U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H C H I M E S VOLUME TWENTY, NUMBER TWELVE Sisters and Brothers in Christ, May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be with you in this season of celebration! This is the season when most expect to find joy, but it is becoming more and more common to talk about this as a season of war. The “war on Christmas” is a common phrase that is often repeated. I spoke about this last year and I think it bears repeating this year too. I find it odd that in this season of peace and joy, we talk so much about war and find so many things to keep us angry. The war seems to be focused on the greeting “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” I think we have to keep in mind this is a holiday season and there are many holidays in about a six week period of time. The greeting “Happy Holidays” covers Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Day, Epiphany, and even Kwanzaa. Some take offense at this greeting though and insist that the speaker of this greeting is “taking Christ out of Christmas.” Let’s face it though, for many (most?) Christmas is simply a secular holiday with gift exchange, turkey and family gathering traditions. Christians celebrate the coming of Christ into the world and for us, it reminds us to look toward Christ for our peace and joy. Complaining about the greeting someone uses, doesn’t help the situation. All it does is damage our witness and makes it more difficult to spread the Good News of Christ. Some Christians point to people who don’t have faith and feel threatened by them. Sometimes they even attack those outside of the faith, but this goes against the gospel which teaches us to greet others with grace. It has been said the biggest deterrent to bringing folks into the faith is Christians!! When we treat others with anything except grace, we become a deterrent. DECEMBER 2014 I invite you to pay attention to the sources of your anger this season. Are you at war, or are you searching for peace? Anger is always a choice. We can choose to get angry at small things such as a greeting, or we can choose to see others as created by God. We know that each life, lived in faith, is a step closer to the world God desires. If we spread the joy and peace we have found, it will draw others to ask about the faith. If we spread anger and arrogance, it will block the ember of Christ as it glows within us. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season, filled with the joy and peace of Christ! Blessings, pastor dave To my Chapel Hill Church Family: As you enjoy the beauty of this season and celebrate the gift of our Savior, may the Lord fill you with joy and surround you with extravagant love, abundant life and generous blessings IN JESUS this and all year long. May His Presence Bring You A Joyous Christmas Season! In His Love, Doris Lowe For prayers you may call Barbara Arceneaux 210.623.4318 (H) or 210.273.9452 (C) and Lena Clontz 210.674.0411 Or you may also call or email prayer requests to the church office, 210.673.0000 or [email protected] United Methodist Women Della Osha, UMW President Tuesday, December 2—Mission Team, 10:30 AM For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Saturday, November 1 was the Annual Church Bazaar. A GREAT BIG WOW. Proceeds from the Bake Sale was $752.31. We had several generous donations, plus all the delicious candy, baked goods, breads and jellies that were sold. Thank you all so very much. The UMW really appreciated all the bakers and everyone who helped make the Bake Sale a success. Special thanks to Amy Yates and Pam Larson who coordinated the Bake Sale. Friday, November 7—9:30 a.m. World Community Day was observed at Grace First Baptist Church. Guest speaker for this presentation was Fr. Chris Roque, from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Sonora, Texas. He delivered a very inspiring message on “Healing Prayer”. He quoted several Biblical scriptures and stated that we are all a part of the body of Christ and that God made everything. He mentioned there are many types of healing such as physical healing, emotional healing, social healing and political healing. In closing he reminded us that Jesus Christ is our alpha and omega. We are all busy preparing for the Chapel Hill Christmas Party sponsored by the UMW. Saturday, December 6, Chapel Hill Christmas Party. Tickets are $10.00 and will go on sale Saturday, November 22. Children 8 years old and under eat free. We have 80 tickets to sell. Get your tickets from Della Osha or Pat Courtney. Come one and all. The theme is “The Three Wise Men”. Party starts at 11:00 a.m. appetizers, lunch at noon. There will be Christmas carols, food, door prizes and visitors from the North Pole—so tune up your voices as we have some Christmas carols to be sung and join us with merriment, singing by all. Hope to see all of you at the Annual Chapel Hill Christmas Party. All circles are currently preparing for our annual Adopt-a-Family gifts for Wesley Health & Wellness Center. Future Events Friday, December 5 Church Women United is having their Christmas Party, hosted by Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 7303 Ray Bon. Everyone is asked to bring an unwrapped toy or book. Tuesday, December 9—11:00 a.m. Wesley Staff Lunch. Bring cookies to share. Tuesday, December 16 Deadline for delivering Adopt-a-Family gifts to Wesley Health & Wellness Center. Gifts may be delivered directly to the adopted family. Items need not be new, can be gently used (with the exception of mattresses). Friday, January 2, 2015—9:30 a.m. Church Women United Tuesday, January 6, 2015—10:39 a.m. First UMW Mission Team Meeting for 2015 Sunday, January 18, 2015—12:30 a.m. First General Meeting for 2015, held after the elven o’clock service. Potluck, hostesses are all circles. More information to come. Closing thought…”Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” Henry Van Dyke From Chapel Hill UMW Have a Merry Christmas and a safe holiday season. God bless you. Dorcas Circle by Amy Yates There will not be a Dorcas Circle Meeting in December. Our next meeting will be on January 18, 2015. Christi Felps will present a program on Colors. Special Thanks to Sheila and Kent Kinard who opened their home for our November Thanksgiving and Christmas party meeting. We had a wonderful time. Amy Yates (210) 317-4342. Lydia Circle by Della Osha Lydia Circle will not meet for the month of December. A Christmas social event is scheduled on December 12 @ 6:30 PM. We have a great year planned with our mission studies and special circle project for the March of Dimes. The Lydia Circle would like to wish you a Merry and Joyous Christmas and have a Happy New Year! Our next Lydia Circle meeting will be January 11 @ 8 AM. Priscilla Circle by Lynn English and Doris Lowe Bring your favorite snack and join us for Christmas Brunch on December 16 @ 10 AM in the Theophilus class room. Our November meeting was canceled so we will include our pledge service during the brunch. All are welcome. Come join us for Brunch on December 16th. Poinsettias NWSA Emmaus News Poinsettias that beautify the Sanctuary for Christmas can be ordered for $10 each. Forms are available in the foyer, please designate names for Honorarium or Memorial. The deadline to order is Sunday, December 7. By Paul Collins Kay and I attended the Quarterly Gathering at Oxford UMC on Nov 9th. The treasurer reported a bank balance of $ 8,091.85. She also stated that the board had approved scholarships in excess of $ 1,500.00 for pilgrims and team members for a recent Walk. Sunday Undies and Socks The next report was from George Hampton, the Kairos Coordinator. He told about a fundraiser to build a chapel inside the Torres Unit in Hondo. A donor has agreed to match funds given by December of this year. NWSA passed a motion to give $ 1,000 towards this challenge. The Worship committee will be collecting Sunday Undies and Socks for Allen Elementary School. Sizes for K– 5th. We would deeply appreciate your participation. Please leave them under the sock tree in the foyer. Deadline December 14. Thank you. Opportunities to invite your neighbors to Chapel Hill’s Christmas Festivities Tamalada Saturday, December 13—9:00 AM We will be making tamales for our Las Posadas celebration. If you would like to come to help, or just to learn how to make traditional tamales, we will start at 9am on Saturday, December 13. Las Posadas will be Saturday, December 20 at 6pm. We will sell any tamales that are left over for $7 per dozen to defer the cost of Las Posadas. Las Posadas With caroling in our neighborhood Saturday, December 20—6-8 PM Christmas Choir Cantata Sunday, December 21—8:30 and 11 AM Christmas Eve 7:00 PM—Lessons and Carols— Candlelight Worship 11:15 PM—Open Table Communion Service Linda Bowman will be the Lay Director for the NWSA Women's Walk in February. Team Consecration will be January 17th at University UMC; the Walk starts Feb 14; and Keep the Fire Burning will be Feb 19th. The May Gathering will be at La Trinidad and the August Gathering will be at Northwest Hills. Dates to be announced later. NWSA Women’s Walk, February 12 – 15, 2015. Mt. Wesley. Now is the time to prayerfully consider whom you will sponsor for this Walk and register your pilgrim. Registration forms and the Walk to Emmaus schedule can be downloaded at www.umcswtx.org Walk to Emmaus. The Walk Schedule and registration forms are available at the Gatherings. Special Thanks A big Thank You to all those who contributed to the UMW Sweet Shop Bazaar and for all your hard work in ensuring the success of the sales in the Sweet Shop. Thank You to all those who distributed the sweets and jams & jellies to those who were unable to attend our event. Also I wish to thank all those who made purchases from our shop. I also wish to thank Jeannie Berg, Lynn English, and Pam Larson for all their hard work while working behind the Sweet Shop tables. It was the contributors, distributors, purchasers, and workers who make the Sweet Shop a huge success. Amy Yates Kidz Korner welcomes all children Sunday School—ages 5-13 from 9:45 to 10:45 AM and Children’s Church—ages 4-11 from 11 to noon Wednesday’s—for children ages 5-11 from 6:15-7:15 PM Sunday School 9:45-10:45 AM Grades Kinder-2nd A Promise Announced: Micah 5:2,4 An Angel Visits Mary: Luke 1:26-56 The Savior is Born: Luke 2:1-20 Jesus Grows Up: Luke 2:39-52 3rd—5th Grades As we enter the Christmas season our class is discussing the events leading to the birth of Jesus, his birth, and early years. Children will be challenged to think about trusting the Lord's word, announcing the good news, and learning to love and obey God. Class will include either a group craft or an individual craft to take home. Sunday Morning 11 AM—12 PM We have a scripture reading, a sermon on kid’s level, worship songs, circle prayer, and more. Wednesday Night 6:15-7:15 PM Lesson 5 Use The Remote Bible story: Luke 7:1-10 Bible Truth: God can do anything; I can trust him for what I need. God print: We can trust God because he is completely trustworthy. Do games, Arts n’ Crafts, prayer and puppet show. Have a Merry Christmas!! Remember Jesus is the reason for the season!! Special Thanks I want to thank everyone who helped with the Bazaar. You did an excellent job and the whole event went very smoothly. Your expertise is appreciated. We raised over $1,600.00 and it is all due to everyone working together as a team. Thank you again and God bless! Carolyn Invitation to a Wedding! You are all cordially invited to attend the wedding ceremony of Carolyn Sparks and Stewart Cloer on the 24th of December 2014 at 2:00 in the afternoon. A reception will follow in the fellowship hall. Your presence, not your presents, will make it a beautiful memory that will last forever. The Agape Class by Charles Posey Most of the time when we think about God we consider his love and presence in our lives. But during the next quarter in the Agape class we will consider “acts of worship”. Our four lessons will remind us that our God is an Awesome God. He is also high and lifted and master of all things. Our studies will come from excerpts in Hebrews, Matthew, and Luke. The third lesson recalls the praise and adoration expressed by both angels and the shepherds. Many of our contemporary songs remind us of his grandeur and awesomeness. The second four lessons will look at prayer as found in Luke, John, Hebrews and James. Jesus teaches about prayer, he prays for his disciples and also he intercedes for all who accept Him as Savior and Lord. He not only intercedes for us, but expresses the need for us to pray for one another. As teacher in the Agape Class, I encourage all the members “to bare one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ” Galatians 6:2. Also I remind others and myself if you think of someone, call and also pray for them. The last four sessions will examine some concepts of stewardship. The lessons for Matthew, Luke and Ephesians are concerned with fasting, serving others, both in and out of our church fellowship. Also we examine many forms that stewardship can take. We should be reminded of our promise to support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. Dear Chapel Hill, We have come to the time when people often decide to forego healthy diet choices and exercise in honor of special occasions. We make exceptions almost daily—well, I’ll have just a second helping of this dish, it’s a favorite of mine and I only have it once a year….—I’ll have to try all 3 of these desserts! They look great!—I’m so full, I don’t think that I can even get up for a while. I’ll just watch this next game instead of getting out.—We have so many guests this week, I don’t see how I’ll have time to exercise.—I’ll relax when the holidays are over! Any of these statements look familiar? Personally, I’m a great one for excuses. I make them for myself much more often than I should. It’s not the gorging on Thanksgiving and Christmas Days that are responsible for the 10 extra pounds that come with the holidays, it’s what happens in between them. I won’t chastise and suggest that people don’t treat themselves, but I would like to encourage making wise choices. If you know that you’ll go to a holiday party with lots of treats and snacks, have a healthy meal beforehand so that you don’t hungrily devour sugar and fat. This will allow you to sample with a bit more control. Also, increase your exercise if you know you have a hard time resisting some unhealthy foods. Keeping the body active will help you to not hold onto those extra pounds. Watch your portions!! A few bites to sample the rich palette of food is preferable to full servings (or double servings). Don’t rush through your meal. Take your time to reflect if you’re satisfied. Once you’ve reached satisfaction, stop. Seriously, just stop. (I’m really working on this one as I like to keep eating because I so enjoy the taste!! But then I’m just consuming extra calories that I’ll end up storing because I’ve eaten more than my body will use…. I’ll need all of your help here!) Make sure your meals include healthy vegetables (not drenched in butter or salt or gravy). And last, but never least, as hectic as the holidays may be, please take time for yourself—to breathe. Yep, just breathe. Okay, you may want to stretch a bit. Don’t neglect the silent moments by filling them with activity. Stress during the holidays adds to our unhealthy eating and decreased exercise. We lose sleep and are anxious. Please take time to truly rest. Don’t skimp on the sleep. Be blessed this season! Donnelle As a new year fast approaches the UMM has been very active. We have done various fund raisers and contributed to different types of missions. As change is inevitable, it has come time for me to shift my focus to other areas of the church. I am stepping down as UMM president, but will still be active in UMM as well as other areas of service. I look forward to seeing you at the men's breakfast on January 17, 2015, as we start a new year and support our new president Keith Kewley. Stewart Cloer V. Keith Kewley, UMM President January 17, 2015 at 8AM United Methodist Men Incoming 2015 President: V. Keith Kewley We’re looking for ALL the good men at Chapel Hill UMC!!! The Mission of UMM is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation of others. As the incoming President of Chapel Hill UMM, I will pursue this mission through regular meetings, group service to our church and congregation, and group service projects that will assist CHUMC and others; as well as some informal and small group activities. Our regular meetings will continue to include breakfast, and will also include either a spiritual or motivational presentation and/or discussion of Chapel Hill UMC & UMM business. Our next meeting will be Saturday, January 17, 2015. Breakfast will be served at approximately 8 AM, and ALL men attending CHUMC are invited and encouraged to attend. Guests are always welcome. Please mark this date on your calendars, and we’ll plan to see you there. December 12 volunteers serve the evening meal at Haven for Hope. Carpool leaves Chapel Hill at 3:30 PM December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2p Line Dancing 2 2p Sit and Stretch 3 4 2p Sit and Stretch 5 WN out of office 6 7 9:45a Your Whole Life 8 2p Line Dancing 9 2p Sit and Stretch 10 11 2p Sit and Stretch 12 WN out of office 13 14 9:45a Your Whole Life 15 2p Line Dancing 16 17 18 2p Sit and Stretch 19 WN out of office 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WN out of office No classes. Remember to add healthy greens for holiday meals! And take family walks…. Don’t forget to weigh in! Donnelle Storrs-Wesley Nurse—Chapel Hill UMC—(210) 673-2007 or 832-713-8147—[email protected] ALL WN SERVICES ARE FREE EVERYTIME!! For exercise classes, please come 30 minutes early for consents and an assessment. WN office hours vary, please contact Donnelle to set up an appointment. Thank you! We have made it to the final month of 2014. It’s been a pretty busy year, but not without purpose. There have been some exciting things to happen. On January 6th we embarked on a journey to Bethlehem along with the Wise Men. We traveled more than 9,000 miles—completing the travels much earlier than anticipated! We had several families working together and calculating their steps and physical activity—bringing awareness to the fact that ‘exercise’ does not need a gym (a reminder I often need….). We met a new set of yoga teachers who taught us the joys of restorative yoga. Many opted to have their minds challenged with a Hebrew class with the pastor. The line dancing and sit and stretch classes have been growing. The Your Whole Life Bible study has challenged us to explore our health as it incorporates our spirituality. Of course there have also been collaborations with ChildSafe, The Blood and Tissue Bank of South Texas, The Texas Diaper Bank, The Clubhouse, The Arc, and the community health workers from MHM educated on the Affordable Care Act. So what does 2015 hold?!? More health promotion and prevention, more community outreach, and opportunities to share the love of Christ with others! I hope that you’ll be a part of the Wesley Nurse ministries this next year. On a quick personal note, for those of you who do not know, I have been accepted into a Master’s of Nursing program to work toward my Nurse Practitioner certification. I will continue to work here at Chapel Hill while attending school. The program begins in January. (Prayers are always appreciated!!) I’d like to wish a Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! May you be blessed throughout this season and the whole year through! It is a pleasure to serve you! Your WN, Donnelle Greeter Schedule Honorariums and Memorials In Honor of All UMW Members From Della Osha In Memory of Betty Durham From Ruth Miller From Doris Lowe From Kathy Bogue In Memory of Roy Hill From Linda Fees From Doris Lowe From Roger and Vicki Bogue In Memory of Jacqueline Arnold From Kathy Bogue In Memory of Herb Bogue From Dave and Pam Larson From Lannie and Christina Bogue In Memory of Jim Davis From Tim and Lynn English From Frank and Sarah Patterson From Doris Lowe From Norman and JoAnne Lewis From Bonnie Eberhardt From Jerry and Joann Murphey From Vester Neal From Janet Shaver From Lannie and Christina Bogue In Memory of Larry Sapp From Laura Klus In Honor of nieces, nephews & great cousins baby From Patrice Clayton In Honor of Betty Bundy From Frank and Sarah Patterson In Honor Clara Melnik Birthday This Months Liturgy Readings December 7 2nd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 December 14 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Christmas Cantata Luke 1:47-55 or Psalms 89:1-4, 19-26 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 December 28 Sunday School Greeter 1st Shirley S., 2nd Barbara A, 3rd OPEN 4th OPEN, 5th OPEN Outside Greeter OPEN Wednesday Night Greeter Stewart Cloer Love Christ, Share Christ Grow in Christ, Serve Christ Usher Schedule Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Psalm 126 or Luke 1:47-55 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8, 19-28 Romans 12:1-13 December 21 1st Week Barbara Arceneaux Tracy Knight Jo Anne Lewis OPEN OPEN 2nd Week Helen Hanna Lena Clontz Stewart Cloer Michelle Craig Maimie Hedgepeth 3rd Week Linda Fees Maimie Hedgepeth William Knight Robin Muller OPEN 4th Week Della Osha Betty Bordeaux Lena Clontz Michelle Craig Jo Anne Lewis Pew Greeters Sybil Kane Kay Collins Della Osha Marjorie Cummings Margie White Madie Hampton First Sunday after Christmas Day Isaiah 61:10—62:3 Psalm 148 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 2:22-40 Luke 2:1-20 and John 1:1-14 1st Week Brenda Leiser Stewart Cloer Della Osha Brenda Fagan Carolyn Sparks OPEN 2nd Week Brenda Leiser Russell Clontz Della Osha John Disler Edward Martinez Bernerd Totten 3rd Week Brenda Leiser Eric Craig Della Osha Cody Gaston Alisha Handy OPEN 4th Week Brenda Leiser Arianna Cannon Della Osha Kayla Cannon Marjorie Cummings Rachel Totten 5th Week Brenda Leiser OPEN Della Osha James F. Davis April 24, 1927 November 6, 2014 December Anniversaries Richard and Liz Gantzler Tim and Lynn English Rodney and Robin Muller Elro and Ola Perry Fred and Sybil Kane John and Barbara Chernosky Robert and Joann Huttenmaier Richard and Carrie Barta 4 5 7 12 15 28 30 31 December Birthdays Eric Alvarez Laura Dessens Charles Settles Connor Land Max Tebbs Norman Lewis Betty Disler Sandy Nemeth Kristin Bush Veronica Stage Valerie Santos Cat Dwyer-Morgan Natalie Pastrano Lalo Escobedo Andrew Martinez Troy Hofacker Dorothy Sinclair Vickie Stamp Erin Morgan Andrew Galindo Leta Cerney Rickie Libby Lauren Martinez Joyce Renfro Mary Tenerias Valerie Kewley Rhoda Doran Mikayla Snyder Ray Dominguez Sarah Lusk Derek Cloutier Rose Lee Collins Ben Kinard 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 9 10 11 11 13 15 16 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 22 22 23 23 25 26 27 28 28 Chapel Hill United Methodist Church 2014 Holiday Schedule at a Glance Date Time Event December 6 10:30 AM Chapel Hill Christmas Party—The Three Wise Men December 13 9 :00 AM Tamalada—Tamale Making Event December 20 6-8 PM Las Posadas—Including caroling in our neighborhood December 21 8:30 & 11 AM Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata December 24 7:00 PM Candlelight Worship “Lessons & Carols” 11:15 PM Open Table Communion Service You are invited to come share with us the spirit of Christmas. Contact church office for questions—210-673-0000 www.chapelhill410.com Non—Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 162 Castroville, TX 78009 4114 S.W. Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78227-4443 Ph. (210) 673-0000 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.chapelhill410.com ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED December 2014 OPOTT News by Shirley Smith Our December OPOTT meeting will be held on Thursday, December 18th. (Note this is a week earlier) Those who wish to participate in the gift exchange are requested to bring a $5.00 gift. Bingo will begin at 10:30 A.M.; followed by a potluck luncheon. Stories will be shared and Christmas Carols sung by all. Thanks to JoAnne Lewis for hosting the November meeting & all the Angels that helped her. Church Conference We will vote on the Healthy Church prescriptions at a Church Conference on Sunday, December 7 at 12:30. All members are eligible to vote and all are welcome and encouraged to attend this brief meeting. Tania Trevino, instructor 210-445-4817 Zumba Classes @ Chapel Hill Mondays @ 6:30 PM Tuesdays @ 9 AM Thursdays @ 9 AM & 6:30 PM Wednesday Nite Live! Everyone is welcomed at Wednesday Night Live! Come join us for food, fellowship, encouragement, and Bible Study. Childcare is provided during all activities. 5:30 PM—Fellowship Meal 6:00 PM—Choir Practice | Early Service 6:15 PM—Kidz Korner 6:15 PM—Youth Study 6:15 PM—Bible Study w/ Scott Daniel 6:30 PM—Choir Practice | Late Service 7:15 PM—Worship with pastor Dave (fellowship hall) Las Posadas With caroling in our neighborhood Saturday, December 20—6-8 PM Chancel Choir Cantata Sunday, December 21—8:30 and 11 AM Christmas Eve Services 7:00 PM—Lessons and Carols—Candlelight Worship 11:15 PM—Open Table Communion Service ..
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