1 MOOSE NEWS DOLLARS CORNER MOOSE LODGE DOLLARS CORNER MOOSE LODGE #2423 LOOM #2423 WOTM #2119 P.O. BOX 116 6719 N.E. 219TH ST. BATTLE GROUND, WA 98604 PHONE: (360)666-8508 FAX: (360)666-5642 VOLUME 10 ISSUE 13 February 2015 Lodge2423 @ mooseunits.org ON THE INSIDE: Governors Message 2 LOOM Business Sr. Regent Message 3 WOTM Business Lodge Activities 4 Member News/ Birthdays 5 Advertisers 6 Random 7 Monthly Calendar 8 LOOM PRIME RIB NIGHT FEBRUARY 27th, 2015 6PM Come on down and enjoy a nice piece of prime rib, cooked by Carol Andrews, Steve Rowe & Larry Riley, with mashed potatoes, green beans, Salad & Garlic bread. $15.00 a plate. Tickets will be sold prior to the evening so please come buy your tickets from the 1st to the 20th. This ensures that everyone that comes in gets a plate.. LOOM will sell Dessert $2.00 a piece. Edward Street band will be playing February 21st, 8pm until ?? Bring your dancing shoes and your friends this is going to be a great time. WANT TO CONTACT MOOSE INTERNATIONAL OR OUR REGIONAL OFFICERS? STATE: WSNIMA.org INTERNATIONAL: Mooseintl.org Dollars Corner Moose Lodge #2423 Hours of Operation: Monday Noon –10PM Tuesday - Saturday Noon-11:00 PM Sunday- We open at 9:30 AM offering breakfast until 11:30 And remain open until 11 PM. MEETINGS AND EVENTS WOTM REG. MEETING February 3rd @ 6:30 PM WOTM OFFICIERS MEETING February 10th @ 5:30PM VALENTINES .. BE MINE JOINT BOARD MEETING February 12th @ 5:30:PM WOTM BAKED POTATO NIGHT February 9th 5:30 – 7:30pm WOTM SPAGHETTI DINNER February 13th 5:30-7:30 LOOM MEETING February 5th & 19th @ 6 PM WOTM BUSINESS MEETING February 17th @ 6:30 PM MOOSE LEGION MEETING February 19thh @ 5:30 PM LOOM PRIME RIB NIGHT February 30th @ 5:30 PM EDWARD STREET BAND FEBRUARY 21st 8 pm -????? 2 MOOSE NEWS LOOM CHAPTER #2423 OFFICERS 2013-2014 Thoughts, Prayers and wishing you well Governor...Jay Sadler Jr. Past Governor..Rod Logue .Jr. Governor...Dan Andrews Dick Fronk doing better Prelate...Pinky Fuller Administrator...George Espinosa Treasurer...Steve Rowe Trustee 3 year...Brian Dollar 2 year...Larry Raley 1 year...Tim Brusseau Marc Pearson in the hospital Sgt. At Arms Audit… Cook Family, Sister passed away MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR Raley Family, Son Passed away Kent Berry in the Hospital Wow! Another year has flown by and we face a new one ready or not. First in my priorities is to thank all of you who have stepped up to meet the task that came to us. It seem to me that a few more members are getting involved not only in Lodge activities, but in the community in the name of our lodge as evidenced by the certificate on the wall. Robin and I are especially grateful for the act of brotherhood, ladies included, that brought a band of brothers to our rescue after the big wind storm. Now for the challenges that come with the New Year. The life blood of any fraternity is membership and we need all members looking for new members all the time, whether there are any special incentives offered or not, the reward for bringing in new members a healthy active lodge for all to enjoy. The only thing I can think of more important is maintaining our current members. I think most, if not all of us have sponsored at least one member. I would like to ask of each of you is; if someone you sponsored hasn’t been in, or better yet check the list of members who are past due and if you see a member of that list give them a call. Find out why they are not coming around and learn what we can do to peak their interest again. Each month the LOOM meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays. THIS MONTHS MEETING DATES ARE February 5th and 19th @ 6 PM. Join us! Joint Officers Meeting February 15th @ 5:30 PM Moose Legion Meeting February 19th @ 5:30 MID YEAR CONVENTION Mid Year convention is upon us. This year it is going to be in Pasco, WA March 19th through March 23Rd. 2014 Please get together with your friends, members, co-workers, brothers & sisters and plan on attending . Last year we had a great turn out and this year we would like to make it better. Everyone that goes ALWAYS comes back with new ideas and wanting to help more thAn they did before. This is a great opportunity for you to realize where, what and why you pay your dues. Not to mention the fun we have while we are there. Red Lion offers great rates for your rooms. Just call 1-800-red-lion and tell them your with the WSNIMA convention and they will take care of you… again this is a great time to show your pride with in your lodge… MEMBER Roy Billings John Cyderman Steve Hofbauer Andrew Keesbey Karl Miller Kent Royal Earl Smith Joe Taylor Justin Walker Thomas Wiley Larry Wollan SPONSOR Keith Johnson Fred Sprague Transfer Amy Caffrey Jay Sadler Amy Caffrey Steve Plummer Jay Sadler Jennifer Walker Tony Stapleton Paul Oates NOTE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BOTH CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED AND SHALL ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO AND USED BY GOOD STANDING MEMBERS OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE FOR FRATERNAL PURPOSES. ANY USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN FOR PRIVATE GAIN OR FOR ANY COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL OR BUSINESS PURPOSES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 3 MOOSE NEWS WOTM CHAPTER #2119 OFFICERS 2014-2015 Senior Regent…Dawn Johnston Jr. Graduate Regent…Lisa Amick Junior Regent...Denise Snyder Chaplain...Vancant Secretary/Treasurer...Delores Hollister Recorder...Robin Espinosa Guide…Meg Veith Asst. Guide...Stacy Owens Audit ...Sherri Cardoza WOMEN OF THE MOOSE: COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN 2014-2015 Academy of Friendship….......Joyce Watson Membership/Retention......….Barb Fuller Publicity………………………............Michele Anderson Youth Involvement……….........Gloria Mielke. Moose Charities……………….......Stacie Johnson. Happy February to all. February is a month which begins the cycle of renewal. Currently this chapter is looking for nominations for the upcoming 2015-2016 new officer year at your Moose lodge. It has been my pleasure serving on the board of officers. I have made many new friends in our lodge, in our community and around the state through fund raising, community service and conferences. Soon it will be time to pass the responsibility to others. If you (or someone you know) would like to make a difference in the lives of others by your support and leadership then we invite you to submit names for voting in the upcoming months. New officers Senior Regent, Junior Regent, Secretary Treasurer and Recorder will be installed late April and will begin new roles May 1st. We have many in our organization who have taken on this leadership role in the past and would happily help you along during this time of renewal. Mooseheart/Moosehaven.....Michelle Sadler. Speaking of renewal, those of you who have not looked at your membership card expiration date for a while need to. The chapter dues for women will be increasing in May to $30.00 per year. You may renew your dues before the rate goes up online at Moose International or here at the lodge. I'd also like to remind you that the discounted new membership drive expires February 28th. Now is the time for enrolling new members as there is a waiving of the $20.00 application fee. The cost to join in February only $25.00. Gift someone! Each month the WOTM meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM. Next meetings are February. Come share your ideas! Our meetings for February are the 3rd and 17th at 6:30 p.m. Please come join us and share some ideas for activities you'd like to see in our lodge. Speaking of activities, bring someone and come join us on February 13th beginning at 5:30 for a special Valentine Spaghetti Feed. Included in the meal is salad and garlic bread as well as different sauces to choose from and DESSERT of your choice (and other surprises). All this for $10.00. Our Star Recorder Sherri Cardoza will also be selling Valentine chocolate rosebuds the week of February 1013th so you can surprise someone special. Cost $1.00. Chairman Shelly Boyd will be your hostess on February 16th for the Moose Races and she will also be conducting a 50/50 raffle on February 19 beginning at 4:30. Community Service………...…...Shelly Boyd Educational Advancement….Delpha Schmidt Health Awareness……….....……Kathy Huss. College of Regents……………..…Sandy Ruff Family Involvement…….….…....Vancant Star Recorder……….................….Sharon Cardoza Kids Party Coordinator……..….Vancant WOTM Board Meeting TUESDAY February 10th @ 5:30 PM Joint Officers Meeting February 12th @ 5:30 PM 1st meeting February 3rd & second meeting February 17th @ @6:30 PM The proceeds from the spaghetti feed and rosebuds will help with costs for the conference March 19-22nd in Pasco. We have several women attending earning their Academy of Friendship degree. Congratulations ladies on a job well done. I'd also like to thank everyone who attended our first Nominating Committee meeting and the great attendance at our regular meeting. And I especially thank our current board of officers. You ladies rock! We are all going to continue doing our best, moving forward in this time of renewal by continuing our efforts for the benefit of others and have FUN along the way doing it. Smiles, Dawn Johnston Looking for someone to take out our cardboard weekly. Know of anyone, please let us know. MEMBER SPONSOR Becky Royall John Carpenter Erni Ruffcorn Verna White Kathy Scott Jay Sadler Duana Seager Candia Tingley Peggy Standley Sharrie Brigham Naomi Stapleton Lisa Amick Stephaney Widick Carol Andrews We are going to start selling tickets for our relay for life basket March 1st and run until March 31st, Please come in and support your Moose lodge team. Want to help take part or donate items?? Please see Bobbi Tingley or Amy Caffrey. Remember This is to help find cures, to help those who can not afford the treatments, it helps for counseling. Please help with your part. Michelle Wiley Tammy Brosard Marie Fronk Tony Stapleton Sharrie Brigham Richard Fronk JoAnne Garrison Walt Garrison Elsie Hepola Candia Tingley Kathy Horn Virginia Dollar Gail Jergins Candia Tingley Lori Maldonado Virginia Dollar Tina Rodgriguez Danald Monfort 4 MOOSE NEWS SUNDAY BREAKFAST SERVED 9:30-11:30 AM Come down Friday nights for the QUEEN OF HEARTS 1st drawing 6:30 pm second drawing 8:00 THE MOOSE ARE NOSE TO NOSE, WHICH ONE IS GOING TO WIN?? MOOSE RACES 6 PM 1st & 3rd MONDAYS PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR ATTENTION! Lindy Lou was the winner of $1137.00.. B I G $$$ BINGO SUNDAYS 6PM Every Sunday is your chance to win $500.00 CRIBBAGE I believe our policy should always be members first. We are currently seeking bids to put an awning over the front entrance to the lodge. If you are qualified to do this I would like to hear from you immediately because we would like to complete the job ASAP. Call George 360 608 1826 Spin the Wheel on Mondays. Something fun for everyone. 4Pm and 6 Pm , We will spin the wheel for a chance at a discounted beverage or meal. 8th & 22nd @ 1PM .. Come play!!! Texas Hold’em (Tournament Rules) MEXICAN TRAIN . DOMINOS WEDNESDAYS 2 PM ALSO ON WEDNESDAYS $2.25 TACO BURGER $3.00 TACO SALAD $4.00 THURSDAY @ 2:00 & 6:30 pm SUNDAY @ 12:45 pm. No Limit. Note: If you can’t be there right on time, please call the lodge & let them know you are coming and a spot will be held for you. 5 MOOSE NEWS MEMBER NEWS Community Service BIRTHDAYS What is Community Service? 1– Oliver Kissinger, John Wall, Delfino Otero jr, Patricia Dickson 2– Robin Moulton, Darrin Erickson, Artur Rausch, Sharon Shaw, Jane Wilson 3– Violet Davis, Charlotte Henderson Here is a list of things you, we or I can do to help out your Community…. Youth Awareness, Big Brothers & Sisters 4– Don Monfort, Ken Lindberg, Dennie Sands, Jesse Wall, Marlene Mckee Visits to Nursing homes, Assisted living, Hospitals & Funerals. 5– Mike Puterbaugh, Asdrubat Velasquez, Virginia Balcom Transport to assist seniors & the Handicapped 6– Ronald Whitmer, William Girard, Bonnie Anderson, Heidi Desranleau, Stacie Johnson, Iris Koethe Homeless People– Women & Children 7– Aimo Kasma, Betty Hauser, Kelly Holt 8– Richard Harris, Sally Jackson, Kevin Thorson, Julie Tyler 9– George Hoffman, Leslie Jollie, Laurie Reese 10– Chuck Cooper, Kevin Carr 11– Karl Taylor, Darren Shelby, Todd Buckbee, Sheri Vea 12– Jim Styres, Rylie Paris, Andy Highfill, Mary Allen 13– Jeff Stewart, Peggy Hardman, Melinda Mazna Food Pantries, Food Shelters Girl Scouts-Boy Scouts-4-H-Little LeagueSoftball Associations Recreational Programs—Parks– Fairs– Road Clean up. Giving Blood or working in a bloodmobile. 14– Lee Huff, Martin Cornell, Ed Fry, Suzanne Heinzel, Kathy Huss, Gracie Phelps, Kathy Schniener Salvation Army-Red Cross-United Way-American Vets-Church. 15– Gene Bisceglia, Jerry Meyers, Paul Davis, Clint Anderson, Debra Grinde Special Olympics. 16– Gary Lentz JR, Don Foster, Jane Sturm 17– Richard Powell, Zach Schwehr, Dal Owens 18– Jane Williams 19– Glen Martin, Debra Rowe, Victoria Webb 20– Charles Blackford, Bob Tuominen, Linda Haggett 21– Vernon Veysey 22– George Espinosa, Gary Adofson, jim Pillette, John Kain, James Blackburn 23– John Parkay, John Hanger, Robert Sherlock, Emilio Martinez, Samantha Julian These are just a few things we can do to help. Your Moose Lodge is going to have a relay for life team and need your help to help us raise our goal of $2500.00. There are many ways you can help.. We will have a donate jar & We will be doing raffles. Please support your team by helping us reach this goal.. 24– Kevin Nolan, Robin Espinosa, Kathryn Landon, Lisa Steenson 25– Dwayne Cruse, Keith Brown, Judy Foell, Juanita Hubler 26– Lee Bolling, Kathy Dahistrom 27– Alan Thompson, R Wiserman 28– Shaun Keller 29– Ryan Roth Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. ====Winston Churchill====== 6 The chapter is putting together a Nascar basket starting February 1st through the 22nd , drawing to be held after bingo. Hello, I am writing this on behalf of my grandson Logan. Some of you have met him. He is a very talented & determined young man who is in the 10th grade & has a part time job. Logan has been very active in sports since he was 4 years old, Playing tournament baseball along with league since he was 9. Currently he is on the high school baseball & basketball team. Logan's main position is catcher, but also plays 1st & 3rd base, occasionally pitching. Logan has been invited by the baseball coach at Goshen College in Indiana to participate in a 5 day tournament in Richmond, Virginia. This tournament will have 30+ coaches from different colleges scouting the players for possible scholarships. This is a GREAT opportunity for Logan to get recognized. The problem we are facing is the cost to get Logan & my daughter to Virginia. With the tournament fee, Airline tickets, hotel, food and rental car my daughter has estimated the cost to be about $3000.00. Logan has earned a 4.0 GPA & received an award for Academic Excellence from president Obama. Logan's summer team for baseball is the “Legions” With this fantastic young man we would like to help raise the money they are needing to give Logan a chance. Thank you, Maggie Mathews, Co-worker Chapter #2119. Amy questions please talk to Denise Snyder.. MOOSE NEWS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS! AUTO SERVICE AND TRUCKING COAST 2 COAST CDL TRAINING LLC 9110 NE HWY 99 VANCOUVER, WA 98665 360/513-4134 360/433-1826 www.coast2coastcdl.com FOOD AND HEALTH CARE HOME REPAIR AND HEATING SEASONED FIREWOOD Darrin Erickson 360.907.6096 Bob White 360.901.5960 HOME SERVICES Your business ad reaches 600+ people. Call Amy for more info. 666-8508 7 MOOSE NEWS Good Stuff here: Chili cook off was a hit. This years winners are: Peoples Choice: Walt Garrison Best Tasting : Lisa Amick Hottest: Dawn Johnston Most Original: George Espinosa Cognates to all of you, Next year we will be looking for more contestants. Get ready for June, We are going to doing a cook-off so bring your BBQ and special souses. We will announce what the main dish will be in a few months. Bring your best coleslaw & best wing recipe. We will have limited space for the cookers. More to come as we get closer. DINNER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13TH 5:30 PM DINNER MENU: SPAGHETTI (SAUCE OF YOUR CHOOSING) SALAD & GARLIC BREAD DESSERT OF YOUR CHOICE ALL FOR $10.00 other surprises as well... proceeds for WOTM FEBRUARY 12th 2015 WOTM are doing a 50/50 raffle for dinner for 2 at McMennimens. $1.00 a ticket. 8 MOOSE NEWS FEBRUARY Sun 1) NO BINGO… 8) BREAKFAST 9:30-11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM CRIBBAGE 1PM Mon Tue Breakfast 9:30—11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM 22) BREAKFAST 9:30-11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM CRIBBAGE 1PM Wed 2) 3) 4) Spam Sandwich Meatloaf Tacos Moose Races 6PM WOTM officers mtg @ 6:30 PM Happy hour Mini Pizza or Taxes $3.00 Music Night 6PM 9) 10) Grilled Cheddar* Roast Beef Sandwich Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 Enchilada Music Night 5:30 Board of Officers MGT 5:30 Candy Roses Buds 4 sale Candy Roses Buds 4 sale 15) 2015 16) Chicken Club Shelly Boyd Moose Races 6PM Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 23) Chicken Salad Sandwich Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 17) Lasagna WOTM BUS. MTG 6:30 PM Thu 6) 5) BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich Fish Taco LOOM 1st MTG 6:00 PM Texas Hold em 2 & 6:30 11) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM candy Roses Buds 4 sale 18) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM 12) Apple Chicken Salad Joint MGT 5:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 2 & 6:30 Candy Roses Buds 4 sale 19) Hot Roast Beef Sandwich LOOM 1st MTG 6:00 PM Shelly Boyd WOTM 50/50 Music Night 5:30 Fri Raffle 4-6 25) Tacos Music Night 5:30 26) Chicken Fried Steak 7) Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM 13) Fish & Shrimp Basket WOTM spaghetti 5:30-7:30 Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM Candy Roses Buds 4 sale 20) Clam Strips WOTM meat Drawing @ 5-7 Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM Legion Mgt 5:30PM 24) Burger Dip Sat 27) 14) Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 21) EDWARD STREET BAND 8-??? Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 28) Tuna Melt LOOM Prime Rib Night 6PM DOMINOS 2 PM Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6
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