SUNDAY VOLUME LVIII NO. 51 God is building a house where all people may experience unity and peace. This is our home, and Jesus is coming to show us the way so that we may avoid the hurt and disappointment of broken promises. Readings for Sunday, Dec. 21 4th Sunday of Advent st 1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7.1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 The kingdom of David shall be made sure forever before the Lord. 2nd Reading: Romans 16.25-27 The mystery, so long held secret, is now revealed to all. Gospel: Luke 1.26-38 You will conceive in your womb and bear a son. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Tracy Power, Ann Fraser, Eleanor Cousineau, Mary Doherty, Renee Grandbois and Brian Bradley. Names will be kept on the list for a period of one month. If you wish to have a name kept on the list for an additional month, or you wish to have a name added or removed from the list, please contact the parish office (613-225-7388). CHRISTMAS HAMPERS The Social Action Committee needs volunteers to help deliver Christmas hampers to the needy of the area, on Tues., Dec. 23rd, at 10:00 a.m. If you are able to help out with this worthy cause, please call: Inez Gignac (613-526-0172). Plan to join us on Tues., Dec. 23rd to decorate the Church for Christmas. We will start with refreshments in the rectory meeting room, immediately following Mass at 9:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. For further info., please call Peggy Gallant (613-224-3075). Dec. 22nd to Dec. 28th Christmas Hamper Preparation and Delivery: on Tues., Dec. 23rd, downstairs in the parish hall. Deck the Halls – Church Decorating: on Tues., Dec. 23rd, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. MONTHLY COFFEE SUNDAY SOCIAL Our monthly Coffee Sunday Social takes place in the parish hall, after the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses, on the last Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome to The next Coffee Sunday is on Dec. 28th VIGIL LIGHT INTENTION For the week of Dec. 21st The vigil light in front of the Blessed Sacrament is reserved for: ~~ the living & deceased members of the Mariani & Feraco families ~~ SUNDAY COLLECTIONS FOR 2014 Bal Brought Fwd Dec. 7 Year to Date Budget $180,560 $ $ Actual $181,894 $ $ Variance $ 1,338 $ $ The 2015 Sunday Offering envelopes are available for pick-up at the Baseline entrance of the Church. CURRENT ENVELOPE USERS: Please pick up the same envelope number as last year. Envelope packages are labeled and in alphabetical order. PLEASE NOTE: To ensure your attend. contributions are accurately recorded, as of January 1, 2015, please discard any leftover envelopes from previous years and use your envelopes from the current year. NEW ENVELOPE USERS: Unlabeled envelopes are also available for anyone who would like to start using parish envelope packages in 2015. BOTH CURRENT AND NEW ENVELOPE USERS: please include your full name, address and telephone number on the first few envelopes you use in 2015. REFUGEE SPONSORSHIP The last Sunday of the month is an opportunity for parishioners to provide support to our Parish Refugee Sponsorship Project. Next week-end is the last Sunday of the month. Donation envelopes are available at all church entrances and may be placed in the Sunday collection basket at any of our weekend Masses. DATE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tues. Dec. 23 9:00 A.M. For the repose of the soul of Juliette Brown by Dolly & Grant Moyse. For the repose of the soul of Anita MacDonald. CHRISTMAS EVE PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO 9:00 A.M. MASS TODAY Wed. Dec. 24 Wed. Dec. 24 5:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. For the repose of the soul of Rita McCrae by Pat McCurdy. For Bill & family by Irene. CHRISTMAS DAY Thurs. Dec. 25 9:00 A.M. Thurs. Dec. 25 Fri. Dec. 26 Sat. Dec. 27 Sun. Dec. 28 10:30 A.M. Sun. Dec. 28 10:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. For the repose of the souls of Henry & Barbara Hoglund by the Hoglund family. Missa Pro Populo For the deceased family members & friends by Julia Laroche. Missa Pro Populo For God’s comfort and protection of all seniors who live in senior’s homes by a parishioner. For the repose of the soul of Janice Walker by Edward Kennedy. Holiday Mass Schedule CHRISTMAS EVE: (Wed., Dec. 24th) 5:00 p.m. & *9:00 p.m. *Christmas Carols at 8:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY: (Thurs., Dec. 25th) 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. NEW YEAR’S EVE: (Wed., Dec. 31st) 4:30 p.m. SOLEMNITY OF MARY: (Thurs., Jan. 1st) 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. PLEASE NOTE: There will be no 9:00 a.m. Mass on Wed., Dec. 24th or Wed., Dec. 31st. PLEASE NOTE: the parish secretary will be on holidays from Mon., Dec. 22nd to Fri. Jan. 2nd. The parish office will be closed during this time. Regular office hours will resume on Mon., Jan. 5th. TUSCANY AND ROME FOOD AND WINE TOUR Join Father Paul and fellow parishioners for a springtime tour in the Tuscan Hills where you will learn about and enjoy the best of food and wine and culture in cities, ancient and modern. All this and more awaits you on an exciting and unique holiday in one of Italy’s most picturesque regions. For 10 days and 8 nights enjoy the sights and savour the flavours of Rome, Florence, Lucca, Arezzo, San Gimignano, Siena and the beautiful mountain side town of Montaecatini. The tour is limited to 24 participants and will take place from May 8 – 17, 2015. The cost is $3467 per person, double occupancy. See the posters in the vestibules for more information and for registration information. CHRISTMAS 2014 Each year we celebrate the beginnings of our redemption when from the Virgin Mary is born the Son of God who is Saviour and Redeemer of the world. It is a time of joy and celebration in the Church and throughout the world. The liturgy for Christmas reflects the age-old wonder of God’s unconditional love for us as he gives his Son to humanity as the one through whom freedom from sin and lasting death are won for us. God has come to his people and with humility and compassion becomes one with us in our human condition (except in sin), offering us the hope of life everlasting. The celebrations of Christmas with family and friends reflect our sharing in this good news of great joy which the angels announced to the shepherds of Bethlehem: the Lord is in our midst and we hasten to share with one another the story of God’s love and forgiveness. Knowing God’s love for us, we are caught up in the joy of this holy season and we want to bring that joy to others through our works of love and charity, forgiveness and peace. In these ways we reflect the Father’s love and we fulfill the Son’s command to love one another as we are loved. The Mass for Christ’s birth (Christmas) is but one day on the calendar and the liturgical season of Christmas is short. I pray that the joy of this Christmas Season will continue in your hearts long past the days of our Saviour’s birth and inspire you to works of peace and justice throughout the coming year. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. ~~ Fr. Paul ~~
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