March 8, 1927. ‘J. H. BOURGON 1,620,512 VENTILATOR Filed Jan. 20. ‘1923 INVENTOR r/OSEPh’ /7’. 500,960” BY ATTORNEY iiweiiezeiieei 8, i292? QSEK’H H. BQURGON, 0i‘ DETROIT, EIIICHIGéiN, AESIGNQR T’O EH35 @(im FPQERATIQN; A GQEPQRATIQH OF NEW veiwieeeee. ‘?epliea’tion iilee January ee, 19%. Serial No, 6313!,323. This inveetionyreietes to vemiiators fer ing, ?'oed ibeiweee ' the ?nishing strip ?iiiOFfIlObiiES end has for its principal ob 3 end dovetailed piece i is e strip of ?exible ~ jeei'the providing of "e simple,'qeiek end rubber 5 rising eiightiy- eiiove ihe edge of effective means for opening and closing the the other members and forming e ?exible same: > > seat for the cover e which is hinged on the I This device is particularly edaptabie ‘for pintie 7. I prefer to nee e cover i5 formed veeiiieeors situated in ithe oowis oi’ eu‘wmo of pressed mete} iieeeuee oi‘ite low cost end ‘biiee, {for directing eooi eir towards the "feet light Weigiie but o'e'hee forms may be used of those in the driving ‘compartment. with equeiiy good eesuiis, A de?eoeoi“ 8 10 ileeeioiore it has generally been the cue vwhich is substantially U-ehe'peci in rhoi‘ieom tem io operate such ventilators by screw feel section has outwardly extending; ?eiiges means, which are neoemeriiy relatively slow at ite upper edge by Whioh the de?ector 8 in eye-ration end costly to memifeoim‘e. The is attached 'be the eover 6. The beek oi" slowness of operation is pamieuim'iy notice Pootiem 9 of the deiieeter 8 is positioned eti ebie when it is desired ‘to shut i-iie .vemi-i jeeem ihe reel‘ of iliie cover ii, and by this ieiee momentarily ee, for iiie‘teoee, "when erreegeiiiene the de?ector assists in deiiieciv passing time e oioiid of dust, when close to ing the eir' downwardly es it pessee eiiro‘ogh the exhaust 01% another automobile, or when the opening in the oowi 1. Two ears or locality of disagreeable fumes; The hinge members 10 are fastened to the bee zii'ieee’s attention is also necessarily iiiveried iom 9 ef the ‘de?ector 8 and are provided ‘ irem the operaiion oi’ iiie eu'tomeieiie Whiie with openings to treeeive the pieiie 7 about ‘ ‘ *Wiiioh ti ey end the member 8 and‘ owe? e" quiok operating; “ventilator ereii do 6 pie-0e. '"i‘he 'pin?e "? on which ‘111% cover 6 ‘ will in opemting the venttiieioe ' 1 oio ewejy with these eorew ,opereiing means iey 'pivexts is supported by exeeiieieree 11 'ii?ll‘m?ii e heedie or iever member eigidiy ‘on the ?ange 2, anti is secured thereto by ‘the 'vezetiieior cover, This lever hes a ioiiiegz; iiie end of the extension around the , '= i’eeeeiied thereto m; e. poini some disu piniie. Feeiefeeei eetuyeiy to the member 8 teoee from the fulcrum point of iiie cover. is e, hemiie oi? lever 12?, terminating il‘a' e A iie'iohed member lei-lewd to swing in the bail’, ‘which exientie downwes'diy 'beiow ‘time 30 same piene es the o-ovei' lever is iieiei in such iiie’emiteeni board. 134 ‘The lever 1.2 ie slot» e manner thee the roller of 'i1i38 sever lever ted about midway i‘ae length es e'i 211101 a ' eio one of time il?lii?ii?s?nd is heid iiiere roller 15 is placed Within the sioi. _ A. bar 85 eeure of e spring" Moveme’ei of ihe or rod liming iioioiieein its upper time mi: .iever reguietee iiie emouni; em .i-iie jeeent its outer end pivoeeiiy SHPPOMEQ ‘ feoi“ opens end the ~foil-er being held on :the pintie‘i"? Whieii is moiiiiieii in the of the notches m“ the eoeoiieei mem brookei 18 secured ‘to the The euiei' end of be? 16 extends through the eioi; M fomneei the ie‘vei“ iii beneath ?ne T-oii-ei" 15$ and is held in eomeci; with the .i'eiiei: 15 by means oi e ooiieii epring Iii? having one end ooimoe‘ied ?e jibe outer emi oi’ iiie ie'vei“ Q13 ' leii-ri iii/S either end seemed "ice ?che piiiiie “II. By ~1ime eieeeegemeiit ‘the notches UF’VIieE'PIPSSQ‘ eio'ne iemried in Hie “oer iii are eaiimieri ‘be so :i'otemeei iiiei: ijelierif iii; iiieeu?ei‘ noize be iii‘ewn 'i'iiro'egieoui ire Hie meme-semi eeeii eiipeeks iiie “views oi’ iiaeend eieeee down iigiii'iy eez ee' if .. e». 59 time oo‘evi eii’ ?llii?omobiix " ' '1 mine; "izhexre'liii9 the meiei of tile» epeiiiiigg ’ ‘ toe ee .me?iltii-liil?m Iii/53> liome is e, :ieegeeiaieohee, be 1959 ) nee rubber eiaiigo when iiie 'eevee is in oi “ 'ooeitieii, end beee-u'e'e e1? 'iensieii exei' :1 my the Hie eeine e0 theeWiii ii ‘will iie’lei moi; the mi'izie. eovei? seem-iii}? Ae iiie ize ieverr i2 mile? will e "nee Wiihie is iiio‘vezi feieeezeiiiyd iii, in gwhich. reiiie eieizeg feems3{reel e Kimmie imieimig iiiemge,egemei strip reliedi‘oe ‘ili‘ié?’ eppee ‘iii-e epee» eegegeeeeei 'wii‘iii iii-e :eexeeotiee eii iii? 2 insane . which it rests and thu’s'hold the cover in tached to said cover, a lever for opening corresponding open position,v as' shown in and closing said cover rigidly attached to ‘dotted lines in Figure 1. Because of this said member, and means pivotally mounted on simpli?ed construction and as there are no in‘ said cowl cooperating with said lever slow moving parts, such, for instance, as a to hold said cover in a‘ plurality of adjusted screw for operating the cover, the occupant of the automobile can quickly and easily 6. In an automobile, a cowl having an 70 adjust the ventilatory cover to any desired opening therein, a cover for said opening, a positions. 10 ' - ' 1 . position by merely moving the lever forward lever rigidly secured to said cover,'\a mem- I or backward to regulate the same. her having notches formed therein pivotally It is thus seen that this construction ai mounted within said cowl, the notches of iords a simpli?ed mechanism, easy and quick which are adapted to engage a portion of ,to operate‘, positive in operation, and eco said lever, and resilient means for holding nomical to manufacture. said notched portion of said member in en Although I have shown a ventilator cover. gagement with said lever. and several of its associated parts as being 75 7. In an automobile,‘ a cowl having an formed of sheet‘metal, it is evident that opening therein,_a cover for said opening,‘ ill) they can be made of other‘ materials, and a lever rigidly secured to said cover, a roller in any suitable manner, and also that formal attached to said lever, a member having changes can be'made in design and construe- notches formed therein pivotally ,mounted tion without departing from the spirit and within said cowl, said notches being adapted scopeol' my invention which ll‘have de?ned to engage said roller, and resilient means in the a What ended claims. i claim. is :—~ for holding said member in engagement with " ‘ ; 1 ._ l. The ‘combination with the cowl of an said roller. 7 8. ln. an automobile, a cowl having an automobile having an opening therein, oil opening therein, cover‘ for said'opening, a hinged cover ‘for said opening, a lever ‘a member attached to said cover, a lever in rigidly connected with said cover, and a for opening and closing said cover rigidly" hinged notched member for resiliently en attached to said member, a roller attached‘ gaging and holding said lever in any one to said lever, a member pivotall mounted - " D wihin said cowl and having note es formed 2. An automobile ventilator comprising therein adjacent its free end, said notches on of a plurality of positions. an opening in the automobile body, a piyot» being adapted to engage said roller, and able cover ‘for said opening, a lever rigidly resilient means for holding said last named fastened to said cover, a notched member member in ‘engagement with said roller. pivoted about a line other than th‘atabont '9. in an automobile, a cowl having an which said cover is pivoted, and spring opening therein, a pintle mounted in said 'means for holding said notched member cowl, a, cover for said opening pivoted on against a part ofsaid lever for holding said said pintle, a member having" a,’ ~oi'tion 40 lever‘ in adjustedposition. ' ‘ thereofextending substantially parallg’el with In an automobile, a'cowl having an said pintle secured to said cover, a lever openin? therein, a cover for ‘said opening, rigidly secured to said member, an arm piv lilii a mom, er secured to and de ending from otaily mounted in said cowl on . the oppo said cover, a pintle mounte' within said site side of the opening from said pintle, cowl, means on ‘said member for pivotally said arm being adapted to engage said lever, ‘mounting said cover on said pintle, an oper and resilient means for holding said arm in > ‘ ’ ating handle rigidly moun on said mem4 engagement with said lever. lid her ‘for operating said cover, and means ‘10. lnan automobile,a cowl having an co-operating with said operating handle for instrument board positioned therein and an 50 holdingsaid cover in ‘closed position and a opening termed therein forwardly of said _ 4 ' ~instrument board, a hinged cover for ‘said 4. In an automobile, a cowl having an opening, a member having a substantially lll'i, plurality of open positions. opening therein, a; cover for said opening, a vertical wall secured to said cover, a lever 55 lever rigidly secured to said cover, a mem rigidly secured to the vertical wall of said ber pivotally mounted in said cowl and member and extending.” downwardly and . adapted to engage said‘ lever, and a spring rearwardly below said instrument board, a secured to the free end‘ of said member to roller attached to said lever, a member piv hold said member in" contact with said lever, oted at one of its ends within said cowl, and said lever being adapted to move longitudi resilient meansf’tor holding said member- in 1 en ragement with‘ said roller. . nally of said member. . 5. in an automobile, a cowl having an igned by me at Detroit, Michigan, opening therein, a cover for said opening, A, this 18th do. of J an. 1923. a member having a depending portion at .i seen ii. nouns-on. , S." I“
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