COMMUNITY HETTINGER December 29th Mass @ 7:30 am—Mass intention is for the soul of Sebastian Meier—Sara & Adolph Ritt. December 30th Mass is @5:15 pm—Mass intention is for the soul of Walter Nagel—Karen Kobilansky. December 31st Mass is @ 9 am @ the Nursing Home—Mass intention is a special intention- Shirley Rathjen. New Years Eve Mass is @ 10 pm—Mass intention is for Fr. Stephen—General Altar Society. January 1, 2015 Holy Mary, Mother of God Mass is @ 10 am—Mass intention is for the People of the TriParish. January 2nd Mass is @ 7:30 am—Mass intention is for the soul of Margaret Wagner—Jeremy & Tina Friebel. Adoration is Noon-5 pm. January 3rd Mass is @ 6:30 pm—Mass intention is for the souls of Ernest & Lillian Ross—John & Sharon Campbell. January 4th Mass is @ 10:30 am—Mass intention is for the souls of Andrew & Margaret Beehler—Dennis & Eva Knutson. REEDER Monday, December 29th—Mass & Adoration @ 5 pm. The Mass intention is for Roy & Marlyes Mellmer—Mike & Heidi Mellmer. Wednesday, December 31st—New Years Eve Mass @ 8 pm. SCRANTON Thursday, January 1, 2015—Holy Mary, Mother of God Mass is @ 8 am. The mass intention is for the soul of Carol Keller—Charles Keller. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Jude Wanek was baptized into the Catholic faith on Saturday, December 20th. Congratulations to Jude and his parents, Jarrett and Janet Wanek. May the blessings of the Lord be always upon your life. HOLY TRINITY READER: SERVERS: USHERS: GREETER/GIFTS: EUCH. MINISTERS: ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Peace Lutheran Church in Scranton will be having their New Year’s Eve Party on December 31st starting at 8:00 pm. There will be games, snacks, and fun. Everyone is welcome! BLANKETS, BLANKETS, & MORE BLANKETS 50 tie blanket kits will be made, you can bring material to donate, and bring your own scissors. It will take place at the Scranton Community Center Tuesday, December 30th from 2:00-5:30 pm. Everyone is welcome and all ages! POINSETTA FLOWER FUND The poinsettias on the Altar during the Christmas Season are donated by people of the parish. If you would like to donate to the flower fund, please use the envelopes provided in the Church entrance. Write your name and the names of those to be remembered. The poinsettias range in price from $30-35. SACRED HEART-SCRANTON SAT JAN. 3 4:30PM MASS INTENTION: +Patsy Raber— Celie Buckmier GREETERS/GIFTS: Kevin & Michelle Anderson READER: Devon Mack EUCH.MINISTERS: Devon Mack, Charlene Maychrzak Lynette Symanowski ROSARY: Dorothy Chase SACRED HEART-REEDER SUN JAN. 4 8:30AM MASS INTENTION: People of the Tri-Parish GREETERS/GIFTS: Marvin & Sharon Soehren READER: Rhonda Honeyman EUCH.MINISTERS: Russell Doe, Ryan Honeyman, Heidi Mellmer ROSARY: Lenny Jacobs SAT. JANUARY 3 6:30PM Gary Dewhirst VOLUNTEER Mike Jorda & Mike Marion Erling & Jean Dahl Gary Dewhirst, Deb Dewhirst, Marcy Jorda ROSARY: Veronica Svihovec HOSPITAL MINISTER SUNDAY: WRCC COMMUNION SERVICE: SUN. JANUARY 4 8:30AM Patty Ness Kaden Schauer & Peyton Tuhy Jared & Trish Lewton Troy Ness Family Ben Kautzman, Maureen Kautzman, Trish Lewton Carla Schneider Magnus Meier Eva Knutson ....H ere goes the O LD ...2014 …. Let us Welcome with …. F A IT H , LO VE , & J O Y T H E N E W Y E A R…2015 Every year the calendar brings us closer to Salvation, closer to Christœs second coming and above all, closer to our eternal home; Heaven. Yes, we may not want to admit that each year we get older and thereby get closer to our death and eventually to heaven; because we love the world so much. As St. Paul tells us —our citizenship is in heaven where we shall see our Savior face to face and be with him forever. Jesus Christ, that was born to us, came to die for us on Calvary, so that through his death and resurrection, we may have life and have it abundantly. I want everyone to have one and only one New Yearœs Resolution, that is, Oto know God, to love God, and to serve Godo (God here means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). If we acknowledged that God created us, sustained us, redeemed us, then we will love and serve him all the days of our lives.
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