D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 14 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF PLEASANTON OUR MISSION: “To know Christ better, live as He calls us to live, and make Him better known”. From the Pastor… My brothers and sisters, As Bethlehem and the Manger quickly approach, it is a good time for us to reflect upon the first reading in the Scripture for the Fourth Sunday of Advent -- 2 Samuel 7: 1-14. David was king and he was living well. During his life, he was victorious. He was comfortable, living well from all that he had achieved. King David was prosperous. His home was built of cedar and stone. My brothers and sisters, that was a BIG deal in the day. Every generation has certain signs of perceived success. Land and home were clear signs of success. But David realized that what was even more precious than his holdings, what was most valuable and true was the Ark of God. What was contained in that sacred chest symbolized our true relationship with God. It contained what was and is really real and truly true. Yet it was housed only in a tent. God had only a tent while he, the King, had a great house; David made a decision to build a house for God. He made it his responsibility to take care of God. God’s response – He chuckled. Through the prophet Nathan, God told David, “I will build you a house!” And so God did. God built a strong house of saving faith for David. What we (ConƟnued on page 2) St. Augustine Church 3999 Bernal Avenue, P. O. Box 817 Pleasanton, CA 94566 (925) 846-4489 Faith Formation Office (925) 846-3531 St. Elizabeth Seton Church 4001 Stoneridge Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 484-5020 V i s i t u s a t w w w . Ca t ho l i cs o f P l ea s an to n .o r g From the Pastor Mass Schedule Mass Intentions Calendar of Events 2, 3 Scripture Readings Women In God’s Spirit (WINGS) Grief Workshop 2015 Crab Feed Mass Intentions Requests Low Gluten Hosts Prayers for the Sick Prayers for the Deceased 4 Annual Walk for Life Catholics Returning Home Bishop’s Appeal Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services The CCOP Gift Card Program 5 Advent, Christmas and New Year’s Day Schedule 8 D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 14 (ConƟnued from page 1) prepare to celebrate in these next days is the same reality and truth. The baby savior, Jesus, is the house that God builds for us and the home where we are truly home. My brothers and sisters, we find a home in that house. John the Baptizer and Mary found shelter in God’s house and were able to find refuge and truth in the simple things. And just look at what these icons in our faith history were able to do. We might consider that their pathway to salvation is ours, that their simple walk should be our walk. Like them, when we are scared, uncertain, alone, isolated, tired, homeless and seemingly lost -- when there seems to be no room anywhere -- we can remember the lesson that David learned for us. God has already built us a house in Christ. He is our Inn where there is always room. David did well to revere the ark of God, just as we do well to see the necessity of the Church and the Catholic Community of Pleasanton as the dwelling place of God and our savior, Jesus. This week, we will celebrate Christmas and our savior, Jesus, who is the light born in a darkened night in the most meager of accommodations. Let us celebrate and memorialize the simplest of things. Let us celebrate the living simplicity of Jesus’ birth. Join us for our Christmas celebrations at CCOP. Bring your neighbor, too. See the back of the bulletin for the schedule, go to the website, or see the many postings around our campuses. On behalf of the parish leadership, I wish you a blessed Christmas filled with peace and good will. Blessings, Fr. Paul P AG E 2 MASSES AT ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Sunday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. (Saturday) Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Weekday Masses: 8:30 a.m. Monday - Saturday Holy Days: 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Fridays, following 8:30 a.m. Mass Benediction: 11:30 a.m. MASSES AT ST. ELIZABETH SETON CHURCH Sundays: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Weekdays Masses: 12:10 p.m. Monday - Friday Holy Days: 12:10 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: 12:45 p.m. Monday and Wednesday (Confessions) Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (St. Augustine Church only) WEDDINGS 6 months preparation time required by the Diocese. Call for an interview. BAPTISMS You must be registered in the Parish prior to Baptism. Call for an interview. _______________________________________________ PARISH STAFF St. Augustine Rev. Paul D. Minnihan Rev. Lee Chompoochan Rev. Leonard Marrujo Rev. Michael Pham Rev. Chris Renz, O.P. Deacon Joseph Gourley Gepaul Anthony Carpio Olga Morineau Kathleen Works St. Elizabeth Seton Deacon Richard Martin Deacon Gary Wortham Marilu Radcliff Alejandrina Fonseca Faith Formation Liz Rogers Nancy Schlachte Nicole Browne Pat Morgan Vicki Santos Regina Stoops Sharon Hanson Ira Stein Bronco Hinek Matt Gray OMBUDSMAN Richard Wirtenson Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Weekend Associate Seminarian Office Manager Secretary Financial Administrator Director of Worship Ministries Secretary Bookkeeper Pastoral Associate, Director of Faith Formation Coordinator of Middle School Ministries, Intergenerational Ministries Coordinator Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Sacramental Preparation Coordinator Special Religious Education Department Special Religious Education Department Secretary Director of Music Ministries Facilities Manager Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) (Suggestions, concerns, complaints) (925) 462-3798 4071 Moselle Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUN Dec. 21 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Petra & Adolfo Shoemaker Paul Harold Bachelor Juliet Blake (L) MON Dec. 22 8:30 AM Richard Del Tredici TUE Dec. 23 8:30 AM Gisele Denoix WED Dec. 24 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 12:00 AM For The People For The People For The People THU Dec. 25 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM For The People For The People For The People FRI Dec. 26 8:30 AM Anita & Andrew Tully SAT Dec. 27 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Jane Cook Fernando Garcia SUN Dec. 28 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Nora Doherty For The People Sam D’Angelo SUN Dec. 21 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM For The People Troy Cooper Eileen Kuhn Ivy & Justin Cargill MON Dec. 22 12:10 PM TUE Dec. 23 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM RCIA Dismissal Rectory Children’s Spanish Choir Practice Room 6 Al-Anon Meeting Adult Choir Practice Room 8 Church Merry Christmas! All Offices Closed 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting AA Meeting Hispanic Prayer Group Room 8 Room 8 Rooms 4, 5, 7 Al-Anon Meeting Reconciliation Room 8 Church 10:15 AM RCIA Inquiry Room A Maryann Hawkins 12:45 PM 7:30 PM Eucharistic Adoration Liturgy Committee Meeting Chapel Cry Room 12:10 PM Maria Jose Pereira 7:30 PM Arts & Environment Meeting Cry Room WED Dec. 24 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 12:00 AM For The People For The People For The People THU Dec. 25 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM For The People For The People For The People FRI Dec. 26 12:10 PM Mariamma Sebastian 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM John O’Hanlon Linda Salvador The Thomas Family (L) Violet Hinds 8:45 AM 3:00 PM Merry Christmas! All Offices Closed SAT Dec. 27 SUN Dec. 28 V i s i t u s a t w w w . Ca t ho l i cs o f P l ea s an to n .o r g 10:15 AM RCIA Inquiry Room A P AG E 3 D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 14 Scripture Readings Requests for Mass Intentions December 28 Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3 Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 Luke 2:22-40 A wonderful way to honor and remember your loved ones is to offer a Mass intention. The 2015 Mass Intention Calendars (January - June) will open for reservations on December 22-23 & 29-30 at: Women In God's Spirit (WINGS) Monday, January 5, 2015, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pope John Paul II Activity Center Women of all ages are invited to join us for the beginning of our Winter Season of Call To Social Justice (Call to Family, Community, Service). Our speaker, Margaret Riley Nystrom, will speak about Walking In The Ways of Jesus. Please bring a friend to share this faith-filled evening. The remaining dates for the Winter Season are January 26, February 2, February 23, March 9, and March 23. St. Augustine Office Monday – Tuesday 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM St. Elizabeth Seton Office Monday – Tuesday 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM Low-gluten Hosts Low-gluten Hosts (<0.01% gluten) are available at all Masses for those having gluten intolerance. Please notify the Liturgy Coordinator prior to Mass if you would like to have one of these reserved for you. Grief Workshop Second and fourth Thursday evenings, 7:30 PM St. Elizabeth Church The death of a loved one is unlike any other loss. Whether the death was sudden or tragic, or one with warning and preparation, the reality of death leaves most of us in a state of shock, confusion and sadness. Join us bi-monthly and let us accompany you on your healing journey. January 8 and 22 February 12 and 26 March 12 and 26 No pre-registration is necessary. These sessions are open to all, regardless of religious affiliation. Please call Mary Hagerty at (925) 846-5377 for more information. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Matt Maloney Anne Treese Elizabeth Hatton Mary Poston Jose Lopez Norman Norrico Delfi LaFuente Joe Sciuse Dennis DeCoite Jerry Glickman Charlotte Keller Michael Turner Randy Groebler Mary Hagerty Audrey Targaczewski Jim Bowe Judy Wellbeloved Lupe Macias Tomasa Macias Libby Cassano Elliott Acela Rivero Jimmy Estes Julie Blake Andre Holmes 2015 Crab Feed Saturday, January 17, 2015 Save the Date! Tickets will be on sale soon for the Knights of Columbus’ 46th Annual Crab Feed and Silent Auction. For tickets, please call Tim Tuttle at (925) 484-4341 or (925) 487-5645 or email him at [email protected]. Proceeds support the Parish Knights of Columbus charities and ministries. The last day to buy your ticket is January 12, 2015. P AG E 4 PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED Raul Tabayaay Mark Anthony Tafoya Ken Nahm Celia Victoria Pedota Lauren Allen Daniel Vasquez Eva Laganson Dorothy Carel Marciana Jabujab Maria Bacigalupo Jane Carey Sister Jane Walker Edna Wasik Robert Estrada 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Annual Walk for Life Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services Saturday, January 24, 2015 Civic Center, San Francisco As a non-profit founded in faith, we are able to offer our families this unique opportunity to help our ministry while potentially providing a tax deduction for you! A 2014 tax credit can be yours if you make a purchase before the end of the year. This includes plots and crypts at St. Augustine and St. Michael Cemeteries, as well as The Cathedral of Christ the Light Mausoleum in Oakland. For more information contact Frank at CFCS: (925) 784-6666. Will you walk with me? Let us speak for those who cannot speak and peacefully walk for those who cannot walk. Silent No More Awareness Campaign 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Information Faire Rally 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Walk 1:30 PM (Market St. to Justin Herman Plaza, approx. 2 miles) Bring a drink and boxed lunch to eat while listening to testimonies and speakers. Please contact Lou Santero at (925) 846-5124, or [email protected] for further information or to attend as a group via BART. Catholics Returning Home Have you been away from the Church for a while? Have you ever thought about returning? No matter how long you have been away, no matter the reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. Please join us for informal listening sessions and an update of the Catholic faith. Our six-week Returning Catholics Session begins on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM in St Elizabeth Seton Room A. For mor e infor mation, please contact Kimberly Whitaker at (925) 846-0892 or [email protected]. Thank You! The St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks the parishioners of CCOP for their overwhelming response to our request for non-perishable food items for our Thanksgiving Food Baskets. As a result of your generosity we were able to provide 80 Pleasanton families with a turkey, fresh fruit and several boxes of donated food. Thanks also to all the volunteers, young people and families who sorted food and assembled the boxes of food. We appreciate the support of the Knights of Columbus who delivered the food to families throughout town. V i s i t u s a t w w w . Ca t ho l i cs o f P l ea s an to n .o r g The CCOP Gift Card Program Order forms and instructions are on the Parish website at www.catholicsofpleasanton.org. Click on Giving (6th tab on the main menu) – Select Gift Card Program Gift Card purchases may be made until December 28. Three Easy Ways to Purchase Gift Cards: 1. You can order cards directly on-line at www.shopwithscrip.com. To register, you will need to enter the CCOP ShopWithScrip Enrollment code: F69CB6FA26783. Drop off your order form and payment at either St. Elizabeth’s Parish Office or St. Augustine’s Rectory Office. 2. You may also use the traditional paper order form (available online or at Parish offices). 3. Order cards on-line and pay using the Presto Pay feature. See the website for details on Presto Pay. Payment if you do not use Presto-Pay Write a check to CCOP, drop off your order form and payment at the Parish Offices. St. Augustine Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday: 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Office Hours: Monday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Gift Card Pick-Up For all orders paid for and received by Sunday at 8:30 PM - Gift Cards will be available for pick up on Thursday afternoon after 2:00 PM or any time thereafter at St Elizabeth Seton Parish Office. Questions: Please contact Maggie Go-Yu at [email protected] or (925) 462-2913 or Judy Robichaud at [email protected] or (925) 519-1936. Be a Pizza Angel! AMP, our middle school youth group, appreciates donations of Little Caesar's gift cards. For your convenience, Little Caesar's gift cards can be sent directly to the Faith Formation office. If you have questions, contact Nancy Schlachte [email protected]. P AG E 5 Christmas and New Year’s Day Schedule Christmas Eve St. Augustine Church 4:00 PM (no incense) 8:00 PM 12:00 Midnight (11:30 PM – Musical Prelude by Adult Choir) St. Elizabeth Seton Church 4:00 PM (Children’s choir, no incense) 8:00 PM 12:00 Midnight (11:30 PM – Musical Prelude by Teen Choir) Christmas Day (No evening Masses) St. Augustine Church 8:00 AM (no incense) 10:00 AM 12:00 PM St. Elizabeth Seton Church 9:00 AM (no incense) 11:00 AM New Year’s Day (Holy Day of Obligation) St. Augustine Church - 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM
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