Vol. 88/No. 1 January 2015 ANNUAL MEETING Monday 7pm, January 12, Chemekeden Vote on Amendments to Bylaws All Members Welcome! details p.5 MEMBERSHIP FEES DUE JANUARY 1 Member Renewals after January 31 will not be listed in roster rost The Chemeketans are a group united in a common interest in outdoor activities. Application for membership may be made after completion of two qualifying trips with the club. For information and forms, contact chemeketans.org General Information Trip Participation It is your responsibility to determine from the description of distance, altitude, terrain, trail and possible weather conditions, whether you, your children, and your guests can fully participate. The leader may refuse to take anyone not properly equipped or who is judged incapable of making the specific trip. All valuables should be left at home or carried with you — not left in a vehicle at the trailhead. Dogs/pets are not permitted. Guests (non-members) A guest under 18 years of age must provide a signed RELEASE FROM LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK to the trip leader if he/she is not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Snowshoe Trip Ratings The difficulty of a snowshoe trip is dependent upon a number of variables: principally length, elevation gain, snow conditions, and the number of people able and willing to break trail. EASY - Generally not over 5 round-trip miles with up to 500 feet of elevation gain. MEDIUM - Generally over 5 round-trip miles up to 8 with over 500 feet of elevation gain up to 1000. HARD - Generally over 8 round-trip miles with over 1000 feet of elevation gain. Trip Essentials Participants should wear appropriate foot gear and clothing (no blue jeans), carry lunch, water, rain gear, warm sweater/jacket, and the following "essentials": EXTRA food/clothing/water flashlight & extra battery lighter/matches in waterproof container solar blanket and/or ground insulation in winter Insect repellent first aid materials sunglasses pocket knife toilet paper candle sunscreen whistle small shovel Hiking Trip Ratings Trip Meeting Points CCC = WEEKENDS ONLY – Green Parking Lot (lot off Membership and Bulletins The best way for prospective members to request club information and guest bulletins is to complete the online "MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION REQUEST FORM", available on our website www.chemeketans.org under "Membership" or "Contact Us". You may mail requests to Chemeketans, Membership Secretary, PO Box 864, Salem OR 97308 or email [email protected] and use an unambiguous subject line and include a snail mail address and phone number. If you mail in names of prospective members on sign-up sheets, instead of directing people to the website, it is very helpful to include email addresses. Cooley Dr off Lancaster Side) DEN = 360½ State Street FMN = Fred Meyer North west side of lot (River Road side) MBI = Minto Brown Island Park (1st parking lot on right as you enter island) PAR = State Motor Pool Park and Ride lot on Airport Road RAS = Rite Aid South, south Commercial, behind bus stop RLC = Redeemer Lutheran Church at 4665 Lancaster Dr (corner of Hayesville Dr – but never on Sunday) RPR = Roth’s Portland Road, 4746 Portland Road NE (park in northwest corner on Portland Road) RTH = Roth's West Salem (lot behind store, north end of lot) SAF = Safeway West Salem, use Capital Manor exit from 22. Park on Edgewater -- southwest corner SKM = Big K Lot, 2470 Mission St., Mission St. side, just west of Jack-in-the-Box New and Renewing Member Dues : Adults $20 and Juniors st (under age 18) $3. The membership year starts January 1 . Bulletin Editors Joanne DeMay 971-237-9775 [email protected] Bill Geibel 503-873-0270 [email protected] Mike Berger 503-400-7645 [email protected] Mileage Reimbursement for Drivers To reimburse drivers for vehicle operation costs, the suggested donation is 9¢ per mile per person to drivers. Cover Editor: Allan King [email protected] This issue was edited by Mike Berger The February issue will be edited by Bill Geibel The March issue will be edited by Joanne DeMay Coordinators for: January Hiking: Franca Hernandez, 503-510-1635 [email protected] Midweek Hikes: Don Gallagher, 503-371-7689 [email protected] Dawdler Hikes: Carol Soderberg, 503-363-8435 [email protected] January, 2015 DAWDLERS: Pace slow, group makes frequent stops for viewing, photography, etc. EASY: Max. 5 miles round trip, elevation gain less than 1000 feet. MEDIUM: 6 - 10 miles round trip, 1000 - 2000 feet elevation gain. HARD: Long, strenuous, and difficult. To submit an Activity or We Were There report, use the online forms on the www.chemeketans.org website. If you do not have internet access, ask a friend or the hiking coordinator to do this for you. You may also call, email, or send your writeups directly to the editors at their home addresses. 2 www.chemeketans.org The Chemekeden is located at 360-1/2 State Street, Salem. Members may schedule the facility with the Chemekeden Committee Chair. Thunderbird Lodge: To reserve the Chemeketan cabin on Whitewater Rd., call or email Kim Hyatt: [email protected], 503-362-2765 The Chemeketan Trip Leader Guide is available at http://www.chemeketans.org/Leader_Guide.pdf. January 2015 Calendar Day Date Location and Activity Leader Thu Sat Sat Sat Mon Wed Wed Thu Thu Fri Sat Sat Sun Mon Mon Mon Tue Wed Wed Thu Sat Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Thu Fri Sat Sat Sat Sun Mon Wed Thu Sat Sat Jan 1 Jan 3 Jan 3 Jan 3 Jan 5 Jan 7 Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 12 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 14 Jan 15 Jan 17 Jan 17 Jan 18 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 Jan 24 Jan 24 Jan 25 Jan 26 Jan 28 Jan 29 Jan 31 Jan 31 New Year’s Day Salem Dawdler Hike Santiam Pass X-Ski Curlicue Hill Snowshoe Minto Brown Hike Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Audubon Reserve Restoration Where the Snow is Snowshoe Pizza Night Center 50+ Lunch Picture Night Minto Brown Hike Burke Snowshoe Santiam Pass X-Ski Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Willamette Mission State Park Historic Dawdler Hike Chemeketan Annual Meeting Intro to Snowshoeing Teacup Lake X-Ski Audubon Reserve Restoration Center 50+ Lunch Jean's Jewel Snowshoe Minto Brown Hike Butteville to Champoeg Hike Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Bald Hill Dawdler Hike Audubon Reserve Restoration Center 50+ Lunch Riverfront Park and Willamette Dawdler Hike Backpackers' Potluck Shellburg Falls Hike Minto Brown Hike Potato Hill Snowshoe Santiam Pass X-Ski Koffee Klatch at the Beanery Audubon Reserve Restoration Center 50+ Lunch Minto Brown Hike Fisher Point Snowshoe Carol Soderberg Ken Ash Lee Slattum Laura DeVries Bill Anning Lee Slattum Ken Ash Larry Petersen Lee Slattum Mary Liepins Laura DeVries Tom Burke Roz Shirack Bill Anning Paula Hyatt Steve Dougherty Steve Dougherty Ted Young Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Jean Gabriel Laura DeVries Elizabeth Seibert Bill Anning Paula Hyatt Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Carol Soderberg Rick Cooper Wayne Wallace Laura DeVries Steve Dougherty Roz Shirack Bill Anning Lee Slattum Lee Slattum Laura DeVries James Sealy Future Events Day Date Location and Activity Leader Sun-Fri Fri-Mon Sun-Sat Feb 1 - 6 Feb 20 - 23 May 24 - 30 Senior Ski Week X-Ski Route Finding School Canyon de Chelly - Northeast Arizona Ted Young Steve Dougherty Hardin King January, 2015 3 www.chemeketans.org Executive Council Meeting Minutes November 19, 2014 6:00 p.m. Chemekeden at 360 ½ State Street, Salem Attendees: Present: Steve Dougherty, Bonnie Arias, Amy Dale, Michael Gurley, Karen Craven, Mary Liepins, Mike Pennington and Diane Clayton. Absent - Sherill Breen and Mary Liepins. Guests - Bill Geibel, Dr. Mark Olson and Fletcher Adelman. Recording Secretary - Bonnie Arias Sherill Breen has resigned from the executive council and Susan LaTour will take her place for the 2015 Council year. #1 Chemeketan Bulletin Print Costs Guest: Bill Geibel, Editor for the Chemeketan Bulletin. #2 Approve Executive Council minutes for October 15th 2014 council meeting. Action: Amy Dale moved to accept October council minutes. Motion passed. #3 Treasurer's Report- Amy Dale October 2014 reports provided by Ascension Accounting a. Main Account Register b. Statement of Assets & Liabilities, year-to-date comparison c. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, yearto-date comparison 63,986 Cash (main account balance at 10/31 $11,826) 116,519 Investments 1,101 Prepaid Postage 6,243 Fixed assets less depreciation (cabin, equipment, climbing gear) $187,849 Total Assets The club generally has no liabilities. 3. Revenues for the month of October total $ 250 $ Printing and Mailing (includes bulletin) Professional Services Chemekeden (rent, utilities, maintenance) Other (includes shirt order) Total Expenses Action: Bonnie Arias moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Report was accepted. #4 Reimbursements - Amy Dale Action: Amy Dale motioned for reimbursement to be approved. Motion was approved. #5 Chemeketan Council Membership Report for the period 10/1/2014 – 10/31/14 Michael Gurley As of October 31, 2014 there were 718 active, paying members including 9 life members and 12 junior members. There were 5 renewals in October. During the month we received and processed 13 guest requests for complimentary electronic bulletins. The total number of guests receiving a three-month complimentary email notification of electronic bulletin availability is 76. In addition, there are 33 businesses, agencies and libraries as well as 3 other outdoor clubs who receive a printed bulletin at no charge. Action: Mike Gurley moved to accept new members. Motion passed. Discussions #6 New Council Introductions New council members Fletcher Adelman and Dr. Mark Olson introduced themselves to council and spoke about their previous involvement with the Chemeketans. #7 Annual Meeting Planning 174 Club Membership 0 Outing General Store 75 Cabin Rental 1 Interest 250 Total Revenue January, 2015 546 135 334 224 $ 1,239 Four new adult member applications were submitted: 1. Bennett, Fred (Adult) 2. Hamler-Dupras, Libby (Adult) 3. Hyndman, Laurie (Adult) 4. Oxley, Lane ( Adult) Payments received for renewals and new memberships totaled $180.00 Club Assets total $188,418 (includes Climbing and Outing accounts) 2. Expenses for the month of October total $ 1,239 Betsy Belshaw for litter pickup reimbursement , driving 126 miles at .35 cents per mile. Total reimbursement = $44.10. Bill spoke about expenses, time and space constraints that are present in printing the Chemeketan bulletin. Amy Dale will research exact cost of printing the monthly bulletin and will have this figure at the December meeting. Bill also mentioned that the council minutes could be provided by email and members would be able to read them earlier. This change would also cut down costs of a printed bulletin. This will be added to December’s agenda as a motion to be voted on. 1. 4. Amy Dale will present an annual report in pie graph format displaying how a $20 Chemeketan membership fee is spent. An overall financial report will also be presented with annual totals received and spent. Because of time constraints more will be planned at the December meeting. 4 www.chemeketans.org #8 All member emails and by law changes will be moved to December’s meeting. b. c. #9 Meeting to choose council positions- will be after the December council meeting. d. #10 New/ Old Business e. a. Venue update- Karen Craven Karen Craven submitted a report for possible venue considerations. (If a member would like to read this report please contact Karen Craven for a copy). Investment committee- George Adkins will discuss investments and a possible committee to research investment options at the December meeting. Insurance concerns- A special meeting will be called to discuss insurance coverage. Policies- separate out and divide between council members. Cabin meeting- a meeting about the cabin will be planned. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Next meeting: December 17 , 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Location: Chemekeden ANNOUNCEMENTS The next Council meeting will be Wednesday, January 21 at 6 p.m. in the Chemekeden. ANNUAL MEETING: The 2015 Chemeketan Annual Meeting will be held on January 12 at 7 p.m. in the Chemekeden located at 3601/2 State St. in downtown Salem. All members are encouraged to attend and new members are especially welcome. This is an opportunity for new members to see the Den our meeting place, meet Council officers and Committee Chairs, learn more about the club and vote on proposed amendments to the By Laws, our governing rules. Proposed amendments were posted in the 2014 December Bulletin on pages 5-6. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to introduce incoming Council members and Committee Chairs, receive reports on Chemeketan activities over the past year and conduct any new business proposed by members present. There may even be refreshments and drawings for door prizes. We need a good turnout as at least 25 members must be present to vote on proposed By Laws. Committee chairs are expected to attend and give their reports of 2014 activities. CHEMEKETAN RESULTS EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ELECTION Thank you to Vice President Karen Craven for organizing this year's election and to Paula Hyatt for organizing the ballot counting work party. Three positions on the nine-member Executive Council were on the ballot. Each position was for a three-year term. Mike Pennington, Dr. Mark Olson and Fletcher Adelman won the three Executive Council positions, and Susan LaTour will serve as our alternate. The alternate will be called upon to serve on the Executive Council if any of the 2015 council members are unable or unwilling to serve. The new Executive Council members will begin their three-year terms at the close of the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015. Editors note: Sherill Breen has resigned from the executive council and Susan LaTour is now on the 2015 council. CHEMEKETAN STORE MERCHANDISE A variety of Chemeketan merchandise is available from the Chemeketan Store. Contact Roz Shirack at [email protected] to order and for details. Inventory includes: cotton/polyester blend, $12 Charcoal/Green in long sleeve – men’s sizes only in a 50/50 cotton/polyester blend, $15 Bandanas: $6. See photos of the shirts and for more details: www.chemeketans.org. Where: Salem Summit Co.- Member Al Tandy has graciously offered to support our club by having the shirts available at his shop in downtown Salem to make it easy for members to get shirts on their own schedule. Just go in and ask for them. Must use a check or exact cash payment. Please make checks payable to the Chemeketans. Shirts are also be available via Chemeketan store. ADS A Chemeketan member may place one small non-commercial ad per year - for example, offering outdoor equipment for sale – in the Chemeketan bulletin, free of charge. These classified ads will be placed subject to space availability. There will be no display ads placed on the back cover. Ads must be sent via email directly to the editors and must be received by the first of the month preceding the month in which they are to be published. LATE BULLETIN? Thunderbird embroidered patch, 3”................ $2 Thunderbird pin, ¾”......................................... $1 th Cap, 75 anniversary, white........................... $3 Short sleeve t-shirt, light blue with Thunderbird on front, child sizes10-16........ ...................... $5 T-shirts from prior outings, sizes M, L …...... $5 - 7 Chemeketan red and blue plaid wool fabric.. $5/yd Mt. Adams 2001 embroidered patch, 4”........ $2 Thunderbird red and blue decal, 3”............... 25 ¢ Due to recent closure of bulk mail facilities by the post office, the editors cannot guarantee the delivery of printed bulletins by the first of the month. The editors will continue to send the bulletin to the printer and post it on the club’s website one to two weeks prior to the first of the month. BULLETIN SUBMISSION Activity leaders, thank you for submitting your online Where and When and We Were There reports and photos by the first of the month that precedes the month you want the item published! NEW CHEMEKETAN T-SHIRTS Blue/Red in short sleeve – men’s & women’s sizes in a 50/50 January, 2015 5 www.chemeketans.org DISCOUNT VENDORS The stores listed below will honor your Chemeketan membership sticker with a discount: Salem Summit Co., 246 State St., Salem, 503-378-0300 – 10% discount. Salem Sports Authority, Lancaster Mall, Salem, 15% on first Monday of each month at outdoors register. Oregon Mountain Community, 2975 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, 503-227-1038 – 10% discount. The Mountain Shop, 1510 NE 37th (37th and Broadway), Portland, 503- 288-6768 – Members 10%, climb leaders 15%, class participants in session 15%, 30% on rentals. No discounts on service work or sale items. Next Adventure, 426 SE Grand, Portland, 503-233-0706 – 10% discount. US Outdoor Store, 219 SW Broadway, Portland, 503-223- 5937 – 10% discount. Peak Sports, 207 NW 2nd, Corvallis, 541-754-6444 – 10% discount. Redpoint Climber‘s Supply, 8283 11th St. Terrebonne, 800-923-6207 – 10% discount. Chemeketan Survey Results & Actions In the spring of this year the Chemeketan Executive Council did a survey of the membership to find out about your experiences of the club and ways to improve the club. This report highlights some important information gained from the survey and council’s plans and actions so far. There were 83 responses to the survey (via Survey Monkey). They were well distributed for length of time in the Chemeketans. 75% of the responders were age 55 or older. As promised, one responder was chosen at random to receive a free year’s membership in the club. The winner is Karen Blockson. Overall the survey reflected a high level of satisfaction. Responses were quite positive and there were many suggestions on ways to make the club even better. Themes emerged in the responses to the 10 questions. 1. Make it easier for existing and potential members to participate in club activities. This includes welcoming and orienting new members. Council actions so far: a. Council members will call new members 2 months after joining, personally welcome them to the Chemeketans and have a short conversation about their experiences so far. Council members will rotate this responsibility monthly. b. Starting in 2015 Council will hold quarterly welcoming/orientation gatherings for new and prospective members to highlight the wide variety of activities available through the club. This Chemeketan info night will be done on a trial basis to see if it is helpful for participants. c. Council will draft proposed changes to membership criteria to require only one hike or activity prior to joining the club. This will be a discussion item at the annual meeting. d. Council is working with the communications committee to set up a filter for the bulletin and calendar so that leaders can be contacted by potential participants without having their emails shown publically. 2. Increase family participation in Chemeketan activities. a. Activity coordinators have been asked to encourage family-friendly hikes and backpacks. b. A new box will be added to the description form that says “family friendly”. c. This issue is important to many survey responders and hope is that a champion of family participation will emerge from the membership to strengthen this aspect of the club. (One suggestion that deserves further exploration is supporting activities targeted at underprivileged children.) 3. Invest in equipment/maintenance/upgrades. a. Council OK’d substantial improvements for the kayak/canoe trailer. Jay Orand, paddle chair, made several necessary repairs and added capacity for 4 more boats and a box for gear. b. Council has had discussions about cleaning out and upgrading the storage area of the den. No decisions have been made. The den will not be relocated at this time even though that was a suggestion on the survey more than once. c. Council has discussed cabin usage and maintenance. No decisions at this point but this may be a topic at the annual meeting. 4. Increase use of technology for communication. This included notices of activities, last minute changes or opportunities, etc. a. Communications committee has made significant improvements in the web site and Facebook page. b. Communications committee is researching options for a forum for posting last minute activities and schedule changes, posting pictures, and updating trail information. c. Council is looking into how on-line membership renewal could work. No decisions yet. January, 2015 6 www.chemeketans.org There were many other suggestions for improving the club such as recruitment of younger members, increased environmental and conservation advocacy, more skill builder classes, more annual events, and community outreach. Each of the recommendations had merit. And most of the ideas and projects need a champion to take the lead in making them happen. The main limiting factor in implementing improvements for the club is volunteer time and energy. And the main factor in the amazing quality of the Chemeketan Club is volunteer time and energy. The entire operation runs on shared love of nature and outdoor activities. We rock! If you have questions regarding the survey, contact Karen Craven, Vice President. mailto:[email protected] WHERE AND WHEN Refer to the General Information on Page 2 for trip ratings, meeting locations and other important information. Trips leave promptly at the time stated so be there a few minutes ahead of time. RT = Round Trip. The use of an asterisk* on climb-related activities indicates that the activity is available to first-year climbers. Thursday, January 1, 10:00 a.m., NEW YEAR’S DAY SALEM DAWDLER HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: CAROL SODERBERG 503-507-0867 Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us for this New Year’s Day hike. We’ll walk around Bush Park and then head over to Willamette University and walk along the Mill Race. We’ll follow the Mill Race as it flows through Pringle Plaza and then walk to Riverfront Park to view where Pringle Creek empties into the Willamette. Then we’ll check out where Pringle Creek and the Shelton Ditch meet near Pringle Park before we return to our starting point. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 0 miles, HIKE dist 4.5 miles, Elev. 0 feet. LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration program for the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing them with natives, picking up litter, maintaining manmade nesting cavities in snags, constructing and keeping up trails, mowing grass, and developing wildflower plots. At 11:00, we quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink senior coffee and have a good visit. Into our fourth year, we have accomplished much with our collaborative effort. Saturday, January 3, CURLICUE HILL SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: LEE SLATTUM Snow conditions permitting, we will do an easy-medium snowshoe in the Santiam Canyon. Snow levels will determine where we go, but one strong possibility is Curlicue Hill, a relatively short snowshoe with plenty of views along the route and from the apex. We will use a slow pace to humanely absorb the 600 feet of elevation gain. This should be an ideal outing for the would-be snowshoer looking for first-time success. If you are a strong snowshoer and want to come along as a mentor, that's fine, but don't expect to be allowed to charge ahead of the group. Afterwards, we plan to stop at a restaurant for a bite to eat. Slow pace. RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 146 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 4 miles, Elev. 600 feet. Wednesday, January 7, 8:00 a.m., WHERE THE SNOW IS SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: KEN ASH 503-884-3160 We will go to Potato Hill or one of the west side snoparks depending on conditions. A good time WILL be had by all. Come prepared for winter conditions. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 180 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 6 miles, Elev. 1000 feet. Saturday, January 3, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN HIKE LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641 Join us as we walk 3-4 miles every Saturday morning at Minto Brown Park. Meet at the last parking lot. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles. Saturday, January 3, 8:00 a.m., SANTIAM PASS X-SKI PRE-REG W/LDR: KEN ASH 503-884-3160 Snow willing this will be the first trip of the year for most of us so come on out and have a good time. Be prepared for winter conditions. Not appropriate for beginners. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 180 miles, X-SKI dist 8 miles, Elev. 500 feet. Monday, January 5, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY Thursday, January 8, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Into our sixth year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are fifty or better; $6,50 if you are younger. A reserved sign identifying us as Chemeketans will claim our table. Drop in for some good food, conversation, and a chance to do some networking. Thursday, January 8, 6:00 p.m., PIZZA NIGHT LARRY PETERSEN 503-983-8181 Meet at Padingtons Pizza Parlor, 5255 Commercial St. SE, to celebrate the New Year. Friday, January 9, DEN, 7:00 p.m., PICTURE NIGHT MARY LIEPINS 503-363-6385 Italian Alps Last fall our presenter, Ken Ash, headed to Italy for some hiking (and the camaraderie and photo opportunities that go with it). Ken’s program will cover hut-to-hut hikes on Alta Via (High Path) 1 and Alta Via 2 in the Italian Alps. The trails are on the north and south sides of the Aosta Valley in northern Italy. A number of Chemeketans participated. There were adventures every day, some of which were even anticipated. Wednesday, January 7, AUDUBON RESERVE RESTORATION January, 2015 7 www.chemeketans.org Saturday, January 10, 8:00 a.m., BURKE SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: TOM BURKE 503-930-5704 We have several options at this location, the shortest and easiest of which can still provide some great views. I will endeavor to accommodate early returns or extend the adventure depending on conditions and the will of the group. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY-MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 146 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 6 miles, Elev. 400 feet. natives, picking up litter, maintaining manmade nesting cavities in snags, constructing and keeping up trails, mowing grass, and developing wildflower plots. At 11:00, we quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink senior coffee and have a good visit. Into our fourth year, we have accomplished much with our collaborative effort. Saturday, January 10, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN HIKE LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641 See Jan 3 entry. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles. Wednesday, January 14, SKM, 8:00 a.m., TEACUP LAKE XSKI PRE-REG W/LDR: TED YOUNG 503-362-1525 Groomed trails. A fee applies. Must preregister with leader. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 220 miles, X-SKI dist 8 miles, Elev. 300 feet. Sunday, January 11, SANTIAM PASS X-SKI PRE-REG W/LDR: ROZ SHIRACK 503-399-8615 We will ski somewhere in the Santiam Pass area where we find the best snow conditions. This will be an intermediate level ski of about 6-8 miles and not much elevation gain. Call or email leader ([email protected]) a few days before the trip for details. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 140 miles, X-SKI dist 7 miles, Elev. 500 feet. Thursday, January 15, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Into our sixth year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are fifty or better; $6,50 if you are younger. A reserved sign identifying us as Chemeketans will claim our table. Drop in for some good food, conversation, and a chance to do some networking. Monday, January 12, FMN, WILLAMETTE MISSION STATE PARK HISTORIC DAWDLER HIKE PAULA HYATT 503-362-2765 North of town, up by the Wheatland Ferry, is an historic district where Jason Lee first had a mission. We'll view the "skeleton mission" across Mission Lake, hike the area, enjoy a winter day. Dress for weather. Boots recommended since part of this trail is often wet. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 30 miles, HIKE dist 3 miles, Elev. 0 feet. Monday, January 12, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY Saturday, January 17, JEAN'S JEWEL SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: JEAN GABRIEL The route to Jean's Jewel, a large cinder cone within the Potato Hill snow park, is mostly cross-country. On a clear day, we'll have a panoramic view of Cascade snowcaps including a closeup view of the Three Sisters, but we'll have to work for it. There's some cumulative elevation gain, for a total of 1700 round trip. If the weather and/or snow conditions are undesirable, I may substitute a closer snowshoe which will also be rated hard. Pre-register by phone, not by e-mail. See roster for phone number. Moderate pace. RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 190 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 7.5 miles, Elev. 1700 feet. Monday, January 12, 7:00 p.m., CHEMEKETAN ANNUAL MEETING The 2015 Chemeketan Annual Meeting will be held in the Chemekeden located at 3601/2 State St. in downtown Salem. Saturday, January 17, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN HIKE LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641 See Jan 3 entry. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles. Tuesday, January 13, DEN, 7:00 p.m., INTRO TO SNOWSHOEING PRE-REG W/LDR: STEVE DOUGHERTY 503-566-8899 This two hour classroom session will introduce the sport of snowshoeing to hikers wishing to extend their hiking activities into the winter months. Topics will include snowshoe equipment, how to dress for a snowshoe day trip, winter sport etiquette, and logistics for the Potato Hill beginner snowshoe trip. Participation is free, but participants are asked to pre-register. The lecture and gear demonstrations will be done at the Chemekeden at 360 1/2 State Street in downtown Salem (above Cooke Stationary). Space is limited to 60 participants. Sunday, January 18, FMN, BUTTEVILLE TO CHAMPOEG HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: ELIZABETH SEIBERT 503-315-8785 We will walk the asphalt trail from Butteville Store to Champoeg State Park and back. Wear sturdy, non-slip shoes or boots, and bring rain gear and a lunch. We will eat outside or, in case of rain, under the eves of the visitors' center at the park. There will be time to enjoy the exhibit at the visitors' center. Pre-register before Saturday noon. Call or emai: [email protected]. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 55 miles, HIKE dist 6 miles, Elev. 200 feet. Monday, January 19, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY Wednesday, January 14, AUDUBON RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration program for the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing them with January, 2015 Tuesday, January 20, 8:30 a.m., BALD HILL DAWDLER HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: PAULA HYATT 503-362-2765 At the north end of Corvallis a trail winds around Bald Hill. From the top there is a great view of the area. Dress for weather, it may be windy. Bring lunch, enjoy a leisurely day. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 60 miles, HIKE dist 3 miles, Elev. 300 feet. 8 www.chemeketans.org Wednesday, January 21, AUDUBON RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration program for the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing them with natives, picking up litter, maintaining manmade nesting cavities in snags, constructing and keeping up trails, mowing grass, and developing wildflower plots. At 11:00, we quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink senior coffee and have a good visit. Into our fourth year, we have accomplished much with our collaborative effort. Thursday, January 22, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Into our sixth year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are fifty or better; $6,50 if you are younger. A reserved sign identifying us as Chemeketans will claim our table. Drop in for some good food, conversation, and a chance to do some networking. Thursday, January 22, 9:00 a.m., RIVERFRONT PARK AND WILLAMETTE DAWDLER HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: CAROL SODERBERG 503-507-0867 Please pre-register because we may have to cancel due to bad weather this time of year. We’ll start at Riverfront Park. After checking out construction progress at Pringle Square we’ll take a walk on the Union St. Bridge and then head back to the Salem side and over to the Capitol gardens. Then we’ll cross over to Willamette and take a coffee break at Goudy Commons before heading back to our starting point. We should be back to our cars around noon. Slow pace. RATED: DAWDLERS, Driving dist RT 0 miles, HIKE dist 4 miles, Elev. 0 feet. Friday, January 23, 6:00 p.m., BACKPACKERS' POTLUCK RICK COOPER 503-362-9719 Join us for the annual backpackers' potluck at Morningside Methodist Church, 3674 12 St. SE, Salem. Enjoy an always excellent potluck dinner conversing with old friends and new. Get a preview of the 2015 backpack schedule and enjoy a slide show of a backpack around the Three Sisters presented by Rick Cooper. We provide coffee, tea, juice, paper plates and plastic ware. You bring your favorite salad, main dish or dessert. Everyone is welcome. Call or email if you have questions. [email protected] Saturday, January 24, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN HIKE LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641 See Jan 3 entry. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles. Saturday, January 24, 8:00 a.m., POTATO HILL SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: STEVE DOUGHERTY 503-566-8899 This 3.5 mile beginner snowshoe begins at the Potato Hill SnoPark (4100') and climbs Forest Service Road 830, also known as Jack Pine Road. The road climbs through old growth forest and though part of the 1967 Airstrip Burn where you have panoramic views of craggy Three Fingered Jack and Mount Washington on clear days. We will lunch at the road's end (5000') before reversing our route back to the cars. Moderate January, 2015 9 pace. RATED: EASY, Driving dist RT 164 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 3.5 miles, Elev. 900 feet. Saturday, January 24, SHELLBURG FALLS HIKE PRE-REG W/LDR: WAYNE WALLACE 503-999-2612 A close-in or nearby hike that is a combination of trail and gravel roads with several waterfalls. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 50 miles, HIKE dist 7 miles, Elev. 800 feet. Sunday, January 25, SANTIAM PASS X-SKI PRE-REG W/LDR: ROZ SHIRACK 503-399-8615 We will ski somewhere in the Santiam Pass area where we find the best snow conditions. This will be an intermediate level ski of about 6-8 miles and not much elevation gain. Call or email leader a few days before the trip for details. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM, Driving dist RT 140 miles, X-SKI dist 8 miles, Elev. 500 feet. Monday, January 26, 10:00 a.m., KOFFEE KLATCH AT THE BEANERY Wednesday, January 28, AUDUBON RESERVE RESTORATION LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Like many of you, I am both a Chemeketan and a Salem Audubon member. I have volunteered to lead a restoration program for the Audubon Nature Reserve, located in West Salem on Eola Drive, behind Safeway on Edgewater. We work every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 on a variety of projects: removing invasive plants and replacing them with natives, picking up litter, maintaining manmade nesting cavities in snags, constructing and keeping up trails, mowing grass, and developing wildflower plots. At 11:00, we quit and head to McDonald's on Wallace Road to drink senior coffee and have a good visit. Into our fourth year, we have accomplished much with our collaborative effort. Thursday, January 29, CENTER 50+ LUNCH LEE SLATTUM 503-364-9325 Into our sixth year, our Chemeketan and guest lunches continue at the City of Salem's newest Senior Center, the Center 50+, at 2615 Portland Road NE. Lunch is served between 11:30 and 1:00. The cost is $5.00 if you are fifty or better; $6,50 if you are younger. A reserved sign identifying us as Chemeketans will claim our table. Drop in for some good food, conversation, and a chance to do some networking. Saturday, January 31, FISHER POINT SNOWSHOE PRE-REG W/LDR: JAMES SEALY 503-588-7339 The snowshoe starts off Hwy 22 at Parish Lake Rd. Most of the trek is on old logging roads, except for the last portion which is cross-country to Fisher Point. On a clear day, there is a handful of views from the route and there is a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains from Fisher Point. This is a must-see viewpoint. So pray for good snow and clear weather. We will have fun, no matter what the weather is like. We will go to dinner after the trip. Moderate pace. RATED: HARD, Driving dist RT 146 miles, SNOWSHOE dist 7.5 miles, Elev. 1300 feet. Saturday, January 31, 9:00 a.m., MINTO BROWN HIKE LAURA DEVRIES 503-363-4641 See Jan 3 entry. Moderate pace. RATED: EASY, HIKE dist 4 miles. www.chemeketans.org Future Events Sunday-Friday, February 1-February 6, 12:00 p.m., SENIOR SKI WEEK X-SKI TED YOUNG 503-362-1525 Diamond Lake Lodge will again host Senior Ski/Snowshoe week. The dates will be Feb. 2 through 5, 2015. To register, contact Diamond Lake Lodge directly at: 1-800-733-7593. Lodging is available in various price ranges. Many Chemeketans choose to share a cabin, so ask around. If you plan to travel by train from Salem to Chemult, the travel dates will be Feb. 1 and Feb. 6. For a small fee the Lodge provides a shuttle service from Chemult to the lodge and back. Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, Driving dist RT 360 miles. The cost is $20. Make checks payable to the Chemeketans and mail to the leader: Steve Dougherty, PO Box 9, Lyons, OR 97358. Schedule: Fri. Feb 20 Friday-Monday, February 20-February 23, DEN, 6:30 a.m., ROUTE FINDING SCHOOL STEVE DOUGHERTY 503-566-8899 The Chemeketan Route Finding School will teach you how to use a map, compass and GPS. The training is designed for beginners and those who need a refresher. This three-part training focuses on learning and practicing map, compass and GPS skills. Part one "Using Maps" is a three-hour lecture and will focus solely on revealing and understanding the enormous amount of information available in a topographical map. Parts two and three will focus on compass and GPS skills respectively. Both will consist of equal parts lecture and field session practice. The field session exercises are critical for participants to internalize the skills introduced in the lecture sessions. Lectures take place at the Chemekeden at 360 1/2 State Street in downtown Salem (above Cooke Stationary). Field sessions will be held within walking distance of the Chemeketan Club Room at Salem's Riverfront Park. Participants are expected to bring their own compass, but need not own their own GPS. We have a limited supply of Garmin GPS units that we can loan. Space is limited to 50 participants. 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Part 2: Using Map and Compass Sat. Feb 21 8:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. Part 3: Using a GPS 8:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. Sun. Feb 22 Sunday-Saturday, May 24-May 30, CANYON DE CHELLY NE AZ PRE-REG W/LDR: HARDIN KING 503-845-9340 Base camp in beautiful Canyon de Chelly, hike 6-10 miles per day, with elevation +/- of 1000’, see cliff dwellings of Anasazi and native rock art of Anasazi/Ute/Hopi/Navajo, become acquainted with four generations of a Navajo family and share potluck with them, be surrounded by the quiet beauty of patinacovered red rock canyon walls, turquoise blue sky with white clouds, green riparian areas, see dramatic scattered high desert flora, and sleep with canyon walls providing crystal clear views of starry dark night skies. Call or email interest. Hardin King 503-845-9340 [email protected] Moderate pace. RATED: MEDIUM-HARD, HIKE dist 35 miles, Elev. 1000 feet. We Were There Silver Falls, October 19 On a nice fall day we hiked the loop at Silver Falls. The leaves were starting to show color and recent rains had increased the flow over the falls. It is always wonderful to visit this beautiful spot in our back yard. Hikers were guests: Bryce Barthuly, Jason McHuff, Kathy Rutherford, Tony Crisi, and Laurie Hyndman. Members were Jim Nafziger, Eileen Harder, Marsha Kenagy, and John Huff, leader. house was built in 1898). Oregon City Historic Loop, November 8 Ten of us enjoyed a lovely November day touring a chunk of Oregon City. We started on the cliff-top Promenade, walking from the Museum of the Oregon Territory to the city elevator and broad stone Singer Hill Staircase to the McLoughlin House, where we had a first-rate tour. Next we wound through the residential and commercial Arc Light Historic District to a steep, wooded (but paved) path up to Promontory Point for views of Mt. Adams and St. Helens, downtown Portland (looking like Gotham City floating in the distance), not to mention the view down on Oregon City, the falls and the river. Cape Horn, November 12 Five gutsy Chemeketans joined me to lean into the wind and make the Cape Horn Loop hike. The sun was out, and the leaves were falling (This made it hard to see the trail sometimes.) which made for a beautiful day, but it was windy. We took Sylvia's suggestion and ate in the underpass; and we marveled at the ice on the top section of the waterfall. All in all, a great hike. An added bonus was the lack of traffic both going up and coming back. The "leaners" were Beverly Hassell, Rod Graves, Sylvia Dawson, Tim Taylor, Eileen Harder (Thanks for driving.) and leader Betsy Belshaw. We retraced our steps back to the Singer Hill Café (623 7th Street – originally a harness shop) for an excellent lunch and cool vertical gardens. We ended with tea at my sister’s (her Falls Loop at Silver Falls State Park, November 18 A cold but beautiful day. After viewing Upper North Falls, which most people skip, and seeing a beautiful icicle display on a October 2014 TEN THUMBS UP for the Museum of the Oregon Territory, the McLoughlin House tour (only open Friday and Saturday), and Singer Hill Café. Our walkers included Elizabeth Seibert, Mary Liepins, Ann Hanus, Karen Craven, Ken Ash, Mary Elliot, Jean Rogers, Beverly Hassell, George Adkins, and Janet Adkins, leader. 10 www.chemeketans.org Shellburg Falls, December 6 Despite drizzling rain for most of the hike and crowds of runners and their vehicles at the camp area above the falls, we had a most enjoyable excursion. As a bonus we followed-up with lunch at the Trexler Farm Cafe in Mehama. Our group included Marie Elliott, Ron Briggs, Rod Graves, Dave Foulger, Rosamund Irving, Ken Ash, guest Douglas Thigpen, and leader Vivienne Torgeson trailside wall, we headed for the Canyon Trail to North Falls, expecting the steps to be icy. After viewing the first of many icicle-covered rock walls, we proceeded to clear an edge of the steps where many pieces of broken icicles littered the area. It was necessary to scrape down to dirt to be safe on the descent. Once on trail, there continued to be glazed areas, again making for cautious walking. Under the overhang as we sat and looked at the falls. We turned up the Winter Falls Trail, took a lunch break on a convenient bench, viewed that interesting falls with a central stream of water surrounded by ice-covered rock on both sides. We returned to the north parking lot via the Rim Trail. Winter weather at Silver Falls was much enjoyed by Judy Maule, Silvar Rys, Janet Baker and leader Paula Hyatt. Kayaking Adventures during Summer, 2014 This summer I kayaked British Columbia's challenging "wild & scenic" Skagit River (famous for its large bald eagle population and swift current) with longtime Chemeketan kayaker, Georgia Heald. Georgia has retired and moved back to her hometown of Bellingham WA. We also went Dungeness Crab ocean kayaking out of Bellingham, WA. Our private ocean cove had a large beach with several tide pools and fascinating marine life. The fresh oysters and crabs caught were delicious. On calm days, we paddled around the islands and then relaxed in our outdoor hot tub overlooking the water with colorful evening sunsets Laurelyn Schellin Opal Pool, November 23 Trail was running water in spots but the skies were mostly dry for this "refresher" hike for members who hadn't been to Opal Pool in recent years. It was a first visit for our guest. Opal Creek was running at high volume and maximum speed. The pool didn't look anything like its name. We were prepared for rain but our timing was perfect. By the time we approached Salem there was thunder and lightning. Leader, Barb Schram was joined by guest Eunice Overhulser and members; Ralph Nafziger, Betsy Belshaw and Bobbie Snead. Silver Falls and potluck, November 29 We had another great turnout for our post-Thanksgiving hike and potluck. Twelve hikers made the Silver Falls loop braving gushing falls and a dramatic snow shower before heading to Mary's house for hot soup and great potluck fare. Party only Chemeks were Ted and Georgienne, Ellie and Merle and Banjo Bill. Hikers (led by Linda Willnow because leader Mary was too lame) were: Nancy Rockwell, Blanka Truneckova, Rosamund Irwin, Wayne Wallace, Randy Selig, Ralph Nafziger, Trish Rossitto, Marilyn Syverson, Lelia Barlow, and qualifiers, Russ Pike and Azucena Gutierrez. Thanks, Linda, for taking the helm for Mary Coleman, planner. Spencer Butte, November 30 We had a chilly start but the predicted snow and ice didn't materialize leaving us a pretty decent day for late November. We started from the Martin street trailhead and hiked up Amazon creek. On the ridge the fir trees glistened with a heavy frost with flakes that snowed down on the trail. As we picked our way through the rocks at the top views of the Three Sisters and other peaks came into view. On our return trip we stopped at the Hidaway Bakery for treats. Great group included second time guest Bryce Barthuly, Lee Slattum, Jason McHuff, Dave Carter, Jean Gabriel, Rosanna Wilson, and John Huff, leader. January, 2015 11 www.chemeketans.org Periodicals Postage Paid at Salem, Oregon P.O. Box 864 Salem, OR 97308 January, 2015 12 www.chemeketans.org
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