Supporting Student Success - Central Alberta Regional Consortium

Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Thursday, February 19, 2015 || 8:45 am – 3:30 pm
CrossRoads Church, 38105 Range Road 275 Red Deer County || $90 (includes coffee/muffins and lunch)
Getting Your Heart in the Game with Tammy Robertson
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between people who are genuinely excited and turned
on to life and those people who just seem to be getting it done? This session unravels the mystery and pinpoints the key ingredients to a well-lived life. More importantly, it will point to some simple shifts that can
bring more fulfillment to your life and work. Everybody dies, only some people truly LIVE! This is Tammy’s
most dynamic and entertaining presentation – through laughter and tears, Tammy will invite you to explore
the truth of your life and excite you to be more fully alive than you dreamed possible!
Session Title
Presented by:
8:45 – 10:00 am
Getting Your Heart in the Game
Tammy Robertson
10:00 – 10:20 am
Become Autistic (symptoms not expected to linger after session)
Karen Sudom
"Breaking the Silence" ... Strategies for Assisting the ESL/ELL Student
Sonia Yudcovitch
How to Deal with Students who Engage in Self-Injuring Behaviour
Krista Mogenson &
Jane Nabigambo
Mental Health First-Aide Day 1 (Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
Raelynn Notley
My Role as a Teacher’s Assistant
Lise May
Protocol for Handling Child Abuse & Neglect
Lisa Strate
Riding the Roller Coaster- Living with and Loving Someone with Mood Disorders
Joan Johnson
Transitioning Special Needs Students to Adult Life
Krista Schultz
Gr. 6-12
10:20 – 11:45 am
11:45 – 12:30 pm
12:30 – 1:50 pm
1:50 - 2:10 pm
2:10 – 3:30 pm
Cultural Diversity
Jan Underwood
Dealing with ADHD Students in the Classroom
Krista Schultz
Depression Awareness & Strategies
Stephen Roberts
Let's Talk...Engaging in positive dialog with a win/win outcome
Della Graham
Making the Most of Early Intervention
Karen Sudom
Mental Health First-Aide Day 1 (Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
Raelynn Notley
Practical Classroom Behaviour Strategies
Christina Deminchuk
Putting the YOU in Inclusion
Joan Johnson
Central Alberta Refugee Effort...Presentation to be determined
Helen Dunbar
Classroom Strategies for Anxious Kids
Christina Deminchuk
Depression Awareness & Strategies
Stephen Roberts
Gr. 6-12
Let's Talk about Sex
Krista Schultz
Gr. 6-12
Mental Health First-Aide Day 1 (Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
Raelynn Notley
Motivation, Memory, Meaning... "The 3 M's"
Sonia Yudcovitch
To Know Me is to Understand Me...To Understand Me is to Help Me
Joan Johnson
What’s in Your Toolbox?
Brendalyn Moltzahn &
Lani Morgan
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Get Your Heart in the Game!™
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between people who are genuinely excited and turned on to life and those
people who just seem to be getting it done? This session unravels the mystery and pinpoints the key ingredients to a well-lived
life. More importantly, it will point to some simple shifts that can bring more fulfillment to your life and work. Everybody dies, only
some people truly LIVE! This is Tammy’s most dynamic and entertaining presentation – through laughter and tears Tammy will
invite you to explore the truth of your life and excite you to be more fully alive than you dreamed possible!
• Ripples of positive change as people embrace the opportunities and possibilities right now!
• A more engaged purposeful workforce
• People who have the tools and the desire to manage their energy and impact positively
• A more fun and alive work environment
• A culture that is self-reinforcing and celebrates itself
Key Themes:
Success without Fulfillment is Failure... Get Excited About What You’re Up To!
Reclaim the Magic, Curiosity, Awe and Wonder of Childhood...What are we so Serious About?
Get Excited About Your Life!
Stimulate Your Dreams and Get In Touch With Your Personal Sense of Hope
Two Defining Characteristics of People Who Are Genuinely Turned on To Life
Live with Conscious Intention... Use the Power of Awareness to Transform Everyday Life
Know Who YOU are at your Most Compelling... Build Your Leadership Presence
Increase your Eccentricity Quotient... How Weird Can You Be and Still Keep Your Job?!
Take Responsibility for Your Emotional Wake... Create Positive Energy!
Adopt Practices that Help You Sustain Energy, Enthusiasm Even During Adversity and Challenge
Other People’s Opinion of You is None of Your Business... Give Up Approval Addiction
Preoccupied with the Spirit of Play! Create High-Impact Experiences with Customers and Colleagues!
The Keys to Real Brilliance... Contribution, Accountability, Authenticity, Humour and Celebration
Tammy Robertson, Calgary motivational speaker and life coach, believes that the essence of our
challenge today is captured in one simple message, "Get Your Heart in the Game!™ Tammy inspires and
challenges you to step into your best life and to be more purposeful and passionate about your life and
leadership. Her urgent message is at once a call for action and a request to slow down, get a grip, tune in
and have faith.
Speaking to hundreds of audiences across the country, what is most apparent is the growing urgency and
desire for a real life. Her aim is to provoke you to think about how you are “showing up” in your life? When
are you most compelling, alive and inspiring? Have you given yourself permission to stop rushing, fretting, organizing, and doing
so much? Whether you are seeking to improve your leadership or your life, Tammy calls on you to be ten times bolder in taking
action on what matters most.
Tammy has a Masters Degree in Physical and Health Education from the University of Western Ontario, and, with over 20 years of
corporate and entrepreneurial experience she brings a keen understanding of current challenges to her audiences. In the past
year Tammy spoke to over 65 different business groups, organizations and associations, creating ripples of positive change and
renewed energy among their leaders. Tammy’s excitement for the topic is obvious. She is a shameless dispenser of enthusiasm and
encourages you to look at old problems in a new light, to focus on possibilities and potential and make the most of every situation.
The questions she asks are, “What impact are you having?” and “Are you having fun?” The suggestions she offers help us all to be a
more powerful compelling role model.
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Morning Breakout Sessions: 10:20 - 11:45 am
Become Autistic (symptoms not expected to linger
after session) with Karen Sudom
Discover for yourself what it feels like to have social communication and executive functioning challenges. Engage in activities that simulate difficulties encountered by people with
Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related disorders. “You
gave amazing insight into what it is like to be Autistic. I don’t
have any autistic students but you made me think about how
I deal with any of my students who have learning challenges.”
#autism #empathy #inclusion #specialed #ahamoment
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
"Breaking the Silence" ... Strategies for Assisting the
ESL/ELL Student with Sonia Yudcovitch
This workshop focuses on a variety of activities to build communication skills with the ESL/ELL learner. Participants will
experience a range of language learning activities that are
appropriate at each level of the ESL/ELL student's experience.
In addition, tips are provided to help these students integrate
more confidently into their new "culture." The primary focus of
this workshop is on increasing reading and writing skills while
recognizing and appreciating the different experiential background that each learner brings to the learning task.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
How to Deal with Students who Engage in Self-Injuring Behaviour with Krista Mogenson & Jane Nabigambo
This session will provide information on the potential causes
of self injurious behaviour and what purpose it serves for the
young person. Participants will also be provided with general
information on how to help a young person who self injures.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Mental Health First-Aide: Day 1 with Raelynn Notley
(Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
The Mental Health First Aide (MHFA) training course was
developed to help people provide initial support for someone who may be developing a mental health problem or is
experiencing a mental health crisis and was developed and
introduced by the Centre for Mental Health Research at the
Australian National University in 2001. The MHFA Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy, and provide the
skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential
or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family
member, a friend, student or a colleague.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
My Role as a Teacher’s Assistant with Lise May
How can you answer the many expectations of your role as
an assistant in Immersion? The French Immersion students often have specific needs in the oral as well as in the written language. Without your help teachers would not efficiently meet
all of their needs. Your role becomes essential! This session will
give you helpful and practical ideas on a useful methodology
that will make you indispensable as an assistant. Be prepared
to share your experience.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Protocol for Handling Child Abuse & Neglect
with Lisa Strate
This session will deal with defining child abuse and neglect in
legal terms, providing intervention procedures, teaching community members to identify the signs of child abuse and neglect and informing how to go about reporting such instances.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Riding the Roller Coaster- Living with and Loving
Someone with Mood Disorders with Joan Johnson
My husband has bipolar disorder as well as one stepson and
our biological sons have had issues with anxiety. This session
reflects more of my personal journey, but provides information
on bipolar and other mood disorders as well as ways to survive
or, if lucky, thrive.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Transitioning Special Needs Students to Adult Life
with Krista Schultz
As students with special needs move from school life to adult
life, their support systems and their needs change. This session
provides practical information for assisting students and their
families to move towards life as a contributing adult member
of our community. Curriculum ideas for functional life skills will
also be addressed. Most appropriate for those working with
junior and senior high students.
Room: tbd Audience: Gr. 6-12
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Early Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 12:30 – 1:50 pm
Cultural Diversity with Jan Underwood
Many teachers and support staff are celebrating the cultural
diversity now prevalent in some of our Alberta Schools, but
how do we actually deal with teaching children of other cultures and heir parents? Join Jan and her guests from other
cultures to learn in a fun, interactive way about cross-cultural
communication, teaching from a different perspective and
developing cultural sensitivity and awareness.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Dealing with ADHD Students in the Classroom
with Krista Schultz
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a diagnosis affecting many students of all ages. This session provides upto-date information on the diagnostic symptoms of ADHD
and the impact on learning. Strategies to support students
(diagnosed and those presenting with attention concerns)
and their families, as well as sensory components to ADHD
will be addressed in this session. Applicable for kindergarten
through high school.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Depression Awareness & Strategies
with Stephen Roberts
Almost 20% of children and youth in Canada or roughly 1.5
million individuals suffer from a diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Two thirds of these suffered from more than one disorder
and less than 20% receive therapeutic intervention. Childhood and adolescent depression are among these statistics.
Fortunately, depression is one of the most treatable mental
illnesses and by understanding the effects on your children
or adolescent, the symptoms of depression, and strategies to
alleviate these symptoms, living a balanced life and coping
with everyday challenges is possible. As well, brain research
and attachment in relationships will be discussed to increase
knowledge and awareness of depressive symptoms and the
linkage to early childhood development.
Room: tbd Audience: K-5
Let's Talk...Engaging in positive dialog with a win/
win outcome with Della Graham
Do you ever have those days when you just need to get your
point across but aren't sure of how to do it? Let's Talk will give
you the tips and suggestions to help you become a better
communicator with your co-workers, teachers, students and
parents. This is an interactive, strategy building session to assist you with your day-to-day work life. Be prepared to share,
laugh and take with you some skills you can use at school on
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Making the Most of Early Intervention
with Karen Sudom
Experience an early elementary school day through the lens
of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Karen shares the “why”
behind what learning approaches supported her son who
received PUF for two years for ASD related difficulties. Karen
compares and contrasts her own ASD experience on navigating those years without ASD supports. Focus on communication, transition and sensory difficulties and related support
strategies. #autism #specialed #earlyintervention #truestory
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Mental Health First-Aide: Day 1 with Raelynn Notley
(Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
This session will run all day, over all three break-out time periods. See session description on page 3.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Practical Classroom Behaviour Strategies with Christina Deminchuk
Do you find it challenging to manage difficult behaviour in
the classroom? Learn possible reasons why the child might
be engaging in the behavious and practical strategies to help
with classroom behaviour. Both proactive and reactive strategies will be discussed for use with a variety of behaviours. The
focus of these strategies will be primarily for those working
with 5-10 year old children.
Room: tbd Audience: K-5
Putting the YOU in Inclusion with Joan Johnson
This presentation focuses on how we as adults can help our
students understand classmates with disabilities. It includes
a lot of hands-on activities so that one could get a sense of
what it might be like to live with certain disabilities.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Late Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 2:10 – 3:30 pm
Classroom Strategies for Anxious Kids
with Christina Deminchuk
Do you suspect that a child in your classroom might be anxious?
Does he or she struggle when there are changes within the routine? Do parents report that he or she "blows" after arriving at
home? Learn how to identify the signs that a child might be
anxious. Intervention strategies will be provided to support the
child to participate in the classroom routine while maintaining
a supportive environment. The focus of these strategies will be
primarily for those working with 5-10 year old children.
Room: tbd Audience: K-5
Depression Awareness & Strategies (repeat session)
with Stephen Roberts
Almost 20% of children and youth in Canada or roughly 1.5 million individuals suffer from a diagnosable psychiatric disorder.
Two thirds of these suffered from more than one disorder and
less than 20% receive therapeutic intervention. Childhood and
adolescent depression are among these statistics. Fortunately,
depression is one of the most treatable mental illnesses and by
understanding the effects on your children or adolescent, the
symptoms of depression, and strategies to alleviate these symptoms, living a balanced life and coping with everyday challenges
is possible. As well, brain research and attachment in relationships will be discussed to increase knowledge and awareness of
depressive symptoms and the linkage to early childhood development.
Room: tbd Audience: Gr. 6-12
Immigrant Youth: Understanding Settlement and Barriers to Integration with Helen Dunbar
A peek into the most common learning and adaptation barriers
that newcomer kids face, and how to help them overcome them.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Let's Talk about Sex with Krista Schultz
In this direct session, we will discuss strategies and programs to
teach sexuality to students with special needs. With a team approach between home and school, our terms, age-appropriate
discussions, expectations of hygiene, and further aspects of
sexuality will be explored. Specific PEC strips for non-verbal or
language limited students, appropriate resources, and stages
of puberty and correlating supports will be provided to attendees. This session is an honest and frank discussion of our special
needs adolescent students and puberty, and the challenges that
this presents for everyone involved. Key topics include hygiene,
public versus private behaviours, anti-victimization, appropriate
media and challenges surrounding online presence, and specific
conversations regarding all stages of puberty. Input from a
Registered Nurse has been accessed to support the medical
aspect of this presentation. Most appropriate for those working with upper elementary through high school students.
Room: tbd Audience: Gr. 6-12
Mental Health First-Aide: Day 1 with Raelynn Notley
(Friday, March 6th is Day 2)
This session will run all day, over all three break-out time periods. See session description on page 3.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
Motivation, Memory, Meaning... "The 3 M's" with
Sonia Yudcovitch
This workshop is designed to focus on the three key areas of
learning that are often overlooked. In order to succeed, students need to be motivated and want to learn; in addition,
remembering and understanding key concepts are crucial to
the acquisition of new learning. In this workshop participants
will experience several approaches that motivate learners so
that they become eager participants in their own learning.
Specific strategies to enhance memory and long-term retention will be explored and participants will engage in a variety
of activities that build on comprehension skills to boost student performance. Come prepared to participate actively!
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
To Know Me is to Understand Me...To Understand
Me is to Help Me with Joan Johnson
This presentation stems from the frustrations I faced as a parent when my children's anxieties were grossly misunderstood
in the school system, Loosely-based on Ross Green's "Lost At
School". Room: tbd Audience: K-12
What’s in Your Toolbox? with Brendalyn Moltzahn &
Lani Morgan
Collaborate, Participate and Refresh. Share ideas and strategies to support students’ fine motor, gross motor and sensory needs. Brendalyn and Lani will share strategies they have
used successfully with students across grade levels K to 12.
There will be opportunity for participants to share strategies
they have used as well. Be prepared to move, interact and
have fun. Bring your ideas (visuals and props) and your tried
and true strategies to share with other.
Room: tbd Audience: K-12
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Meet the Presenters
Christina Deminchuk Christina has worked at Aspire since 2008 and has worked with children with special needs for over 15
years. Christina works as a behaviour specialist in the Transdisciplinary Assessment and Consultation program as well as supervises
the fee for service consultation and assessment program. In addition, she provides both parent and professional training. Christina
has received specialized training in the Neurorelational framework and is a certified Circle of Security trainer.
Helen Dunbar Helen Dunbar is a Settlement Practitioner in Schools and has been working with C.A.R.E. (Central Alberta Refugee Effort) for over 6 years. Helen came to Red Deer, Alberta from Neuquén, Argentina where she taught ESL and other subjects at
a University level. She is fluent in English and Spanish. As a Settlement Practitioner in Schools, she works with newcomer students
and their families in both the Public and Catholic school systems providing assistance and support, information and referrals to
community agencies. She also provides strategies and information to the school teachers, administration and counsellors to assist
children and families of immigrants.
Della Graham Working as an Educational Assistant for over 20 years. She has been married for 32 yrs. She is the mother of
two adult children and the grandmother to 3 energetic grandchildren. She has worked in many different classrooms, ranging from
Grade 1 all the way up to Grade 12, with a vast number of teachers, principals and other EA's. Della brings many real life stories to
her presentation. You will find her no nonsense approach to communication both refreshing and useful.
Joan Johnson Joan Johnson is a wife and mother of six boys. She graduated from Grant MacEwan's Teacher Assistant program
in 1992 and has worked as an EA for many of those years, taking time off to be at home with her children. Joan's experience of
interacting with individuals who have unique needs comes not only from work, but also home. The needs of her family include
Tourette's Syndrome, Asperger's, anxiety and bipolar disorders. Joan is passionate about giving children the support they need to
succeed. This includes providing information and tools to adults who work with them.
Lise May has been involved with the French Immersion programs for over 30 years. She has started the Late Immersion program
in Calgary and she has been a school administrator in several FI schools. She has also taught at the University of Calgary where she
offered a methodology course to future FI and FSL teachers. She is presently a consultant/ coordinator for all FI and FSL programs
for southern Alberta.
Krista Mogenson
Krista has 8 years of experience working with adults and children in both inpatient and outpatient mental health settings. She is
currently working at the Lacombe Hospital as part of the Mental Health Liaison Team and primarily consults with physicians for
Mental Health Crisis Assessments. Krista also has a small case load primarily helping people with short-term crisis intervention.
She has her Masters in Nursing from Athabasca University and has a diverse nursing experience.
Brendalyn Moltzahn is in her twelfth year working as an EA and is currently spending her days in the Foundation Program at
Lindsay Thurber with RDPSD. She started out as an ESL aid and gained experience through all grade divisions as an inclusive EA
and ‘step-by-step’ with mild moderate to severe need children. Before becoming an EA Brendalyn managed a private day home for
10 years. With passions for reading, gardening, kids and music, Brendalyn also taught piano for a few years before “life got busy”
with her own family.
Lani Morgan currently works as an EA at G.H.Dawe with RDPSD. She has worked as an inclusive EA and as a program EA. Lani
has a diploma in Rehabilitation from Mount Royal College. As well as a passion for special needs, Lani also has an interest and
education in sign language which she is currently able to utilize in her current position. Lani is a wife to Dave and a mom to three
boys, ages 19, 17 and 15.
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Central Alberta Regional Consortium presents the 2015 Support Staff Conference
Supporting Student Success
Meet the Presenters
Jane Nabigambo, RSW Mental Health Therapist/Liaison, Jane has 11 years experience working with children and
adults in Mental Health outpatient clinics. She is currently working at the Wetaskiwin Mental Health with the Children's team
and completes Mental Health Assessment at the Hospital Emergency. Jane also responds to Threat Assessments in schools and
promotes Mental Health through presentations and consultation. She has a BSW degree from the University of Calgary and is
authorized to perform psychosocial intervention by the College of Social Work. Krista Mogensen RN, MN Mental Health Liaison.
Raelynn Notley is the project coordinator for the Youth Empowerment & Support Program; a Mental Health Capacity Building
Project funded by Alberta Health Services in partnership through in-kind supports and services provided by Alberta Education. She
is a registered Social Worker with a background in Children’s Services and Mental Health and has practised social work for the last
thirteen years in her community. Within her current role, she facilitates Mental Health First Aide courses to promote education and
awareness on common mental health issues, as well as to reduce the stigma attached to mental illness. She sees first-hand the benefit the training has on participants as they build on their skills to support individuals facing mental health problems: They are able
to recognize the signs and symptoms early on to assist people in getting help when they need it to prevent a crisis from happening.
Stephen Roberts Stephen Roberts is a Registered Professional Counsellor and Full Member of the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association, a voluntary registrant with the Canadian College of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and a Clinical Traumatologist with the Traumatology Institute. Personally, Stephen has experienced and witnessed depression and professionally treated children, adolescents, and adults with mild to severe depressive symptoms in many different situations and locations.
Stephen believes in the treatability of this mental health issue and helping others gain more insight and knowledge of the origins
and symptoms of depression, as well as practical strategies useful for helping children and adolescents in and out of the classroom.
Krista Schultz is a Registered Psychologist in Central Alberta, specializing in the learning and development of individuals of all ages
and stages. Professional development, assessment, consultation, and strategic implementation of supports are key facets of services
through Schultz Psychological Consulting Ltd. As a former teacher, Krista focuses on practical and thoughtful information to share
with learning teams to benefit students in their learning environment, from Pre-Kindergarten through Post-Secondary and beyond.
Lisa Dawn Strate is a Casework Supervisor with Central Alberta CFS. She was born and raised in Thompson, Manitoba, where
her career started as a Health and Family Services Generalist, serving over 12 Metis Settlements/First Nations as well as the City of
Thompson. She has a diploma in Child Development and Applied Counselling (Comparable as Diploma in Social Work in Alberta)
Lisa also is a regional trainer for Team Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse with Children’s Service Staff and RCMP.
Karen Sudom Karen Sudom and two of her children have Autism Spectrum Disorder. Through Spectrum Educational Services
she facilitates capacity building groups for parents and teens dealing with ASD and related issues. She leads workshops across
Alberta, not only about ASD, but also what it is like to be Autistic.
Jan Underwood has worked in the field of immigration, settlement, multiculturalis, and community development for twelve
years and is an advocate of welcoming and inclusive communities. She delivers over 200 workshops and presentations per year
throughout Central Alberta in schools, collegesm universities, workplaces, oprganizations and conferences, cross-cultural awareness; communication and sensitivity; human rights; anti-racism; citizensip; global awareness and other related topics including
rural Alberta. She has created a new participatory model for social justice clubs in schools called CARE CLUBS, now it its fourth year.
Sonia Yudcovitch has been an educator in Calgary, Alberta for over 30 years as a teacher, Resource teacher and Program Specialist, supervising and training teachers in how to instruct a wide range of learners. She has a strong background in differentiating instruction in a way that personalizes learning for each individual student, including Special Education and Gifted. She is the
author of "Whatever Happened To Hopscotch?" (games for classroom learning), "Every Child A Winner" (Differentiating Instruction)
and her very latest book, "Breaking the Silence" (teaching the ESL/ELL student in a multicultural classroom).
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