F. No. 64-212014 Desk (U) Crr emment of lndia Ministry of Human Resource Developmenr (Department of Higher Education) - **** Shastri Bhawar.r, New Delhi, Dated the 19th May, 201 4. To Professor Man Mohan, Convener (CDAMOP 20 1 5), Depadment of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007. S'biect; Request for clearance certificate for holding Internationar Conference on ,,4th International Conference on Current Developments in 1^,9Ti:, Molecular, Optical and Nano physics with Applications', 1-CDaMOp 2015), March 11-14, 2015 regarding. Sir, I am directed to reler to your letter No. Nil dated 1g.03.2014 on the subject mentioned above and to convey "in principie" approval of the Ministry or g.,man Resource Development, Department or Higher Education for hording internationar L onlerence on "4"' lntemational conference on current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano physics wirh Applications,, lCOeMOl 2015) lrom March 1i-14,2015 ar conference centre, univlisity of Delhi, Delhi, subject to grani of.appropriate visa by concerned Indian Missions abroad and also cleaiances'from political and security angle by the Minist.y of Externar Affairs and Ministry of Home A flairs respecr ive ly. 2: You are also requested to forward a detailed proposal to this Ministry after . obtaining necessary Security and political clearances, so as to enable this Ministrv to seek approval of Ministry of Finance also. 3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority. Youn v()lairhluld aP \'-' V''rU" \ (R.K. Sinha) Under Secretary to the Gor,t. of India Tele: 011- 23397342 N o. AA/ 152| oL | 2oI4-L244 ft?er eixrtrq / Ministry of ExternalAffairs r*rd*r *T.{ Division :."."J1111tj"" South Block, New Delhi December 02,2OI4 To, University of Delhi [Kind Attn : Prof Man Mohan, Convener CDAMOP2015] Delhi 110007 Email: [email protected] Subject : for Organizing 4th lnternational Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics With Applications from March IL-L4,2015 at University of Delhi. Political clearance Sir, Please refer mentioned above. to your communication dated 25 November, 2OL4 on the subject 2. This Ministry has no objection from political angle for the proposed event with foreign participant (as per the list attached), as stated in your aforesaid communication, subject to clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs and Nodal Ministry. 3. Participation from Taiwan would be subject (copy enclosed). to existing guidelines on the subject 4. The foreign participants may please be advised to enclose copies of letter of invitation from the organizer in lndia and this Ministry's political clearance as well as MHA's clearance when applying for visa with the lndian Mission/Post abroad. )r:''L rffbs) (s Section Officer (Coord ) Tel: 011-23OL7223 Copy to: i) Ministry of Home Affairs [Kind Attn: Shri T. Srinivasan, SO (CC)], Foreigners Division, NDCC Building ll, JaiSingh Road, New Delhi. Toivronese Porticipoiion in Conferences, Trode Foirs ond other lnfernotionol Gotherings in lndio / Business Visits from Toiwon :**>F*4 A. evenls in lndio As for os the Toiwonese poriicipoiion in lnlernolionol isconcerned,ihefollowingnormsmustbeobserve.d: "chinese Toivyori n)oy poriicipote under the nonrencloture of nOmenclclure li-r o Toip,6i" or "Chino loipei". li nrcy olso reloin iis slcndord iis poriiculor iniernoiionol orgonizolion if ihol organtza|on is hoidir-rg os ll-ie nieeting jir lndlo However, tirere sholl be no reference io Toiwon "Republic of Chino". i. There sholl be no disploy of noiionol flog; coJrtiry nomeplc'ie' nollonal enibienr or singlng of ihe nojronol onilrenr oj ii-re so-cclled "Republic of Chlno". li. iheit Tcirvonese delegoie: sl-rcil r:oi engcae ln cny polliicoi ccilr':riy; poriicipoiion sholl noi be poliiiccl in nciure' ll1. E. The visiis oi oiiiciols 7' Eusiness visiiors frorn Toiwon moy orgonizeci v;iihin lhe following poromeiers be : Tlrey visit lndlc in iheir indl'riciuol ccpociiy ond noi cs represerrioiive o; lhe so colted "Republic o{ Cl'rii-rc"' i. of noiioncl flcg' counir'v nonreploie' jlre so-colled ncjionol embler-.'t or singing of ilre notlonol ontiretll of il. i Tlrere sholl be no displo;z ln l.ciic' nepuoric of Cl-rinc" oi cny public eveni orgcnizecl fcr or b)'1henr ill. Tirey sl-roll noi elrgoge irr ony politiccl oclivit','rvhlie in lrrd';' in There sholl nol be orrv reference to ihe lernr l Republlc of Cl-rrno" ony foi-ntcl docunrenls signed durirrg llre visil' iv.
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