1 December 17, 2014 A Bibliography of the Publications of Daniel C. Dennett Books Content and Consciousness, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, and Humanities Press, New York, 1969 (International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method). (Paperback edition, 1986; Italian edition, 1992; Spanish edition, 1994). Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology, Bradford Books, 1978. (Italian edition, 1991; Swedish edition, 1992; Portuguese edition, 2000); "Where am I?" translated into Estonian, Akadeemia 7, 2013, pp. 1155-1324. The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul, Co-edited with Douglas Hofstadter, Basic Books, 1981. (Japanese edition, 1984; Spanish and Italian editions, 1985; German and Dutch editions 1986; French and Chinese editions, 1987; Greek edition, 1993). Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, MIT Press, Oxford University Press, 1984. (German edition, 1986; Spanish edition, 1992). The Intentional Stance, MIT Press/A Bradford Book, 1987 (French edition, 1990; Spanish edition, 1991; Italian edition, 1993; Japanese edition, 1995). Consciousness Explained, Little, Brown, 1991, Penguin, 1992 (Dutch, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Korean editions). Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Simon & Schuster, 1995 (Dutch, German, Japanese, Hungarian, French, Portugese, Spanish, Estonian, Chinese, Bulgarian and Italian editions); translated into Turkish, ALFA 2011. Kinds of Minds, Basic Books, 1996. Part of the Science Masters Series (also editions in French, Italian, Spanish, Portugese, German, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Rumanian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese). Brainchildren: Essays on Designing Minds, MIT Press and Penguin, 1998. AZ Intencionalitas Filozofiaja, Philosophy of Intentionality, Selected Papers, Osiris Kiado publishers, Budapest, a collection of essays, translated by Csaba Pleh into Hungarian, 1998. 2 Freedom Evolves, Allen Lane Publishers, an imprint of Penguin Books, 2003; excerpt from “A Hearing for Libertarianism: Kane’s Model of Indeterministic Decision-making,” reprinted in Free Will, Critical Concepts in Philosophy, Vol III, Free Will: Liberatarianism, Alternative Possibilities and Moral Responsibility, ed. J.M. Fischer, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, June 2005, pp. 109-37; translated in Italian and published by Raffaello Cortina Editore (2004); translated in Dutch and published by Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 2004; translated in Japanese and published by Yamagata Hiroo, 2005; translated in Korean and published by Dongnyok Publishers, 2009. Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness, MIT Press, 2005; translated in Italian and published by Raffaello Cortina Editore (2006); translated in Spanish and published by Katz, Buenos Aires, 2006; translated in Polish and published by Prószyński i S-ka, 2007; translated in German and published by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt, 2007; translated in Japanese and published by NTT, Japan, 2009. Breaking the Spell, Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Viking Press, 2006; translated in Dutch and published by Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 2006; translated in Finnish and published by Terra Cognita, Helsinki, 2006; translated in Italian and published by Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2007; translated in Portugese and published by Editora Globo, 2006; translated in Spanish and published by Katz Editores, Madrid, 2007; translated in Greek, 2007; translated in Polish and published by Pa ństwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warsawa 2008. Dove nascono le idée, translated by Francesca Garofoli, Di Renzo Editore, Roma, 2006. Science and Religion: Are They Compatible? Point/Counterpoint Series with Alvin Plantinga; James P. Sterba, Series Editor, Oxford University Press, 2011; translated into Italian by Edizione ETS, Pisa, 2011; translated into Polish, Nauka i religia: Czy mozna je pogodzic, by Copernicus Center Press, 2014. Inside Jokes: Using Humor to Reverse-Engineer the Mind, Matthew Hurley, Daniel C. Dennett and Reginald B. Adams, Jr., MIT Press, 2011. Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking, W.W. Norton & Co., NY, 2013; and Penguin Books, UK, 2013; translated into Dutch by Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, Amsterdam, 2014; translated into Italian, Rafaello Cortina Editore, 2014. Caught in the Pulpit: Leaving Belief Behind, with Linda LaScola, Amazon.com 2013. Articles and Reviews 3 1. "Machine Traces and Protocol Statements," Behavioral Science, 13, 155-61, March 1968. 2. "Geach on Intentional Identity," Journal of Philosophy, LXV, 335-41, May 31, 1968. 3. "Features of Intentional Action," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXIX, 232-44, December 1968. 4. "Intentional Systems," Journal of Philosophy, LXVIII, 87-106, February 25, 1971. German translation, "Intentionale Systeme," in P. Bieri, ed., Analytische Philosophie des Geistes, Heidelberg: Anton Hain 1981. French translation (with a new postscript), "Systemes intentionnels," Philosophie, 1, 55-80, Paris: Les Editions de Minuit 1984. Spanish translation, "Sistemas intencionales," Cuadernos de Crítica, #40, Department of Philosophy, University of Mexico, 1985. Reprinted in J. Haugeland, ed., Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, 1981, William Lyons, ed., Modern Philosophy of Mind, Everyman, London, 1995, pp. 191-213, R. Hoy and N. L. Oaklander, eds., Metaphysics: Classic and Contemporary Readings Wadsworth, 1991. 5. "Review of C. O. Evans, The Subject of Consciousness," Philosophical Quarterly, 21, 180-1, April 1971. 6. "Review of J. R. Lucas, The Freedom of the Will,"Journal of Philosophy, LXIX, 527-31, September 21, 1972; to be reprinted in Minds, Brains & Computers, R. Cummins & D.D. Cummins, Blackwell Publishers, March 1999. 7. "Mechanism and Responsibility," in T. Honderich, ed., Essays on Freedom of Action, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul 1973. Spanish translation, "Mecanicismo y responsabilidad," Cuadernos de Crítica, #42, Department of Philosophy, University of Mexico, 1985. Reprinted in Gary Watson, ed., Free Will, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, OUP, 1982; reprinted in B. Wilson, Simply Philosophy, Guided Readings, Edinburgh University Press, 2003, pp. 55-57. 8. "Comment on Wilfrid Sellars," Synthese, 27, 439-44, July/August 1974. 9. "Why the Law of Effect Will not Go Away," Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 5, 169-87, October 1975. Reprinted in W. Lycan, ed., Mind and Cognition: A Reader, MIT Press, 1990. 10. "Brain Writing and Mind Reading," in K. Gunderson, (ed.), Language, Mind and Knowledge, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. VII, University of Minnesota Press 1975, pp. 403416. Reprinted, with postscript in D. Rosenthal, ed., The Nature of Mind, Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. 11. "Review of G. Warnock and B. F. Skinner, Behavior Control: Freedom and Morality (an Open University film)," Teaching Philosophy, 1, 175-7, 1975. 4 12. "Are Dreams Experiences?" Philosophical Review, LXXXV, 151-71, April 1976. Spanish translation, "Son experiencias los sueños?" Cuadernos de Crítica, #33, Department of Philosophy, University of Mexico, 1984. Reprinted in Charles Dunlop, ed., Philosophical Essays on Dreaming, 1977, Cornell Univ. Press. 13. "Conditions of Personhood," in A. Rorty, (ed.), The Identities of Persons, University of California Press 1976. German translation, "Bedingungen der Personalität," in P. Bieri, (ed.), Analytische Philosophie des Geistes, Heidelberg: Anton Hain 1981, and in L. Siep, ed., Identität der Person, Basel, Stuttgart: Schwabe 1983. Reprinted in M. F. Goodman, ed., What is a Person? Humana, 1988; reprinted in History of Philosophy (Yearbook), transl. by Yulina N.S., Moscow, Russia, 1999, N. 5, pp. 199-223; translated into Russian by N.S.Yulina and reprinted in ГOЛOBOЛOMKИ ПPOБЛЕМЬI COЗНАНИЯ: КОНЦеПЦИЯ ДЭНИеЛа ДЭНИеТа (The “Brainstorms” in Philosophy of Mind: Daniel Dennett and his Critics), Moscow: KAHOH, pp. 447-77. 14. "Critical Notice of J. Fodor, The Language of Thought," (reprinted in Brainstorms as "A Cure for the Common Code"), Mind, LXXXVI, 265-80, April 1977. Reprinted in Ned Block, ed., Readings in Philosophy of Psychology, 2, Harvard Univ. Press, 1981. Reprinted in Problems in Mind: Readings in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, J.S. Crumley II, ed., Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. 15. "Review of W. Matson, Sentience," International Studies in Philosophy, IX, 182-3, 1977. 16. "Review of J. Glover, (ed.), The Philosophy of Mind," Teaching Philosophy, 2, 196-7, 1977. 17. "Toward a Cognitive Theory of Consciousness," in C. Wade Savage, ed., Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. IX, University of Minnesota Press 1978, pp. 201-28. Reprinted in Thomas Nelson, ed., Metacognition: Core Readings, Allyn & Bacon, 1992. 18. "Why You Can't Make a Computer that Feels Pain," Synthese, 38, 415-56, August 1978. Reprinted in D. Boyer, P. Grim and J. Saunders, eds., The Philosopher's Annual, 2, Rowmand & Littlefield, 1979. 19. "Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind," American Philosophical Quarterly, 15, 249-61, 1978. Spanish translation, "Perspectivas Actuales en la Filosofia de la Mente," Teorema, 11, 197-230, 1981. Reprinted in K. Lucey, and T. Machan, eds., Recent Work in Philosophy, Rowmand & Littlefield, 1983; and D. Cole, J. Fetzer, and T. Rankin, eds., Philosophy, Mind, and Cognitive Inquiry, Kluwer, 1990. 20. "Requisition for a Pexgo," (commentary on Bindra), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 56-7, 1978. 21. "Why Not the Whole Iguana?" (commentary on Pylyshyn), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 1034, 1978, reprinted in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science: Conceptual Issues, A. Clark and J. 5 Toribio, eds., Garland Publishing Inc.pp 412-422. 22. "Co-opting Holograms," (commentary on Haugeland), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 232-3, 1978. 23. "What's the Difference: some Riddles," (commentary on Puccetti and Dykes), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 351, 1978. 24. "Beliefs about Beliefs," (commentary on Premack, et al.), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 568-70, 1978. 25. "Review of M. Boden, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man," Philosophy of Science, 45, 648-9, 1978. 26. The Philosophical Lexicon, edited with K. Lambert. 7th Edition privately printed and distributed through the American Philosophical Association 1978. 8th Edition published by the American Philosophical Association 1987. An edited German translation of an early edition, "Das Philosophisches Wörterbuch," Conceptus, Graz, Austria, 1974; translated into Czech, forthcoming, 1999. 27. "On the Absence of Phenomenology," in D. Gustafson and B. Tapscott, eds, Body, Mind and Method: Essays in Honor of Virgil C. Aldrich, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1979, pp. 93-113. 28. "The Onus Re Experiences: a Reply to Emmett," Philosophical Studies, 35, 315-8, 1979. 29. "Review of R. Aquila, Intentionality: a Study of Mental Acts, and E. Casey, Imagining: a Phenomenological Analysis," Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, IX, 139-43, January 1979. 30. "Review of Karl Popper and John Eccles, The Self and its Brain," Journal of Philosophy, LXXVI, 91-7, 1979. 31. "Breeding Cognitive Strategies," (commentary on Haber), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 599-600, 1979. 32. "Artificial Intelligence as Philosophy and as Psychology," in M. Ringle, ed., Philosophical Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence, Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press 1979, pp. 57-78. Reprinted in S. Cahn, P. Kitcher, and G. Sher, eds., Reason at Work: Introductory Readings in Philosophy, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984, Jay Garfield, ed., Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings, Paragon, 1990. 6 33. "Passing the Buck to Biology," (commentary on Chomsky), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 19, 1980. 34. "The Milk of Human Intentionality," (commentary on Searle), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3, 428-30, 1980. 35. "Reply to Professor Stich," (reply to S. Stich, Headaches: a Critical Notice of Brainstorms), Philosophical Books, XXI, 73-6, April 1980. 36. "True Believers: the Intentional Strategy and Why it Works," in A. F. Heath, ed., Scientific Explanation, (the Herbert Spencer Lectures at Oxford), Oxford University Press 1981. Reprinted in W. Lycan, ed., Mind and Cognition: A Reader, MIT Press, 1990, D. Rosenthal, ed., The Nature of Mind, Oxford Univ. Press, 1991; and in Stich and Warfield, eds., Mental Representation: A Reader, Blackwell, 1994; to be reprinted in Mind and Cognition: An Anthology, Edited by William G. Lycan, Blackwell publishers, forthcoming in December 1998; translated into Polish in Przeglad Filozoficznoliteracki, n.4(6) 2003, pp. 87-109. 37. "Wondering Where the Yellow Went," (comment on Wilfrid Sellars's Carus Lectures), Monist, 64, 102-8, January 1981. 38. "Making Sense of Ourselves," (reply to S. Stich, Dennett on Intentional Systems), Philosophical Topics, 12, 1981, pp. 63-81. Reprinted in J. I. Biro and R. W. Shahan, eds., Mind, Brain, and Function: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1982. 39. "Three Kinds of Intentional Psychology," in R. Healey, ed., Reduction, Time and Reality, Cambridge University Press 1981, pp. 37-60. D. Rosenthal, ed., The Nature of Mind, Oxford Univ. Press, 1991; Jay Garfield, ed., Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings, Paragon, 1990; R. Boyd, P. Gasper and J. Trout, eds., The Philosophy of Science, MIT Press,1991; Scott Christensen and Dale Turner, eds, Folk Psychology, Erlbaum, 1992; reprinted in Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language, ed. R.J. Stainton, Broadview Press, 2000, pp. 163-86. 40. "Beyond Belief," in A. Woodfield, ed., Thought and Object: Essays on Intentionality, Oxford University Press 1982; excerpted in From Beyond Belief: Notional Attitudes, in A. Pessin and S. Goldberg, eds., The Twin Earth Chronicles: 20 years of Reflection on Hilary Putnam's The Meaning of Meaning (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe), 1996, chap. 9., pp. 161-179; reprinted in the Intentional Stance, pp. 117-202. 41. "Philosophy According to Nozick," New Boston Review, VII, 9-11, January/February 1982. 7 42. "Grey Matter and Mind," Radio Times, 8-14 May, 70-72, 1982. 43. "Notes on Prosthetic Imagination," New Boston Review, VII, 3-7, June 1982; reprinted in Boston Review, “30 Years of Boston Review,” vol 30, No. 5, Sept/Oct 2005, p. 40. 44. "The Myth of the Computer: An Exchange," (reply to John Searle's review of The Mind's I), New York Review of Books, XXIX, June 24, 56-7, 1982. 45. "The Well-Furnished Mind," (review of R. Gregory, Mind in Science), Contemporary Psychology, 27, 597-8, 1982. 46. "Why We Think What We Do about Why We Think What We Do: Discussion on Goodman's 'On Thoughts without Words,'" Cognition, 12, 219-27, 1982. 47. "Correspondent's Report: Recent Work in Philosophy of Interest to AI," Artificial Intelligence, 19, 3-5, 1982. 48. "How to Study Consciousness Empirically: or Nothing Comes to Mind," Synthese, 53, 159-80, November 1982. 49. "Comments on Rorty," Synthese, 53, 349-56, November 1982. 50. "The Imagination Extenders," (a revision of "Notes on Prosthetic Imagination"), Psychology Today, 16, 32-9, December 1982. 51. "Review of Gilbert Ryle, On Thinking," International Studies in Philosophy, XIV, 98-9, 1982. 52. "Styles of Mental Representation," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series, LXXXIII, 213-26, 1982/83. 53. "Artificial Intelligence and the Strategies of Psychological Investigation," (an interview by Jonathan Miller), in J. Miller, States of Mind, London: BBC and New York: Pantheon Books 1983, pp. 68-81. 54. "Intentional Systems in Cognitive Ethology: the 'Panglossian Paradigm' Defended," (with commentaries), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 343-90, 1983. German translation, "Intentionale Systeme in der kognitiven Verhaltensforschung," in D. Münch, ed., Kognitionswissenschaft: Grundlagen, Probleme, Perspektiven, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1992. Excerpt reprinted as "Intentionality in Primate Social Cognition," in R. W. Byrne, and A. Whiten, eds., Social Expertise and the Evolution of Intellect, Oxford Univ. Press. Italian translation published in Pegaso, Centro Documentazione Rovigo. 55. "When do Representations Explain?" (commentary on Stabler), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 406-7, 1983. 8 56. "Formulating Human Purposes: Meta-Engineering Computers for People," in R. E. A. Mason, ed., Information Processing 83, Amsterdam: Elsevier (North-Holland) 1984, pp. 253-258. 57. "Cognitive Wheels: The Frame Problem of AI," in C. Hookway, ed., Minds, Machines and Evolution, Cambridge University Press 1984, 129-151. Reprinted in Z. Pylyshyn, ed., The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, Ablex, 1987, M. Boden, ed., The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Oxford Univ. Press, 1990, translated into Spanish, ALas Ruedas de Conocimiento: El Problema Estructural de La IA, in Margaret Boden, Filosofia de La Inteligencia Artificial, 1994, Fondo de Cultura Economica. 58. "Wishful Thinking," (commentary on Skinner), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 556-7, 1984. 59. "Foreword," for R. G. Millikan's Language, Thought and Other Biological Categories, Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books/MIT Press 1984, pp. ix-x. 60. "Carving the Mind at Its Joints," (review of Fodor, The Modularity of Mind), Contemporary Psychology, 29, 285-6, 1984. 61. "Correspondent's Report: Recent work in Philosophy II," Artificial Intelligence, 22, 231-4, 1984. 62. "The Role of the Computer Metaphor in Understanding the Mind," in H. Pagels, ed., Computer Culture: the Scientific, Intellectual, and Social Impact of the Computer, Annals of the NY Academy of Science, 426, 266-75, 1984. 63. "I Could Not Have Done Otherwise So What?" Journal of Philosophy, LXXXI, 553-65, October 1984. Reprinted in R. Hoy and N. L. Oaklander, eds., Metaphysics: Classic and Contemporary Readings Wadsworth, 1991, John Perry and Michael Bratman, eds., Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings (2nd edn), Oxford Univ. Press. 64. "Computer Models and the Mind: A View from the East Pole," (a condensed version of "The Logical Geography of Computational Approaches: a View from the East Pole"), The Times Literary Supplement, December 14, 1453-4, 1984. (Japanese translation published in volume with articles by Minsky, et al.) 65. "Thinking about Thinking: the Mind as Virtual Machine," in The Human Mind the Human Brain and Beyond, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., 1984, pp. 9-12. 66. "Music of the Hemispheres" (review of M. S. Gazzaniga, The Social Brain), The New York Times Book Review, Nov 17, 53, 1985. 67. "Can Machines Think?" in M. Shafto, ed., How we Know, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1985, 9 pp. 121-145. Reprinted in Ray Kurzweil, ed., The Age of Intelligent Machines, MIT Press, 1991. Dutch translation, "Kunnen machines denken?" Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, 24, 98108, 1983/1984; reprinted in Foundations of Cognitive Psychology, A Bradford Book, MIT Press, 2002, pp. 35-54; reprinted in Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker, C. Teuscher, Ed., pp. 295-316, includes Postscript (1985), “Eyes, Hands and History,” and Postscript (1997), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2004; reprinted in The Turing Test: Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence, S. Shieber, ed., MIT Press, A Bradford Book, 2004, pp. 268-92. 68. "When Does the Intentional Stance Work?" (reply to continuing commentary), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8, 758-66, 1985. 69. "Why Believe in Belief?" (review of S. Stich, From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science: the Case Against Belief), Contemporary Psychology, 30, 949, 1985. 70. Commentary in D. G. Bobrow and P. J. Hayes, eds, "Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We?" Artificial Intelligence, 25, 375-415 (409-10). Reprinted in Abacus 4, Spring and Summer 1987. 71. "Where Am I?" Clinton St. Quarterly, 7, Winter 1985. Reprinted from Brainstorms, pp. 310-323. 72. "Review of V. Braitenberg, Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology," Philosophical Review, XCV, 137-9, 1986. 73. "Julian Jaynes's Software Archeology," Canadian Psychology, 27, 149-54, 1986. Reprinted in Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991. 74. "The Imagination Extenders," (adapted from "Notes on Prosthetic Imagination"), in D. Flaherty, ed., Humanizing the Computer: a Cure for the Deadly Embrace, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth 1986, pp. 133-8. 75. "Engineering's Baby," (commentary on Sayre), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9, 141-2, 1986. 76. "Who May I say is Calling?" (with K. Akins, commentary on Hoffman), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9, 517-18, 1986. 77. "Philosophy as Mathematics or as Anthropology," (forum comment), Mind and Language, 1, 18-19, Spring 1986. 78. "Is there an Autonomous 'Knowledge Level'?" (commentary on Newell), in Z. Pylyshyn and W. Demopoulos, eds, Meaning and Cognitive Structure: Issues in the Computational Theory of Mind, Norwood, NJ: Ablex 1986, pp. 51-4. 10 79. "Information, Technology, and the Virtues of Ignorance," Daedalus, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 115, 135-53, Summer 1986. 80. "The Logical Geography of Computational Approaches: a View from the East Pole," in R. Harnish and M. Brand, eds, The Representation of Knowledge and Belief, Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1986, pp. 59-79. Reprinted in T. Horgan and D. Tienson, eds., Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind, Kluwer. 81. "Skinner Placed," (response to U. T. Place, Skinner Re-Skinned), in S. and C. Modgil, eds, B. F. Skinner: Consensus and Controversy, Brighton: Falmer Press 1987, pp. 249-52. 82. "Consciousness" (with John Haugeland), in R. L. Gregory, ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press 1987, 160-4. 83. "Intentionality" (with John Haugeland), in R. L. Gregory, ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press 1987, pp. 383-6; reprinted in Actes du 3ème Colloque International Cognition et Connaissance: Où va la science cognitive? Toulouse: CNRS/Université Paul Sabatier 1988. 84. "Comments" (on Pylyshyn, Computers, Knowledge, and the Human Mind), in D. Tuerck, ed., Creativity and Liberal Learning, Norwood, NJ: Ablex 1987, pp. 220-4. 85. "Eliminate the Middletoad!" (commentary on Ewert), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10, 372-4, 1987. 86. "Commentary on Cam," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XLVIII, 339-41, December 1987. 87. "When Philosophers Encounter AI," Daedalus, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 117, 283-295, Winter 1988. Reprinted in S. Graubard, ed., The Artificial Intelligence Debate: False Starts, Real Foundations, MIT Press, 1988. Spanish translation, Gedisa, 1993; Polish translation forthcoming in Znak, Cracow. 88. "The Moral First Aid Manual," in S. McMurrin, ed., The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 7, University of Utah Press and Cambridge University Press 1988, pp. 121-47. 89. "Out of the Armchair and Into the Field," Poetics Today, 9, 205-21, 1988. 90. "Quining Qualia," in A. Marcel and E. Bisiach, eds, Consciousness in Modern Science, Oxford University Press 1988, pp. 42-77. Reprinted in W. Lycan, ed., Mind and Cognition: A Reader, MIT Press, 1990, A. Goldman, ed. Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science, MIT Press, 1993. Reprinted in N.Block, O. Flanagan, G. Guzeldere, eds., The Nature of Consciousness, Philosophical 11 Debates, MIT Press, 1998. Reprinted in P. Morton, ed., A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, Broadview Press, Canada, 1999; German translation in an anthology, published by Philosophisches Seminar, Saarbruecken, Germany, to be published, 2000; to be translated into Romanian for Philosophy of Consciousness and Cognitive Science, 2002; translated into Romanian and published in eds. A Botez and B.M. Popescu, Filosofia conştiinţee şi ştiinţelle cognitive, Cartea Românească pubs, 2002, pp. 237-275; translated into Spanish (“Quinear Los Qualia,”) and published in eds. M. Ezcurdia and O. Hansberg, La naturaleza de la experiencia, Vol 1, Sensaciones, Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México, México, 2003, pp. 213-62; translated into German and reprinted in Thomas Metzinger, ed., Grundkurs Philosophie des Geistes, Band 1: Phänomenales Bewusstsein, 2006, Germany, pp. 205-50; translated by Bruno Mölder into Estonian, “Kvaalide kvainimine” Akadeemia, 1997, 12, 2657-2684 & 1998, 1, 189-208. 91. "Précis of The Intentional Stance," and "Taking the Intentional Stance Seriously" (target article and reply to commentaries), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11, 495-546, 1988. Translation reprinted in Estudios Psicologicos, Mexico City. 92. "The Intentional Stance in Theory and Practice," in A. Whiten and R. W. Byrne, eds, Machiavellian Intelligence, Oxford University Press 1988, pp. 180-202. 93. "Why Everyone is a Novelist," The Times Literary Supplement, September 16-22, 1988, 4, 459; to be reprinted in B. Cooney, ed., Philosophy of Mind, Jones and Barlett, forthcoming, Nov. 1996; translated into Russian by N.S.Yulina and reprinted in ГOЛOBOЛOMKИ ПPOБЛЕМЬI COЗНАНИЯ: КОНЦеПЦИЯ ДЭНИеЛа ДЭНИеТа (The “Brainstorms” in Philosophy of Mind: Daniel Dennett and his Critics), Moscow: KAHOH, pp.428-447, 2003. 94. "Review of J. Fodor, Psychosemantics," Journal of Philosophy, LXXXV, 384-389, July 1988. 95. "Coming to Terms with the Determined," (review of T. Honderich, A Theory of Determinism: The Mind, Neuroscience, and Life-Hopes), The Times Literary Supplement, November 4-10, 1219-20, 1988. 96. "Why Creative Intelligence is Hard to Find," (commentary on Whiten and Byrne), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11, 253, 1988. 97. "Review of W. Lyons, The Disappearance of Introspection," Philosophy of Science, 55, 653-4, December 1988. 98. Dialogue in The jamais vu papers, 1, 11, July 1988, pp. 1-8. Reprinted as "Media-Neutral" in W. Coleman and P. Perrin, The Jamais Vu Papers, New York: Harmony Books 1991. 12 99. "Evolution, Error and Intentionality," in Y. Wilks and D. Partridge, eds, Sourcebook on the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, New Mexico University Press 1988, pp. 190-211. 100. "Speaking for Our Selves: An Assessment of Multiple Personality Disorder," (with N. Humphrey), Raritan: A Quarterly Review, IX, 68-98, Summer 1989. Reprinted (with footnotes), Occasional Paper #8, Center on Violence and Human Survival, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New York, 1991; Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991, pp. 1-31; translated into Italian (“Parlando per I Nostri Se’”) and reprinted in Atque, 20-21, nov 1999-dec 2000, pp. 41-76; translated into French (“Parler au nom de Soi(s)”) and reprinted in Terrain 52, Mars 2009, pp. 18-37. 101. "Murmurs in the Cathedral," (review of R. Penrose, The Emperor's New Mind), The Times Literary Supplement, September 29-October 5, 1989, pp. 55-7. 102. "Cognitive Ethology: Hunting for Bargains or a Wild Goose Chase?" in A. Montefiore and D. Noble, eds, Goals, No-Goals and own Goals: A Debate on Goal-Directed And Intentional Behaviour, London: Unwin Hyman 1989, pp. 101-16; translated into Italian and reprinted in Mente senza linguaggio: Il pensiero e gli animali, Simone Gozzano, ed., Editori Riuniti, Italy, April 2001, pp. 79-97. 103. "The Origins of Selves," Cogito, 3, 163-73, Autumn 1989. Reprinted in Daniel Kolak and R. Martin, eds., Self & Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Macmillan, 1991. 104. "Review of R. Richards, Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior," Philosophy of Science, 56, 540-3, 1989. 105. "Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks," (commentary on Schull), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 76-7, 1990. 106. "Thinking with a Computer," in H. Barlow, C. Blakemore and M. Weston-Smith, eds, Images and Understanding, Cambridge University Press 1990, pp. 297-309. 107. "The Evolution of Consciousness," in J. Brockman, ed., Speculations: The Reality Club, New York: Prentice Hall 1990, pp. 87-108. 108. "Ways of Establishing Harmony," in B. McLaughlin, ed., Dretske and His Critics, Oxford: Blackwell 1990, 118-221. Reprinted (slightly revised), in E. Villanueva, ed., Information, Semantics, and Epistemology, Oxford: Blackwell 1990, pp. 18-27. 109. "The Myth of Original Intentionality," in K. A. Mohyeldin Said, W. H. Newton-Smith, R. Viale 13 and K. V. Wilkes, eds, Modelling the Mind, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1990, pp. 43-62. Reprinted in E. Dietrich, ed., Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons, 1995. pp. 91-107. Reprinted in Problems in Mind: Readings in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, J.S. Crumley II, ed., Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. 110. "The Interpretation of Texts, People, and Other Artifacts," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, L, Supplement, 177-94, Fall 1990. Reprinted in M. Losonsky, ed., Language and Mind: Contemporary Readings in Philosopohy and Cognitive Science, Blackwells, 1995. 111. "Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 48, 127-35, Spring 1990; reprinted in Philosophy after Darwin: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Michael Ruse, ed., Princeton University Press, 2009, pp. 189-98. 112. "Artificial Life: A Feast for the Imagination," (review of G. Langton, (ed.), Artificial Life), Biology and Philosophy, 5, 489-92, 1990. 113. "Dr. Pangloss Knows Best," (reply to Amundsen), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 581-2, 1990. 114. "Abstracting from Mechanism," (reply to de Gelder), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 583-4, 1990. 115. "Betting Your Life on an Algorithm," (commentary on Penrose), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13, 660-61, 1990. 116. "Demystifying Consciousness," (interview by John Brockman), Edge, 5-8, November 1990. 117. "Attitudes about ADHD: Some Analogies and Aspects," in K. Conners and M. Kinsbourne, eds, ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Munich: MMV Medizin Verlag 1990. 118. "Real Patterns," Journal of Philosophy, LXXXVIII, 27-51, January 1991; to be reprinted in Mind and Cognition: An Anthology, Edited by William G. Lycan, Blackwell publishers, forthcoming in December 1998; translated into French and reprinted in Philosophie de l'esprit: une anthologie, Librairie J. Vrin Philosophique, eds. Pierre Poirier and Denis Fisette; translated into Spanish and reprinted in “Sabemos como se aprende?” published by the Ministerio de Educacion del Peru, 2001, pp. 201-233; translated into Polish and reprinted in Analityczna Metafizyka Umysłu, Warsaw 2008, pp. 299325. 119. "Mother Nature Versus the Walking Encyclopedia: A Western Drama," in W. Ramsey, S. Stich, and D. E. Rumelhart, eds, Philosophy and Connectionist Theory, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum 1991, pp. 21- 14 30. 120. "A Gadfly's View," in Teaching and Technology: The Impact of Unlimited Information Access on Classroom Teaching, Ann Arbor, MI: The Pierian Press 1991, pp. 83-98. 121. "Granny's Campaign for Safe Science," in B. Loewer and G. Rey, eds, Meaning in Mind: Fodor and his Critics, Oxford: Blackwell 1991, pp. 87-94. 122. "Lovely and Suspect Qualities," (commentary on Rosenthal, The Independence of Consciousness and Sensory Quality"), in E. Villanueva, ed., Consciousness, (SOFIA Conference, Buenos Aires), Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview 1991, 37-43. 123. "Two Contrasts: Folk Craft Versus Folk Science, and Belief versus Opinion," in J. D. Greenwood, ed., The Future of Folk Psychology: Intentionality and Cognitive Science, Cambridge University Press 1991, 135-148. 124. "The Brain and its Boundaries," (review of C. McGinn, The Problem of Consciousness), The Times Literary Supplement, May 10, 10, 1991. 125. "Intencionalidade," (Portuguese translation of "True Believers" from The Intentional Stance), in M. M. Carrilho, ed., Dicionário do Pensamento Contemporâneo, Lisbon: Dom Quixote 1991, pp. 181198. Reprinted in Problems in Mind: Readings in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind, J.S. Crumley II, ed., Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000. 126. "Modelli del Cervello e il Punto di Vista dell'Osservatore," in G. Giorello and P. Strata, eds, Lautoma Spirituale: Menti, Cervelli e Computer, Rome: Laterza 1991, pp. 19-37. 127. "A Dash to Solve the Puzzle of the Mind," Boston Globe, December 8, A21, A24, 1991. 128. “Intentionality,” The Opened Curtain: A U.S.-Soviet Philosophy Summit, Westview Press, 1991, Chapter 3, pp. 44-54. 129. "Moral Thinking under Time Pressure," in The Kathryn Fraser MacKay Memorial Lecture Series, St Lawrence University, 1992, pp. 1-14. 130. "Hitting the Nail on the Head," (commentary on Thompson, Palacios and Varela), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 1, p. 35, 1992. 131. "Temporal Anomalies of Consciousness: Implications of the Uncentered Brain," in Y. Christen and P. S. Churchland, eds, Neurophilosophy and Alzheimer's Disease, Berlin: Springer-Verlag 1992, pp. 517 15 132. "Commandos of the Word," (a condensed version of "The Role of Language in Intelligence"), The Times Higher Education Supplement, March 27, 15-19, 1992. 133. "La Compréhension Artisanale," (French translation of "Do-It-Yourself Understanding"), in D. Fisette, ed., Daniel C. Dennett et les Stratégies Intentionnelles, Lekton, 11, Winter, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montréal 1992, pp. 27-52. 134. "Regissörer i medvetandets strömmar," Framtider, 11, 21-22, Institutet för Framtidsstudier, Stockholm, 1992. 135. "Time and the Observer: The Where and When of Consciousness in the Brain," (with M. Kinsbourne and with commentaries), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15, 183-247, 1992. Reprinted in The Philosopher's Annual, Grim, Mar and Williams, eds., vol. XV-1992, 1994, pp. 23-68; Noel Sheehy and Tony Chapman, eds., Cognitive Science, Vol. I, Elgar, 1995, pp.210-274. Reprinted in N.Block, O. Flanagan, G. Guzeldere, eds., The Nature of Consciousness, Philosophical Debates, MIT Press, 1998; to be reprinted in The Philosophy of Psychology: Critical Concepts in Psychology, J. Bermudez and B. Towl, eds, 2013. 136. "Review of F. Varela, E. Thompson and E. Rosch, The Embodied Mind, and G. Edelman, Bright Air, Brilliant Fire," New Scientist, 13 June, 48-9, 1992. 137. "Filling in vs. Finding out: a Ubiquitous Confusion in Cognitive Science," in H. Pick, P. Van den Broek and D. Knill, eds, Cognition: Conceptual and Methodological Issues, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1992, pp. 33-49. 138. "An Interview with Dan Dennett" Cogito, 115-125, winter 1992. 139. "The Self as the Center of Narrative Gravity," in F. Kessel, P. Cole and D. Johnson, eds, Self and Consciousness: Multiple Perspectives, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1992. Danish translation, "Selvet som fortællingens tyngdepunkt," Philosophia, 15, 275-88, 1986; translated into Ukrainian by Ivan Hrabovskyy // Anthology of Contemporary Analytic Philoso-phy, or Beetle Leaves a Box, edited by Andriy Synytsya, L’viv, Litopys, 2014, pp. 280–295 (Деннет Д. Самість як центр ваги наративу, Деніел Деннет [пер. з англ. І. Грабовського], Антологія сучасної аналітичної філософії, або жук залишає коробку, За науковою редакцією А. С. Синиці. Львів, Літопис, 2014, С. 280–295.). To be translated in Czech for Social Sciences and Audiovision, AMU Press, Czechoslovakia 2014. 140. "Review of F. Varela, E. Thompson and E. Rosch, The Embodied Mind," American Journal of Psychology, 106, 121-6, 1993. 16 141. "Living on the Edge," (reply to seven essays on Consciousness Explained), Inquiry, 36, March 1993, pp 135-59. 142. "Nella mente c' è Marilyn," La Repubblica, March 18, 1993. 143. "Eddies in the Stream of Consciousness," in Future Studies, Stockholm, 1993. 144. "Evolution, Teleology, Intentionality: reply to Ringen and Bennett," (continuing commentary on "Précis of The Intentional Stance"), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, (2), 289-391, 1993. 145. "Learning and Labeling" (commentary on A. Clark and A. Karmiloff-Smith, "The Cognizer's Innards"), Mind and Language, 8, (4), 540-547, Winter 1993. 146. "Caveat Emptor" (reply to Mangan, Toribio, Baars and McGovern), Consciousness and Cognition, 2, (1), 48-57, Mar. 1993. 147. "Confusion over Evolution: an exchange" (with S.J. Gould), The New York Review of Books, XL, (1 & 2), 1993, 43-44. 148. "Review of A. Newell, Unified Theories of Cognition," Artificial Intelligence, 59, (1-2), 285-294, Feb. 1993. Reprinted in Clancey, Smoliar and Stefik, eds., Contemplating Minds: A Forum for Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press. 149. "The Message is: there is no Medium" (reply to Jackson, Rosenthal, Shoemaker & Tye), Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, 53, (4), 889-931, Dec. 1993, reprinted in International Research Library of Philosophy, F. Jackson, ed., Dartmouth Publishing Company. 150. "Back from the Drawing Board" (reply to critics) in Dennett and his Critics: Demystifying Mind, Bo Dahlbom, ed., Oxford: Blackwell, 1993, pp. 203-35. 151. "Review of John Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind" Journal of Philosophy, 60, (4), 193-205, Apr. 1993. 152. "Down with School! Up with Logoland!: review of Seymour Papert, The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the Computer" New Scientist, 140, 1898, 45-46, Nov. 1993. 153. "Counting Consciousnesses: None, one, two or none of the above?" with M. Kinsbourne, (continuing commentary on "Time and the Observer"), Behavioral and Brain Studies, 17, (1), 178-80, Mar. 1994. 154. "Dennett and Carr Further Explained: an exchange" Emory Cognition Project, Report #28, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Apr. 1994, pp. 1-18; forthcoming in U. Neisser & D. 17 Jopling (Eds.) The Conceptual Self in Context: Culture, Experience, Self-understanding (Cambridge University Press, probably 1996). 155. "Real Consciousness" in Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience, A. Revonsuo & M. Kamppinen, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994, pp. 55-63. 156. "Instead of Qualia" in Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience, A. Revonsuo & M. Kamppinen, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994, pp. 129-139. 157. "Artificial Life as Philosophy," in Artificial Life, 1, pp. 291-292, 1994. 158. "Il Sé I Sé. Quale Tipo di Realtà? In forma di corrispondenza," (correspondence between Paolo Francesco Pieri and Daniel Dennett) in ATQUE, May-Oct. 1994, n. 9, pp. 193-195. 159. "The Role of Language in Intelligence," in What is Intelligence?, The Darwin College Lectures, ed. Jean Khalfa, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press. 1994, reprinted in Spache und Denken, A. Burri, ed., de Gruyter (Berlin and New York), pp. 161-78. 160. "Self-portrait," in S. Guttenplan, ed., A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, Blackwell Press, Oxford, 1994, pp. 236-244. 161. "The Practical Requirements for Making a Conscious Robot" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, A, 1994, 349, pp.133-46. 162. "Wired for Sound: review of Jackendoff, Patterns in the Mind and Pinker, The Language Instinct" in The London Review of Books, 23 June 1994, 16, no. 12, pp. 10-11. 163. Review of Renfrew, Colin and Zubrow, Ezra, eds., The Ancient Mind: Elements of Cognitive Archeology, Cambridge University Press, 1994, New Scientist, (6 August 1994), 143, n. 1937, pp. 4143. 164. "E Pluribus Unum?" commentary on Wilson & Sober: Group Selection, BBS, 17, no. 4, 1994, pp. 617-18. 165. "Cognitive Science as Reverse Engineering: Several Meanings of 'Top-Down' and'Bottom-Up'," in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX, D. Prawitz, B. Skyrms, and D. Westerståhl, eds., Elsevier Science, BV, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1994, pp. 679-689. 166. "Evolution as An Algorithm--The Ultimate Insult?" in The Mind, the Brain and Complex Adaptive Systems, ed, Harold Morowitz and Jerome Singer, Santa Fe Inst. Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proceedings Vol. XXII, 1995, Addison-Wesley, pp. 221-223. 18 167. "Comments nous tissons notre moi," (How we weave our selves) in Mécanismes mentaux, mécanismes sociaux: de la psychose à la panique, Jean-Pierre Dupuy and Henri Grivois, eds., Éditions La découverte, Paris, 1995, pp. 147-166. 168. "Interview," in Veery #4, 1995, pp. 1-6, forthcoming in a book of selected Veery interviews. 169. "In Defense of AI," in Speaking Minds: Interviews with Twenty Eminent Cognitive Scientists, P. Baumgartner and S. Payr, eds., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1995. pp. 59-69. 170. "Darwin's Dangerous Idea," (excerpted from the book) in The Sciences, May/June 1995, pp.34-40. Translated into German and reprinted as, AEs geht auch ohne Gott und Geist, Die Zeit, no. 8, 16 February 1996. 171. "How to Make Mistakes," in How Things Are, J. Brockman and K. Matson, eds., William Morrow and Company, New York, 1995. pp. 137-144. 172. Review of Antonio Damasio, Descartes' Error, Times Literary Supplement, August 25, 1995, pp. 3-4. 173. Interview in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 7, no. 3, Summer 1995, pp. 408-14, reprinted under the title, "Qualia, interview with Daniel C. Dennett, in Conversations in the Cognitive Neurosciences,"" M.S.Gazzaniga ed., excerpt reprinted in Cognitive Neuroscience, The Biology of the Mind, M.S. Gazzaniga, R.B. Ivry, G.R. Mangun, W.W. Norton & Company, 1998, pp. 530-531. 174. Interview by Robert Kilheffer in Omni, 17, no. 8, Fall 1995, pp. 119-124. 175. "Is Perception the 'Leading Edge' of Memory?" In A. Spadafora (ed.) Iride: Luoghi della memoria e dell'oblio, anno. VIII, n. 14, April 1995, pp. 59-78. 176. "The Path not Taken," commentary on Ned Block, "On Confusion About a Function of Consciousness," in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, no. 2, 1995, pp. 252-53. Reprinted in N.Block, O. Flanagan, G. Guzeldere, eds., The Nature of Consciousness, Philosophical Debates, MIT Press, 1998. 177. Interview by Lere Shakunle in The Journal of Transfigural Mathematics, 1, no. 3, 1995, pp. 47-52. 178. Reply to Letters to the Editor in The Sciences, Sept./Oct. 1995, pp. 6-7 & 48. 179. Interview by T. Flynn and T. Madigan in Free Inquiry, 15, no. 4, Fall 1995, pp. 19-21. 180. "Get Real," reply to 14 essays, in Philosophical Topics, vol. 22, no. 1 & 2, Spring & Fall 1994, pp. 505-568; reply to McLaughlin & O'Leary-Hawthorne excerpted (with revisions) as "Cow-sharks, 19 Magnets, and Swampman," in Mind & Language, vol. 11, no. 1, March 1996, pp. 76-77. 181. Foreword for Bob French's book, The Subtlety of Sameness, MIT Press/Bradford Book, 1995 (reprinted in Brainchildren), vii-xi. 182. "Animal Consciousness: What Matters and Why," in Social Research, 62, no. 3, Fall 1995, pp. 691-710; reprinted in In the Company of Animals, Ohio State University Press, 1995; reprinted in Humans and Other Animals, A.Mack, ed., Ohio State University Press, 1999, pp.281-300; “Das Bewusstsein der Tiere: Was ist wichtig und warum?”, in: Dominik Perler, Markus Wild (eds.), Der Geist der Tiere, Frankfurt: Shurkamp, 2005, pp. 389-407. 183. Definitions of homunculus, intentionality, Mentalese, mentalism, topic-neutral, for R. Audi, ed., Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 1995. 184. "Overworking the Hippocampus," commentary on Jeffrey Gray, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, no. 4, 1995, pp. 677-78. 185. "Multiple Drafts: An eternal golden braid?", with M. Kinsbourne, response to Glicksohn and Salter in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, no. 4, 1995, pp. 810-11. 186. "The Unimagined Preposterousness of Zombies," commentary on T. Moody, O. Flanagan and T. Polger, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2, no. 4, 1995, pp. 322-326. 187. Postscript to "Evolution, Error and Intentionality," in Moser and Trout, eds., Contemporary Materialism, A Reader, 1995 (reprinted from The Intentional Stance), pp. 245-73 188. Interview, "Het brein als virtuele machine," in Afleiding (Dutch magazine), 1, no. 1, January 1996, pp. 2-6. 189. Interview, "In principe zijn wij onsterfelijk," in Filosofie Magazine (Dutch magazine), 5, no. 1, February 1996, pp. 6-9. 190. Letter to the editor (reply to Johnson), The New Criterion, 14, no. 7, Mar. 1996, pp. 78-80. 191. "Seeing is Believing--or is it?" in K. Akins ed., Perception, Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science, 5, Oxford Univ. Press, 1996 pp. 158-172; reprinted in Vision and Mind: Selected Readings in the Philosophy of Perception, A. Noë and E. Thompson, eds., MIT Press Bradford Books, 2003. 192. "Facing Backwards on the Problem of Consciousness," commentary on Chalmers for Journal of Consciousness Studies, 3, no. 1 (special issue, part 2), 1996, pp. 4-6, reprinted in Explaining Consciousness - The 'Hard Problem', ed. Jonathan Shear, MIT Press/A Bradford Book, 1997; 20 translated into Estonian by Bruno Mölder,“Tagurpidi teadvuseprobleemi kallale” Akadeemia, 1999, 7, 1441-1446. 193. "Quantum incoherence," review of A. G. Cairns-Smith, Evolving the Mind: on the nature of matter and the origin of consciousness, Nature, 381, 6 June 1996, pp. 486-6. 194. "Do Animals have Beliefs?" in Herbert Roitblat & Jean-Arcady Meyer, eds., Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Sciences, MIT Press, 1995, pp. 111-118. 195. "Producing Future by Telling Stories," in K. Ford and Z. Pylyshyn, eds, The Robot's Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1996. pp. 1-7. 196. "We Need to Talk!" UNESCO Sources, no. 79, May 1996, p. 9. (commentary on Rorty for UNESCO Philosophy colloquium. 197. Review of Other Minds: Critical Essays, 1969-1994 by Thomas Nagel,1995. Journal of Philosophy, vol. XCIII, no. 8, Aug 1996, pp. 425-28. 198. "Two Confusions," Reply to Shermer, The Skeptic, 4, no.2, 1996, pp. 23-24. 199. "Hofstadter's Quest," review of Hofstadter & F.A.R.G, Fluid Concepts And Creative Analogies, Complexity Journal, 1, no. 6, 1995/96, pp. 9-12. 200. "Consciousness: More like Fame than Television," (in German translation) "Bewusstsein hat mehr mit Ruhm als mit Fernsehen zu tun," Christa Maar, Ernst Pöppel, and Thomas Christaller, eds., Die Technik auf dem Weg zur Seele, Rowohlt, 1996, pp. 61-90. 201. "Cow-sharks, Magnets, and Swampman," Mind & Language,11 no.1, 1996, pp 76-77. 202. "Granny versus Mother Nature -- No Contest," (reply to Fodor) Mind & Language,11 no.3, 1996, pp 263-269. 203. A response to an article, “The Deniable Darwin,” by David Berlinski in Commentary, written by Dennett in “Letters from Readers,” Commentary, September, 1996. 204. "The Scope of Natural Selection," Boston Review, Oct/Nov 1996, replies to H.Allen Orr's review "Dennett's Strange Idea," Boston Review, summer 1996, pp. 28-38. 205. "Discovering Who We Can Be: Conversations and Enlightenment," presented at UNESCO Philosophical Forum on Richard Rorty, March 27-30, 1996, (French translation, Qui pouvons-nous etre?), avec Angele Kremer-Marietti, Les Rencontres Philosophiques De L'Unesco, 1996. 21 206. Letter on Peter Gomes, Harvard Magazine, Nov/Dec 1996, p.?. 207. "Onde Estou eu?" "Where am I?" in Portuguese translation, Cerebros, Maquinas e Consciencia, J.Teixeira, ed., Editora da Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, San Carlos, Brazil, 1996, pp. 143-65. 208. "Did HAL Commit Murder?," (Authorized Title), "Unauthorized Title: When Hal Kills, Who's to Blame? Computer Ethics," in D. Stork, ed.,Hals Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality, MIT Press 1997, pp 351-365. Reprinted in Rethinking Responsibility in Science and Technology, eds. F. Battaglia, N. Mukerji, J. Nida-Rumelin, Pisa University Press, 2014, pp. 203-14. 209. "Reply to Mulhauser," Philosophical Books, 38, No.2, April 1997, pp 89-92. 210. "Appraising Grace: what evolutionary good is God?," ( Review of Walter Burkert, Creation of the Sacred: Tracks of Biology in Early Religions), The Sciences, Jan/Feb 1997, pp 39-44. 211. "Can Machines Think? Deep Blue and Beyond," Studium Generale Maastricht lecture, 1997; translated into Dutch for Een Stok Om Mee Te Denken, ed. Coen Simon, Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers, 2014, pp. 263-281. 212. "Faith in the Truth," in The Values of Science, W. Williams, ed., (The Amnesty Lectures, Oxford 1997), Westview Press, 1999, pp 95-109; also, in Free Inquiry, Spring 2000; reprinted in The New Humanist, March, 2001. 213. "A Scientific Snow Job," (commentary on Robert Berwick), Boston Review, Feb/March 1997, pp. 34. 214. Interview, in Continuum, translated into German, 4/97, pp. 9-13. 215. "Darwinian Fundamentalism: An Exchange," a letter to the Editor of The New York Review, August 14, 1997, p. 34-7 (a response to "Darwinian Fundamentalism, a review of Darwin's Dangerous Idea"" by Stephen Jay Gould, in the New York Review, June 12, 1997, and "Evolution: The Pleasures of Pluralism," June 26, 1997, pp. 47-52. 216. "Selections for 'International Books of the Year'" a review of two books, Terrence Deacon's The Symbolic Species: The co-evolution of language and the brain (Norton), and Douglas Hofstadter's Le Ton Beau de Marot: In Praise of the music of language (Basic), in The Times Literary Supplement, December 5, 1997, p.? 217. "What is Thinking?" in Think, the IBM Employee Magazine, 1997, No. 2, pp. 14-15. 218. "Artificial Intelligence," a web dialogue with Hubert Dreyfus, http://www.slate.com, June 24, 22 1997, and July 7, 1997 219. "Consciousness in Human and Robot Minds," in volume of the International Institute for Advanced Studies, (Kyoto, Japan), Symposium on Cognition, Computation and Consciousness, 1997, pp. 17-29. 220. "How to do Other Things with Words," Thought and Language, (Supplement to Philosophy, 42 Royal Institute Conference on Philosophy of Language, Philosophy, V, pp. 219-35) edited by John Preston, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp 219-235. 221. "The Myth of Double Transduction," in the volume of the International Consciousness Conference, Toward a Science of Consciousness II, The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates, S. Hameroff, ed., A.W. Kaszniak, and A.C. Scott, MIT Press, 1998, pp. 97-107; translated into Italian and reprinted in ATQUE, materiali tra filosofia e psicoterapia, Nov 97-Apr 98, pp. 11-26. 222. Comment on "A Critique of Evolutionary Archeology," by James L. Boone & Eric Alden Smith, in Current Anthropology, volume 39, Supplement, pp. 157-158, June 1998 (originally titled "Snowmobiles, horses, rats, and memes. 223. "The Evolution of Religious Memes: Who--or What--Benefits?" in Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 10, pp. 115-128, 1998. 224. Response to "Overlooked Skyhooks," a review of Darwin’s Dangerous Idea by Robert L. Cambell, in Metascience, Volume 7, Number 3, November 1998, Blackwell Publishers, pp. 489-499 (review), pp. 500-501 (author’s response). 225. "Reflections on language and mind," in Language and thought: interdisciplinary themes, P.Carruthers and J. Boucher, eds. CUP, 1998, 284-294. 226. "An Interview with Fred Dretske," in The Dualist, Stanford's Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy, Spring 1998, Volume V, Number 1, with Ned Block, Tyler Burge, Jerry Fodor, Keith Lehrer, and Ernest Sosa, pp. 85-86. 227. "Where is Consciousness," lecture at the University of Groningen and Enschede, The Netherlands, October 1-7, 1996, translated into Dutch and published in Algemeen Nederlands Tidschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 90-2,1998,93-102. 228. "Stability is not intrinsic," with C.F.Westbury, commentary on O'Brien & Opie: Connectionism and phenomenal experience, for Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, 1999, pp 153-154. 229. With C.F. Westbury, "Mining The Past To Construct The Future: Memory and belief as forms of 23 knowledge," in Schacter, D. and Scarry, E. (Eds.) (2000). Memory, Brain, and Belief. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 11-32. 230. "Preston on Exaptation: Herons, Apples, and Eggs," Comment on Beth Preston, "Why Is a Wing Like a Spoon? A Pluralist Theory of Function,"" Journal of Philosophy, XCV, 5 (May 1998): 215-54, Journal of Philosophy, XCV, 11 (November 1998): 576-580. 231. "Revolution, no! Reform, si!" Commentary on van Gelder, T., "The dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science,"" in The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 21:5, October 1998, 636-637. 232. Reply to Nicholas Humphrey, "Cave Art, Autism, and the Evolution of the Human Mind," in Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Vol.8, No.2, October 1998, 184-185. 233. "Intentional Stance," contribution to The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, MIT Press, 1998, 410-411. 234. "No bridge over the stream of consciousness," Commentary on Pessoa et al: "Perceptual completion," in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol.21, No.6, December 1998, pp. 753-4. 235. Afterword to Richard Dawkins The Extended Phenotype, Oxford University Press paperback edition, 1999, pp. 265-269. 236. No podría haber actuado de otro modo,--y qué? "I could not do otherwise- so what?" from The Journal of Philosophy 81 (1984), pp. 553-67, translated into Portugese and published in Ensayos Sobre Libertad Y Necesidad, 1997 237. "La percezione e' il Abordo d'attacco della memoria?" "Is perception the leading edge of memory?"" translated into Italian for Iride, filosofia e discussione pubblica, anno VII, N.14, Aprile 1995, publishers Il Mulino, Firenze, Italia, pp. 59-78. 238. "Verbal language as a communicative system," translated into Malay and reprinted in Bahasa,(43)8, Malaysia, 1999, pp. 681-691. 239. Shannon Densmore and Daniel Dennett, "The Virtues of Virtual Machines," in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, September, 1999, Vol. LIX, No.3, pp. 747-767. 240. "Protecting Public Health," in Predictions, 30 great minds on the future, published by The Times Higher Education Supplement, pp. 74-75, 1999. 241. "Ludwig Wittgenstein," in Time Magazine, The Century's Greatest Minds, March 29, 1999, pp. 8890; reprinted in People of the Century, New York: Simon & Schuster, pp. 145-149, 1999. 24 242. "Sort-of symbols?" with C. Viger, commentary on Barsalou: "Perceptual symbol systems," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, no. 4, August, 1999, p. 613. 243. Foreword to Leaps of Faith, by Nicholas Humphrey, Copernicus Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 1999, pp. ix-xi. 244. "Why Getting It Right Matters," (originally titled "Postmodernism and Truth," in the Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 8, 2000, pp. 93-103), in Free Inquiry, Winter 1999/00, vol 20, no. 1, pp. 40-43; reprinted in Questions of Philosophy, transl. By Yulina N.S., Moscow, Russia, 2001, N.8, pp. 93-100; reprinted in Science and Religion, Are They Compatible?, ed. Paul Kurtz. Prometheus Books, 2003, pp. 149-159; translated into Russian by N.S.Yulina and reprinted in ГO ЛOBOЛOMKИ ПPOБЛЕМЬI COЗНАНИЯ: КОНЦеПЦИЯ ДЭНИеЛа ДЭНИеТа (The “Brainstorms” in Philosophy of Mind: Daniel Dennett and his Critics), Moscow: KAHOH, 477-492. 245. "La mente sta nel cervello?" Italian translation of "Is your mind in your brain?," in Percezione linguaggio coscienza: Saggi di filosofia della mente; ed. Michele Carenini, Quodlibet pub. Italy,1999, pp 103-148. 246. "Intrinsic changes in experience: Swift and enormous" in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22, No. 6, December 1999, p. 951. 247. “The evolution of culture,” for Edge.org, February 16th, 1999; to be reprinted in a volume, Best of Edge Book Series: Culture, 2013. 248. “We earth neurons,” 1999; reprinted by Benesse Corporation Educational Publishers in Japan, 2010. 249. "The Battery," in The Greatest Inventions of the Past 2,000 Years, ed. John Brockman, Simon & Schuster, 2000, pp. 73-74. 250. Foreword to Darwinizing Culture, Robert Aunger, (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. vii-ix. 251. "La conciencia es el software del cerebro," a radio interview for La Vanguardia Digital, also published on their website: http://www.lavanguardia.es/ during a visiting lectureship in Barcelona, Spain, November, 1999. 252. Review of John Haugeland: Having Thought: Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind, in Journal of Philosophy, Volume XCVI, Number 8, August, 1999, pp. 430-435. 253. "It's Not a Bug, Its a Feature," Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7, No. 4, 2000, pp. 25-7. 25 254. "Making Tools for Thinking," in Metarepresentations: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, D. Sperber, ed., New York, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 17-29. 255. Re-introducing The Concept of Mind, Foreword to Gilbert Ryle's The Concept of Mind, Penguin Classics, 2000, viii-xix. 256. The Case for Rorts, in Rorty and His Critics, Ed., R. B. Brandom, Blackwell Publishers, 2000, pp. 89-108. 257. Interviewed by Chris Floyd of Science & Spirit Magazine, 11, 2, May/June 2000, pp. 18-20. 258. "Postmodernism and Truth," in the Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 8, 2000, pp. 93-103. 259. “With a Little Help from My Friends,” in Dennett's Philosophy, A Comprehensive Assessment, eds. D. Ross, A. Brook, D. Thompson, MIT Press, 2000, pp. 327-388. 260. “To Tell the Truth?” excerpted from “Faith in the Truth,” New Humanist, Spring 2001, pp. 26-8. 261. Interviewed by Cristina Junyent for Quark: Cienia, Medicina, Comunicacion y Cultura, 19, Juliodicembre 2000 (Barcelona, Spain), pp. 78-81. 262. Interviewed by Enrique Font Bisier for Metode, revista de difuso de la investigacio, Hivern (Winter)2000/01, pp. 54-61 (Valencia, Spain). 263. “Are we explaining consciousness yet?” Cognition 79 (2001) 221-237. 264. “Implantable brain chips–will they change who we are?” in Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Newsletter, Spring 2001, pp. 6-7; reprinted in Biomedical Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Moral Issues in Medicine and Biology, ed. David Steinberg, M.D., University Press of New England, 2007, pp. 168-71. 265. “Collision, Detection, Muselot, and Scribble: Some Reflections on Creativity” in Virtual Music, Computer Synthesis of Musical Style, by David Cope, MIT Press, 2001, pp. 283-291. 266. "Things about Things," The Foundations of Cognitive Science, Joao Branquinho, eds. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2001, pp. 133-143. 267. “The Evolution of Culture,” The Monist, vol. 84, no. 3, Peru, Illinois, July 2001, pp 305-324. 268. “Cognitive Ethology: Hunting for Bargains or a Wild Goose Chase?” translated into Italian and reprinted in Mente senza linguaggio: Il pensiero e gli animali, Simone Gozzano, ed., Editori Riuniti, 26 Italy, April 2001, pp. 79-97. 269. “The Zombic Hunch: Extinction of an Intuition?” in Philosophy at the New Millenium, ed. Anthony O'Hear, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement: 48, pp. 27-43. 270. “In Darwin’s Wake, Where Am I?” APA Presidential Address, Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical Association, Volume 75:2, November 2001, pp. 13-30; reprinted in The Cambridge Companion to Darwin, J. Hodge and G. Radick, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 357-376; translated into Russian by N.S.Yulina and reprinted in ГOЛOBO ЛOMKИ ПPOБЛЕМЬI COЗНАНИЯ: КОНЦеПЦИЯ ДЭНИеЛа ДЭНИеТа (The “Brainstorms” in Philosophy of Mind: Daniel Dennett and his Critics), Moscow: KAHOH, pp. 397-427. 271. Review of George Ainslie: Breakdown of Will, for The Times Literary Supplement, December 7, 2001, p.8. 272. "Memes: Myths, Misgivings, Misunderstandings," Chapel Hill Colloquium, October October 15, 1998, University Chapel Hill, North Carolina, translated into Portugese and published in Revista de Pop, No. 30, 2001, pp. 283-96. 273. “The New Replicators,” for The Encyclopedia of Evolution, volume 1, Mark Pagel, ed., Oxford University Press, 2002, E83-E92. 274. “Altruists, Chumps, and Inconstant Pluralists,” Commentary on Sober and Wilson, Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior, for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, November, 2002, vol LXV, No. 3, pp. 692-696. 275. “Who’s Afraid of Determinism? Rethinking Causes and Possibilities,” Christopher Taylor and Daniel Dennett, for The Oxford Handbook of Free Will, Robert Kane, ed., Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 257-277. 276. “The Baldwin Effect: a Crane, not a Skyhook,” in eds. B.H. Weber and D.J. Depew, Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered, MIT Press, Bradford Books, 2003, pp. 60-79. 277. b. Postscript on the Baldwin Effect and Niche Construction, in eds. B.H. Weber and D.J. Depew, Evolution and Learning, The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered, MIT Press, Bradford Books, 2003, pp. 108109. 278. "How could I be wrong? How wrong could I be?" for special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies, Is The Visual World a Grand Illusion, ed. Alva Noe, Vol. 27 9, No. 5-6, January 13, 2002, pp 13-16. 279. “The evolution of evaluators,” in The Evolution of Economic Diversity, eds. Antonio Nicita and Ugo Pagano, Routledge, 2001, pp. 66-81. 280. “Surprise, surprise” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, (2001) 24:5, p. 982. 281. "Consciousness: How much is that in real money?" appeared orig. in R Gregory, ed, The Oxford Companion to the Mind, 2001. 282. “What kind of ‘code’ does the brain use?” translated into German, in Frankfurter Allgemeine, Seite 38/Montag, 14. Januar 2002, Nr. 11. 283. “Gilbert Ryle’s last letter to Dennett,” The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy, (Special Issue on The Philosophy of Gilbert Ryle) 7, 2002 284. “Does your brain use the images in it, and if so, how?” Commentary on Pylshyn, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol 25, no. 2, April 2002, pp. 189-190. 285. Selection for Times Literary Supplement “Books of the Year,” reviews of Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate, and David Sloan Wilson, Darwin’s Cathedral, TLS, December 6, 2002, p. 9. 286. Review of Eytan Avital and Eva Jablonka, Animal Traditions: Behavioural Inheritance in Evolution, “Tarbutniks rule” Cambridge University Press, 2000, for Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 332-4, March, 2002.' 287. “Reply to Clark,” Philososophy of Mental Representation, Hugh Clapin (ed.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002, pp. 91-3, and “Brian Cantwell Smith on Evolution, Objectivity and Intentionality,” pp. 222-36. 288. “A naturalistic perspective on intentionality. Interview with Daniel Dennett,” by Marco Mirolli, Mind & Society, 6, vol. 3, 2002, pp. 1-12. 289. Review of Daniel Wegner, Making Ourselves at Home in Our Machines: The Illusion of Conscious Will, MIT Press, 2002, in Journal of Mathematical Psychology 47 (2003) 101-104. 290. “The Mythical Threat of Genetic Determinism,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 31, 2003, pp. B7-B9; reprinted in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004, ed. Steven Pinker, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston & New York, 2004, pp. 45-50. 28 291. “Explaining the ‘magic’ of Consciousness,” Exploring Consciousness, Humanities, Natural Science, Religion, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Milano, November 19-20, 2001 (published in December, 2002, Fondazione Carlo Erba), pp. 47-58; reprinted in eds J. Laszlo, T. Bereczkei, C. Pleh, Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 1(2003)1, 7-19. 292. “On failures of freedom and the fear of science,” Dædalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Winter, 2003, pp. 126-130. 293. “Look out for the Dirty Baby,” Peer Commentay on Baars, Journal of Consciousness Studies, The double life of B.F. Skinner, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2003), pp. 31-33. 294. “The Bright Stuff,” NYTimes.com, Editorials/Op-Ed. 295. "Who's On First? Heterophenomenology Explained," Journal of Consciousness Studies, Special Issue: Trusting the Subject? (Part 1),10, No.9-10, October 2003, pp.19-30; it also appears in A. Jack and A Roepstorff eds., Trusting the Subject? Volume 1, Imprint Academic Pubs., 2003, pp. 19-30. 296. “Zum Schutz der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung des Bewutseins vor ideologischen Debatten” (Protecting Scientific Research on Consciousness from ideological debates), in Gene, Meme, und Gehirne, Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt am Main 2003, pp. 306-325. 297. Selection for Times Literary Supplement “Books of the Year,” reviews of Radiant Cool (MIT Press) by Dan Lloyd and Love and Other Games of Chance (Penguin) by Lee Siegel , TLS, December 5, 2003, p. 9. 298. “Beyond beanbag semantics,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2003) 26:6, pp. 673-4. 299. “Forestalling a food fight over color,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2003) 26:6, pp. 788-9. 300. “The Self as a Responding—and Responsible—Artifact,” Annals New York Academy of Sciences 1001: 39-50 (2003). 301. “How has Darwin’s theory of natural selection transformed our view of humanity’s place in the universe?” LIFE: The Science of Biology, by Purves, Sadava, Orians and Heller, 7th edition, Sinauer Associates/W.H. Freeman publishers, p. 523; translated into Polish by Malgorzata Korasqewska and posted online, December 2008. 302. Interviewed in The Believer, March, 2004, pp. 77-84. 303. “The Seed Salon,” a dialogue with E.O. Wilson in Seed magazine, No. 9, Spring 2004, pp. 60-65, 29 103-105. 304. Obituary for John Maynard Smith, Biology and Philosophy, 2004, pp. 307-9. 305. "Consciousness" in R. L. Gregory, ed., The Oxford Companion to the Mind, Oxford University Press, 2004 (2nd edition), pp. 209-11. 306. “What I Want to Be When I grow Up,” Curious Minds, How A Child Becomes A Scientist, ed. John Brockman, Pantheon Books, New York, pp. 219-25. 307. “Holding a mirror up to Dupré,” Commentary on John Dupré’s Human Nature and the Limits of Science, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. LXIX, No.2, September 2004, pp. 473-83. 308. “La vittoria di Deep Blue su Kasparov dimostra il successo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale?, un dibattito tra Hubert Dreyfus e Daniel Dennett,” “Did Deep Blue’s win over Kasparov prove that Artificial Intelligence has succeeded?, a debate between Hubert Dreyfus and Daniel Dennett,” in Constructions of the Mind: Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities, 4, 2 (1995); translated into Italian and published in Discipline Filosofiche, XIV (2), 2004, pp. 45-62; in S. Franchi, G. Guzeldere (eds.), Mechanical Bodies, Computational Minds. Artificial Intelligence from Automata to Cyborgs, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA., 2005, pp. 265-79. 309. “An evolutionary perspective on cognition: through a glass lightly,” review of Kim Sterelny, Thought in a hostile world: the evolution of human cognition, in Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. & Biomed. Sci., Elsevier, 35 (2004) 721-7. 310. “’Epiphenomenal’ Qualia?” reprinted from Ch. 12 of Consciousness Explained, in There’s Something About Mary, Essays on Phenomenal Consciousness and Frank Jackson’s Knowledge Argument, P. Ludlow, Y. Nagasawa, D. Stoljar, eds., A Bradford book, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004, pp. 59-68. 311. “Could there be a Darwinian account of human creativity?” Evolution: from molecules to ecosystems, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 272-9. 312. “Geography Lessons,” letter to the Editor, New York Times, Book Reviews, Sunday, February 20, 2005, Section 7, page 6, column 3. 313. “Dangerous Ideas: The Sophia Interview with Daniel C. Dennett,” Sophia, The University of Victoria Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy, Volume VIII, 2005, pp. 1-8. 30 314. “Dennett’s Dangerous Ideas,” an interview by Julian Baggini in “The Intractables,” a special issue of the Philosopher’s magazine, Issue 30, 2nd quarter, 2005, pp. 52-56. 315. “Moral Issues of Human-Non-Human Primate Neural Grafting,” with M. Greene, R. Faden, et al, Science, Vol. 309, July 15, 2005, pp. 385-6. 316. “Show Me the Science,” The New York Times, Op-Ed, Sunday, August 28, 2005, p. 11. 317. Entry in Edge, The World Question Center, The Edge Annual Question: “What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?” 2005 318. "From Typo to Thinko: When Evolution Graduated to Semantic Norms," S. Levinson & P. Jaisson (Eds.), Evolution and Culture, A Fyssen Foundation Symposium, A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006, pp. 133-45; translated by Mihailo Antovic into Serbian (click here for translation), 2010. 319. “Two Steps Closer on Consciousness,” Paul Churchland, Contemporary Philosophy in Focus, Brian L. Keeley (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 193-209. 320. “Comparing apples to oranges: Who does the framing?” with Richard Griffin, Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2005) 28:5, p. 656. 321. “Philosophy as Naïve Anthropology: Comment on Bennett and Hacker,” lecture at American Philosophical Association Meeting, New York, Dec 28, 2005. 322. “The Kitzmiller Decision,” by Dawkins, Dennett, Kurtz, Jones, Ridley, 2005. 323. “There aren’t enough minds to house the population explosion of memes,” Edge, The World Question Center, 2005. 324. “Natural Freedom,” Metaphilosophy, vol. 36, No. 4, July 2005, pp. 449-59. 325. “Common-Sense Religion,” The Chronicle Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 20, 2006, pp. B6-8; reprinted in Religion in Legal Thought and Practice, Howard Lesnick, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 194-6. 326. “The Harsh Light of Science, Why a Scientific Study of Religion is Necessary,” SEED, Feb/Mar 2006, pp. 54-7. 327. An entry in What We Believe but Cannot Prove: Today’s Leading Thinkers on Science in the Age of Creativity, ed. John Brockman, Harper Perennial, 2006, pp. 124-7. 31 328. “The Future of Religion,” Playboy, April 2006, p. 56. 329. “The Selfish Gene As A Philosophical Essay,” Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think, A. Grafen, M. Ridley, eds., Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 101-15. 330. “The Hoax of Intelligent Design and How It Was Perpetrated,” Intelligent Thought: Science Versus The Intelligent Design Movement, ed. John Brockman, Vintage Books, 2006, pp. 33-49. 331. “Consciousness: How Much is that in Real Money?” translated into Slovak for Kritika & Kontext, No. 31, Záhada ľudského Vedomia On Consciousness, with an interview, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp. 80-7. 332. “Toward a Science of Volition,” with W. Prinz and N. Sebanz, in Disorders of Volition, eds. N. Sebanz and W. Prinz, A Bradford Book, MIT Press, 2006, pp. 1-16. 333. “Show Me the Science,” in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2006, ed. Brian Greene, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, October 2006, pp. 39-45. 334. “Response to Daniel Levine,” Tikkun Magazine, November/December 2006, pp. 54-7. 335. “No Vegetables, Please,” Washington Post online, On Faith, November 14th, 2006. Russian translation of this article provided by azoft. 336. “Thank Goodness Not God on Thanksgiving,” Washington Post online, On Faith, November 22nd, 2006. 337. “Thank Goodness!” published at http://edge.org, Nov 2006; reprinted in Freethought Today, December 2006, pp. 12-13; reprinted in Skeptical Inquirer, Volume 31, Issue 2, March/April 2007, pp. 42-3. 338. "Heterophenomenology reconsidered," Phenom Cogn Sci 6, pp. 247-70, 2007. 339. “The Gift of Perspective,” Washington Post online, On Faith, December 8th, 2007. 340. “Protecting Democracy Comes Before Promoting Faith,” Washington Post online, On Faith, December 13th, 2006. 341. “Not Yet The Majority But No Longer Silent,” Washington Post online, On Faith, December 30th, 2006. 32 342. “Daniel C. Dennett responds,” to Richard Sosis’ review of Breaking the Spell, in Free Inquiry, December 2006/January 2007, vol. 27, No. 1. p. 60. 343. “Off Come the Gloves,” review of Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, in Free Inquiry, Dec 2006/Jan 2007, vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 64-6. 344. “There Aren’t Enough Minds to House the Population Explosion of Memes,” What Is Your Dangerous Idea?, ed. J. Brockman, Simon & Schuster, 2006, pp. 191-8. 345. “A continuum of mindfulness,” D. Dennett & R. McKay, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29, 2006, pp. 353-4. 346. Interview by William Uzgalis at the APA in Boston, December 29th, 2004, Minds and Machines, vol. 16, 2006, pp. 7-19. 347. “Higher-order truths about chmess,” Topoi (2006) :39–41 DOI 10.1007/s11245-006-0005-2; Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006. 348. "How should we study religion?" The philosophers Daniel Dennett and Richard Swinburne debate the correct approach to the study of religion, Prospect Magazine, March 22nd, 2006. 349. “A Clever Robot,” Time Magazine, January 18th, 2007. 350. “’God’ or ‘Allah’?” Washington Post online, On Faith, January 26th, 2007. 351. “Relying on Faith Instead of Facts Brought Moral Calamity,” Washington Post online, On Faith, January 13, 2007. 352. “What RoboMary Knows,” eds. T. Alter, S. Walter, Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge, New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 15-31. 353. “A daring reconnaissance of red territory,” review of Nicholas Humphrey, Seeing Red: A Study in Consciousness, Brain (2007), 130, 592-595. 354. Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, February 2, 2007, p. 17. 355. “Open Letter to H. Allen Orr,” Edge 202, February 12th, 2007. 356. “The Evaporation of the Powerful Mystique of Religion,” in What Are You Optimistic About? Today’s Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better, ed. John Brockman, Harper Perrennial, 2007, pp. 21-4. 33 357. “Philosophy as Naïve Anthropology: Comment on Bennett and Hacker,” in Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language, ed. D. Robinson, Columbia University Press, New York, 2007, pp. 73-95; translated into German, Suhrkamp Verlag publishers, 2010. 358. “My body has a mind of its own,” in Distributed Cognition and the Will: Individual Volition and Social Context, eds. D. Ross, D. Spurrett, H. Kincaid, G.L. Stephens, MIT Press, A Bradford Book, 2007, pp. 93-100. 359. “Higher Games,” MIT Technology Review, August 15th, 2007. 360. Letter to the Editor, London Review of Books, Vol. 29, No. 22, November 15th, 2007. 361. Introduction to What Are You Optimistic About? Today’s Leading Thinkers on Why Things Are Good and Getting Better, ed. John Brockman, Harper Perrennial, 2007, pp. xvii-xxii; also appears in The Wall Street Journal Online, http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/dennett/papers/optimistic.pdf January 25th, 2008. 362. “Fun and Games in Fantasyland,” commentary on Fodor, “Against Darwinism,” Mind and Language, Vol. 23, issue 1, 2008, pp. 25-31. 363. “Is religion a threat to rationality and science?” in eG Weekly, The London Guardian, April 22nd, 2008. 364. Daniel Dennett and Kathleen Akins (2008) "Multiple drafts model," in Scholarpedia.org, 3(4):4321. 365. “How to Protect Human Dignity from Science,” in Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by The President’s Council on Bioethics, March 2008, pp. 39-59; translated in Italian (“Come proteggere la dignità umana dalla scienza,”) and reprinted in Fenomenologia e società, n.4, 2008, pp. 5-24. 366. “Commentary on Kraynak," in Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by The President’s Council on Bioethics, March 2008, pp. 83-8. 367. Letter to the Editor, The Boston Globe, Saturday, February 2, 2008, A16. 368. “Whole-Body Apoptosis,” in Artifact, July 2008, pp. 1-4. 369. An entry in Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 questions, ed. Luciano Floridi, Automatic Press, 2008, pp. 57-9. 370. Excerpts from Darwin’s Dangerous Idea and Consciousness Explained, in The Oxford 34 Book of Modern Science Writing, ed. Richard Dawkins, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 254-8. 371. “Astride the Two Cultures: A letter to Richard Powers, Updated,” in Intersections: Essays on Richard Powers, eds. S.J. Burn & P. Dempsey, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaigne and London, 2008, pp. 151-60. 372. Autobiographical Essay, Part 1, Philosophy Now, July/August 2008, pp. 22-6; Part 2, September/October 2008, pp.21-5; Part 3, November/December 2008, pp. 24-5. 373. “Descartes’s Argument from Design,” The Journal of Philosophy, Volume CV, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 333-45. 374. The Future of Atheism: Alister McGrath & Daniel Dennett in Dialogue, Robert B. Steward, Ed., Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2008. 375. An entry in “The Years of Thinking Dangerously” New Scientist 20/27 December 2008, p 71. 376. An interview and biographical sketch in Les Nouveaux Psys, Catherine Meyer, ed., edition des Arènes, 2008, pp. 591-613. 377. “Trois questions à Daniel Dennett,” philosophie Magazine, Mensuel No. 24, Novembre 2008, p. 51. 378. “The computational perspective,” Science at the Edge: Conversations with the Leading Scientific Thinkers of Today, J. Brockman, ed., Union Square Press, New York, 2008, pp. 115-27. 379. Interviewed by Robert Czepel of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, in Vienna, September 27th, 2008. 380. An entry in What Have You Changed Your Mind About? - The Book, HarperCollins (US); also online: http://www.edge.org/q2008/q08_index.html#dennett 381. An entry in Mind and Consciousness: 5 Questions, Patrick Grim, ed., Automatic Press, 2009, p 25-30. 382. “Intentional Systems Theory,” The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind, B. McLaughlin, A. Beckermann, S. Walter, eds., OUP, 2009, pp. 339-50; reprinted (in English and Spanish translation) in Inside: Arte e Ciência, Editora LxXL, 2009, pp. 58-81. 383. An entry in “For & Against: Is the theory of evolution compatible with divine creation?” 35 BBCKnowledge, April 2009, issue 4, p. 65. 384. “Banishing “I” and “we” from accounts of metacognition,” with Bryce Huebner, BBS, (2009) 32:2, pp. 148-9. 385. Interview, Evolutionary Theory: 5 Questions, G. Oftedal, J. Friis, P. Rossel and M.S. Norup, eds., Automatic Press, 2009, pp. 16-21. 386. “Darwin’s ‘strange inversion of reasoning,’” PNAS, June 16, 2009, vol. 106, suppl. 1, 10061-5; reprinted in SAGA, Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofia, no. 140, Agosto de 2009, pp. 918. 387. "On Faith" postings at the Washington Post 388. Book review: Owen Flanagan, The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World, in The Philosophical Review, volume 118, Number 3, July 2009, pp. 402-6. 389. “Multiple drafts model,” an entry in The Oxford Companion to Consciousness, T. Bayne, A. Cleeremans, P. Wilken, eds., Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 452-4. 390. “The Part of Cognitive Science That Is Philosophy,” Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, 2009, pp. 2316. 391. “The Cultural Evolution of Words and Other Thinking Tools,” Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, published online (http://symposium.cshlp.org/content/early/2009/08/16/sqb.2009.74.008), August 17, 2009. 392. Letter to the Editor, New York Times Sunday book review section, October 25th, 2009, online at: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/25/books/review/Letters-t-THEFACTOFEVO_LETTERS.html 393. “The Evolution of Culture,” Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context, S.J. Dick and M.L. Lupisella, eds., NASA U.S. Government Printing Office, 2009, pp. 125-43. 394. “Two Black Boxes: A Fable,” reprinted from Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Simon & Schuster publishers, 1995, pp 412-18, in Activitas Nervosa Superior 2009; 52:2, 81-84. 395. “Atheism and Evolution,” ed. Michael Martin, The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 135-48; reprinted in Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary, L. Zagzebski & T.D. Miller, eds., Wiley-Blackwell Publishers 2009, pp. 614-23. 36 396. “The Evolution of Misbelief,” with Ryan T. McKay, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 2009, pp. 493-561. 397. Biographical sketch of Richard Dawkins, in Evolution: The First Four Billion Years, M. Ruse and J. Travis, eds., The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2009, pp. 512-3. 398. “What is it like to be a robot?” book review of David McFarland, Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs, in BioScience, Volume 59, issue 8, September 2009, pp. 707-9. 399. Interviewed in the philosophers’ magazine, by Julian Baggini, issue 48, 1st quarter 2010, pp. 60-5. 400. “Preachers Who Are Not Believers,” with Linda LaScola, Evolutionary Psychology, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March, 2010, pp. 122-50. 401. Interviewed in El Pais Digital, 3/26/2010, http://www.elpais.com.uy/Suple/Cultural/10/03/26/cultural_478190.asp 402. Interview in The Boston Globe, April 11th, 2010, http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2010/04/11/the_unbelievers/?page=1 403. “The Evolution of ‘Why?’” Reading Brandom: On Making It Explicit, B. Weiss and J. Wanderer, eds., Routledge, 2010, pp. 48-62. 404. Interviewed by Devon Jackson in Santa Fean, April/May 2010, pp. 17-18. 405. “Who’s Still afraid of Determinism? Rethinking Causes and Possibilities,” Christopher Taylor and Daniel Dennett, for Kane, ed. The Free Will Handbook, OUP, January 2010. 406. Foreword to The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life, by Paul Seabright, Princeton University Press, 2010, pp. xi-xiv. 407. Interviewed in New Humanist, Q&A section, May/June 2010, p. 29. 408. Introduction to This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape The Future, J. Brockman, ed., Harper Perennial, 2010, pp. xxii-xxiii. 409. “The Unbelievable Truth: Why America has become a nation of religious know-nothings,” in New York Daily News, October 3rd, 2010. 410. “Multi-use and constraints from original use,” Justin A. Jungé and Daniel C. Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2010), volume 33, issue 04, pp. 277-8, Commentary on Michael L. Anderson, 37 “Neural reuse: A fundamental organizational principle of the brain,” pp. 245-66. 411. “Evolutionary Philosophy,” a conversation with Edward O. Wilson, in Science is Culture: Conversations at the New Intersection of Science and Society, ed. Adam Bly, Harper Perrennial, NY, 2010, pp. 1-21. 412. “The Pastor’s Secret: What happens when preachers don’t believe?” Tufts Magazine, fall 2010, pp. 16-19. 413. Interviewed in Polityka, a weekly magazine published in Poland, June 2010, pp. 28-32. 414. “Homunculi Rule,” reflections on Darwinian populations and natural selection by Peter Godfrey Smith, in Biology and Philosophy, 2010. 415. Entry in Atoms & Eden: Conversations on Religion & Science, S. Paulson, ed., Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 158-72. 416. “Bright star of the atheist universe,” interviewed by Arminta Wallace in irishtimes.com, 2/3/2011. 417. “Power corrupts,” in John Brockman, ed., Is the internet changing the way you think? Harper Perrennial, 2011, pp. 33-4. 418. “My brain made me do it,” (When neuroscientists think they can do philosophy), Max Weber Lecture Series, European University Institute, Florence, Lecture No. 2011/01, pp. 1-14. 419. “Consciousness cannot be separated from function,” with Michael A. Cohen, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, August 2011, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 358-64. 420. “Whole-Body Apoptosis,” in Artifact, July 2008, pp. 1-4; translated into Spanish for Literal: Latin American Voices, issue 25, Summer 2011, pp. 42-4. 421. “Shall we tango? No, but thanks for asking,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, Consciousness and Life: Commentaries on Evan Thompson, Mind in Life, with replies, Vol. 18, No. 5-6, 2011, pp. 23-34. 422. An answer to the question “Why don’t you believe in God?” New Statesman, 25 July, 2011, p. 36. 423. “A lesson from Hitch: When Rudeness is Called for,” On Faith article for the Washington Post, December 18th, 2011 ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-faith/post/a-lesson-from-hitch-when-rudeness-is-calledfor/2011/12/18/gIQAV6xz2O_blog.html): translated into Polish by Julian Jeliński and posted here: Daniel C. Dennett - 38 Lekcja u Hitcha: czasem trzeba być nieuprzejmym 424. “The social cell: What do debutante balls, the Japanese tea ceremony, Ponzi schemes and doubting clergy all have in common?” in New Statesman, December 19th, 2011. 425. “Quine in my life,” American Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 48, number 3, July 2011, pp. 30511. 426. On the Human Forum, “Whole-Body Apoptosis and the Meanings of Lives” with comments and replies in an online forum, December 2011. 427. “Cycles,” an essay in response to the question, "What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody's Cognitive Toolkit?", in Edge.org, then published in John Brockman, ed., This Will Make You Smarter, New York: Harper Torchbook, 2011. 428. “How to Save the Global Economy: Take a Vacation,” Foreign Policy, The Economy Issue, January 11, 2012 (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/01/03/13_take_a_vacation) 429. “Ye of Little Faith,” letter to the Editor, Harper’s Magazine, February 2012, p. 4-5 430. “Response to Fahrenfort and Lamme: defining reportability, accessibility and sufficiency in conscious awareness,” Michael A. Cohen and Daniel C. Dennett, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, March 2012, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 139-40. 431. Interviewed by Anouk Dey for Macleans.ca ( http://www2.macleans.ca/2012/02/24/fourquestions-daniel-c-dennett-on-the-most-pervasive-and-serious-threat-religion-poses-to-human-rights/ ), “Four questions: Daniel C. Dennett on the most pervasive and serious threat religion poses to human rights,” February 24th, 2012. 432. “Sakes and dints,” Commentary in Times Literary Supplement, March 2, 2012, pp. 12-14. 433. Interviewed by John Shook in Free Inquiry, April/May 2012, pp. 7-9. 434. “The Mystery of David Chalmers,” Journal of Consciousnes Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1-2 (2012), pp. 86-95. 435. Interviewed by Javier Guillenea in El Diario Vasco, June 10, 2012, pp. 8-9. 436. Contribution to Edge.org Discussion, reply to Steven Pinker's essay, "The False Allure of Group Selection," June 18, 2012. 437. “’A Perfect and Beautiful Machine’: What Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial 39 Intelligence,” The Atlantic, June 22nd, 2012. 438. Entry in Breakthrough! A. Cornell, ed., Princeton Architectural Press, 2012. 439. "Heterophenomenology" The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. by Tim Bayne, Axel Cleeremans and Patrick Wilken. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Tufts University. 13 September 2012. 440. Letter to Philosophy Now, September/October 2012, p. 34. 441. Interviewed by Deborah Hyde in The Skeptic, Autumn 2012, pp. 27-9. 442. review of Against Moral Responsibility by Bruce Waller, MIT Press 2011, in naturalism.org, October 2012; Dennett's rejoinder to Clark's response to the review can be found here. 443. “Erasmus: Sometimes a Spin Doctor is Right,” Praemium Erasmianum Essay 2012, Essay written for the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus Prize, Amsterdam, November 2012. 444. "The sleep of reason: do atheists improve the stock?" Ryan McKay and Daniel Dennett, Religion, Brain & Behavior, 2012, pp. 78-80. 445. Letter to Prospect Magazine, December 2012, p. 14. 446. ”Kinds of Things—Towards a Bestiary of the Manifest Image,” Scientific Metaphysics, D.Ross, J. Ladyman and H. Kincaid, eds., Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 96-107. 447. Letter to Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 37, No. 1, January/February 2013, p. 16. 448. “Why Some Sea Turtles Migrate,” in This Explains Everything, ed. John Brockman, 2013, Edge Foundation, Inc., pp. 129-30. 449. Review of The Anatomy of Violence: The biological roots of crime, by Adrian Raine, in Prospect, May 3rd, 2013, pp. 64-8. 450. “Talk about the weather,” in New Statesman, 31 May – 6 June, pp. 26-7. 451. Interviewed by Nick Spencer, in Third Way, Jul/Aug 2013, pp. 2-7. 452. Interview in Volitions, May 2013. 453. Philosophy Bites Interview, June 2013. 454. Bloomberg Interview June 24th, 2013. 40 455. Interviewed by Rationalist Association, June 28th, 2013. 456. Theos Think Tank interview, July 4th, 2013 457. Big Think Mentor Blog, July 13th, 2013. 458. “Turing’s Strange Inversion of Reasoning,” Cybertalk, Alan Turing Centenary Year Commemorative Edition, Issue #3, September 2013, pp. 35-8 459. "Expecting ourselves to expect: The Bayesian brain as a projector," commentary on Clark "Whatever Next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, pp209-10, BBS (2013) 36, 181–253. 460. "Aching Voids and Making Voids," review of Terrence Deacon's Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged From Matter, in The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 88. No. 4, December 2013, pp. 321-4. 461. An entry in The American Spectator, Books section, December 2013, p. 27. 462. "Turing's 'Strange Inversion of Reasoning,'" Alan Turing: His Work and Impact, S. B. Cooper, J. van Leeuwen eds., Elsevier, 2013, pp. 569-573. 463. "The Evolution of Reasons," in Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications, eds. B. Bashour and H.D. Muller, Routledge, 2014, pp. 47-62. 464. "Reflections on Free Will, Review of Sam Harris' Free Will, Free Press, 2012, online at www.naturalism.org, January 2014. 465. "Artifactual Selves: a Response to Lynn Rudder Baker," Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences, March 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11097-014-9359-x. 466. Foreword to Richard Rorty: Mind, Language, and Metaphilosophy, eds. J. Tartaglia and S. Leach, Cambridge University Press, 2014. 467. "Living without the internet for a couple of weeks," in What Should We Be Worried About? ed. J. Brockman, Harper Perennial, 2014, pp. 14-6. 468. "If I Ruled the World," Prospect Magazine (online), February 20, 2014. 469. An interview in Science and Religion: 5 Questions, ed. Gregg D. Caruso, Automatic Press, 2014, pp. 55-8. 470. "The Software/Wetware Distinction: Comment on “Unifying approaches from cognitive 41 neuroscience and comparative cognition” by W Tecumseh Fitch," Physics of Life Reviews, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2014.05.009. 471. Interviewed by Bruno Mölder and translated into Estonian, "Filosoofia edeneb harva formaalsete argumentidega." Sirp, 2014, No. 21, pp. 3-5. 472. Interview by Carey Goldberg for WBUR's CommonHealth, August 473. "Dennett on Normativity," August 7th, 2014. 25th, 2014. 474. "Commentary on Kamphorst and Kalis" in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 76/2014, p. 583. This paper is a response to "Lectur en repliek - Erasmus: Sometimes a Spin Doctor is Right - Why Having One's Rationality Openly Exploited Might Be Considered Manipulation,"" by Bart Kamphorst and Annemarie Kalis (Utrecht), Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 76/2014, p. 579-82. 475. "Daniel Dennett on Free Will Worth Wanting," in Philosophy Bites Again, eds. D. Edmonds & N. Warburton, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 125-33. 476. Interviewed by Leo Peruzzo, Jr., Rev. Filos., Aurora, Curitiba, v. 26, n. 39, pp. 893-895, jul/dez 2014. Forthcoming "Jonathan Bennett's Rationality," in Ten Neglected Classics, ed. Eric Schliesser, 2014. Interviewed for A Better Life: 100 Atheists Speak Out on Joy and Meaning in a World Without God Macedonian translation of Breaking the Spell, 2014. Georgian translation of "True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why It Works," translated by Tamar Tskhadadze for a reader in Philosophy of Mind in Georgian language, 2014 "Seduced by Tradition," to be published in a volume by Sinnott, ed., Moral Psychology by MIT Press, 2014 Dennett, Plantinga – Science and Religion: Are They Compatiable? to be translated into Korean by EWHA WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS of Seoul, 2014 Czech translation of "The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity" by AMU Press, Czechoslovakia, 2014 Foreword for Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness, 2012 42 Finnish and Turkish editions of Consciouness Explained “Self-redesigning design,”, in Trends in Ecology and Evolution (TREE, Elsevier) or Endeavour (Elsevier), Derry, ed., sometime after March, 2005 “Who’s On First? Heterophenomenology Explained,” translated into Spanish and to be published in (eds.) A.O. de Zarate and J.M. Santoyo, Estudios sobre las Conciencia (Studies about consciousness), 2006 Turkish edition of Breaking the Spell “In Darwin’s Wake, where am I?” translated into Catalan and Spanish and published in The Challenges of Freedom, ed. By Josep Colomer, funded by the Catalonia Private Foundation, Barcelona “No one is boss,” to be published in Mind, Life and Universe: Conversations with great scientists of our time, eds. L. Margulis and E. Punset, Sciencewriters, Amherst, MA “Some observations on the psychology of thinking about free will,” for Baer, Baumeister and Kaufmann, eds., Psychology and Free Will, forthcoming. Portugese translation of “Quining Qualia,” to be published in an anthology by Cicero Barrosco Chinese translation of “Intentional System Theory,” to be published in Studies in Eastern and Western Humanistic Spirit by Hao Yuan “What are dreams for, if anything?” for the volume on Allan Hobson’s theory of dreams, forthcoming French translation of chapters 3 and 5 of Inside Jokes for the journal Terrain
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