St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church December 2014 News for You “Do not be afraid; for see —I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” Pastor: Rev. Bjoern Meinhardt Associate Pastor: Rev. Peter Lurvey Lay Minister: Teresa Peters St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 65 Walnut Street Winnipeg, MB R3G 1N9 Phone: 204 775-6477 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Communion every second and fourth Sunday of the Month 1 Pastor’s Message Solveig's View of Christmas My daughter Solveig has a pretty literal understanding of Christmas when it comes to (pop-cultural) icons of the season – such as: Santa Claus, the elves, and reindeer. The following “preChristmas” incident happened a few years ago when Solveig was a little over eight years old. One December morning I sat with Solveig on the couch in the living room. We looked outside. Fresh snow was covering the ground of the Seattle area where we lived at the time. All of a sudden, Solveig told me about a deer. Since we were used to seeing deer in the backyard, I asked her if she had seen one in the backyard. She told me “No.” Instead she pointed to the roof, and her little fingers made some movements that simulated the walking of a person on the roof. Then, she pointed to the fireplace and told me, in a deep voice (while covering her chin with one hand), “Ho ho ho.” As if this had not been enough of a hint, Solveig then got up from the couch, took one of the blankets (which, on the one side was dark red, on the other side beige) and carefully spread it out on the floor. She placed several of her toys on the blanket and wrapped it together like a bundle, with the red side being on the outside. After that, she swung the blanket over her shoulder and carried it over to where I was still sitting. Placing the blanket in front of me, Solveig told me, “Merry Christmas, daddy.” I had watched Solveig's pretend-play with amazement. When she gave me the “gifts,” I told her, “Thank you.” A moment later, I added, “You know, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus.” The joyful and playful expression on her face changed immediately. I could tell that she did not like my answer. In fact, she got really mad at me. In a rather serious tone, she replied, “No! [It's about] Presents. More. More! MORE!” Solveig has captured the secular sense of the Christmas season with its strong emphasis on giving gifts. 2 Of course, there is nothing wrong with giving gifts. Of course, an eight-year-old child – just like any other person – is looking forward to receiving gifts. Christmas has been a season of giving right from the beginning, although not in a commercial sense. On Christmas, we celebrate God's personal and precious gift to us in the birth of his Son Jesus. In Jesus, God offered us the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sin; something no material wealth can buy. God granted us a gift so valuable, which we human beings did (and: do) not deserve. There is nothing we could or can do to return God's favour. The birth of Jesus truly puts us at the receiving end of God's grace and love. May God bless you richly this Christmas, as we celebrate God's gift of a Saviour to us! Bjoern E. Meinhardt, Pastor Solveigs Weihnachts-Ansicht Wenn es um ein zeitgenössisches Verständnis von Weihnachtsgestalten geht (wie Sankt Nikolaus, den Elfen und den Rentieren), dann hat meine Tochter Solveig doch eine sehr wörtliche Auffassung, wie die folgende Begebenheit zeigt, die sich vor ein paar Jahren zugetragen hat, als Solveig gerade mal etwas älter als acht Jahre alt war. An einem Dezembermorgen saßen wir gemeinsam auf dem Sofa im Wohnzimmer. Durch das Fenster schauten wir nach draußen. Dort sahen wir den frischen Schneeteppich, der sich gerade über die Gegend von Seattle ausgebreitet hatte. Plötzlich erwähnte Solveig ein Reh. Da wir es gewohnt waren, Rehe im Garten als ständige Besucher zu sehen, fragte ich sie, ob sie eins draußen gesehen hätte. Sie sagte mir, „Nein.“ Stattdessen zeigte sie dann mit ihrer Hand zum Dach hinauf. Ihre kleinen Finger simulierten die Marschbewegung einer Person, die über das Dach läuft. Schließlich deutete sie zum Kamin, bedeckte mit einer Hand ihr Kinn und sagte dann, mit einer tiefen Brummstimme: „Ho ho ho.” 3 Als ob ich den klaren Hinweis auf Santa Claus nicht verstanden hätte, stand sie dann vom Sofa auf, nahm eine Decke, die auf der einen Seite beige, auf der anderen dunkelrot war, breitete sie auf dem Fußboden aus und legte ganz sorgfältig einige ihrer Spielzeuge darauf. Danach packte sie das Bündel zusammen, schwang es über ihre Schulter – die rote Seite zeigte nach außen – und platzierte es vor meinen Füßen. Mit einem selbstzufriedenen Ausdruck wünschte sie mir dann „Merry Christmas, daddy.” Fasziniert hatte ich ihr bei ihrem Spiel zugeschaut. Ich sagte ihr „Danke“, als sie mir die „Geschenke“ brachte. Einen Augenblick später fügte ich an: „Weißt du, bei Weihnachten geht es um die Geburt Jesu.“ Ihr Gesichtsausdruck änderte sich sofort. Ich sah, dass ihr meine Antwort gar nicht gefiel. Und in einem sehr seriösen Ton belehrte sie mich: „Nein! [Es geht um] Geschenke. Mehr. Mehr. MEHR!” Solveig hat den gesellschaftlich-säkularen Charakter der Weihnachtszeit, der zu sehr auf das Geben von Geschenken bedacht ist, sehr gut aufgenommen. Natürlich ist gegen das Geben von Geschenken nichts einzuwenden. Natürlich freut sich eine (damals) achtjährige Person auf Geschenke, wie auch so viele andere Menschen mit ihr. Im Grunde geht es bei Weihnachten auch tatsächlich um ein Geschenk, obwohl nicht im kommerziellen Sinne. An Weihnachten erinnern wir uns natürlich an Gottes kostbares Geschenk an uns: seinen Sohn Jesus Christus, den er uns zur Erlösung und zur Befreiung von unserer Sündenlast gegeben hat. Ein Geschenk, das wir nicht verdient haben, das uns Gott aber aus freien Stücken und inniger Liebe dennoch gegeben hat. An Weihnachten erfahren wir also als Empfangende, was Gnade und Liebe heißt. Möge Euch dieses Gnadengeschenk Gottes, das Ihr erhalten habt, auch diese Weihnacht reichlich segnen. Björn E. Meinhardt, Pfarrer 4 LONG TERM MISSION PROJECTS SUPPORT PLAN Our mission committee has finalized a long term mission projects support plan beginning with 2015. However, the committee will review the list each year as circumstances may change. The council has approved the following: a) NALC central administration b) NALC seminary c) Canadian Mission District d) Canadian Lutheran World Relief e) St. Aidan’s f) Malawi Orphan Project g) Teresa Peters’ tuition contribution The remaining mission donation money will be sent to one year/short term mission projects after Dec. 31, 2014 when we know definitively how much mission money has come in for 2014. All mission donations have to be allocated each year. PLAN FÜR LANGFRISTIGE MISSIONS-PROJEKTE Unser Missionkomitee hat den Plan für eine langfristige Missionsunterstützung, beginnend mit dem Jahr 2015, beschossen. Jedoch nimmt sich das Komitee vorbehalten diese Liste jedes Jahr den Umstände entsprechen ändern zu können. Unser Kirchenrat hat dem Folgenden zugesprochen: a) NALC central administration b) NALC seminary c) Canadian Mission District d) Canadian Lutheran World Relief e) St. Aidan’s f) Malawi Orphan Project g) Teresa Peters’ tuition contribution Für Gelder das wir weiterhin für Mission-Spende bis zum 31. Dezember 2014 erhalten sollen für Jahr/kurzfristige Mission Projekte bestimmt werden. Alle besondere Mission Spenden die wir jedes Jahr erhalten, wie immer, werden dementsprechend weitergeleitet. 5 ARE YOU ON PAR? Many of us carry debit cards but seldom cash. Cheques are becoming more expensive. We do most of our banking and bill paying on-line. St. Peter's Church now has the option of Pre-Authourized Remittance. Signing up with PAR allows for a once a month transfer of funds from your bank account to the church's bank account. You decide how much you would like to give and you can also designate whether the funds are a Budget or Mission donation. There is a small fee of 50 cents for each deposit and funds are transferred immediately from one account to the other on the 20th of each month. You can make changes to your donation amount by simply filling in a change form by the 1st of the month. Information sheets and Sign up forms are available on the Narthex bulletin board. If you have any questions or need a form please talk to Sandra Terra –Treasurer. NEWSLETTER EDITOR NEEDED!!!!!! Sunday Morning Worship assistance needed!! Reading, Ushering, Communion Assistants. If you can help please contact the office! Please consider giving your gifts to God. THANK YOU 6 St. Peter’s Youth "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 Upcoming Dates: Dec 17th, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Advent service followed by Confirmation Class Dec 21st, 11:00 am Sunday School & Youth Christmas Program Dec 21st, Bake Sale Fundraiser!! Dec 30th, 7:00 pm Pre New Year’s Party Teresa’s House!!! Jan 2nd, 7:00 pm Band Practice Jan 5th, 11:00 am Family Sunday followed by Hot Lunch Jan 9th, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Youth Event Peace Lutheran Church Jan 23rd, Special Youth Event Stay tuned for information Jan 30th, 7:00 pm Band Practice Feb 1st, 11:00 am Family Sunday followed by Hot Lunch Feb 8th – 16th – Teresa on Holidays ***All dates, time and events are subject to change, please make sure Teresa has correct e-mail addresses and phone numbers to keep you updated!!! Teresa Peters Lay Minister (204)338-2440 – Home (204)292-6229 - Cell [email protected] December 21st !!!! In between the 9:15 am and the 11:00 am Look for AMAZING BAKING in the Narthex!!! 7 THE DIGITAL SIGN. In the last issue of our Newsletter there was an article thanking me for my work in getting our digital sign up and running. I appreciate the kind words but cannot take all the credit. There are a lot more people who deserve a thank you for being involved and helping to get the sign operational. Thanks to the SIGN COMMITTEE (Michael Zacharias, Jason Peters, Wolfgang Oppitz) for their input and guidance, especially for Michael who was there from the beginning, including getting estimates and commissioning the sign in my absence. To Gerhard Roehr for offering his help if we needed to go for a public hearing, and finding the location of the “mystery” breaker for the power supply. Thanks to Mr. Ferdinand Schmidt, one of our own in house electricians, for his contribution of labour including some materials at no cost to the church. To Chris of INSIGHT ELECTRIC for providing the electrical permit so the City of Winnipeg can inspect and approve the sign so that it can be turned on. Last but not least thanks for our supplier POSTIME SIGNS for the excellent job they have done, including several items and labour free of charge. Thanks to all, Steve Herbst Purchasing Agent If you wish to adorn St. Peter’s Sanctuary for Christmas with a lovely Poinsettia Plant, please bring your plant to the church Sunday December 21st. Thank you! 8 E-mail!!! We need your e-mail address! The cost of postage continues to go up! The cost of printing and paper is ever rising! If you can get your newsletter via e-mail rather than in print, please contact the office at: [email protected] All women are invited!!! The Women’s Circle would like to invite ALL WOMEN to come out on January 25th, 2015 for an afternoon full of fun, fellowship and laughter!! Following the 11:00 am we will have a Pot Luck and then enjoy the movie comedy, “Mom’s Night Out.” We even offer free babysitting, available upon request for all attendees!! Mark the date on your Calendar!! 9 Looking for a gift for the person who has everything? Look no further than CLWR's Gifts from the Heart catalogue for a selection of gifts that are needed by people in refugee camps and impoverished communities. Donate one today in honour of friends and family this Christmas. Gift cards for your recipients are available upon request. Visit St. Peter’s Food Bank Thank You for your generosity! Our Food Bank is looking better but we still need to fill bags on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, especially through the winter. Please bring your items and place them at the Cross at the front of the sanctuary. The items most in need are: canned vegetables, canned fruit, meal in a can, pasta, pasta sauce and canned meat. "A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." Proverbs 22:9 10 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Combined Service, 10:30 am Followed with lunch and meeting at 1:00 pm Please mark your calendar, so you won’t forget to attend!!! ATTENTION ALL COMMITTEES AND ALL GROUPS!! The year is coming to an end (way to quickly). Your completed reports for the Annual General Meeting Yearbook need to be in the office by December 30, 2014. For reports in both languages you will be responsible for the translation. If you wish to send the report by email the address is [email protected] Written copies of course will also be accepted. Thank you. 11 ``UnFrozen`` The Sunday School is very excited to present this year’s Christmas play, “UnFrozen” to be held December 21st during the 11:00 am service. Invite your Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, and Neighbours to join the fun!! Please contact Anita ([email protected]) or 204 261-3740 or Reba ([email protected]) or 204 775-8770 for any questions. CHRISTMAS SERVICE SCHEDULE December 24, Christmas Eve Candle light Services 3:30 PM Bilingual Service 5:00 PM German Service 7:00 PM English Service December 25, Christmas Day 9:15 AM German Service December 31 19:00 Uhr Jahresendegottesdienst 12
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