (won).
• Sales Stage - The names of the sales stages. Note
that Sales Stage only displays in the table view
when you select the List option in the Show View
• Revenue by Sales Stage - Total opportunity
revenue per sales stage.
• Opportunity Count - The number of opportunities
in each stage. Note that Opportunity Count only
displays in the table view when you select the List
option in the Show View list.
• Revenue Percent - The percent of the total
opportunity revenue in each stage. Note that
Revenue Percent only displays in the table view
when you select the List option in the Show View
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Pipeline subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Top Open Opportunities: Explained
Go straight to the top. Use this report to see your top opportunities. Knowing which opportunities have the most potential
helps you optimize your time by focusing on your most likely wins.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Top
Accounts by Open Opportunity Revenue
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use the my Open Opportunities report to help you stay
focused where there is the most potential for returns.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your top opportunities:
• Name - The name of the account. Note that Name
only displays in the table view when you select the
List option in the Show View list.
• Open Opportunity Amount - The range of amounts
to gauge how much opportunity revenue is
available. Note that Open Opportunity Amount only
displays in the chart view.
• Actual Opportunity Amount - The combined
amount of opportunity revenue for all of the
opportunities for this account.
• Open Opportunity Count - The number of
opportunities for this account. Note that Open
Opportunity Count only displays in the table view
when you select the List option in the Show View
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales
Cloud - Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
My Won Opportunities: Explained
See how much you've won. Use the My Won Opportunities report to get a high-level view of your won opportunity revenue.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Won
Who uses this report?
• Sales Representative
When do I use this report?
Use this report to find out how many opportunities
you've closed within a certain time period, and how
much revenue you've brought in.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your won opportunities:
• Name - The name of the opportunity
• Account - The name of the customer associated
with the opportunity.
• Primary Contact - The name of the primary
customer contact on the opportunity.
• Close Date - The date when the opportunity was
• Amount - The amount of won opportunity revenue
in the sales stage.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activity subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Team's Pipeline: Explained
Keep an eye on what your team is bringing in. Use this report to see how much opportunity revenue your team has in the
sales pipeline. See the revenue in the various sales stages. Mitigate risk by being proactive and catching potential shortfalls
before it's too late.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Manager
Use My Team's Pipeline (by Stage) report to determine
the total opportunity revenue in your sales team pipeline,
scheduled to close within the selected fiscal quarter.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team pipeline:
• Total Revenue -Total opportunity revenue
scheduled to close within the selected period.
• Open Pipeline - Open opportunity revenue that has
not yet been closed (won).
• Won Revenue - Opportunity revenue already
closed (won).
• Revenue by Sales Stage - Total opportunity
revenue per sales stage.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Pipeline subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Team's Performance: Explained
Keep your team on target. My Team's Performance report shows the total opportunity revenue in the sales pipeline,
organized by sales stage. See how your team is performing against sales goals this quarter or fiscal year. Knowing how your
team is doing keeps you informed to make adjustments quickly and stay on target.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Manager
Use this report to see how your team is performing
against sales goals this quarter or this fiscal year.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team's
• Target Quota - Your sales goal for the time frame
• Won Revenue - Opportunity revenue that you've
already closed (won)
• Remaining Quota - Difference between the target
quota and closed (won) opportunity revenue. You
can click the link here to view the My Pipeline
• Quota Attainment - Percent of the target quota
that the sales team has already attained for the
quarter. In this example, they have closed (won)
70% of their targeted sales quota for the quarter
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activity subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Team Leadership Board: Explained
Keep your team leaders on target. Use the Team Leadership Board report to see how your team is doing with closed
revenue, and to keep them on track to meet their sales targets.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Team
Leadership Board
Who uses this report?
• Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use the Team Leadership Board report to keep your
team on track by knowing current won revenue today,
and making adjustments as needed to stay on track and
meet quotas.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team leadership
• Resource - The name of the team leader.
• Target Quota - The revenue amount that the team
leader is targeted to sell for the current quarter.
• Quota Attainment - Percent of the target quota
that the team leader has attained for the current
• Total Won Revenue - The current quarterly total
revenue won by all of the team leaders.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activity subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
My Team's Tasks on Open Opportunities: Explained
Know your top performers. Use the My Team's Tasks on Open Opportunities report to identify those that are performing well,
as well as those that need additional support.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Tasks on Open Opportunities
Who uses this report?
• Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use this report to see more detailed information about
what your sales team is doing to manage and to
connect with accounts.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your Team's Tasks:
• Team Member - Sales team member that has
completed tasks within the selected time period.
• Percent Complete - Percent of tasks with the
status "Complete", by sales team member.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activity subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
My Team's Top Open Opportunities: Explained
Target your team's top opportunities. Use the Top Open Opportunities report to see where the best revenue opportunities
exist. This helps you focus your attention on the opportunities most likely to boost your bottom line.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Top Open Opportunities
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales VP
Use this report to see the top open opportunities are for
your sales organization.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team's top
• Win % - The win probability for the opportunity.
This indicates how likely the opportunity owner is
to win the opportunity this quarter.
• Amount - The amount of open opportunity revenue
in the sales stage.
• Name - The name of the opportunity.
• Account - The name of the customer associated
with the opportunity.
• Close Date - The date when the opportunity is
expected to close within the current quarter.
• Sales Stage - The part of the sales pipeline that the
opportunity is in.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales
Cloud - Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Sales Performance Trend: Explained
Keep your team trending in the right direction. This report shows how your sales teams are performing over time. See if
they are selling well, keeping their sales steady, or failing to perform. Use this report for guidance when you are delegating
resources, setting future quotas, or allocating time.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Sales
Performance Trend
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales VP
Use this report to lead your team to anticipate and form
strategies to maximize revenue opportunities.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team sales trends:
• Quarter - The fiscal quarter.
• Won Opportunity Count - The number of won
opportunities. Note that Won Opportunity Count
only displays in the table view when you select the
List option in the Show View list.
• Won Opportunity Amount - The amount of won
opportunity revenue.
• Lost Opportunity Count - The number of lost
opportunities. Note that Lost Opportunity Count
only displays in the table view when you select the
List option in the Show View list.
• Lost Opportunity Amount - The amount of lost
opportunity revenue.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Forecasting subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Top Open Opportunities
Target your top opportunities. Use the Top Open Opportunities report to tell you where the best revenue opportunities exist
across the companies your organization is working with. Use this insight to focus your attention on the opportunities that are
most likely to payoff and boost your bottom line.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Top Open
Who uses this report?
• Sales VP
When do I use this report?
Use this report to see what the top open opportunities
are for your sales organization.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your top opportunities:
• Win % - The win probability for the opportunity.
This indicates how likely the opportunity owner is
to win the opportunity this quarter.
• Amount
• Name - The name of the opportunity.
• Account - The name of the customer associated
with the opportunity.
• Close Date - The date when the opportunity is
expected to close within the current quarter.
• Sales Stage - The part of the sales pipeline that the
opportunity is in.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales
Cloud - Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
Sales Stage by Age: Explained
See how your well your sales opportunities are moving through the pipeline stages toward closing. This report highlights
opportunities that are stalled in the pipeline and helps you monitor the lifecycle of your organization's pipeline.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Sales Stage
by Age
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales VP
Use this report to keep an eye on how well your team
is moving deals through the pipeline and maximize your
opportunities to close deals.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 4
Using Analytics and Reports
Opportunities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your sales stage:
• Opportunity Count - The number of opportunities
that are in the sales stage.
• Sales Stage - The sales stages in the sales
• Total Opportunities - The total number of
• Days in Stage - The number of opportunities
represented in discrete periods, such as 0-10 Days
or 60+ Days.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Pipeline subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
My Forecast vs. Open Pipeline: Explained
Keep on track. Use this report to see where you stand with your open pipeline, and if you are on track to meet your revenue
goals for the current or next quarter.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Forecast
vs. Open Pipeline
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to keep an eye on your current
performance against your forecasted returns based on
your pipeline.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your Forecast vs. Open
• Timeframe - A specific range of time for the
• Forecasted Period - The specific time period
(months) specified for the territory owner.
• Total Forecast - The sum of all adjusted item
forecasts for the territory owner.
• Won Revenue - The sum of all won opportunities
for the territory owner.
• Open Pipeline - The sum of all open opportunities
for the territory owner.
• Amount Open Pipeline The sum of all open
opportunities for the territory owner for the specific
time period (for example, 12-13).
• Amount Won Revenue - The sum of all won
opportunities for the territory owner for the specific
time period.
• Amount Forecast - The sum of all adjusted item
forecasts for the territory owner for the specific
time period.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Forecasting subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
Forecast Vs. Open Pipeline: My Team: Explained
Keep your team on track. Use this report to see if the current deals in the pipeline are on track to meet forecasted goals and
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Forecast Vs
Open Pipeline: My Team
Who uses this report?
• Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use this report to keep an eye on your team's current
performance vs. forecasted returns based on the
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on the Team Forecast Vs
Open Pipeline:
• Timeframe - A specific range of time for the
• Territory - The specific territory owner and territory
• Total Forecast - The total of all adjusted forecasts
for the all team members for all selected forecast
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
• Won Revenue - The total of all won opportunities
for all team members for all selected forecast
• Open Pipeline - The total of all open opportunity
revenues for all team members for all selected
forecast territories.
• Amount Open Pipeline - The sum of all closed
(won) opportunities for the specific territory owner
and territory name.
• Amount Won Revenue - The sum of all closed
(won) opportunities for the specific territory owner
and territory name.
• Amount Forecast - The sum of all adjusted
forecasts for the specific territory owner and
territory name.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Forecasting subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
Forecast vs. Quota: Explained
Set quotas with insight. Use this report to see forecast versus current quotas. Use the Forecast vs Quota report to give you
insight on your future sales revenue, and as a guideline when setting quotas for the next period.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Forecast
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Manager
Use this report to see how your team is doing on
meeting target quotas against forecast.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 5
Using Analytics and Reports
Forecasting Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on the Forecast vs. Quota:
• Total Forecast - The forecast amount for this
• Target Quota - The set revenue amount that your
sales team must close this quarter.
• Remaining Quota - Difference between the
forecasted amount and the target quota revenue.
• Forecast vs Quota - Percent of the forecasted
amount of revenue to the target quota that your
sales team has available to attain for the quarter.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Pipeline subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
My Open Leads by Age: Explained
Follow up on your aging leads. Use this report to find out how many leads are in your queue, based on the dates that they
were assigned to you. Knowing how old your leads are enables you to prioritize aging leads, or retire leads.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Open
Leads by Aging
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to ensure that your aging leads get your
full attention.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your aging leads:
• Lead Age - The number of days since the lead was
• Lead Count - The total number of leads for a
specific age range.
• Total Leads -The total number of all open leads.
• Deal Size - The total monetary amount the
customer is expected to spend. The deal size is
automatically determined by the products entered
for the lead. Adding or removing products causes
the deal size to be recalculated. Note that Deal
Size only displays in the table view when you select
the List option in the Show View list.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
My Open Leads by Source: Explained
Understand where your open leads originate. Use this report to capture and address all leads coming from, for example, the
Social Media channel, and then progress to another source, such as Direct Mail.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Open
Leads By Source
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to see multiple open leads for the same
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your open leads:
• Time Frame - A specific range of time for the lead's
• Lead Source - The set revenue amount that each
employee must close for the specified time frame.
• Lead Count - The total number of leads within the
specific time frame generated by the lead source.
• Deal Size - The total monetary amount the
customer is expected to spend. The deal size is
automatically determined by the products entered
for the lead. Adding or removing products causes
the deal size to be recalculated. Note that Deal
Size only displays in the table view when you select
the List option in the Show View list.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
My Unaccepted Leads by Age: Explained
Keep focused on your best leads. Use this report to see leads you've not yet accepted, based on the dates that they were
assigned to you. Knowing your lead status lets you accept the leads that you deem valuable, and then follow up to convert,
or retire dead leads.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My
Unaccepted Leads By Age
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to keep your leads organized.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your unaccepted leads:
• Lead Age - The number of days since the
unaccepted was created.
• Lead Count - The total number of unaccepted
leads for a specific age range.
• Total Leads - The total number of all unaccepted
leads assigned to you.
• Deal Size - The total monetary amount the
customer is expected to spend. The deal size is
automatically determined by the products entered
for the lead. Adding or removing products causes
the deal size to be recalculated. Note that Deal
Size only displays in the table view when you select
the List option in the Show View list.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
My Team's Leads: Explained
See how many leads your team is working on right now. This report shows detailed information about the leads that are
assigned to your sales team. This lead detail helps you need to keep your team moving forward qualifying and converting
leads to opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Who uses this report?
• Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use this report to drive sales by keeping your team
focused on moving open leads forward.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team leads:
• Time Frame - A specific range of time for the lead's
• Lead Source - The lead channel that generates the
• Lead Count - The total number of leads within the
specific period for a lead channel.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 6
Using Analytics and Reports
Leads Analytics and Reports
• Total Leads - The total number of leads within the
specific period for all lead sources.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
Top Accounts by My Activities: Explained
Analyze and fine tune your contact strategies. The Top Accounts by Activities report shows you how and when you interact
with your top accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Top
Accounts by My Activity
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to examine your contact history with your
top accounts.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your top accounts by
• Account - The top five accounts, sorted by the
total number of activities that you own.
• # of Activities - The number of activities that
you own and are due for completion within the
selected time frame, by Account.
• Activity Type - Tasks and appointment activities
such as calls, e-mail, or meetings.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
My Open Tasks: Explained
Keep track of your important tasks. Use the My Open Tasks report to stay informed about your workload, and quickly identify
any urgent actions due in the next few days.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Open
Who uses this report?
• Sales Representative
When do I use this report?
Use this report to address all of your open tasks quickly,
and avoid missing key opportunities.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your tasks:
• # of Tasks - Number of tasks, by a task type, due
by a specific day or week within the selected time
• Due Date - Day or week that tasks are due.
• Task Type - Category of tasks you own such as
call, demo, e-mail, or meeting.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers.
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales
Cloud - Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
My Team's Activities: Explained
Keep an eye on team workload. Use the My Team's Activities report to ensure that workloads are appropriately distributed,
and to pinpoint any balancing issues that need to be addressed.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Team's
Activities (By Type)
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Manager
Use this report for resource tracking and planning.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your team's activities:
• Activity Owner - The sales team member that
owns sales activities.
• Activity Type - The type of activity your sales
team members own. For example, e-mail, demo,
meeting, or call.
• Open Activities - Total number of activities that are
not yet complete and have an end date that falls
within the selected time frame.
• Completed Activities - Total number of activities
that have a status of "Complete" and an end date
that occurs before the select time frame begins.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Opportunities and Products Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales
Cloud - Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Top Accounts by My Activities: Explained
Analyze and fine tune your contact strategies. The Top Accounts by Activities report shows you how and when you interact
with your top accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 7
Using Analytics and Reports
Activities Analytics and Reports
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Top
Accounts by My Activity
Who uses this report?
• Sales Representative
When do I use this report?
Use this report to examine your contact history with your
top accounts.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your top accounts by
• Account - The top five accounts, sorted by the
total number of activities that you own.
• # of Activities - The number of activities that
you own and are due for completion within the
selected time frame, by Account.
• Activity Type - Tasks and appointment activities
such as calls, e-mail, or meetings.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Customers and Contacts Real Time subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud
- Subject Area documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
My Partners' Pipeline: Explained
See how your sales partners are doing. Use the My Partners' Pipeline report to determine how your sales partners are
performing right now. How many opportunities are in the pipeline that are set to close in the near future? This report provides
insight for your partners to generate additional qualified leads, and close deals.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Partners'
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to help you keep partners' deals
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your partners' pipeline:
• Time frame - A specific range of time for the
pipeline by stage.
• Total Revenue - Total open and closed (won)
partner opportunity revenue scheduled to close
this quarter.
• Open Pipeline - Open partner opportunity revenue
that is not yet closed (won) and scheduled to close
this quarter.
• Won Revenue - Partner opportunity revenue
already closed (won) this quarter.
• Amount - Total opportunity revenue by sales stage
for this quarter.
• Sales Stage - The sales stage (for example, 01 Qualification or 07 - Closed).
• % of Total Amount - The percentage amount that
each stage participates in the total revenue. Note
that % of Total Amount only displays in the table
view when you select the List option in the Show
View list.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the CRM Pipeline subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
My Partners' Won Opportunities: Explained
See how much your partners have won. Use this report to see a high-level view of won opportunity revenue. See if partners
are meeting revenue goals, or take any actions necessary to stay on track.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Partners'
Won Opportunities
Who uses this report?
When do I use this report?
• Sales Representative
Use this report to see deals partners closed within
a certain time period, and how much revenue they
brought in.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on partners' won
• Amount - The sum of revenue amount that all
partners closed for the specified quarter. Note that
Amount only displays in the table view when you
select the List option in the Show View list.
• Number of Won Opportunities - The total number
of opportunities that all partners closed for the
specified quarter.
• Quarter - The periods (quarters) that your partners
are accountable for winning (closing) opportunity
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activities subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Partner Leadership Board: Explained
Keep an eye on your quarterly results. Check out how your sales partner is doing right now to ensure they are on track to
meet their goals in the future. Use this report to guide you in recognizing quarterly successes, or to be proactive and come up
with strategies to motivate and build sales for the next period.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - Partner
Leadership Board
Who uses this report?
• Channel Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use this report to keep an eye on your partners' sales
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your partner leadership
• Total Won Revenue - The total deal or opportunity
line revenue amount that all partners won this
• Revenue - The total revenue amount that a given
partner closed by channel this quarter.
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activities subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
My Partners' Opportunity Win Rate: Explained
Keep your win rate strong. Use this report to see how effective your partners are at winning opportunity revenue. This enables
you to effectively manage partner relationships, and see how well your partners are performing.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table lists frequently asked questions about this report.
How do I find this report?
From the home page click Analytics - My Partners'
Opportunity Win Rates
Who uses this report?
• Channel Sales Manager
When do I use this report?
Use the Partner Win Rates report to see performance
based on win rates.
What can I do with this report?
Analyze the following details on your partner win rate:
• Win Rate - The percent of opportunities closed
(won) for your partners by quarter.
• Quarter - The periods (quarters) that your partners
are accountable for winning (closing) opportunity
Oracle Sales Cloud
Chapter 8
Using Analytics and Reports
Partner Analytics and Reports
How can I edit this report?
Oracle Business Intelligence Answers
Related Subject Area
This report uses the Sales Activities subject area. For more information, refer to Oracle Sales Cloud - Subject Area
documentation on the Oracle Help Center.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 9
Using Briefing Books
Using Briefing Books
Creating Briefing Books: Procedure
A briefing book is a collection of business intelligence (BI) analyses or dashboard pages (which can contain reports) that you
create and save for later access. The static snapshots give you a picture of what's going on at the time that the analysis or
dashboard page is added to the briefing book.
You can download briefing books as PDF or MHTML for viewing or printing, and share them with others. The PDF file
includes a table of contents for the book. Like analytics and reports, briefing books are stored in the business intelligence (BI)
Adding Content to New Briefing Books
Use the following procedure to add content to new briefing books.
1. Navigate to the BI catalog, either through the Reports and Analytics pane or the Navigator, Reports and Analytics
2. Navigate to the report you want to add to a briefing book.
3. Click the More link underneath the report and select Add to Briefing Book.
The following figure shows the Add to Briefing Book menu option.
4. In the Save Briefing Book Content window, indicate whether you want the report results to change (Updatable) or
not (Snapshot) whenever the briefing book is downloaded or rerun.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 9
Using Briefing Books
5. Save the briefing book: Click Browse, name the briefing book, and save it in My Folders.
6. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.
7. To access your saved briefing book, navigate to the BI catalog and find it in the folder where you saved it.
Adding Content to Existing Briefing Books
To add content to existing briefing books, follow the Adding Content to New Briefing Books steps, and browse to an existing
briefing book. In the Save Briefing Book Content window, browse for and select the book you want to add content to.
You can't browse to briefing books from the Reports and Analytics pane.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 10
Scheduling Analytics and Reports
Scheduling Analytics and Reports
Scheduling Reports: Procedure
Reports can run based on a schedule that you define. You can set up other automated tasks, for example to deliver results to
specific recipients or send notifications.
You submit a report with the schedule and criteria for other automated tasks defined. Some reports are set up as scheduled
processes, in which case you submit the process as you would any scheduled process.
Submitting a Report as a Scheduled Process
Use the following procedure to schedule a report.
1. Open the Reports and Analytics pane in any work area where the report is available.
2. Navigate to the report within the folders.
3. Click the name of your report.
4. Open the More link to navigate to the business intelligence (BI) catalog.
5. In the More popup menu, click Schedule to set the report up as a scheduled process.
6. In the Agent window, define criteria for the agent using the appropriate tabs, including entering a schedule.
For reports set up as scheduled processes, you can also:
• Schedule them from any work area where there's a link to the report.
• Use the Navigator to open the Scheduled Processes work area, where you can submit all processes that you
have access to.
You can also schedule reports from the Reports and Analytics work area that you access using the Navigator.
Scheduling Analytics and Briefing Books: Procedure
Analytics and briefing books can run based on a schedule that you define. You can set up other automated tasks, for
example, to deliver results to specific recipients or send notifications.
You create what's called an agent to set this all up for an analysis, dashboard, or briefing book. The agent itself is saved as
an object in the business intelligence (BI) catalog.
Creating an Agent
Use the following procedure to create an agent.
1. Open the Reports and Analytics pane in any work area.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
Chapter 10
Scheduling Analytics and Reports
2. Click the Browse Catalog icon.
3. Click the Create icon then click Agent under the Actionable Intelligence category.
4. Define criteria for the agent using the appropriate tabs, including the Delivery Content tab to specify the analysis,
dashboard, or briefing book to run.
5. Save the agent in My Folders.
To edit an agent, repeat steps 1 and 2 and find the agent in the BI catalog.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
A graph or table displaying select data to provide answers to business questions.
Business intelligence objects such as analyses and dashboards that provide meaningful data to help with decision making.
Indicates the participant's achievement against a specified target, for a specified performance measure. Typically, add
qualified credit transactions to get an attainment total expressed in any unit of measure, such as amount or percent. Example:
Attained sales of 200,000 USD this month on a target of 250,000 USD.
briefing book
A collection of static or updatable analyses or dashboard pages that you can download, print, and share with others.
collect transactions
Move transaction data from the staging table to the CN_CP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL table after checking for duplicates,
validating data, and converting currencies.
credit transaction
Created by the crediting process. When transaction attributes match credit rule criteria, the process generates one or
more credit transactions. Incentive processing uses credit transactions to create rollup transactions as well as to calculate
commission, bonus, and other types of incentives.
Provides a participant a minimum amount of money per month, normally for the first few months after the person joins the
company. You can recover the draw, typically month to month, against future earnings.
incentive compensation business unit
A central center that administers incentive compensation for a group of participants. Associate participants within a single
business unit with different business organizations or countries.
incentive compensation transaction
Any transaction for which the application collects the individual line items and uses them when calculating commissions,
bonuses, and nonmonetary incentives. Also, create transactions manually. Examples are order, invoice, credit memo, charge
back, and payment collected against an invoice. Type or source have no restrictions.
incentive plan component
Defines the computational requirements that the calculation process uses as well as stores information on how to compute
the earning. It defines what performance measures to use in computation and an incentive formula to calculate the
compensation earnings.
Oracle Sales Cloud
Using Analytics and Reports
A small, interactive widget on the home page that provides key information and actions for a specific area, for example social
networking or your personal profile. Each infolet can have multiple views.
A person or organization (for example, an employee, salesperson, party, supplier contract, partner, or third-party resale
contractor) whose credits, attainment, earnings, disputes, and payments the application computes and manages.
participant home currency
Defines which currency to use for each participant.
pay group
Defines the frequency of payments and gathers participants that are on the same payment cycle and sent to the same
application. Example: You might group monthly participant payments as Pay Group A for your payables application and Pay
Group B for your payroll application.
payment batch
Associated with pay groups and paysheets, defines the compensation period, for example, Feb 2015 or fourth quarter, for
which the payment is valid. The payment batch also determines payment amounts for each eligible participant.
payment plan
Contains rules regarding payment draw, draw recovery, and cap amounts to pay to associated participants. The payment
process uses the plan to compute participant payment adjustment amounts against earnings for the period.
performance measure
An indicator that tracks participant progress toward a defined organizational goal or outcome as well as a metric for which
you compensate your participants.
A parameter that you set when you use analytics, limiting the data in the analysis or in all analyses on the dashboard or
dashboard page (tab).
An output of select data in a predefined format that's optimized for printing.
subject area
A set of columns, or pieces of data, related to a specific business object or area.
A specific way to present the results of an analysis, for example as a table or graph. Other types of views, such as the title
view, show other components of the analysis.
work area
A set of pages containing the tasks, searches, and other content you need to accomplish a business goal.