NOMINATE CAREY BROWN TO THE BOARD OF THE NJ PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM! Between now and January 9, nomina ons are open for the State employee representa ve on the Public Employee Re rement System (PERS) Board of Trustees. Those who receive at least 500 signatures will appear on the ballot in an elec on to fill the open seat in April. Right now, because State Workers have been united in our support of Labor‐endorsed candidates, we hold a one vote majority on the Board. WHAT’S AT STAKE Last June, the Board of the NJ PERS voted to sue Chris Chris e Carey Brown is a career public worker who has been a member of the PERS system for 14 years. Currently an Inves gator in the Department of Treasury, he holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administra on. A union member in every job he has held, Carey has been a Shop Steward for CWA Local 1037 for the last 8 years. “Public workers dedicate our en re careers to serving the public and making New Jersey a be er place," says Carey. "Many of us plan to rely on our pension when we re re – and we deserve a strong and outspoken advocate at the table. I will be that person.” for his failure to make required contribu ons to our pension. The part of that lawsuit which will determine if the Governor must make the payment for this fiscal year is before the courts right now. And so, management is looking to win the upcoming elec on and retake a majority on the Board. If they are successful, the Board will likely vote to defund the current lawsuit – and let Chris e off the hook. WHAT CAN YOU DO We MUST unite and protect the voice of State Workers on the NJ PERS Board! The Public Employee Commi ee of the NJ State AFL‐CIO unanimously voted to nominate CWA 1037 Shop Steward Carey Brown for State Representa ve on the PERS Board of Trustees. We’re asking you to stand with us and nominate Carey Brown today. HOW YOU CAN TAKE ACTION All State employees are eligible to vote on PERS Board nomina ons by visi ng h p:// Please log in and sign on to nominate CAREY BROWN by 4:00 PM on JANUARY 9TH!
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