To Discover, Equip, and Live Out +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pastoral Team Pastor Rev. John P. Bergstadt – Phone Ext. 211 Deacons Manny Torres & Nicholas Williams Business Administrator Deacon Manny Torres – Phone Ext. 213 Pastoral Associate Sister Kathy Lange, SCSC - Phone Ext. 214 Pastoral Minister Ruth Holloway – Phone Ext. 209 Coordinator of Liturgy and Music Karen Bernsteen – Phone Ext. 232 Director of Faith Formation Sister Gretchen Krueger, O.P. – Phone Ext. 204 Faith Formation Facilitator Grades 1-6 Susan Casleton – Phone Ext. 205 Coordinator of HS Faith Formation/Confirmation Amy Koehler – Phone Ext. 212 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Jody Engebos – Phone Ext. 215 School Principal Vicki Marotz – Phone Ext. 223 Parish Trustees Gary Lockstein Bob Buss Councils & Committee Chairpersons Pastoral Council- Jeff Taylor Meets first Thursday of the month Finance Council- John Style Meets third Monday of the month Social Concerns- Lori Janowski Site Advisory Council- Kelly Williams Board of Faith Formation- Dave Wojcik Stewardship- Roseann Mader Welcoming - Vern Ruhland Building & Grounds – Mark Heinzen Councils & Committee Meetings are open to all parishioners. Parish Office 434-2145 Faith Formation Office 434-2417 School Office 434-3822 Parish Office fax# (920) 434-5015 School Office fax# (920) 434-5016 Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin This Week at St. John’s O God, Hear Our Prayer Saturday, Dec. 20 4:30pm Esther Bertrand Sunday, Dec. 21 8:00am People of the Parish 10:00am Joe Socha & Tom LaCombe Tuesday, Dec. 23 8:30am Liturgy of the Word Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Masses at 4:00pm – 6:30pm – 11:00pm Thursday, December 25 - Christmas Day Mass at 9:00am - People of the Parish Friday, Dec. 26 8:30am Bill Barcome Saturday, Dec. 27 4:30pm Terese Jacquart James M. Jacquart Sunday, Dec. 28 8:00am People of the Parish 10:00am Art & Laverna Thibodeau Schedule of Worship Scripture Readings December 25, 2014 – the Nativity of the Lord Reading I Isaiah 9:1-6 Reading II Titus 2:11-14 Gospel Luke 2:1-14 December 28, 2014 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Reading I Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 Reading II Colossians 3:12-21 Gospel Luke 2:22-40 Stewardship of Treasure From the week of December 14, 2014 Weekly Contribution Budget Weekly Envelopes Loose Collection Total Sunday, December 21 2014 CHURCHTIME Christmas Program after the 10:00am Mass Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center Tuesday, December 23, 2014 Men’s Choir – 6:00pm, Church Living Waters – 7:15pm, Church Men’s Bible Study – 7:00pm, Conference Room AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room Wednesday, December 24, 2014 No Breaking Open the Sunday Readings Today! The Red Cross Blood Drive from 7am to Noon, Gym The Parish Office Center is closed Today! Thursday, December 25, 2014 Merry Christmas! Friday, December 26, 2014 The Parish Office Center is Closed Today! $22,800 $17,113.63 + 941.05 $18,054.68 Thanks for all your contributions throughout the year! Any contributions that you would like credited for tax purposes for the year 2014 must be in by December 31st. If you are dropping off your envelope after hours, we do have a mail slot in the door on the porch entrance to the parish office. Children’s Stewardship Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the youth at St. John the Baptist. *I helped my mom bake and frost Christmas Cookies. *I helped a friend pick up their dropped books. *By doing the dishes. ***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes! *13 youth envelopes were turned in for December 14…...$13.50 Eucharist Tuesday 8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass Saturday 4:30pm – Mass Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am – Masses Holy Days As Announced Reconciliation Saturday 9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment) Baptism Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month. Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register. Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass. Marriage By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in advance. Sacrament of the Sick Individually, by appointment – Communally, as announced. Before you leave Church today… Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP. Scrip News The last order before Christmas will be placed at 11:00 AM TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21ST. We will NOT be placing an order the week of December 29 th. Kwik Trip will be at a 10% rebate through December 31, 2014. Beginning January 1st, 2015 the rebate will drop to 5%. Volunteers for: Dec 27 & 28 Jean Payette & Vicki Torres January 3 & 4 Rose Romes & Cheryl Yursis January 10 & 11 Mike & Shelly Stratman Stewardship Corner December 21, 2014 - 4th Sunday of Advent “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace December 21, 2014 Announcing Spring CRHP Dates Women’s Weekend: March 7-8, 2015 Men’s Weekend: March 14-15, 2015 Adult Confirmation Any adults, 18 years of age or older, who have never been confirmed in the Catholic Church are encouraged to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, which will take place in our parish on Sunday, May 17th, at a 2:00 p.m. Mass with Bishop Robert Morneau. Five preparation sessions will be required and will take place in the Fireplace Room of the church on the following Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.: January 7 Sacraments: An Introduction January 14 Baptism/Confirmation January 21 Eucharist January 28 Reconciliation/Anointing of the Sick February 4 Marriage Please call Sr. Kathy at the parish office soon (434-2145, Ext. 214) or e-mail [email protected] to indicate your interest. You will need to furnish a recent copy of your baptismal certificate. Area Happenings Day Trip to Manitowoc on January 8, 2015 Join Fr. Patrick Beno on a day that includes: a visit to the RahrWest Art Museum, tour at the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Convent, lunch at Beerntsen's and a stop at the JJ Antique Mall. Bus departs St. Agnes Parish parking lot at 9am and returns at 5pm. Cost for the day is $50 per person. Call the St. Agnes Parish Office (920-494-2534) for a spot on this trip! ********** Need Marriage Help? – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For confidential information about or to register for the upcoming weekend at the Redemptorist retreat center in Oconomowoc January 16-18 call 800-470-2230 or visit ********** The Knights of Columbus from St. John’s will be collecting the aluminum cans thru December. They will be providing meals for the St. John Homeless Shelter. ********** K C Council 11834 - St Elizabeth Ann Seton Cribbage Tournament - January 13, 2015 - 7:00pm At Townline Sports Bar & Grill - 2544 Lineville Rd Green Bay Doors open at 6:30 for food and refreshments. The entry fee is $40.00 per team ($20.00 per person) 3 – 50/50 raffles Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Entry fee includes food and refreshments (sandwich, chips, dessert, beer or soda) 4th Sunday of Advent Everyone is invited to St. John the Baptist Appreciation Breakfast January 11, 2015 Serving 8:00am until the last pancake and sausage are served! Come before or after Mass! We give thanks to our parishioners, and this is our way of saying “Thank You” for all you do. Come and enjoy! ********** Current Food Pantry Needs We send out a big Thank You to everyone who has been so faithfully donating to our food pantry. You have been so careful to see to the current needs, and we appreciate your generosity. Currently, we are in need of: mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers of any kind, canned chicken, complete boxed meals, Dinty Moore stew, Hamburger Helper, cereal, pancake mix, syrup, frosting, cake/brownie mixes, jelly, Jello, pudding, canned fruit, tuna, liquid hand soap, dish soap, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and laundry detergent. ********** Blanketing Brown County Once again, our parish will participate in a Blanket Collection from January 6 through January 27, 2015. Please help those in need by donating new and gently used blankets for distribution to area shelters and agencies. Boxes will be available in the Narthex after January 5th, and there will be other collection sites throughout Brown County, including all Green Bay Fire Stations. The Blanket Collection is sponsored by the Greater Green Bay Labor Council Community Services Committee. For additional information, please call 920-676-2028. Visit on Facebook at: Blanketing Brown County. Lenten Booklet 2015 St. John's has prepared our own Lenten reflection booklet for several years now. Advent may not yet be upon us; however Easter is very early next year so we will have to get preparations going earlier than usual on our booklet. Please consider preparing a reflection for the booklet. Instructions are provided and it is a great way to express our Faith. Contact Ruth Holloway: [email protected] OR 434-2145 ext. 209 December 21, 2014 SJB Youth Group Jody Engebos 920-737-7357 @stjohn_youth @GreenBayLuvsGodFB: Youth Ministry trips make great Christmas gifts! Something for that grandchild who has ‘everything’! Gift them a week that they won’t forget… time to focus on their faith and have fun too! Contact Jody Engebos for more details _________________________________ Seroogy Bars make awesome Christmas gifts! No baking required! Please consider Seroogy bars from SJB Youth Ministry – all sales go directly to the youth going on 2015 summer trips! Contact Tracy Bensen 434-2145 x206. Please consider selling Seroogy bars at your workplace for YM! _________________________________ SJB visits CHWC in Oil City, PA July 4-10, 2015 COACH BUSSING, HOUSEING, MEALS, CONFERENCE FEES, T-SHIRTS cost is about $500.00 4th Sunday of Advent School News Grace Annual Appeal supports 225 Students Every dollar raised through the 2014-2015 GRACE Annual Appeal goes directly to support the 225 GRACE students receiving tuition grants for the current school year. This year, students joined Fr. Dane to thank you for your support in a video that can be viewed at the GRACE website at Click on the article on the homepage. Gifts to the Appeal can be made online or by sending your gift to the GRACE Office at 1087 Kellogg Street, Green Bay, WI 54303. EARLY REGISTRATION FOR CLASSICAL SCHOOL Parents interested in enrolling their child(ren) at St. John Paul II Classical School for the 2015-2016 school year can do so at the GRACE Office, 1087 Kellogg Street, or by accessing the early registration form at A deposit is required to complete the application. This new GRACE school will open with PreK-3 classes and grow by one grade each year. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The school will also sponsor a before & after school program. For information at the GRACE Office, call (920) 499-7330, ext. 303. Prayer shapes everything we do. The family is the first community children experience. May prayer encompass all that your family does. During the six weeks of Lent our children submitted their prayers as a sign of their Stewardship to God. We continue with their prayers: Open registration starts January 1 – guaranteed bus seats for prior registration!!! _________________________________ Steubenville Youth Conference July 7-15 or July 24-26 St. Louis Eucharistic Conference or St. Thomas campus in St Paul, MN COACH BUSSING, HOUSING, MEALS, CONFERENCE FEES, TSHIRTS St. Louis is $485.00 St Paul is $300.00 _________________________________ If you are considering joining us on any of these summer trips you should know that we have starting fundraising! You’ve missed the car wash ($800!) and the sign up for the can bin. Please sign up ASAP! Registrations forms and deposit Lambeau Field clean up Dec 28 – ($30 each worker) Stock Sale Jan. 12 total collected is divided by trip attendees) Packer Playoff parking (total collected is divided by workers) Seroogy Candy bar sales ($36 a box) Project Andrew THURSDAY • JANUARY 15, 2015 - 5:30 P.M. MASS WITH BISHOP DAVID L. RICKEN Followed by supper and discussion ST. MATTHEW PARISH 130 St. Matthew St., Green Bay, WI CALLING HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE MEN Please join us for a gathering of disciples open to the priesthood. Local priests, pastoral leaders, campus ministers and youth ministers are invited to bring men from among their flock. Please RSVP by January 9, 2015 Fr. Daniel Schuster - Vocation Director (920) 272-8289 [email protected] WWW.GBDIOC.ORG/ANDREW December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Stewardship of Sharing Forms The gift of sharing enables life to happen here at St. John’s. ` Christmas Worship December 24, Christmas Eve 4:00pm Mass Fr. John, assisted by Deacon Nick, will be presiding and preaching. “Living Waters” 6:30pm Mass Please return your Stewardship of Sharing forms in the boxes in the narthex. Extra pledge forms will be available in case you may need one. You may also return your pledge form in the red boxes in the narthex, offertory basket, drop if off or mail to the parish office. Thank you for supporting the mission of our Church. Finding Community, Through Eucharist Investing in the future Special thanks over 450 households that have already made their commitment to our parish for the upcoming year. Whether you commit to the regular usage of the envelopes or have money withdrawn through the automatic withdrawal, your support is vital and we are so grateful. 11:00pm Mass If you are not accustomed to regular giving or have never made a commitment, I would like to encourage you to do so this year. A healthy parish involves everyone. Everyone can and should give according to their means. How touching it was to hear that the Downtown drop-in center requires sharing from everyone. If one of the guests wants a cup of coffee, they are asked for a little change if they have it or some volunteer work. We appreciate so much more when we invest in what we receive. Thanks for investing your money and yourself in our parish! Fr. John will preside & Deacon Manny will preach. Incense will be used at 11 pm. The incense won’t make you cough. “Rachel, Christopher & Group” We have spoken of Bishop Ricken’s plan for the mission of the Diocese for the next six years. How do we get started? Where do we begin? These first two years will be about coming to know Jesus. That is our focus this Advent. December 25, Christmas Day 12/24-25 It is Christmas! At 4:00, 6:30, 11:00 on Christmas Eve and 9:00 a.m. on Christmas morn we will enter into the mystery of Jesus who has come to save us. See you there! Fr. John Girotti, assisted by Deacon Nick, will preside and preach. “Christine & Paul” 9:00am Mass Fr. John will preside & Deacon Manny will preach. “Karen & Open to All” December 31 New Year’s Eve 5:00pm ”Christine & Paul” January 1, 2015 9:00am Mass “Kim” It would be a dream (but dreams do come true) if all of us would seek out Mass at Christmas with hearts filled with wonder and awe. When you choose Christmas Mass, please think for a moment: which will help me and my family worship most fully? We can hardly wait to see you there! Advent 2014 12/27-28 Holy Family Sunday – Are our families getting stronger or weaker? 12/31-01/01 New Years. 5:00 p.m. Fr. Bergstadt. 9:00 a.m. Fr. Girotti. For Catholic Christians, this is a Day of Obligation. What am I saying? Good land – it is a day of privilege to be able to gather! 01/03-04 Epiphany – Fr. Girotti will preside before he returns to school at Catholic U in Washington, D. C. 01/10-11 We flip pancakes. We share food. We are family. Please come! Advent – Coming to Know Jesus Being at St. John’s is a blessing throughout the year. However, it is especially full of meaning during the Advent & Christmas season. Whether you brought an image of the Christ Child to be blessed or not, your family can make the connection. What a great custom it is for the family (before opening any gifts) to gather around the crèche, sing Silent Night and have the youngest place the image of the Christ Child. It will be a memory that lasts! December 21, 2014 Catholics Returning Home Do you know of anyone who considers themselves Catholic but hasn’t been to church in a while? Do you know someone who has been hurt or feels rejected by something that might have happened in the church? Do you know someone who has been thinking about returning to the Catholic Church and/or who misses being part of a parish family? No matter how long a person has been away and no matter what the reason, we invite them to consider renewing their relationship with the Catholic Church. St. John the Baptist Parish will be offering informal listening sessions and updates on our Catholic faith for those who have been away from the Church for various reasons. The six-week program is open to inactive Catholics and will be held on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. beginning January 12, 2015 in the Fireplace Room in the church. Please consider inviting someone and attend with them to provide support. Please call Sr. Kathy to register at 920-434-2145, Ext. 214, by January 7th. Thanks to All Many, many thanks to everyone who participated in our parish Christmas outreach this year by taking an ornament from our Sharing Trees and returning gifts(s) or buying and donating SCRIP. Thanks also to all the St. John the Baptist school classrooms for adopting a family for Christmas. So far this year, St. John the Baptist has helped over 30 families as well as St. Vincent DePaul, Golden House, St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter, the “Back to School” program, Love Life Program, and Elizabeth Ministry. The generosity of this parish is overwhelming! Thanks also to members of the Social Concerns Committee to organized this project and gave of their time to sort and organize all the gifts that were brought in. May God continue to bless St. John’s with a giving heart! Pastoral Council Follow-Up Greetings and God’s blessing to all of our parish members and visitors during this advent season. One of the main goals of the Pastoral Council is to help promote open communication as we all work together to fulfill our Parish Mission. We will continue to have more listening sessions after masses after the holiday season but you are always welcome to communicate your comments, concerns or issues to the members of the Pastoral Council. You can also connect with the members of the Pastoral Council at any time through the “Pastoral Council Feedback Page” on the parish website. ( Sincerely, St John the Baptist Pastoral Council 4th Sunday of Advent To All Saint John the Baptist Parishioners Christmas 2014 Each weekend presents us with a unique opportunity to truly welcome the visitors who worship with us. We recall that each parishioner may be the personal contact who can warmly welcome, enable visitors to feel at home and invite them to come back soon. As a parishioner, your welcoming may be the catalyst that will inspire our guests to return to worship with us often in the future. All parishioners even when not actively greeting or ushering at the doors; please remember, that you are St. John's Ambassadors of welcome, whether it be in the narthex, parking lot, walking up to the church, or leaving after Mass. You demonstrate that our community cares for and welcomes all. Please reach out to those around you and say, ‘Welcome, glad you are here.” Retirement Collection Diocesan Priests’ Retirement Fund for Religious Thank you to all who gave generously last weekend through the Retirement Collection. If you still wish to donate, you may do so. On behalf of our retired sisters, brothers, and religious order priests, as well as our own diocesan priests, we thank you for your generous care! Young Adult Ministry Upcoming Events Serving individuals 18-39 in the Diocese of Green Bay January 10: ENCOUNTER @ St. Francis of Assisi in Manitowoc. February 13-15: YA Retreat “Into the Heart of Jesus.” For more info visit: March 21: ENCOUNTER @ St. Jude in Oshkosh. April 24: Christopher West “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex and the Universal Long-ing” @ Sacred Heart in Shawano. Summer 2016: World Youth Day in Kra-kow. Visit for more on the diocesan pilgrimage. Evangelization & Formation Opportunities: Wake up to God: With the Year of Con-secrated Life about to begin, religious communities in the diocese have created to educate people about religious life. Check it out! Koinonia Retreats in the Diocese of Green Bay 2014-15 schedule and flier: Event Contact - Phil Lawson, Young Adult Ministry Discipleship and Formation Coordinator: (920) 272-8304 | [email protected] 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 To our visiting guests during the Christmas Season at St. John the Baptist Parish: On behalf of all St. John the Baptist parishioners, I wish to extend a warm welcome to all our visiting guests that are worshiping with us over Christmas. You honor us with your presence and are so glad you are joining us for worship at this blessed and holy time of the year. Please introduce yourselves and greet those in the pews around you and may your stay with us be joyful and grace-filled. Thank you for being with us and hope to see you again real soon. We welcome you and your family anytime. May the joy of Christmas always be in your heart. Fr. John Bergstadt Liturgical Ministries The complete schedule is online at Saturday Dec. 27 4:30pm Sunday Dec. 28 8:00am Sunday Dec. 28 10:00am Eucharistic Minister Brenda Baldwin Debbie Baranczyk Eileen Condon Faye Klasen Jim Baranczyk Jackie Amschler Patricia White Wendy Hopp Claudene Tomlinson David Tomlinson Don Berg Eugene Gullickson Gretchen Berg Ken VanDeYacht Linn Heinzen Rosemary Piechowski Anthony Plansky Brianna Bodoh Casey Chrudimsky Colleen Thompson Gloria D'souza Karen Bodoh Kathleen Plansky Marilyn Johnson Mary Graycarek Sarah Patterson Lector 1-Jim Jacquart 2-Michelle Schneider Greeter Damian Polczinski Jeff Baker Julie Baker Patricia White Usher Chris Hopp - Head Chuck Gille Dan Cornell Mike Gorniak Vern Ruhland William Martens Carolyn Glime Celia Glime Mark Glime Wes Glime Brent Buchinger Gregory Jossart Joseph Jossart Len Rentmeester - Head Patrick Klapatch Sam Rentmeester Karen Michael John Aaron Buergi Kate Stumpf Roy Stumpf Sarah Stumpf Chris Cohorst Cole Cohorst Ed Casleton - Head Justin Casleton Kathy Yaggie Ronald Treml Steve Gulan Tony Yaggie Christine & Paul Altar Servers Musicians Gabrielle and open to all Bridget Kapic William Kapic Lector 1-Deb Rentmeester 2-Leonard Rizzo Altar Servers Caleb Rentmeester Sam Lyons Lector 1-Michael Janczakowski 2-Nancy Nelson Altar Servers Juliette Weslow Nicholas Weslow
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