SUNDAY, November 23, 2014 MASS INTENTlONS THIS WEEK Today, Sunday, November 23rd 8:30 a.m. - Joseph Vella 10 a.m.— Ray Hart, Salvatore Vassallo, Barbara Lenz, Anthony Motta 12 Noon — People of the Parish Monday, November 24th 9:00a.m. – Tuesday, November 25th 9:00 a.m.— Alyssa Audette Wednesday, November 26th 9:00 a.m.— Melanie F. Clifford THANKSGIVING Thursday, November 27th 9:00 a.m. – Thanksgiving Saturday, November 29th 5:00 p.m.— John Pedagna, Nicholas Bisceglia Next Sunday, November 30th 8:30 a.m. - People of the Parish 10 a.m.— Ray Hart, Salvatore Vassallo, Barbara Lenz, Anthony Motta 12 Noon — Henry Hubbs WEEKLY SACRIFICE for the PARISH Last Week = $7,817.00 # of Envelopes returned: 333 Expenses paid: $15,200.00 Expenses include: salaries, employee medical/dental insurance, elevator repair, fire/alarm inspection, misc liturgical items, phones & cable for office, etc.. ALL PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th and FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th MAY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! ANNUAL THANKSGIVING LITURGY Thursday, Nov 27th - 9 AM Mass Please bring one item from your table for a special blessing. Place all items on the steps of the altar BEFORE MASS and pick up after the Mass has concluded. We will also distribute a special loaf of bread to each family in attendance. ALL SOULS DAY MASS REMEMBRANCE ENVELOPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE CHURCH LOBBY. THE NAMES WILL BE PLACED ON THE ALTAR THROUGHOUT THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. WEDDING BANNS 1st Time Adrianna Cioffi—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Douglas Poetzsch— St. Joseph’s, Babylon CELEBRANTS Weekend of Nov 29th & Nov 30th SATURDAY, November 29th 5 PM: Msgr. Daniel A. Picciano SUNDAY, November 30th 8:30 AM: Msgr. Daniel A. Picciano 10 AM: Fr. Patrick Okafor 12 PM: Fr. Patrick Okafor NOTE: SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE We accept Credit Cards (Visa/MC/Discover/AMEX) Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe FOR THE RIDE HOME First Reading: Ez 34: 11-12, 15-17 Second Reading: 1 Cor 15:20-26 Gospel: Mt 25: 31-46 Today, on the feast of Christ the King, we read that a ruler or leader should be like a shepherd. The leader is to care for all the people and protect them. And a wise and loving ruler knows that what is important for the people is equally important for their leader. In today's gospel, the ruler is also a judge. At the last judgment, Christ is pictured as the king who judges the nations. How does he judge? On the basis of care and concern for the needy. Did you notice in the gospel that all the people were surprised at the king's answer to their questions? How lucky we are to have Jesus tell us what they did not seem to know, that when we do for others, we do to him, and that we will be judged on our works of mercy and justice. Take a moment to think about these works that the gospel mentions. Ask Christ to reign and rule in your heart and in the whole world. Join Us With Mary When life got overwhelming and too big for us as children, we turned to our mother for support and guidance. As adults, we thank her for all she had done for us. Now we are blessed with the opportunity to turn to our Heavenly Mother Mary to ask for her support and guidance, and thank her for the many blessings she has given us. Every Wednesday after 9:00 AM Mass (at 9:30), you are invited to join us as we pray the rosary to ask for her help and guidance and to thank her for her abounding love and intercession. RELIGION & ROCK "Religion and Rock," a nationally syndicated radio program with Msgr. Jim Vlaun of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, airs every Sunday from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. on WBAB-FM 102.3 or 95.3 on the East End. And Saturday evenings at 11pm on "The Catholic Channel" on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 159 and XM Satellite Radio channel 117. Next Sunday’s (November 30th) theme is “Being Prepared” . News about RELIGIOUS FORMATION at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish For more insight into our Religious Formation program, please go to: and click on the Religious Formation link. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALENDAR REMINDER! THE WEEK OF NOV. 24TH THERE WILL BE NO RELIGIOUS FORMATION CLASSES AT THE CHURCH. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A LOOK AHEAD TO DECEMBER..... Level 3 Family Mass at 10 AM - Sunday, Dec. 7th Level 3 will not have classes during the week of Dec. 1st Lev. 1 Parent/Child Advent Prayer -Tues. Dec. 9th 7 PM - Church ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HELP US PROVIDE A SECURE AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT... We still have some class sessions without Parental monitors in the Hall and Church lobbies. If you can spare an hour, and fifteen minutes once a week, please contact the Religious Formation Office at 737-8915 - Monday through Thursday for more information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mrs. Zendrian’s 6th Grade Class Level 6 students are required to participate in a “Class Community Service Project” as part of their preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. One class has decided to donate to the men and women serving in our armed forces. All donations we receive will be sent to Operation Gratitude, an organization that will distribute the collected items to those serving our country. If you would like to contribute there will be a basket in the Lobby labeled “6th Grade Project— Operation Gratitude” starting this weekend for 3 weeks. Listed below are some of the items needed . Sox-any dark color, -Slim Jims, Beef Jerky, protein bars -trial size personal hygiene items -soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shaving cream, shampoo & conditioner, moist towelettes, lip balm, razors. -pens, unused Christmas cards and note cards for the troops to send home and individual cereal bowls. All items must be individually wrapped. Thank you for your generosity! SUNDAY, November 23, 2014 8th Annual Christmas Raffle Update!! We are off to a flying start this year. The PRIZE MONEY is over $3,500 and rapidly growing daily. With your continued support, we can make this the best Christmas raffle yet! Raffles will continue to be sold in the rear of the Church after each Mass. This is a major fund raiser for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Drawing will be held on Sunday, December 21 after the 12 Noon Mass. You have to be in it to win it!! ****WE ARE IN NEED OF A NEW LARGE RAFFLE DRUM!!! If you know someone who has one available to borrow, or if you would like to donate one, please contact the office at 737-4388. Thank you!! We would like to thank the following people for their help in assembling the 50/50 Christmas Raffle mailing. Eric Buffa, Michael Buffa, Diana Sabina, Sean Tarpey, Kim Tarpey, John Tarpey, Jane Brock, Diana Hogan, Nick Crismali, Karen & Bob Batewell, Dennis & Gerry Hoffer, Sylvia & Joe Messina, Fran & Al Yoli, Joanne Toomey, Hank & Marilyn Grynewicz, Marion Scarglato, Pat Coppola, Ellie Hattenback, Helen Sapienza, Carlo & Vivian Fierro, Lois Schilling, Jackie Dias, Nick Dattilo, Roy & Julie Plume, Dolores Ryan, Joanne Peuplie, June Alberico, Tony Alberico, Vito Mangialardi, Linda & Justin Perrotta, Carol Ann & Jim Corrigan, Kathy Wildemann and Larry Reilly. *****With much appreciation, your Raffle Chairman, Paul Buffa Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe PARISH OUTREACH Parish Outreach would like to thank all who donated items for our Thanksgiving baskets. There is still a need for Turkeys for our families. Our Parish community will be helping approximately 70 families with a Thanksgiving dinner. Our food baskets will be distributed on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. This charitable endeavor can only be accomplished because of the Generosity generated from this Community of believers. Thank you for this. As for Christmas, the Giving Tree will be set up on Saturday, November 22, 2014 after the 5:00 pm mass. This year the ornaments will consist of providing gifts for children 12 years and under. All others will receive a gift card. Outreach will be distributing Christmas gifts and a food basket on December 22, 2014 for the families that are served as well. Thank you for continuing to be a worshipping community of believers who reach out in love and friendship to all of God’s people. God Bless Welcome! The following new families registered with the Parish this past month. • Ms. Christine Bader • Ms. Phyllis Antonelle • Ms. Lori Donaldson Next weekend after all Masses we will be selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” car magnets for $5.00/each, proceeds will go to the Parish. TheYouthGroup TheYouthGroupwillbeselling YouthGroupwillbeselling willbeselling “St.ElizabethAnnSetonChurchChristmas “St.ElizabethAnnSetonChurchChristmas Ornaments”,$5.00/each...allproceedsfromthe ornamentswillgotowardstheYouthGroup. ornamentswillgotowardstheYouthGroup. Prayer Blanket Ministry Next meeting is Saturday, November 29th 9:30am-12:30pm Please come join the "Ladies of the Wool" as we create scarves, blankets, baby hats & more! We donate to Hospice, nursing homes, hospitals and other places that are in need. We are always looking for new members of all ages and will teach you if you don't know how to knit or crochet. We meet twice a month on Saturdays from 9:30am-12:30pm. Donations of yarn are NEEDED at this time! You can contact Parish Outreach for more information. Catholic Campaign for Human Development This weekend we will take up the Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development which includes Home Missions (CCHD). CCHD was founded 40 years ago by the bishops of the United States when they realized that the lives of those in need would not improve until the systems and policies that keep people in poverty were changed. For 40 years, CCHD has funded community groups that seek justice and create lasting change. Fight poverty in America. Defend human dignity. Give to the CCHD Collection. 7th ANNUAL SUPER DAILY BONANZA DRAWING Nov. $25 winners Sunday 11/16 #02380 Susan Montalbano Mon, 11/17 #11938 Linda & Bill Hughes Tues, 11/18 #15018 Kim Graziano Wed, 11/19 #10118 Chris Connor Thursday, 11/20 #04944 Laura Maehr Friday, 11/21 #13175 Anthony & Barbara Taormino Saturday, 11/22 #04098 Vito DeMola CONGRATULATIONS! Altar Bread and Wine for the week of November 23rd have been donated in loving memory of Margaret Ripp, requested by Kathy & John Swerdzewski YOUTH GROUP All 6th to 12th graders are welcome. For more information please email Joy Milillo at [email protected] You can also follow the youth group instagram which is @stelizabethyouthgroup to keep up with upcoming meetings and events. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Fourth Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony & Potluck Dessert Night It is with great pleasure that the Family Activities Committee cordially invites one and all to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Fourth Annual Christmas Tree Lighting/ Potluck Dessert Date: Sunday , December 14, 2014 Time: 4:30 -Desserts can be dropped off any time after 3:00 Please join us for a night filled with the Christmas Spirit. We will be gathering inside the church hall to enjoy some traditional homemade and not so homemade desserts along with s hot chocolate, coffee and tea. Then we will be lighting the tree located behind the Church, and singing Christmas carols around the beautifully lit tree. Take a little time out of the busy December schedule to get in to the Christmas spirit by spending time with family, friends and fellow parishioners! Do you have a favorite Christmas dessert that has become a tradition in your family? if so, we’d like to try it. If you are interested in bringing in one of your family’s favorite traditional holiday desserts, and would like to share your recipe with others, please complete the form located in the lobby and return it to the Recipe Form box located in the lobby by Sunday, December 7th deadline in order to get into the cookbook that will be distributed that night. Desserts can be dropped off on December 14th anytime after 3:00. Spread the cheer and bring all your family and friends to this special Christmas event!! Everyone who brings a dessert will automatically be entered in a raffle to win a beautiful holiday baking basket filled with lots of baking supplies and goodies. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Potluck Dessert 2011 Name of the Recipe ________________________________________________________________ Name of the Person contributing the Recipe ______________________________________________________________ The history of the recipe (Where did it come from and why is it special?) ———————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————Ingredients and Measurements: Recipe ————————————————————————————————— ———–————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— The Christmas Story Sun. Dec. 21st - 1:30 PM in Church (following the Christmas raffle drawing) We need some barn animals, star person and angels (non-speaking parts) Young people Level 1 to Level 3 Minimal rehearsals Adult assistants also needed! If interested, please contact Pageant Coordinator: Nancy Grant [email protected] or text 631-767-6287 Recipe Continued ————————————————————————————————— ———–————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ———————–————————————————————–————— ——————————————————————————–——————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ———-—————————————————————————————— Special Tips or Comments ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————-
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