th Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 3 V2-Addendum Final 19 December 2014 Leg 3 Addendum 1 THE COURSE Start—mark 1 to port—mark 2 to port— mark 3 to port—mark 1 to port— gate formed by mark 2 (leaving mark) to port and the start boat to starboard— Iranian Exclusion Zone to port – Saleh Oilfield Exclusion Zone to port—East African exclusion Zone to starboard— Sri Lanka exclusion area to port--Pulau We Island to Starboard — Line formed by joining the 8 Malacca marks in order to starboard ——Line formed by 7 Singapore marks to port — Horsburgh Lighthouse to starboard — Ritan to port — Nunsa to port — Selia Island to port — Sanya Exclusion Line to starboard — Sanya Finish. 2. THE MARKS a. Start Boat Latitude Longitude 24° 29.300'N 54° 19.200'E b. Mark 1 Variable c. Mark 2 f. Saleh Oilfield Exclusion S zone g. East African Exclusion Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 Square raft mark with cube branding Square raft mark with cube branding Square raft mark with cube branding 24° 29.400'N 54° 19.200'E A 24º 40.300N B 25º 34.600N C 26º 14.900N D 26º 36.400N E 26° 30.100'N F 26° 32.300'N G 26° 32.400'N H 26° 27.500'N I 26º 18.900N J 25º 39.600N K 25º 27.500N L 25º 12.000N M 25º 11.600N N 25º 04.300N O 24º 50.000N 26º 10.509N 26o 06.498N 26o 11.057N 26o 14.184N 22° 35.200'N 53º 56.300E 55º 11.500E 55º 42.600E 56º 18.100E 56° 23.200'E 56° 29.000'E 56° 32.300'E 56° 35.500'E Virtual Marks 56º 47.700E 57º 09.500E 57º 39.400E 59º 05.600E 59º 34.600E 60º 34.900E 61º 33.700E o 55 38.973E 55o 44.498E Virtual Marks 55o 47.861E 55o 41.453E 60° 08.260'E Virtual Marks d. Mark 3 Variable e. Iranian Exclusion Zone Description 1 th Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 3 V2-Addendum Final Zone 19 December 2014 15° 00.000'N 05° 56.550'N Exclusion 05° 40.700'N 05° 40.700'N 05° 56.550'N i. Pulau We Island 05° 53.800'N Sri Lanka h. Area j. Malacca 1 65° 00.000'E 080° 32.400'E 080° 32.400'E 080° 38.700'E 080° 38.700'E 095° 19.800'E Virtual Marks Island Navigational mark (white flash) Yellow special purpose buoy Virtual Mark 03° 00.757'N 100° 51.860'E 02° 53.756'N 100° 59.716'E 02° 37.296'N 101° 28.043'E 02° 11.680'N 102° 00.881'E 01o 57.902’N 102o 16.432’E 01o 38.426’N 102o 59.987’E 01o 15.000’N 103o 25.150’E Navigational Mark (pillar black and red) 01o 14.295’N 103o 29.622’E Yellow special purpose buoy 01° 06.790'N 103° 35.010'E Yellow special purpose buoy 01° 04.490'N 103° 38.900'E Yellow special purpose buoy 01° 05.900’N 103° 43.240’E 01° 08.600’N 103° 45.330’E 01° 10.260’N 103° 47.810’E 01° 14.870’N 103° 58.930’E 01° 15.560’N 104° 03.370’E 01° 19.820'N 104° 24.340'E 02° 36.400'N 106° 16.440'E Nunsa aa. 02° 59.600'N 106° 24.750'E Selai Island bb. 03° 11.120'N 106° 29.740'E Sanya 1 cc. 18o 04.550’N 109o 27.350’E Sanya 2 dd. 18o 11.420’N 109o 27.360’E Sanya 3 ee. 18o 12.203’N 109o 28.253’E k. Malacca 2 l. Malacca 3 Malacca 4 m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. Malacca 5 Malacca 6 Malacca 7 Malacca 8 Singapore 1 Singapore 2 Singapore 3 Singapore 4 Singapore 5 Singapore 6 Singapore 7 Horsburgh Lighthouse Ritan Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 2 Virtual Mark Virtual Mark Virtual Mark Cardinal buoy (TAKONG) Virtual Mark Virtual Mark Virtual Mark Virtual Mark Lighthouse Island Lighthouse Island Virtual mark Virtual Mark Virtual Mark th Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 3 V2-Addendum Final ff. Sanya Finish Sanya Pin gg. 19 December 2014 18° 12.958'N 109° 28.710'E 18° 13.000'N 109° 28.650'E Marina Lighthouse Square raft mark with cube branding Positions are approximate. Datum: to WGS 84. 3. START (a) The starting area is in front of Lulu Island. (b) The starting line will be between a staff displaying a ‘START’ flag on the Race Committee Boat at the starboard end of the line and a square raft mark with cube branding at the other end of the line. (c) Individual Recall notification may be broadcast on the VHF Channel 77. Failure of the Race Committee to notify, delay in notification or the sequence of such notification shall not constitute grounds for redress. This amends RRS 62.1. (d) The range and bearing of the variable mark 1 & 3 will be displayed on the Start Boat and announced on VHF Channel 77 before the warning signal. (e) Addendum Q, excluding Q2.3, Q2.4, Q2.5, Q3.1(c), Q3.2 (b), shall apply from the preparatory signal for the Leg and ceases to apply between boats which have passed and cleared the gate. 4. LEG START EXCLUSION ZONES Marshalling buoys will be laid around the racecourse to exclude spectator boats from the leg start racing area. They do not have any relevance to the Boats. 5. IRANIAN EXCLUSION ZONE The Iranian Exclusion Zone is formed by positions used to form a line. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form an obstruction that boats shall leave to port. 6. SALEH OILFIELD EXCLUSION ZONE The Saleh Oilfield Exclusion Zone is formed by positions used to form a line. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form an obstruction that boats shall leave to port. 7. EAST AFRICAN EXCLUSION ZONE The East African Exclusion Zone is great circle line between virtual marks at 22° 35.200'N, 60° 08.260'E and 15° 00.000'N, 65° 00.000'E that Boats shall leave to starboard. 8. SRI LANKA EXCLUSION AREA The Sri Lanka exclusion area is formed by positions that form an obstruction that Boats shall leave to port. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form the obstruction 9. MALACCA EXCLUSION ZONE The Malacca Exclusion Zone is formed by positions used to form a line. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form an obstruction that boats shall leave to starboard. 10. SINGAPORE EXCLUSION ZONE The Singapore Exclusion Zone is formed by positions used to form a line. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form an obstruction that boats shall leave to port. Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 3 th Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 3 V2-Addendum Final 19 December 2014 11. SANYA EXCLUSION ZONE The Sanya Exclusion Line is formed by positions used to form a line. Straight lines between adjacent marks shall form an obstruction that boats shall leave to starboard. 12. THE FINISH The finishing line for the Leg will be between a staff displaying a ‘FINISH’ flag on the Serenity Bay Marina Lighthouse at the starboard end of the line and a square raft mark with cube branding at the other end of the line. 13. MEDIA DELIVERABLES (a) Within 4 hours of starting transmit photographs of the seals that have just been applied: to race control. (b) Each 24 hours: 4mins of video, 5 to 8 photos and 200 words of text or another amount as directed by the watch producers. 14. COURSE DIAGRAMS ABU DHABI START Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 4 th Volvo Ocean Race 2014-15 Leg 3 V2-Addendum Final 19 December 2014 SANYA FINISH END Copyright Volvo Ocean Race, S.L.U. 2014 5
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