The Wye Dore Parishes Madley, Peterchurch, Tyberton, Turnastone and Vowchurch News and Notices for the week Sunday 21st December 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Please take this sheet with you when you leave – we hope that it will be a memory jogger for you during the week. If you are a visitor to our church, welcome, and may the Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. If you are reading this at one of our services, please speak to us after the service finishes. We would like very much to get to know you better. Please pray for us and our ministry here. Collect this Sunday God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son: grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour, so we may be ready to greet him when he comes again as our judge; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Food for Thought: Feed My Lambs The fields are empty now the flocks have gone; leaving everything empty and bare they’ve moved off to search for pastures new; looking for something 'new' to feed upon. Jesus: Man does not live on bread alone but on the very word that comes from the mouth of God Mat 4:4. / John 21. He also told us: Feed My lambs; Take care of My sheep; Feed My Sheep; FollowMe! The Wye Dore Parishes Mid-week prayers, meditation and worship - All are welcome St Peters, Peterchurch: Wednesday: 9am Celtic Meditation, Wednesday: 3pm Holy Communion BCP All of these are in the Chancel please use St Peters Door Madley Parish Church: Tuesday: 9am Celtic Meditation Please Pray for: those preparing for marriage those preparing for baptism or confirmation those who have departed, those who are ill or in need, in particular Ann Woodhead, those who need support Graham A Message from Simon It’s almost Christmas; a time when communication across our churches is so important with everything that is going on. As such we are incredibly reliant on our Pew Sheet and incredibly grateful to Fiona Madison for editing the sheet. Fiona has been doing this now for a number of years and I wanted to thank her publicly. At many of our carol services I will be thanking musicians, bell ringers and church wardens amongst others and I did not want Fiona to be missed out. She does a wonderful job with immense graciousness. While I am writing I want to ask you all a favour. If you have neighbours who have moved in near to you or you know of anyone who has moved into your village at any time of year could you let me know with as much detail as possible, for example, the names and actual address and then I can visit them and hopefully welcome them into our churches. You will notice that elsewhere in this pew sheet the Tyberton Talks are advertised. I hope that you can put those dates in your diary. We have our new Bishop preaching as well as the Revd Peter Molloy all the way from Canada. Please also pray for the second instalment in Peterchurch of “Messy Church” on the 20 th of January. As well as praying if you would like to volunteer or just attend please call me. And lastly I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. With love in Christ, Simon This Sunday’s Readings from the Lectionary 2 Samuel 7.1-11,16; Psalm 89.1-8; Romans 16.25-end; Luke 1.26-38 Prayer for Ebola sufferers and affected communities in West Africa. Generous Lord, we hold before you the people of Sierra Leone and the neighbouring countries, where many are contracting Ebola, where many live in fear and isolation. We pray for families and communities in which normal life is impossible and food supplies and education jeopardised; and for children who are orphaned and families who are bereaved. We give thanks for the compassion, bravery and skills of Medicins sans Frontiers and other doctors and nurses who put their own lives at risk as they combat this dreaded virus. Lord grant all who have influence the skills, patience and resources to halt the spread of this disease and let us be generous in our donations to this disaster relief. Amen All are welcome to the next instalment of @ St Peters, Peterchurch On Tuesday 20th January 3.30pm -5.30pm crafts, storytelling, games, worship and a meal great fun for all the family Dear All, Recently the Peterchurch PCC agreed to change the Sunday on which it holds its informal family service. From January onwards the Peterchurch Informal Service will be on the 4th Sunday of the month not the 1st. This will mean that our informal services are spread more evenly across the month in case families would wish to travel between parishes on a Sunday morning. It also makes it easier to plan who leads which services since not all of our ministry team can lead a Holy Communion service. With our new rota a lay leader could now take two services on the 4th Sunday which would mean that if we only have one ordained minister they will not be required to be in 4 parishes all in the same morning!! The 1st Sunday of the month in Peterchurch, as a result of this change, will be a Holy Communion Common Worship Service. So in summary in the new year the first Informal Service in Peterchurch will be on the 25th of January. God Bless, Simon Peterchurch - Wednesday 17th December 6.30pm Meet in St Peters Church Madley – Monday 22nd December 6.00pm Meet at Madley Parish Church Please join us as we sing carols round the villages and visit our local pubs! Vowchurch Madley Madley Peterchurch Peterchurch Madley Vowchurch Peterchurch Madley Advent and Christmas Services st Sunday 21 December, 10:30am nd Monday 22 December, 6:00pm Christmas Eve, Wednesday th 24 December, 3:00pm Christmas Eve, Wednesday th 24 December, 5:00pm Christmas Eve, Wednesday th 24 December, 11:30pm Christmas Eve, Wednesday th 24 December, 11:45pm Christmas Day, Thursday th 25 December, 10:00am Christmas Day, Thursday th 25 December, 10:00am Christmas Day, Thursday th 25 December, 10:00am Christingle Service Carol Singing around the village. Meet at the Church Crib Service Crib Service Midnight Mass Midnight Mass Family Communion Family Communion Family Communion Tyberton Talks 2015 @ St Mary’s Church, Tyberton Psalm 19 18 Feb: Speaker: 25 Feb: Speaker: 4 March: Speaker: 11 March: Speaker: 18 March: Speaker: 25 March: Speaker: TBC [To be confirmed] TBC TBC Revd Pete Molloy Right Reverend Richard Frith Bishop of Hereford Revd Simon Lockett All talks commence at 7.30pm with refreshments afterwards The “Tyberton Talks” are a series of reflections on a Bible text set within worship for the season of Lent. They have been going for a number of years with great success and are held in St Mary’s Church, Tyberton situated approximately 9 miles South West of Hereford on the B4352 that eventually leads to Hay on Wye. The proceeds from each service go towards the upkeep of this beautiful and fascinating church. Regular Activities at St Peter’s Centre Zumba: Tuesday 10am The Golden Valley Junior Youth Theatre (Run by the courtyard): Wednesday’s 4.30- 5.30pm. The fantastic Junior Youth theatre continues until 3rd December. Peterchurch Community Choir: Monday November 3 rd, 17th, 24th & December 1st, 8th 15th. For further information, please contact Joy Rickwood: 01981 550085, [email protected] Peterchurch Parents, Baby and Toddler Group: Thursday’s 10-11.30am (Please note time change). Come & join our weekly Children’s Centre sessions, providing friendly parenting advice & support. A safe & fun play environment for children under 5. Yoga Class: Thursday evenings from 6.45pm-7.45pm – for more information, please contact Nicky Jacques: 07817 268689, [email protected] inSPIRE Café: weekly Community Café is open every Thursday: 12.00pm-2.30pm (Please note the change of time). Light lunches, delicious cakes & drinks. Pop in & enjoy the atmosphere! The cafe is run by volunteers - to join the team, helping for a couple of hours a month, we would be really pleased. Please contact Enid if you would like to help out. Peterchurch Library: our bell tower library is open Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1pm-5pm and Saturday 10am-12noon For more details on events listed, or to receive our monthly e-newsletter, please email: [email protected], telephone: 01981 550372 or visit: We are also now on Twitter, please follow us at: Services for Next Sunday, 28th December Peterchurch 10:30am Group Service – Holy Communion Peterchurch Neighbourhood Helpline We are now recruiting volunteers for our Peterchurch Neighbourhood Helpline. The Helpline has been set up to provide support to elderly and vulnerable members of the Peterchurch parish community. People who are signed up to use the helpline will be able to request support for a variety of everyday queries and tasks, such as prescription collection, form filling, collecting and delivering shopping etc. Once the request is made we will then connect the participant with a volunteer who can deliver the help required. Being a volunteer would only involve as much time as you wanted to give. You could offer to help regularly or just as and when it works for you. If you would like to become a volunteer or if you would like to receive help from this service please call the Centre on 01981 550372 or email [email protected]. Please note that at present we are only able to operate the Helpline service to people who live within the Peterchurch Parish area. The Madley Atlas. The Atlas by John Senex was published in 1721 and is a rare, interesting and valuable artefact currently in safe keeping at the Cathedral Library in Hereford. It is titled “A new general atlas, containing a geographical and historical account of all the empires, kingdoms, and other dominions of the world”. There are only 33 other copies known to exist world-wide. Madley Church has had the atlas since anyone can remember- but no one knows how it came to be in Madley. On the spine are the initials “F.P.” suggesting the original owner, but we have no idea who “FP” might have been. We want the atlas to return to Madley for everyone to share and enjoy and to encourage visitors to the area. We hope to develop the Chilstone Chapel as a home for the atlas in the church. A local project group is working to submit a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for funds to conserve the atlas and then to display it sympathetically as we want to include digital and interactive displays giving information about the atlas and the history of Madley. The application process to Heritage Lottery Fund is two stages. A successful stage one outline bid will secure funding to research the atlas and fully develop proposals that benefit the community, visitors and the atlas. The views of local people and visitors are very important. We want a wide range of views to help our plans so we would like to know what you think about the atlas, what it means to you, and any ideas you have. if you can't come along to the meetings but are interested in giving your views a survey has been developed for this purpose and copies are available in Madley Church and at The Stables. Please do take a few minutes to complete it. If you would like the survey electronically, have any questions or would just like to know more please email [email protected] or call Ruth on 250802. Thank you in advance for your help and participation. Advent and Christmas Meditations - We will be using “God is in the Manger” reflections by Deitrich Bonhoeffer [if you would like a copy of this book please let Simon know] to help us prepare for Christmas. Tuesday 23rd December @ 2.30pm The Vicarage, Madley [please do park at the Vicarage] Pew Sheet: To receive the Pew Sheet via Email every week, send an email to [email protected] and you will be added to the list. Deadline for articles in the pew sheet is Wednesday evening. Email or Tel 01981 250605. Website: Contact Steve Edwards for any updates to our website – follow the link on Don’t forget to check ‘Notices and Events’ on the Website to keep up-to-date with what’s going on.
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