Newsletter December 2014 - Connaught School for Girls

December 2014
School for Girls
2014-15 Issue: 2
Message from the Headteacher
Special points of
Dear Parents/Carers
 School council chari-
ty work secures gifts
for the homeless
 Year 11 students
work hard completing mock exams
 New school devel-
opment plan in construction
 New lunchtime clubs
from January including a quiet room
available for prayer
As we approach the end of the autumn term I am happy to report that it has been an excellent term for
all of us at Connaught School.
As I promised when I arrived I have spent most of my time getting to know the students and staff as well
as the wider community. Although time has to be taken assessing policies and procedures the most
rewarding experience has been getting into classrooms to watch lessons and see the children at work.
As I am writing this, Year 11 students are sitting mock examinations and those I have spoken to,
although a bit apprehensive have been working hard, so hopefully those that have worked hard will be
rewarded with good results. It has been a busy term for Year 11 girls who have received careers advice
and guidance on applying to college. We must never underestimate how important these decisions are
to these young people and we must work together to support and encourage them through this time.
Year 7 girls are already very much part of the school and have settled in well.
During the first few weeks of term there were two playground incidents which resulted in girls being
excluded from school, a decision I do not take lightly. Since then we have been reviewing our lunchtime
arrangements in order to keep girls better occupied : some staff have generously offered to run more
lunchtime clubs ; we have purchased board games etc ; mid day assistant duties have been revised and all
upper school girls will have access to the inner court yard.
In response to student and parent request, from January there will be a quiet room available at
lunchtime for students to go and pray. Obviously the use of the room will be monitored and anyone
misusing it will be asked to leave.
Inside this issue:
P.E. Events
Year 11 Design
Year 10 William
Morris Gallery Visit
Year 8 Art Visit to
the Olympic Park
Knitting Club
Science Open
I am very impressed at how our School Council students can organise themselves. I meet with them
every two weeks. This week they have launched our Christmas Charity. They have chosen a Homeless
Shelter in North London called ‘Shelter from the Storm’ and are asking students to donate “goodies” for
two gift bags per form group. We will take bags for their 44 residents to the shelter during the last
week of term. I am very proud at how the students are working
on this project and have adopted a worthwhile charity (It’s website
is worth a look).
Year 9 Spelling
I would like to wish you all a peaceful festive holiday and health and
happiness for you and your families in 2015.
I would like to thank those of you who have supported the parent workshops which have taken place
this term. We value the feedback you give us and will be visiting it as we work on establishing our
School 3 Year Development Plan in the new year. If there are other topics you would like us to cover
in our workshop sessions, please contact us.
I look forward to meeting more of you at our Year 11,9 and 8 parents evenings next term.
Best Wishes
Sally Walker.
P.E. Department Events
At the Waltham Forest
Sports Awards, Hasna
Mahmood was
nominated for Volunteer
of the Year award and
Ms Izobu was nominated
for Coach of the Year
award. Unfortunately
they were not winners this
year. However, they
have done fantastic work
within Connaught. The
event was a very special
evening with 2 Year 11
sports captains being
privileged in attending
the event. It was packed
full of entertainment with
magic and music.
“The event
There was a Badminton
was packed
full of
Competition held at the
Redbridge Centre. The
girls were selected from
Years 10 and 11 to
compete in a
with magic
tournament. The training
they have been
undertaking at the
badminton club on
Fridays after school had
and music.”
Page 2
paid off as they were the
winners of the event.
The football club went to
Wembley on Sunday 23rd
November and were
able to take part in lots of
activities in the morning
at Wembley Football
Day. One of which was
watching a national
Under 16s tournament in
which 2 students Rayyan
Mirza and Sara Gaoua
represented Connaught
for Leyton Orient Football
club. The team got into
the semi finals beating all
the other teams in their
pool. The football club
students were then able
to go and watch
England v Germany
women's football at
Wembley stadium. It was
an adventurous game
and despite all the rain a
great day was had by all.
Ms T. Watson
Head of Physical
2014-15 Issue: 2
Year 11 Design Technology
There are exciting times
ahead in the design
technology department.
At this stage in the term
the Year 11’s are working
very hard on all aspects
of their controlled
coursework. The projects
this year are varied and
complex offering
inspiration to the lower
Watching the students
develop, design, enjoy
see these projects all
Ms T. Graydon
Head of
Technology &
Mr D. Small
and work independently
on complicated aspects
of their projects is a real
joy and we can’t wait to
Year 10 Art William Morris Gallery Visit
One of the best bits of
history. Her work
Mrs G. Wensley
moving, especially the
teaching for me is being
incorporates textiles,
Art department
“1138 and counting”
able to take students out
paint and found objects.
to experience Art live in a
“We thought the
piece, which was a
memorial for the lives lost
After a guided tour of the
exhibition was amazing.
permanent collection,
We learned various skills
Year 10 art students are
Alke Schmidt gave a talk
including how to use
currently working on a
about her work and was
different materials and
Molly O’Brien, Faduma
project inspired by a visit
on hand to discuss her
resources to adapt
Ahmed and Katie Irish
to the William Morris
ideas whilst students
“damaged” shirts. The
Gallery where they were
viewed her exhibition.
message behind the
lucky enough not only to
Fenella Magnus, Head of
exhibition was very
see an exciting
Fashion from Waltham
exhibition, but also to talk
Forest College then led a
to the artist herself and
practical workshop
then take part in a
where students were
practical workshop. The
given a “damaged” tee
exhibition “Tangled
shirt to adapt into an art/
Yarns” by artist Alke
fashion item. Students
Schmidt is all about the
are continuing to
politics and morality
develop these ideas
behind the textile and
back at school. Final
fashion industry. She has
work from the project will
looked at current events
be shown at the gallery
such as the Rana Plaza
in the spring and we
disaster which claimed so
hope parents and friends
many lives and reflected
will be able to join us
on how these terrible
there to celebrate. Dates
injustices have occurred
and times will be
many times before in
announced later..
gallery setting.
in the Rana Plaza
Page 3
Year 8 Art Visit to the Olympic Park
This term year 8 have
The girls were excited to
beautiful trees and
been studying
be able to draw on
landscapes and the
location, a new
environment in their art
experience for nearly
lessons. To help them to
everyone, capturing
build up ideas for their
many views of the iconic
final piece they were all
new buildings and the
taken to The Queen
landscape in which they
Elizabeth Olympic Park at
sit. It was interesting too
Stratford where they
for them to see some of
braved the cold winds
the site specific art works
and weather to create a
which have been
series of sketches and
commissioned for the
take photos which they
park. The Aquatic Centre
could then take back to
and the Orbit were voted
school and develop into
the favourite buildings,
a final painting.
but many students also
Mrs G. Wensley
Art department
appreciated the
“I like knitting
because it
teaches you
different skills
and it is fun.”
Knitting Club
Knitting club started at
know how to knit.”
It isn’t hard at all. I love
the beginning of
Qizer Guan 7S
knitting so much!”
November. It takes place
Shazra Hossain 7S
in the textiles room on
“I came to knitting club
Tuesdays at 1pm and is
because when you are
run by Mrs Horsley, Ms
there you can chat to
Warburton and Mr
your friends and knit
Russell. It is open to pupils
different things to keep
of all year groups but is
you warm too!”
popular with year 7 at
Zaibaa Pathan 7C
the moment. This is what
“I enjoy knitting because
some of the girls say
you can be creative and
about knitting club.
learn to knit intricate
“I like knitting because it
teaches you different
“I like knitting club
skills and it is fun. You get
because it is fun and
to spend time with your
relaxing. At first I thought
friends and it is so cool.
knitting would be
Knitting is awesome!”
complicated but I
Ayesha Undre 7W
decided to join anyway.
“I enjoy knitting club
because once you learn
to knit you can knit
anything and achieve
certificates. The teachers
are friendly and kind. I
wanted to join knitting
club as it was a special
Page 4
opportunity and I didn’t
designs and patterns. I
joined because I wanted
to make scarves and
Zahraa Joomun 7C
2014-15 Issue: 2
Science Open Evening
Many prospective Year 6
working Science staff
students visited the
and Technician that
Science Open Evening
night, and were
presentation in October
rewarded by a good
and were mightily
turnout and many good
impressed with the
comments made by
activities on show, the
parents and prospective
amazing Connaught
students alike.
students and not
forgetting Dino the
Dinosaur and Sid the
Skeleton! Many students
Mr N. Patterson
Head of the science
Left to right Annia, Tess, Isha, Alizey, Adela,
helped all the hard
Thanda and Romana all enjoy Science!!
Romana and Zoe explain
Tess looks after Dino!
chemical reactions
Farida explaining Friction
Tess and Adela explaining
Heat Transfer
Science Consultant
Dr Yeasmin Mortuza , an
Immunology, and if they
educational consultant
were thinking about
from “Pedagogics”
becoming a scientist a
visited the school in
number of useful
November to talk to a
websites were left with
number of KS4 Science
them, together with
classes about Careers in
further information on
Medicine. The girls were
what the talk was all
given a beautifully
about. The girls asked
illustrated talk on
very intelligent questions!
An enthusiastic Year 6 student
decides to find out why a silver
carpet is so special!
Page 5
Year 9 Spelling Bee
School for Girls
Connaught Road
London E11 4AB
Earlier this term a Year 9
altogether) were
Well done to everyone
Spelling Bee took place.
compiled by Year 9
who took part in the
16 students competed, 4
students. I helped gather
Spelling Bee. One person
from each form. The
the words for 9W – ours
who stood out was
play-off had six rounds,
were scientific terms but
Louiza Rezkallah in 9C
followed by a quick-fire
other forms included
who impressed quite a
round. The inter-form
vocabulary from other
few people. 9C were the
competition lasted for
subjects, including
winning team. Well done
just under an hour, with
history, geography and
Year 9 students cheering
for their own form.
By Aisha Rana (9W)
Overall, everyone was
awesome and tried their
tel: 020 8539 3029
fax: 020 8558 3827
“The Spelling Bee was a
bit challenging because
of how long the words
were. I revised the words
so I only got stuck on a
few.” – Iza Kashif (a
seize the day
competitor from 9W)
The words (100 words
Dates for your Diary
First Day of Term for Students - Monday 5th January 2015
Year 11 Parents’ Evening
- Tuesday 27th January 2015
Year 11 Photograph
- Thursday 12th February 2015
February Half-Term Holiday
- Monday16th to Friday 20th February 2015
Spring Tem Break
- Friday 3rd to Friday 17th April 2015
Whitsun Half-Term Holiday
- Monday 25th to Friday 29th May 2015
Last School Day of the Year
- Friday 17th July 2015