Newsletter December

December 2014
Austrian Association of South Australia Inc.
11-17 Torrens Road - Ovingham SA 5082
(08) 8269 1736
Email: [email protected]
From the President’s Desk
Liebe Mitglieder!
The festive season is just around the corner and the end of another
busy club year is coming to a close. We have done well this year
and many thanks must go to my executive colleagues and extended
working committee for a job well done and of course to the
membership who bring in family and friends to the various functions.
Thank you to all of you!
The big news over summer will be the renovation of our tired kitchen and we look
forward to a bigger and more operational kitchen that should make a big
difference in preparing our menus.
Gerhard Lachs has been working hard to put this project together and I am sure
with everyone’s support we will get the desired result. Thanks Gerhard for the
work so far it is much appreciated.
With the renovation happening in January 2015 please note that the club will be
closed for the whole month and will re-open on the 6th February 2015 with a
“Live Music Night”.
The club program for 2015 is now complete and is included in this newsletter.
There is good news for members as the entry fee to our Biergarten‘s has been
dropped and now is absolutely free for everyone. We hope this will encourage
more members and their families and friends to attend these enjoyable Sundays at
the club.
On Friday the 13th March 2015 we are proud to announce that we will have in
concert the very talented “Laterndl Trio” direct from Salzburg. It is going to be
another fabulous night of Austrian entertainment with Volksmusik, Schlager,
Yodelling and fantastic Stimmung under our vergola! Tell all your friends and
book early to get the best seats with Sybille on 0427 234 350. This concert would
make a great Christmas gift!!
The annual Schützenfest is moving again and please note that it will be held at
Rymill Park on Friday the 30th January and Saturday the 31th January 2015.
A new look Schützenfest is promised and our famous Austrian Grill will be there
so please come and say hello and enjoy our delicious menu if you are planning to
The New Year’s Eve party 2014 will be well attended again and it’s going to be
the party of the year! Please note that the vergola area will not be in operation this
year. Please pick up your tickets with Sybille by Friday the 6th of December.
On behalf of the Austrian Club team may I take this opportunity in wishing all
members, their families and friends A Very Merry Christmas and A Safe and
Happy New Year 2015.
See you all soon at the Club! Mit freundlichen Grüssen - Herbie Reiter
From our Secretary
Liebe Mitglieder,
At one of the first committee meetings and as the first Secretary
I was able to convince the members of the committee of scraping
the joining fee for new membership applications. This move
showed an immediate success of membership applications.
Ten new applications for the month September only. I will try to have this joining
fee not only for one year, but permanently removed in the future. At the moment we
have about 260 members registered.
The proposed extensions to the kitchen area are well advanced, the building permits
have been received and work will start on the 2nd of January 2015 and finished by
the end of January. The cost of this alterations will be about $ 50,000 including new
appliances and is fully covered.
I must thank Mr Gerhard Lachs for his time and effort, to arrange all of this, getting
offers of quotations, find the right appliances and also the time he will spend on site
to get this project going. Again - THANK YOU GERHARD!
At this is the last newsletter for this year, I would like to say again the adage
G‘scheid sein - Anteil nehmen
Be smart - take part.
And think about what you can do for the betterment of the Club and let any
committee member know about your ideas.
Finally, as the festive season is fast approaching I wish all members and friends
Kurt Riess
1st Secretary
We are pleased to welcome new members:
Mr Bernard Grummerl & Mrs Shiela Harrison
Mr & Mrs Jozsef & Katharina Urban
Mr & Mrs Danny & Edith Ribarich
Seniors Group
Liebe Mitglieder,
Once again we are nearing the end of another year.
Is it only our imagination or are the years going by
faster every year? I remember when I was 17 years
old, time did not go fast enough for me, I wanted to
be 21 years old.
As we look back over 2014 we did have a lot of good times, good outings and
many laughs.
We said good bye to 3 of our Members during the year but also welcomed 5 new
Members. The latest ones to join us were Edeltraud and Josef Fries, we hope you
both enjoy the Group as much as our Members do.
On Thursday 4th December we are having Christmas Lunch at the Club with
Manfred and Traudl Andersen preparing a delicious meal for us. We hope that all
our Members will attend.
Due to the kitchen and bar extension work during January 2015, our Group will
hold its 1st meeting on Thursday, February 12, 2015 (providing the temperature
does not go 40 degrees or more on that day).
Being the last Newsletter for this year we wish all Club Members and Families
a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Gerhard and Brigitte Lachs
Seniors Group Leaders
Tenpin Bowling/Austrian Keglers
Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen!
The Austrian Keglers are having a good time. Our position in the
League is good. With five weeks to go to the end of Bowling
season we hope to win the Trophy again.
As we bowl more less our averages I can not excite you with extreme good scores.
With "Good Holz" and some luck we venture on.
As this is the last Newsletter this year we all wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The Austrian Keglers and Captain Heinrich Monz
Table Tennis Group
Dear Friends of the Table Tennis Group!
It is nearly Christmas time again, another year gone by! I would like to thank all our
players for the support they have given me over the year.
It is good to see that our membership has increased every year.
Congratulations to the “SEPP WEIKL
SHIELD” competition.
● Winner for 2014 is Peter Singer.
I also would like to congratulate the
winners of the “AASA CHAMPIONSHIP”
for 2014:
● First Place: Ivan Vrbatovic
● Second Place: Peter Singer
● Third Place: Sybille Tomasin
My sincere thanks to Joe Dionisio who helped me repair our Table Tennis tables.
Now they are nice and strong and great to play on!
We celebrated our breakup party this year on the PORT PRINCESS DOLPHIN
CRUISE ship. It was most enjoyable!
We play every Monday night from 7.00pm – 9.00pm (approximately).
We break up on the 8th of December this year.
Next year we will start again on the 2nd of February 15.
My Telephone number is:
Home: 8395 0137
Mobile: 0422 086404
I would like to wish all members and friends of
the Table Tennis Group a
Franz Tomasin
If you like to present your business please contact Herbert Stauber
on (08) 8387 3035 or send an Email to: [email protected]
Chor Alpenfrieden
Ja wer kann es glauben, dass Weihnachten schon wieder for der
Tür steht.
Der Chor hat ein gutes Jahr verbracht und unsere Reise nach
Canberra zum Sängerfest war auch erfolgreich, weil wir wirklich schön gesungen
haben und das Publikum mit unseren Liedern begeistern konnten.
Im Grossen und Ganzen war das letzte Jahr ziemlich erfolgreich und wir hoffen,
dass wir unseren Gästen auch in 2015 mit unseren Weisen von zu Hause viel
Freude bringen können. Für uns ist es immer eine grosse Freude unser Publikum
zu unterhalten.
Wir bedanken uns auch herzlichst beim Österreichischen Klub für die
grosszügige Unerstützung für unsere Reise nach Canberra. Es hat uns allen
wirklich sehr geholfen. So nochmal herzlichsten Dank von allen
Zum Schluss wünschen wir dem Komitee und allen Mitgliedern ein sehr schönes
Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes, erfolgreiches Neues Jahr!
Yes dear friends, one can hardly believe it but a new year is again around the
For us the highlight of the year was our trip to Canberra to take part in the
Sängerfest 2014. It is always interesting to listen to all the different choirs and
their interpretation of well known and not so well known songs. We performed
our songs well and brought tears to some eyes, that is always a good sign that we
sang pretty well.
The choir would like to thank you all for listening to our performances in the
Club. We know that most of you don’t understand the words when we sing but
we are sure that the melody brings you some joy, we hope.
The choir wishes you all a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with good
times, but most of all Good Health!
Till next time God bless.
Your choir leader
Anni Clark.
Visit the Austrian Club Adelaide on Facebook
Friday 19 December 2014 - 6.00pm
On the last Cellar Night in 2014
Jägermeister Trio
Chor Alpenfrieden
Enjoy a visit from Father Christmas who will give out some goodies
to the children so the whole family is invited.
Visit the
The famous German Schützenfest at Raymill
Park will be held on:
Friday 30 January 4 pm – midnight
Saturday 31st January 11 am – midnight
Our Austrian Grill will be there again and we look forward in greeting club members
and friends at our stall. For a great tasting grill and super sausages along with fast
and friendly service you can not go past the Austrian Grill.
See you all there! Info: Schützenfest Website
Austrian Consulate
Austrian Consul: Mr Robert Gerard
Administration: Mrs Gitti Schuster
Office hours: Tuesday and Friday: 10 am - 4 pm
Address: 101 Port Wakefield Road, Caven SA 5094
Tel: (+61/8) 8139 7336 • Fax: (+61/8) 8139 7338
E-Mail: [email protected]
Robert Gerard and his wife Fay would like to take this
opportunity to wish you all a great Christmas
and a prosperous New Year 2015
The Consulate will be closed from 23/12/2014 – 22/1/2015
For emergency please call the Embassy on (02) 6295 1533
Ich wünsche Euch allen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest
und beste Gesundheit für das neue Jahr 2015.
Gitti Schuster
LIVE MUSIC on Friday Cellar Nights
with The Jägermeister Trio
Friday February 6th 2015
Please note:
Bookings are essential !
Call Sybille on 0427 234 350
Radio Austria 4 - Sendezeiten
Mittwoch 20:30 - 21:30 Musikalisches Kaleidoskop / Nachrichten und Sport
Samstag 19:00 - 19:30 Singendes, klingendes Österreich / Servus Adelaide
Sonntag 10:30 - 11:00 Grüss Gott und Guten Morgen am Sonntag
Jeden 1. Mittwoch im Monat: Gruss aus Wien (E. Zib) / Wr. Melange (Crazy Joe)
Jeden Monat im Internet: ”Musik ist Trumpf”. Eine Sendung von und mit Herbert
Stauber. Programmwechsel ist jeden 1. des Monats.
Liebe Zuhörer, liebe Freunde von Radio Austria 4!
Wie jedes Jahr hatten wir auch heuer wieder das jährliche
Radiothon von 5 EBI-FM, wobei von allen Nationen Spenden
entgegengenommen werden. Die Zuhörer von Radio Österreich 4
haben uns auch diesmal fleissig unterstützt. Somit bedanke ich
mich im Namen unseres Radiokomitees bei Ihnen auf das
Vor einem Monat musste unsere Sekretärin, Frau Ursula Thomas, aus privaten
Gründen zurück nach Wien. Herzlichen Dank für all Deine Hilfe bei Radio
Österreich 4 hier in Adelaide. Wir wünschen Dir alles Gute für Deine Zukunft.
Das Weihnachtsfest steht wieder vor der Tür. So sind wir fleissig an der Arbeit,
ein schönes Weihnachtsprogram für den Heiligen Abend zu gestalten. Heuer
bringen wir für sie zwei Stunden voll mit sinnlichen, weihnachtlichen Gedichten
und Kurzgeschichten, Weihnachts- und Neujahrsgrüsse von unserem Konsul
Herrn Robert Gerard sowie auch vom Präsident des Österreicheischen Klubs hier
in Südaustralien. Natürlich spielen wir wieder schöne weihnachtliche Musik aus
unserem Heimatland. Diese ganz spezielle Weihnachtssendung bringen wir für Sie
am Heiligen Abend, Mittwoch den 24. Dezember 2014 von 19.30 bis 21.30 Uhr.
Vielen Dank an das Komitee des Österreichischen Klubs für die gute Zusammenarbeit durch das ganze Jahr.
Herzlichen Dank an alle Zuhörer und Freunde unserer Radiosendung RA4 für die
grosszügige Unterstützung unseres Senders.
Und last but not least: Vielen herzlichen Dank an alle Mitarbeiter von Radio
Österreich 4 für Eure unermüdliche Unterstützung und Treue zu Radio Austria 4.
“Ohne Euch geht nix ...”
Noch ein Gedanke über den Begriff “Zeit”: Nimm dir die Zeit für die Menschen
die du liebst, denn irgendwann nimmt dir die Zeit die Menschen die du liebst.
Somit wünsche ich Ihnen liebe Zuhörer und Ihren Familien ein recht frohes,
gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest, ein gutes, erfolgreiches neues Jahr 2015 in bester
Auf ein baldiges Wiederhören bei RA4
Heinz Fuchs für Radio Austria 4
Austrian Association of S.A. Inc., 11–17 Torrens Road, Ovingham
Club Program - December 2014
Sat 6 December
Krampus-Rummel (Trad. Incubus Night)
Herbert Stauber
Sun 14 December
Austrian Biergarten
Herbert Stauber
Fri 19 December
Weihnachtsfeier mit dem Jägermeister Trio & Chor Alpenfrieden
Wed 31 December
57th New Years Eve Party
Herbert Stauber
Club Program 2015
Thursday 1 January - Thursday 5 February
the Club will be closed due to renovations
Fri 6 February
Cellar Night with Live Music
Jägermeister Trio
Sun 15 February
Austrian Biergarten
Sun 1 March
Club Picnic at Hazelwood Park (Members only)
Fri 13 March
LATERNDL TRIO from Salzburg (Under the vergola)
Sun 29 March
Austrian Biergarten
Fri 3 April
Good Friday - Club closed
Fri 10 April
Cellar Night with Live Music
Jägermeister Trio
Sat 18 April
Trachtenball (Trad. Costume Ball)
Herbert Stauber
Fri 1 May
Cellar Night with Live Music
Jägermeister Trio
Sun 10 May
Bauernschmaus (Mothers Day / Lunch)
Jägermeister Trio
Sat 30 May
Tiroler Abend
Fri 5 June
Cellar Night with Live Music
Sat 20 June
Wiener Abend
Fri 3 July
Cellar Night with Live Music
Sat 18 July
Schuhplattler Abend
Sun 26 July
Brettl-Jausn (Lunch)
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Herbert Stauber
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Jägermeister Trio
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Jägermeister Trio
Sen. Dance Group / Herbert Stauber
John Kampes
Fri 7 August
Cellar Night with Live Music
Jägermeister Trio
Sun 9 August
A.G.M. (Members only) - 2.30pm
Sat 22 August
Steirer Abend
Fri 4 September
Hofbräuhaus Cellar Night
Jägermeister Trio
Sat 19 September
Austrian Dinner Dance
Herbert Stauber
Fri 2 October
Cellar Night with Live Music
Jägermeister Trio
Sat 10 October
Alpenfrieden Ball
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Sat 24 October
Association Ball
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Fri 6 November
Hofbräuhaus Cellar Night
Jägermeister Trio
Sun 22 November
Austrian Biergarten & Christkindlmarkt
Herbert Stauber
Sat 5 December
Krampus-Rummel (Trad. Incubus Night)
Herbert Stauber
Sun 13 December
Austrian Biergarten
Herbert Stauber
Fri 18 December
Weihnachtsfeier mit dem Jägermeister Trio & Chor Alpenfrieden
Thu 31 December
New Years Party
Chor Alpenfrieden / Herbert Stauber
Herbert Stauber
Opening Hours and Entry Fees
Club opens at 6pm - No entry fee for Members and Guests !!!
Club opens at 6pm - Entry fee: Guests $ 10.00, Members $ 7.00
Club opens at 11am - Entry fee: Guests $ 10.00. Members $ 7.00
Club opens at 11am - NO ENTRY FEE for Members and Guests !!!
(Different prices apply for events with a set menu)
Normal Friday Nights at the club
If members are bringing a large group to the club for a
normal Friday Night, would you please give Sybille a ring
on 0427 234 350 to help us with catering.
Thank you!
Friday Nights with Live Music
Please note that due to the popularity of our live music
nights, it is essential that you book a seat for these evenings.
We will be in future limiting the seating so it is not too
overcrowded and more comfortable for members and guests
so book early with Sybille on 0427 234 350 or per mail:
[email protected].
... for all
The club facilities are available for any
e.g. weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, parties.
Our special offer: Catering for up to 150 guests
Personalised Services • Entertainment • MC
For details ring Kurt Riess on 0429 201 028
Dear Members! Receive 10% Discount
when ordering your next main course at the club!
Subgroups don’t forget your reports are needed
to keep members informed. The closing date for
the next newsletter will be the 13th February 2015.
Looking forward to your contributions.
Inform your friends about advantages of a membership:
• Reduced entry fee for club functions
• Participation in the Club Picnic
• Receiving the latest Club Newsletter
• Reduced meal price at the counter
• Opportunity to join the sub groups
• Working in a team of volunteers
Visit our website!
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Ein paar Bilder zur Erinnerung
Viel mehr davon finden Sie auf unserer Webseite unter “Archives“
Austrian Association Ball in October2014
Oktoberfest in Oktober 2014
Schuhplattler Abend in September 2014
Hallo und guten Tag,
It is the first time the kitchen brigarde want to let you
know about New Years Eve Dinner. For catering
purposes it is important to know if you dining with us.
So please let Sybille know - Dining YES or NO - as the
Club is closing for renovations from
1st January till 5th February 2015.
New Years Eve Menu
Pork Schnitzel
with potato salad and garden salad
Roast Pork
with Sauerkraut and potatoes
with red cabbage and potatoes
with chips and garden salad
After 9.30pm open Sandwiches with smoked ham, ham sausage, cervelat salami,
herring and tartar, garnished with lettuce, eggs and gherkins.
Traudl and Manfred wishing you the best for Christmas - Gesundheit und "Geniesst
jeden Tag" - and a Happy New Year 2015!
N' T
Saturday 6th
Sunday 14
Wednesday 31st
Austrian Biergarten
Christmas Party
New Years Eve Party
Club closed for kitchen renovations
Friday 6th
Sunday 15th
Cellar Night with Live Music
Austrian Biergarten
For Bookings please phone Sybille on 0427 234 350
Online-Bookings are welcome under [email protected]
Information about opening hours and entry fees on page 13
For general club infos please call Kurt Riess on 0429 201 028
Photo: Schuhplattler Abend - 27th September 2014