Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 December 2014 Volume 14 Issue 8 WOTM White Christmas Dinner & a Movie Thursday December 18, 2014 White Lasagna (mushrooms, butternut squash, spinach in a white béchamel cheese sauce) Salad & Bread $9.00 Cut off for dinner is Dec 16. Dinner is at 6:00 Following dinner, we are showing the movie “White Christmas” You do not need to purchase dinner to come down and enjoy the Movie Hosted by Maryann Fabian Annual Children’s Christmas Party Saturday December 13, 2014 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Christmas gifts for all children Cookie Decorating Arts & Crafts Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there (bring your camera for photo’s) Come enjoy a little Christmas fun And have refreshments EVERYONE IS WELCOME (not just members) Grab your friends and come on down Women of the Moose Annual Christmas Ornament Exchange Tuesday December 2, 2014 Grab an ornament (or a surprise gift), bring your favorite Dessert and come on down for some FUN FUN FUN! Immediately following our Meeting 7:00 pm WOTM NEED YOUR HELP It is time, again, to help a few families in need in our Community. We are starting to collect canned goods and non-perishable items, There will be boxes available to deposit the items into, which will be located in the foyer of the Moose Lodge home. Next time you go shopping, won’t you consider grabbing a couple of items and donate them so we can get a few families a wonderful holiday meal. Questions? Please Call any New Year’s Eve Dinner Wednesday December 31, 2014 6:00 PM Prime Rib, Baked Potatoes Salad and Dessert Pre-Pay $15.00 person Free Champagne and favors To bring in the New Year Get your Tickets early to make sure you come to the wonderful event Past Governor’s and Loom Officer’s The holiday season is upon us,& I would like to wish all of you a happy holiday season. By the time you get this bulletin, Josh &Heller, and the many volunteers, will have already prepared and served the annual, freedinner to the community. I want to thank all those who helped provide this wonderful service to the community. Serving the community is what the Moose Lodge represents. If you missed the wine & cheese event, it was great. Thank you WOTM for putting on this new event and thinking "out side the box". Without the support of the WOTM, our lodge would not be as successful as it is. Also in October, the Arnold Angels, headed by Laurie Andrade, on a great Halloween dinner. They donated the funds to the lodge to be used where needed.you to all who helped and attended this wonderful dinner. It was how important it is to the lodge to participate in the maintenance of the lodge. On the 1st Tuesday of the month at 9:00am there is a work truly a BIG success. day. We need help this one day so if Please try to sign up as early you have a couple of hours to spare, as possible for all meals so the cooks your time is needed and apprecican purchase the food accordingly. Your assistance with this is ap- ated. Please remember this is YOUR lodge. preciated. Please check your bulletin for If you can't volunteer for the work days but have a pickup, we need volupcoming events. The annual children's Christmas party is scheduled for unteers to take the bottles to the recyDecember 13th, 11am to 1pm! Every- cle place in Murphys. There are many one in the community is invited to this ways to support the lodge. Please ask what you can do. Everything, no matevent. On December 7th, we will be ter how small, helps. having a shuffle board tournament which will start at noon. There will also be a breakfast so plan on coming Bull Moose of the Month The Moose of the Month is for breakfast first. If you can't get Pat Wrigglesworth. Whenever there is down to signup, please call and ask a project at the lodge that we need help someone to sign you up. New Year's with, Pat is always there to help. Pat Eve Party will be on December has held offices and has assisted the 31st. Please check the bulletin board Administrator is his absence. Thank for details. Previously, I have mentioned you, Pat, for all your dedication. Respectfully submitted, Dan Leary Governor As I’m sure you’ve have heard, our Moose Legion has purchased an “EZ Child/Adult ID Kit” from the Safe Surfin’ folks of the Bedford County Sherriff’s Department in Bedford, Va. What is Safe Surfin’ ? and exactly what is the “EZ Child/Adult ID Kit”? In 2008, the Moose entered into a partnership with the Safe Surfin’ Foundation, a Virginia-based organization which has been a leader in attempts to keep the Internet a safe place for children to explore. In addition to educating children and their parents on using the Internet safely, support provided by the Moose has enabled Safe Surfin’ to expand its programs to furnishing law enforcement with computer equipment to be used to pursue Internet predators, as well as ballistic vests to protect officers while apprehending these criminals. Moose is also a strong proponent of the EZ Child ID program, which provides parents with an electronic file that contains personal information, electronic fingerprints, photographs and a video file of their children. This information is readily available to law enforcement if a child becomes lost or is abducted. We will be receiving our EZ Child kit soon and intend to use it by providing a free “CD” to parents or guardians. We will start by offering this program to any group or organization like schools, adult facilities, libraries and public events throughout Calaveras County. We are looking to assemble two or three teams to make the “CD”s and run the ID Kit. It comes with a camera, Finger printing equipment and Laptop computer with special software. No special knowledge is required. If you think you might like to be part of a team please contact me or Governor Dan Leary. We would like to begin training teams in January so we can offer this wonderful program as soon as possible. Get Involved, Bill Kislingbury, Administrator Page 2 a gift, a dessert to share and enjoy the company of your coworkers. December 31st come to the Lodge and bring in the New Year with dinner and dancing. November was the month for petizer. New Member Orientation was See baord for details. Keep those donaThanks and to remember to celebrate very successful. Thanks to Ted Carpen- tions coming in for our Christmas Baskets. Please let me know of families in family and love and to reflect back on ter, Mona Baroody and Diane Freier. the year. I thank each and everyone one You guys put in the hard work to keep need that we can help this Christmas of you for helping me to learn more our new members informed and excited season, 209-795-5020 or [email protected]. Any donations, about the Moose and to cherish its val- about our Lodge and Chapter. monetary or food, is being accepted. ues. We take care of those who cannot December Congratulations to Megan Ostake care of themselves. Thanks for giv- also reminds us to cherish our loved incup for getting her calling card for ing so selflessly to Moose Heart and ones and our Moose Family. We give Moose Haven. Thanks for being a to our community our time and money. College of Regents! It takes a lot of hard work to earn it and we appreciate Moose Family and giving to each other We couldn’t be so successful without love, support and guidance. each and every one of you! Please take your generosity. I want to give Thanks again to Our first ever Wine On The the time to remember all the things you all or our VOLUNTEERS. Truly, our Mountain was a very fun event. There cherish. Speaking of giving our Chilwere local wines for everyone to taste dren’s Christmas Party is December Chapter and Lodge cannot survive and to make notes on your favorite 13th from 11:00-1:00. We are looking without you. We have great people who wines. A special thank you to Stevenot for volunteers to help at the party, bak- give their time each and every month to Winery for being a major sponsor and ing cookies and decorating the Lodge. help with cleanup, cook dinners, lunches, breakfast, bakers, committee to Stacey Stowe, a new member, Chaz The Lodge will be decorated on Dechairs, bingo, special events and the Henderson, and Rodney Korblick for cember 2nd, baking cookies and chilbeing our pourers. Thanks to the count- dren’s bag assembly is December 11th people who buy the tickets. It takes less others who helped set up and clean starting at 10:00. December 2nd, is also every one of you to make our Chapter up and to everyone who brought an ap- our annual ornament exchange. Bring and Lodge great! Volunteer of the month is Marilynn Strand. She quietly shows up to many of our events Activity and helps out behind the scenes. She knows what needs to be done and she Message just does it! Thanks Marilynn you help keep our Chapter thriving! Senior Regent’s Update We had some wonderful dinners in the month of November. Our volunteers went above and beyond my expectations with a great variety of meals and I want to thank every one of them for a job well done!! I do want to go over the purchasing of stock for doing your dinners. I happened to be watching a cooking show on TV and the chef that was doing the program owned a restaurant in New York City He was discussing how there two important things to becoming a successful chef. One is to be creative about the meal, but the most important thing was to manage your purchases or cost for the meal. If you have 30 signups for your dinner and you need two can of something don’t order a case and have 4 cans that sit on our shelves waiting for a cook to use them in the future. I have seen product sit on the shelf for months and become out dated and tossed in the garbage. That is money that this Lodge lost due to over purchasing. Please look at your purchasing as if you were spending your own money buying for your family. Try to shop for sales and not for convenience. I only bring this up to help to make more bottom line profits for your hard work preparing meals for this lodge. AGAIN I THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOLINTEER HOURS Ted Carpenter Activity Chair Colette Scales-Senior Regent WII BOWLING IS COMING SOON! Starting in January and back by popular demand will be WII bowling. Watch for signups on the bulletin board. Bowling nights will be Sunday, Monday and Wed. For more information you can contact Tess Leary at [email protected]. Page 3 A Note from The Membership Chairman Ted Carpenter Our November 4th Work Day has come and gone. Four of our members came and got a lot of work accomplished. We got a quick cleaning up of the parking lot, porch and yard. As usual, the kitchen got its monthly clean up and the refrigerator and freezer got a much needed cleaning out. Looks like we will be having a dinner put together sometime this month with the leftovers. Yum. Thanks Ted and Kathy Carpenter, Raynelle Sgambati and Bob Arnold for showing up and getting it done. And let’s not forget Gloria Gonzales who keeps our coffee pots and station clean and stocked. We threw in a quick cleanup of the garages on Tuesday, Nov. 11 and did a pretty good job of getting things cleaned up and cleared out. Thanks Dan Leary, Karl Malmin and Pat Wrigglesworth for making this happen. Next Work Day is December 2nd at 9AM. Same time, same place. We need people to show up to help get the Christmas decorations out of the attic and get the tree and lodge decorated for the holidays. We will have to let Mother Nature decide what we can get done outside that day. Hope to see you then. Jean Lestanguet We had great New Member Orientation Luncheon on Saturday the 15th of November, with 32 new members attending. What made this luncheon so impressive were the questions from the new members about this fraternal organization. They truly wanted to get involved. We are still a little behind on our membership goals for this Moose year. I am asking our membership to work hard to get as many new members to join this wonderful lodge this year. Our members have always come through in the past and I have all the confidence that they will succeed again!! IF A NEW MEMBER JOINS THEY WILL ONLY HAVE TO PAY $75.00 THE LODGE WILL PAY $10.00 OF THEIR $20.00 ENROLLMENT FEE WHICH IS A SAVING OF $10.00 TO THE NEW MEMBER. I want to give a big thanks to Women of the Moose for the delicious side dishes that they provided for the orientation luncheon, we had a lot of new members compliment us on how wonderful the food was. I don’t know what this lodge would do without these great ladies!! Ted Carpenter Membership Chair Jackpot Winner None Mystery Number 19084350 Crying Towel We cannot do it without YOU! Please support your Lodge and Chapter by supporting our fundraising efforts. Come out and have dinner with us! Cambria Hatcher, Dan Leary, Maureen Dinnocenzo, Lynn Gentry, Patti Hendershot, Mary Roderick, RaeAnn Rodr, Kenneth Lewis, Gay Drago, Harry TittlJohn Warren, Jane Richter, Dennis Pinion, Shirley Small, Bob Fitzgerald, Barbara Schmuch, Gwyneth Swanson, Al Anten, Denise Sayegh, Chris Rinauro, Denise Sayegh, Roger Hennesse, Debbie Morris, Sherry Tittle, Ken Lyden, Kerry Jones, Kayla Bruneau, Tia White, Leony Shaw, Judith Marvin Membership Status Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 11/15/2014 Member on rolls last Month 545 Total Adds 10 Total Deductions 8 Total Arrears ( expired ) 90 Percent Arrears 14.13% Total on rolls last Transmit 547 Goal for 4/30/2015 548 Ebbetts Pass Chapter #1714 11/15/2014 Members on Rolls Last Month 372 Total Adds 1 Total Deductions 8 Total Arrears (Expired) 71 Percent of Arrears 16.28% Total on Rolls last transmit 365 Goal for 4/30/2015 363 LOOM Officers 2014-2015 Governor-Dan Leary Administrator-Bill Kislingbury Jr Governor-Robert Burns Prelate-Rod Cummins Jr Past Gov-Josh Heller Treasurer-Bill Osincup 1st Yr Trustee-Bob Arnold 2nd Yr. Trustee-Jerry Osincup 3rd Yr Trustee-Joe Salvato Sgt At Arms-Adam Klein Inner Guard-Harry Tittle Outer Guard-Karl Malmin WOTM Officers 2014-2015 Senior Regent-Colette Scales Junior Regent– Diane Freier Chaplain-Shirley Small Recorder-Chris Lestanguet Secretary/Treasurer- MaryAnn Fabian Guide– Share Peterson Assistant Guide– Marilyn Harlow Musician-Kathy Carpenter LEGION Chairman 2014-2015 Chairman-Bill Osincup Vice Chairman-Paul Mandell Assistant Secretary-Pat Wrigglesworth Junior Past Chairman-Frank Tabbah Health/Welfare-Bob Arnold Activities-Ted Carpenter MOOSE LEGION NEWS – Bill Osincup, Chairman Not much going on Moose Legion wise right now. It’s that time of year when everyone is trying to prepare for Christmas, the “snow birds” are preparing to fly and the rest of us are hunkering down for what we hope is a decent winter. Do try to come down and support your lodge when you can. A few of us attended the Hesperian Moose Legion Celebration Dinner and Dance (formerly the Fellowship Ball) on November 1, 2014 at the Lodi lodge. Our group had a fun evening and I think Ebbetts Pass was better represented than any other lodge but maybe Lodi. At our last Moose Legion meeting in October, the members nominated Brother “Bingo Bill” McClure as “Moose Legionnaire for the Month”. Bill has taken care of Wednesday night Bingo for so many years I doubt he can even remember how long it’s been. Bingo is how our lodge raises most of the dollars that we donate back to the community. The list of what we support is long, but if you look at the poster in the dining room you’ll get an idea of all of the things we help support. Bingo is what allows us to do this and our Bingo program exists thanks to Brother Bill McClure and his team. We will not be having a Moose Legion meeting in December 2014. See you in January. Fraternally Yours, Bill Osincup DISTRICT 8 Officers 2013-2014 President-Joshua Heller Vice President-Skip Bonetti Prelate-Paul Cruz Secretary-Bill Fletch Treasurer– Ed Young Jr Past President-Craig Isaacson COME AND GET ONE! This is our 40th Anniversary Pin, available to purchase at the lodge for $5.00. Come out and support your lodge and grab your pin while supplies last Backpacks for kids program is up and running. I have found a school in need and I NEED YOUR HELP! We need the following items to get ready for the school and then we can set up a delivery date for members who want to help: 10 back packs for teenagers, Colored Pencils, Binder dividers, 1" floppy binders, graph paper, black, blue and red pens, hand sanitizer, composition notebooks, binder paper-wide rule, colored marker pens. Once we get enough to put a delivery together, I will post a date and we can all take them down FROM THE MEN AND WOMEN of the MOOSE! Let's show them how wonderful we are and why we are even Moose members. There is a box on the cooler at the lodge when you walk into the door. ANY questions, please call me-795-5623 Thanks for everything you do for the Moose and your Community! 30 29 28 CLOSED 23 CLOSED WOTM MEETING 7:00 PM LOOM MEETING 7:00 PM 16 CLOSED UNTIL 5PM LOOM HOUSE & OFFICER MEETING 5:00 22 15 MNF LOOM DINNER DAN LEARY’S FAMOUS CHILI WITH GARLIC BREAD $6.00 DAN LEARY & CREW WOTM OFFICER’S MEETING 4:00 PM 9 CLOSED 2 CLOSED UNTIL 5 PM W ORK DAY 9-12:00 PM LOOM HOUSE & OFFICER MEETING 5:00 LOOM MEETING 7:00 WOTM ORNAMENT EXCHANGE 1 LOOM DINNER HOT TURKEY SANDWICHES AND ALL THE FIXINGS 6:00 PM $5.00 JOSH & CINDI HELLER 8 MNF LOOM DINNER CLEAN THE FREEZER SURPRISE BUFFET $5.00 CARPENTERS & LESTANGUETS TUE OPEN MEETING NIGHTS ONLY 5-10:00 PM MON OPEN 12-7:00 PM 21 49ERS VS SEAHAWKS 14 WOTM DINNER PORK VERDE, RICE BEANS, DESSERT $8.00 COLLEEN BROPHY SHUFFLEBOARD TOURNAMENT 11 AM 7 SUN OPEN 12-7:00 PM BREAKFASTS SERVED 9:00 AM-11:00 AM NEW YEAR 31 NEW YEARS EVE DINNER PRIME RIB, BAKED POTATOE SALAD, DESSERT $15.00 PRE-PAY FREE CHAMPAGNE & FAVORS TO RING IN THE 24 NO LUNCH 17 BBQ LOOM JOYCE KISLINGBURY 10 BBQ WOTM DIANNE & CHAZ 3 BBQ WOTM GLORIA AND KATHY WED OPEN 11-7:00 PM MERRY CHRISTMAS 25 CLOSED COME SEE THE MOVIE 18 WOTM CHRISTMAS DINNER WHITE LASAGNA $9.00 MARYANN FABIAN 6:00 PM MOVIE SHOWING-W HITE CHRISTMAS 6:30 PM DINNER IS NOT REQUIRED TO 11 LOOM DINNER POSOLE(MEXICAN PORK STEW ) WITH ALL THE SIDES, VEGGIE $9.00 THE CARPENTER’S 4 LOOM DINNER MAC & CHEESE & HAM CASSEROLE, SALAD $8.00 THOMAS BRADSHAW THU OPEN 12-7:00 PM 26 19 12 WOTM DINNER CLAM CHOWDER IN A HOMEMADE BREAD BOWL, COLESLAW $7.00 MARILYN HARLOW CHRIS LESTANGUET 5 FRI OPEN 12-7:00 PM EBBETTS PASS LODGE DECEMBER 2014 CALENDAR CALL THE LODGE FOR MEAL SIGN-UPS 209-795-3112 **PLEASE CALL THE LODGE TO SIGN UP FOR MEALS** 27 WOTM DINNER TACO NIGHT BEEF AND CHICKEN, RICE, BEANS $7.00 CHARLOTTE HENDERSON 20 13 WOTM ANNUAL CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY 11:00-1:00 PM SEE FRONT COVER 6 SAT OPEN 12-7:00 PM LOOM 2014-2015 LOOM and WOTM Officers & Chairman (Keep this list since it will only be in the newsletter 1 time) WOTM Governor-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Senior Regent-Colette Scales Administrator-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Junior Regent- Jr. Governor-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Chaplain-Shirley Small 209-795-1846 Prelate-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Recorder-Chris Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Jr Past Gov.-Josh Heller 209-795-5623 Secretary/Treasurer-MaryAnn Fabian 650-364-1675 Treasurer-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 Junior Grad Regent-Charlotte Henderson 209-795-7334 1 Year Trustee-Bob Arnold 209-795-4165 Guide-Shar Peterson 209-795-6401 2 Year Trustee-Jerry Osincup 209-795-9072 Assistant Guide-Marilyn Harlow 209-795-2768 3 Year Trustee-Joe Salvato 209-795-2085 Musician-Kathy Carpenter 209-795-4428 Sgt-at-Arms-Adam Klein 209-795-5623 Committees Inner Guard-Harry Tittle 209-795-1655 Membership Retention-Mona Baroody 209-795-3001 Outer Guard-Karl Malmin 209-795-2711 Publicity-Lynn Klein 209-795-3440 Committees Youth Involvement-Phyllis Sheridan 209-728-8541 Application Review-Bill Kislingbury 209-795-7458 Mooseheart/Moosehaven-Debra Jeros 209-768-3670 Audit-Bob Harlow Community Service-Jennifer Wadsworth 209-728-8541 Educational Advancement-Marilyn Strand 209-795-3812 209-795-2768 Mooseheart/Moosehaven- 209-795-5020 Bingo-Bill McClure 209-795-4795 Family Involvement-Jeni Avila 209-768-4751 Community Service-Dan Leary 209-795-5868 Moose Charities-Debbie Sohm 209-795-5821 Health Awareness-Paddi Ware 209-728-8248 Family ActivitiesFellowship-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Standing Committees Moose Charities-Everett (Bud) Palmer 209-795-2624 Academy of Friendship-Bonnie Doiel 209-795-6552 Government Relations-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 Star Recorder-Della Taylor 209-795-2211 College of Regents-Jenifer Murch 209-795-2233 209-795-5020 HistoricalMoose Legion-Bill Osincup 209-795-4410 Audit-Colette Scales Lodge Calendar-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Audit- Medical Equipment-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Audit- Scholarships-Rod Cummins 209-795-5772 Application Review– Kathy Carpenter 209-795-4428 Membership-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Application Review– Janice Collum 209-795-5135 Communications-Josh Heller 209-795-5623 Activities Calendar-Chris Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Public Relations-Harry Tittle 209-795-1655 Ritual Orientation-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Shuffle Board-Bob Burns 209-795-6871 Sports Horseshoes-Scott McKinney 209-795-6116 Sports Golf-Steve Heisinger 209-795-5675 Sports Pool-Ed Franke 209-795-3138 Sports-Wii—Tess Leary 209-795-5868 Loss Prevention-Ted Carpenter 209-795-4428 Workday/Special ProjectsJean Lestanguet 209-795-5234 Above and Beyond Travel Full Service Agency *Cruises * Resorts * Tours Maureen Dinnocenzo CTA/ECC/Hawaii DS/Owner PO Box 1029 209-795-3226 Arnold, Ca 95223 866-476-7476 Aboveandbeyondtravelagency.com [email protected] Shop: (209) 795-2018 Cell: (209) 768-2165 Cambria Hatcher OWNER/OPERATOR Salon etc. Grizzly Plaza 2704 Highway 4 Big Trees Market FINANCIAL SERVICES Ebbetts Pass Gas Service Propane Gas Appliances Sales & Service 209-795-1391 Arnold Barbershop Applewood Center 2182 HWY 4 PO Box 6195 Arnold, CA, 95223 Hours:Wed-Fri 6AM to 1PM 209-795-3868 FAX 209-795-1065 795-0666 Nick Self-Co-owner 1771 b. Highway 4 Gary J. Vochatzer Insurance Broker since 1962 Lic#0243283 6507 Pacific Ave PMB#332 Stockton, Ca 95207 Mosbaugh Properties Ph:209-951-4993 USA: 800-698-9556 Fax: 800-698-9552 Arnold: 209-795-5908 PO Box 2169 Arnold, Ca M&M Drafting Marilyn Strand Wayne Renaud P.O.Box 4266 Dorrington, Ca 95223 PO Box 531 Arnold, Ca 95223 O'Leary's Green Above and Beyond Travel Full Service Agency Custom Golf Clubs Club Repairs Fittings 209-795-0832 Linda Penney CST#2085348-40 PO Box 3524 209-795-0514 Arnold, Ca 95223 952-373-3548 Aboveandbeyondtravelagency.com [email protected] 925 Hwy 4 Arnold Plaza PO Box 648 Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-5588 209-768-3647 Customer Service:877-737-5263 Email: [email protected] Sierra Hills Market-Murphys Angels Market-Angels Camp Treats General Store-San Andreas It Pays to Recycle Marie Sevier-cosmetologist [email protected] DMC JULIANA’S “LOVIN’ OVEN” Juliana Marie Donatelli PO Box 102, Arnold, Ca 95223 Custom Wedding Cakes All Occasion Cakes (209) 795-0126 Dave Martens Construction General Building Contractor Lic#945058 Quality at a Reasonable Price 209-770-3309 PO Box 2053 Arnold, Ca 95223 Mark Miguel Ph/Fax 209-728-3845 Carpet, Vinyl, linoleum Hardwood Floors Larry D. Dufloth Custom Floor Installation Cont. Lic. No. 410372 Shears Marie Salon Nancy Mertz rePLANET Recycling rePLANET.com Custom Home Designs Since 1988 *Remodels & Additions *Garages & Decks *Title-24 hour documentation *Permit Processing (209) 795-3884 P.O. Box 1192 Leader of the Pack K9 Obedience Gina Barr Teaching you to train your dog Group, Private and On-Site Lessons 2481 Camanche Drive Arnold, Ca 95223 209-795-1405 209-770-1481 [email protected] Acupuncture Wellness of Calaveras Richard Weissman-Acupuncturist 209-736-9484 Free Consultation [email protected] AcupunctureCalaveras.com (Angels Camp/Arnold) 18 years experience Chronic pain, Stress, Fatigue, Insomnia, Arthritis Allergies, Digestive, Weight, Much More! Ebbetts Pass Lodge #1123 Loyal Order Of Moose P.O. Box 121 Arnold CA, 95223-0121 DECEMBER 2014 Bulletin Attention: Dated Material Enclosed Important That Delivery Be Made Promptly Bulletin Articles Due by the 15th of the month. NO EXCEPTIONS! Editor-Cindi Heller [email protected] Publication Chairman-Josh Heller [email protected] Lodge website www.ebbettspassmoose.org California/Nevada Website www.ca-nvmoose.org Moose International Website www.mooseintl.org - Password is Distance I always need photos for the bulletin. If you have any pictures of Lodge activities, please e-mail me or call and let me know. 209-795-5623
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