here - St Martin's Roman Catholic Church Ennismore Ontario

Parish Calendar
Dec 22, 2014 - Dec 28, 2014
Christmas Concert Success!
This Yr
Monday Dec 22
9am Mass ╬ Julia Marie Murray (The Family)
Tuesday Dec 23
9am Mass ╬ Mary Smullen (Pat & Bonnie Young)
Wednesday Dec 24
5pm Mass ╬ Children’s Mass - for the People of the Parish
7pm Mass ╬ for the People of the Parish
12pm Mass ╬ for the People of the Parish
Thursday Dec 25
10am Mass ╬ for the People of the Parish
Friday Dec 26 - NO MASS
Saturday Dec 27
5pm Mass ╬ John C. Harrington (Jack & Theresa
Sunday Dec 28
9am Mass ╬ Mark Grills (Roy & Irene Grills)
11am Mass ╬ The Intentions of All Parishioners
Dec 13-14
Featured Advertiser
Last Yr
Raised $2452.13 for Brock Mission & Cameron House!
A huge thank you to all who helped in any way!
The wonderful God given talents of our Parishioners shone
Thank you sincerely for your
continued generosity!
2015 - The Year of the Family - opens Sun Dec 28th
Please pray for us……
, Anita Blackbourn, DiMarie Clancy, Alex Burke
Sylvia Dussault, Dave
ane Malloy, Allan Hare,
ines, Jeannine MacDon
MacBeath, Fr. Reg Ha
rry Rogers, & Jim Shipl
ald, Fred Ionson, Fr. La
h off
(Please call the Paris
ice with regular upda
Bishop McGrattan will open the year of the family on the feast of the Holy Family
- Sunday Dec 28th at the Cathedral of St. Peter-In-Chains, 10:00 am & 11:30 am
Masses. A special blessing will be given to families.
During the year, several Parishes will be hosting a number of family gatherings to
strengthen the faith in our homes. These events will move from Parish to Parish,
and will include prayer, discussion, and a shared meal. Please attend our
“COME AND SEE” night on Sunday Jan 11th from 4-6pm at the Cathedral of St.
Peter-in-Chains. Child care provided, and dinner is on us! Call 705 745-4681
From our Cemetery Board
Please continue to pray for peace
The gates to our main cemetery are now closed for the winter. Access is by foot
only during the winter months due to the high cost of winter road maintenance.
We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Paul Young, Cemetery Board Chair
Christmas Reconciliation Dates:
Sat 5:00 pm
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 11:00 am
Eve 5pm
Eve 7pm
Eve Midnight
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Mary Cavanagh
John Found
Marilyn Ward
Sue Gallant
Linda Bailey
Claire Button
Michael Garvey
Jason Willis
Jane Daniels
Michelle Garvey
Claudette Sullivan
Sheila Flood
Jack Harrington
Mosy Lo
Walter Lumsden
Jane Daniels
Sheila Flood
Marilyn Ward
Rosemary Hotrum
John Found
Michael Garvey
Altar Servers:
Josh Bacon
Katelyn McNulty
Kendra Willis
Chris Capsey
Children’s Mass
Lucas Damario
Chet Goheen
Emily Murray
Adam Murray
Eamon Brand
Will Brand
Wilham Lewis
Tia Lewis
Lucas Damario
Eamon & Will Brand
Chet Goheen
Maureen Graham
Russell Peacock
Jordynne Harrington-Romard
Elizabeth Ionson
Milk Bags - please bring them to us
Please bring your milk bags (outside bag that holds 3 litres of milk) and place
them in the collection box at the entrance of the church (marked Milk Bags). A
parishioner is collecting to send them to Haiti to be made into sleeping mats.
New Years Ministry Schedule
David Cavanagh
All the faithful are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity
to receive the sacrament of reconciliation in preparing for the birth of
our Lord!.
Christmas Eve Ministry Schedule_____
Andre’anna Sullivan
New Years Eve 5 pm
Michelle Lumsden
Extraordinary Min:
Altar Servers:
Meaghen Thompson
Music Ministry:
Crough Family
& Friends Choir
St. Martin of Tours
Village Harmony Ch
Children’s Liturgy (9am only): Maggie Willis, Mary Hickey
St. Martin of Tours
St. Martin of Tours
Crough Family
Children’s Choir
Village Harmony Ch
& Friends Ch.
Music Ministry:
Rebecca Kelly
Bob Wright
John Found
Maureen Graham
Jordynne H-R.
New Years Day 10 am
Norman Kyle
Sheila Flood
Elizabeth Ionson
Sharon Young
Eamon Brand
Will Brand
St. Martin of Tours
Village Harmony Choir
Christmas Day (10:00 am)
Lector: Mary Lou Young
Communion: Hilliard & Maryelle A., Rosemary Hotrum
1) Where is the usual place for liturgical
In Church
2) What is the high point of Christian prayer and also demonstrates that love is
stronger than sin? Forgiveness
3) The harmony between the first couple
and all creation is called the state of
Original Justice
Faith Questions
1) What kind of praying is it when we say
our prayers with words? a) vocal
Tues Dec 23 (9am - 9pm) - St. Alphonsus’ Parish
Parish Ministry Schedule Dec 27 - Dec 28, 2014
Faith Questions (last week’s answers)
A reminder to all that New Years is a Holy Day of obligation
What better way is there to start out the new year?
b) meditation or c) contemplation?
2) In saying “hallowed by thy name” we
are drawn into God’s saving plan of
salvation where God’s name is revealed
as holy. True or False?
3) The tendancy to sin resulting from the
sin of Adam & Eve is called what?
a) lust b) concupiscence or c) passion?
Consider helping in one of our Parish
Ministries in 2015. We are always in need o
of new people!
Wishing you all a
blessed and holy Christmas!