Wieland-S23 Rolled Products CuZn23Al3Co C68800 Material Designation Chemical Composition (Reference) Typical Applications EN CuZn23Al3Co Cu 74 % UNS* C68800 Al 3.5 % Co 0.4 % Zn balance · Components for the electrical industry · Contact springs · Insulation displacement connectors * Unified Numbering System (USA) Physical Properties* Electrical Conductivity Fabrication Properties Corrosion Resistance Good general corrosion resistance, also in seawater. Much lower sensitivity to stress corrosion cracking than CuZn37. Due to the aluminium content, S23 has a much better tarnish resistance than e. g. brass or bronze. MS/m %IACS 10 17 Capacity for Being Cold Worked excellent Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 78 Machinability fair Capacity for Being Electroplated excellent Capacity for Being Hot-Dip Tinned less suitable Soft Soldering less suitable Resistance Welding good Gas Shielded Arc Welding fair Laser Welding less suitable Coefficient of Electrical Resistance** 10-3/K 1.2 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion** 10-6/K 18.2 Density 8.23 g/cm3 Modulus of Elasticity GPa Specific Heat J/(g·K) Poisson’s Ratio 116 0.375 0.34 * Reference values at room temperature ** Between 0 and 300 °C Mechanical Properties S23 R540 R600 13 R660 R740 R820 Tensile Strength Rm MPa 540–600 600–700 12 660–750 740–830 ≥ 820 Yield Strength Rp0.2 MPa ≤ 430 ≥ 510 11 ≥ 580 ≥ 660 ≥ 780 Elongation A50mm % ≥ 30 ≥ 13 ≥ 10 ≥3 ≥2 Temper H190 Hardness HV 190–220 Electrical Conductivity El. Conductivity (MS/m) Temper 11 10 9 8 R600 R660 R740 H190 H210 Temper S23 0° Rel. Bending Radius r/t 90° El. Conductivity (MS/m) 12 R540 14 9 8 H210 7 210–240 R540 H235 R600 ≥ 235 R660 R740 H190 H210 Temper R820 H235 Bendability (Strip Thickness t ≤S23 0.5 mm) S23 13 7 10 R820 H235 14 12 10 bending edge –I rolling direction 8 bending edge II rolling direction 6 4 2 0 R540 R600 R660 R740 H190 H210 Temper R820 H235 Wieland-S23 CuZn23Al3Co C68800 Resistance S23 to Softening 220 Temper R660 400 °C 500 °C 600 °C 210 200 Vickers Hardness HV 190 Vickers Hardness HV S23 180 170 160 150 140 130 0 10 20 30 40 Time (min) 50 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 60 Temper R820 400 °C 500 °C 600 °C 0 10 20 30 40 Time (min) 50 Vickers hardness after heat treatment (typical values) 60 S23 Thermal Stress Relaxation Stress remaining after thermal relaxation as a function of Larson-Miller parameter (F. R. Larson, J. Miller, Trans ASME74 (1952) 765–775) given by: P = (20 + log(t))*(T + 273)*0.001. Time t in hours, temperature T in °C. Example: P = 9 is equivalent to 1.000 h/118 °C. Measured on stress relief annealed specimens parallel to rolling direction. Total stress relaxation depends on the applied stress level. Furthermore, it is increased to some extent by cold deformation. 100 Residual Stress (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 Temper R540, R600, R660, R740, R820 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Larson-Miller parameter P 11.0 Fatigue Strength The fatigue strength is defined as the maximum bending stress amplitude which a material withstands for 107 load cycles under symmetrical alternate load without breaking. It is dependent on the temper tested and is about 1/3 of the tensile strength Rm. · Standard coils with outside diameters up to 1400 mm · Traverse-wound coils with drum weights up to 1.5 t · Multicoil up to 5 t Wieland-Werke AG Dimensions Available · Contour-milled strip · Sheet · Strip and sheet with protective coating www.wieland.com Graf-Arco-Str. 36, 89079 Ulm, Germany, Phone +49 731 944 2030, Fax +49 731 944 4257, [email protected] This printed matter is not subject to revision. No claims can be derived from it unless there is evidence of intent or gross negligence. The product characteristics are not guaranteed and do not replace our experts’ advice. · Strip thickness from 0.10 mm, thinner gauges on request · Strip width from 3 mm, however min. 10 x strip thickness 10/14 Bm (R+G) Types and Formats Available
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