This Week - Zion Pentecostal Church

Christmas Blessings
from Zion
December Birthday Greetings to . . .
Carol Druggett - 24th
Cory White - 24th
Ashley Wieffering -25th
Sarah Clarke - 26th
Cyndal Jesso - 26th
Need a good read?
Drop by our Church
December 21st, 2014
Luke 2:10 ‘. . . And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good
news of great joy that will be for all the people.‘
M orning Prayer at 10:00 am
Morning Service at 10:30 am
S peaker: Pastor Jason B urge
E vening Prayer at 6:00 pm
Evening Service at 6:30 pm
S peaker: Pastor D arren S acrey
There will be no prayer meetings for the next 2 Tuesdays
A special ‘Tha nk you’ to every one who contributed to Cha nge Ma tters
through the ‘Christma s Stocking’ fundra iser - our total wa s a n
AMAZING $635. 1 5. Aga in this yea r we did rea ch our yea r
end goa l of $1 , 000. 00. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!
Also, a very special ‘Tha nk You’ to a ll who dona ted to the
Ma cNeil Fa mily - W e ga ve them a cheque for $255. 00 Plea se see the Tha nk You ca rd from them on bulletin Boa rd in foyer
Kingdom Kids - Sundays 1 1 : 00 am - Ages 2 - 1 2
P l ea s e n ot e - Th er e w i l l b e n o K i n g d om K i d s n ex t Su n d a y !
Take time for your family and friends
Candlelight Service at 6:30 pm
The Son of God became a man to enable men
to become the sons of God - C.S. Lewis
Please come along & bring a friend!
Church ‘Family Breakfast‘ at 9:00 am
Please sign list in foyer if you plan on attending!
(Mark your calendar!)
Sunday, December 28th - 10:30 am - AM SERVICE ONLY
Sunday, January 4th - 6:00 pm - Church Family Banquet
If attending the Family Banquet, Please sign the list on
Visitor’s Desk. Deadline is December 28th
All Monies to be receipted for the 2014 year, must be received
no later that December 31st.
Please note: Anytime the weather is stormy - our church website will announce closures.
Family ties are precious things, woven through the years.
Of memories and togetherness, of laughter, love and tears.
Family ties are treasured things, and far though we may roam.
The tender bonds with those we love, still pull our hearts towards home.
- unknown
Port de Grave church presents ‘The Joyful Sounds of
Christmas’ on NTV - TODAY, December 21st at 4:00 pm
& December 25th at midnight.
Remember the upper parking lot of the
Church is to be used by our Seniors . . .
(65 & over)
Thank You!