Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." -- Matthew 22:37 Saturday, October 25 Mass Intention: †Louise Br aman, r eq. by Gar y Braman Lector: Don Keib, J r . Usher: Phyllis J ohnson, Randy Patter son Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Gary Braman, Mary Frame Gifts: Randy Patter son Family Acolytes: Deacon Dan Organist: Anne Callahan Sunday, October 26 Mass Intention: HA J ohn and Mar ilyn Haendel, req. by Tom and Pat Bronner Lector: Richar d Paladino, J oann Santa Mar ia Usher: Bar r y Yuhas, Ben Cole Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Debra Schaefer, Larry Schaefer Gifts: Wr ight Family Acolytes: Eli Wr ight, Gr ady Wr ight Altar Linens (November) Mar y Fr ances J ones Saturday, November 1 Mass Intention: †Louise Gannon, r eq. by Tom and Pat Bronner Lector: Kathy Ander son Usher: J im Ander son, J er r y Benson Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Ellen Brinkmeyer, Josie Donaldson Gifts: Ander son Family Acolytes: Dan J ones Sunday, November 2 Mass Intention: †Louise Gannon, r eq. by Charlie Gannon Lector: J ohn Cain, Mike Gamino Usher: Tom Br onner , Bill Dunning Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Ben Cole, Tina Cole Gifts: Cox Family Acolytes: Allie Ruhlander , Ruthie Ruhlander We cordially welcome all our visitors. Please join us in the hall after Sunday Mass for coffee and fellowship. Prayer Intention Please pray for: Randy Dorociak, Dorothy Dorociak, Max Brown, Mary Lyn Brown, Christine Van Enkenvoort, Marianela Rowell, Mary Lou Pfeiffer, Wayne Jacobs, Bernadette Sokol, Teresa Jacobs, Joe Donaldson, Ana Waggoner, Penny Melton, William Morales, Heath Jacks, Vernon Simmons, Janet Smith, CJ Bentley, Jamie Cain, Doug Krzyzewski, Betty Kimbrough, Mike Presti, Mary Jean, Delia Garcia, Victor Durbin, Michael Wilks, Ellie Yancey and all the sick of our parish. All Saints Day Because All Saints Day falls on a Saturday this year, it is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the United States. First Saturday Devotion November 1, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Brunch to follow in the Social Hall Altar Flowers in memory of Louise Braman req. by Gary Braman Mass Cancelled and Office Closed Wednesday, October 29th Tuesday, October 28 HM Delia Colber t, req. by Vincent Brown family Wednesday, October 29 No Mass Thursday, October 30 HA Ear l and Debbie Baugher , req. by Vincent Brown family Friday, October 31 †Geor ge Weir , r eq. by Glecy Weir HB: Happy Birthday HM: Healing Mass HA: Happy Anniversary SI: Special Intention Last Weekend’s Offertory - Thank you for your gifts Envelopes and Checks $2,365.00 Loose $242.00 Candles $38.00 Children’s Jar $4.00 Capital Campaign Pledged $257,159.05 Received $134,560.65 Grant Match Challenge Pledged $87,915.00 Received $23,200.71 Special Collection to Ensure the Future Availability of Priests For years now we have heard about the need for vocations in the Catholic Church. Many pastors will be reaching retirement age, so we will need to replace them in our parishes. Thanks to your prayers and a strong vocations program in the Diocese of Nashville, we ordained ten new priests and now have 27 seminarians who are preparing to be our future diocesan priests. To help support the cost of their education, we are holding a special collection this weekend which coincides with National Priesthood Sunday. Please give generously and pray for vocations to the priesthood. St. Anthony Halloween Trick-or-Treat Family Life would like to invite you to the St. Anthony Halloween Trick-or-Treat and potluck meal on Sunday, October 26, after CCD classes (approximately 11:15 a.m.) There will be a potluck meal, followed by trick-ortreating, pumpkin decorating, hot chocolate, and lots of fun! Please see flyers and sign up sheet in the vestibule for more details. If you would like to donate any type of candy, please leave it in the social hall. Contact Tricia Tito with any questions—438-9552. 50’ s Plus Game Night 50’s Plus Game Night will be Monday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. in the social hall. Halloween Mass and Potluck The Hospitality Committee is having a Mass and Lunch to follow on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a dish to share. Knights of Columbus—Host of Christmas Past The Knights of Columbus once again will have their concessions trailer at the Host of Christmas Past, November 8 Please come visit us at the base of the courthouse steps on the Carter’s side of the square. Knights of Columbus “Food for Families” Food Drive The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a “Food for Families” food drive to benefit the Good Samaritan Association during the months of September and October. Donation bins for non-perishable foods will be in the vestibule. St. Anthony Community Dinner—Friday, Nov. 7th The next St. Anthony Community Dinner is Friday, Nov. 7 from 4:30—7:00. The menu is Cr eamy Italian Chicken with buttered noodles, salad and biscuits. Also included are desserts, tea or punch. Adults/$5.00 and Children/$2.00. All proceeds will go toward the Capital Campaign. Yes on 1 We are in the midst of a spiritual battle, so mark your calendars! "This coming November, we, the Catholic faithful of the Diocese of Nashville, share in an opportunity to witness to the dignity of the person in voting yes on Amendment 1. Voting “Yes on 1” returns to the Tennessee State Legislature the authority to regulate the abortion industry in Tennessee." ~Bishop David Choby, Diocese of Nashville Please join us as we unite in prayer for the passage of this important amendment. At St. Philip in Franklin, a special Mass will be held the night before election day on Monday, November 3rd at 6pm in the Original Church. 24 hours of Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament will follow as we keep a vigil of prayer throughout election day. Mass and Adoration are open to the entire diocese, so please help spread the word! You can sign up for an hour of Adoration using the following link. Please sign up so we can be certain to cover the entire 24 hours! This is our time to rally together in prayer as a pro life community for the passage of Yes on 1! We will also be doing a novena for the sanctity of life from Oct 27th-Nov 4th leading up to the election. Follow this link to find the novena prayers and join us! Happy Birthday, God Bless You October 25 Gracie Browning, J acob Harris, Gary Braman October 26 Lauralee J acks, Ann Bonin, Marci Surowitz October 27 Guadalupe Landa-Cuevas, Noemi Mejia -Martinez October 28 Eva Smith October 30 Laura Mullins, Candice J acobs, Analicia Ruiz-Snchez October 31 Riverlilita Barton November 1 Douglas Krzyzewski, Graham Pace, Irene Velazquez, Lester Selph
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