Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 Mottram Parish Magazine Christmas in Mottram Parish ‘Twiggy’ gets a makeover from the locals! Mottram Village gets a second tree. Thank you to B&Q! Sandra and Dorothy get a hug from Santa! We aim to be Check out our website at Please support our advertisers Tell them you saw them in the Parish Mag! ~ a growing fellowship of believers ~ warm in welcome ~ reverent in worship ~ gracious in witness ~ and joyfully serving God and our community ~ January 2015 Printed: 50p monthly On-line: £3 donation yearly Mottram Parish Vicar: James Halstead The Vicarage, 30a Broadbottom Road, Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 6JB 01457 762268 [email protected] The Church of England in Mottram Parish, serving the communities of Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East together “seeking to know Christ and to make Christ known” OUR MAIN SUNDAY WORSHIP IS AT 10.30am St. Michael & All Angels, Warhill, via Church Brow, Mottram For full details of all our services, see page 13 U SEFUL CHURCH CONTACTS IN M OTTRAM P ARISH Safeguarding Coordinator Churchwardens Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Claire Bibby 01457 763758 David Russell 01457 765165 (secure email: [email protected]) Assistant Curate Children’s Work Coordinator Andrew Knight 01457 763152 Pat Hall 01457 861827 Honorary Curate Richard Hills 01457 763104 Organists John Brandreth 01457 765142 Lay Readers John Walker 01457 763292 Nigel Crookall 0161 338 6790 Allen Standeven 01457 857331 Baptisms: Pastoral Worker Callum Boothroyd 01457 763770 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 Weddings PCC Treasurer Margaret Taylor 0161 494 8071 Brian Seaborn 0161 336 8089 Parish Events Coordinator Parish Administrator Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Tony Kershaw 01457 765350 Bellringers Captain Friends of Mottram Parish Church Christine Broadley 07810 560796 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 email: use the person’s name, eg. [email protected] M AGAZINE C ONTACTS Editors: Chris & Tony Kershaw 14 Broadbottom Rd ... 01457 765350 ... [email protected] Magazine Distribution Magazine Advertising Adrian Davis 01457 764727 Bryan Higgins 01457 765690 , Oldham Street, Hyde, SK14 1LJ Printed by all your printing needs and office supplies, 0161 368 9678, [email protected] parish contacts page to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 C OMMUNITY C ONTACTS Mottram Primary School 01457 763368 [email protected] Broadbottom Primary School 01457 762382 [email protected] Arundale Primary School 01457 762328 [email protected] Longdendale Pre-school in Mottram 07594 640487 Broadbottom Pre-school 01457 764423 Friday Playroom, Magdalene Centre 07900 582211 Mottram Guides, Brownies & Rainbows 01457 763104 Broadbottom Guides 01457 764136 Broadbottom Brownies 01457 764417 Broadbottom & Mottram Beavers+Cubs 07912 387358 Mottram Women’s Society 01457 763479 IN M OTTRAM P ARISH Longdendale Neighbourhood Police Team 0161 856 9493 Tameside Patrollers 0161 342 3010 Tameside Police (non emergency) 0161 872 5050 or just dial 101 Tameside Council Councillor Janet Cooper 01457 763319 Councillor Gillian Peet 07801 327894 Councillor Adam White 07861 833090 Longdendale District Assembly 0161 342 2798 Member of Parliament Jonathan Reynolds MP, 0161 367 8077 [email protected] Tameside Local Studies and Archives Unit 0161 342 4242 Hattersley Library, in the Hub 0161 342 2552 Longdendale Womens Institute 01457 763319, 01457 766517 Support our local Community Associations: MOTTRAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Church Brow, Mottram available for hire • Two large halls, one with stage • kitchen • soft outdoor play area • ideal for children’s parties, meetings etc Contact Janis Bond on 01457 763504 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 BROADBOTTOM COMMUNITY CENTRE Need to find a venue for an event, a party or a regular group activity? Contact Mike Abrams: t: 01457 763048 e: michaelabrams50@ It’s your space! community contacts page to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 REGISTERS & RECORDS FLOWERS THANKSGIVINGS Sunday 2 December 2014 Ava Levy FUNERALS Tuesday 2 December 2015 Francis Foster Ford Way, Mottram Would you like to pay for the altar flowers for a special occasion or anniversary? Kath (765690), Judith (762362), Sue (0161 368 2706) or [email protected] MAGI PARISH PRAYER ROTA Sunday 4 January 2015 Gallowsclough Road, Tongue Green Sunday 11 January 2015 Hillend Lane and Hillend Cottages, Whitegates Sunday 18 January 2015 Home Farm Avenue, Residents of Sheltered Accommodation and Care Homes Sunday 25 January 2015 Gorsey Brow, Bank Gate FLAG FLYING Saturday 29 November 2014 70th Birthday Memories of Tom Gee Saturday 6 December 2014 In loving memory of Jack Dodd Would you like the flag flying for a special occasion or anniversary? Contact Tony Kershaw on 01457 765350 or [email protected] The cost is £12. See also – click on What’s On. page 14 sponsored in memory of Ernest Nash For those seekers who put truth before comfort and hope before security we give thanks. Grant us a wise man’s hope— light in darkness, use for our gifts, God at the end. For those we know who do not know we will find what we worship we pray tonight. For those we do not know trying to understand and needing wisdom we pray tonight. by Godfrey Rust Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 The Magazine Editors Write Who do you think you are? We’ll come to that later, but first – who do you think He is? It’s a bit odd - writing this piece for the January magazine in the middle of December, before the carol singing has started, before any tea-towels, wings or paper crowns have been donned. We’ve bought a few presents and ordered the turkey, considered a date for getting the tree down from the loft, but the celebrations haven’t yet begun in earnest. It starts for us on Saturday morning, with the Horse and Rider Carols outside church, and then later, gathering round Twiggy the ugly duckling Christmas tree at the Crown Pole to sing some carols followed by a drink in the White Hart. By Boxing day, the nation will have seen hundreds of shepherds, angels, Marys & Josephs, and those kings – wise men – magi – melting hearts up and down church aisles and school halls. But strictly speaking, the wise men didn’t turn up until somewhat later – at Epiphany, which we celebrate in early January. But their turning up was one of the most important parts of the story! The Oxford English Dictionary says: (Epiphany) The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12). It gives two examples: “The festival commemorating the Epiphany on 6 January.” and “a moment of sudden and great revelation or realisation.” Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 It’s this second sentence which is the important one here, because it speaks of the sudden, remarkable realisation that this baby isn’t just a baby – not even the special baby foretold in legend, born to be the king of the Jews. He’s actually the son of God himself, in fact he is God himself in some remarkable way that we find so difficult to understand. And he is here in this physical world, born as one of us, to identify with us, die with us, and by coming back from the dead, show us the way through to another life with him. Wow! Who do we think you are? Meanwhile, back at the editor’s desk… Andrew and Tony have started a ‘communications review’, looking at all the ways the church communicates with people: magazine, notice sheet, email, website… We thought it would be a good idea to look at who you are – the readers of the magazine – so that we can make sure we make this particular communication medium as relevant as possible to the particular group of people that read it. So we’d be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill in the short survey form that has been delivered to you with the magazine. Then hand it back to your distributor next month, or return it to us at the address printed, perhaps when you’re passing next. Please – let us know who you are. And make sure this Epiphany, you know who He is. Happy New Year & page 1 sponsored by Kate Best WORSHIP DIARY NOTICE BOARD Thank You for reading the Mottram Parish Magazine. A Happy New Year to all our readers - in print and on-line, and we hope you will stay with us in 2015! Pub Night Friday 9th January, 8.00pm Harewood Arms, Broadbottom Want to share a taxi? Contact Tony Kershaw, and he’ll put you in touch. WORKING PARTY Sunday 4th January after church taking down the decorations Walking With The Walkers W OMEN ’ S S OCIETY Tuesdays, 8.00pm at Mottram Community Centre 3rd February – Treasure Evening bring a favourite item, eg an old toy, for an evening of nostalgia. Meet at Mottram church gates – car share if needed. Go on - make a new year’s resolution and walk off those lbs. **see programme on Page 5** PCC MEETING Thursday 8th January the Magdalene Centre, 7.30pm Every Wednesday morning in Mottram Primary School during school term time starts 9am Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, refreshments... and lots of fun! WOMEN’S INSTITUTE second Monday of every month 7.45pm at Mottram Cricket Club 12th January A talk by Bryn Hughes: ‘North Pole Marathon’ (PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund) page 2 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Most of our sermons at the start of the year are taken from the Book of Acts and follow the theme of: THE AUTHENTIC CHURCH…. Sunday 4 ... NEW YEAR COMMITMENTS 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am All Together Worship 4.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 11 …IS FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Holy Communion with Prayers for Healing Sunday 18 …HEALS AND RESTORES 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 25 …IS COURAGEOUS 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Holy Communion Every week in Mottram Church: Fri 10am-12pm Church open: Chapel available for private prayer Sun 10am Join us for a short time of prayer just before the service 10.30am Sunday Pre-School in church, Sunday School in school – but come to church first (except All Together Service) Every week in Mottram Primary School: Wed 9.00am Praise and Play (term time only) Every week at St. Barnabas, Hattersley: Wed 10.30am shared Mid-week Communion Trefoil Guild 3rd Thursday of every month, 7.30pm at Mottram Community Centre open to anyone over 18yrs who is sympathetic to the aims of Guiding. 15th January ... AGM Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 SUNDAY BIBLE READINGS January 4 11 18 25 Ephesians 1.3-14; Mark 8.27-36 Acts 2.1-13; John 14.15-19 Acts 3.1-16; Luke 4.16-21 Acts 4.1-22; John 15.26-16.4 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 page 13 sponsored by Julie & Allen Standeven THE WORD NOTICE BOARD “We saw… and we came” Your contributions welcome - the deadline for the February issue is Wednesday January 21st Preb Richard Bewes looks back to the Visit of the Magi… “We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:2) The visit of the wise men gets celebrated on 6th January - the season of ‘Epiphany’ (Greek: the‘Manifestation’ of Jesus to the non-Jewish world of the Gentiles). These eastern visitors highlight the theme of Jesus as Universal Saviour. They ‘saw his star in the east’; that is, it was from the place where they lived - in the east - that they saw the star. If ‘the star’ had been simply a combination of, say, Jupiter and Halley’s comet, then these learned men from Mesopotamia might have been interested and even excited – but it would have hardly signified to them the one, unique and lifechanging event that required a 300mile journey! Don’t even try to reduce the star of Bethlehem down to something like a conjunction of planets – or you will never grasp what happened. This was a supernatural event, greater even than the crossing of the Red Sea or the gathering to heaven of a godly man in a fiery chariot. These were learned men – but also reverent and prayerful. It is probable that they would have read of the future ‘star’ and ‘sceptre’ that would arise in Israel – foretold centuries earlier in Numbers 24:17 by Balaam, also a Gentile from their own area (Numbers 22:5). And Matthew 2 has nothing to do with astrology or horoscopes. It connects with the supernatural happenings in nature that highlighted each stage in the life of Jesus – the dove (his baptism), the shining light (transfiguration), the darkness and earthquake (his death), the cloud (his ascension). Hence the star around the time of his birth. So….“We saw… and have come.” 1. There are those who see – but don’t ‘see.’ It took Gentile visitors to shame Jerusalem and its leaders. Every generation has to be educated afresh about Jesus Christ, the world’s Messiah! 2. There are those who see - but don’t come. All saw the star, and the local scribes knew the prophecy of Micah 5:2 that the new King would come from Bethlehem – but ironically it was the Gentile visitors who alone made the pilgrimage. 3. There are those who do see - and do come. From Herod onwards – right up to today – murderous efforts are made to wipe out all reminders of the Babe of Bethlehem. But in the current unprecedented and astonishing advance of evangelism world-wide, the international worshippers of Jesus form the widest and fastest-growing family of belief ever! Prayer Group Regular Users of Tuesday 6th January, 8pm at the home of Betty Gadd (0161 368 5131) WANT TO SING IN OUR CHOIR? Come without obligation to a choir rehearsal on Friday evenings at 7.30pm in the church. Can I Thank You all again for letting us have the use of the Magdalene Centre on Friday night for free. We had an amazingly busy but successful Pamper Night and my feet have just about recovered! We raised £1937.00 on the night and with other contributions we’ve been able to present Reubens Retreat with approx. £2000. It means a lot to the team that we can use the centre for our fundraising event. Jane Redshaw WANT TO SING IN OUR MUSIC GROUP? Speak to Paulo or Ruth, or email: [email protected] Community Groups/Charities Advertise here. It’s FREE! We are pleased to be associated with the following groups who use the centre regularly: 1st Broadbottom & Mottram Beavers every Monday 6.30 till 7.30pm 1st Broadbottom & Mottram Cubs every Tuesday 6.30 till 8.00pm Coming soon! 1st Broadbottom & Mottram Scouts contact Martin Robson for all the above on 0161 495 4514 or 07912 387358 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Friday Playroom every Friday 10am - 12pm. contact Cathy Wears on 07900 582211, or [email protected] for more information High Peak Performance run their Musical Theatre School Saturdays,10am - 1pm. contact John Tobias on 07540 838282 or [email protected] for more information Kiddi Day Kare Out of School Club weekdays, 7-9am, 3.15-6pm contact Sue Holden on 07984 994324 or [email protected] for more information page 12 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 page 3 sponsored by the Flower Ladies and Holy Dusters Supporting Christian Work abroad At our Advent Dinner at the Magdalene Centre, we heard from Jamie Eyre, of Embrace the Middle East, a Christian aid organisation supporting local initiatives that target poverty and injustice in and around the Holy Land. He spoke on: “What are Christians in Bethlehem looking forward to this Christmas? What about you?” In 2012 they changed their name from BibleLands – remember the Carol Sheets we’ve used for years? – to Embrace the Middle East. Bits and Pieces Twiggy’s Christmas Charity Night A hugely successful community led event, Thanks to Emma Purcell and friends. The White Hart was packed and a good night was had by all. We’ll let you know how much was raised for Reuben’s Retreat next month... James led carols round our famous tree for 45 adults and 24 children. Thank You to Richard Eaton at the Glossop Chronicle for these super photos: “ We chose Embrace the Middle East because it described where we worked and we felt it reflected our Christian calling to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and help the homeless (Matthew 25). We aim to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people by partnering with local Christians who provide health, education and community development programmes to those in need - regardless of their faith or nationality. Spotlight on one of our partners: In Beirut, Al-Kafaàt Foundation, operates across seven separate sites, enabling both disabled and disadvantaged Lebanese people of all ages and beliefs to contribute to society, focusing on their capabilities rather than disabilities through a variety of health and education programmes.”” Seen on Face book: “Loving the ha t, Rev James!” See more at: Not every child born in a stable survives… In Kenya, less than half of all births are attended by a medical professional, over 14,000 babies die every year on their first day of life, and 40 women die in childbirth or from pregnancy related complications every day. Dreadful statistics aren’t they! Christian Aid’s Christmas Appeal aims to reverse this trend, by raising money for maternal and child health projects in Kenya and Malawi. Christian Aid partners are joining forces with the Ministry of Health and local authorities to train more than 1,000 community health workers, renovate and equip maternal health facilities, introduce ambulance services for remote communities and educate those communities in antenatal and postnatal care. We have an amazing opportunity to double the value of any donation we make to this appeal. The UK Government will match – pound for pound – every donation made to Christian Aid between 7 November 2014 and 6 February 2015, up to a total of £5 million! This will help change the landscape of healthcare in these countries for generations to come. Please consider making a donation and help deliver Hope to thousands of communities. See more at: page 4 Mottram Parish Magazine sponsored by GJS Wealth Management, 0161 303 8008 January 2015 Some of you have noticed a few typos in the magazine now and then. To improve this we am now using a new set of rules for editing. Æ It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. Æ Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. Æ Avoid cliches like the plague. (They’re old hat) Æ Æ Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. Understatement is always the absolute best way to put forth earth shaking ideas. Æ One-word sentences? Eliminate. Be more or less specific. Æ The passive voice is to be ignored. Æ I’ve learned life gets better as you grow older (sometimes!) Age 5 I’ve learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we sing ‘Silent Night’. Age 7 I’ve learned that our dog doesn’t want to eat my broccoli either. Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 page 11 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Walks with the Walkers Thank You to our esteemed cartoonist, Ian Roebuck, who has been given Christmas off for good service! CARTOON CORNER At our November planning meeting, we decided to continue with a (roughly) fortnightly programme, with walks described as ‘Easy’ or ‘Harder’. We’ve gone for a more variable start time, to reflect different walks and travelling times. Our charitable donations of £1 per person per walk, during 2014 raised £166, for Reuben’s Retreat. In the new year, these will go to the Tanzania (UK) Trust, who are raising money to build a Health Clinic in Dodoma. Toni Horn is in charge of bookings for our New Year Meal at the Little Mill Inn, Rowarth on 10th January – please contact her personally to confirm that you will be coming. Date 2015 Walk Easy/Hard 01-Jan Longdendale Reservoirs Easy 10-Jan Rowarth and New Year Meal at the Little Mill Inn Easy 24-Jan Rivington Pike Harder 07-Feb Mottram Metric Marathon pt3 (Woolley Bridge via Hobson Moor to Church) Easy, but mostly uppards 21-Feb Tintwistle 07-Mar Romiley 21-Mar Chapel Milton 04-Apr Gawsworth 1 18-Apr Carrbrook 02-May Greenfield 16-May Pots and Pans (3rd time lucky?) 30-May Runway Two 13-Jun Snowden! 27-Jun Tarporley and Beeston 27-Jun 11-Jul page 10 sponsored by The Friends of Mottram Parish Church Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 Leader Bob and Sue Joy 0161 368 2706 Toni Horn and Carol Barber 01457 766809 Chris and Carol Poyser 0161 366 0931 10.30am Tony and Chris Kershaw 01457 765350 10.30am Bob and Sue Joy 0161 368 2706 Bob and Sue Joy Easy 0161 368 2706 Chris and Carol Poyser Harder 0161 366 0931 Mark Dean and Jean Cox Easy 0161 368 3722 Tony and Chris Kershaw Harder 01457 765350 Tricia Lloyd Easy 01457 763498 Maurice Hughes Harder 01625 875195 Andrew Knight Easy 01457 763152 Chris Poyser, Andrew Knight and Even Harder the Kershaws 0161 366 0931 Chris and Carol Poyser Easy 0161 366 0931 Harder Planning Meeting for second half of 2015, in the Choir Vestry Gawsworth 2 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 Harder Time Maurice Carter c/o 0161 368 2706 11am 10am 10am 10.30am 10am 10am 10.30am 10.30am 10am 10am tbc 10am 2.30pm 10am page 5 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 NOT ONLY ON SUNDAYS A Windy Wander to the Fleece Inn On Tuesday 9th December 2014, five Wednesday Fellowship members + guest traversed moor and mountain over the snowy road via Holme Moss to Holme village and Digley Dam. In a very stiff breeze (or maybe was it a gale?), with much mud underfoot we walked around the reservoir enjoying the winter scenery, which included a field of Jacob sheep and a further field of cattle with some very young calves. We sent Jean on ahead to deal with the bull before the more nervous non farming types arrived. We arrived back at the cars at 12pm, and after a swift clothing transformation, went to the Fleece Inn in Holme village, all glowing from our walk. We enjoyed an excellent meal beside a blazing log fire. Good food, good fellowship – what more could one want? page 6 sponsored by Flo Adams and Janette Baxter Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 +HOS\RXUFKLOGZLWKWKHDFWLYLW\EHORZ,ILWKHOSVUHDGWKHELEOHYHUVHVWR\RXUFKLOG XVLQJDPRGHUQYHUVLRQRIWKHELEOHWKHUHDUHVRPHYHU\JRRGFKLOGUHQ VELEOHV DYDLODEOHIURP&KULVWLDQERRNVKRSVRUIURPWKHERRNVWDOODW0RWWUDP&KXUFK Praise and Play: for pre-school children, every Wednesday morning in Mottram School during school term time: starts 9am. Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, and lots of fun. Come and join us! Exploring Groups “The Christian life is a life of…” - how would you complete that sentence? A life of prayer? Of service? Of generosity? Of courage? Of persecution? Of restoration? Of transformation? Of witness to others? One of the reasons we come together week by week as a church is to help each other figure out and be ready to live the Christian life. We don’t so much come together to ‘do Christian’ as to equip each other to go out again and ‘do Christian’: The meeting-place is the training-place for the market-place, as the saying goes. So, this coming Spring Term, that’ll be our theme - in Sunday sermons and in midweek groups: what does an authentic, real church look like? How do its members live? What do we do? What is it that characterises our life? We’ll take as our lead the example of the early church from the opening chapters of Acts to help us explore the bible’s answer to the question. “The christian life is a life of…” - join us on the journey to discover? The exploration continues at: Tuesday evenings at 8pm, 59 Lower Market Street, Broadbottom, with Andrew Knight, 01457 763152, starting 20th January Monday afternoons at 2pm, 19 Hereford Way, Stalybridge with Allen Standeven 01457 857331, start date tbc Wednesday Fellowship 8pm, 2 Hill View, Matley, 01457 763292, start date tbc PARENT & CHILD Mottram Parish Magazine page 9 January 2015 sponsored by The Shubar, 36 Old Street, Ashton, OL6 6LD Let’s Pray Past Tense Prayer of the Month At the beginning of this New Year, let us pray to God our Father, because He loves us so dearly. We pray that the light of the world may shine so brightly in our lives, that other people will notice it and be attracted to you, by the way that we live and love. Father live amongst us – live through our lives. We pray that our world may stop its noise, chatter and arguing, long enough to hear the angels singing of hope and peace. Father live amongst us – live through our lives. We pray for our families and all our friends and neighbours, may every relationship we have be filled with your love. Father live amongst us – live through our lives. Let’s Pray! A relaxed & informal evening for the whole church family Praying for ourselves, the church & the world Nobody put on the spot - come to encourage one another, listen & join in!! January 25th, 7pm at the Vicarage We pray for the homeless, and all refugees and exiles, for children from broken homes, and all who are destitute, malnourished or ill. Father live amongst us – live through our lives. We remember all from whom we are separated now, through death. May they live in Your light for ever, and may we, who love them, know your comfort. Father live amongst us – live through our lives. Father, we can never thank you enough, for coming to rescue us, and we praise You now and in our lives. Merciful Father, accept this prayer, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. Amen. Thank You to John and Joan Walker Pray... is this for you? MEDICAL ADVENTURE! If you are a Christian nurse or doctor and are free for 2 weeks in April, why not join us on an adventure to care for those with chronic conditions in Dodoma, Tanzania? Thank You to Hilda Joy, for sending in these old photos of Mottram. Remarkably, they were sent to her by friend Eric, who spotted them in an antique shop in Llangollen! The view of the church shows the Victoria Jubilee sundial with a (broken) cross on top. And you might not see them at this scale, but the walls have railings atop! Did they get taken for the war effort? The view from the village shows the old timber Crown Pole, and you can see the Old Black Bull’s Head just below the church, and the old houses on Church Brow below it. Note the three storey building with lean-to where the White Hart is now. Flying High! Ever looked high up at the chain on our 1750 chandelier, and noticed something gold near the top? We stay with a pastor and his family, and then both visit the chronically ill in the community and teach a group of enthusiastic health volunteers. We all go as volunteers to share our skills and God’s love. Like to join us? Contact Ruth at Tanzania (UK) Trust (07854 688373) page 8 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 When the winch was being installed, we had the opportunity to view it close up, and found that it was a pair of cherubs. By the way - it’s paint, not gold leaf! Here’s a cherub’s-eye view of the pulpit! Mottram Parish Magazine January 2015 page 7 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350
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