Saint Stephen’s News SAINT STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH · TIMONIUM, MARYLAND Volume XXV, Number 50 Now in our Twentieth Anniversary Year! FROM THE PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE Cookie Walk 2014 was our very best sale ever Saint Stephen’s Annual Cookie Walk is no longer solely a neighbourhood affair. Over the past 25 years, it has evolved into a community institution. Our customers are drawn not merely from Timonium and Cockeysville, but from all over Baltimore. It has become so popular, in fact, that phone calls from people enquiring about the event – which always takes place on the first Saturday in December – begin early and continue in a constant stream right up to the great day itself. ‘Will you be holding a Cookie Walk this year?’ they ask. ‘Or must I plan to bake my own cookies? Will you be selling those greens and centrepieces? What about your wreaths? They sold out last year. Will you be selling that wonderful peanut brittle?’ This year was our 25th Annual Cookie Walk and it was a tremendous success. In fact, thanks to your wonderful cookies, it was the best Cookie Walk ever. You can see pictures of the Cookie Walk in the Towson Times. Christmastide Services CHRISTMAS EVE Wednesday, 24 December 4 PM: Children’s Crèche Service 7 PM: Family Candlelight Eucharist 10.30 PM: Choral Midnight Mass CHRISTMAS DAY Thursday, 25 December 10 AM: Sung Eucharist SAINT STEPHEN’S DAY Friday, 26 December 12 NOON: Said Eucharist HOLY INNOCENTS’ DAY 23 December 2014 The parish owes all this to extraordinary teamwork on the part of the Parish Life Committee crew, headed by the redoubtable Dick and Priscilla Huffman and our brilliant Cookie Walk coordinator Colby Hawks. But, actually, it would be most unfair to single out particular individuals for praise when so many were involved and when everybody worked so hard. The real heroes of this success story are you, the parishioners. It is your talents, your crafts, and above all your glorious, utterly scrumptious cookies that have transformed the Saint Stephen’s Cookie Walk from a humble church fundraiser to a Baltimore institution. Putting on such an event is an immensely stressful business, but the good humour, kindness and tolerance for which Saint Stephen’s is noted ensured things ran as smoothly as possible. We know that it’s tough to summon up the enthusiasm to begin your Christmas baking ahead of time – especially when the temperature is in the balmy 50 degrees Fahrenheit – but every year you’ve come through and created a selection of fabulous cookies that have become a neighbourhood byword. This year our friends – new and old – turned out in droves. The first customer drove into the carpark at just after 8.00 am – an hour before the scheduled start – and by 8.45 am there were so many customers in line that there was no alternative but to open the doors and let them in. For the next four and a half hours, Reta Richardson and her cookie sales crew were kept constantly busy, serving a seemingly neverending queue of cookie lovers. Fortunately, we had quantities of jam, jelly, peanut brittle, brandied pears, slow roasted pecans, and Christmas greens, table arrangements and wreaths to sell. But, as always, the success of the sale – and the lion’s share of our profits – hangs on the wonderful cookies you supply. This year you absolutely excelled yourselves. You baked more than 1000 pounds of them! Amazing though it might seem, by the end of the sale, all that was left, aside from crumbs, were a few bags of cookies, a couple of dozen pots of jam and jelly, a few Christmas puddings and some odds and ends from the gift table and the children’s table. According to Parish Life Treasurer Cindie Baker, the initial sales total at the day’s end was almost $10,000 with several hundred dollars still to come. That’s no small potatoes. Cookie Walk, unlike other church bazaars, is all home made. We don’t use vendors but rest our reputation of each of you. You have never let us down. The cookies this year were very spectacular. You, our cookie cooks, are the folks who give the Christmas spirit an especially delicious flavour. COH Childermas Sunday, 28 December 8 AM: Said Eucharist 9.15 AM: Choral Eucharist 11 AM: Choral Mattins SAINT SYLVESTER’S DAY New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, 31 December 11.15 PM: Said Eucharist THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST New Year’s Day, Thursday, 1 January 2015 10 AM: Said Eucharist CHRISTMAS II Sunday, 4 January 2015 8 AM: Said Eucharist 9.15 AM: Sung Eucharist 11 AM: Sung Eucharist 6 PM: A Festival of Lessons & Carols for Epiphany The Parish Prayer List Our Prayer Chain offers prayer daily for people on the Prayer List as well as the guests of the Joseph Richey Hospice. To add a name to the prayer list, or to the visiting list, or to join the Prayer Chain, call the parish office at 410 560 6776. RECOVERY: Carolyn, Hilarie, Vivian, Jack, John, Rodney, Donald, Evelyn, Cal, Finton, Fran, Tracey, Linda Lou, Edie, Adele, Oona, Cary, Janna, Martina, Leela, Bobby Sally, Isabelle, Julie, Ray, Courtney, Mary, Phyllis, Liz, Joe, Indra, Ally, Marjorie, Steve, Judy, David, Wendy, John, Joy, Walt, Tina, Nina, James, Nancy, Janet, Connie. LIGHT, STRENGTH & GUIDANCE: Stephen, Ann, Lydia, Melba, Donna, Josh, Kim, Shane, Susan, Paula, Hannah, Scott, Charles, Dot, Tracy. ON ACTIVE SERVICE: Lt Benjamin Schramm, USMC; Lt Alex Bursi, Capt. Charles Bursi, Lt Nicholas Clouse, USN. Lt Col. Harry Hughes. THE FEAST OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS 28 December 2014 8.00 & 9.15 AM EUCHARISTS For the Epistle. Revelation 14:1–5 The Gospel. St Matthew 2:13–18 11.00 AM MATTINS The Psalter. Psalm 8 The First Lesson. Jeremiah 31:1–6, 15–16 The Second Lesson. St Matthew 18:1–24 CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL FLOWERS To make a contribution towards the Church Christmas decorations in honour or memory of a loved one, please complete this form and return it with a cheque—payable to Saint Stephen’s Church and marked for Christmas Flowers—by 22 December. Name of Donor: Poinsettia colour (circle one): RED · WHITE · PINK Single (6 inches, 5–8 blooms) @ $10 · # of plants: Double (7 inches, 10–12 blooms) @ $16 · # of plants: Triple (RED only, 8 in., 12–18 blooms) @ $27 · # of plants: FROM THE EDITOR Time off for good behaviour As has been our custom, this will be the last issue of Saint Stephen’s News until January 13th. It’s also a fitting time to say thank you to the stalwart gang which gathers every Thursday morning to prepare our newsletter for posting: Donna Szper, Joyce Perlberg, Mar Bobst, Jim Halbert, and Annie Hawkins. Special thanks to Don Ruthig for his service as Newsletter Editor from February 2013–November 2014. Total # of plants: Total amount enclosed: My gift is… (circle one): IN HONOUR OF · IN MEMORY OF · IN THANKSGIVING FOR (dedication): Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church 11856 Mays Chapel Road, Timonium, MD 21093 Office: 410 560 6776 · Rectory: 410 665 1278 Pastoral Care: 410 252 8674 Calendar of Events WEEKLY The Ven. Canon Guy P. Hawtin, Rector The Ven. Michael Kerouac, Vicar The Rev. Michael Belt, The Rev. John Novicki, Associate Rectors The Rev. Mr M. Wiley Hawks, Deacon · Adric, Magister Chori Mrs Happy Riley, Director of Pastoral Care & Wedding Coordinator SUNDAY SERVICES 8 AM: Said Eucharist 9.15 AM: Choral Eucharist (with Nursery & Church School) 11 AM: Choral Mattins (1st Sunday: Sung Eucharist) 6 PM: Choral Evensong (as announced: WEEKDAY SERVICES PLEASE NOTE: We will resume our regular schedule of weekly events on 5 January 2015 Mondays, 6.30 PM: Tuesdays, 7 PM: Thursdays, 10 AM: Fridays, 10.30 AM: Bridge Club Fellowship Breakfast (Nautilus Diner) Knitting Circle Bible Study MONTHLY & SPECIAL Sunday, 4 January, 6 PM: Epiphany Carol Service Thursday, 15 January, 2 PM: Afternoon Tea Wednesday, 21 January, 12 NOON: The Ladies Who Lunch Wednesday, 6 PM: Evening Prayer Friday 12 NOON: Healing Eucharist Saturday, 5 PM: Family Eucharist RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 11856 Mays Chapel Road Timonium, MD 21093 Saint Stephen’s Anglican Church TIMONIUM MD PERMIT NO.181 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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